baseUrl = $baseUrl; // in case of ci deployment we take the server url from the environment $testServerUrl = getenv('TEST_SERVER_URL'); if ($testServerUrl !== false) { $this->baseUrl = substr($testServerUrl, 0, -5); } } /** @BeforeScenario */ public function setUpScenario() { $this->client = new Client(); $this->responseXml = ''; } /** @AfterScenario */ public function afterScenario() { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl. '/remote.php/dav/calendars/admin/MyCalendar'; try { $this->client->delete( $davUrl, [ 'auth' => [ 'admin', 'admin', ], 'headers' => [ 'X-NC-CalDAV-No-Trashbin' => '1', ] ] ); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { } } /** * @When :user requests calendar :calendar on the endpoint :endpoint * @param string $user * @param string $calendar * @param string $endpoint */ public function requestsCalendar($user, $calendar, $endpoint) { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . $endpoint . $calendar; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; try { $this->response = $this->client->request( 'PROPFIND', $davUrl, [ 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], ] ); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { $this->response = $e->getResponse(); } } /** * @When :user requests principal :principal on the endpoint :endpoint */ public function requestsPrincipal(string $user, string $principal, string $endpoint): void { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . $endpoint . $principal; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; try { $this->response = $this->client->request( 'PROPFIND', $davUrl, [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8', 'Depth' => 0, ], 'body' => '', 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], ] ); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) { $this->response = $e->getResponse(); } } /** * @Then The CalDAV response should contain a property :key * @throws \Exception */ public function theCaldavResponseShouldContainAProperty(string $key): void { /** @var \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Response\MultiStatus $multiStatus */ $multiStatus = $this->responseXml['value']; $responses = $multiStatus->getResponses()[0]->getResponseProperties(); if (!isset($responses[200])) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected code 200 got [%s]', implode(',', array_keys($responses)), ) ); } $props = $responses[200]; if (!array_key_exists($key, $props)) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected property %s in %s', $key, json_encode($props, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), ) ); } } /** * @Then The CalDAV response should contain a property :key with a href value :value * @throws \Exception */ public function theCaldavResponseShouldContainAPropertyWithHrefValue( string $key, string $value, ): void { /** @var \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Response\MultiStatus $multiStatus */ $multiStatus = $this->responseXml['value']; $responses = $multiStatus->getResponses()[0]->getResponseProperties(); if (!isset($responses[200])) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected code 200 got [%s]', implode(',', array_keys($responses)), ) ); } $props = $responses[200]; if (!array_key_exists($key, $props)) { throw new \Exception("Cannot find property \"$key\""); } $actualValue = $props[$key]->getHref(); if ($actualValue !== $value) { throw new \Exception("Property \"$key\" found with value \"$actualValue\", expected \"$value\""); } } /** * @Then The CalDAV response should be multi status * @throws \Exception */ public function theCaldavResponseShouldBeMultiStatus(): void { if ($this->response->getStatusCode() !== 207) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected code 207 got %s', $this->response->getStatusCode() ) ); } $body = $this->response->getBody()->getContents(); if ($body && substr($body, 0, 1) === '<') { $reader = new Sabre\Xml\Reader(); $reader->xml($body); $reader->elementMap['{DAV:}multistatus'] = \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Response\MultiStatus::class; $reader->elementMap['{DAV:}response'] = \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Element\Response::class; $reader->elementMap['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}schedule-default-calendar-URL'] = \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Property\Href::class; $this->responseXml = $reader->parse(); } } /** * @Then The CalDAV HTTP status code should be :code * @param int $code * @throws \Exception */ public function theCaldavHttpStatusCodeShouldBe($code) { if ((int)$code !== $this->response->getStatusCode()) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected %s got %s', (int)$code, $this->response->getStatusCode() ) ); } $body = $this->response->getBody()->getContents(); if ($body && substr($body, 0, 1) === '<') { $reader = new Sabre\Xml\Reader(); $reader->xml($body); $this->responseXml = $reader->parse(); } } /** * @Then The exception is :message * @param string $message * @throws \Exception */ public function theExceptionIs($message) { $result = $this->responseXml['value'][0]['value']; if ($message !== $result) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected %s got %s', $message, $result ) ); } } /** * @Then The error message is :message * @param string $message * @throws \Exception */ public function theErrorMessageIs($message) { $result = $this->responseXml['value'][1]['value']; if ($message !== $result) { throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Expected %s got %s', $message, $result ) ); } } /** * @Given :user creates a calendar named :name * @param string $user * @param string $name */ public function createsACalendarNamed($user, $name) { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . '/remote.php/dav/calendars/'.$user.'/'.$name; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; $this->response = $this->client->request( 'MKCALENDAR', $davUrl, [ 'body' => 'test1#21213D', 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], ] ); } /** * @Then :user publicly shares the calendar named :name * * @param string $user * @param string $name */ public function publiclySharesTheCalendarNamed($user, $name) { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . '/remote.php/dav/calendars/'.$user.'/'.$name; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; $this->response = $this->client->request( 'POST', $davUrl, [ 'body' => '', 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8', ], ] ); } /** * @Then There should be :amount calendars in the response body * * @param string $amount */ public function t($amount) { $jsonEncoded = json_encode($this->responseXml); $arrayElement = json_decode($jsonEncoded, true); $actual = count($arrayElement['value']) - 1; if ($actual !== (int)$amount) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Expected %s got %s', $amount, $actual ) ); } } /** * @When :user sends a create calendar request to :calendar on the endpoint :endpoint */ public function sendsCreateCalendarRequest(string $user, string $calendar, string $endpoint) { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . $endpoint . $calendar; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; try { $this->response = $this->client->request( 'MKCALENDAR', $davUrl, [ 'body' => 'test1#21213D', 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], ] ); } catch (GuzzleException $e) { $this->response = $e->getResponse(); } } /** * @Given :user updates property :key to href :value of principal :principal on the endpoint :endpoint */ public function updatesHrefPropertyOfPrincipal( string $user, string $key, string $value, string $principal, string $endpoint, ): void { $davUrl = $this->baseUrl . $endpoint . $principal; $password = ($user === 'admin') ? 'admin' : '123456'; $propPatch = new \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Request\PropPatch(); $propPatch->properties = [$key => new \Sabre\DAV\Xml\Property\Href($value)]; $xml = new \Sabre\Xml\Service(); $body = $xml->write('{DAV:}propertyupdate', $propPatch, '/'); $this->response = $this->client->request( 'PROPPATCH', $davUrl, [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8', ], 'body' => $body, 'auth' => [ $user, $password, ], ] ); } }