logger = $logger; if ($logger === null) { $this->logger = \OC::$server->getLogger(); } $this->config = $config; if ($config === null) { $this->config = \OC::$server->getConfig(); } if (\OC_Util::fileInfoLoaded()) { $this->fileInfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); } if ($imageRef !== null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The first parameter in the constructor is not supported anymore. Please use any of the load* methods of the image object to load an image.'); } } /** * Determine whether the object contains an image resource. * * @psalm-assert-if-true \GdImage $this->resource * @return bool */ public function valid(): bool { if (is_object($this->resource) && get_class($this->resource) === \GdImage::class) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the MIME type of the image or null if no image is loaded. * * @return string */ public function mimeType(): ?string { return $this->valid() ? $this->mimeType : null; } /** * Returns the width of the image or -1 if no image is loaded. * * @return int */ public function width(): int { if ($this->valid()) { return imagesx($this->resource); } return -1; } /** * Returns the height of the image or -1 if no image is loaded. * * @return int */ public function height(): int { if ($this->valid()) { return imagesy($this->resource); } return -1; } /** * Returns the width when the image orientation is top-left. * * @return int */ public function widthTopLeft(): int { $o = $this->getOrientation(); $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->widthTopLeft() Orientation: ' . $o, ['app' => 'core']); switch ($o) { case -1: case 1: case 2: // Not tested case 3: case 4: // Not tested return $this->width(); case 5: // Not tested case 6: case 7: // Not tested case 8: return $this->height(); } return $this->width(); } /** * Returns the height when the image orientation is top-left. * * @return int */ public function heightTopLeft(): int { $o = $this->getOrientation(); $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->heightTopLeft() Orientation: ' . $o, ['app' => 'core']); switch ($o) { case -1: case 1: case 2: // Not tested case 3: case 4: // Not tested return $this->height(); case 5: // Not tested case 6: case 7: // Not tested case 8: return $this->width(); } return $this->height(); } /** * Outputs the image. * * @param string $mimeType * @return bool */ public function show(?string $mimeType = null): bool { if ($mimeType === null) { $mimeType = $this->mimeType(); } header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType); return $this->_output(null, $mimeType); } /** * Saves the image. * * @param string $filePath * @param string $mimeType * @return bool */ public function save(?string $filePath = null, ?string $mimeType = null): bool { if ($mimeType === null) { $mimeType = $this->mimeType(); } if ($filePath === null) { if ($this->filePath === null) { $this->logger->error(__METHOD__ . '(): called with no path.', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } else { $filePath = $this->filePath; } } return $this->_output($filePath, $mimeType); } /** * Outputs/saves the image. * * @param string $filePath * @param string $mimeType * @return bool * @throws Exception */ private function _output(?string $filePath = null, ?string $mimeType = null): bool { if ($filePath) { if (!file_exists(dirname($filePath))) { mkdir(dirname($filePath), 0777, true); } $isWritable = is_writable(dirname($filePath)); if (!$isWritable) { $this->logger->error(__METHOD__ . '(): Directory \'' . dirname($filePath) . '\' is not writable.', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } elseif (file_exists($filePath) && !is_writable($filePath)) { $this->logger->error(__METHOD__ . '(): File \'' . $filePath . '\' is not writable.', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } } if (!$this->valid()) { return false; } $imageType = $this->imageType; if ($mimeType !== null) { switch ($mimeType) { case 'image/gif': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_GIF; break; case 'image/jpeg': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; break; case 'image/png': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_PNG; break; case 'image/x-xbitmap': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_XBM; break; case 'image/bmp': case 'image/x-ms-bmp': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_BMP; break; case 'image/webp': $imageType = IMAGETYPE_WEBP; break; default: throw new Exception('\OC_Image::_output(): "' . $mimeType . '" is not supported when forcing a specific output format'); } } switch ($imageType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $retVal = imagegif($this->resource, $filePath); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: imageinterlace($this->resource, true); $retVal = imagejpeg($this->resource, $filePath, $this->getJpegQuality()); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $retVal = imagepng($this->resource, $filePath); break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: if (function_exists('imagexbm')) { $retVal = imagexbm($this->resource, $filePath); } else { throw new Exception('\OC_Image::_output(): imagexbm() is not supported.'); } break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: $retVal = imagewbmp($this->resource, $filePath); break; case IMAGETYPE_BMP: $retVal = imagebmp($this->resource, $filePath); break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: $retVal = imagewebp($this->resource, null, $this->getWebpQuality()); break; default: $retVal = imagepng($this->resource, $filePath); } return $retVal; } /** * Prints the image when called as $image(). */ public function __invoke() { return $this->show(); } /** * @param \GdImage $resource */ public function setResource(\GdImage $resource): void { $this->resource = $resource; } /** * @return false|\GdImage Returns the image resource if any */ public function resource() { return $this->resource; } /** * @return string Returns the mimetype of the data. Returns null if the data is not valid. */ public function dataMimeType(): ?string { if (!$this->valid()) { return null; } switch ($this->mimeType) { case 'image/png': case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/gif': case 'image/webp': return $this->mimeType; default: return 'image/png'; } } /** * @return null|string Returns the raw image data. */ public function data(): ?string { if (!$this->valid()) { return null; } ob_start(); switch ($this->mimeType) { case "image/png": $res = imagepng($this->resource); break; case "image/jpeg": imageinterlace($this->resource, true); $quality = $this->getJpegQuality(); $res = imagejpeg($this->resource, null, $quality); break; case "image/gif": $res = imagegif($this->resource); break; case "image/webp": $res = imagewebp($this->resource, null, $this->getWebpQuality()); break; default: $res = imagepng($this->resource); $this->logger->info('OC_Image->data. Could not guess mime-type, defaulting to png', ['app' => 'core']); break; } if (!$res) { $this->logger->error('OC_Image->data. Error getting image data.', ['app' => 'core']); } return ob_get_clean(); } /** * @return string - base64 encoded, which is suitable for embedding in a VCard. */ public function __toString(): string { return base64_encode($this->data()); } /** * @return int */ protected function getJpegQuality(): int { $quality = $this->config->getAppValue('preview', 'jpeg_quality', (string) self::DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY); // TODO: remove when getAppValue is type safe if ($quality === null) { $quality = self::DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY; } return min(100, max(10, (int) $quality)); } /** * @return int */ protected function getWebpQuality(): int { $quality = $this->config->getAppValue('preview', 'webp_quality', (string) self::DEFAULT_WEBP_QUALITY); // TODO: remove when getAppValue is type safe if ($quality === null) { $quality = self::DEFAULT_WEBP_QUALITY; } return min(100, max(10, (int) $quality)); } /** * (I'm open for suggestions on better method name ;) * Get the orientation based on EXIF data. * * @return int The orientation or -1 if no EXIF data is available. */ public function getOrientation(): int { if ($this->exif !== null) { return $this->exif['Orientation']; } if ($this->imageType !== IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Image is not a JPEG.', ['app' => 'core']); return -1; } if (!is_callable('exif_read_data')) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Exif module not enabled.', ['app' => 'core']); return -1; } if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() No image loaded.', ['app' => 'core']); return -1; } if (is_null($this->filePath) || !is_readable($this->filePath)) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() No readable file path set.', ['app' => 'core']); return -1; } $exif = @exif_read_data($this->filePath, 'IFD0'); if (!$exif) { return -1; } if (!isset($exif['Orientation'])) { return -1; } $this->exif = $exif; return $exif['Orientation']; } public function readExif($data): void { if (!is_callable('exif_read_data')) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Exif module not enabled.', ['app' => 'core']); return; } if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() No image loaded.', ['app' => 'core']); return; } $exif = @exif_read_data('data://image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($data)); if (!$exif) { return; } if (!isset($exif['Orientation'])) { return; } $this->exif = $exif; } /** * (I'm open for suggestions on better method name ;) * Fixes orientation based on EXIF data. * * @return bool */ public function fixOrientation(): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $o = $this->getOrientation(); $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Orientation: ' . $o, ['app' => 'core']); $rotate = 0; $flip = false; switch ($o) { case -1: return false; //Nothing to fix case 1: $rotate = 0; break; case 2: $rotate = 0; $flip = true; break; case 3: $rotate = 180; break; case 4: $rotate = 180; $flip = true; break; case 5: $rotate = 90; $flip = true; break; case 6: $rotate = 270; break; case 7: $rotate = 270; $flip = true; break; case 8: $rotate = 90; break; } if ($flip && function_exists('imageflip')) { imageflip($this->resource, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); } if ($rotate) { $res = imagerotate($this->resource, $rotate, 0); if ($res) { if (imagealphablending($res, true)) { if (imagesavealpha($res, true)) { imagedestroy($this->resource); $this->resource = $res; return true; } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Error during alpha-saving', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Error during alpha-blending', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->fixOrientation() Error during orientation fixing', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } } return false; } /** * Loads an image from an open file handle. * It is the responsibility of the caller to position the pointer at the correct place and to close the handle again. * * @param resource $handle * @return \GdImage|false An image resource or false on error */ public function loadFromFileHandle($handle) { $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); if ($this->loadFromData($contents)) { return $this->resource; } return false; } /** * Check if allocating an image with the given size is allowed. * * @param int $width The image width. * @param int $height The image height. * @return bool true if allocating is allowed, false otherwise */ private function checkImageMemory($width, $height) { $memory_limit = $this->config->getSystemValueInt('preview_max_memory', self::DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT); if ($memory_limit < 0) { // Not limited. return true; } // Assume 32 bits per pixel. if ($width * $height * 4 > $memory_limit * 1024 * 1024) { $this->logger->info('Image size of ' . $width . 'x' . $height . ' would exceed allowed memory limit of ' . $memory_limit . '. You may increase the preview_max_memory in your config.php if you need previews of this image.'); return false; } return true; } /** * Check if loading an image file from the given path is allowed. * * @param string $path The path to a local file. * @return bool true if allocating is allowed, false otherwise */ private function checkImageSize($path) { $size = @getimagesize($path); if (!$size) { return false; } $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; if (!$this->checkImageMemory($width, $height)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if loading an image from the given data is allowed. * * @param string $data A string of image data as read from a file. * @return bool true if allocating is allowed, false otherwise */ private function checkImageDataSize($data) { $size = @getimagesizefromstring($data); if (!$size) { return false; } $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; if (!$this->checkImageMemory($width, $height)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Loads an image from a local file. * * @param bool|string $imagePath The path to a local file. * @return bool|\GdImage An image resource or false on error */ public function loadFromFile($imagePath = false) { // exif_imagetype throws "read error!" if file is less than 12 byte if (is_bool($imagePath) || !@is_file($imagePath) || !file_exists($imagePath) || filesize($imagePath) < 12 || !is_readable($imagePath)) { return false; } $iType = exif_imagetype($imagePath); switch ($iType) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } $this->resource = imagecreatefromgif($imagePath); if ($this->resource) { // Preserve transparency imagealphablending($this->resource, true); imagesavealpha($this->resource, true); } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, GIF image not valid: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, GIF images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } if (@getimagesize($imagePath) !== false) { $this->resource = @imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath); } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, JPG image not valid: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, JPG images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefrompng($imagePath); if ($this->resource) { // Preserve transparency imagealphablending($this->resource, true); imagesavealpha($this->resource, true); } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, PNG image not valid: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, PNG images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: if (imagetypes() & IMG_XPM) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefromxbm($imagePath); } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, XBM/XPM images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: if (imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefromwbmp($imagePath); } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, WBMP images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; case IMAGETYPE_BMP: $this->resource = imagecreatefrombmp($imagePath); break; case IMAGETYPE_WEBP: if (imagetypes() & IMG_WEBP) { if (!$this->checkImageSize($imagePath)) { return false; } // Check for animated header before generating preview since libgd does not handle them well // Adapted from here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/68491679/4085517 (stripped to only to check for animations + added additional error checking) // Header format details here: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/riff_container // Load up the header data, if any $fp = fopen($imagePath, 'rb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } $data = fread($fp, 90); if (!$data) { return false; } fclose($fp); unset($fp); $headerFormat = 'A4Riff/' . // get n string 'I1Filesize/' . // get integer (file size but not actual size) 'A4Webp/' . // get n string 'A4Vp/' . // get n string 'A74Chunk'; $header = unpack($headerFormat, $data); unset($data, $headerFormat); if (!$header) { return false; } // Check if we're really dealing with a valid WEBP header rather than just one suffixed ".webp" if (!isset($header['Riff']) || strtoupper($header['Riff']) !== 'RIFF') { return false; } if (!isset($header['Webp']) || strtoupper($header['Webp']) !== 'WEBP') { return false; } if (!isset($header['Vp']) || strpos(strtoupper($header['Vp']), 'VP8') === false) { return false; } // Check for animation indicators if (strpos(strtoupper($header['Chunk']), 'ANIM') !== false || strpos(strtoupper($header['Chunk']), 'ANMF') !== false) { // Animated so don't let it reach libgd $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, animated WEBP images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } else { // We're safe so give it to libgd $this->resource = @imagecreatefromwebp($imagePath); } } else { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, WEBP images not supported: ' . $imagePath, ['app' => 'core']); } break; /* case IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II: // (intel byte order) break; case IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM: // (motorola byte order) break; case IMAGETYPE_JPC: break; case IMAGETYPE_JP2: break; case IMAGETYPE_JPX: break; case IMAGETYPE_JB2: break; case IMAGETYPE_SWC: break; case IMAGETYPE_IFF: break; case IMAGETYPE_ICO: break; case IMAGETYPE_SWF: break; case IMAGETYPE_PSD: break; */ default: // this is mostly file created from encrypted file $data = file_get_contents($imagePath); if (!$this->checkImageDataSize($data)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefromstring($data); $iType = IMAGETYPE_PNG; $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, Default', ['app' => 'core']); break; } if ($this->valid()) { $this->imageType = $iType; $this->mimeType = image_type_to_mime_type($iType); $this->filePath = $imagePath; } return $this->resource; } /** * Loads an image from a string of data. * * @param string $str A string of image data as read from a file. * @return bool|\GdImage An image resource or false on error */ public function loadFromData(string $str) { if (!$this->checkImageDataSize($str)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefromstring($str); if ($this->fileInfo) { $this->mimeType = $this->fileInfo->buffer($str); } if ($this->valid()) { imagealphablending($this->resource, false); imagesavealpha($this->resource, true); } if (!$this->resource) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromFile, could not load', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } return $this->resource; } /** * Loads an image from a base64 encoded string. * * @param string $str A string base64 encoded string of image data. * @return bool|\GdImage An image resource or false on error */ public function loadFromBase64(string $str) { $data = base64_decode($str); if ($data) { // try to load from string data if (!$this->checkImageDataSize($data)) { return false; } $this->resource = @imagecreatefromstring($data); if ($this->fileInfo) { $this->mimeType = $this->fileInfo->buffer($data); } if (!$this->resource) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->loadFromBase64, could not load', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } return $this->resource; } else { return false; } } /** * Resizes the image preserving ratio. * * @param int $maxSize The maximum size of either the width or height. * @return bool */ public function resize(int $maxSize): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $result = $this->resizeNew($maxSize); imagedestroy($this->resource); $this->resource = $result; return $this->valid(); } /** * @param $maxSize * @return bool|\GdImage */ private function resizeNew(int $maxSize) { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $widthOrig = imagesx($this->resource); $heightOrig = imagesy($this->resource); $ratioOrig = $widthOrig / $heightOrig; if ($ratioOrig > 1) { $newHeight = round($maxSize / $ratioOrig); $newWidth = $maxSize; } else { $newWidth = round($maxSize * $ratioOrig); $newHeight = $maxSize; } return $this->preciseResizeNew((int)round($newWidth), (int)round($newHeight)); } /** * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return bool */ public function preciseResize(int $width, int $height): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $result = $this->preciseResizeNew($width, $height); imagedestroy($this->resource); $this->resource = $result; return $this->valid(); } /** * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return bool|\GdImage */ public function preciseResizeNew(int $width, int $height) { if (!($width > 0) || !($height > 0)) { $this->logger->info(__METHOD__ . '(): Requested image size not bigger than 0', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $widthOrig = imagesx($this->resource); $heightOrig = imagesy($this->resource); $process = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if ($process === false) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Error creating true color image', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } // preserve transparency if ($this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_GIF or $this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { imagecolortransparent($process, imagecolorallocatealpha($process, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($process, false); imagesavealpha($process, true); } $res = imagecopyresampled($process, $this->resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $widthOrig, $heightOrig); if ($res === false) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Error re-sampling process image', ['app' => 'core']); imagedestroy($process); return false; } return $process; } /** * Crops the image to the middle square. If the image is already square it just returns. * * @param int $size maximum size for the result (optional) * @return bool for success or failure */ public function centerCrop(int $size = 0): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->centerCrop, No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $widthOrig = imagesx($this->resource); $heightOrig = imagesy($this->resource); if ($widthOrig === $heightOrig and $size == 0) { return true; } $ratioOrig = $widthOrig / $heightOrig; $width = $height = min($widthOrig, $heightOrig); if ($ratioOrig > 1) { $x = (int) (($widthOrig / 2) - ($width / 2)); $y = 0; } else { $y = (int) (($heightOrig / 2) - ($height / 2)); $x = 0; } if ($size > 0) { $targetWidth = $size; $targetHeight = $size; } else { $targetWidth = $width; $targetHeight = $height; } $process = imagecreatetruecolor($targetWidth, $targetHeight); if ($process === false) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->centerCrop, Error creating true color image', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } // preserve transparency if ($this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_GIF or $this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { imagecolortransparent($process, imagecolorallocatealpha($process, 0, 0, 0, 127) ?: null); imagealphablending($process, false); imagesavealpha($process, true); } $result = imagecopyresampled($process, $this->resource, 0, 0, $x, $y, $targetWidth, $targetHeight, $width, $height); if ($result === false) { $this->logger->debug('OC_Image->centerCrop, Error re-sampling process image ' . $width . 'x' . $height, ['app' => 'core']); return false; } imagedestroy($this->resource); $this->resource = $process; return true; } /** * Crops the image from point $x$y with dimension $wx$h. * * @param int $x Horizontal position * @param int $y Vertical position * @param int $w Width * @param int $h Height * @return bool for success or failure */ public function crop(int $x, int $y, int $w, int $h): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $result = $this->cropNew($x, $y, $w, $h); imagedestroy($this->resource); $this->resource = $result; return $this->valid(); } /** * Crops the image from point $x$y with dimension $wx$h. * * @param int $x Horizontal position * @param int $y Vertical position * @param int $w Width * @param int $h Height * @return \GdImage|false */ public function cropNew(int $x, int $y, int $w, int $h) { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $process = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); if ($process === false) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Error creating true color image', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } // preserve transparency if ($this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_GIF or $this->imageType == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { imagecolortransparent($process, imagecolorallocatealpha($process, 0, 0, 0, 127) ?: null); imagealphablending($process, false); imagesavealpha($process, true); } $result = imagecopyresampled($process, $this->resource, 0, 0, $x, $y, $w, $h, $w, $h); if ($result === false) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): Error re-sampling process image ' . $w . 'x' . $h, ['app' => 'core']); return false; } return $process; } /** * Resizes the image to fit within a boundary while preserving ratio. * * Warning: Images smaller than $maxWidth x $maxHeight will end up being scaled up * * @param int $maxWidth * @param int $maxHeight * @return bool */ public function fitIn(int $maxWidth, int $maxHeight): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $widthOrig = imagesx($this->resource); $heightOrig = imagesy($this->resource); $ratio = $widthOrig / $heightOrig; $newWidth = min($maxWidth, $ratio * $maxHeight); $newHeight = min($maxHeight, $maxWidth / $ratio); $this->preciseResize((int)round($newWidth), (int)round($newHeight)); return true; } /** * Shrinks larger images to fit within specified boundaries while preserving ratio. * * @param int $maxWidth * @param int $maxHeight * @return bool */ public function scaleDownToFit(int $maxWidth, int $maxHeight): bool { if (!$this->valid()) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . '(): No image loaded', ['app' => 'core']); return false; } $widthOrig = imagesx($this->resource); $heightOrig = imagesy($this->resource); if ($widthOrig > $maxWidth || $heightOrig > $maxHeight) { return $this->fitIn($maxWidth, $maxHeight); } return false; } public function copy(): IImage { $image = new OC_Image(null, $this->logger, $this->config); $image->resource = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width(), $this->height()); imagecopy( $image->resource(), $this->resource(), 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width(), $this->height() ); return $image; } public function cropCopy(int $x, int $y, int $w, int $h): IImage { $image = new OC_Image(null, $this->logger, $this->config); $image->imageType = $this->imageType; $image->mimeType = $this->mimeType; $image->resource = $this->cropNew($x, $y, $w, $h); return $image; } public function preciseResizeCopy(int $width, int $height): IImage { $image = new OC_Image(null, $this->logger, $this->config); $image->imageType = $this->imageType; $image->mimeType = $this->mimeType; $image->resource = $this->preciseResizeNew($width, $height); return $image; } public function resizeCopy(int $maxSize): IImage { $image = new OC_Image(null, $this->logger, $this->config); $image->imageType = $this->imageType; $image->mimeType = $this->mimeType; $image->resource = $this->resizeNew($maxSize); return $image; } /** * Destroys the current image and resets the object */ public function destroy(): void { if ($this->valid()) { imagedestroy($this->resource); } $this->resource = false; } public function __destruct() { $this->destroy(); } } if (!function_exists('exif_imagetype')) { /** * Workaround if exif_imagetype does not exist * * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.exif-imagetype.php#80383 * @param string $fileName * @return int|false */ function exif_imagetype(string $fileName) { if (($info = getimagesize($fileName)) !== false) { return $info[2]; } return false; } }