zh_CN.json 12 KB

  1. { "translations": {
  2. "Storage is temporarily not available" : "存储空间暂时不可用",
  3. "Storage invalid" : "存储空间无效",
  4. "Unknown error" : "未知错误",
  5. "All files" : "全部文件",
  6. "Recent" : "最近",
  7. "File could not be found" : "文件未找到",
  8. "Home" : "首页",
  9. "Close" : "关闭",
  10. "Favorites" : "收藏",
  11. "Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "无法创建文件夹 \"{dir}\"",
  12. "Upload cancelled." : "上传已取消",
  13. "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "无法上传文件 {filename},因为它是一个目录或者是大小为 0 的空文件",
  14. "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "可用空间不足,您上传的文件大小为 {size1} ,但可用空间仅剩 {size2}",
  15. "Target folder \"{dir}\" does not exist any more" : "目标目录 \"{dir}\" 不存在",
  16. "Not enough free space" : "可用空间不足",
  17. "Uploading..." : "正在上传...",
  18. "..." : "...",
  19. "{loadedSize} of {totalSize} ({bitrate})" : "{loadedSize} / {totalSize} ({bitrate})",
  20. "Actions" : "操作",
  21. "Download" : "下载",
  22. "Rename" : "重命名",
  23. "Move" : "移动",
  24. "Target folder" : "目标目录",
  25. "Delete" : "删除",
  26. "Disconnect storage" : "断开存储链接",
  27. "Unshare" : "取消共享",
  28. "Could not load info for file \"{file}\"" : "无法加载文件 \"{file}\" 的信息",
  29. "Files" : "文件",
  30. "Details" : "详细信息",
  31. "Select" : "选择",
  32. "Pending" : "等待",
  33. "Unable to determine date" : "无法确定日期",
  34. "This operation is forbidden" : "操作被禁止",
  35. "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "此目录不可用, 请检查日志或联系管理员",
  36. "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "无法移动 \"{file}\", 目标已存在",
  37. "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "无法移动 \"{file}\"",
  38. "{newName} already exists" : "{newname} 已经存在",
  39. "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "无法重命名 \"{fileName}\", 此文件已经不存在",
  40. "The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "文件夹 \"{dir}\" 中已经存在 \"{targetName}\". 请尝试其他的名称.",
  41. "Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "无法重命名 \"{fileName}\"",
  42. "Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "无法创建文件 \"{file}\"",
  43. "Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "无法创建文件 \"{file}\", 因为其已经存在",
  44. "Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "无法创建文件夹 \"{dir}\", 因为其已经存在",
  45. "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "删除文件 \"{fileName}\" 时出错.",
  46. "No search results in other folders for '{tag}{filter}{endtag}'" : " 在其他文件夹未找到包含 '{tag}{filter}{endtag}' 标签的结果",
  47. "Name" : "名称",
  48. "Size" : "大小",
  49. "Modified" : "修改日期",
  50. "_%n folder_::_%n folders_" : ["%n 个文件夹"],
  51. "_%n file_::_%n files_" : ["%n 个文件"],
  52. "{dirs} and {files}" : "{dirs} 和 {files}",
  53. "_including %n hidden_::_including %n hidden_" : ["包括 %n 个隐藏文件"],
  54. "You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "您没有权限在此上传或创建文件",
  55. "_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" : ["上传 %n 个文件"],
  56. "New" : "新建",
  57. "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" 是一个无效的文件名",
  58. "File name cannot be empty." : "文件名不能为空.",
  59. "Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "{owner} 的存储空间已满, 文件将无法更新或同步!",
  60. "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "您的存储空间已满, 文件将无法更新或同步!",
  61. "Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "{owner} 的存储空间即将用完 ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
  62. "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "您的存储空间即将用完 ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
  63. "_matches '{filter}'_::_match '{filter}'_" : ["匹配 '{filter}'"],
  64. "View in folder" : "在文件夹中查看",
  65. "Path" : "路径",
  66. "_%n byte_::_%n bytes_" : ["%n 字节"],
  67. "Favorited" : "已收藏",
  68. "Favorite" : "收藏",
  69. "Copy local link" : "复制本地链接",
  70. "Folder" : "文件夹",
  71. "New folder" : "新建文件夹",
  72. "Upload" : "上传",
  73. "An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "更新标签时出错",
  74. "Added to favorites" : "添加到收藏",
  75. "Removed from favorites" : "取消收藏",
  76. "You added {file} to your favorites" : "您已经添加 {file} 到您的收藏夹",
  77. "You removed {file} from your favorites" : "您已从收藏夹中删除 {file}",
  78. "File changes" : "文件发生变化",
  79. "Created by {user}" : "由 {user} 创建",
  80. "Changed by {user}" : "由 {user} 更改",
  81. "Deleted by {user}" : "由 {user} 删除",
  82. "Restored by {user}" : "由 {user} 恢复",
  83. "Renamed by {user}" : "由 {user} 重命名",
  84. "Moved by {user}" : "由 {user} 移动",
  85. "You created {file}" : "您创建了 {file}",
  86. "{user} created {file}" : "{user} 创建了 {file}",
  87. "{file} was created in a public folder" : "{file} 被创建在公共文件夹",
  88. "You changed {file}" : "您更改了 {file}",
  89. "{user} changed {file}" : "{user} 更改了 {file}",
  90. "You deleted {file}" : "您删除了{file}",
  91. "{user} deleted {file}" : "{user} 删除了 {file}",
  92. "You restored {file}" : "您恢复了{file}",
  93. "{user} restored {file}" : "{user} 恢复了 {file}",
  94. "You renamed {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "您将 {oldfile} 改名为 {newfile}",
  95. "{user} renamed {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "{user} 将 {oldfile} 改名为 {newfile}",
  96. "You moved {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "您移动 {oldfile} 到 {newfile}",
  97. "{user} moved {oldfile} to {newfile}" : "{user} 移动 {oldfile} 到 {newfile}",
  98. "A file has been added to or removed from your <strong>favorites</strong>" : "文件已经添加或删除到您的 <strong>收藏夹</strong> 中",
  99. "A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong> or <strong>renamed</strong>" : "文件/文件夹已经 <strong>更改</strong> 或者 <strong>重命名</strong>",
  100. "A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "新的文件/文件夹已经 <strong>创建</strong>",
  101. "A new file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "新的文件/文件夹已经 <strong>删除</strong>",
  102. "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "仅限 <strong>收藏文件</strong>的创建和更改通知 <em>(仅限流)</em>",
  103. "A new file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "新的文件/文件夹已经<strong>恢复</strong>",
  104. "Upload (max. %s)" : "上传 (最大 %s)",
  105. "File handling" : "文件处理",
  106. "Maximum upload size" : "最大上传大小",
  107. "max. possible: " : "最大允许: ",
  108. "Save" : "保存",
  109. "With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied." : "对于 PHP-FPM 这个值改变后可能需要 5 分钟才会生效.",
  110. "Missing permissions to edit from here." : "没有权限编辑",
  111. "Settings" : "设置",
  112. "Show hidden files" : "显示隐藏文件",
  113. "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
  114. "Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" : "使用这个地址 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">通过 WebDAV 访问您的文件</a>",
  115. "No files in here" : "无文件",
  116. "Upload some content or sync with your devices!" : "上传或从您的设备中同步!",
  117. "No entries found in this folder" : "文件夹中无项目",
  118. "Select all" : "全部选择",
  119. "Upload too large" : "上传文件过大",
  120. "The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." : "正在上传的文件超过了此服务器允许上传的最大容量限制",
  121. "No favorites" : "无收藏",
  122. "Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "收藏的文件和文件夹会在这里显示",
  123. "Shared with you" : "与您分享",
  124. "Shared with others" : "与他人分享",
  125. "Shared by link" : "通过链接分享",
  126. "Tags" : "标签",
  127. "Deleted files" : "已删除的文件",
  128. "Text file" : "文本文件",
  129. "New text file.txt" : "创建文本文件 .txt",
  130. "Storage not available" : "存储空间不可用",
  131. "Unable to set upload directory." : "无法设置上传文件夹.",
  132. "Invalid Token" : "无效密钥",
  133. "No file was uploaded. Unknown error" : "没有文件被上传. 未知错误",
  134. "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "文件上传成功, 没有任何错误",
  135. "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " : "上传文件的大小已超过 php.ini 中 upload_max_filesize 设置的值",
  136. "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上传的文件长度超出了 HTML 表单中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
  137. "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" : "文件仅部分上传",
  138. "No file was uploaded" : "没有文件被上传",
  139. "Missing a temporary folder" : "临时目录缺失",
  140. "Failed to write to disk" : "写入磁盘失败",
  141. "Not enough storage available" : "没有足够的存储空间",
  142. "The target folder has been moved or deleted." : "目标文件夹已被移动或删除.",
  143. "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" : "上传失败. 未发现上传的文件",
  144. "Upload failed. Could not get file info." : "上传失败. 无法获取文件信息.",
  145. "Invalid directory." : "无效文件夹.",
  146. "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "总文件大小 {size1} 超过上传限制 {size2}",
  147. "Error uploading file \"{fileName}\": {message}" : "上传文件错误 \"{fileName}\": {message}",
  148. "Could not get result from server." : "无法从服务器获取结果",
  149. "{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} hour{plural_s} left" : "剩余时间: {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} ",
  150. "{hours}:{minutes}h" : "{hours}:{minutes}",
  151. "{minutes}:{seconds} minute{plural_s} left" : "剩余 {minutes}:{seconds} 分钟",
  152. "{minutes}:{seconds}m" : "{minutes}:{seconds}",
  153. "{seconds} second{plural_s} left" : "剩余 {seconds} 秒",
  154. "{seconds}s" : "{seconds}s",
  155. "Any moment now..." : "现在任何时候...",
  156. "Soon..." : "很快...",
  157. "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "文件正在上传中. 离开此页将会取消上传.",
  158. "No entries in this folder match '{filter}'" : "文件夹中不存在 \"{filter}\"",
  159. "Local link" : "本地链接",
  160. "{newname} already exists" : "{newname} 已经存在",
  161. "A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "文件/文件夹已经 <strong>修改</strong>",
  162. "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "文件/文件夹已经 <strong>删除</strong>",
  163. "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "文件/文件夹已经 <strong>恢复</strong>",
  164. "You created %1$s" : "您创建了 %1$s",
  165. "%2$s created %1$s" : "%2$s 创建了 %1$s",
  166. "%1$s was created in a public folder" : "%1$s 被创建在公开文件夹中",
  167. "You changed %1$s" : "您修改了 %1$s",
  168. "%2$s changed %1$s" : "%2$s 修改了 %1$s",
  169. "You deleted %1$s" : "您删除了 %1$s",
  170. "%2$s deleted %1$s" : "%2$s 删除了 %1$s",
  171. "You restored %1$s" : "你恢复了 %1$s",
  172. "%2$s restored %1$s" : "%2$s 恢复了 %1$s",
  173. "Changed by %2$s" : "被 %2$s 更改",
  174. "Deleted by %2$s" : "被 %2$s 删除",
  175. "Restored by %2$s" : "被 %2$s 恢复",
  176. "_{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} hour left_::_{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} hours left_" : ["剩余 {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} 小时"],
  177. "_{minutes}:{seconds} minute left_::_{minutes}:{seconds} minutes left_" : ["剩余 {minutes}:{seconds} 分钟"],
  178. "_{seconds} second left_::_{seconds} seconds left_" : ["剩余 {seconds} 秒"]
  179. },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
  180. }