interval = $this->defaultIntervalMin * 60; } /** * Makes the background job do its work * * @param array $argument unused argument */ public function run($argument) { $this->cleanSystemTags(); $this->cleanUserTags(); $this->cleanComments(); $this->cleanCommentMarkers(); } /** * Deleting orphaned system tag mappings * * @param string $table * @param string $idCol * @param string $typeCol * @return int Number of deleted entries */ protected function cleanUp($table, $idCol, $typeCol) { $deletedEntries = 0; $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('t1.' . $idCol) ->from($table, 't1') ->where($query->expr()->eq($typeCol, $query->expr()->literal('files'))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->isNull('t2.fileid')) ->leftJoin('t1', 'filecache', 't2', $query->expr()->eq($query->expr()->castColumn('t1.' . $idCol, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 't2.fileid')) ->groupBy('t1.' . $idCol) ->setMaxResults(self::CHUNK_SIZE); $deleteQuery = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $deleteQuery->delete($table) ->where($deleteQuery->expr()->eq($idCol, $deleteQuery->createParameter('objectid'))); $deletedInLastChunk = self::CHUNK_SIZE; while ($deletedInLastChunk === self::CHUNK_SIZE) { $result = $query->execute(); $deletedInLastChunk = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $deletedInLastChunk++; $deletedEntries += $deleteQuery->setParameter('objectid', (int) $row[$idCol]) ->execute(); } $result->closeCursor(); } return $deletedEntries; } /** * Deleting orphaned system tag mappings * * @return int Number of deleted entries */ protected function cleanSystemTags() { $deletedEntries = $this->cleanUp('systemtag_object_mapping', 'objectid', 'objecttype'); $this->logger->debug("$deletedEntries orphaned system tag relations deleted", ['app' => 'DeleteOrphanedItems']); return $deletedEntries; } /** * Deleting orphaned user tag mappings * * @return int Number of deleted entries */ protected function cleanUserTags() { $deletedEntries = $this->cleanUp('vcategory_to_object', 'objid', 'type'); $this->logger->debug("$deletedEntries orphaned user tag relations deleted", ['app' => 'DeleteOrphanedItems']); return $deletedEntries; } /** * Deleting orphaned comments * * @return int Number of deleted entries */ protected function cleanComments() { $deletedEntries = $this->cleanUp('comments', 'object_id', 'object_type'); $this->logger->debug("$deletedEntries orphaned comments deleted", ['app' => 'DeleteOrphanedItems']); return $deletedEntries; } /** * Deleting orphaned comment read markers * * @return int Number of deleted entries */ protected function cleanCommentMarkers() { $deletedEntries = $this->cleanUp('comments_read_markers', 'object_id', 'object_type'); $this->logger->debug("$deletedEntries orphaned comment read marks deleted", ['app' => 'DeleteOrphanedItems']); return $deletedEntries; } }