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- Feature: LDAP
- Background:
- Given using api version "2"
- And having a valid LDAP configuration
- And modify LDAP configuration
- | ldapExpertUsernameAttr | employeeNumber |
- | ldapLoginFilter | (&(objectclass=inetorgperson)(employeeNumber=%uid)) |
- # Those tests are dedicated to ensure Nc is working when it is provided with
- # users having numerical IDs
- Scenario: Look for a expected LDAP users
- Given As an "admin"
- And sending "GET" to "/cloud/users"
- Then the OCS status code should be "200"
- And the "users" result should match
- | 92379 | 1 |
- | 50194 | 1 |
- Scenario: check default home of an LDAP user
- Given As an "admin"
- And sending "GET" to "/cloud/users/92379"
- Then the OCS status code should be "200"
- And the record's fields should match
- | storageLocation | /dev/shm/nc_int/92379 |
- Scenario: Test by logging in
- Given cookies are reset
- And Logging in using web as "92379"
- And Sending a "GET" to "/remote.php/webdav/welcome.txt" with requesttoken
- Then the HTTP status code should be "200"