l10n->t('Database version'); } public function run(): SetupResult { $version = null; $databasePlatform = $this->connection->getDatabasePlatform(); if ($databasePlatform instanceof MySQLPlatform) { $statement = $this->connection->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version';"); $result = $statement->execute(); $row = $result->fetch(); $version = $row['Value']; $versionlc = strtolower($version); // we only care about X.Y not X.Y.Z differences [$major, $minor, ] = explode('.', $versionlc); $versionConcern = $major . '.' . $minor; if (str_contains($versionlc, 'mariadb')) { if (version_compare($versionConcern, '10.3', '=')) { return SetupResult::info( $this->l10n->t( 'MariaDB version 10.3 detected, this version is end-of-life and only supported as part of Ubuntu 20.04. MariaDB >=%1$s and <=%2$s is suggested for best performance, stability and functionality with this version of Nextcloud.', [ self::MIN_MARIADB, self::MAX_MARIADB, ] ), ); } elseif (version_compare($versionConcern, self::MIN_MARIADB, '<') || version_compare($versionConcern, self::MAX_MARIADB, '>')) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t( 'MariaDB version "%1$s" detected. MariaDB >=%2$s and <=%3$s is suggested for best performance, stability and functionality with this version of Nextcloud.', [ $version, self::MIN_MARIADB, self::MAX_MARIADB, ], ), ); } } else { if (version_compare($versionConcern, self::MIN_MYSQL, '<') || version_compare($versionConcern, self::MAX_MYSQL, '>')) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t( 'MySQL version "%1$s" detected. MySQL >=%2$s and <=%3$s is suggested for best performance, stability and functionality with this version of Nextcloud.', [ $version, self::MIN_MYSQL, self::MAX_MYSQL, ], ), ); } } } elseif ($databasePlatform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform) { $statement = $this->connection->prepare('SHOW server_version;'); $result = $statement->execute(); $row = $result->fetch(); $version = $row['server_version']; $versionlc = strtolower($version); // we only care about X not X.Y or X.Y.Z differences [$major, ] = explode('.', $versionlc); $versionConcern = $major; if (version_compare($versionConcern, self::MIN_POSTGRES, '<') || version_compare($versionConcern, self::MAX_POSTGRES, '>')) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t( 'PostgreSQL version "%1$s" detected. PostgreSQL >=%2$s and <=%3$s is suggested for best performance, stability and functionality with this version of Nextcloud.', [ $version, self::MIN_POSTGRES, self::MAX_POSTGRES, ]) ); } } elseif ($databasePlatform instanceof OraclePlatform) { $version = 'Oracle'; } elseif ($databasePlatform instanceof SqlitePlatform) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t('SQLite is currently being used as the backend database. For larger installations we recommend that you switch to a different database backend. This is particularly recommended when using the desktop client for file synchronisation. To migrate to another database use the command line tool: "occ db:convert-type".'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-db-conversion') ); } else { return SetupResult::error($this->l10n->t('Unknown database platform')); } return SetupResult::success($version); } }