lv.json 5.0 KB

  1. { "translations": {
  2. "Couldn't send mail to following users: %s " : "Nevar nosūtīt epastu, sekojošiem lietotājiem: %s",
  3. "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Ieslēgts uzturēšanas režīms",
  4. "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Izslēgts uzturēšanas režīms",
  5. "Updated database" : "Atjaunota datu bāze",
  6. "Unknown filetype" : "Nezināms datnes tips",
  7. "Invalid image" : "Nederīgs attēls",
  8. "Sunday" : "Svētdiena",
  9. "Monday" : "Pirmdiena",
  10. "Tuesday" : "Otrdiena",
  11. "Wednesday" : "Trešdiena",
  12. "Thursday" : "Ceturtdiena",
  13. "Friday" : "Piektdiena",
  14. "Saturday" : "Sestdiena",
  15. "January" : "Janvāris",
  16. "February" : "Februāris",
  17. "March" : "Marts",
  18. "April" : "Aprīlis",
  19. "May" : "Maijs",
  20. "June" : "Jūnijs",
  21. "July" : "Jūlijs",
  22. "August" : "Augusts",
  23. "September" : "Septembris",
  24. "October" : "Oktobris",
  25. "November" : "Novembris",
  26. "December" : "Decembris",
  27. "Settings" : "Iestatījumi",
  28. "Saving..." : "Saglabā...",
  29. "I know what I'm doing" : "Es zinu ko es daru",
  30. "Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Paroli, nevar nomainīt. Lūdzu kontaktēties ar savu administratoru.",
  31. "No" : "Nē",
  32. "Yes" : "Jā",
  33. "Choose" : "Izvēlieties",
  34. "Ok" : "Labi",
  35. "read-only" : "tikai-skatīt",
  36. "New Files" : "Jaunās datnes",
  37. "Cancel" : "Atcelt",
  38. "(all selected)" : "(visus iezīmētos)",
  39. "Very weak password" : "Ļoti vāja parole",
  40. "Weak password" : "Vāja parole",
  41. "So-so password" : "Normāla parole",
  42. "Good password" : "Laba parole",
  43. "Strong password" : "Lieliska parole",
  44. "Shared" : "Kopīgs",
  45. "Share" : "Dalīties",
  46. "Error" : "Kļūda",
  47. "Error while sharing" : "Kļūda, daloties",
  48. "Error while unsharing" : "Kļūda, beidzot dalīties",
  49. "Error while changing permissions" : "Kļūda, mainot atļaujas",
  50. "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner} dalījās ar jums un grupu {group}",
  51. "Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} dalījās ar jums",
  52. "Password protect" : "Aizsargāt ar paroli",
  53. "Password" : "Parole",
  54. "Email link to person" : "Sūtīt saiti personai pa e-pastu",
  55. "Send" : "Sūtīt",
  56. "Set expiration date" : "Iestaties termiņa datumu",
  57. "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums",
  58. "group" : "grupa",
  59. "Resharing is not allowed" : "Atkārtota dalīšanās nav atļauta",
  60. "Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Dalījās ar {item} ar {user}",
  61. "Unshare" : "Pārtraukt dalīšanos",
  62. "can share" : "Var dalīties",
  63. "can edit" : "var rediģēt",
  64. "access control" : "piekļuves vadība",
  65. "create" : "izveidot",
  66. "delete" : "dzēst",
  67. "Password protected" : "Aizsargāts ar paroli",
  68. "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Kļūda, noņemot termiņa datumu",
  69. "Error setting expiration date" : "Kļūda, iestatot termiņa datumu",
  70. "Sending ..." : "Sūta...",
  71. "Email sent" : "Vēstule nosūtīta",
  72. "Warning" : "Brīdinājums",
  73. "The object type is not specified." : "Nav norādīts objekta tips.",
  74. "Delete" : "Dzēst",
  75. "Add" : "Pievienot",
  76. "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." : "Atjaunināšana beidzās sekmīgi. Tagad pārsūta jūs uz ownCloud.",
  77. "%s password reset" : "%s paroles maiņa",
  78. "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" : "Izmantojiet šo saiti, lai mainītu paroli: {link}",
  79. "New password" : "Jauna parole",
  80. "Reset password" : "Mainīt paroli",
  81. "Personal" : "Personīgi",
  82. "Users" : "Lietotāji",
  83. "Apps" : "Lietotnes",
  84. "Admin" : "Administratori",
  85. "Help" : "Palīdzība",
  86. "Access forbidden" : "Pieeja ir liegta",
  87. "Security Warning" : "Brīdinājums par drošību",
  88. "Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "Visticamāk, jūsu datu direktorija un datnes ir pieejamas no interneta, jo .htaccess datne nedarbojas.",
  89. "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Vairāk informācijai kā konfigurēt serveri, lūdzu skatiet <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentāciju</a>.",
  90. "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "Izveidot <strong>administratora kontu</strong>",
  91. "Username" : "Lietotājvārds",
  92. "Data folder" : "Datu mape",
  93. "Configure the database" : "Konfigurēt datubāzi",
  94. "Database user" : "Datubāzes lietotājs",
  95. "Database password" : "Datubāzes parole",
  96. "Database name" : "Datubāzes nosaukums",
  97. "Database tablespace" : "Datubāzes tabulas telpa",
  98. "Database host" : "Datubāzes serveris",
  99. "Finish setup" : "Pabeigt iestatīšanu",
  100. "%s is available. Get more information on how to update." : "%s ir pieejams. Uzziniet vairāk kā atjaunināt.",
  101. "Log out" : "Izrakstīties",
  102. "Search" : "Meklēt",
  103. "remember" : "atcerēties",
  104. "Log in" : "Ierakstīties",
  105. "Alternative Logins" : "Alternatīvās pieteikšanās"
  106. },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);"
  107. }