setInterval(60 * 10); $this->config = $config; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->logger = $logger; $this->connection = $connection; } protected function runScanner(string $user): void { try { $scanner = new Scanner( $user, null, $this->dispatcher, $this->logger ); $scanner->backgroundScan(''); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'app' => 'files']); } \OC_Util::tearDownFS(); } /** * Find a storage which have unindexed files and return a user with access to the storage * * @return string|false */ private function getUserToScan() { $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('user_id') ->from('filecache', 'f') ->innerJoin('f', 'mounts', 'm', $query->expr()->eq('storage_id', 'storage')) ->where($query->expr()->lt('size', $query->createNamedParameter(0, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->gt('parent', $query->createNamedParameter(-1, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ->setMaxResults(1); return $query->executeQuery()->fetchOne(); } /** * @param $argument * @throws \Exception */ protected function run($argument) { if ($this->config->getSystemValueBool('files_no_background_scan', false)) { return; } $usersScanned = 0; $lastUser = ''; $user = $this->getUserToScan(); while ($user && $usersScanned < self::USERS_PER_SESSION && $lastUser !== $user) { $this->runScanner($user); $lastUser = $user; $user = $this->getUserToScan(); $usersScanned += 1; } if ($lastUser === $user) { $this->logger->warning("User $user still has unscanned files after running background scan, background scan might be stopped prematurely"); } } }