id.json 6.1 KB

  1. { "translations": {
  2. "External storages" : "Penyimpanan Eksternal",
  3. "Personal" : "Pribadi",
  4. "System" : "Sistem",
  5. "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses",
  6. "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1",
  7. "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.",
  8. "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2",
  9. "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci",
  10. "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci",
  11. "All users. Type to select user or group." : "Semua pengguna. Ketik untuk memilih pengguna atau grup.",
  12. "(group)" : "(grup)",
  13. "Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kecocokan dengan pengkodean Mac NFD (lambat)",
  14. "Enable encryption" : "Aktifkan enkripsi",
  15. "Enable previews" : "Aktifkan pratinjau",
  16. "Enable sharing" : "Aktifkan pembagian",
  17. "Check for changes" : "Periksa perubahan",
  18. "Never" : "Jangan pernah",
  19. "Once every direct access" : "Setiap kali akses langsung",
  20. "Delete" : "Hapus",
  21. "Admin defined" : "Terdefinisi Admin",
  22. "Saved" : "Disimpan",
  23. "Saving..." : "Menyimpan...",
  24. "Save" : "Simpan",
  25. "Empty response from the server" : "Tidak ada respon dari server",
  26. "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Tidak dapat mengambil informasi dari server remote: {code} {type}",
  27. "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Tidak bisa mendapatkan informasi dari mount point eksternal: {type}",
  28. "There was an error with message: " : "Terjadi kesalahan dengan pesan:",
  29. "External mount error" : "Kesalahan mount eksternal",
  30. "external-storage" : "penyimpanan-eksternal",
  31. "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Masukkan kredensial untuk mount {mount}",
  32. "Username" : "Nama Pengguna",
  33. "Password" : "Kata sandi",
  34. "Credentials saved" : "Kredensial tersimpan",
  35. "Credentials saving failed" : "Penyimpanan kredensial gagal",
  36. "Credentials required" : "Kredensial dibutuhkan",
  37. "Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Beckend atau kelas mekanisme otentikasi salah.",
  38. "Invalid mount point" : "Mount point salah",
  39. "Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore terlarang",
  40. "Invalid storage backend \"%s\"" : "Backend penyimpanan \"%s\" salah",
  41. "Not permitted to use backend \"%s\"" : "Tidak diizinkan menggunakan backend \"%s\"",
  42. "Not permitted to use authentication mechanism \"%s\"" : "Tidak diizinkan menggunakan mekanisme otentikasi \"%s\"",
  43. "Unsatisfied backend parameters" : "Parameter backend tidak lengkap",
  44. "Unsatisfied authentication mechanism parameters" : "Parameter mekanisme otentikasi tidak lengkap",
  45. "Insufficient data: %s" : "Data tidak cukup: %s",
  46. "%s" : "%s",
  47. "Access key" : "Kunci akses",
  48. "Secret key" : "Kunci rahasia",
  49. "Builtin" : "Internal",
  50. "None" : "Tidak ada",
  51. "OAuth1" : "OAuth1",
  52. "App key" : "Kunci Apl",
  53. "App secret" : "Rahasia Apl",
  54. "OAuth2" : "OAuth2",
  55. "Client ID" : "ID Klien",
  56. "Client secret" : "Rahasia klien",
  57. "Tenant name" : "Nama tenant",
  58. "Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitas URL akhir",
  59. "Domain" : "Domain",
  60. "Rackspace" : "Rackspace",
  61. "API key" : "Kunci API",
  62. "Global credentials" : "Kata sandi Global",
  63. "Log-in credentials, save in database" : "Kredensial masuk, simpan di basis data",
  64. "Username and password" : "Nama pengguna dan kata sandi",
  65. "Log-in credentials, save in session" : "Kredensial masuk, simpan dalam sesi",
  66. "User entered, store in database" : "Dimasukkan pengguna, masukkan dalam basis data",
  67. "RSA public key" : "Kunci publik RSA",
  68. "Public key" : "Kunci Public",
  69. "Amazon S3" : "Amazon S3",
  70. "Bucket" : "Keranjang",
  71. "Hostname" : "Nama Host",
  72. "Port" : "Port",
  73. "Region" : "Daerah",
  74. "Enable SSL" : "Aktifkan SSL",
  75. "Enable Path Style" : "Aktifkan Gaya Path",
  76. "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
  77. "URL" : "URL",
  78. "Remote subfolder" : "Subfolder remote",
  79. "Secure https://" : "Secure https://",
  80. "FTP" : "FTP",
  81. "Host" : "Host",
  82. "Secure ftps://" : "Secure ftps://",
  83. "Local" : "Lokal",
  84. "Location" : "lokasi",
  85. "Nextcloud" : "Nextcloud",
  86. "SFTP" : "SFTP",
  87. "Root" : "Root",
  88. "SFTP with secret key login" : "SFTP dengan kunci rahasia masuk",
  89. "SMB / CIFS" : "SMB / CIFS",
  90. "Share" : "Bagikan",
  91. "SMB / CIFS using OC login" : "SMB / CIFS menggunakan OC login",
  92. "Username as share" : "Nama pengguna berbagi",
  93. "OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object Storage",
  94. "Service name" : "Nama layanan",
  95. "Request timeout (seconds)" : "Minta waktu habis (detik)",
  96. "The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan cURL di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanyakan administrator sistem anda untuk memasangnya.",
  97. "The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Dukungan FTP di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanya administrator sistem anda untuk memasangnya.",
  98. "Name" : "Nama",
  99. "Storage type" : "Tipe penyimpanan",
  100. "Scope" : "Skop",
  101. "Folder name" : "Nama folder",
  102. "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal",
  103. "Authentication" : "Otentikasi",
  104. "Configuration" : "Konfigurasi",
  105. "Available for" : "Tersedia untuk",
  106. "Add storage" : "Tambahkan penyimpanan",
  107. "Advanced settings" : "Pengaturan Lanjutan",
  108. "Allow users to mount external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal",
  109. "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Beberapa mount point eksternal tidak terhubung. Klik barisan merah untuk informasi selanjutnya",
  110. "\"%s\" is not installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "\"%s\" tidak terpasang. Mengaitkan %s tidak memungkinkan. Harap tanya administrator sistem anda untuk memasangnya."
  111. },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
  112. }