setName('background-job:worker') ->setDescription('Run a background job worker') ->addArgument( 'job-classes', InputArgument::OPTIONAL | InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'The classes of the jobs to look for in the database' ) ->addOption( 'once', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only execute the worker once (as a regular cron execution would do it)' ) ->addOption( 'interval', 'i', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Interval in seconds in which the worker should repeat already processed jobs (set to 0 for no repeat)', 5 ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $jobClasses = $input->getArgument('job-classes'); $jobClasses = empty($jobClasses) ? null : $jobClasses; if ($jobClasses !== null) { // at least one class is invalid foreach ($jobClasses as $jobClass) { if (!class_exists($jobClass)) { $output->writeln('Invalid job class: ' . $jobClass . ''); return 1; } } } while (true) { // Handle canceling of the process try { $this->abortIfInterrupted(); } catch (InterruptedException $e) { $output->writeln('Background job worker stopped'); break; } $this->printSummary($input, $output); usleep(50000); $job = $this->jobList->getNext(false, $jobClasses); if (!$job) { if ($input->getOption('once') === true) { if ($jobClasses === null) { $output->writeln('No job is currently queued', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); } else { $output->writeln('No job of classes [' . implode(', ', $jobClasses) . '] is currently queued', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); } $output->writeln('Exiting...', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); break; } $output->writeln('Waiting for new jobs to be queued', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); // Re-check interval for new jobs sleep(1); continue; } $output->writeln('Running job ' . get_class($job) . ' with ID ' . $job->getId()); if ($output->isVerbose()) { $this->printJobInfo($job->getId(), $job, $output); } /** @psalm-suppress DeprecatedMethod Calling execute until it is removed, then will switch to start */ $job->execute($this->jobList); $output->writeln('Job ' . $job->getId() . ' has finished', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); // clean up after unclean jobs $this->setupManager->tearDown(); $this->tempManager->clean(); $this->jobList->setLastJob($job); $this->jobList->unlockJob($job); if ($input->getOption('once') === true) { break; } } return 0; } private function printSummary(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void { if (!$output->isVeryVerbose()) { return; } $output->writeln('Summary'); $counts = []; foreach ($this->jobList->countByClass() as $row) { $counts[] = $row; } $this->writeTableInOutputFormat($input, $output, $counts); } }