gd.php 90 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * Retrieve information about the currently installed GD library
  4. * @link
  5. * @return array an associative array.
  6. * </p>
  7. * <p>
  8. * <table>
  9. * Elements of array returned by <b>gd_info</b>
  10. * <tr valign="top">
  11. * <td>Attribute</td>
  12. * <td>Meaning</td>
  13. * </tr>
  14. * <tr valign="top">
  15. * <td>GD Version</td>
  16. * <td>string value describing the installed
  17. * libgd version.</td>
  18. * </tr>
  19. * <tr valign="top">
  20. * <td>FreeType Support</td>
  21. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  22. * if FreeType Support is installed.</td>
  23. * </tr>
  24. * <tr valign="top">
  25. * <td>FreeType Linkage</td>
  26. * <td>string value describing the way in which
  27. * FreeType was linked. Expected values are: 'with freetype',
  28. * 'with TTF library', and 'with unknown library'. This element will
  29. * only be defined if FreeType Support evaluated to
  30. * <b>TRUE</b>.</td>
  31. * </tr>
  32. * <tr valign="top">
  33. * <td>T1Lib Support</td>
  34. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  35. * if T1Lib support is included.</td>
  36. * </tr>
  37. * <tr valign="top">
  38. * <td>GIF Read Support</td>
  39. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  40. * if support for reading GIF
  41. * images is included.</td>
  42. * </tr>
  43. * <tr valign="top">
  44. * <td>GIF Create Support</td>
  45. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  46. * if support for creating GIF
  47. * images is included.</td>
  48. * </tr>
  49. * <tr valign="top">
  50. * <td>JPEG Support</td>
  51. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  52. * if JPEG support is included.</td>
  53. * </tr>
  54. * <tr valign="top">
  55. * <td>PNG Support</td>
  56. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  57. * if PNG support is included.</td>
  58. * </tr>
  59. * <tr valign="top">
  60. * <td>WBMP Support</td>
  61. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  62. * if WBMP support is included.</td>
  63. * </tr>
  64. * <tr valign="top">
  65. * <td>XBM Support</td>
  66. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  67. * if XBM support is included.</td>
  68. * </tr>
  69. * <tr valign="top">
  70. * <td>WebP Support</td>
  71. * <td>boolean value. <b>TRUE</b>
  72. * if WebP support is included.</td>
  73. * </tr>
  74. * </table>
  75. * </p>
  76. * <p>
  77. * Previous to PHP 5.3.0, the JPEG Support attribute was named
  78. * JPG Support.
  79. */
  80. function gd_info () {}
  81. /**
  82. * Draws an arc
  83. * @link
  84. * @param resource $image
  85. * @param int $cx <p>
  86. * x-coordinate of the center.
  87. * </p>
  88. * @param int $cy <p>
  89. * y-coordinate of the center.
  90. * </p>
  91. * @param int $width <p>
  92. * The arc width.
  93. * </p>
  94. * @param int $height <p>
  95. * The arc height.
  96. * </p>
  97. * @param int $start <p>
  98. * The arc start angle, in degrees.
  99. * </p>
  100. * @param int $end <p>
  101. * The arc end angle, in degrees.
  102. * 0° is located at the three-o'clock position, and the arc is drawn
  103. * clockwise.
  104. * </p>
  105. * @param int $color <p>
  106. * A color identifier created with
  107. * <b>imagecolorallocate</b>.
  108. * </p>
  109. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  110. */
  111. function imagearc ($image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $start, $end, $color) {}
  112. /**
  113. * Draw an ellipse
  114. * @link
  115. * @param resource $image
  116. * @param int $cx <p>
  117. * x-coordinate of the center.
  118. * </p>
  119. * @param int $cy <p>
  120. * y-coordinate of the center.
  121. * </p>
  122. * @param int $width <p>
  123. * The ellipse width.
  124. * </p>
  125. * @param int $height <p>
  126. * The ellipse height.
  127. * </p>
  128. * @param int $color <p>
  129. * The color of the ellipse. A color identifier created with
  130. * <b>imagecolorallocate</b>.
  131. * </p>
  132. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  133. */
  134. function imageellipse ($image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $color) {}
  135. /**
  136. * Draw a character horizontally
  137. * @link
  138. * @param resource $image
  139. * @param int $font
  140. * @param int $x <p>
  141. * x-coordinate of the start.
  142. * </p>
  143. * @param int $y <p>
  144. * y-coordinate of the start.
  145. * </p>
  146. * @param string $c <p>
  147. * The character to draw.
  148. * </p>
  149. * @param int $color <p>
  150. * A color identifier created with
  151. * <b>imagecolorallocate</b>.
  152. * </p>
  153. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  154. */
  155. function imagechar ($image, $font, $x, $y, $c, $color) {}
  156. /**
  157. * Draw a character vertically
  158. * @link
  159. * @param resource $image
  160. * @param int $font
  161. * @param int $x <p>
  162. * x-coordinate of the start.
  163. * </p>
  164. * @param int $y <p>
  165. * y-coordinate of the start.
  166. * </p>
  167. * @param string $c <p>
  168. * The character to draw.
  169. * </p>
  170. * @param int $color <p>
  171. * A color identifier created with
  172. * <b>imagecolorallocate</b>.
  173. * </p>
  174. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  175. */
  176. function imagecharup ($image, $font, $x, $y, $c, $color) {}
  177. /**
  178. * Get the index of the color of a pixel
  179. * @link
  180. * @param resource $image
  181. * @param int $x <p>
  182. * x-coordinate of the point.
  183. * </p>
  184. * @param int $y <p>
  185. * y-coordinate of the point.
  186. * </p>
  187. * @return int|false the index of the color or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  188. */
  189. function imagecolorat ($image, $x, $y) {}
  190. /**
  191. * Allocate a color for an image
  192. * @link
  193. * @param resource $image
  194. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  195. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  196. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  197. * @return int|false A color identifier or <b>FALSE</b> if the allocation failed.
  198. */
  199. function imagecolorallocate ($image, $red, $green, $blue) {}
  200. /**
  201. * Copy the palette from one image to another
  202. * @link
  203. * @param resource $destination <p>
  204. * The destination image resource.
  205. * </p>
  206. * @param resource $source <p>
  207. * The source image resource.
  208. * </p>
  209. * @return void No value is returned.
  210. */
  211. function imagepalettecopy ($destination, $source) {}
  212. /**
  213. * Create a new image from the image stream in the string
  214. * @link
  215. * @param string $image <p>
  216. * A string containing the image data.
  217. * </p>
  218. * @return resource|false An image resource will be returned on success. <b>FALSE</b> is returned if
  219. * the image type is unsupported, the data is not in a recognised format,
  220. * or the image is corrupt and cannot be loaded.
  221. */
  222. function imagecreatefromstring ($image) {}
  223. /**
  224. * Get the index of the closest color to the specified color
  225. * @link
  226. * @param resource $image
  227. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  228. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  229. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  230. * @return int|false the index of the closest color, in the palette of the image, to
  231. * the specified one or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  232. */
  233. function imagecolorclosest ($image, $red, $green, $blue) {}
  234. /**
  235. * Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness
  236. * @link
  237. * @param resource $image
  238. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  239. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  240. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  241. * @return int|false an integer with the index of the color which has
  242. * the hue, white and blackness nearest the given color or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  243. */
  244. function imagecolorclosesthwb ($image, $red, $green, $blue) {}
  245. /**
  246. * De-allocate a color for an image
  247. * @link
  248. * @param resource $image
  249. * @param int $color <p>
  250. * The color identifier.
  251. * </p>
  252. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  253. */
  254. function imagecolordeallocate ($image, $color) {}
  255. /**
  256. * Get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative
  257. * @link
  258. * @param resource $image
  259. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  260. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  261. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  262. * @return int|false a color index or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  263. */
  264. function imagecolorresolve ($image, $red, $green, $blue) {}
  265. /**
  266. * Get the index of the specified color
  267. * @link
  268. * @param resource $image
  269. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  270. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  271. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  272. * @return int|false the index of the specified color in the palette, -1 if the
  273. * color does not exist, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  274. */
  275. function imagecolorexact ($image, $red, $green, $blue) {}
  276. /**
  277. * Set the color for the specified palette index
  278. * @link
  279. * @param resource $image
  280. * @param int $index <p>
  281. * An index in the palette.
  282. * </p>
  283. * @param int $red <p>Value of red component.</p>
  284. * @param int $green <p>Value of green component.</p>
  285. * @param int $blue <p>Value of blue component.</p>
  286. * @param int $alpha [optional] <p>
  287. * Value of alpha component.
  288. * </p>
  289. * @return void No value is returned.
  290. */
  291. function imagecolorset ($image, $index, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha = 0) {}
  292. /**
  293. * Define a color as transparent
  294. * @link
  295. * @param resource $image
  296. * @param int $color [optional] <p>
  297. * A color identifier created with
  298. * <b>imagecolorallocate</b>.
  299. * </p>
  300. * @return int|false The identifier of the new (or current, if none is specified)
  301. * transparent color is returned. If <i>color</i>
  302. * is not specified, and the image has no transparent color, the
  303. * returned identifier will be -1. If an error occurs, <b>FALSE</b> is returned.
  304. */
  305. function imagecolortransparent ($image, $color = null) {}
  306. /**
  307. * Find out the number of colors in an image's palette
  308. * @link
  309. * @param resource $image <p>
  310. * An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such
  311. * as <b>imagecreatefromgif</b>.
  312. * </p>
  313. * @return int|false the number of colors in the specified image's palette, 0 for
  314. * truecolor images, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  315. */
  316. function imagecolorstotal ($image) {}
  317. /**
  318. * Get the colors for an index
  319. * @link
  320. * @param resource $image
  321. * @param int $index <p>
  322. * The color index.
  323. * </p>
  324. * @return array|false an associative array with red, green, blue and alpha keys that
  325. * contain the appropriate values for the specified color index or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  326. */
  327. function imagecolorsforindex ($image, $index) {}
  328. /**
  329. * Copy part of an image
  330. * @link
  331. * @param resource $dst_im <p>
  332. * Destination image link resource.
  333. * </p>
  334. * @param resource $src_im <p>
  335. * Source image link resource.
  336. * </p>
  337. * @param int $dst_x <p>
  338. * x-coordinate of destination point.
  339. * </p>
  340. * @param int $dst_y <p>
  341. * y-coordinate of destination point.
  342. * </p>
  343. * @param int $src_x <p>
  344. * x-coordinate of source point.
  345. * </p>
  346. * @param int $src_y <p>
  347. * y-coordinate of source point.
  348. * </p>
  349. * @param int $src_w <p>
  350. * Source width.
  351. * </p>
  352. * @param int $src_h <p>
  353. * Source height.
  354. * </p>
  355. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  356. */
  357. function imagecopy ($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h) {}
  358. /**
  359. * Copy and merge part of an image
  360. * @link
  361. * @param resource $dst_im <p>
  362. * Destination image link resource.
  363. * </p>
  364. * @param resource $src_im <p>
  365. * Source image link resource.
  366. * </p>
  367. * @param int $dst_x <p>
  368. * x-coordinate of destination point.
  369. * </p>
  370. * @param int $dst_y <p>
  371. * y-coordinate of destination point.
  372. * </p>
  373. * @param int $src_x <p>
  374. * x-coordinate of source point.
  375. * </p>
  376. * @param int $src_y <p>
  377. * y-coordinate of source point.
  378. * </p>
  379. * @param int $src_w <p>
  380. * Source width.
  381. * </p>
  382. * @param int $src_h <p>
  383. * Source height.
  384. * </p>
  385. * @param int $pct <p>
  386. * The two images will be merged according to pct
  387. * which can range from 0 to 100. When pct = 0,
  388. * no action is taken, when 100 this function behaves identically
  389. * to imagecopy for pallete images, while it
  390. * implements alpha transparency for true colour images.
  391. * </p>
  392. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  393. */
  394. function imagecopymerge ($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct) {}
  395. /**
  396. * Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale
  397. * @link
  398. * @param resource $dst_im <p>
  399. * Destination image link resource.
  400. * </p>
  401. * @param resource $src_im <p>
  402. * Source image link resource.
  403. * </p>
  404. * @param int $dst_x <p>
  405. * x-coordinate of destination point.
  406. * </p>
  407. * @param int $dst_y <p>
  408. * y-coordinate of destination point.
  409. * </p>
  410. * @param int $src_x <p>
  411. * x-coordinate of source point.
  412. * </p>
  413. * @param int $src_y <p>
  414. * y-coordinate of source point.
  415. * </p>
  416. * @param int $src_w <p>
  417. * Source width.
  418. * </p>
  419. * @param int $src_h <p>
  420. * Source height.
  421. * </p>
  422. * @param int $pct <p>
  423. * The src_im will be changed to grayscale according
  424. * to pct where 0 is fully grayscale and 100 is
  425. * unchanged. When pct = 100 this function behaves
  426. * identically to imagecopy for pallete images, while
  427. * it implements alpha transparency for true colour images.
  428. * </p>
  429. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  430. */
  431. function imagecopymergegray ($dst_im, $src_im, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $pct) {}
  432. /**
  433. * Copy and resize part of an image
  434. * @link
  435. * @param resource $dst_image
  436. * @param resource $src_image
  437. * @param int $dst_x <p>
  438. * x-coordinate of destination point.
  439. * </p>
  440. * @param int $dst_y <p>
  441. * y-coordinate of destination point.
  442. * </p>
  443. * @param int $src_x <p>
  444. * x-coordinate of source point.
  445. * </p>
  446. * @param int $src_y <p>
  447. * y-coordinate of source point.
  448. * </p>
  449. * @param int $dst_w <p>
  450. * Destination width.
  451. * </p>
  452. * @param int $dst_h <p>
  453. * Destination height.
  454. * </p>
  455. * @param int $src_w <p>
  456. * Source width.
  457. * </p>
  458. * @param int $src_h <p>
  459. * Source height.
  460. * </p>
  461. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  462. */
  463. function imagecopyresized ($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) {}
  464. /**
  465. * Create a new palette based image
  466. * @link
  467. * @param int $width <p>
  468. * The image width.
  469. * </p>
  470. * @param int $height <p>
  471. * The image height.
  472. * </p>
  473. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  474. */
  475. function imagecreate ($width, $height) {}
  476. /**
  477. * Create a new true color image
  478. * @link
  479. * @param int $width <p>
  480. * Image width.
  481. * </p>
  482. * @param int $height <p>
  483. * Image height.
  484. * </p>
  485. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  486. */
  487. function imagecreatetruecolor ($width, $height) {}
  488. /**
  489. * Finds whether an image is a truecolor image
  490. * @link
  491. * @param resource $image
  492. * @return bool true if the image is truecolor, false
  493. * otherwise.
  494. */
  495. function imageistruecolor ($image) {}
  496. /**
  497. * Convert a true color image to a palette image
  498. * @link
  499. * @param resource $image
  500. * @param bool $dither <p>
  501. * Indicates if the image should be dithered - if it is true then
  502. * dithering will be used which will result in a more speckled image but
  503. * with better color approximation.
  504. * </p>
  505. * @param int $ncolors <p>
  506. * Sets the maximum number of colors that should be retained in the palette.
  507. * </p>
  508. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  509. */
  510. function imagetruecolortopalette ($image, $dither, $ncolors) {}
  511. /**
  512. * Set the thickness for line drawing
  513. * @link
  514. * @param resource $image
  515. * @param int $thickness <p>
  516. * Thickness, in pixels.
  517. * </p>
  518. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  519. */
  520. function imagesetthickness ($image, $thickness) {}
  521. /**
  522. * Draw a partial arc and fill it
  523. * @link
  524. * @param resource $image
  525. * @param int $cx <p>
  526. * x-coordinate of the center.
  527. * </p>
  528. * @param int $cy <p>
  529. * y-coordinate of the center.
  530. * </p>
  531. * @param int $width <p>
  532. * The arc width.
  533. * </p>
  534. * @param int $height <p>
  535. * The arc height.
  536. * </p>
  537. * @param int $start <p>
  538. * The arc start angle, in degrees.
  539. * </p>
  540. * @param int $end <p>
  541. * The arc end angle, in degrees.
  542. * 0&deg; is located at the three-o'clock position, and the arc is drawn
  543. * clockwise.
  544. * </p>
  545. * @param int $color <p>
  546. * A color identifier created with
  547. * imagecolorallocate.
  548. * </p>
  549. * @param int $style <p>
  550. * A bitwise OR of the following possibilities:
  551. * IMG_ARC_PIE
  552. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  553. */
  554. function imagefilledarc ($image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $start, $end, $color, $style) {}
  555. /**
  556. * Draw a filled ellipse
  557. * @link
  558. * @param resource $image
  559. * @param int $cx <p>
  560. * x-coordinate of the center.
  561. * </p>
  562. * @param int $cy <p>
  563. * y-coordinate of the center.
  564. * </p>
  565. * @param int $width <p>
  566. * The ellipse width.
  567. * </p>
  568. * @param int $height <p>
  569. * The ellipse height.
  570. * </p>
  571. * @param int $color <p>
  572. * The fill color. A color identifier created with
  573. * imagecolorallocate.
  574. * </p>
  575. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  576. */
  577. function imagefilledellipse ($image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $color) {}
  578. /**
  579. * Set the blending mode for an image
  580. * @link
  581. * @param resource $image
  582. * @param bool $blendmode <p>
  583. * Whether to enable the blending mode or not. On true color images
  584. * the default value is true otherwise the default value is false
  585. * </p>
  586. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  587. */
  588. function imagealphablending ($image, $blendmode) {}
  589. /**
  590. * Set the flag to save full alpha channel information (as opposed to single-color transparency) when saving PNG images
  591. * @link
  592. * @param resource $image
  593. * @param bool $saveflag <p>
  594. * Whether to save the alpha channel or not. Default to false.
  595. * </p>
  596. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  597. */
  598. function imagesavealpha ($image, $saveflag) {}
  599. /**
  600. * Allocate a color for an image
  601. * @link
  602. * @param resource $image
  603. * @param int $red <p>
  604. * Value of red component.
  605. * </p>
  606. * @param int $green <p>
  607. * Value of green component.
  608. * </p>
  609. * @param int $blue <p>
  610. * Value of blue component.
  611. * </p>
  612. * @param int $alpha <p>
  613. * A value between 0 and 127.
  614. * 0 indicates completely opaque while
  615. * 127 indicates completely transparent.
  616. * </p>
  617. * @return int|false A color identifier or false if the allocation failed.
  618. */
  619. function imagecolorallocatealpha ($image, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha) {}
  620. /**
  621. * Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative
  622. * @link
  623. * @param resource $image
  624. * @param int $red <p>
  625. * Value of red component.
  626. * </p>
  627. * @param int $green <p>
  628. * Value of green component.
  629. * </p>
  630. * @param int $blue <p>
  631. * Value of blue component.
  632. * </p>
  633. * @param int $alpha <p>
  634. * A value between 0 and 127.
  635. * 0 indicates completely opaque while
  636. * 127 indicates completely transparent.
  637. * </p>
  638. * @return int|false a color index or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  639. */
  640. function imagecolorresolvealpha ($image, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha) {}
  641. /**
  642. * Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha
  643. * @link
  644. * @param resource $image
  645. * @param int $red <p>
  646. * Value of red component.
  647. * </p>
  648. * @param int $green <p>
  649. * Value of green component.
  650. * </p>
  651. * @param int $blue <p>
  652. * Value of blue component.
  653. * </p>
  654. * @param int $alpha <p>
  655. * A value between 0 and 127.
  656. * 0 indicates completely opaque while
  657. * 127 indicates completely transparent.
  658. * </p>
  659. * @return int|false the index of the closest color in the palette or
  660. * <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  661. */
  662. function imagecolorclosestalpha ($image, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha) {}
  663. /**
  664. * Get the index of the specified color + alpha
  665. * @link
  666. * @param resource $image
  667. * @param int $red <p>
  668. * Value of red component.
  669. * </p>
  670. * @param int $green <p>
  671. * Value of green component.
  672. * </p>
  673. * @param int $blue <p>
  674. * Value of blue component.
  675. * </p>
  676. * @param int $alpha <p>
  677. * A value between 0 and 127.
  678. * 0 indicates completely opaque while
  679. * 127 indicates completely transparent.
  680. * </p>
  681. * @return int|false the index of the specified color+alpha in the palette of the
  682. * image, -1 if the color does not exist in the image's palette, or <b>FALSE</b>
  683. * on failure
  684. */
  685. function imagecolorexactalpha ($image, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha) {}
  686. /**
  687. * Copy and resize part of an image with resampling
  688. * @link
  689. * @param resource $dst_image
  690. * @param resource $src_image
  691. * @param int $dst_x <p>
  692. * x-coordinate of destination point.
  693. * </p>
  694. * @param int $dst_y <p>
  695. * y-coordinate of destination point.
  696. * </p>
  697. * @param int $src_x <p>
  698. * x-coordinate of source point.
  699. * </p>
  700. * @param int $src_y <p>
  701. * y-coordinate of source point.
  702. * </p>
  703. * @param int $dst_w <p>
  704. * Destination width.
  705. * </p>
  706. * @param int $dst_h <p>
  707. * Destination height.
  708. * </p>
  709. * @param int $src_w <p>
  710. * Source width.
  711. * </p>
  712. * @param int $src_h <p>
  713. * Source height.
  714. * </p>
  715. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  716. */
  717. function imagecopyresampled ($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) {}
  718. /**
  719. * Rotate an image with a given angle
  720. * @link
  721. * @param resource $image
  722. * @param float $angle <p>
  723. * Rotation angle, in degrees.
  724. * </p>
  725. * @param int $bgd_color <p>
  726. * Specifies the color of the uncovered zone after the rotation
  727. * </p>
  728. * @param int $ignore_transparent [optional] <p>
  729. * If set and non-zero, transparent colors are ignored (otherwise kept).
  730. * </p>
  731. * @return resource|false the rotated image or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  732. */
  733. function imagerotate ($image, $angle, $bgd_color, $ignore_transparent = null) {}
  734. /**
  735. * Should antialias functions be used or not. <br/>
  736. * Before 7.2.0 it's only available if PHP iscompiled with the bundled version of the GD library.
  737. * @link
  738. * @param resource $image
  739. * @param bool $enabled <p>
  740. * Whether to enable antialiasing or not.
  741. * </p>
  742. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  743. */
  744. function imageantialias ($image, $enabled) {}
  745. /**
  746. * Set the tile image for filling
  747. * @link
  748. * @param resource $image
  749. * @param resource $tile <p>
  750. * The image resource to be used as a tile.
  751. * </p>
  752. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  753. */
  754. function imagesettile ($image, $tile) {}
  755. /**
  756. * Set the brush image for line drawing
  757. * @link
  758. * @param resource $image
  759. * @param resource $brush <p>
  760. * An image resource.
  761. * </p>
  762. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  763. */
  764. function imagesetbrush ($image, $brush) {}
  765. /**
  766. * Set the style for line drawing
  767. * @link
  768. * @param resource $image
  769. * @param array $style <p>
  770. * An array of pixel colors. You can use the
  771. * IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT constant to add a
  772. * transparent pixel.
  773. * </p>
  774. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  775. */
  776. function imagesetstyle ($image, array $style) {}
  777. /**
  778. * Create a new image from file or URL
  779. * @link
  780. * @param string $filename <p>
  781. * Path to the PNG image.
  782. * </p>
  783. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  784. */
  785. function imagecreatefrompng ($filename) {}
  786. /**
  787. * Create a new image from file or URL
  788. * @link
  789. * @param string $filename <p>
  790. * Path to the GIF image.
  791. * </p>
  792. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  793. */
  794. function imagecreatefromgif ($filename) {}
  795. /**
  796. * Create a new image from file or URL
  797. * @link
  798. * @param string $filename <p>
  799. * Path to the JPEG image.
  800. * </p>
  801. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  802. */
  803. function imagecreatefromjpeg ($filename) {}
  804. /**
  805. * Create a new image from file or URL
  806. * @link
  807. * @param string $filename <p>
  808. * Path to the WBMP image.
  809. * </p>
  810. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  811. */
  812. function imagecreatefromwbmp ($filename) {}
  813. /**
  814. * Create a new image from file or URL
  815. * @link
  816. * @param string $filename <p>
  817. * Path to the WebP image.
  818. * </p>
  819. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  820. * @since 5.4
  821. */
  822. function imagecreatefromwebp ($filename) {}
  823. /**
  824. * Create a new image from file or URL
  825. * @link
  826. * @param string $filename <p>
  827. * Path to the XBM image.
  828. * </p>
  829. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  830. */
  831. function imagecreatefromxbm ($filename) {}
  832. /**
  833. * Create a new image from file or URL
  834. * @link
  835. * @param string $filename <p>
  836. * Path to the XPM image.
  837. * </p>
  838. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  839. */
  840. function imagecreatefromxpm ($filename) {}
  841. /**
  842. * Create a new image from GD file or URL
  843. * @link
  844. * @param string $filename <p>
  845. * Path to the GD file.
  846. * </p>
  847. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  848. */
  849. function imagecreatefromgd ($filename) {}
  850. /**
  851. * Create a new image from GD2 file or URL
  852. * @link
  853. * @param string $filename <p>
  854. * Path to the GD2 image.
  855. * </p>
  856. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  857. */
  858. function imagecreatefromgd2 ($filename) {}
  859. /**
  860. * Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL
  861. * @link
  862. * @param string $filename <p>
  863. * Path to the GD2 image.
  864. * </p>
  865. * @param int $srcX <p>
  866. * x-coordinate of source point.
  867. * </p>
  868. * @param int $srcY <p>
  869. * y-coordinate of source point.
  870. * </p>
  871. * @param int $width <p>
  872. * Source width.
  873. * </p>
  874. * @param int $height <p>
  875. * Source height.
  876. * </p>
  877. * @return resource|false an image resource identifier on success, false on errors.
  878. */
  879. function imagecreatefromgd2part ($filename, $srcX, $srcY, $width, $height) {}
  880. /**
  881. * Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file
  882. * @link
  883. * @param resource $image
  884. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  885. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  886. * will be outputted directly.
  887. * </p>
  888. * <p>
  889. * &null; is invalid if the quality and
  890. * filters arguments are not used.
  891. * </p>
  892. * @param int $quality [optional] <p>
  893. * Compression level: from 0 (no compression) to 9.
  894. * </p>
  895. * @param int $filters [optional] <p>
  896. * Allows reducing the PNG file size. It is a bitmask field which may be
  897. * set to any combination of the PNG_FILTER_XXX
  898. * constants. PNG_NO_FILTER or
  899. * PNG_ALL_FILTERS may also be used to respectively
  900. * disable or activate all filters.
  901. * </p>
  902. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  903. */
  904. function imagepng ($image, $filename = null, $quality = null, $filters = null) {}
  905. /**
  906. * Output a WebP image to browser or file
  907. * @link
  908. * @param resource $image
  909. * @param string $to [optional] <p>
  910. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  911. * will be outputted directly.
  912. * </p>
  913. * @param int $quality [optional] <p>
  914. * quality ranges from 0 (worst quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file).
  915. * </p>
  916. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  917. * @since 5.4
  918. */
  919. function imagewebp ($image, $to = null, $quality = 80) {}
  920. /**
  921. * Output image to browser or file
  922. * @link
  923. * @param resource $image
  924. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  925. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  926. * will be outputted directly.
  927. * </p>
  928. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  929. */
  930. function imagegif ($image, $filename = null) {}
  931. /**
  932. * Output image to browser or file
  933. * @link
  934. * @param resource $image
  935. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  936. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  937. * will be outputted directly.
  938. * </p>
  939. * <p>
  940. * To skip this argument in order to provide the
  941. * quality parameter, use &null;.
  942. * </p>
  943. * @param int $quality [optional] <p>
  944. * quality is optional, and ranges from 0 (worst
  945. * quality, smaller file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file). The
  946. * default is the default IJG quality value (about 75).
  947. * </p>
  948. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  949. */
  950. function imagejpeg ($image, $filename = null, $quality = null) {}
  951. /**
  952. * Output image to browser or file
  953. * @link
  954. * @param resource $image
  955. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  956. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  957. * will be outputted directly.
  958. * </p>
  959. * @param int $foreground [optional] <p>
  960. * You can set the foreground color with this parameter by setting an
  961. * identifier obtained from imagecolorallocate.
  962. * The default foreground color is black.
  963. * </p>
  964. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  965. */
  966. function imagewbmp ($image, $filename = null, $foreground = null) {}
  967. /**
  968. * Output GD image to browser or file. <br/>
  969. * Since 7.2.0 allows to output truecolor images.
  970. * @link
  971. * @param resource $image
  972. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  973. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  974. * will be outputted directly.
  975. * </p>
  976. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  977. */
  978. function imagegd ($image, $filename = null) {}
  979. /**
  980. * Output GD2 image to browser or file
  981. * @link
  982. * @param resource $image
  983. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  984. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  985. * will be outputted directly.
  986. * </p>
  987. * @param int $chunk_size [optional] <p>
  988. * Chunk size.
  989. * </p>
  990. * @param int $type [optional] <p>
  991. * Either IMG_GD2_RAW or
  992. * IMG_GD2_COMPRESSED. Default is
  993. * IMG_GD2_RAW.
  994. * </p>
  995. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  996. */
  997. function imagegd2 ($image, $filename = null, $chunk_size = null, $type = null) {}
  998. /**
  999. * Destroy an image
  1000. * @link
  1001. * @param resource $image
  1002. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1003. */
  1004. function imagedestroy ($image) {}
  1005. /**
  1006. * Apply a gamma correction to a GD image
  1007. * @link
  1008. * @param resource $image
  1009. * @param float $inputgamma <p>
  1010. * The input gamma.
  1011. * </p>
  1012. * @param float $outputgamma <p>
  1013. * The output gamma.
  1014. * </p>
  1015. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1016. */
  1017. function imagegammacorrect ($image, $inputgamma, $outputgamma) {}
  1018. /**
  1019. * Flood fill
  1020. * @link
  1021. * @param resource $image
  1022. * @param int $x <p>
  1023. * x-coordinate of start point.
  1024. * </p>
  1025. * @param int $y <p>
  1026. * y-coordinate of start point.
  1027. * </p>
  1028. * @param int $color <p>
  1029. * The fill color. A color identifier created with
  1030. * imagecolorallocate.
  1031. * </p>
  1032. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1033. */
  1034. function imagefill ($image, $x, $y, $color) {}
  1035. /**
  1036. * Draw a filled polygon
  1037. * @link
  1038. * @param resource $image
  1039. * @param array $points <p>
  1040. * An array containing the x and y
  1041. * coordinates of the polygons vertices consecutively.
  1042. * </p>
  1043. * @param int $num_points [optional] <p>
  1044. * Total number of vertices, which must be at least 3.
  1045. * </p>
  1046. * @param int $color <p>
  1047. * A color identifier created with
  1048. * imagecolorallocate.
  1049. * </p>
  1050. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1051. */
  1052. function imagefilledpolygon ($image, array $points, $num_points, $color) {}
  1053. /**
  1054. * Draw a filled rectangle
  1055. * @link
  1056. * @param resource $image
  1057. * @param int $x1 <p>
  1058. * x-coordinate for point 1.
  1059. * </p>
  1060. * @param int $y1 <p>
  1061. * y-coordinate for point 1.
  1062. * </p>
  1063. * @param int $x2 <p>
  1064. * x-coordinate for point 2.
  1065. * </p>
  1066. * @param int $y2 <p>
  1067. * y-coordinate for point 2.
  1068. * </p>
  1069. * @param int $color <p>
  1070. * The fill color. A color identifier created with
  1071. * imagecolorallocate.
  1072. * </p>
  1073. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1074. */
  1075. function imagefilledrectangle ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color) {}
  1076. /**
  1077. * Flood fill to specific color
  1078. * @link
  1079. * @param resource $image
  1080. * @param int $x <p>
  1081. * x-coordinate of start.
  1082. * </p>
  1083. * @param int $y <p>
  1084. * y-coordinate of start.
  1085. * </p>
  1086. * @param int $border <p>
  1087. * The border color. A color identifier created with
  1088. * imagecolorallocate.
  1089. * </p>
  1090. * @param int $color <p>
  1091. * The fill color. A color identifier created with
  1092. * imagecolorallocate.
  1093. * </p>
  1094. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1095. */
  1096. function imagefilltoborder ($image, $x, $y, $border, $color) {}
  1097. /**
  1098. * Get font width
  1099. * @link
  1100. * @param int $font
  1101. * @return int the width of the pixel
  1102. */
  1103. function imagefontwidth ($font) {}
  1104. /**
  1105. * Get font height
  1106. * @link
  1107. * @param int $font
  1108. * @return int the height of the pixel.
  1109. */
  1110. function imagefontheight ($font) {}
  1111. /**
  1112. * Enable or disable interlace
  1113. * @link
  1114. * @param resource $image
  1115. * @param int $interlace [optional] <p>
  1116. * If non-zero, the image will be interlaced, else the interlace bit is
  1117. * turned off.
  1118. * </p>
  1119. * @return int|false 1 if the interlace bit is set for the image,
  1120. * 0 if it is not, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure
  1121. */
  1122. function imageinterlace ($image, $interlace = null) {}
  1123. /**
  1124. * Draw a line
  1125. * @link
  1126. * @param resource $image
  1127. * @param int $x1 <p>
  1128. * x-coordinate for first point.
  1129. * </p>
  1130. * @param int $y1 <p>
  1131. * y-coordinate for first point.
  1132. * </p>
  1133. * @param int $x2 <p>
  1134. * x-coordinate for second point.
  1135. * </p>
  1136. * @param int $y2 <p>
  1137. * y-coordinate for second point.
  1138. * </p>
  1139. * @param int $color <p>
  1140. * The line color. A color identifier created with
  1141. * imagecolorallocate.
  1142. * </p>
  1143. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1144. */
  1145. function imageline ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color) {}
  1146. /**
  1147. * Load a new font
  1148. * @link
  1149. * @param string $file <p>
  1150. * The font file format is currently binary and architecture
  1151. * dependent. This means you should generate the font files on the
  1152. * same type of CPU as the machine you are running PHP on.
  1153. * </p>
  1154. * <p>
  1155. * <table>
  1156. * Font file format
  1157. * <tr valign="top">
  1158. * <td>byte position</td>
  1159. * <td>C data type</td>
  1160. * <td>description</td>
  1161. * </tr>
  1162. * <tr valign="top">
  1163. * <td>byte 0-3</td>
  1164. * <td>int</td>
  1165. * <td>number of characters in the font</td>
  1166. * </tr>
  1167. * <tr valign="top">
  1168. * <td>byte 4-7</td>
  1169. * <td>int</td>
  1170. * <td>
  1171. * value of first character in the font (often 32 for space)
  1172. * </td>
  1173. * </tr>
  1174. * <tr valign="top">
  1175. * <td>byte 8-11</td>
  1176. * <td>int</td>
  1177. * <td>pixel width of each character</td>
  1178. * </tr>
  1179. * <tr valign="top">
  1180. * <td>byte 12-15</td>
  1181. * <td>int</td>
  1182. * <td>pixel height of each character</td>
  1183. * </tr>
  1184. * <tr valign="top">
  1185. * <td>byte 16-</td>
  1186. * <td>char</td>
  1187. * <td>
  1188. * array with character data, one byte per pixel in each
  1189. * character, for a total of (nchars*width*height) bytes.
  1190. * </td>
  1191. * </tr>
  1192. * </table>
  1193. * </p>
  1194. * @return int|false The font identifier which is always bigger than 5 to avoid conflicts with
  1195. * built-in fonts or false on errors.
  1196. */
  1197. function imageloadfont ($file) {}
  1198. /**
  1199. * Draws a polygon
  1200. * @link
  1201. * @param resource $image
  1202. * @param array $points <p>
  1203. * An array containing the polygon's vertices, e.g.:
  1204. * <tr valign="top">
  1205. * <td>points[0]</td>
  1206. * <td>= x0</td>
  1207. * </tr>
  1208. * <tr valign="top">
  1209. * <td>points[1]</td>
  1210. * <td>= y0</td>
  1211. * </tr>
  1212. * <tr valign="top">
  1213. * <td>points[2]</td>
  1214. * <td>= x1</td>
  1215. * </tr>
  1216. * <tr valign="top">
  1217. * <td>points[3]</td>
  1218. * <td>= y1</td>
  1219. * </tr>
  1220. * </p>
  1221. * @param int $num_points [optional] <p>
  1222. * Total number of points (vertices).
  1223. * </p>
  1224. * @param int $color <p>
  1225. * A color identifier created with
  1226. * imagecolorallocate.
  1227. * </p>
  1228. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1229. */
  1230. function imagepolygon ($image, array $points, $num_points, $color) {}
  1231. /**
  1232. * Draw a rectangle
  1233. * @link
  1234. * @param resource $image
  1235. * @param int $x1 <p>
  1236. * Upper left x coordinate.
  1237. * </p>
  1238. * @param int $y1 <p>
  1239. * Upper left y coordinate
  1240. * 0, 0 is the top left corner of the image.
  1241. * </p>
  1242. * @param int $x2 <p>
  1243. * Bottom right x coordinate.
  1244. * </p>
  1245. * @param int $y2 <p>
  1246. * Bottom right y coordinate.
  1247. * </p>
  1248. * @param int $color <p>
  1249. * A color identifier created with
  1250. * imagecolorallocate.
  1251. * </p>
  1252. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1253. */
  1254. function imagerectangle ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color) {}
  1255. /**
  1256. * Set a single pixel
  1257. * @link
  1258. * @param resource $image
  1259. * @param int $x <p>
  1260. * x-coordinate.
  1261. * </p>
  1262. * @param int $y <p>
  1263. * y-coordinate.
  1264. * </p>
  1265. * @param int $color <p>
  1266. * A color identifier created with
  1267. * imagecolorallocate.
  1268. * </p>
  1269. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1270. */
  1271. function imagesetpixel ($image, $x, $y, $color) {}
  1272. /**
  1273. * Draw a string horizontally
  1274. * @link
  1275. * @param resource $image
  1276. * @param int $font
  1277. * @param int $x <p>
  1278. * x-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  1279. * </p>
  1280. * @param int $y <p>
  1281. * y-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  1282. * </p>
  1283. * @param string $string <p>
  1284. * The string to be written.
  1285. * </p>
  1286. * @param int $color <p>
  1287. * A color identifier created with
  1288. * imagecolorallocate.
  1289. * </p>
  1290. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1291. */
  1292. function imagestring ($image, $font, $x, $y, $string, $color) {}
  1293. /**
  1294. * Draw a string vertically
  1295. * @link
  1296. * @param resource $image
  1297. * @param int $font
  1298. * @param int $x <p>
  1299. * x-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  1300. * </p>
  1301. * @param int $y <p>
  1302. * y-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  1303. * </p>
  1304. * @param string $string <p>
  1305. * The string to be written.
  1306. * </p>
  1307. * @param int $color <p>
  1308. * A color identifier created with
  1309. * imagecolorallocate.
  1310. * </p>
  1311. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1312. */
  1313. function imagestringup ($image, $font, $x, $y, $string, $color) {}
  1314. /**
  1315. * Get image width
  1316. * @link
  1317. * @param resource $image
  1318. * @return int|false Return the width of the image or false on
  1319. * errors.
  1320. */
  1321. function imagesx ($image) {}
  1322. /**
  1323. * Get image height
  1324. * @link
  1325. * @param resource $image
  1326. * @return int|false Return the height of the image or false on
  1327. * errors.
  1328. */
  1329. function imagesy ($image) {}
  1330. /**
  1331. * Draw a dashed line
  1332. * @link
  1333. * @param resource $image
  1334. * @param int $x1 <p>
  1335. * Upper left x coordinate.
  1336. * </p>
  1337. * @param int $y1 <p>
  1338. * Upper left y coordinate 0, 0 is the top left corner of the image.
  1339. * </p>
  1340. * @param int $x2 <p>
  1341. * Bottom right x coordinate.
  1342. * </p>
  1343. * @param int $y2 <p>
  1344. * Bottom right y coordinate.
  1345. * </p>
  1346. * @param int $color <p>
  1347. * The fill color. A color identifier created with
  1348. * imagecolorallocate.
  1349. * </p>
  1350. * @return bool <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  1351. * @deprecated Use combination of imagesetstyle() and imageline() instead
  1352. */
  1353. function imagedashedline ($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color) {}
  1354. /**
  1355. * Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts
  1356. * @link
  1357. * @param float $size <p>
  1358. * The font size. Depending on your version of GD, this should be
  1359. * specified as the pixel size (GD1) or point size (GD2).
  1360. * </p>
  1361. * @param float $angle <p>
  1362. * Angle in degrees in which text will be measured.
  1363. * </p>
  1364. * @param string $fontfile <p>
  1365. * The name of the TrueType font file (can be a URL). Depending on
  1366. * which version of the GD library that PHP is using, it may attempt to
  1367. * search for files that do not begin with a leading '/' by appending
  1368. * '.ttf' to the filename and searching along a library-defined font path.
  1369. * </p>
  1370. * @param string $text <p>
  1371. * The string to be measured.
  1372. * </p>
  1373. * @return array|false imagettfbbox returns an array with 8
  1374. * elements representing four points making the bounding box of the
  1375. * text on success and false on error.
  1376. * <tr valign="top">
  1377. * <td>key</td>
  1378. * <td>contents</td>
  1379. * </tr>
  1380. * <tr valign="top">
  1381. * <td>0</td>
  1382. * <td>lower left corner, X position</td>
  1383. * </tr>
  1384. * <tr valign="top">
  1385. * <td>1</td>
  1386. * <td>lower left corner, Y position</td>
  1387. * </tr>
  1388. * <tr valign="top">
  1389. * <td>2</td>
  1390. * <td>lower right corner, X position</td>
  1391. * </tr>
  1392. * <tr valign="top">
  1393. * <td>3</td>
  1394. * <td>lower right corner, Y position</td>
  1395. * </tr>
  1396. * <tr valign="top">
  1397. * <td>4</td>
  1398. * <td>upper right corner, X position</td>
  1399. * </tr>
  1400. * <tr valign="top">
  1401. * <td>5</td>
  1402. * <td>upper right corner, Y position</td>
  1403. * </tr>
  1404. * <tr valign="top">
  1405. * <td>6</td>
  1406. * <td>upper left corner, X position</td>
  1407. * </tr>
  1408. * <tr valign="top">
  1409. * <td>7</td>
  1410. * <td>upper left corner, Y position</td>
  1411. * </tr>
  1412. * </p>
  1413. * <p>
  1414. * The points are relative to the text regardless of the
  1415. * angle, so "upper left" means in the top left-hand
  1416. * corner seeing the text horizontally.
  1417. */
  1418. function imagettfbbox ($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text) {}
  1419. /**
  1420. * Write text to the image using TrueType fonts
  1421. * @link
  1422. * @param resource $image
  1423. * @param float $size <p>
  1424. * The font size. Depending on your version of GD, this should be
  1425. * specified as the pixel size (GD1) or point size (GD2).
  1426. * </p>
  1427. * @param float $angle <p>
  1428. * The angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text.
  1429. * Higher values represent a counter-clockwise rotation. For example, a
  1430. * value of 90 would result in bottom-to-top reading text.
  1431. * </p>
  1432. * @param int $x <p>
  1433. * The coordinates given by x and
  1434. * y will define the basepoint of the first
  1435. * character (roughly the lower-left corner of the character). This
  1436. * is different from the imagestring, where
  1437. * x and y define the
  1438. * upper-left corner of the first character. For example, "top left"
  1439. * is 0, 0.
  1440. * </p>
  1441. * @param int $y <p>
  1442. * The y-ordinate. This sets the position of the fonts baseline, not the
  1443. * very bottom of the character.
  1444. * </p>
  1445. * @param int $color <p>
  1446. * The color index. Using the negative of a color index has the effect of
  1447. * turning off antialiasing. See imagecolorallocate.
  1448. * </p>
  1449. * @param string $fontfile <p>
  1450. * The path to the TrueType font you wish to use.
  1451. * </p>
  1452. * <p>
  1453. * Depending on which version of the GD library PHP is using, when
  1454. * fontfile does not begin with a leading
  1455. * / then .ttf will be appended
  1456. * to the filename and the library will attempt to search for that
  1457. * filename along a library-defined font path.
  1458. * </p>
  1459. * <p>
  1460. * When using versions of the GD library lower than 2.0.18, a space character,
  1461. * rather than a semicolon, was used as the 'path separator' for different font files.
  1462. * Unintentional use of this feature will result in the warning message:
  1463. * Warning: Could not find/open font. For these affected versions, the
  1464. * only solution is moving the font to a path which does not contain spaces.
  1465. * </p>
  1466. * <p>
  1467. * In many cases where a font resides in the same directory as the script using it
  1468. * the following trick will alleviate any include problems.
  1469. * </p>
  1470. * <pre>
  1471. * <?php
  1472. * // Set the enviroment variable for GD
  1473. * putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.'));
  1474. *
  1475. * // Name the font to be used (note the lack of the .ttf extension)
  1476. * $font = 'SomeFont';
  1477. * ?>
  1478. * </pre>
  1479. * <p>
  1480. * <strong>Note:</strong>
  1481. * <code>open_basedir</code> does <em>not</em> apply to fontfile.
  1482. * </p>
  1483. * @param string $text <p>
  1484. * The text string in UTF-8 encoding.
  1485. * </p>
  1486. * <p>
  1487. * May include decimal numeric character references (of the form:
  1488. * &amp;#8364;) to access characters in a font beyond position 127.
  1489. * The hexadecimal format (like &amp;#xA9;) is supported.
  1490. * Strings in UTF-8 encoding can be passed directly.
  1491. * </p>
  1492. * <p>
  1493. * Named entities, such as &amp;copy;, are not supported. Consider using
  1494. * html_entity_decode
  1495. * to decode these named entities into UTF-8 strings (html_entity_decode()
  1496. * supports this as of PHP 5.0.0).
  1497. * </p>
  1498. * <p>
  1499. * If a character is used in the string which is not supported by the
  1500. * font, a hollow rectangle will replace the character.
  1501. * </p>
  1502. * @return array|false an array with 8 elements representing four points making the
  1503. * bounding box of the text. The order of the points is lower left, lower
  1504. * right, upper right, upper left. The points are relative to the text
  1505. * regardless of the angle, so "upper left" means in the top left-hand
  1506. * corner when you see the text horizontally.
  1507. * Returns false on error.
  1508. */
  1509. function imagettftext ($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontfile, $text) {}
  1510. /**
  1511. * Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2
  1512. * @link
  1513. * @param float $size <p>
  1514. * The font size. Depending on your version of GD, this should be
  1515. * specified as the pixel size (GD1) or point size (GD2).
  1516. * </p>
  1517. * @param float $angle <p>
  1518. * Angle in degrees in which text will be
  1519. * measured.
  1520. * </p>
  1521. * @param string $fontfile <p>
  1522. * The name of the TrueType font file (can be a URL). Depending on
  1523. * which version of the GD library that PHP is using, it may attempt to
  1524. * search for files that do not begin with a leading '/' by appending
  1525. * '.ttf' to the filename and searching along a library-defined font path.
  1526. * </p>
  1527. * @param string $text <p>
  1528. * The string to be measured.
  1529. * </p>
  1530. * @param array $extrainfo [optional] <p>
  1531. * <table>
  1532. * Possible array indexes for extrainfo
  1533. * <tr valign="top">
  1534. * <td>Key</td>
  1535. * <td>Type</td>
  1536. * <td>Meaning</td>
  1537. * </tr>
  1538. * <tr valign="top">
  1539. * <td>linespacing</td>
  1540. * <td>float</td>
  1541. * <td>Defines drawing linespacing</td>
  1542. * </tr>
  1543. * </table>
  1544. * </p>
  1545. * @return array|false imageftbbox returns an array with 8
  1546. * elements representing four points making the bounding box of the
  1547. * text:
  1548. * <tr valign="top">
  1549. * <td>0</td>
  1550. * <td>lower left corner, X position</td>
  1551. * </tr>
  1552. * <tr valign="top">
  1553. * <td>1</td>
  1554. * <td>lower left corner, Y position</td>
  1555. * </tr>
  1556. * <tr valign="top">
  1557. * <td>2</td>
  1558. * <td>lower right corner, X position</td>
  1559. * </tr>
  1560. * <tr valign="top">
  1561. * <td>3</td>
  1562. * <td>lower right corner, Y position</td>
  1563. * </tr>
  1564. * <tr valign="top">
  1565. * <td>4</td>
  1566. * <td>upper right corner, X position</td>
  1567. * </tr>
  1568. * <tr valign="top">
  1569. * <td>5</td>
  1570. * <td>upper right corner, Y position</td>
  1571. * </tr>
  1572. * <tr valign="top">
  1573. * <td>6</td>
  1574. * <td>upper left corner, X position</td>
  1575. * </tr>
  1576. * <tr valign="top">
  1577. * <td>7</td>
  1578. * <td>upper left corner, Y position</td>
  1579. * </tr>
  1580. * </p>
  1581. * <p>
  1582. * The points are relative to the text regardless of the
  1583. * angle, so "upper left" means in the top left-hand
  1584. * corner seeing the text horizontally.
  1585. * Returns false on error.
  1586. */
  1587. function imageftbbox ($size, $angle, $fontfile, $text, $extrainfo = null ) {}
  1588. /**
  1589. * Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2
  1590. * @link
  1591. * @param resource $image
  1592. * @param float $size <p>
  1593. * The font size to use in points.
  1594. * </p>
  1595. * @param float $angle <p>
  1596. * The angle in degrees, with 0 degrees being left-to-right reading text.
  1597. * Higher values represent a counter-clockwise rotation. For example, a
  1598. * value of 90 would result in bottom-to-top reading text.
  1599. * </p>
  1600. * @param int $x <p>
  1601. * The coordinates given by x and
  1602. * y will define the basepoint of the first
  1603. * character (roughly the lower-left corner of the character). This
  1604. * is different from the imagestring, where
  1605. * x and y define the
  1606. * upper-left corner of the first character. For example, "top left"
  1607. * is 0, 0.
  1608. * </p>
  1609. * @param int $y <p>
  1610. * The y-ordinate. This sets the position of the fonts baseline, not the
  1611. * very bottom of the character.
  1612. * </p>
  1613. * @param int $color <p>
  1614. * The index of the desired color for the text, see
  1615. * imagecolorexact.
  1616. * </p>
  1617. * @param string $fontfile <p>
  1618. * The path to the TrueType font you wish to use.
  1619. * </p>
  1620. * <p>
  1621. * Depending on which version of the GD library PHP is using, when
  1622. * fontfile does not begin with a leading
  1623. * / then .ttf will be appended
  1624. * to the filename and the library will attempt to search for that
  1625. * filename along a library-defined font path.
  1626. * </p>
  1627. * <p>
  1628. * When using versions of the GD library lower than 2.0.18, a space character,
  1629. * rather than a semicolon, was used as the 'path separator' for different font files.
  1630. * Unintentional use of this feature will result in the warning message:
  1631. * Warning: Could not find/open font. For these affected versions, the
  1632. * only solution is moving the font to a path which does not contain spaces.
  1633. * </p>
  1634. * <p>
  1635. * In many cases where a font resides in the same directory as the script using it
  1636. * the following trick will alleviate any include problems.
  1637. * </p>
  1638. * <pre>
  1639. * <?php
  1640. * // Set the enviroment variable for GD
  1641. * putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.'));
  1642. *
  1643. * // Name the font to be used (note the lack of the .ttf extension)
  1644. * $font = 'SomeFont';
  1645. * ?>
  1646. * </pre>
  1647. * <p>
  1648. * <strong>Note:</strong>
  1649. * <code>open_basedir</code> does <em>not</em> apply to fontfile.
  1650. * </p>
  1651. * @param string $text <p>
  1652. * Text to be inserted into image.
  1653. * </p>
  1654. * @param array $extrainfo [optional] <p>
  1655. * <table>
  1656. * Possible array indexes for extrainfo
  1657. * <tr valign="top">
  1658. * <td>Key</td>
  1659. * <td>Type</td>
  1660. * <td>Meaning</td>
  1661. * </tr>
  1662. * <tr valign="top">
  1663. * <td>linespacing</td>
  1664. * <td>float</td>
  1665. * <td>Defines drawing linespacing</td>
  1666. * </tr>
  1667. * </table>
  1668. * </p>
  1669. * @return array|false This function returns an array defining the four points of the box, starting in the lower left and moving counter-clockwise:
  1670. * <tr valign="top">
  1671. * <td>0</td>
  1672. * <td>lower left x-coordinate</td>
  1673. * </tr>
  1674. * <tr valign="top">
  1675. * <td>1</td>
  1676. * <td>lower left y-coordinate</td>
  1677. * </tr>
  1678. * <tr valign="top">
  1679. * <td>2</td>
  1680. * <td>lower right x-coordinate</td>
  1681. * </tr>
  1682. * <tr valign="top">
  1683. * <td>3</td>
  1684. * <td>lower right y-coordinate</td>
  1685. * </tr>
  1686. * <tr valign="top">
  1687. * <td>4</td>
  1688. * <td>upper right x-coordinate</td>
  1689. * </tr>
  1690. * <tr valign="top">
  1691. * <td>5</td>
  1692. * <td>upper right y-coordinate</td>
  1693. * </tr>
  1694. * <tr valign="top">
  1695. * <td>6</td>
  1696. * <td>upper left x-coordinate</td>
  1697. * </tr>
  1698. * <tr valign="top">
  1699. * <td>7</td>
  1700. * <td>upper left y-coordinate</td>
  1701. * </tr>
  1702. * Returns false on error.
  1703. */
  1704. function imagefttext ($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontfile, $text, $extrainfo = null ) {}
  1705. /**
  1706. * Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file
  1707. * @link
  1708. * @param string $filename <p>
  1709. * Path to the Postscript font file.
  1710. * </p>
  1711. * @return resource|false In the case everything went right, a valid font index will be returned and
  1712. * can be used for further purposes. Otherwise the function returns false.
  1713. * @removed 7.0 This function was REMOVED in PHP 7.0.0.
  1714. */
  1715. function imagepsloadfont ($filename) {}
  1716. /**
  1717. * Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font
  1718. * @link
  1719. * @param resource $font_index <p>
  1720. * A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont.
  1721. * </p>
  1722. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1723. * @removed 7.0
  1724. */
  1725. function imagepsfreefont ($font_index) {}
  1726. /**
  1727. * Change the character encoding vector of a font
  1728. * @link
  1729. * @param resource $font_index <p>
  1730. * A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont.
  1731. * </p>
  1732. * @param string $encodingfile <p>
  1733. * The exact format of this file is described in T1libs documentation.
  1734. * T1lib comes with two ready-to-use files,
  1735. * IsoLatin1.enc and
  1736. * IsoLatin2.enc.
  1737. * </p>
  1738. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1739. * @removed 7.0
  1740. */
  1741. function imagepsencodefont ($font_index, $encodingfile) {}
  1742. /**
  1743. * Extend or condense a font
  1744. * @link
  1745. * @param resource $font_index <p>
  1746. * A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont.
  1747. * </p>
  1748. * @param float $extend <p>
  1749. * Extension value, must be greater than 0.
  1750. * </p>
  1751. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1752. * @removed 7.0
  1753. */
  1754. function imagepsextendfont ($font_index, $extend) {}
  1755. /**
  1756. * Slant a font
  1757. * @link
  1758. * @param resource $font_index <p>
  1759. * A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont.
  1760. * </p>
  1761. * @param float $slant <p>
  1762. * Slant level.
  1763. * </p>
  1764. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1765. * @removed 7.0 This function was REMOVED in PHP 7.0.0.
  1766. */
  1767. function imagepsslantfont ($font_index, $slant) {}
  1768. /**
  1769. * Draws a text over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts
  1770. * @link
  1771. * @param resource $image
  1772. * @param string $text <p>
  1773. * The text to be written.
  1774. * </p>
  1775. * @param resource $font_index <p>
  1776. * A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont.
  1777. * </p>
  1778. * @param int $size <p>
  1779. * size is expressed in pixels.
  1780. * </p>
  1781. * @param int $foreground <p>
  1782. * The color in which the text will be painted.
  1783. * </p>
  1784. * @param int $background <p>
  1785. * The color to which the text will try to fade in with antialiasing.
  1786. * No pixels with the color background are
  1787. * actually painted, so the background image does not need to be of solid
  1788. * color.
  1789. * </p>
  1790. * @param int $x <p>
  1791. * x-coordinate for the lower-left corner of the first character.
  1792. * </p>
  1793. * @param int $y <p>
  1794. * y-coordinate for the lower-left corner of the first character.
  1795. * </p>
  1796. * @param int $space [optional] <p>
  1797. * Allows you to change the default value of a space in a font. This
  1798. * amount is added to the normal value and can also be negative.
  1799. * Expressed in character space units, where 1 unit is 1/1000th of an
  1800. * em-square.
  1801. * </p>
  1802. * @param int $tightness [optional] <p>
  1803. * tightness allows you to control the amount
  1804. * of white space between characters. This amount is added to the
  1805. * normal character width and can also be negative.
  1806. * Expressed in character space units, where 1 unit is 1/1000th of an
  1807. * em-square.
  1808. * </p>
  1809. * @param float $angle [optional] <p>
  1810. * angle is in degrees.
  1811. * </p>
  1812. * @param int $antialias_steps [optional] <p>
  1813. * Allows you to control the number of colours used for antialiasing
  1814. * text. Allowed values are 4 and 16. The higher value is recommended
  1815. * for text sizes lower than 20, where the effect in text quality is
  1816. * quite visible. With bigger sizes, use 4. It's less computationally
  1817. * intensive.
  1818. * </p>
  1819. * @return array|false This function returns an array containing the following elements:
  1820. * <tr valign="top">
  1821. * <td>0</td>
  1822. * <td>lower left x-coordinate</td>
  1823. * </tr>
  1824. * <tr valign="top">
  1825. * <td>1</td>
  1826. * <td>lower left y-coordinate</td>
  1827. * </tr>
  1828. * <tr valign="top">
  1829. * <td>2</td>
  1830. * <td>upper right x-coordinate</td>
  1831. * </tr>
  1832. * <tr valign="top">
  1833. * <td>3</td>
  1834. * <td>upper right y-coordinate</td>
  1835. * </tr>
  1836. * Returns false on error.
  1837. * @removed 7.0 This function was REMOVED in PHP 7.0.0.
  1838. */
  1839. function imagepstext ($image, $text, $font_index, $size, $foreground, $background, $x, $y, $space = null, $tightness = null, $angle = null, $antialias_steps = null) {}
  1840. /**
  1841. * Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts
  1842. * @link
  1843. * @param string $text <p>
  1844. * The text to be written.
  1845. * </p>
  1846. * @param resource $font
  1847. * @param int $size <p>
  1848. * size is expressed in pixels.
  1849. * </p>
  1850. * @return array|false an array containing the following elements:
  1851. * <tr valign="top">
  1852. * <td>0</td>
  1853. * <td>left x-coordinate</td>
  1854. * </tr>
  1855. * <tr valign="top">
  1856. * <td>1</td>
  1857. * <td>upper y-coordinate</td>
  1858. * </tr>
  1859. * <tr valign="top">
  1860. * <td>2</td>
  1861. * <td>right x-coordinate</td>
  1862. * </tr>
  1863. * <tr valign="top">
  1864. * <td>3</td>
  1865. * <td>lower y-coordinate</td>
  1866. * </tr>
  1867. * Returns false on error.
  1868. * @removed 7.0
  1869. */
  1870. function imagepsbbox ($text, $font, $size) {}
  1871. /**
  1872. * Return the image types supported by this PHP build
  1873. * @link
  1874. * @return int a bit-field corresponding to the image formats supported by the
  1875. * version of GD linked into PHP. The following bits are returned,
  1877. */
  1878. function imagetypes () {}
  1879. /**
  1880. * Convert JPEG image file to WBMP image file
  1881. * @link
  1882. * @param string $jpegname <p>
  1883. * Path to JPEG file.
  1884. * </p>
  1885. * @param string $wbmpname <p>
  1886. * Path to destination WBMP file.
  1887. * </p>
  1888. * @param int $dest_height <p>
  1889. * Destination image height.
  1890. * </p>
  1891. * @param int $dest_width <p>
  1892. * Destination image width.
  1893. * </p>
  1894. * @param int $threshold <p>
  1895. * Threshold value, between 0 and 8 (inclusive).
  1896. * </p>
  1897. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1898. * @deprecated 7.2 Use imagecreatefromjpeg() and imagewbmp() instead
  1899. * @removed 8.0
  1900. */
  1901. function jpeg2wbmp ($jpegname, $wbmpname, $dest_height, $dest_width, $threshold) {}
  1902. /**
  1903. * Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file
  1904. * @link
  1905. * @param string $pngname <p>
  1906. * Path to PNG file.
  1907. * </p>
  1908. * @param string $wbmpname <p>
  1909. * Path to destination WBMP file.
  1910. * </p>
  1911. * @param int $dest_height <p>
  1912. * Destination image height.
  1913. * </p>
  1914. * @param int $dest_width <p>
  1915. * Destination image width.
  1916. * </p>
  1917. * @param int $threshold <p>
  1918. * Threshold value, between 0 and 8 (inclusive).
  1919. * </p>
  1920. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1921. * @deprecated 7.2 Use imagecreatefrompng() and imagewbmp() instead
  1922. * @removed 8.0
  1923. */
  1924. function png2wbmp ($pngname, $wbmpname, $dest_height, $dest_width, $threshold) {}
  1925. /**
  1926. * Output image to browser or file
  1927. * @link
  1928. * @param resource $image
  1929. * @param string $filename [optional] <p>
  1930. * Path to the saved file. If not given, the raw image stream will be
  1931. * outputted directly.
  1932. * </p>
  1933. * @param int $threshold [optional] <p>
  1934. * Threshold value, between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
  1935. * </p>
  1936. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1937. * @deprecated 7.3 Use imagewbmp() instead
  1938. * @removed 8.0
  1939. */
  1940. function image2wbmp ($image, $filename = null, $threshold = null) {}
  1941. /**
  1942. * Set the alpha blending flag to use the bundled libgd layering effects
  1943. * @link
  1944. * @param resource $image
  1945. * @param int $effect <p>
  1946. * One of the following constants:
  1948. * Use pixel replacement (equivalent of passing true to
  1949. * imagealphablending)
  1950. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1951. */
  1952. function imagelayereffect ($image, $effect) {}
  1953. /**
  1954. * Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version
  1955. * @link
  1956. * @param $image1 resource <p>
  1957. * A truecolor image link resource.
  1958. * </p>
  1959. * @param $image2 resource <p>
  1960. * A palette image link resource pointing to an image that has the same
  1961. * size as image1.
  1962. * </p>
  1963. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1964. */
  1965. function imagecolormatch ($image1, $image2) {}
  1966. /**
  1967. * Output XBM image to browser or file
  1968. * @link
  1969. * @param resource $image
  1970. * @param string $filename <p>
  1971. * The path to save the file to. If not set or &null;, the raw image stream
  1972. * will be outputted directly.
  1973. * </p>
  1974. * @param int $foreground [optional] <p>
  1975. * You can set the foreground color with this parameter by setting an
  1976. * identifier obtained from imagecolorallocate.
  1977. * The default foreground color is black.
  1978. * </p>
  1979. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  1980. */
  1981. function imagexbm ($image, $filename, $foreground = null) {}
  1982. /**
  1983. * Applies a filter to an image
  1984. * @link
  1985. * @param resource $image
  1986. * @param int $filtertype <p>
  1987. * filtertype can be one of the following:
  1988. * IMG_FILTER_NEGATE: Reverses all colors of
  1989. * the image.
  1990. * @param int $arg1 [optional] <p>
  1991. * IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Brightness level.
  1992. * @param int $arg2 [optional] <p>
  1993. * IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Value of green component.
  1994. * @param int $arg3 [optional] <p>
  1995. * IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Value of blue component.
  1996. * @param int $arg4 [optional] <p>
  1997. * IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Alpha channel, A value
  1998. * between 0 and 127. 0 indicates completely opaque while 127 indicates
  1999. * completely transparent.
  2000. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  2001. */
  2002. function imagefilter ($image, $filtertype, $arg1 = null, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null, $arg4 = null) {}
  2003. /**
  2004. * Apply a 3x3 convolution matrix, using coefficient and offset
  2005. * @link
  2006. * @param resource $image
  2007. * @param array $matrix <p>
  2008. * A 3x3 matrix: an array of three arrays of three floats.
  2009. * </p>
  2010. * @param float $div <p>
  2011. * The divisor of the result of the convolution, used for normalization.
  2012. * </p>
  2013. * @param float $offset <p>
  2014. * Color offset.
  2015. * </p>
  2016. * @return bool true on success or false on failure.
  2017. */
  2018. function imageconvolution ($image, array $matrix, $div, $offset) {}
  2019. /**
  2020. * @param resource $im An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@see imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2021. * @param int $res_x [optional] The horizontal resolution in DPI.
  2022. * @param int $res_y [optional] The vertical resolution in DPI.
  2023. * @return array|bool When used as getter (that is without the optional parameters), it returns <b>TRUE</b> on success, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure. When used as setter (that is with one or both optional parameters given), it returns an indexed array of the horizontal and vertical resolution on success, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2024. * @link
  2025. * @since 7.2
  2026. */
  2027. function imageresolution ($im, $res_x = 96, $res_y = 96) {}
  2028. /**
  2029. * <b>imagesetclip()</b> sets the current clipping rectangle, i.e. the area beyond which no pixels will be drawn.
  2030. * @param resource $im An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@see imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2031. * @param int $x1 The x-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  2032. * @param int $y1 The y-coordinate of the upper left corner.
  2033. * @param int $x2 The x-coordinate of the lower right corner.
  2034. * @param int $y2 The y-coordinate of the lower right corner.
  2035. * @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2036. * @link
  2037. * @see imagegetclip()
  2038. * @since 7.2
  2039. */
  2040. function imagesetclip ($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {}
  2041. /**
  2042. * <b>imagegetclip()</b> retrieves the current clipping rectangle, i.e. the area beyond which no pixels will be drawn.
  2043. * @param resource $im An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@see imagecreatetruecolor()}
  2044. * @return array|false an indexed array with the coordinates of the clipping rectangle which has the following entries:
  2045. * <ul>
  2046. * <li>x-coordinate of the upper left corner</li>
  2047. * <li>y-coordinate of the upper left corner</li>
  2048. * <li>x-coordinate of the lower right corner</li>
  2049. * <li>y-coordinate of the lower right corner</li>
  2050. * </ul>
  2051. * Returns <b>FALSE</b> on error.
  2052. * @link
  2053. * @see imagesetclip()
  2054. * @since 7.2
  2055. */
  2056. function imagegetclip ($im) {}
  2057. /**
  2058. * <b>imageopenpolygon()</b> draws an open polygon on the given <b>image.</b> Contrary to {@see imagepolygon()}, no line is drawn between the last and the first point.
  2059. * @param resource $image An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@see imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2060. * @param array $points An array containing the polygon's vertices, e.g.:
  2061. * <pre>
  2062. * points[0] = x0
  2063. * points[1] = y0
  2064. * points[2] = x1
  2065. * points[3] = y1
  2066. * </pre>
  2067. * @param int $num_points [optional] Total number of points (vertices).
  2068. * @param int $color A color identifier created with {@see imagecolorallocate()}.
  2069. * @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2070. * @link
  2071. * @since 7.2
  2072. * @see imageplygon()
  2073. */
  2074. function imageopenpolygon ($image , $points, $num_points, $color) {}
  2075. /**
  2076. * <b>imagecreatefrombmp()</b> returns an image identifier representing the image obtained from the given filename.
  2077. * <b>TIP</b> A URL can be used as a filename with this function if the fopen wrappers have been enabled. See {@see fopen()} for more details on how to specify the filename. See the Supported Protocols and Wrappers for links to information about what abilities the various wrappers have, notes on their usage, and information on any predefined variables they may provide.
  2078. * @param string $filename Path to the BMP image.
  2079. * @return resource|false Returns an image resource identifier on success, <b>FALSE</b> on errors.
  2080. * @link
  2081. * @since 7.2
  2082. */
  2083. function imagecreatefrombmp($filename){}
  2084. /**
  2085. * Outputs or saves a BMP version of the given <b>image</b>.
  2086. * @param resource $image An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@see imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2087. * @param mixed $to The path or an open stream resource (which is automatically being closed after this function returns) to save the file to. If not set or <b>NULL</b>, the raw image stream will be outputted directly.
  2088. * <br />
  2089. * <b>Note:</b> <b>NULL</b> is invalid if the <b>compressed</b> arguments is not used.
  2090. * @param bool $compressed Whether the BMP should be compressed with run-length encoding (RLE), or not.
  2091. * @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2092. * <br />
  2093. * <b>Caution</b> However, if libgd fails to output the image, this function returns <b>TRUE</b>.
  2094. * @link
  2095. * @since 7.2
  2096. */
  2097. function imagebmp ($image, $to = null, $compressed = true) {}
  2098. /**
  2099. * @param string $filename
  2100. * @return resource|false
  2101. */
  2102. function imagecreatefromtga($filename) {}
  2103. /**
  2104. * Captures the whole screen
  2105. *
  2106. *
  2107. *
  2108. * @return resource|false
  2109. */
  2110. function imagegrabscreen() {}
  2111. /**
  2112. * Captures a window
  2113. *
  2114. * @link
  2115. *
  2116. * @param int $handle
  2117. * @param int|null $client_area
  2118. * @return resource|false
  2119. */
  2120. function imagegrabwindow($handle, $client_area = null) {}
  2121. /**
  2122. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2123. * @link
  2124. */
  2125. define ('IMG_GIF', 1);
  2126. /**
  2127. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2128. * @link
  2129. */
  2130. define ('IMG_JPG', 2);
  2131. /**
  2132. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2133. * <p>
  2134. * This constant has the same value as {@see IMG_JPG}
  2135. * </p>
  2136. * @link
  2137. */
  2138. define ('IMG_JPEG', 2);
  2139. /**
  2140. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2141. * @link
  2142. */
  2143. define ('IMG_PNG', 4);
  2144. /**
  2145. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2146. * @link
  2147. */
  2148. define ('IMG_WBMP', 8);
  2149. /**
  2150. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2151. * @link
  2152. */
  2153. define ('IMG_XPM', 16);
  2154. /**
  2155. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2156. * @since 5.6.25
  2157. * @since 7.0.10
  2158. * @link
  2159. */
  2160. define('IMG_WEBP', 32);
  2161. /**
  2162. * Used as a return value by {@see imagetypes()}
  2163. * @since 7.2
  2164. * @link
  2165. */
  2166. define('IMG_BMP', 64);
  2167. /**
  2168. * Special color option which can be used instead of color allocated with
  2169. * {@see imagecolorallocate()} or {@see imagecolorallocatealpha()}
  2170. * @link
  2171. */
  2172. define ('IMG_COLOR_TILED', -5);
  2173. /**
  2174. * Special color option which can be used instead of color allocated with
  2175. * {@see imagecolorallocate()} or {@see imagecolorallocatealpha()}
  2176. * @link
  2177. */
  2178. define ('IMG_COLOR_STYLED', -2);
  2179. /**
  2180. * Special color option which can be used instead of color allocated with
  2181. * {@see imagecolorallocate()} or {@see imagecolorallocatealpha()}
  2182. * @link
  2183. */
  2184. define ('IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED', -3);
  2185. /**
  2186. * Special color option which can be used instead of color allocated with
  2187. * {@see imagecolorallocate()} or {@see imagecolorallocatealpha()}
  2188. * @link
  2189. */
  2190. define ('IMG_COLOR_STYLEDBRUSHED', -4);
  2191. /**
  2192. * Special color option which can be used instead of color allocated with
  2193. * {@see imagecolorallocate()} or {@see imagecolorallocatealpha()}
  2194. * @link
  2195. */
  2196. define ('IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT', -6);
  2197. /**
  2198. * A style constant used by the {@see imagefilledarc()} function.
  2199. * <p>
  2200. * This constant has the same value as {@see IMG_ARC_PIE}
  2201. * </p>
  2202. * @link
  2203. */
  2204. define ('IMG_ARC_ROUNDED', 0);
  2205. /**
  2206. * A style constant used by the {@see imagefilledarc()} function.
  2207. * @link
  2208. */
  2209. define ('IMG_ARC_PIE', 0);
  2210. /**
  2211. * A style constant used by the {@see imagefilledarc()} function.
  2212. * @link
  2213. */
  2214. define ('IMG_ARC_CHORD', 1);
  2215. /**
  2216. * A style constant used by the {@see imagefilledarc()} function.
  2217. * @link
  2218. */
  2219. define ('IMG_ARC_NOFILL', 2);
  2220. /**
  2221. * A style constant used by the {@see imagefilledarc()} function.
  2222. * @link
  2223. */
  2224. define ('IMG_ARC_EDGED', 4);
  2225. /**
  2226. * A type constant used by the {@see imagegd2()} function.
  2227. * @link
  2228. */
  2229. define ('IMG_GD2_RAW', 1);
  2230. /**
  2231. * A type constant used by the {@see imagegd2()} function.
  2232. * @link
  2233. */
  2234. define ('IMG_GD2_COMPRESSED', 2);
  2235. /**
  2236. * Alpha blending effect used by the {@see imagelayereffect()} function.
  2237. * @link
  2238. */
  2239. define ('IMG_EFFECT_REPLACE', 0);
  2240. /**
  2241. * Alpha blending effect used by the {@see imagelayereffect()} function.
  2242. * @link
  2243. */
  2244. define ('IMG_EFFECT_ALPHABLEND', 1);
  2245. /**
  2246. * Alpha blending effect used by the {@see imagelayereffect()} function.
  2247. * @link
  2248. */
  2249. define ('IMG_EFFECT_NORMAL', 2);
  2250. /**
  2251. * Alpha blending effect used by the {@see imagelayereffect()} function.
  2252. * @link
  2253. */
  2254. define ('IMG_EFFECT_OVERLAY', 3);
  2255. /**
  2256. * Alpha blending effect used by the {@see imagelayereffect()} function.
  2257. * @link
  2258. * @since 7.2
  2259. */
  2260. define ('IMG_EFFECT_MULTIPLY', 4);
  2261. /**
  2262. * When the bundled version of GD is used this is 1 otherwise
  2263. * it's set to 0.
  2264. * @link
  2265. */
  2266. define ('GD_BUNDLED', 1);
  2267. /**
  2268. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2269. * @link
  2270. */
  2271. define ('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE', 0);
  2272. /**
  2273. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2274. * @link
  2275. */
  2276. define ('IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE', 1);
  2277. /**
  2278. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2279. * @link
  2280. */
  2281. define ('IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS', 2);
  2282. /**
  2283. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2284. * @link
  2285. */
  2286. define ('IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST', 3);
  2287. /**
  2288. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2289. * @link
  2290. */
  2291. define ('IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE', 4);
  2292. /**
  2293. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2294. * @link
  2295. */
  2296. define ('IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT', 5);
  2297. /**
  2298. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2299. * @link
  2300. */
  2301. define ('IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR', 7);
  2302. /**
  2303. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2304. * @link
  2305. */
  2306. define ('IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR', 8);
  2307. /**
  2308. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2309. * @link
  2310. */
  2311. define ('IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS', 6);
  2312. /**
  2313. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2314. * @link
  2315. */
  2316. define ('IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL', 9);
  2317. /**
  2318. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2319. * @link
  2320. */
  2321. define ('IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH', 10);
  2322. /**
  2323. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2324. * @link
  2325. */
  2326. define ('IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE', 11);
  2327. /**
  2328. * Special GD filter used by the {@see imagefilter()} function.
  2329. * @link
  2330. * @since 7.4
  2331. */
  2332. define ('IMG_FILTER_SCATTER', 12);
  2333. /**
  2334. * The GD version PHP was compiled against.
  2335. * @since 5.2.4
  2336. * @link
  2337. */
  2338. define ('GD_VERSION', "2.0.35");
  2339. /**
  2340. * The GD major version PHP was compiled against.
  2341. * @since 5.2.4
  2342. * @link
  2343. */
  2344. define ('GD_MAJOR_VERSION', 2);
  2345. /**
  2346. * The GD minor version PHP was compiled against.
  2347. * @since 5.2.4
  2348. * @link
  2349. */
  2350. define ('GD_MINOR_VERSION', 0);
  2351. /**
  2352. * The GD release version PHP was compiled against.
  2353. * @since 5.2.4
  2354. * @link
  2355. */
  2356. define ('GD_RELEASE_VERSION', 35);
  2357. /**
  2358. * The GD "extra" version (beta/rc..) PHP was compiled against.
  2359. * @since 5.2.4
  2360. * @link
  2361. */
  2362. define ('GD_EXTRA_VERSION', "");
  2363. /**
  2364. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2365. * @link
  2366. */
  2367. define ('PNG_NO_FILTER', 0);
  2368. /**
  2369. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2370. * @link
  2371. */
  2372. define ('PNG_FILTER_NONE', 8);
  2373. /**
  2374. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2375. * @link
  2376. */
  2377. define ('PNG_FILTER_SUB', 16);
  2378. /**
  2379. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2380. * @link
  2381. */
  2382. define ('PNG_FILTER_UP', 32);
  2383. /**
  2384. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2385. * @link
  2386. */
  2387. define ('PNG_FILTER_AVG', 64);
  2388. /**
  2389. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2390. * @link
  2391. */
  2392. define ('PNG_FILTER_PAETH', 128);
  2393. /**
  2394. * A special PNG filter, used by the {@see imagepng()} function.
  2395. * @link
  2396. */
  2397. define ('PNG_ALL_FILTERS', 248);
  2398. /**
  2399. * An affine transformation type constant used by the {@see imageaffinematrixget()} function.
  2400. * @since 5.5
  2401. * @link
  2402. */
  2403. define('IMG_AFFINE_TRANSLATE', 0);
  2404. /**
  2405. * An affine transformation type constant used by the {@see imageaffinematrixget()} function.
  2406. * @since 5.5
  2407. * @link
  2408. */
  2409. define('IMG_AFFINE_SCALE', 1);
  2410. /**
  2411. * An affine transformation type constant used by the {@see imageaffinematrixget()} function.
  2412. * @since 5.5
  2413. * @link
  2414. */
  2415. define('IMG_AFFINE_ROTATE', 2);
  2416. /**
  2417. * An affine transformation type constant used by the {@see imageaffinematrixget()} function.
  2418. * @since 5.5
  2419. * @link
  2420. */
  2421. define('IMG_AFFINE_SHEAR_HORIZONTAL', 3);
  2422. /**
  2423. * An affine transformation type constant used by the {@see imageaffinematrixget()} function.
  2424. * @since 5.5
  2425. * @link
  2426. */
  2427. define('IMG_AFFINE_SHEAR_VERTICAL', 4);
  2428. /**
  2429. * Same as {@see IMG_CROP_TRANSPARENT}. Before PHP 7.4.0, the bundled libgd fell back to
  2430. * {@see IMG_CROP_SIDES}, if the image had no transparent color.
  2431. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2432. * @since 5.5
  2433. */
  2434. define('IMG_CROP_DEFAULT', 0);
  2435. /**
  2436. * Crops out a transparent background.
  2437. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2438. * @since 5.5
  2439. */
  2440. define('IMG_CROP_TRANSPARENT', 1);
  2441. /**
  2442. * Crops out a black background.
  2443. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2444. * @since 5.5
  2445. */
  2446. define('IMG_CROP_BLACK', 2);
  2447. /**
  2448. * Crops out a white background.
  2449. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2450. * @since 5.5
  2451. */
  2452. define('IMG_CROP_WHITE', 3);
  2453. /**
  2454. * Uses the 4 corners of the image to attempt to detect the background to crop.
  2455. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2456. * @since 5.5
  2457. */
  2458. define('IMG_CROP_SIDES', 4);
  2459. /**
  2460. * Crops an image using the given <b>threshold</b> and <b>color</b>.
  2461. * Used together with {@see imagecropauto()}.
  2462. * @since 5.5
  2463. */
  2464. define('IMG_CROP_THRESHOLD', 5);
  2465. /**
  2466. * Used together with {@see imageflip()}
  2467. * @since 5.5
  2468. * @link
  2469. */
  2470. define('IMG_FLIP_BOTH', 3);
  2471. /**
  2472. * Used together with {@see imageflip()}
  2473. * @since 5.5
  2474. * @link
  2475. */
  2476. define('IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL', 1);
  2477. /**
  2478. * Used together with {@see imageflip()}
  2479. * @since 5.5
  2480. * @link
  2481. */
  2482. define('IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL', 2);
  2483. /**
  2484. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2485. * @link
  2486. * @since 5.5
  2487. */
  2488. define('IMG_BELL', 1);
  2489. /**
  2490. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2491. * @link
  2492. * @since 5.5
  2493. */
  2494. define('IMG_BESSEL', 2);
  2495. /**
  2496. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2497. * @link
  2498. * @since 5.5
  2499. */
  2500. define('IMG_BICUBIC', 4);
  2501. /**
  2502. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2503. * @link
  2504. * @since 5.5
  2505. */
  2506. define('IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED', 5);
  2507. /**
  2508. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2509. * @link
  2510. * @since 5.5
  2511. */
  2512. define('IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED', 3);
  2513. /**
  2514. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2515. * @link
  2516. * @since 5.5
  2517. */
  2518. define('IMG_BLACKMAN', 6);
  2519. /**
  2520. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2521. * @link
  2522. * @since 5.5
  2523. */
  2524. define('IMG_BOX', 7);
  2525. /**
  2526. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2527. * @link
  2528. * @since 5.5
  2529. */
  2530. define('IMG_BSPLINE', 8);
  2531. /**
  2532. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2533. * @link
  2534. * @since 5.5
  2535. */
  2536. define('IMG_CATMULLROM', 9);
  2537. /**
  2538. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2539. * @link
  2540. * @since 5.5
  2541. */
  2542. define('IMG_GAUSSIAN', 10);
  2543. /**
  2544. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2545. * @link
  2546. * @since 5.5
  2547. */
  2548. define('IMG_GENERALIZED_CUBIC', 11);
  2549. /**
  2550. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2551. * @link
  2552. * @since 5.5
  2553. */
  2554. define('IMG_HERMITE', 12);
  2555. /**
  2556. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2557. * @link
  2558. * @since 5.5
  2559. */
  2560. define('IMG_HAMMING', 13);
  2561. /**
  2562. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2563. * @link
  2564. * @since 5.5
  2565. */
  2566. define('IMG_HANNING', 14);
  2567. /**
  2568. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2569. * @link
  2570. * @since 5.5
  2571. */
  2572. define('IMG_MITCHELL', 15);
  2573. /**
  2574. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2575. * @link
  2576. * @since 5.5
  2577. */
  2578. define('IMG_POWER', 17);
  2579. /**
  2580. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2581. * @link
  2582. * @since 5.5
  2583. */
  2584. define('IMG_QUADRATIC', 18);
  2585. /**
  2586. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2587. * @link
  2588. * @since 5.5
  2589. */
  2590. define('IMG_SINC', 19);
  2591. /**
  2592. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2593. * @link
  2594. * @since 5.5
  2595. */
  2596. define('IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR', 16);
  2597. /**
  2598. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2599. * @link
  2600. * @since 5.5
  2601. */
  2602. define('IMG_WEIGHTED4', 21);
  2603. /**
  2604. * Used together with {@see imagesetinterpolation()}.
  2605. * @link
  2606. * @since 5.5
  2607. */
  2608. define('IMG_TRIANGLE', 20);
  2609. define('IMG_TGA', 128);
  2610. /**
  2611. * Return an image containing the affine tramsformed src image, using an optional clipping area
  2612. * @link
  2613. * @param resource $image <p>An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions,
  2614. * such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.</p>
  2615. * @param array $affine <p>Array with keys 0 to 5.</p>
  2616. * @param array $clip [optional] <p>Array with keys "x", "y", "width" and "height".</p>
  2617. * @return resource|bool Return affined image resource on success or FALSE on failure.
  2618. */
  2619. function imageaffine($image, $affine, $clip = null) {}
  2620. /**
  2621. * Concat two matrices (as in doing many ops in one go)
  2622. * @link
  2623. * @param array $m1 <p>Array with keys 0 to 5.</p>
  2624. * @param array $m2 <p>Array with keys 0 to 5.</p>
  2625. * @return array|bool Array with keys 0 to 5 and float values or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2626. * @since 5.5
  2627. */
  2628. function imageaffinematrixconcat(array $m1, array $m2) {}
  2629. /**
  2630. * Return an image containing the affine tramsformed src image, using an optional clipping area
  2631. * @link
  2632. * @param int $type <p> One of <b>IMG_AFFINE_*</b> constants.
  2633. * @param mixed $options [optional]
  2634. * @return array|bool Array with keys 0 to 5 and float values or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2635. * @since 5.5
  2636. */
  2637. function imageaffinematrixget ($type, $options = null) {}
  2638. /**
  2639. * Crop an image using the given coordinates and size, x, y, width and height
  2640. * @link
  2641. * @param resource $image <p>
  2642. * An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2643. * </p>
  2644. * @param array $rect <p>Array with keys "x", "y", "width" and "height".</p>
  2645. * @return resource|bool Return cropped image resource on success or FALSE on failure.
  2646. * @since 5.5
  2647. */
  2648. function imagecrop ($image, $rect) {}
  2649. /**
  2650. * Crop an image automatically using one of the available modes
  2651. * @link
  2652. * @param resource $image <p>
  2653. * An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2654. * </p>
  2655. * @param int $mode [optional] <p>
  2656. * One of <b>IMG_CROP_*</b> constants.
  2657. * </p>
  2658. * @param float $threshold [optional] <p>
  2659. * Used <b>IMG_CROP_THRESHOLD</b> mode.
  2660. * </p>
  2661. * @param int $color [optional]
  2662. * <p>
  2663. * Used in <b>IMG_CROP_THRESHOLD</b> mode.
  2664. * </p>
  2665. * @return resource|bool Return cropped image resource on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2666. * @since 5.5
  2667. */
  2668. function imagecropauto ($image, $mode = IMG_CROP_DEFAULT, $threshold = .5, $color = -1) {}
  2669. /**
  2670. * Flips an image using a given mode
  2671. * @link
  2672. * @param resource $image <p>
  2673. * An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2674. * </p>
  2675. * @param int $mode <p>
  2676. * Flip mode, this can be one of the <b>IMG_FLIP_*</b> constants:
  2677. * </p>
  2678. * <table>
  2679. * <thead>
  2680. * <tr>
  2681. * <th>Constant</th>
  2682. * <th>Meaning</th>
  2683. * </tr>
  2684. * </thead>
  2685. * <tr>
  2686. * <td><b>IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL</b></td>
  2687. * <td>
  2688. * Flips the image horizontally.
  2689. * </td>
  2690. * </tr>
  2691. * <tr>
  2692. * <td><b>IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL</b></td>
  2693. * <td>
  2694. * Flips the image vertically.
  2695. * </td>
  2696. * </tr>
  2697. * <tr>
  2698. * <td><b>IMG_FLIP_BOTH</b></td>
  2699. * <td>
  2700. * Flips the image both horizontally and vertically.
  2701. * </td>
  2702. * </tr>
  2703. * </tbody>
  2704. * </table>
  2705. * @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2706. * @since 5.5
  2707. */
  2708. function imageflip ($image, $mode) {}
  2709. /**
  2710. * Converts a palette based image to true color
  2711. * @link
  2712. * @param resource $image <p>
  2713. * An image resource, returnd by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2714. * </p>
  2715. * @return bool Returns <b>TRUE</b> if the convertion was complete, or if the source image already is a true color image, otherwise <b>FALSE</b> is returned.
  2716. * @since 5.5
  2717. */
  2718. function imagepalettetotruecolor ($image) {}
  2719. /**
  2720. * @since 5.5
  2721. * Scale an image using the given new width and height
  2722. * @link
  2723. * @param resource $image <p>
  2724. * An image resource, returnd by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2725. * </p>
  2726. * @param int $new_width
  2727. * @param int $new_height [optional]
  2728. * @param int $mode [optional] One of <b>IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR</b>, <b>IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED</b>, <b>IMG_BICUBIC</b>, <b>IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED</b> or anything else (will use two pass).
  2729. * @return resource|bool Return scaled image resource on success or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
  2730. */
  2731. function imagescale ($image, $new_width, $new_height = -1, $mode = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED) {}
  2732. /**
  2733. * Set the interpolation method
  2734. * @link
  2735. * @param resource $image <p>
  2736. * An image resource, returned by one of the image creation functions, such as {@link imagecreatetruecolor()}.
  2737. * </p>
  2738. * @param int $method <p>
  2739. * The interpolation method, which can be one of the following:
  2740. * <ul>
  2741. * <li>
  2742. * IMG_BELL: Bell filter.
  2743. * </li>
  2744. * <li>
  2745. * IMG_BESSEL: Bessel filter.
  2746. * </li>
  2747. * <li>
  2748. * IMG_BICUBIC: Bicubic interpolation.
  2749. * </li>
  2750. * <li>
  2751. * IMG_BICUBIC_FIXED: Fixed point implementation of the bicubic interpolation.
  2752. * </li>
  2753. * <li>
  2754. * IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED: Fixed point implementation of the bilinear interpolation (<em>default (also on image creation)</em>).
  2755. * </li>
  2756. * <li>
  2757. * IMG_BLACKMAN: Blackman window function.
  2758. * </li>
  2759. * <li>
  2760. * IMG_BOX: Box blur filter.
  2761. * </li>
  2762. * <li>
  2763. * IMG_BSPLINE: Spline interpolation.
  2764. * </li>
  2765. * <li>
  2766. * IMG_CATMULLROM: Cubbic Hermite spline interpolation.
  2767. * </li>
  2768. * <li>
  2769. * IMG_GAUSSIAN: Gaussian function.
  2770. * </li>
  2771. * <li>
  2772. * IMG_GENERALIZED_CUBIC: Generalized cubic spline fractal interpolation.
  2773. * </li>
  2774. * <li>
  2775. * IMG_HERMITE: Hermite interpolation.
  2776. * </li>
  2777. * <li>
  2778. * IMG_HAMMING: Hamming filter.
  2779. * </li>
  2780. * <li>
  2781. * IMG_HANNING: Hanning filter.
  2782. * </li>
  2783. * <li>
  2784. * IMG_MITCHELL: Mitchell filter.
  2785. * </li>
  2786. * <li>
  2787. * IMG_POWER: Power interpolation.
  2788. * </li>
  2789. * <li>
  2790. * IMG_QUADRATIC: Inverse quadratic interpolation.
  2791. * </li>
  2792. * <li>
  2793. * IMG_SINC: Sinc function.
  2794. * </li>
  2795. * <li>
  2796. * IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR: Nearest neighbour interpolation.
  2797. * </li>
  2798. * <li>
  2799. * IMG_WEIGHTED4: Weighting filter.
  2800. * </li>
  2801. * <li>
  2802. * IMG_TRIANGLE: Triangle interpolation.
  2803. * </li>
  2804. * </ul>
  2805. * </p>
  2806. * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
  2807. * @since 5.5
  2808. */
  2809. function imagesetinterpolation ($image, $method = IMG_BILINEAR_FIXED) {}