* @author Joas Schilling * @author Anna Larch * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\UserStatus\Service; use OCA\UserStatus\Db\UserStatus; use OCA\UserStatus\Db\UserStatusMapper; use OCA\UserStatus\Exception\InvalidClearAtException; use OCA\UserStatus\Exception\InvalidMessageIdException; use OCA\UserStatus\Exception\InvalidStatusIconException; use OCA\UserStatus\Exception\InvalidStatusTypeException; use OCA\UserStatus\Exception\StatusMessageTooLongException; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException; use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory; use OCP\DB\Exception; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IEmojiHelper; use OCP\IUserManager; use OCP\UserStatus\IUserStatus; use function in_array; /** * Class StatusService * * @package OCA\UserStatus\Service */ class StatusService { private bool $shareeEnumeration; private bool $shareeEnumerationInGroupOnly; private bool $shareeEnumerationPhone; /** * List of priorities ordered by their priority */ public const PRIORITY_ORDERED_STATUSES = [ IUserStatus::ONLINE, IUserStatus::AWAY, IUserStatus::DND, IUserStatus::BUSY, IUserStatus::INVISIBLE, IUserStatus::OFFLINE, ]; /** * List of statuses that persist the clear-up * or UserLiveStatusEvents */ public const PERSISTENT_STATUSES = [ IUserStatus::AWAY, IUserStatus::BUSY, IUserStatus::DND, IUserStatus::INVISIBLE, ]; /** @var int */ public const INVALIDATE_STATUS_THRESHOLD = 15 /* minutes */ * 60 /* seconds */; /** @var int */ public const MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 80; public function __construct(private UserStatusMapper $mapper, private ITimeFactory $timeFactory, private PredefinedStatusService $predefinedStatusService, private IEmojiHelper $emojiHelper, private IConfig $config, private IUserManager $userManager) { $this->shareeEnumeration = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration', 'yes') === 'yes'; $this->shareeEnumerationInGroupOnly = $this->shareeEnumeration && $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group', 'no') === 'yes'; $this->shareeEnumerationPhone = $this->shareeEnumeration && $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_phone', 'no') === 'yes'; } /** * @param int|null $limit * @param int|null $offset * @return UserStatus[] */ public function findAll(?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null): array { // Return empty array if user enumeration is disabled or limited to groups // TODO: find a solution that scales to get only users from common groups if user enumeration is limited to // groups. See discussion at https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/27879#discussion_r729715936 if (!$this->shareeEnumeration || $this->shareeEnumerationInGroupOnly || $this->shareeEnumerationPhone) { return []; } return array_map(function ($status) { return $this->processStatus($status); }, $this->mapper->findAll($limit, $offset)); } /** * @param int|null $limit * @param int|null $offset * @return array */ public function findAllRecentStatusChanges(?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null): array { // Return empty array if user enumeration is disabled or limited to groups // TODO: find a solution that scales to get only users from common groups if user enumeration is limited to // groups. See discussion at https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/27879#discussion_r729715936 if (!$this->shareeEnumeration || $this->shareeEnumerationInGroupOnly || $this->shareeEnumerationPhone) { return []; } return array_map(function ($status) { return $this->processStatus($status); }, $this->mapper->findAllRecent($limit, $offset)); } /** * @param string $userId * @return UserStatus * @throws DoesNotExistException */ public function findByUserId(string $userId): UserStatus { return $this->processStatus($this->mapper->findByUserId($userId)); } /** * @param array $userIds * @return UserStatus[] */ public function findByUserIds(array $userIds):array { return array_map(function ($status) { return $this->processStatus($status); }, $this->mapper->findByUserIds($userIds)); } /** * @param string $userId * @param string $status * @param int|null $statusTimestamp * @param bool $isUserDefined * @return UserStatus * @throws InvalidStatusTypeException */ public function setStatus(string $userId, string $status, ?int $statusTimestamp, bool $isUserDefined): UserStatus { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { $userStatus = new UserStatus(); $userStatus->setUserId($userId); } // Check if status-type is valid if (!in_array($status, self::PRIORITY_ORDERED_STATUSES, true)) { throw new InvalidStatusTypeException('Status-type "' . $status . '" is not supported'); } if ($statusTimestamp === null) { $statusTimestamp = $this->timeFactory->getTime(); } $userStatus->setStatus($status); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp($statusTimestamp); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined($isUserDefined); $userStatus->setIsBackup(false); if ($userStatus->getId() === null) { return $this->mapper->insert($userStatus); } return $this->mapper->update($userStatus); } /** * @param string $userId * @param string $messageId * @param int|null $clearAt * @return UserStatus * @throws InvalidMessageIdException * @throws InvalidClearAtException */ public function setPredefinedMessage(string $userId, string $messageId, ?int $clearAt): UserStatus { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { $userStatus = new UserStatus(); $userStatus->setUserId($userId); $userStatus->setStatus(IUserStatus::OFFLINE); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp(0); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined(false); $userStatus->setIsBackup(false); } if (!$this->predefinedStatusService->isValidId($messageId)) { throw new InvalidMessageIdException('Message-Id "' . $messageId . '" is not supported'); } // Check that clearAt is in the future if ($clearAt !== null && $clearAt < $this->timeFactory->getTime()) { throw new InvalidClearAtException('ClearAt is in the past'); } $userStatus->setMessageId($messageId); $userStatus->setCustomIcon(null); $userStatus->setCustomMessage(null); $userStatus->setClearAt($clearAt); $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp($this->timeFactory->now()->getTimestamp()); if ($userStatus->getId() === null) { return $this->mapper->insert($userStatus); } return $this->mapper->update($userStatus); } /** * @param string $userId * @param string $status * @param string $messageId * @param bool $createBackup * @param string|null $customMessage * @throws InvalidStatusTypeException * @throws InvalidMessageIdException */ public function setUserStatus(string $userId, string $status, string $messageId, bool $createBackup, ?string $customMessage = null): ?UserStatus { // Check if status-type is valid if (!in_array($status, self::PRIORITY_ORDERED_STATUSES, true)) { throw new InvalidStatusTypeException('Status-type "' . $status . '" is not supported'); } if (!$this->predefinedStatusService->isValidId($messageId)) { throw new InvalidMessageIdException('Message-Id "' . $messageId . '" is not supported'); } try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) { // We don't need to do anything $userStatus = new UserStatus(); $userStatus->setUserId($userId); } // CALL trumps CALENDAR status, but we don't need to do anything but overwrite the message if ($userStatus->getMessageId() === IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY && $messageId === IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALL) { $userStatus->setStatus($status); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp($this->timeFactory->getTime()); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined(true); $userStatus->setIsBackup(false); $userStatus->setMessageId($messageId); $userStatus->setCustomIcon(null); $userStatus->setCustomMessage($customMessage); $userStatus->setClearAt(null); $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp($this->timeFactory->now()->getTimestamp()); return $this->mapper->update($userStatus); } if ($createBackup) { if ($this->backupCurrentStatus($userId) === false) { return null; // Already a status set automatically => abort. } // If we just created the backup // we need to create a new status to insert // Unfortunatley there's no way to unset the DB ID on an Entity $userStatus = new UserStatus(); $userStatus->setUserId($userId); } $userStatus->setStatus($status); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp($this->timeFactory->getTime()); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined(true); $userStatus->setIsBackup(false); $userStatus->setMessageId($messageId); $userStatus->setCustomIcon(null); $userStatus->setCustomMessage($customMessage); $userStatus->setClearAt(null); if ($this->predefinedStatusService->getTranslatedStatusForId($messageId) !== null || ($customMessage !== null && $customMessage !== '')) { // Only track status message ID if there is one $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp($this->timeFactory->now()->getTimestamp()); } else { $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp(0); } if ($userStatus->getId() !== null) { return $this->mapper->update($userStatus); } return $this->mapper->insert($userStatus); } /** * @param string $userId * @param string|null $statusIcon * @param string|null $message * @param int|null $clearAt * @return UserStatus * @throws InvalidClearAtException * @throws InvalidStatusIconException * @throws StatusMessageTooLongException */ public function setCustomMessage(string $userId, ?string $statusIcon, ?string $message, ?int $clearAt): UserStatus { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { $userStatus = new UserStatus(); $userStatus->setUserId($userId); $userStatus->setStatus(IUserStatus::OFFLINE); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp(0); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined(false); } // Check if statusIcon contains only one character if ($statusIcon !== null && !$this->emojiHelper->isValidSingleEmoji($statusIcon)) { throw new InvalidStatusIconException('Status-Icon is longer than one character'); } // Check for maximum length of custom message if ($message !== null && \mb_strlen($message) > self::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { throw new StatusMessageTooLongException('Message is longer than supported length of ' . self::MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_LENGTH . ' characters'); } // Check that clearAt is in the future if ($clearAt !== null && $clearAt < $this->timeFactory->getTime()) { throw new InvalidClearAtException('ClearAt is in the past'); } $userStatus->setMessageId(null); $userStatus->setCustomIcon($statusIcon); $userStatus->setCustomMessage($message); $userStatus->setClearAt($clearAt); $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp($this->timeFactory->now()->getTimestamp()); if ($userStatus->getId() === null) { return $this->mapper->insert($userStatus); } return $this->mapper->update($userStatus); } /** * @param string $userId * @return bool */ public function clearStatus(string $userId): bool { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { // if there is no status to remove, just return return false; } $userStatus->setStatus(IUserStatus::OFFLINE); $userStatus->setStatusTimestamp(0); $userStatus->setIsUserDefined(false); $this->mapper->update($userStatus); return true; } /** * @param string $userId * @return bool */ public function clearMessage(string $userId): bool { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { // if there is no status to remove, just return return false; } $userStatus->setMessageId(null); $userStatus->setCustomMessage(null); $userStatus->setCustomIcon(null); $userStatus->setClearAt(null); $userStatus->setStatusMessageTimestamp(0); $this->mapper->update($userStatus); return true; } /** * @param string $userId * @return bool */ public function removeUserStatus(string $userId): bool { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId, false); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { // if there is no status to remove, just return return false; } $this->mapper->delete($userStatus); return true; } public function removeBackupUserStatus(string $userId): bool { try { $userStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId, true); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { // if there is no status to remove, just return return false; } $this->mapper->delete($userStatus); return true; } /** * Processes a status to check if custom message is still * up to date and provides translated default status if needed * * @param UserStatus $status * @return UserStatus */ private function processStatus(UserStatus $status): UserStatus { $clearAt = $status->getClearAt(); if ($status->getStatusTimestamp() < $this->timeFactory->getTime() - self::INVALIDATE_STATUS_THRESHOLD && (!$status->getIsUserDefined() || $status->getStatus() === IUserStatus::ONLINE)) { $this->cleanStatus($status); } if ($clearAt !== null && $clearAt < $this->timeFactory->getTime()) { $this->cleanStatus($status); $this->cleanStatusMessage($status); } if ($status->getMessageId() !== null) { $this->addDefaultMessage($status); } return $status; } /** * @param UserStatus $status */ private function cleanStatus(UserStatus $status): void { if ($status->getStatus() === IUserStatus::OFFLINE && !$status->getIsUserDefined()) { return; } $status->setStatus(IUserStatus::OFFLINE); $status->setStatusTimestamp($this->timeFactory->getTime()); $status->setIsUserDefined(false); $this->mapper->update($status); } /** * @param UserStatus $status */ private function cleanStatusMessage(UserStatus $status): void { $status->setMessageId(null); $status->setCustomIcon(null); $status->setCustomMessage(null); $status->setClearAt(null); $status->setStatusMessageTimestamp(0); $this->mapper->update($status); } /** * @param UserStatus $status */ private function addDefaultMessage(UserStatus $status): void { // If the message is predefined, insert the translated message and icon $predefinedMessage = $this->predefinedStatusService->getDefaultStatusById($status->getMessageId()); if ($predefinedMessage === null) { return; } // If there is a custom message, don't overwrite it if(empty($status->getCustomMessage())) { $status->setCustomMessage($predefinedMessage['message']); } if(empty($status->getCustomIcon())) { $status->setCustomIcon($predefinedMessage['icon']); } } /** * @return bool false if there is already a backup. In this case abort the procedure. */ public function backupCurrentStatus(string $userId): bool { try { $this->mapper->createBackupStatus($userId); return true; } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($ex->getReason() === Exception::REASON_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) { return false; } throw $ex; } } public function revertUserStatus(string $userId, string $messageId, bool $revertedManually = false): ?UserStatus { try { /** @var UserStatus $userStatus */ $backupUserStatus = $this->mapper->findByUserId($userId, true); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { // No user status to revert, do nothing return null; } $deleted = $this->mapper->deleteCurrentStatusToRestoreBackup($userId, $messageId); if (!$deleted) { // Another status is set automatically or no status, do nothing return null; } if ($revertedManually && $backupUserStatus->getStatus() === IUserStatus::OFFLINE) { // When the user reverts the status manually they are online $backupUserStatus->setStatus(IUserStatus::ONLINE); } $backupUserStatus->setIsBackup(false); // Remove the underscore prefix added when creating the backup $backupUserStatus->setUserId(substr($backupUserStatus->getUserId(), 1)); $this->mapper->update($backupUserStatus); return $backupUserStatus; } public function revertMultipleUserStatus(array $userIds, string $messageId): void { // Get all user statuses and the backups $findById = $userIds; foreach ($userIds as $userId) { $findById[] = '_' . $userId; } $userStatuses = $this->mapper->findByUserIds($findById); $backups = $restoreIds = $statuesToDelete = []; foreach ($userStatuses as $userStatus) { if (!$userStatus->getIsBackup() && $userStatus->getMessageId() === $messageId) { $statuesToDelete[$userStatus->getUserId()] = $userStatus->getId(); } elseif ($userStatus->getIsBackup()) { $backups[$userStatus->getUserId()] = $userStatus->getId(); } } // For users with both (normal and backup) delete the status when matching foreach ($statuesToDelete as $userId => $statusId) { $backupUserId = '_' . $userId; if (isset($backups[$backupUserId])) { $restoreIds[] = $backups[$backupUserId]; } } $this->mapper->deleteByIds(array_values($statuesToDelete)); // For users that matched restore the previous status $this->mapper->restoreBackupStatuses($restoreIds); } }