/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /** * The file upload code uses several hooks to interact with blueimps jQuery file upload library: * 1. the core upload handling hooks are added when initializing the plugin, * 2. if the browser supports progress events they are added in a separate set after the initialization * 3. every app can add its own triggers for fileupload * - files adds d'n'd handlers and also reacts to done events to add new rows to the filelist * - TODO pictures upload button * - TODO music upload button */ /* global jQuery, md5 */ /** * File upload object * * @class OC.FileUpload * @classdesc * * Represents a file upload * * @param {OC.Uploader} uploader uploader * @param {Object} data blueimp data */ OC.FileUpload = function(uploader, data) { this.uploader = uploader; this.data = data; var basePath = ''; if (this.uploader.fileList) { basePath = this.uploader.fileList.getCurrentDirectory(); } var path = OC.joinPaths(basePath, this.getFile().relativePath || '', this.getFile().name); this.id = 'web-file-upload-' + md5(path) + '-' + (new Date()).getTime(); }; OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT = 0; OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_OVERWRITE = 1; OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME = 2; // IE11 polyfill // TODO: nuke out of orbit as well as this legacy code if (!FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString) { FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(fileData) { var binary = '' var pt = this var reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (e) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(reader.result) var length = bytes.byteLength for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]) } // pt.result - readonly so assign binary pt.content = binary $(pt).trigger('onload') } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(fileData) } } OC.FileUpload.prototype = { /** * Unique upload id * * @type string */ id: null, /** * Upload data structure */ data: null, /** * Upload element * * @type Object */ $uploadEl: null, /** * Target folder * * @type string */ _targetFolder: '', /** * @type int */ _conflictMode: OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT, /** * New name from server after autorename * * @type String */ _newName: null, /** * Returns the unique upload id * * @return string */ getId: function() { return this.id; }, /** * Returns the file to be uploaded * * @return {File} file */ getFile: function() { return this.data.files[0]; }, /** * Return the final filename. * * @return {String} file name */ getFileName: function() { // autorenamed name if (this._newName) { return this._newName; } return this.getFile().name; }, setTargetFolder: function(targetFolder) { this._targetFolder = targetFolder; }, getTargetFolder: function() { return this._targetFolder; }, /** * Get full path for the target file, including relative path, * without the file name. * * @return {String} full path */ getFullPath: function() { return OC.joinPaths(this._targetFolder, this.getFile().relativePath || ''); }, /** * Get full path for the target file, * including relative path and file name. * * @return {String} full path */ getFullFilePath: function() { return OC.joinPaths(this.getFullPath(), this.getFile().name); }, /** * Returns conflict resolution mode. * * @return {number} conflict mode */ getConflictMode: function() { return this._conflictMode || OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT; }, /** * Set conflict resolution mode. * See CONFLICT_MODE_* constants. * * @param {number} mode conflict mode */ setConflictMode: function(mode) { this._conflictMode = mode; }, deleteUpload: function() { delete this.data.jqXHR; }, /** * Trigger autorename and append "(2)". * Multiple calls will increment the appended number. */ autoRename: function() { var name = this.getFile().name; if (!this._renameAttempt) { this._renameAttempt = 1; } var dotPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); var extPart = ''; if (dotPos > 0) { this._newName = name.substr(0, dotPos); extPart = name.substr(dotPos); } else { this._newName = name; } // generate new name this._renameAttempt++; this._newName = this._newName + ' (' + this._renameAttempt + ')' + extPart; }, /** * Submit the upload */ submit: function() { var self = this; var data = this.data; var file = this.getFile(); // if file is a directory, just create it // files are handled separately if (file.isDirectory) { return this.uploader.ensureFolderExists(OC.joinPaths(this._targetFolder, file.fullPath)); } if (self.aborted === true) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } // it was a folder upload, so make sure the parent directory exists already var folderPromise; if (file.relativePath) { folderPromise = this.uploader.ensureFolderExists(this.getFullPath()); } else { folderPromise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } if (this.uploader.fileList) { this.data.url = this.uploader.fileList.getUploadUrl(this.getFileName(), this.getFullPath()); } if (!this.data.headers) { this.data.headers = {}; } // webdav without multipart this.data.multipart = false; this.data.type = 'PUT'; delete this.data.headers['If-None-Match']; if (this._conflictMode === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_DETECT || this._conflictMode === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME) { this.data.headers['If-None-Match'] = '*'; } var userName = this.uploader.davClient.getUserName(); var password = this.uploader.davClient.getPassword(); if (userName) { // copy username/password from DAV client this.data.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + btoa(userName + ':' + (password || '')); } var chunkFolderPromise; if ($.support.blobSlice && this.uploader.fileUploadParam.maxChunkSize && this.getFile().size > this.uploader.fileUploadParam.maxChunkSize ) { data.isChunked = true; chunkFolderPromise = this.uploader.davClient.createDirectory( 'uploads/' + OC.getCurrentUser().uid + '/' + this.getId() ); // TODO: if fails, it means same id already existed, need to retry } else { chunkFolderPromise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); var mtime = this.getFile().lastModified; if (mtime) { data.headers['X-OC-Mtime'] = mtime / 1000; } } // wait for creation of the required directory before uploading return Promise.all([folderPromise, chunkFolderPromise]).then(function() { if (self.aborted !== true) { data.submit(); } }, function() { self.abort(); }); }, /** * Process end of transfer */ done: function() { if (!this.data.isChunked) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var uid = OC.getCurrentUser().uid; var mtime = this.getFile().lastModified; var size = this.getFile().size; var headers = {}; if (mtime) { headers['X-OC-Mtime'] = mtime / 1000; } if (size) { headers['OC-Total-Length'] = size; } return this.uploader.davClient.move( 'uploads/' + uid + '/' + this.getId() + '/.file', 'files/' + uid + '/' + OC.joinPaths(this.getFullPath(), this.getFileName()), true, headers ); }, _deleteChunkFolder: function() { // delete transfer directory for this upload this.uploader.davClient.remove( 'uploads/' + OC.getCurrentUser().uid + '/' + this.getId() ); }, _delete: function() { if (this.data.isChunked) { this._deleteChunkFolder() } this.deleteUpload(); }, /** * Abort the upload */ abort: function() { if (this.aborted) { return } this.aborted = true; if (this.data) { // abort running XHR this.data.abort(); } this._delete(); }, /** * Fail the upload */ fail: function() { if (this.aborted) { return } this._delete(); }, /** * Returns the server response * * @return {Object} response */ getResponse: function() { var response = this.data.response(); if (response.errorThrown || response.textStatus === 'error') { // attempt parsing Sabre exception is available var xml = response.jqXHR.responseXML; if (xml && xml.documentElement.localName === 'error' && xml.documentElement.namespaceURI === 'DAV:') { var messages = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://sabredav.org/ns', 'message'); var exceptions = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://sabredav.org/ns', 'exception'); if (messages.length) { response.message = messages[0].textContent; } if (exceptions.length) { response.exception = exceptions[0].textContent; } return response; } } if (typeof response.result !== 'string' && response.result) { //fetch response from iframe response = $.parseJSON(response.result[0].body.innerText); if (!response) { // likely due to internal server error response = {status: 500}; } } else { response = response.result; } return response; }, /** * Returns the status code from the response * * @return {number} status code */ getResponseStatus: function() { if (this.uploader.isXHRUpload()) { var xhr = this.data.response().jqXHR; if (xhr) { return xhr.status; } return null; } return this.getResponse().status; }, /** * Returns the response header by name * * @param {String} headerName header name * @return {Array|String} response header value(s) */ getResponseHeader: function(headerName) { headerName = headerName.toLowerCase(); if (this.uploader.isXHRUpload()) { return this.data.response().jqXHR.getResponseHeader(headerName); } var headers = this.getResponse().headers; if (!headers) { return null; } var value = _.find(headers, function(value, key) { return key.toLowerCase() === headerName; }); if (_.isArray(value) && value.length === 1) { return value[0]; } return value; } }; /** * keeps track of uploads in progress and implements callbacks for the conflicts dialog * @namespace */ OC.Uploader = function() { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; OC.Uploader.prototype = _.extend({ /** * @type Array */ _uploads: {}, /** * Count of upload done promises that have not finished yet. * * @type int */ _pendingUploadDoneCount: 0, /** * Is it currently uploading? * * @type boolean */ _uploading: false, /** * List of directories known to exist. * * Key is the fullpath and value is boolean, true meaning that the directory * was already created so no need to create it again. */ _knownDirs: {}, /** * @type OCA.Files.FileList */ fileList: null, /** * @type OCA.Files.OperationProgressBar */ progressBar: null, /** * @type OC.Files.Client */ filesClient: null, /** * Webdav client pointing at the root "dav" endpoint * * @type OC.Files.Client */ davClient: null, /** * Function that will allow us to know if Ajax uploads are supported * @link https://github.com/New-Bamboo/example-ajax-upload/blob/master/public/index.html * also see article @link http://blog.new-bamboo.co.uk/2012/01/10/ridiculously-simple-ajax-uploads-with-formdata */ _supportAjaxUploadWithProgress: function() { if (window.TESTING) { return true; } return supportFileAPI() && supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() && supportFormData(); // Is the File API supported? function supportFileAPI() { var fi = document.createElement('INPUT'); fi.type = 'file'; return 'files' in fi; } // Are progress events supported? function supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload)); } // Is FormData supported? function supportFormData() { return !! window.FormData; } }, /** * Returns whether an XHR upload will be used * * @return {boolean} true if XHR upload will be used, * false for iframe upload */ isXHRUpload: function () { return !this.fileUploadParam.forceIframeTransport && ((!this.fileUploadParam.multipart && $.support.xhrFileUpload) || $.support.xhrFormDataFileUpload); }, /** * Makes sure that the upload folder and its parents exists * * @param {String} fullPath full path * @return {Promise} promise that resolves when all parent folders * were created */ ensureFolderExists: function(fullPath) { if (!fullPath || fullPath === '/') { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } // remove trailing slash if (fullPath.charAt(fullPath.length - 1) === '/') { fullPath = fullPath.substr(0, fullPath.length - 1); } var self = this; var promise = this._knownDirs[fullPath]; if (this.fileList) { // assume the current folder exists this._knownDirs[this.fileList.getCurrentDirectory()] = $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } if (!promise) { var deferred = new $.Deferred(); promise = deferred.promise(); this._knownDirs[fullPath] = promise; // make sure all parents already exist var parentPath = OC.dirname(fullPath); var parentPromise = this._knownDirs[parentPath]; if (!parentPromise) { parentPromise = this.ensureFolderExists(parentPath); } parentPromise.then(function() { self.filesClient.createDirectory(fullPath).always(function(status) { // 405 is expected if the folder already exists if ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status === 405) { if (status !== 405) { self.trigger('createdfolder', fullPath); } deferred.resolve(); return; } OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Could not create folder "{dir}"', {dir: fullPath}), {type: 'error'}); deferred.reject(); }); }, function() { deferred.reject(); }); } return promise; }, /** * Submit the given uploads * * @param {Array} array of uploads to start */ submitUploads: function(uploads) { var self = this; _.each(uploads, function(upload) { self._uploads[upload.data.uploadId] = upload; }); if (!self._uploading) { self.totalToUpload = 0; } self.totalToUpload += _.reduce(uploads, function(memo, upload) { return memo+upload.getFile().size; }, 0); var semaphore = new OCA.Files.Semaphore(5); var promises = _.map(uploads, function(upload) { return semaphore.acquire().then(function(){ return upload.submit().then(function(){ semaphore.release(); }); }); }); }, confirmBeforeUnload: function() { if (this._uploading) { return t('files', 'This will stop your current uploads.') } }, /** * Show conflict for the given file object * * @param {OC.FileUpload} file upload object */ showConflict: function(fileUpload) { //show "file already exists" dialog var self = this; var file = fileUpload.getFile(); // already attempted autorename but the server said the file exists ? (concurrently added) if (fileUpload.getConflictMode() === OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME) { // attempt another autorename, defer to let the current callback finish _.defer(function() { self.onAutorename(fileUpload); }); return; } // retrieve more info about this file this.filesClient.getFileInfo(fileUpload.getFullFilePath()).then(function(status, fileInfo) { var original = fileInfo; var replacement = file; original.directory = original.path; OC.dialogs.fileexists(fileUpload, original, replacement, self); }); }, /** * cancels all uploads */ cancelUploads:function() { this.log('canceling uploads'); jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, upload) { upload.abort(); }); this.clear(); }, /** * Clear uploads */ clear: function() { this._knownDirs = {}; }, /** * Returns an upload by id * * @param {number} data uploadId * @return {OC.FileUpload} file upload */ getUpload: function(data) { if (_.isString(data)) { return this._uploads[data]; } else if (data.uploadId && this._uploads[data.uploadId]) { this._uploads[data.uploadId].data = data; return this._uploads[data.uploadId]; } return null; }, /** * Removes an upload from the list of known uploads. * * @param {OC.FileUpload} upload the upload to remove. */ removeUpload: function(upload) { if (!upload || !upload.data || !upload.data.uploadId) { return; } // defer as some calls/chunks might still be busy failing, so we need // the upload info there still var self = this; var uploadId = upload.data.uploadId; // mark as deleted for the progress bar this._uploads[uploadId].deleted = true; window.setTimeout(function() { delete self._uploads[uploadId]; }, 5000) }, _activeUploadCount: function() { var count = 0; for (var key in this._uploads) { if (!this._uploads[key].deleted) { count++; } } return count; }, showUploadCancelMessage: _.debounce(function() { OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Upload cancelled.'), {timeout : 7, type: 'error'}); }, 500), /** * callback for the conflicts dialog */ onCancel:function() { this.cancelUploads(); }, /** * callback for the conflicts dialog * calls onSkip, onReplace or onAutorename for each conflict * @param {object} conflicts - list of conflict elements */ onContinue:function(conflicts) { var self = this; //iterate over all conflicts jQuery.each(conflicts, function (i, conflict) { conflict = $(conflict); var keepOriginal = conflict.find('.original input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length === 1; var keepReplacement = conflict.find('.replacement input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length === 1; if (keepOriginal && keepReplacement) { // when both selected -> autorename self.onAutorename(conflict.data('data')); } else if (keepReplacement) { // when only replacement selected -> overwrite self.onReplace(conflict.data('data')); } else { // when only original selected -> skip // when none selected -> skip self.onSkip(conflict.data('data')); } }); }, /** * handle skipping an upload * @param {OC.FileUpload} upload */ onSkip:function(upload) { this.log('skip', null, upload); upload.deleteUpload(); }, /** * handle replacing a file on the server with an uploaded file * @param {FileUpload} data */ onReplace:function(upload) { this.log('replace', null, upload); upload.setConflictMode(OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_OVERWRITE); this.submitUploads([upload]); }, /** * handle uploading a file and letting the server decide a new name * @param {object} upload */ onAutorename:function(upload) { this.log('autorename', null, upload); upload.setConflictMode(OC.FileUpload.CONFLICT_MODE_AUTORENAME); do { upload.autoRename(); // if file known to exist on the client side, retry } while (this.fileList && this.fileList.inList(upload.getFileName())); // resubmit upload this.submitUploads([upload]); }, _trace: false, //TODO implement log handler for JS per class? log: function(caption, e, data) { if (this._trace) { console.log(caption); console.log(data); } }, /** * checks the list of existing files prior to uploading and shows a simple dialog to choose * skip all, replace all or choose which files to keep * * @param {array} selection of files to upload * @param {object} callbacks - object with several callback methods * @param {Function} callbacks.onNoConflicts * @param {Function} callbacks.onSkipConflicts * @param {Function} callbacks.onReplaceConflicts * @param {Function} callbacks.onChooseConflicts * @param {Function} callbacks.onCancel */ checkExistingFiles: function (selection, callbacks) { var fileList = this.fileList; var conflicts = []; // only keep non-conflicting uploads selection.uploads = _.filter(selection.uploads, function(upload) { var file = upload.getFile(); if (file.relativePath) { // can't check in subfolder contents return true; } if (!fileList) { // no list to check against return true; } if (upload.getTargetFolder() !== fileList.getCurrentDirectory()) { // not uploading to the current folder return true; } var fileInfo = fileList.findFile(file.name); if (fileInfo) { conflicts.push([ // original _.extend(fileInfo, { directory: fileInfo.directory || fileInfo.path || fileList.getCurrentDirectory() }), // replacement (File object) upload ]); return false; } return true; }); if (conflicts.length) { // wait for template loading OC.dialogs.fileexists(null, null, null, this).done(function() { _.each(conflicts, function(conflictData) { OC.dialogs.fileexists(conflictData[1], conflictData[0], conflictData[1].getFile(), this); }); }); } // upload non-conflicting files // note: when reaching the server they might still meet conflicts // if the folder was concurrently modified, these will get added // to the already visible dialog, if applicable callbacks.onNoConflicts(selection); }, _updateProgressBarOnUploadStop: function() { if (this._pendingUploadDoneCount === 0) { // All the uploads ended and there is no pending operation, so hide // the progress bar. // Note that this happens here only with non-chunked uploads; if the // upload was chunked then this will have been executed after all // the uploads ended but before the upload done handler that reduces // the pending operation count was executed. this._hideProgressBar(); return; } this._setProgressBarText(t('files', 'Processing files …'), t('files', '…')); // Nothing is being uploaded at this point, and the pending operations // can not be cancelled, so the cancel button should be hidden. this._hideCancelButton(); }, _hideProgressBar: function() { this.progressBar.hideProgressBar(); }, _hideCancelButton: function() { this.progressBar.hideCancelButton(); }, _showProgressBar: function() { this.progressBar.showProgressBar(); }, _setProgressBarValue: function(value) { this.progressBar.setProgressBarValue(value); }, _setProgressBarText: function(textDesktop, textMobile, title) { this.progressBar.setProgressBarText(textDesktop, textMobile, title); }, /** * Returns whether the given file is known to be a received shared file * * @param {Object} file file * @return {boolean} true if the file is a shared file */ _isReceivedSharedFile: function(file) { if (!window.FileList) { return false; } var $tr = window.FileList.findFileEl(file.name); if (!$tr.length) { return false; } return ($tr.attr('data-mounttype') === 'shared-root' && $tr.attr('data-mime') !== 'httpd/unix-directory'); }, /** * Initialize the upload object * * @param {Object} $uploadEl upload element * @param {Object} options * @param {OCA.Files.FileList} [options.fileList] file list object * @param {OC.Files.Client} [options.filesClient] files client object * @param {Object} [options.dropZone] drop zone for drag and drop upload */ init: function($uploadEl, options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; this.fileList = options.fileList; this.progressBar = options.progressBar; this.filesClient = options.filesClient || OC.Files.getClient(); this.davClient = new OC.Files.Client({ host: this.filesClient.getHost(), root: OC.linkToRemoteBase('dav'), useHTTPS: OC.getProtocol() === 'https', userName: this.filesClient.getUserName(), password: this.filesClient.getPassword() }); $uploadEl = $($uploadEl); this.$uploadEl = $uploadEl; if ($uploadEl.exists()) { this.progressBar.on('cancel', function() { self.cancelUploads(); self.showUploadCancelMessage(); }); this.fileUploadParam = { type: 'PUT', dropZone: options.dropZone, // restrict dropZone to content div autoUpload: false, sequentialUploads: false, limitConcurrentUploads: 4, /** * on first add of every selection * - check all files of originalFiles array with files in dir * - on conflict show dialog * - skip all -> remember as single skip action for all conflicting files * - replace all -> remember as single replace action for all conflicting files * - choose -> show choose dialog * - mark files to keep * - when only existing -> remember as single skip action * - when only new -> remember as single replace action * - when both -> remember as single autorename action * - start uploading selection * @param {object} e * @param {object} data * @returns {boolean} */ add: function(e, data) { self.log('add', e, data); var that = $(this), freeSpace = 0; var upload = new OC.FileUpload(self, data); // can't link directly due to jQuery not liking cyclic deps on its ajax object data.uploadId = upload.getId(); // create a container where we can store the data objects if ( ! data.originalFiles.selection ) { // initialize selection and remember number of files to upload data.originalFiles.selection = { uploads: [], filesToUpload: data.originalFiles.length, totalBytes: 0 }; } // TODO: move originalFiles to a separate container, maybe inside OC.Upload var selection = data.originalFiles.selection; // add uploads if ( selection.uploads.length < selection.filesToUpload ) { // remember upload selection.uploads.push(upload); } //examine file var file = upload.getFile(); try { // FIXME: not so elegant... need to refactor that method to return a value Files.isFileNameValid(file.name); } catch (errorMessage) { data.textStatus = 'invalidcharacters'; data.errorThrown = errorMessage; } if (data.targetDir) { upload.setTargetFolder(data.targetDir); delete data.targetDir; } // in case folder drag and drop is not supported file will point to a directory // http://stackoverflow.com/a/20448357 if ( !file.type && file.size % 4096 === 0 && file.size <= 102400) { var dirUploadFailure = false; try { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsBinaryString(file); } catch (error) { console.log(reader, error) //file is a directory dirUploadFailure = true; } if (dirUploadFailure) { data.textStatus = 'dirorzero'; data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes', {filename: file.name} ); } } // only count if we're not overwriting an existing shared file if (self._isReceivedSharedFile(file)) { file.isReceivedShare = true; } else { // add size selection.totalBytes += file.size; } // check free space if (!self.fileList || upload.getTargetFolder() === self.fileList.getCurrentDirectory()) { // Use global free space if there is no file list to check or the current directory is the target freeSpace = $('input[name=free_space]').val() } else if (upload.getTargetFolder().indexOf(self.fileList.getCurrentDirectory()) === 0) { // Check subdirectory free space if file is uploaded there // Retrieve the folder destination name var targetSubdir = upload._targetFolder.split('/').pop() freeSpace = parseInt(upload.uploader.fileList.getModelForFile(targetSubdir).get('quotaAvailableBytes')) } if (freeSpace >= 0 && selection.totalBytes > freeSpace) { data.textStatus = 'notenoughspace'; data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left', { 'size1': OC.Util.humanFileSize(selection.totalBytes), 'size2': OC.Util.humanFileSize(freeSpace) }); } // end upload for whole selection on error if (data.errorThrown) { // trigger fileupload fail handler var fu = that.data('blueimp-fileupload') || that.data('fileupload'); fu._trigger('fail', e, data); return false; //don't upload anything } // check existing files when all is collected if ( selection.uploads.length >= selection.filesToUpload ) { //remove our selection hack: delete data.originalFiles.selection; var callbacks = { onNoConflicts: function (selection) { self.submitUploads(selection.uploads); }, onSkipConflicts: function (selection) { //TODO mark conflicting files as toskip }, onReplaceConflicts: function (selection) { //TODO mark conflicting files as toreplace }, onChooseConflicts: function (selection) { //TODO mark conflicting files as chosen }, onCancel: function (selection) { $.each(selection.uploads, function(i, upload) { upload.abort(); }); } }; self.checkExistingFiles(selection, callbacks); } return true; // continue adding files }, /** * called after the first add, does NOT have the data param * @param {object} e */ start: function(e) { self.log('start', e, null); self._uploading = true; }, fail: function(e, data) { var upload = self.getUpload(data); var status = null; if (upload) { if (upload.aborted) { // uploads might fail with errors from the server when aborted return } status = upload.getResponseStatus(); } self.log('fail', e, upload); self.removeUpload(upload); if (data.textStatus === 'abort' || data.errorThrown === 'abort') { return } else if (status === 412) { // file already exists self.showConflict(upload); } else if (status === 404) { // target folder does not exist any more OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Target folder "{dir}" does not exist any more', {dir: upload.getFullPath()} ), {type: 'error'}); self.cancelUploads(); } else if (data.textStatus === 'notenoughspace') { // not enough space OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Not enough free space'), {type: 'error'}); self.cancelUploads(); } else { // HTTP connection problem or other error var message = t('files', 'An unknown error has occurred'); if (upload) { var response = upload.getResponse(); if (response) { message = response.message; } } console.error(e, data, response) OC.Notification.show(message || data.errorThrown || t('files', 'File could not be uploaded'), {type: 'error'}); } if (upload) { upload.fail(); } }, /** * called for every successful upload * @param {object} e * @param {object} data */ done:function(e, data) { var upload = self.getUpload(data); var that = $(this); self.log('done', e, upload); self.removeUpload(upload); var status = upload.getResponseStatus(); if (status < 200 || status >= 300) { // trigger fail handler var fu = that.data('blueimp-fileupload') || that.data('fileupload'); fu._trigger('fail', e, data); return; } }, /** * called after last upload * @param {object} e * @param {object} data */ stop: function(e, data) { self.log('stop', e, data); self._uploading = false; } }; if (options.maxChunkSize) { this.fileUploadParam.maxChunkSize = options.maxChunkSize; } // initialize jquery fileupload (blueimp) var fileupload = this.$uploadEl.fileupload(this.fileUploadParam); if (this._supportAjaxUploadWithProgress()) { //remaining time var lastUpdate, lastSize, bufferSize, buffer, bufferIndex, bufferIndex2, bufferTotal; var dragging = false; // add progress handlers fileupload.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadadd', e, data); self.trigger('add', e, data); }); // add progress handlers fileupload.on('fileuploadstart', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadstart', e, data); self._setProgressBarText(t('files', 'Uploading …'), t('files', '…')); self._setProgressBarValue(0); self._showProgressBar(); // initial remaining time variables lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); lastSize = 0; bufferSize = 20; buffer = []; bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex2 = 0; bufferTotal = 0; for(var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){ buffer[i] = 0; } self.trigger('start', e, data); }); fileupload.on('fileuploadprogress', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadprogress', e, data); //TODO progressbar in row self.trigger('progress', e, data); }); fileupload.on('fileuploadprogressall', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadprogressall', e, data); var total = self.totalToUpload; var progress = (data.loaded / total) * 100; var thisUpdate = new Date().getTime(); var diffUpdate = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate)/1000; // eg. 2s lastUpdate = thisUpdate; var diffSize = data.loaded - lastSize; lastSize = data.loaded; diffSize = diffSize / diffUpdate; // apply timing factor, eg. 1MiB/2s = 0.5MiB/s, unit is byte per second var remainingSeconds = ((total - data.loaded) / diffSize); if(remainingSeconds >= 0) { bufferTotal = bufferTotal - (buffer[bufferIndex]) + remainingSeconds; buffer[bufferIndex] = remainingSeconds; //buffer to make it smoother bufferIndex = (bufferIndex + 1) % bufferSize; bufferIndex2++; } var smoothRemainingSeconds; if (bufferIndex2 > 0 && bufferIndex2 < 20) { smoothRemainingSeconds = bufferTotal / bufferIndex2; } else if (bufferSize > 0) { smoothRemainingSeconds = bufferTotal / bufferSize; } else { smoothRemainingSeconds = 1; } var h = moment.duration(smoothRemainingSeconds, "seconds").humanize(); if (!(smoothRemainingSeconds >= 0 && smoothRemainingSeconds < 14400)) { // show "Uploading ..." for durations longer than 4 hours h = t('files', 'Uploading …'); } self._setProgressBarText(h, h, t('files', '{loadedSize} of {totalSize} ({bitrate})' , { loadedSize: OC.Util.humanFileSize(data.loaded), totalSize: OC.Util.humanFileSize(total), bitrate: OC.Util.humanFileSize(data.bitrate / 8) + '/s' })); self._setProgressBarValue(progress); self.trigger('progressall', e, data); }); fileupload.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadstop', e, data); self.clear(); self._updateProgressBarOnUploadStop(); self.trigger('stop', e, data); }); fileupload.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) { self.log('progress handle fileuploadfail', e, data); self.trigger('fail', e, data); }); fileupload.on('fileuploaddragover', function(e){ $('#app-content').addClass('file-drag'); $('.emptyfilelist.emptycontent .icon-folder').addClass('icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept'); var filerow = $(e.delegatedEvent.target).closest('tr'); if(!filerow.hasClass('dropping-to-dir')){ $('.dropping-to-dir .icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept').removeClass('icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept'); $('.dropping-to-dir').removeClass('dropping-to-dir'); $('.dir-drop').removeClass('dir-drop'); } if(filerow.attr('data-type') === 'dir'){ $('#app-content').addClass('dir-drop'); filerow.addClass('dropping-to-dir'); filerow.find('.thumbnail').addClass('icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept'); } dragging = true; }); var disableDropState = function() { $('#app-content').removeClass('file-drag'); $('.dropping-to-dir').removeClass('dropping-to-dir'); $('.dir-drop').removeClass('dir-drop'); $('.icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept').removeClass('icon-filetype-folder-drag-accept'); dragging = false; }; fileupload.on('fileuploaddragleave fileuploaddrop', disableDropState); // In some browsers the "drop" event can be triggered with no // files even if the "dragover" event seemed to suggest that a // file was being dragged (and thus caused "fileuploaddragover" // to be triggered). fileupload.on('fileuploaddropnofiles', function() { if (!dragging) { return; } disableDropState(); OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Uploading that item is not supported'), {type: 'error'}); }); fileupload.on('fileuploadchunksend', function(e, data) { // modify the request to adjust it to our own chunking var upload = self.getUpload(data); if (!upload) { // likely cancelled return } var range = data.contentRange.split(' ')[1]; var chunkId = range.split('/')[0].split('-')[0]; data.url = OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/uploads' + '/' + OC.getCurrentUser().uid + '/' + upload.getId() + '/' + chunkId; delete data.contentRange; delete data.headers['Content-Range']; }); fileupload.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) { var upload = self.getUpload(data); self._pendingUploadDoneCount++; upload.done().always(function() { self._pendingUploadDoneCount--; if (self._activeUploadCount() === 0 && self._pendingUploadDoneCount === 0) { // All the uploads ended and there is no pending // operation, so hide the progress bar. // Note that this happens here only with chunked // uploads; if the upload was non-chunked then this // handler is immediately executed, before the // jQuery upload done handler that removes the // upload from the list, and thus at this point // there is still at least one upload that has not // ended (although the upload stop handler is always // executed after all the uploads have ended, which // hides the progress bar in that case). self._hideProgressBar(); } }).done(function() { self.trigger('done', e, upload); }).fail(function(status, response) { if (upload.aborted) { return } var message = response.message; if (status === 507) { // not enough space OC.Notification.show(message || t('files', 'Not enough free space'), {type: 'error'}); self.cancelUploads(); } else if (status === 409) { OC.Notification.show(message || t('files', 'Target folder does not exist any more'), {type: 'error'}); } else if (status === 403) { OC.Notification.show(message || t('files', 'Operation is blocked by access control'), {type: 'error'}); } else { OC.Notification.show(message || t('files', 'Error when assembling chunks, status code {status}', {status: status}), {type: 'error'}); } self.trigger('fail', e, data); }); }); fileupload.on('fileuploaddrop', function(e, data) { self.trigger('drop', e, data); if (e.isPropagationStopped()) { return false; } }); } window.onbeforeunload = function() { return self.confirmBeforeUnload(); } } //add multiply file upload attribute to all browsers except konqueror (which crashes when it's used) if (navigator.userAgent.search(/konqueror/i) === -1) { this.$uploadEl.attr('multiple', 'multiple'); } return this.fileUploadParam; } }, OC.Backbone.Events);