list.php 3.4 KB

  1. <div class="files-controls">
  2. <div class="actions creatable hidden">
  3. <div id="uploadprogresswrapper">
  4. </div>
  5. </div>
  6. <div class="notCreatable notPublic hidden">
  7. <div class="icon-alert-outline"></div>
  8. <?php p($l->t('You do not have permission to upload or create files here'))?>
  9. </div>
  10. <?php /* Note: the template attributes are here only for the public page. These are normally loaded
  11. through ajax instead (updateStorageStatistics).
  12. */ ?>
  13. <input type="hidden" id="permissions" value="">
  14. <input type="hidden" id="free_space" value="<?php isset($_['freeSpace']) ? p($_['freeSpace']) : '' ?>">
  15. <?php if (isset($_['dirToken'])):?>
  16. <input type="hidden" id="publicUploadRequestToken" name="requesttoken" value="<?php p($_['requesttoken']) ?>" />
  17. <input type="hidden" id="dirToken" name="dirToken" value="<?php p($_['dirToken']) ?>" />
  18. <?php endif;?>
  19. <input type="hidden" class="max_human_file_size"
  20. value="(max <?php isset($_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize']) ? p($_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize']) : ''; ?>)">
  21. </div>
  22. <div class="filelist-header"></div>
  23. <div class="emptyfilelist emptycontent hidden">
  24. <div class="icon-folder"></div>
  25. <h2><?php p($l->t('No files in here')); ?></h2>
  26. <p class="uploadmessage hidden"><?php p($l->t('Upload some content or sync with your devices!')); ?></p>
  27. </div>
  28. <div class="nofilterresults emptycontent hidden">
  29. <div class="icon-search"></div>
  30. <h2><?php p($l->t('No entries found in this folder')); ?></h2>
  31. <p></p>
  32. </div>
  33. <table class="files-filestable list-container <?php p($_['showgridview'] ? 'view-grid' : '') ?>" data-allow-public-upload="<?php p($_['publicUploadEnabled'])?>" data-preview-x="250" data-preview-y="250">
  34. <thead>
  35. <tr>
  36. <th class="hidden column-selection">
  37. <input type="checkbox" id="select_all_files" class="select-all checkbox"/>
  38. <label for="select_all_files">
  39. <span class="hidden-visually"><?php p($l->t('Select all'))?></span>
  40. </label>
  41. </th>
  42. <th class="hidden column-name">
  43. <div class="column-name-container">
  44. <a class="name sort columntitle" onclick="event.preventDefault()" href="#" data-sort="name">
  45. <span><?php p($l->t('Name')); ?></span>
  46. <span class="sort-indicator"></span>
  47. </a>
  48. <span class="selectedActions">
  49. <a href="#" onclick="event.preventDefault()" class="actions-selected">
  50. <span class="icon icon-more"></span>
  51. <span><?php p($l->t('Actions'))?></span>
  52. </a>
  53. </span>
  54. </div>
  55. </th>
  56. <th class="hidden column-size">
  57. <a class="size sort columntitle" href="#" onclick="event.preventDefault()" data-sort="size"><span><?php p($l->t('Size')); ?></span><span class="sort-indicator"></span></a>
  58. </th>
  59. <th class="hidden column-mtime">
  60. <a class="columntitle" href="#" onclick="event.preventDefault()" data-sort="mtime"><span><?php p($l->t('Modified')); ?></span><span class="sort-indicator"></span></a>
  61. </th>
  62. </tr>
  63. </thead>
  64. <tbody class="files-fileList">
  65. </tbody>
  66. <tfoot>
  67. </tfoot>
  68. </table>
  69. <div class="filelist-footer"></div>
  70. <div class="hiddenuploadfield">
  71. <input type="file" id="file_upload_start" class="hiddenuploadfield" name="files[]" />
  72. </div>
  73. <div id="uploadsize-message" title="<?php p($l->t('Upload too large'))?>">
  74. <p>
  75. <?php p($l->t('The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.'));?>
  76. </p>
  77. </div>