mapper = $mapper; $this->crypto = $crypto; $this->config = $config; $this->db = $db; $this->logger = $logger; $this->time = $time; $this->cache = $cacheFactory->isLocalCacheAvailable() ? $cacheFactory->createLocal('authtoken_') : $cacheFactory->createInMemory(); $this->hasher = $hasher; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function generateToken(string $token, string $uid, string $loginName, ?string $password, string $name, int $type = OCPIToken::TEMPORARY_TOKEN, int $remember = OCPIToken::DO_NOT_REMEMBER): OCPIToken { if (strlen($token) < self::TOKEN_MIN_LENGTH) { $exception = new InvalidTokenException('Token is too short, minimum of ' . self::TOKEN_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters is required, ' . strlen($token) . ' characters given'); $this->logger->error('Invalid token provided when generating new token', ['exception' => $exception]); throw $exception; } if (mb_strlen($name) > 128) { $name = mb_substr($name, 0, 120) . '…'; } // We need to check against one old token to see if there is a password // hash that we can reuse for detecting outdated passwords $randomOldToken = $this->mapper->getFirstTokenForUser($uid); $oldTokenMatches = $randomOldToken && $randomOldToken->getPasswordHash() && $password !== null && $this->hasher->verify(sha1($password) . $password, $randomOldToken->getPasswordHash()); $dbToken = $this->newToken($token, $uid, $loginName, $password, $name, $type, $remember); if ($oldTokenMatches) { $dbToken->setPasswordHash($randomOldToken->getPasswordHash()); } $this->mapper->insert($dbToken); if (!$oldTokenMatches && $password !== null) { $this->updatePasswords($uid, $password); } // Add the token to the cache $this->cacheToken($dbToken); return $dbToken; } public function getToken(string $tokenId): OCPIToken { /** * Token length: 72 * @see \OC\Core\Controller\ClientFlowLoginController::generateAppPassword * @see \OC\Core\Controller\AppPasswordController::getAppPassword * @see \OC\Core\Command\User\AddAppPassword::execute * @see \OC\Core\Service\LoginFlowV2Service::flowDone * @see \OCA\Talk\MatterbridgeManager::generatePassword * @see \OCA\Preferred_Providers\Controller\PasswordController::generateAppPassword * @see \OCA\GlobalSiteSelector\TokenHandler::generateAppPassword * * Token length: 22-256 - * @see \OC\User\Session::createSessionToken * * Token length: 29 * @see \OCA\Settings\Controller\AuthSettingsController::generateRandomDeviceToken * @see \OCA\Registration\Service\RegistrationService::generateAppPassword */ if (strlen($tokenId) < self::TOKEN_MIN_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidTokenException('Token is too short for a generated token, should be the password during basic auth'); } $tokenHash = $this->hashToken($tokenId); if ($token = $this->getTokenFromCache($tokenHash)) { $this->checkToken($token); return $token; } try { $token = $this->mapper->getToken($tokenHash); $this->cacheToken($token); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { try { $token = $this->mapper->getToken($this->hashTokenWithEmptySecret($tokenId)); $this->rotate($token, $tokenId, $tokenId); } catch (DoesNotExistException) { $this->cacheInvalidHash($tokenHash); throw new InvalidTokenException("Token does not exist: " . $ex->getMessage(), 0, $ex); } } $this->checkToken($token); return $token; } /** * @throws InvalidTokenException when token doesn't exist */ private function getTokenFromCache(string $tokenHash): ?PublicKeyToken { $serializedToken = $this->cache->get($tokenHash); if ($serializedToken === false) { throw new InvalidTokenException('Token does not exist: ' . $tokenHash); } if ($serializedToken === null) { return null; } $token = unserialize($serializedToken, [ 'allowed_classes' => [PublicKeyToken::class], ]); return $token instanceof PublicKeyToken ? $token : null; } private function cacheToken(PublicKeyToken $token): void { $this->cache->set($token->getToken(), serialize($token), self::TOKEN_CACHE_TTL); } private function cacheInvalidHash(string $tokenHash): void { // Invalid entries can be kept longer in cache since it’s unlikely to reuse them $this->cache->set($tokenHash, false, self::TOKEN_CACHE_TTL * 2); } public function getTokenById(int $tokenId): OCPIToken { try { $token = $this->mapper->getTokenById($tokenId); } catch (DoesNotExistException $ex) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Token with ID $tokenId does not exist: " . $ex->getMessage(), 0, $ex); } $this->checkToken($token); return $token; } private function checkToken($token): void { if ((int)$token->getExpires() !== 0 && $token->getExpires() < $this->time->getTime()) { throw new ExpiredTokenException($token); } if ($token->getType() === OCPIToken::WIPE_TOKEN) { throw new WipeTokenException($token); } if ($token->getPasswordInvalid() === true) { //The password is invalid we should throw an TokenPasswordExpiredException throw new TokenPasswordExpiredException($token); } } public function renewSessionToken(string $oldSessionId, string $sessionId): OCPIToken { return $this->atomic(function () use ($oldSessionId, $sessionId) { $token = $this->getToken($oldSessionId); if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } $password = null; if (!is_null($token->getPassword())) { $privateKey = $this->decrypt($token->getPrivateKey(), $oldSessionId); $password = $this->decryptPassword($token->getPassword(), $privateKey); } $newToken = $this->generateToken( $sessionId, $token->getUID(), $token->getLoginName(), $password, $token->getName(), OCPIToken::TEMPORARY_TOKEN, $token->getRemember() ); $newToken->setScope($token->getScopeAsArray()); $this->cacheToken($newToken); $this->cacheInvalidHash($token->getToken()); $this->mapper->delete($token); return $newToken; }, $this->db); } public function invalidateToken(string $token) { $tokenHash = $this->hashToken($token); $this->mapper->invalidate($this->hashToken($token)); $this->mapper->invalidate($this->hashTokenWithEmptySecret($token)); $this->cacheInvalidHash($tokenHash); } public function invalidateTokenById(string $uid, int $id) { $token = $this->mapper->getTokenById($id); if ($token->getUID() !== $uid) { return; } $this->mapper->invalidate($token->getToken()); $this->cacheInvalidHash($token->getToken()); } public function invalidateOldTokens() { $olderThan = $this->time->getTime() - $this->config->getSystemValueInt('session_lifetime', 60 * 60 * 24); $this->logger->debug('Invalidating session tokens older than ' . date('c', $olderThan), ['app' => 'cron']); $this->mapper->invalidateOld($olderThan, OCPIToken::DO_NOT_REMEMBER); $rememberThreshold = $this->time->getTime() - $this->config->getSystemValueInt('remember_login_cookie_lifetime', 60 * 60 * 24 * 15); $this->logger->debug('Invalidating remembered session tokens older than ' . date('c', $rememberThreshold), ['app' => 'cron']); $this->mapper->invalidateOld($rememberThreshold, OCPIToken::REMEMBER); } public function invalidateLastUsedBefore(string $uid, int $before): void { $this->mapper->invalidateLastUsedBefore($uid, $before); } public function updateToken(OCPIToken $token) { if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } $this->mapper->update($token); $this->cacheToken($token); } public function updateTokenActivity(OCPIToken $token) { if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } $activityInterval = $this->config->getSystemValueInt('token_auth_activity_update', 60); $activityInterval = min(max($activityInterval, 0), 300); /** @var PublicKeyToken $token */ $now = $this->time->getTime(); if ($token->getLastActivity() < ($now - $activityInterval)) { $token->setLastActivity($now); $this->mapper->updateActivity($token, $now); $this->cacheToken($token); } } public function getTokenByUser(string $uid): array { return $this->mapper->getTokenByUser($uid); } public function getPassword(OCPIToken $savedToken, string $tokenId): string { if (!($savedToken instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } if ($savedToken->getPassword() === null) { throw new PasswordlessTokenException(); } // Decrypt private key with tokenId $privateKey = $this->decrypt($savedToken->getPrivateKey(), $tokenId); // Decrypt password with private key return $this->decryptPassword($savedToken->getPassword(), $privateKey); } public function setPassword(OCPIToken $token, string $tokenId, string $password) { if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } $this->atomic(function () use ($password, $token) { // When changing passwords all temp tokens are deleted $this->mapper->deleteTempToken($token); // Update the password for all tokens $tokens = $this->mapper->getTokenByUser($token->getUID()); $hashedPassword = $this->hashPassword($password); foreach ($tokens as $t) { $publicKey = $t->getPublicKey(); $t->setPassword($this->encryptPassword($password, $publicKey)); $t->setPasswordHash($hashedPassword); $this->updateToken($t); } }, $this->db); } private function hashPassword(string $password): string { return $this->hasher->hash(sha1($password) . $password); } public function rotate(OCPIToken $token, string $oldTokenId, string $newTokenId): OCPIToken { if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } // Decrypt private key with oldTokenId $privateKey = $this->decrypt($token->getPrivateKey(), $oldTokenId); // Encrypt with the new token $token->setPrivateKey($this->encrypt($privateKey, $newTokenId)); $token->setToken($this->hashToken($newTokenId)); $this->updateToken($token); return $token; } private function encrypt(string $plaintext, string $token): string { $secret = $this->config->getSystemValueString('secret'); return $this->crypto->encrypt($plaintext, $token . $secret); } /** * @throws InvalidTokenException */ private function decrypt(string $cipherText, string $token): string { $secret = $this->config->getSystemValueString('secret'); try { return $this->crypto->decrypt($cipherText, $token . $secret); } catch (\Exception $ex) { // Retry with empty secret as a fallback for instances where the secret might not have been set by accident try { return $this->crypto->decrypt($cipherText, $token); } catch (\Exception $ex2) { // Delete the invalid token $this->invalidateToken($token); throw new InvalidTokenException("Could not decrypt token password: " . $ex->getMessage(), 0, $ex2); } } } private function encryptPassword(string $password, string $publicKey): string { openssl_public_encrypt($password, $encryptedPassword, $publicKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); $encryptedPassword = base64_encode($encryptedPassword); return $encryptedPassword; } private function decryptPassword(string $encryptedPassword, string $privateKey): string { $encryptedPassword = base64_decode($encryptedPassword); openssl_private_decrypt($encryptedPassword, $password, $privateKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); return $password; } private function hashToken(string $token): string { $secret = $this->config->getSystemValueString('secret'); return hash('sha512', $token . $secret); } /** * @deprecated Fallback for instances where the secret might not have been set by accident */ private function hashTokenWithEmptySecret(string $token): string { return hash('sha512', $token); } /** * @throws \RuntimeException when OpenSSL reports a problem */ private function newToken(string $token, string $uid, string $loginName, $password, string $name, int $type, int $remember): PublicKeyToken { $dbToken = new PublicKeyToken(); $dbToken->setUid($uid); $dbToken->setLoginName($loginName); $config = array_merge([ 'digest_alg' => 'sha512', 'private_key_bits' => $password !== null && strlen($password) > 250 ? 4096 : 2048, ], $this->config->getSystemValue('openssl', [])); // Generate new key $res = openssl_pkey_new($config); if ($res === false) { $this->logOpensslError(); throw new \RuntimeException('OpenSSL reported a problem'); } if (openssl_pkey_export($res, $privateKey, null, $config) === false) { $this->logOpensslError(); throw new \RuntimeException('OpenSSL reported a problem'); } // Extract the public key from $res to $pubKey $publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); $publicKey = $publicKey['key']; $dbToken->setPublicKey($publicKey); $dbToken->setPrivateKey($this->encrypt($privateKey, $token)); if (!is_null($password) && $this->config->getSystemValueBool('auth.storeCryptedPassword', true)) { if (strlen($password) > IUserManager::MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { throw new \RuntimeException('Trying to save a password with more than 469 characters is not supported. If you want to use big passwords, disable the auth.storeCryptedPassword option in config.php'); } $dbToken->setPassword($this->encryptPassword($password, $publicKey)); $dbToken->setPasswordHash($this->hashPassword($password)); } $dbToken->setName($name); $dbToken->setToken($this->hashToken($token)); $dbToken->setType($type); $dbToken->setRemember($remember); $dbToken->setLastActivity($this->time->getTime()); $dbToken->setLastCheck($this->time->getTime()); $dbToken->setVersion(PublicKeyToken::VERSION); return $dbToken; } public function markPasswordInvalid(OCPIToken $token, string $tokenId) { if (!($token instanceof PublicKeyToken)) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token type"); } $token->setPasswordInvalid(true); $this->mapper->update($token); $this->cacheToken($token); } public function updatePasswords(string $uid, string $password) { // prevent setting an empty pw as result of pw-less-login if ($password === '' || !$this->config->getSystemValueBool('auth.storeCryptedPassword', true)) { return; } $this->atomic(function () use ($password, $uid) { // Update the password for all tokens $tokens = $this->mapper->getTokenByUser($uid); $newPasswordHash = null; /** * - true: The password hash could not be verified anymore * and the token needs to be updated with the newly encrypted password * - false: The hash could still be verified * - missing: The hash needs to be verified */ $hashNeedsUpdate = []; foreach ($tokens as $t) { if (!isset($hashNeedsUpdate[$t->getPasswordHash()])) { if ($t->getPasswordHash() === null) { $hashNeedsUpdate[$t->getPasswordHash() ?: ''] = true; } elseif (!$this->hasher->verify(sha1($password) . $password, $t->getPasswordHash())) { $hashNeedsUpdate[$t->getPasswordHash() ?: ''] = true; } else { $hashNeedsUpdate[$t->getPasswordHash() ?: ''] = false; } } $needsUpdating = $hashNeedsUpdate[$t->getPasswordHash() ?: ''] ?? true; if ($needsUpdating) { if ($newPasswordHash === null) { $newPasswordHash = $this->hashPassword($password); } $publicKey = $t->getPublicKey(); $t->setPassword($this->encryptPassword($password, $publicKey)); $t->setPasswordHash($newPasswordHash); $t->setPasswordInvalid(false); $this->updateToken($t); } } // If password hashes are different we update them all to be equal so // that the next execution only needs to verify once if (count($hashNeedsUpdate) > 1) { $newPasswordHash = $this->hashPassword($password); $this->mapper->updateHashesForUser($uid, $newPasswordHash); } }, $this->db); } private function logOpensslError() { $errors = []; while ($error = openssl_error_string()) { $errors[] = $error; } $this->logger->critical('Something is wrong with your openssl setup: ' . implode(', ', $errors)); } }