[] */ private $capabilities = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $crashReporters = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $dashboardPanels = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $profileLinkActions = []; /** @var null|ServiceRegistration */ private $talkBackendRegistration = null; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $calendarResourceBackendRegistrations = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $calendarRoomBackendRegistrations = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $userMigrators = []; /** @var ServiceFactoryRegistration[] */ private $services = []; /** @var ServiceAliasRegistration[] */ private $aliases = []; /** @var ParameterRegistration[] */ private $parameters = []; /** @var EventListenerRegistration[] */ private $eventListeners = []; /** @var MiddlewareRegistration[] */ private $middlewares = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $searchProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $alternativeLogins = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $initialStates = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $wellKnownHandlers = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $speechToTextProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $textProcessingProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $templateProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $translationProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $notifierServices = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration<\OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider>[] */ private $twoFactorProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $calendarProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private array $referenceProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TextToImage\IProvider>[] */ private $textToImageProviders = []; /** @var ParameterRegistration[] */ private $sensitiveMethods = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private $publicShareTemplateProviders = []; private LoggerInterface $logger; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private array $setupChecks = []; /** @var PreviewProviderRegistration[] */ private array $previewProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private array $declarativeSettings = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration[] */ private array $teamResourceProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TaskProcessing\IProvider>[] */ private array $taskProcessingProviders = []; /** @var ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TaskProcessing\ITaskType>[] */ private array $taskProcessingTaskTypes = []; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } public function for(string $appId): IRegistrationContext { return new class($appId, $this) implements IRegistrationContext { /** @var string */ private $appId; /** @var RegistrationContext */ private $context; public function __construct(string $appId, RegistrationContext $context) { $this->appId = $appId; $this->context = $context; } public function registerCapability(string $capability): void { $this->context->registerCapability( $this->appId, $capability ); } public function registerCrashReporter(string $reporterClass): void { $this->context->registerCrashReporter( $this->appId, $reporterClass ); } public function registerDashboardWidget(string $widgetClass): void { $this->context->registerDashboardPanel( $this->appId, $widgetClass ); } public function registerService(string $name, callable $factory, bool $shared = true): void { $this->context->registerService( $this->appId, $name, $factory, $shared ); } public function registerServiceAlias(string $alias, string $target): void { $this->context->registerServiceAlias( $this->appId, $alias, $target ); } public function registerParameter(string $name, $value): void { $this->context->registerParameter( $this->appId, $name, $value ); } public function registerEventListener(string $event, string $listener, int $priority = 0): void { $this->context->registerEventListener( $this->appId, $event, $listener, $priority ); } public function registerMiddleware(string $class, bool $global = false): void { $this->context->registerMiddleware( $this->appId, $class, $global, ); } public function registerSearchProvider(string $class): void { $this->context->registerSearchProvider( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerAlternativeLogin(string $class): void { $this->context->registerAlternativeLogin( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerInitialStateProvider(string $class): void { $this->context->registerInitialState( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerWellKnownHandler(string $class): void { $this->context->registerWellKnown( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerSpeechToTextProvider(string $providerClass): void { $this->context->registerSpeechToTextProvider( $this->appId, $providerClass ); } public function registerTextProcessingProvider(string $providerClass): void { $this->context->registerTextProcessingProvider( $this->appId, $providerClass ); } public function registerTextToImageProvider(string $providerClass): void { $this->context->registerTextToImageProvider( $this->appId, $providerClass ); } public function registerTemplateProvider(string $providerClass): void { $this->context->registerTemplateProvider( $this->appId, $providerClass ); } public function registerTranslationProvider(string $providerClass): void { $this->context->registerTranslationProvider( $this->appId, $providerClass ); } public function registerNotifierService(string $notifierClass): void { $this->context->registerNotifierService( $this->appId, $notifierClass ); } public function registerTwoFactorProvider(string $twoFactorProviderClass): void { $this->context->registerTwoFactorProvider( $this->appId, $twoFactorProviderClass ); } public function registerPreviewProvider(string $previewProviderClass, string $mimeTypeRegex): void { $this->context->registerPreviewProvider( $this->appId, $previewProviderClass, $mimeTypeRegex ); } public function registerCalendarProvider(string $class): void { $this->context->registerCalendarProvider( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerReferenceProvider(string $class): void { $this->context->registerReferenceProvider( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerProfileLinkAction(string $actionClass): void { $this->context->registerProfileLinkAction( $this->appId, $actionClass ); } public function registerTalkBackend(string $backend): void { $this->context->registerTalkBackend( $this->appId, $backend ); } public function registerCalendarResourceBackend(string $class): void { $this->context->registerCalendarResourceBackend( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerTeamResourceProvider(string $class) : void { $this->context->registerTeamResourceProvider( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerCalendarRoomBackend(string $class): void { $this->context->registerCalendarRoomBackend( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerUserMigrator(string $migratorClass): void { $this->context->registerUserMigrator( $this->appId, $migratorClass ); } public function registerSensitiveMethods(string $class, array $methods): void { $this->context->registerSensitiveMethods( $this->appId, $class, $methods ); } public function registerPublicShareTemplateProvider(string $class): void { $this->context->registerPublicShareTemplateProvider( $this->appId, $class ); } public function registerSetupCheck(string $setupCheckClass): void { $this->context->registerSetupCheck( $this->appId, $setupCheckClass ); } public function registerDeclarativeSettings(string $declarativeSettingsClass): void { $this->context->registerDeclarativeSettings( $this->appId, $declarativeSettingsClass ); } public function registerTaskProcessingProvider(string $taskProcessingProviderClass): void { $this->context->registerTaskProcessingProvider( $this->appId, $taskProcessingProviderClass ); } public function registerTaskProcessingTaskType(string $taskProcessingTaskTypeClass): void { $this->context->registerTaskProcessingTaskType( $this->appId, $taskProcessingTaskTypeClass ); } }; } /** * @psalm-param class-string $capability */ public function registerCapability(string $appId, string $capability): void { $this->capabilities[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $capability); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $reporterClass */ public function registerCrashReporter(string $appId, string $reporterClass): void { $this->crashReporters[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $reporterClass); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $panelClass */ public function registerDashboardPanel(string $appId, string $panelClass): void { $this->dashboardPanels[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $panelClass); } public function registerService(string $appId, string $name, callable $factory, bool $shared = true): void { $this->services[] = new ServiceFactoryRegistration($appId, $name, $factory, $shared); } public function registerServiceAlias(string $appId, string $alias, string $target): void { $this->aliases[] = new ServiceAliasRegistration($appId, $alias, $target); } public function registerParameter(string $appId, string $name, $value): void { $this->parameters[] = new ParameterRegistration($appId, $name, $value); } public function registerEventListener(string $appId, string $event, string $listener, int $priority = 0): void { $this->eventListeners[] = new EventListenerRegistration($appId, $event, $listener, $priority); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $class */ public function registerMiddleware(string $appId, string $class, bool $global): void { $this->middlewares[] = new MiddlewareRegistration($appId, $class, $global); } public function registerSearchProvider(string $appId, string $class) { $this->searchProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerAlternativeLogin(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->alternativeLogins[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerInitialState(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->initialStates[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerWellKnown(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->wellKnownHandlers[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerSpeechToTextProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->speechToTextProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerTextProcessingProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->textProcessingProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerTextToImageProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->textToImageProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerTemplateProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->templateProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerTranslationProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->translationProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerNotifierService(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->notifierServices[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerTwoFactorProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->twoFactorProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerPreviewProvider(string $appId, string $class, string $mimeTypeRegex): void { $this->previewProviders[] = new PreviewProviderRegistration($appId, $class, $mimeTypeRegex); } public function registerCalendarProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->calendarProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } public function registerReferenceProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->referenceProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $actionClass */ public function registerProfileLinkAction(string $appId, string $actionClass): void { $this->profileLinkActions[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $actionClass); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $backend */ public function registerTalkBackend(string $appId, string $backend) { // Some safeguards for invalid registrations if ($appId !== 'spreed') { throw new RuntimeException("Only the Talk app is allowed to register a Talk backend"); } if ($this->talkBackendRegistration !== null) { throw new RuntimeException("There can only be one Talk backend"); } $this->talkBackendRegistration = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $backend); } public function registerCalendarResourceBackend(string $appId, string $class) { $this->calendarResourceBackendRegistrations[] = new ServiceRegistration( $appId, $class, ); } public function registerCalendarRoomBackend(string $appId, string $class) { $this->calendarRoomBackendRegistrations[] = new ServiceRegistration( $appId, $class, ); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $class */ public function registerTeamResourceProvider(string $appId, string $class) { $this->teamResourceProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration( $appId, $class ); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $migratorClass */ public function registerUserMigrator(string $appId, string $migratorClass): void { $this->userMigrators[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $migratorClass); } public function registerSensitiveMethods(string $appId, string $class, array $methods): void { $methods = array_filter($methods, 'is_string'); $this->sensitiveMethods[] = new ParameterRegistration($appId, $class, $methods); } public function registerPublicShareTemplateProvider(string $appId, string $class): void { $this->publicShareTemplateProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $class); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $setupCheckClass */ public function registerSetupCheck(string $appId, string $setupCheckClass): void { $this->setupChecks[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $setupCheckClass); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $declarativeSettingsClass */ public function registerDeclarativeSettings(string $appId, string $declarativeSettingsClass): void { $this->declarativeSettings[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $declarativeSettingsClass); } /** * @psalm-param class-string<\OCP\TaskProcessing\IProvider> $declarativeSettingsClass */ public function registerTaskProcessingProvider(string $appId, string $taskProcessingProviderClass): void { $this->taskProcessingProviders[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $taskProcessingProviderClass); } /** * @psalm-param class-string<\OCP\TaskProcessing\ITaskType> $declarativeSettingsClass */ public function registerTaskProcessingTaskType(string $appId, string $taskProcessingTaskTypeClass) { $this->taskProcessingTaskTypes[] = new ServiceRegistration($appId, $taskProcessingTaskTypeClass); } /** * @param App[] $apps */ public function delegateCapabilityRegistrations(array $apps): void { while (($registration = array_shift($this->capabilities)) !== null) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); if (!isset($apps[$appId])) { // If we land here something really isn't right. But at least we caught the // notice that is otherwise emitted for the undefined index $this->logger->error("App $appId not loaded for the capability registration"); continue; } try { $apps[$appId] ->getContainer() ->registerCapability($registration->getService()); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error("Error during capability registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } } /** * @param App[] $apps */ public function delegateCrashReporterRegistrations(array $apps, Registry $registry): void { while (($registration = array_shift($this->crashReporters)) !== null) { try { $registry->registerLazy($registration->getService()); } catch (Throwable $e) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); $this->logger->error("Error during crash reporter registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } } public function delegateDashboardPanelRegistrations(IManager $dashboardManager): void { while (($panel = array_shift($this->dashboardPanels)) !== null) { try { $dashboardManager->lazyRegisterWidget($panel->getService(), $panel->getAppId()); } catch (Throwable $e) { $appId = $panel->getAppId(); $this->logger->error("Error during dashboard registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } } public function delegateEventListenerRegistrations(IEventDispatcher $eventDispatcher): void { while (($registration = array_shift($this->eventListeners)) !== null) { try { $eventDispatcher->addServiceListener( $registration->getEvent(), $registration->getService(), $registration->getPriority() ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); $this->logger->error("Error during event listener registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } } /** * @param App[] $apps */ public function delegateContainerRegistrations(array $apps): void { while (($registration = array_shift($this->services)) !== null) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); if (!isset($apps[$appId])) { // If we land here something really isn't right. But at least we caught the // notice that is otherwise emitted for the undefined index $this->logger->error("App $appId not loaded for the container service registration"); continue; } try { /** * Register the service and convert the callable into a \Closure if necessary */ $apps[$appId] ->getContainer() ->registerService( $registration->getName(), Closure::fromCallable($registration->getFactory()), $registration->isShared() ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error("Error during service registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } while (($registration = array_shift($this->aliases)) !== null) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); if (!isset($apps[$appId])) { // If we land here something really isn't right. But at least we caught the // notice that is otherwise emitted for the undefined index $this->logger->error("App $appId not loaded for the container alias registration"); continue; } try { $apps[$appId] ->getContainer() ->registerAlias( $registration->getAlias(), $registration->getTarget() ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error("Error during service alias registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } while (($registration = array_shift($this->parameters)) !== null) { $appId = $registration->getAppId(); if (!isset($apps[$appId])) { // If we land here something really isn't right. But at least we caught the // notice that is otherwise emitted for the undefined index $this->logger->error("App $appId not loaded for the container parameter registration"); continue; } try { $apps[$appId] ->getContainer() ->registerParameter( $registration->getName(), $registration->getValue() ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error("Error during service parameter registration of $appId: " . $e->getMessage(), [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } } /** * @return MiddlewareRegistration[] */ public function getMiddlewareRegistrations(): array { return $this->middlewares; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getSearchProviders(): array { return $this->searchProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getAlternativeLogins(): array { return $this->alternativeLogins; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getInitialStates(): array { return $this->initialStates; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getWellKnownHandlers(): array { return $this->wellKnownHandlers; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getSpeechToTextProviders(): array { return $this->speechToTextProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getTextProcessingProviders(): array { return $this->textProcessingProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TextToImage\IProvider>[] */ public function getTextToImageProviders(): array { return $this->textToImageProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getTemplateProviders(): array { return $this->templateProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getTranslationProviders(): array { return $this->translationProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getNotifierServices(): array { return $this->notifierServices; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration<\OCP\Authentication\TwoFactorAuth\IProvider>[] */ public function getTwoFactorProviders(): array { return $this->twoFactorProviders; } /** * @return PreviewProviderRegistration[] */ public function getPreviewProviders(): array { return $this->previewProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getCalendarProviders(): array { return $this->calendarProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getReferenceProviders(): array { return $this->referenceProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getProfileLinkActions(): array { return $this->profileLinkActions; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration|null * @psalm-return ServiceRegistration|null */ public function getTalkBackendRegistration(): ?ServiceRegistration { return $this->talkBackendRegistration; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] * @psalm-return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getCalendarResourceBackendRegistrations(): array { return $this->calendarResourceBackendRegistrations; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] * @psalm-return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getCalendarRoomBackendRegistrations(): array { return $this->calendarRoomBackendRegistrations; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getUserMigrators(): array { return $this->userMigrators; } /** * @return ParameterRegistration[] */ public function getSensitiveMethods(): array { return $this->sensitiveMethods; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getPublicShareTemplateProviders(): array { return $this->publicShareTemplateProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getSetupChecks(): array { return $this->setupChecks; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getTeamResourceProviders(): array { return $this->teamResourceProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration[] */ public function getDeclarativeSettings(): array { return $this->declarativeSettings; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TaskProcessing\IProvider>[] */ public function getTaskProcessingProviders(): array { return $this->taskProcessingProviders; } /** * @return ServiceRegistration<\OCP\TaskProcessing\ITaskType>[] */ public function getTaskProcessingTaskTypes(): array { return $this->taskProcessingTaskTypes; } }