->setDescription('declares the specified group as admin group (only one is possible per LDAP configuration)')
'the group ID in Nextcloud or a group name'
'do not ask for confirmation'
protected function formatGroupName(IGroup $group): string {
$idLabel = '';
if ($group->getGID() !== $group->getDisplayName()) {
$idLabel = sprintf(' (Group ID: %s)', $group->getGID());
return sprintf('%s%s', $group->getDisplayName(), $idLabel);
protected function promoteGroup(IGroup $group, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void {
$access = $this->backend->getLDAPAccess($group->getGID());
$currentlyPromotedGroupId = $access->connection->ldapAdminGroup;
if ($currentlyPromotedGroupId === $group->getGID()) {
$output->writeln('The specified group is already promoted');
if ($input->getOption('yes') === false) {
$currentlyPromotedGroup = $this->groupManager->get($currentlyPromotedGroupId);
$demoteLabel = '';
if ($currentlyPromotedGroup instanceof IGroup && $this->backend->groupExists($currentlyPromotedGroup->getGID())) {
$groupNameLabel = $this->formatGroupName($currentlyPromotedGroup);
$demoteLabel = sprintf('and demote %s ', $groupNameLabel);
/** @var QuestionHelper $helper */
$helper = $this->getHelper('question');
$q = new Question(sprintf('Promote %s to the admin group %s(y|N)? ', $this->formatGroupName($group), $demoteLabel));
$input->setOption('yes', $helper->ask($input, $output, $q) === 'y');
if ($input->getOption('yes') === true) {
$access->connection->setConfiguration(['ldapAdminGroup' => $group->getGID()]);
$output->writeln(sprintf('Group %s was promoted', $group->getDisplayName()));
} else {
$output->writeln('Group promotion cancelled');
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
$groupInput = (string)$input->getArgument('group');
$group = $this->groupManager->get($groupInput);
if ($group instanceof IGroup && $this->backend->groupExists($group->getGID())) {
$this->promoteGroup($group, $input, $output);
return 0;
$groupCandidates = $this->backend->getGroups($groupInput, 20);
foreach ($groupCandidates as $gidCandidate) {
$group = $this->groupManager->get($gidCandidate);
if ($group !== null
&& $this->backend->groupExists($group->getGID()) // ensure it is an LDAP group
&& ($group->getGID() === $groupInput
|| $group->getDisplayName() === $groupInput)
) {
$this->promoteGroup($group, $input, $output);
return 0;
$output->writeln('No matching group found');
return 1;