123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778 |
- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- Feature: dav-v2-public
- Background:
- Given using api version "1"
- Scenario: See note to recipient in public shares
- Given using new dav path
- And As an "admin"
- And user "user0" exists
- And user "user1" exists
- And As an "user1"
- And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare"
- And as "user1" creating a share with
- | path | testshare |
- | shareType | 3 |
- | permissions | 1 |
- | note | Hello |
- And As an "user0"
- Given using new public dav path
- When Requesting share note on dav endpoint
- Then the single response should contain a property "{http://nextcloud.org/ns}note" with value "Hello"
- Scenario: Downloading a file from public share with Ajax header
- Given using new dav path
- And As an "admin"
- And user "user0" exists
- And user "user1" exists
- And As an "user1"
- And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare"
- When User "user1" uploads file "data/green-square-256.png" to "/testshare/image.png"
- And as "user1" creating a share with
- | path | testshare |
- | shareType | 3 |
- | permissions | 1 |
- And As an "user0"
- Given using new public dav path
- When Downloading public file "/image.png"
- Then the downloaded file has the content of "/testshare/image.png" from "user1" data
- # Test that downloading files work to ensure e.g. the viewer works or files can be downloaded
- Scenario: Downloading a file from public share without Ajax header and disabled s2s share
- Given using new dav path
- And As an "admin"
- And user "user0" exists
- And user "user1" exists
- And As an "user1"
- And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare"
- When User "user1" uploads file "data/green-square-256.png" to "/testshare/image.png"
- And as "user1" creating a share with
- | path | testshare |
- | shareType | 3 |
- | permissions | 1 |
- And As an "user0"
- Given parameter "outgoing_server2server_share_enabled" of app "files_sharing" is set to "no"
- Given using new public dav path
- When Downloading public file "/image.png" without ajax header
- Then the downloaded file has the content of "/testshare/image.png" from "user1" data
- Scenario: Download a folder
- Given using new dav path
- And As an "admin"
- And user "user0" exists
- And user "user0" created a folder "/testshare"
- And user "user0" created a folder "/testshare/testFolder"
- When User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/testshare/testFolder/text.txt"
- When User "user0" uploads file "data/green-square-256.png" to "/testshare/testFolder/image.png"
- And as "user0" creating a share with
- | path | testshare |
- | shareType | 3 |
- | permissions | 1 |
- And As an "user1"
- Given using new public dav path
- When Downloading public folder "testFolder"
- Then the downloaded file is a zip file
- Then the downloaded zip file contains a folder named "testFolder/"
- And the downloaded zip file contains a file named "testFolder/text.txt" with the contents of "/testshare/testFolder/text.txt" from "user0" data
- And the downloaded zip file contains a file named "testFolder/image.png" with the contents of "/testshare/testFolder/image.png" from "user0" data