currentUser = $currentSession->getUser(); } /** * Get the changelog entry for the given appId * @param string $appId The app for which to query the entry * @param string $version The version for which to query the changelog entry * @param ?string $languageCode The language in which to query the changelog (defaults to current user language and fallsback to English) * @return string|null Either the changelog entry or null if no changelog is found */ public function getChangelog(string $appId, string $version, ?string $languageCode = null): string|null { if ($languageCode === null) { $languageCode = $this->l10NFactory->getUserLanguage($this->currentUser); } $path = $this->getChangelogFile($appId, $languageCode); if ($path === null) { $this->logger->debug('No changelog file found for app ' . $appId . ' and language code ' . $languageCode); return null; } $changes = $this->retrieveChangelogEntry($path, $version); return $changes; } /** * Get the changelog file in the requested language or fallback to English * @param string $appId The app to load the changelog for * @param string $languageCode The language code to search * @return string|null Either the file path or null if not found */ public function getChangelogFile(string $appId, string $languageCode): string|null { try { $appPath = $this->appManager->getAppPath($appId); $files = ["CHANGELOG.$", '']; foreach ($files as $file) { $path = $appPath . '/' . $file; if (is_file($path)) { return $path; } } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // ignore and return null below } return null; } /** * Retrieve a log entry from the changelog * @param string $path The path to the changlog file * @param string $version The version to query (make sure to only pass in "{major}.{minor}(.{patch}" format) */ protected function retrieveChangelogEntry(string $path, string $version): string|null { $matches = []; $content = file_get_contents($path); if ($content === false) { $this->logger->debug('Could not open changelog file', ['file-path' => $path]); return null; } $result = preg_match_all('/^## (?:\[)?(?:v)?(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)/m', $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if ($result === false || $result === 0) { $this->logger->debug('No entries in changelog found', ['file_path' => $path]); return null; } // Get the key of the match that equals the requested version $index = array_key_first( // Get the array containing the match that equals the requested version, keys are preserved so: [1 => '1.2.4'] array_filter( // This is the array of the versions found, like ['1.2.3', '1.2.4'] $matches[1], // Callback to filter only version that matches the requested version fn (array $match) => version_compare($match[0], $version, '=='), ) ); if ($index === null) { $this->logger->debug('No changelog entry for version ' . $version . ' found', ['file_path' => $path]); return null; } $offsetChangelogEntry = $matches[0][$index][1]; // Length of the changelog entry (offset of next match - own offset) or null if the whole rest should be considered $lengthChangelogEntry = $index < ($result - 1) ? ($matches[0][$index + 1][1] - $offsetChangelogEntry) : null; return substr($content, $offsetChangelogEntry, $lengthChangelogEntry); } }