lb.js 2.9 KB

  1. OC.L10N.register(
  2. "user_ldap",
  3. {
  4. "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "D'Server-Konfiguratioun konnt net geläscht ginn",
  5. "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "Dës Konfiguratioun ass ongëlteg: eng anonym Bindung ass net erlaabt.",
  6. "Action does not exist" : "Dës Aktioun gëtt et net",
  7. "Testing configuration…" : "D'Konfiguratioun gëtt getest...",
  8. "Configuration incorrect" : "D'Konfiguratioun ass net korrekt",
  9. "Configuration incomplete" : "D'Konfiguratioun ass net komplett",
  10. "Configuration OK" : "Konfiguratioun OK",
  11. "Select groups" : "Wiel Gruppen äus",
  12. "Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing." : "D'Späicheren huet net geklappt. W.e.g. géi sécher dass Datebank an der Operatioun ass. Lued nach emol éiers de weider fiers.",
  13. "Select attributes" : "Wiel Attributer aus",
  14. "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>" : "De Benotzer konnt net fonnt ginn. W.e.g. kuck deng Login Attributer a Benotzernumm no. \n ",
  15. "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s Grupp fonnt","%s Gruppe fonnt"],
  16. "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s Benotzer fonnt","%s Benotzere fonnt"],
  17. "Could not find the desired feature" : "Déi gewënschte Funktioun konnt net fonnt ginn",
  18. "Server" : "Server",
  19. "Users" : "Benotzer",
  20. "Groups" : "Gruppen",
  21. "Test Configuration" : "Konfiguratiounstest",
  22. "Help" : "Hëllef",
  23. "Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "D'Gruppen, déi dës Critèren erfëllen sinn am %s:",
  24. "Only these object classes:" : "Nëmmen des Klass vun Objeten:",
  25. "Only from these groups:" : "Nëmme vun dëse Gruppen:",
  26. "Search groups" : "Sich Gruppen",
  27. "Available groups" : "Disponibel Gruppen",
  28. "Selected groups" : "Ausgewielte Gruppen",
  29. "Test Loginname" : "Test Benotzernumm",
  30. "Verify settings" : "Astellungen iwwerpréiwen",
  31. "1. Server" : "1. Server",
  32. "%s. Server:" : "%s. Server",
  33. "Delete the current configuration" : "Läsch déi aktuell Konfiguratioun",
  34. "Host" : "Host",
  35. "Port" : "Port",
  36. "User DN" : "Benotzer DN",
  37. "Password" : "Passwuert",
  38. "Saving" : "Speicheren...",
  39. "Back" : "Zeréck",
  40. "Continue" : "Weider",
  41. "Advanced" : "Erweidert",
  42. "Connection Settings" : "D'Astellunge vun der Verbindung",
  43. "Configuration Active" : "D'Konfiguratioun ass aktiv",
  44. "When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." : "Ouni Iwwerpréiwung wäert dës Konfiguratioun iwwergaange ginn.",
  45. "Directory Settings" : "Dossier's Astellungen",
  46. "in bytes" : "A Bytes",
  47. "Email Field" : "Email Feld",
  48. "Internal Username" : "Interne Benotzernumm",
  49. "Internal Username Attribute:" : "Interne Benotzernumm Attribut:"
  50. },
  51. "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");