logger = $this->getMockBuilder(LoggerInterface::class)->getMock(); $this->manager = new CapabilitiesManager($this->logger); } /** * Test no capabilities */ public function testNoCapabilities(): void { $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $this->assertEmpty($res); } /** * Test a valid capabilitie */ public function testValidCapability(): void { $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability(); }); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $this->assertEquals(['foo' => 1], $res); } /** * Test a public capabilitie */ public function testPublicCapability(): void { $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new PublicSimpleCapability1(); }); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability2(); }); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability3(); }); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(true); $this->assertEquals(['foo' => 1], $res); } /** * Test that we need something that implents ICapability */ public function testNoICapability(): void { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('The given Capability (Test\\NoCapability) does not implement the ICapability interface'); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new NoCapability(); }); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $this->assertEquals([], $res); } /** * Test a bunch of merged Capabilities */ public function testMergedCapabilities(): void { $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability(); }); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability2(); }); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new SimpleCapability3(); }); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $expected = [ 'foo' => 1, 'bar' => [ 'x' => 1, 'y' => 2 ] ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res); } /** * Test deep identical capabilities */ public function testDeepIdenticalCapabilities(): void { $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new DeepCapability(); }); $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { return new DeepCapability(); }); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $expected = [ 'foo' => [ 'bar' => [ 'baz' => true ] ] ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res); } public function testInvalidCapability(): void { $this->manager->registerCapability(function () { throw new QueryException(); }); $this->logger->expects($this->once()) ->method('error'); $res = $this->manager->getCapabilities(); $this->assertEquals([], $res); } } class SimpleCapability implements ICapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'foo' => 1 ]; } } class SimpleCapability2 implements ICapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'bar' => ['x' => 1] ]; } } class SimpleCapability3 implements ICapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'bar' => ['y' => 2] ]; } } class PublicSimpleCapability1 implements IPublicCapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'foo' => 1 ]; } } class NoCapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'baz' => 'z' ]; } } class DeepCapability implements ICapability { public function getCapabilities() { return [ 'foo' => [ 'bar' => [ 'baz' => true ] ] ]; } }