setName('files_external:import') ->setDescription('Import mount configurations') ->addOption( 'user', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'user to add the mount configurations for, if not set the mount will be added as system mount' ) ->addArgument( 'path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'path to a json file containing the mounts to import, use "-" to read from stdin' ) ->addOption( 'dry', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Don\'t save the imported mounts, only list the new mounts' ); parent::configure(); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $user = (string)$input->getOption('user'); $path = $input->getArgument('path'); if ($path === '-') { $json = file_get_contents('php://stdin'); } else { if (!file_exists($path)) { $output->writeln('File not found: ' . $path . ''); return self::FAILURE; } $json = file_get_contents($path); } if (!is_string($json) || strlen($json) < 2) { $output->writeln('Error while reading json'); return self::FAILURE; } $data = json_decode($json, true); if (!is_array($data)) { $output->writeln('Error while parsing json'); return self::FAILURE; } $isLegacy = isset($data['user']) || isset($data['group']); if ($isLegacy) { $this->importLegacyStorageService->setData($data); $mounts = $this->importLegacyStorageService->getAllStorages(); foreach ($mounts as $mount) { if ($mount->getBackendOption('password') === false) { $output->writeln('Failed to decrypt password'); return self::FAILURE; } } } else { if (!isset($data[0])) { //normalize to an array of mounts $data = [$data]; } $mounts = array_map([$this, 'parseData'], $data); } if ($user) { // ensure applicables are correct for personal mounts foreach ($mounts as $mount) { $mount->setApplicableGroups([]); $mount->setApplicableUsers([$user]); } } $storageService = $this->getStorageService($user); $existingMounts = $storageService->getAllStorages(); foreach ($mounts as $mount) { foreach ($existingMounts as $existingMount) { if ( $existingMount->getMountPoint() === $mount->getMountPoint() && $existingMount->getApplicableGroups() === $mount->getApplicableGroups() && $existingMount->getApplicableUsers() === $mount->getApplicableUsers() && $existingMount->getBackendOptions() === $mount->getBackendOptions() ) { $output->writeln('Duplicate mount (' . $mount->getMountPoint() . ')'); return self::FAILURE; } } } if ($input->getOption('dry')) { if (count($mounts) === 0) { $output->writeln('No mounts to be imported'); return self::FAILURE; } $listCommand = new ListCommand($this->globalService, $this->userService, $this->userSession, $this->userManager); $listInput = new ArrayInput([], $listCommand->getDefinition()); $listInput->setOption('output', $input->getOption('output')); $listInput->setOption('show-password', true); $listCommand->listMounts($user, $mounts, $listInput, $output); } else { foreach ($mounts as $mount) { $storageService->addStorage($mount); } } return self::SUCCESS; } private function parseData(array $data): StorageConfig { $mount = new StorageConfig($data['mount_id']); $mount->setMountPoint($data['mount_point']); $mount->setBackend($this->getBackendByClass($data['storage'])); $authBackend = $this->backendService->getAuthMechanism($data['authentication_type']); $mount->setAuthMechanism($authBackend); $mount->setBackendOptions($data['configuration']); $mount->setMountOptions($data['options']); $mount->setApplicableUsers($data['applicable_users'] ?? []); $mount->setApplicableGroups($data['applicable_groups'] ?? []); return $mount; } private function getBackendByClass(string $className) { $backends = $this->backendService->getBackends(); foreach ($backends as $backend) { if ($backend->getStorageClass() === $className) { return $backend; } } } protected function getStorageService(string $userId): StoragesService { if (empty($userId)) { return $this->globalService; } $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); if (is_null($user)) { throw new NoUserException("user $userId not found"); } $this->userSession->setUser($user); return $this->userService; } }