123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365 |
- <?php
- declare(strict_types=1);
- /**
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- */
- namespace OC\TextProcessing;
- use OC\AppFramework\Bootstrap\Coordinator;
- use OC\TextProcessing\Db\Task as DbTask;
- use OC\TextProcessing\Db\TaskMapper;
- use OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException;
- use OCP\AppFramework\Db\MultipleObjectsReturnedException;
- use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJobList;
- use OCP\Common\Exception\NotFoundException;
- use OCP\DB\Exception;
- use OCP\IConfig;
- use OCP\IServerContainer;
- use OCP\PreConditionNotMetException;
- use OCP\TaskProcessing\IManager as TaskProcessingIManager;
- use OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToText;
- use OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextHeadline;
- use OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSummary;
- use OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTopics;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\Exception\TaskFailureException;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\FreePromptTaskType;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\HeadlineTaskType;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\IManager;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\IProvider;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\IProviderWithExpectedRuntime;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\IProviderWithId;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\SummaryTaskType;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\Task;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\Task as OCPTask;
- use OCP\TextProcessing\TopicsTaskType;
- use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
- use RuntimeException;
- use Throwable;
- class Manager implements IManager {
- /** @var ?IProvider[] */
- private ?array $providers = null;
- private static array $taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes = [
- FreePromptTaskType::class => TextToText::ID,
- HeadlineTaskType::class => TextToTextHeadline::ID,
- SummaryTaskType::class => TextToTextSummary::ID,
- TopicsTaskType::class => TextToTextTopics::ID,
- ];
- public function __construct(
- private IServerContainer $serverContainer,
- private Coordinator $coordinator,
- private LoggerInterface $logger,
- private IJobList $jobList,
- private TaskMapper $taskMapper,
- private IConfig $config,
- private TaskProcessingIManager $taskProcessingManager,
- ) {
- }
- public function getProviders(): array {
- $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext();
- if ($context === null) {
- return [];
- }
- if ($this->providers !== null) {
- return $this->providers;
- }
- $this->providers = [];
- foreach ($context->getTextProcessingProviders() as $providerServiceRegistration) {
- $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService();
- try {
- $this->providers[$class] = $this->serverContainer->get($class);
- } catch (Throwable $e) {
- $this->logger->error('Failed to load Text processing provider ' . $class, [
- 'exception' => $e,
- ]);
- }
- }
- return $this->providers;
- }
- public function hasProviders(): bool {
- // check if task processing equivalent types are available
- $taskTaskTypes = $this->taskProcessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes();
- foreach (self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes as $textTaskTypeClass => $taskTaskTypeId) {
- if (isset($taskTaskTypes[$taskTaskTypeId])) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext();
- if ($context === null) {
- return false;
- }
- return count($context->getTextProcessingProviders()) > 0;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getAvailableTaskTypes(): array {
- $tasks = [];
- foreach ($this->getProviders() as $provider) {
- $tasks[$provider->getTaskType()] = true;
- }
- // check if task processing equivalent types are available
- $taskTaskTypes = $this->taskProcessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes();
- foreach (self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes as $textTaskTypeClass => $taskTaskTypeId) {
- if (isset($taskTaskTypes[$taskTaskTypeId])) {
- $tasks[$textTaskTypeClass] = true;
- }
- }
- return array_keys($tasks);
- }
- public function canHandleTask(OCPTask $task): bool {
- return in_array($task->getType(), $this->getAvailableTaskTypes());
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function runTask(OCPTask $task): string {
- // try to run a task processing task if possible
- $taskTypeClass = $task->getType();
- if (isset(self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes[$taskTypeClass]) && isset($this->taskProcessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes()[self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes[$taskTypeClass]])) {
- try {
- $taskProcessingTaskTypeId = self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes[$taskTypeClass];
- $taskProcessingTask = new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Task(
- $taskProcessingTaskTypeId,
- ['input' => $task->getInput()],
- $task->getAppId(),
- $task->getUserId(),
- $task->getIdentifier(),
- );
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_RUNNING);
- if ($task->getId() === null) {
- $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->insert(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- $task->setId($taskEntity->getId());
- } else {
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- }
- $this->logger->debug('Running a TextProcessing (' . $taskTypeClass . ') task with TaskProcessing');
- $taskProcessingResultTask = $this->taskProcessingManager->runTask($taskProcessingTask);
- if ($taskProcessingResultTask->getStatus() === \OCP\TaskProcessing\Task::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) {
- $output = $taskProcessingResultTask->getOutput();
- if (isset($output['output']) && is_string($output['output'])) {
- $task->setOutput($output['output']);
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- return $output['output'];
- }
- }
- } catch (\Throwable $e) {
- $this->logger->error('TextProcessing to TaskProcessing failed', ['exception' => $e]);
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_FAILED);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- throw new TaskFailureException('TextProcessing to TaskProcessing failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
- }
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_FAILED);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- throw new TaskFailureException('Could not run task');
- }
- // try to run the text processing task
- if (!$this->canHandleTask($task)) {
- throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No text processing provider is installed that can handle this task');
- }
- $providers = $this->getPreferredProviders($task);
- foreach ($providers as $provider) {
- try {
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_RUNNING);
- if ($provider instanceof IProviderWithExpectedRuntime) {
- $completionExpectedAt = new \DateTime('now');
- $completionExpectedAt->add(new \DateInterval('PT'.$provider->getExpectedRuntime().'S'));
- $task->setCompletionExpectedAt($completionExpectedAt);
- }
- if ($task->getId() === null) {
- $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->insert(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- $task->setId($taskEntity->getId());
- } else {
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- }
- $output = $task->visitProvider($provider);
- $task->setOutput($output);
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- return $output;
- } catch (\Throwable $e) {
- $this->logger->error('LanguageModel call using provider ' . $provider->getName() . ' failed', ['exception' => $e]);
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_FAILED);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- throw new TaskFailureException('LanguageModel call using provider ' . $provider->getName() . ' failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
- }
- }
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_FAILED);
- $this->taskMapper->update(DbTask::fromPublicTask($task));
- throw new TaskFailureException('Could not run task');
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function scheduleTask(OCPTask $task): void {
- if (!$this->canHandleTask($task)) {
- throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No LanguageModel provider is installed that can handle this task');
- }
- $task->setStatus(OCPTask::STATUS_SCHEDULED);
- $providers = $this->getPreferredProviders($task);
- $equivalentTaskProcessingTypeAvailable = (
- isset(self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes[$task->getType()])
- && isset($this->taskProcessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes()[self::$taskProcessingCompatibleTaskTypes[$task->getType()]])
- );
- if (count($providers) === 0 && !$equivalentTaskProcessingTypeAvailable) {
- throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No LanguageModel provider is installed that can handle this task');
- }
- [$provider,] = $providers;
- if ($provider instanceof IProviderWithExpectedRuntime) {
- $completionExpectedAt = new \DateTime('now');
- $completionExpectedAt->add(new \DateInterval('PT'.$provider->getExpectedRuntime().'S'));
- $task->setCompletionExpectedAt($completionExpectedAt);
- }
- $taskEntity = DbTask::fromPublicTask($task);
- $this->taskMapper->insert($taskEntity);
- $task->setId($taskEntity->getId());
- $this->jobList->add(TaskBackgroundJob::class, [
- 'taskId' => $task->getId()
- ]);
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function runOrScheduleTask(OCPTask $task): bool {
- if (!$this->canHandleTask($task)) {
- throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No LanguageModel provider is installed that can handle this task');
- }
- [$provider,] = $this->getPreferredProviders($task);
- $maxExecutionTime = (int) ini_get('max_execution_time');
- // Offload the task to a background job if the expected runtime of the likely provider is longer than 80% of our max execution time
- // or if the provider doesn't provide a getExpectedRuntime() method
- if (!$provider instanceof IProviderWithExpectedRuntime || $provider->getExpectedRuntime() > $maxExecutionTime * 0.8) {
- $this->scheduleTask($task);
- return false;
- }
- $this->runTask($task);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function deleteTask(Task $task): void {
- $taskEntity = DbTask::fromPublicTask($task);
- $this->taskMapper->delete($taskEntity);
- $this->jobList->remove(TaskBackgroundJob::class, [
- 'taskId' => $task->getId()
- ]);
- }
- /**
- * Get a task from its id
- *
- * @param int $id The id of the task
- * @return OCPTask
- * @throws RuntimeException If the query failed
- * @throws NotFoundException If the task could not be found
- */
- public function getTask(int $id): OCPTask {
- try {
- $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->find($id);
- return $taskEntity->toPublicTask();
- } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) {
- throw new NotFoundException('Could not find task with the provided id');
- } catch (MultipleObjectsReturnedException $e) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Could not uniquely identify task with given id', 0, $e);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Failure while trying to find task by id: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get a task from its user id and task id
- * If userId is null, this can only get a task that was scheduled anonymously
- *
- * @param int $id The id of the task
- * @param string|null $userId The user id that scheduled the task
- * @return OCPTask
- * @throws RuntimeException If the query failed
- * @throws NotFoundException If the task could not be found
- */
- public function getUserTask(int $id, ?string $userId): OCPTask {
- try {
- $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->findByIdAndUser($id, $userId);
- return $taskEntity->toPublicTask();
- } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) {
- throw new NotFoundException('Could not find task with the provided id and user id');
- } catch (MultipleObjectsReturnedException $e) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Could not uniquely identify task with given id and user id', 0, $e);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Failure while trying to find task by id and user id: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of tasks scheduled by a specific user for a specific app
- * and optionally with a specific identifier.
- * This cannot be used to get anonymously scheduled tasks
- *
- * @param string $userId
- * @param string $appId
- * @param string|null $identifier
- * @return array
- */
- public function getUserTasksByApp(string $userId, string $appId, ?string $identifier = null): array {
- try {
- $taskEntities = $this->taskMapper->findUserTasksByApp($userId, $appId, $identifier);
- return array_map(static function (DbTask $taskEntity) {
- return $taskEntity->toPublicTask();
- }, $taskEntities);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- throw new RuntimeException('Failure while trying to find tasks by appId and identifier: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param OCPTask $task
- * @return IProvider[]
- */
- public function getPreferredProviders(OCPTask $task): array {
- $providers = $this->getProviders();
- $json = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'ai.textprocessing_provider_preferences', '');
- if ($json !== '') {
- $preferences = json_decode($json, true);
- if (isset($preferences[$task->getType()])) {
- // If a preference for this task type is set, move the preferred provider to the start
- $provider = current(array_values(array_filter($providers, function ($provider) use ($preferences, $task) {
- if ($provider instanceof IProviderWithId) {
- return $provider->getId() === $preferences[$task->getType()];
- }
- return $provider::class === $preferences[$task->getType()];
- })));
- if ($provider !== false) {
- $providers = array_filter($providers, fn ($p) => $p !== $provider);
- array_unshift($providers, $provider);
- }
- }
- }
- return array_values(array_filter($providers, fn (IProvider $provider) => $task->canUseProvider($provider)));
- }
- }