.gitignore 2.3 KB

  1. test/
  2. src/
  3. bower.json
  4. component.json
  5. .jshintrc
  6. .travis.yml
  8. Gemfile
  9. gruntfile.js
  10. Gruntfile.js
  11. Gulpfile.js
  12. Makefile
  13. package.json
  14. README*
  15. # underscore
  16. underscore/**
  17. !underscore/.bower.json
  18. !underscore/underscore-min.js
  19. !underscore/LICENSE
  20. # blueimp-md5
  21. blueimp-md5/css
  22. blueimp-md5/js/*
  23. !blueimp-md5/js/md5.min.js
  24. blueimp-md5/index.html
  25. # momentjs - ignore all files except the two listed below
  26. moment/**
  27. !moment/.bower.json
  28. !moment/min
  29. !moment/LICENSE
  30. moment/min/**
  31. !moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js
  32. # jquery
  33. jquery/**
  34. !jquery/.bower.json
  35. !jquery/dist
  36. !jquery/dist/jquery.*
  37. !jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt
  38. # jquery-ui
  39. jquery-ui/**
  40. !jquery-ui/themes/base/jquery-ui.css
  41. !jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js
  42. !jquery-ui/.bower.json
  43. # jcrop
  44. jcrop/index.html
  45. jcrop/demos
  46. jcrop/css/jquery.Jcrop.min.css
  47. jcrop/js/**
  48. !jcrop/js/jquery.Jcrop.js
  49. # handlebars
  50. handlebars/**
  51. !handlebars/.bower.json
  52. !handlebars/handlebars.runtime.min.js
  53. # select2
  54. select2/**
  55. !select2/.bower.json
  56. !select2/select2.js
  57. !select2/select2.css
  58. !select2/select2.png
  59. !select2/select2x2.png
  60. !select2/select2-spinner.gif
  61. !select2/LICENSE
  62. #zxcvbn
  63. zxcvbn/**
  64. !zxcvbn/.bower.json
  65. !zxcvbn/dist
  66. zxcvbn/dist/**
  67. !zxcvbn/dist/zxcvbn.js
  68. !zxcvbn/LICENSE.txt
  69. # snapjs
  70. snapjs/demo
  71. snapjs/dist/2.0.0-rc1
  72. snapjs/dist/latest/snap.css
  73. snapjs/dist/latest/snap.min.js
  74. snapjs/scripts
  75. # bootstrap - only include the tooltip plugin
  76. bootstrap/**
  77. !bootstrap/.bower.json
  78. !bootstrap/js
  79. bootstrap/js/*
  80. !bootstrap/js/tooltip.js
  81. # backbone
  82. backbone/backbone-min*
  83. # davclient.js
  84. davclient.js/**
  85. !davclient.js/.bower.json
  86. !davclient.js/lib
  87. !davclient.js/lib/client.js
  88. !davclient.js/LICENSE
  89. # es6-shim
  90. es6-shim/**
  91. !es6-shim/.bower.json
  92. !es6-shim/LICENSE
  93. !es6-shim/es6-shim.min.js
  94. # base64
  95. base64/*min.js
  96. # clipboard
  97. clipboard/**
  98. !clipboard/.bower.json
  99. !clipboard/dist
  100. !clipboard/dist/clipboard.min.js
  101. # autosize
  102. autosize/**
  103. !autosize/dist
  104. !autosize/dist/autosize.min.js
  105. !autosize/.bower.json
  106. !autosize/LICENCE.md
  107. #marked
  108. marked/bin
  109. marked/doc
  110. marked/index.js
  111. marked/lib
  112. marked/man
  113. # DOMPurity
  114. DOMPurify/**
  115. !DOMPurify/dist
  116. !DOMPurify/dist/purify.min.js
  117. !DOMPurify/.bower.json
  118. !DOMPurify/LICENSE
  119. # strengthify
  120. strengthify/examples.html
  121. strengthify/examples.png
  122. # underscore
  123. css-vars-ponyfill/**
  124. !css-vars-ponyfill/dist
  125. !css-vars-ponyfill/dist/css-vars-ponyfill.min.js
  126. !css-vars-ponyfill/dist/css-vars-ponyfill.min.js.map
  127. !css-vars-ponyfill/LICENSE