/** * @copyright 2023 Christopher Ng * * @author Christopher Ng * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import { User } from '@nextcloud/cypress' import { assertNotExistOrNotVisible, getUserList } from './usersUtils.js' const admin = new User('admin', 'admin') describe('Settings: Show and hide columns', function() { before(function() { cy.login(admin) // open the User settings cy.visit('/settings/users') }) beforeEach(function() { // open the settings dialog cy.get('.app-navigation-entry__settings').contains('User management settings').click() // reset all visibility toggles cy.get('.modal-container #settings-section_visibility-settings input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck({ force: true }) cy.contains('.modal-container', 'User management settings').within(() => { // enable the last login toggle cy.get('[data-test="showLastLogin"] input[type="checkbox"]').check({ force: true }) // close the settings dialog cy.get('button.modal-container__close').click() }) cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('.modal-container').should(el => assertNotExistOrNotVisible(el))) }) it('Can show a column', function() { // see that the language column is not in the header cy.get('[data-cy-user-list-header-languages]').should('not.exist') // see that the language column is not in all user rows cy.get('tbody.user-list__body tr').each(($row) => { cy.wrap($row).get('[data-test="language"]').should('not.exist') }) // open the settings dialog cy.get('.app-navigation-entry__settings').contains('User management settings').click() cy.contains('.modal-container', 'User management settings').within(() => { // enable the language toggle cy.get('[data-test="showLanguages"] input[type="checkbox"]').should('not.be.checked') cy.get('[data-test="showLanguages"] input[type="checkbox"]').check({ force: true }) cy.get('[data-test="showLanguages"] input[type="checkbox"]').should('be.checked') // close the settings dialog cy.get('button.modal-container__close').click() }) cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('.modal-container').should(el => assertNotExistOrNotVisible(el))) // see that the language column is in the header cy.get('[data-cy-user-list-header-languages]').should('exist') // see that the language column is in all user rows getUserList().find('tbody tr').each(($row) => { cy.wrap($row).get('[data-cy-user-list-cell-language]').should('exist') }) }) it('Can hide a column', function() { // see that the last login column is in the header cy.get('[data-cy-user-list-header-last-login]').should('exist') // see that the last login column is in all user rows getUserList().find('tbody tr').each(($row) => { cy.wrap($row).get('[data-cy-user-list-cell-last-login]').should('exist') }) // open the settings dialog cy.get('.app-navigation-entry__settings').contains('User management settings').click() cy.contains('.modal-container', 'User management settings').within(() => { // disable the last login toggle cy.get('[data-test="showLastLogin"] input[type="checkbox"]').should('be.checked') cy.get('[data-test="showLastLogin"] input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck({ force: true }) cy.get('[data-test="showLastLogin"] input[type="checkbox"]').should('not.be.checked') // close the settings dialog cy.get('button.modal-container__close').click() }) cy.waitUntil(() => cy.contains('.modal-container', 'User management settings').should(el => assertNotExistOrNotVisible(el))) // see that the last login column is not in the header cy.get('[data-cy-user-list-header-last-login]').should('not.exist') // see that the last login column is not in all user rows getUserList().find('tbody tr').each(($row) => { cy.wrap($row).get('[data-cy-user-list-cell-last-login]').should('not.exist') }) }) })