shareCache = $this->cacheFactory->createInMemory(); } /** * @param list $add * @param list $remove */ public function updateShares(IShareable $shareable, array $add, array $remove, array $oldShares = []): void { $this->shareCache->clear(); foreach ($add as $element) { $principal = $this->principalBackend->findByUri($element['href'], ''); if (empty($principal)) { continue; } // We need to validate manually because some principals are only virtual // i.e. Group principals $principalparts = explode('/', $principal, 3); if (count($principalparts) !== 3 || $principalparts[0] !== 'principals' || !in_array($principalparts[1], ['users', 'groups', 'circles'], true)) { // Invalid principal continue; } // Don't add share for owner if ($shareable->getOwner() !== null && strcasecmp($shareable->getOwner(), $principal) === 0) { continue; } $principalparts[2] = urldecode($principalparts[2]); if (($principalparts[1] === 'users' && !$this->userManager->userExists($principalparts[2])) || ($principalparts[1] === 'groups' && !$this->groupManager->groupExists($principalparts[2]))) { // User or group does not exist continue; } $access = Backend::ACCESS_READ; if (isset($element['readOnly'])) { $access = $element['readOnly'] ? Backend::ACCESS_READ : Backend::ACCESS_READ_WRITE; } $this->service->shareWith($shareable->getResourceId(), $principal, $access); } foreach ($remove as $element) { $principal = $this->principalBackend->findByUri($element, ''); if (empty($principal)) { continue; } // Don't add unshare for owner if ($shareable->getOwner() !== null && strcasecmp($shareable->getOwner(), $principal) === 0) { continue; } // Delete any possible direct shares (since the frontend does not separate between them) $this->service->deleteShare($shareable->getResourceId(), $principal); // Check if a user has a groupshare that they're trying to free themselves from // If so we need to add a self::ACCESS_UNSHARED row if (!str_contains($principal, 'group') && $this->service->hasGroupShare($oldShares) ) { $this->service->unshare($shareable->getResourceId(), $principal); } } } public function deleteAllShares(int $resourceId): void { $this->shareCache->clear(); $this->service->deleteAllShares($resourceId); } public function deleteAllSharesByUser(string $principaluri): void { $this->shareCache->clear(); $this->service->deleteAllSharesByUser($principaluri); } /** * Returns the list of people whom this resource is shared with. * * Every element in this array should have the following properties: * * href - Often a mailto: address * * commonName - Optional, for example a first + last name * * status - See the Sabre\CalDAV\SharingPlugin::STATUS_ constants. * * readOnly - boolean * * @param int $resourceId * @return list */ public function getShares(int $resourceId): array { $cached = $this->shareCache->get((string)$resourceId); if ($cached) { return $cached; } $rows = $this->service->getShares($resourceId); $shares = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $p = $this->principalBackend->getPrincipalByPath($row['principaluri']); $shares[] = [ 'href' => "principal:{$row['principaluri']}", 'commonName' => isset($p['{DAV:}displayname']) ? (string)$p['{DAV:}displayname'] : '', 'status' => 1, 'readOnly' => (int)$row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ, '{}principal' => (string)$row['principaluri'], '{}group-share' => isset($p['uri']) && (str_starts_with($p['uri'], 'principals/groups') || str_starts_with($p['uri'], 'principals/circles')) ]; } $this->shareCache->set((string)$resourceId, $shares); return $shares; } public function preloadShares(array $resourceIds): void { $resourceIds = array_filter($resourceIds, function (int $resourceId) { return empty($this->shareCache->get((string)$resourceId)); }); if (empty($resourceIds)) { return; } $rows = $this->service->getSharesForIds($resourceIds); $sharesByResource = array_fill_keys($resourceIds, []); foreach ($rows as $row) { $resourceId = (int)$row['resourceid']; $p = $this->principalBackend->getPrincipalByPath($row['principaluri']); $sharesByResource[$resourceId][] = [ 'href' => "principal:{$row['principaluri']}", 'commonName' => isset($p['{DAV:}displayname']) ? (string)$p['{DAV:}displayname'] : '', 'status' => 1, 'readOnly' => (int)$row['access'] === self::ACCESS_READ, '{}principal' => (string)$row['principaluri'], '{}group-share' => isset($p['uri']) && str_starts_with($p['uri'], 'principals/groups') ]; $this->shareCache->set((string)$resourceId, $sharesByResource[$resourceId]); } } /** * For shared resources the sharee is set in the ACL of the resource * * @param int $resourceId * @param list $acl * @param list $shares * @return list */ public function applyShareAcl(array $shares, array $acl): array { foreach ($shares as $share) { $acl[] = [ 'privilege' => '{DAV:}read', 'principal' => $share['{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}principal'], 'protected' => true, ]; if (!$share['readOnly']) { $acl[] = [ 'privilege' => '{DAV:}write', 'principal' => $share['{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}principal'], 'protected' => true, ]; } elseif (in_array($this->service->getResourceType(), ['calendar','addressbook'])) { // Allow changing the properties of read only calendars, // so users can change the visibility. $acl[] = [ 'privilege' => '{DAV:}write-properties', 'principal' => $share['{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}principal'], 'protected' => true, ]; } } return $acl; } }