cache = $cacheFactory->createLocal('CalendarStatusService'); } public function processCalendarStatus(string $userId): void { $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); if($user === null) { return; } $availability = $this->availabilityCoordinator->getCurrentOutOfOfficeData($user); if($availability !== null && $this->availabilityCoordinator->isInEffect($availability)) { $this->logger->debug('An Absence is in effect, skipping calendar status check', ['user' => $userId]); return; } $calendarEvents = $this->cache->get($userId); if($calendarEvents === null) { $calendarEvents = $this->getCalendarEvents($user); $this->cache->set($userId, $calendarEvents, 300); } if(empty($calendarEvents)) { try { $this->userStatusService->revertUserStatus($userId, IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getReason() === Exception::REASON_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) { // A different process might have written another status // update to the DB while we're processing our stuff. // We cannot safely restore the status as we don't know which one is valid at this point // So let's silently log this one and exit $this->logger->debug('Unique constraint violation for live user status', ['exception' => $e]); return; } } $this->logger->debug('No calendar events found for status check', ['user' => $userId]); return; } try { $currentStatus = $this->userStatusService->findByUserId($userId); // Was the status set by anything other than the calendar automation? $userStatusTimestamp = $currentStatus->getIsUserDefined() && $currentStatus->getMessageId() !== IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY ? $currentStatus->getStatusTimestamp() : null; } catch (DoesNotExistException) { $userStatusTimestamp = null; $currentStatus = null; } if($currentStatus !== null && $currentStatus->getMessageId() === IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALL || $currentStatus !== null && $currentStatus->getStatus() === IUserStatus::DND || $currentStatus !== null && $currentStatus->getStatus() === IUserStatus::INVISIBLE) { // We don't overwrite the call status, DND status or Invisible status $this->logger->debug('Higher priority status detected, skipping calendar status change', ['user' => $userId]); return; } // Filter events to see if we have any that apply to the calendar status $applicableEvents = array_filter($calendarEvents, static function (array $calendarEvent) use ($userStatusTimestamp): bool { if (empty($calendarEvent['objects'])) { return false; } $component = $calendarEvent['objects'][0]; if (isset($component['X-NEXTCLOUD-OUT-OF-OFFICE'])) { return false; } if (isset($component['DTSTART']) && $userStatusTimestamp !== null) { /** @var DateTimeImmutable $dateTime */ $dateTime = $component['DTSTART'][0]; if($dateTime instanceof DateTimeImmutable && $userStatusTimestamp > $dateTime->getTimestamp()) { return false; } } // Ignore events that are transparent if (isset($component['TRANSP']) && strcasecmp($component['TRANSP'][0], 'TRANSPARENT') === 0) { return false; } return true; }); if(empty($applicableEvents)) { try { $this->userStatusService->revertUserStatus($userId, IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getReason() === Exception::REASON_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) { // A different process might have written another status // update to the DB while we're processing our stuff. // We cannot safely restore the status as we don't know which one is valid at this point // So let's silently log this one and exit $this->logger->debug('Unique constraint violation for live user status', ['exception' => $e]); return; } } $this->logger->debug('No status relevant events found, skipping calendar status change', ['user' => $userId]); return; } // Only update the status if it's neccesary otherwise we mess up the timestamp if($currentStatus === null || $currentStatus->getMessageId() !== IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY) { // One event that fulfills all status conditions is enough // 1. Not an OOO event // 2. Current user status (that is not a calendar status) was not set after the start of this event // 3. Event is not set to be transparent $count = count($applicableEvents); $this->logger->debug("Found $count applicable event(s), changing user status", ['user' => $userId]); $this->userStatusService->setUserStatus( $userId, IUserStatus::AWAY, IUserStatus::MESSAGE_CALENDAR_BUSY, true ); } } private function getCalendarEvents(User $user): array { $calendars = $this->calendarManager->getCalendarsForPrincipal('principals/users/' . $user->getUID()); if(empty($calendars)) { return []; } $query = $this->calendarManager->newQuery('principals/users/' . $user->getUID()); foreach ($calendars as $calendarObject) { // We can only work with a calendar if it exposes its scheduling information if (!$calendarObject instanceof CalendarImpl) { continue; } $sct = $calendarObject->getSchedulingTransparency(); if ($sct !== null && strtolower($sct->getValue()) == ScheduleCalendarTransp::TRANSPARENT) { // If a calendar is marked as 'transparent', it means we must // ignore it for free-busy purposes. continue; } $query->addSearchCalendar($calendarObject->getUri()); } $dtStart = DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($this->timeFactory->getDateTime()); $dtEnd = DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($this->timeFactory->getDateTime('+5 minutes')); // Only query the calendars when there's any to search if($query instanceof CalendarQuery && !empty($query->getCalendarUris())) { // Query the next hour $query->setTimerangeStart($dtStart); $query->setTimerangeEnd($dtEnd); return $this->calendarManager->searchForPrincipal($query); } return []; } }