settingsManager = $settingsManager; $this->groupManager = $groupManager; $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator; $this->l = $l; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getId(): string { return 'settings'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getName(): string { return $this->l->t('Settings'); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getOrder(string $route, array $routeParameters): int { if ($route === 'settings.PersonalSettings.index' || $route === 'settings.AdminSettings.index') { return -1; } // At the very bottom return 500; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function search(IUser $user, ISearchQuery $query): SearchResult { $isAdmin = $this->groupManager->isAdmin($user->getUID()); $result = $this->searchSections( $query, $this->settingsManager->getPersonalSections(), $isAdmin ? $this->l->t('Personal') : '', 'settings.PersonalSettings.index' ); if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($user->getUID())) { $result = array_merge($result, $this->searchSections( $query, $this->settingsManager->getAdminSections(), $this->l->t('Administration'), 'settings.AdminSettings.index' )); } return SearchResult::complete( $this->l->t('Settings'), $result ); } /** * @param ISearchQuery $query * @param IIconSection[][] $sections * @param string $subline * @param string $routeName * @return array */ public function searchSections(ISearchQuery $query, array $sections, string $subline, string $routeName): array { $result = []; foreach ($sections as $priority => $sectionsByPriority) { foreach ($sectionsByPriority as $section) { if ( stripos($section->getName(), $query->getTerm()) === false && stripos($section->getID(), $query->getTerm()) === false ) { continue; } /** * We can't use the icon URL at the moment as they don't invert correctly for dark theme * $iconUrl = $section->getIcon(); */ $result[] = new SearchResultEntry( '', $section->getName(), $subline, $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute($routeName, ['section' => $section->getID()]), 'icon-settings-dark' ); } } return $result; } }