ast.js 7.8 KB

  1. OC.L10N.register(
  2. "files",
  3. {
  4. "Storage is temporarily not available" : "L'almacenamientu nun ta disponible temporalmente",
  5. "Storage invalid" : "Almacenamientu non válidu",
  6. "Unknown error" : "Fallu desconocíu",
  7. "File could not be found" : "Nun s'atopó el ficheru",
  8. "Download" : "Descargar",
  9. "Delete" : "Desaniciar",
  10. "Home" : "Casa",
  11. "Close" : "Zarrar",
  12. "Favorites" : "Favoritos",
  13. "Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "Nun pudo crease la carpeta \"{dir}\"",
  14. "Upload cancelled." : "Xuba encaboxada.",
  15. "…" : "…",
  16. "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Nun pudo xubise {filename}, paez que ye un directoriu o tien 0 bytes",
  17. "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Nun hai abondu espaciu llibre, tas xubiendo {size1} pero namái falta {size2}",
  18. "Not enough free space" : "Nun hai espaciu llibre abondo",
  19. "Uploading …" : "Xubiendo...",
  20. "{loadedSize} of {totalSize} ({bitrate})" : "{loadedSize} de {totalSize} ({bitrate})",
  21. "Actions" : "Aiciones",
  22. "Rename" : "Renomar",
  23. "Copy" : "Copiar",
  24. "Delete file" : "Desasniciar ficheru",
  25. "Delete folder" : "Desaniciar",
  26. "Disconnect storage" : "Desconeutar almacenamientu",
  27. "Could not load info for file \"{file}\"" : "Nun pudo cargase la información del ficheru «{file}»",
  28. "Files" : "Ficheros",
  29. "Details" : "Detalles",
  30. "Select" : "Esbillar",
  31. "Pending" : "Pendiente",
  32. "Unable to determine date" : "Imposible determinar la fecha",
  33. "This operation is forbidden" : "La operación ta prohibida",
  34. "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "Esti direutoriu nun ta disponible, por favor verifica'l rexistru o contacta l'alministrador",
  35. "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "Nun pudo movese \"{file}\", destín yá esiste",
  36. "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "Nun pudo movese \"{file}\"",
  37. "{newName} already exists" : "{newName} yá esiste",
  38. "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Nun pudo renomase \"{fileName}\", yá nun esiste",
  39. "The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "El nome \"{targetName}\" yá ta n'usu na carpeta \"{dir}\". Por favor, escueyi un nome diferente.",
  40. "Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "Nun pudo renomase \"{fileName}\"",
  41. "Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "Nun pudo crease'l ficheru \"{file}\"",
  42. "Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "Nun pudo crease'l ficheru \"{file}\" porque yá esiste",
  43. "Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "Nun pudo crease la carpeta \"{dir}\" porque yá esiste",
  44. "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "Fallu borrando'l ficheru \"{fileName}\".",
  45. "No search results in other folders for {tag}{filter}{endtag}" : "Nun hai resultaos de gueta n'otres carpetes pa {tag}{filter}{endtag}",
  46. "Name" : "Nome",
  47. "Size" : "Tamañu",
  48. "Modified" : "Modificáu",
  49. "_%n folder_::_%n folders_" : ["%n carpeta","%n carpetes"],
  50. "_%n file_::_%n files_" : ["%n ficheru","%n ficheros"],
  51. "{dirs} and {files}" : "{dirs} y {files}",
  52. "You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "Nun tienes permisu pa xubir o crear ficheros equí",
  53. "_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" : ["Xubiendo %n ficheru","Xubiendo %n ficheros"],
  54. "New" : "Nuevu",
  55. "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" ye un nome de ficheru inválidu.",
  56. "File name cannot be empty." : "El nome de ficheru nun pue quedar baleru.",
  57. "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype" : "«{name}» nun ye una triba de ficheru permitida",
  58. "Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "L'almacenamientu de {owner} ta completu, ¡yá nun se pueden anovar o sincronizar ficheros!",
  59. "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "L'almacenamientu ta completu, ¡yá nun se pueden anovar o sincronizar ficheros!",
  60. "_matches '{filter}'_::_match '{filter}'_" : ["concasa '{filter}'","concasa '{filter}'"],
  61. "View in folder" : "Ver na carpeta",
  62. "Copied!" : "¡Copióse!",
  63. "Path" : "Camín",
  64. "_%n byte_::_%n bytes_" : ["%n bytes","%n bytes"],
  65. "Favorited" : "Favoritos",
  66. "Favorite" : "Favoritu",
  67. "New folder" : "Nueva carpeta",
  68. "Upload file" : "Xubir ficheru",
  69. "Recent" : "Reciente",
  70. "Remove from favorites" : "Remove from favorites",
  71. "Add to favorites" : "Add to favorites",
  72. "An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "Hebo un fallu mientres s'intentaba actualizar les etiquetes",
  73. "Added to favorites" : "Amestóse a favoritos",
  74. "\"remote user\"" : "«usuariu remotu»",
  75. "{user} created {file}" : "{user} creó {file}",
  76. "{file} was created in a public folder" : "{file} creóse nuna carpeta pública",
  77. "You changed {file}" : "Camudesti {file}",
  78. "{user} changed {file}" : "{user} camudó {file}",
  79. "You deleted {file}" : "Desaniciesti {file}",
  80. "{user} deleted {file}" : "{user} desanició {file}",
  81. "You restored {file}" : "Restauresti {file}",
  82. "{user} restored {file}" : "{user} restauró {file}",
  83. "You renamed {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "Renomesti {oldfile} a {newfile}",
  84. "{user} renamed {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "{user} renomó {oldfile} a {newfile}",
  85. "You moved {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "Moviesti {oldfile} a {newfile}",
  86. "A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "<strong>Camudóse</strong> un ficheru o carpeta",
  87. "All files" : "Tolos ficheros",
  88. "Unlimited" : "Non llendáu",
  89. "Upload (max. %s)" : "Xuba (máx. %s)",
  90. "Accept" : "Aceutar",
  91. "in %s" : "en %s",
  92. "Change" : "Camudar",
  93. "Tags" : "Etiquetes",
  94. "%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usao",
  95. "Settings" : "Axustes",
  96. "Show hidden files" : "Amosar ficheros ocultos",
  97. "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
  98. "No files in here" : "Nun hai nengún ficheru equí",
  99. "Upload some content or sync with your devices!" : "¡Xuba algún conteníu o sincroniza colos sos preseos!",
  100. "No entries found in this folder" : "Nenguna entrada en esta carpeta",
  101. "Select all" : "Esbillar too",
  102. "Upload too large" : "La xuba ye abondo grande",
  103. "The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." : "Los ficheros que tas intentando xubir perpasen el tamañu máximu pa les xubíes de ficheros nesti servidor.",
  104. "No favorites yet" : "Entá nun hai favoritos",
  105. "Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Los ficheros y carpetes que marque como favoritos apaecerán equí",
  106. "Deleted files" : "Ficheros desaniciaos",
  107. "Shares" : "Comparticiones",
  108. "Shared with others" : "Compartío con otros",
  109. "Shared with you" : "Shared with you",
  110. "Shared by link" : "Compartíos per enllaz",
  111. "Text file" : "Ficheru de testu",
  112. "New text file.txt" : "Nuevu testu ficheru.txt",
  113. "Unshare" : "Dexar de compartir",
  114. "Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "L'almacenamientu de {owner} ta casi completu ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
  115. "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "L'almacenamientu ta casi completu ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
  116. "A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "<strong>Creóse</strong> un ficheru o carpeta nuevos",
  117. "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "<strong>Desanicióse</strong> un ficheru o carpeta",
  118. "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "Llendar les notificaciones tocantes a creación y cambeos a tos <strong>ficheros favoritos</strong <em>(namás Stream)</em>",
  119. "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "<strong>Restauróse</strong> un ficheru o carpeta"
  120. },
  121. "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");