name = $name; $gmt = new \DateTimeZone('GMT'); // If string starts with "file://" ignore the certificate $query = 'file://'; if (strtolower(substr($data, 0, strlen($query))) === $query) { throw new \Exception('Certificate could not get parsed.'); } $info = openssl_x509_parse($data); if (!is_array($info)) { // There is a non-standardized certificate format only used by OpenSSL. Replace all // separators and try again. $data = str_replace( ['-----BEGIN TRUSTED CERTIFICATE-----', '-----END TRUSTED CERTIFICATE-----'], ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'], $data, ); $info = openssl_x509_parse($data); } if (!is_array($info)) { throw new \Exception('Certificate could not get parsed.'); } $this->commonName = $info['subject']['CN'] ?? null; $this->organization = $info['subject']['O'] ?? null; $this->issueDate = new \DateTime('@' . $info['validFrom_time_t'], $gmt); $this->expireDate = new \DateTime('@' . $info['validTo_time_t'], $gmt); $this->issuerName = $info['issuer']['CN'] ?? null; $this->issuerOrganization = $info['issuer']['O'] ?? null; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getCommonName(): ?string { return $this->commonName; } public function getOrganization(): ?string { return $this->organization; } public function getIssueDate(): \DateTime { return $this->issueDate; } public function getExpireDate(): \DateTime { return $this->expireDate; } public function isExpired(): bool { $now = new \DateTime(); return $this->issueDate > $now or $now > $this->expireDate; } public function getIssuerName(): ?string { return $this->issuerName; } public function getIssuerOrganization(): ?string { return $this->issuerOrganization; } }