backend = $backend; $this->userManager = $userManager; $this->logger = $logger; $this->converter = $converter; $this->certPath = ''; $this->dbConnection = $dbConnection; $this->clientService = $clientService; } /** * @throws \Exception */ public function syncRemoteAddressBook(string $url, string $userName, string $addressBookUrl, string $sharedSecret, ?string $syncToken, string $targetBookHash, string $targetPrincipal, array $targetProperties): string { // 1. create addressbook $book = $this->ensureSystemAddressBookExists($targetPrincipal, $targetBookHash, $targetProperties); $addressBookId = $book['id']; // 2. query changes try { $response = $this->requestSyncReport($url, $userName, $addressBookUrl, $sharedSecret, $syncToken); } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $ex) { if ($ex->getCode() === Http::STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) { // remote server revoked access to the address book, remove it $this->backend->deleteAddressBook($addressBookId); $this->logger->error('Authorization failed, remove address book: ' . $url, ['app' => 'dav']); throw $ex; } $this->logger->error('Client exception:', ['app' => 'dav', 'exception' => $ex]); throw $ex; } // 3. apply changes // TODO: use multi-get for download foreach ($response['response'] as $resource => $status) { $cardUri = basename($resource); if (isset($status[200])) { $vCard = $this->download($url, $userName, $sharedSecret, $resource); $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardUri, $vCard): void { $existingCard = $this->backend->getCard($addressBookId, $cardUri); if ($existingCard === false) { $this->backend->createCard($addressBookId, $cardUri, $vCard); } else { $this->backend->updateCard($addressBookId, $cardUri, $vCard); } }, $this->dbConnection); } else { $this->backend->deleteCard($addressBookId, $cardUri); } } return $response['token']; } /** * @throws \Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest */ public function ensureSystemAddressBookExists(string $principal, string $uri, array $properties): ?array { return $this->atomic(function () use ($principal, $uri, $properties) { $book = $this->backend->getAddressBooksByUri($principal, $uri); if (!is_null($book)) { return $book; } $this->backend->createAddressBook($principal, $uri, $properties); return $this->backend->getAddressBooksByUri($principal, $uri); }, $this->dbConnection); } /** * @throws ClientExceptionInterface */ protected function requestSyncReport(string $url, string $userName, string $addressBookUrl, string $sharedSecret, ?string $syncToken): array { $client = $this->clientService->newClient(); // the trailing slash is important for merging base_uri and uri $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/'; $options = [ 'auth' => [$userName, $sharedSecret], 'base_uri' => $url, 'body' => $this->buildSyncCollectionRequestBody($syncToken), 'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/xml'] ]; $response = $client->request( 'REPORT', $addressBookUrl, $options ); $body = $response->getBody(); assert(is_string($body)); return $this->parseMultiStatus($body); } protected function download(string $url, string $userName, string $sharedSecret, string $resourcePath): string { $client = $this->clientService->newClient(); // the trailing slash is important for merging base_uri and uri $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/'; $options = [ 'auth' => [$userName, $sharedSecret], 'base_uri' => $url, ]; $response = $client->get( $resourcePath, $options ); return (string)$response->getBody(); } private function buildSyncCollectionRequestBody(?string $syncToken): string { $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $dom->formatOutput = true; $root = $dom->createElementNS('DAV:', 'd:sync-collection'); $sync = $dom->createElement('d:sync-token', $syncToken ?? ''); $prop = $dom->createElement('d:prop'); $cont = $dom->createElement('d:getcontenttype'); $etag = $dom->createElement('d:getetag'); $prop->appendChild($cont); $prop->appendChild($etag); $root->appendChild($sync); $root->appendChild($prop); $dom->appendChild($root); return $dom->saveXML(); } /** * @param string $body * @return array * @throws \Sabre\Xml\ParseException */ private function parseMultiStatus($body) { $xml = new Service(); /** @var MultiStatus $multiStatus */ $multiStatus = $xml->expect('{DAV:}multistatus', $body); $result = []; foreach ($multiStatus->getResponses() as $response) { $result[$response->getHref()] = $response->getResponseProperties(); } return ['response' => $result, 'token' => $multiStatus->getSyncToken()]; } /** * @param IUser $user */ public function updateUser(IUser $user): void { $systemAddressBook = $this->getLocalSystemAddressBook(); $addressBookId = $systemAddressBook['id']; $cardId = self::getCardUri($user); if ($user->isEnabled()) { $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardId, $user): void { $card = $this->backend->getCard($addressBookId, $cardId); if ($card === false) { $vCard = $this->converter->createCardFromUser($user); if ($vCard !== null) { $this->backend->createCard($addressBookId, $cardId, $vCard->serialize(), false); } } else { $vCard = $this->converter->createCardFromUser($user); if (is_null($vCard)) { $this->backend->deleteCard($addressBookId, $cardId); } else { $this->backend->updateCard($addressBookId, $cardId, $vCard->serialize()); } } }, $this->dbConnection); } else { $this->backend->deleteCard($addressBookId, $cardId); } } /** * @param IUser|string $userOrCardId */ public function deleteUser($userOrCardId) { $systemAddressBook = $this->getLocalSystemAddressBook(); if ($userOrCardId instanceof IUser) { $userOrCardId = self::getCardUri($userOrCardId); } $this->backend->deleteCard($systemAddressBook['id'], $userOrCardId); } /** * @return array|null */ public function getLocalSystemAddressBook() { if (is_null($this->localSystemAddressBook)) { $systemPrincipal = 'principals/system/system'; $this->localSystemAddressBook = $this->ensureSystemAddressBookExists($systemPrincipal, 'system', [ '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => 'System addressbook which holds all users of this instance' ]); } return $this->localSystemAddressBook; } /** * @return void */ public function syncInstance(?\Closure $progressCallback = null) { $systemAddressBook = $this->getLocalSystemAddressBook(); $this->userManager->callForAllUsers(function ($user) use ($systemAddressBook, $progressCallback): void { $this->updateUser($user); if (!is_null($progressCallback)) { $progressCallback(); } }); // remove no longer existing $allCards = $this->backend->getCards($systemAddressBook['id']); foreach ($allCards as $card) { $vCard = Reader::read($card['carddata']); $uid = $vCard->UID->getValue(); // load backend and see if user exists if (!$this->userManager->userExists($uid)) { $this->deleteUser($card['uri']); } } } /** * @param IUser $user * @return string */ public static function getCardUri(IUser $user): string { return $user->getBackendClassName() . ':' . $user->getUID() . '.vcf'; } }