phpunit.xml 644 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <phpunit bootstrap="bootstrap.php"
  3. verbose="true"
  4. timeoutForSmallTests="900"
  5. timeoutForMediumTests="900"
  6. timeoutForLargeTests="900"
  7. >
  8. <testsuite name='unit'>
  9. <directory suffix='Test.php'>.</directory>
  10. </testsuite>
  11. <!-- filters for code coverage -->
  12. <filter>
  13. <whitelist>
  14. <directory suffix=".php">../../../dav</directory>
  15. <exclude>
  16. <directory suffix=".php">../../../dav/tests</directory>
  17. </exclude>
  18. </whitelist>
  19. </filter>
  20. <logging>
  21. <!-- and this is where your report will be written -->
  22. <log type="coverage-clover" target="./clover.xml"/>
  23. </logging>
  24. </phpunit>