sharing-v1.feature 23 KB

  1. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
  2. # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
  3. Feature: sharing
  4. Background:
  5. Given using api version "1"
  6. Given using old dav path
  7. Scenario: Creating a new share with user
  8. Given user "user0" exists
  9. And user "user1" exists
  10. And As an "user0"
  11. When creating a share with
  12. | path | welcome.txt |
  13. | shareWith | user1 |
  14. | shareType | 0 |
  15. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  16. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  17. And The following headers should be set
  18. | Content-Security-Policy | default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';frame-ancestors 'none' |
  19. Scenario: Creating a share with a group
  20. Given user "user0" exists
  21. And user "user1" exists
  22. And group "sharing-group" exists
  23. And As an "user0"
  24. When creating a share with
  25. | path | welcome.txt |
  26. | shareWith | sharing-group |
  27. | shareType | 1 |
  28. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  29. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  30. Scenario: Creating a new share with user who already received a share through their group
  31. Given As an "admin"
  32. And user "user0" exists
  33. And user "user1" exists
  34. And group "sharing-group" exists
  35. And user "user1" belongs to group "sharing-group"
  36. And file "welcome.txt" of user "user0" is shared with group "sharing-group"
  37. And user "user1" accepts last share
  38. And As an "user0"
  39. Then creating a share with
  40. | path | welcome.txt |
  41. | shareWith | user1 |
  42. | shareType | 0 |
  43. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  44. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  45. Scenario: Creating a new room share when Talk is not enabled
  46. Given As an "admin"
  47. And app "spreed" is not enabled
  48. And user "user0" exists
  49. And As an "user0"
  50. When creating a share with
  51. | path | welcome.txt |
  52. | shareWith | a-room-token |
  53. | shareType | 10 |
  54. Then the OCS status code should be "403"
  55. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  56. Scenario: Creating a new mail share
  57. Given dummy mail server is listening
  58. And user "user0" exists
  59. And As an "user0"
  60. When creating a share with
  61. | path | welcome.txt |
  62. | shareType | 4 |
  63. | shareWith | |
  64. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  65. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  66. And last share can be downloaded
  67. Scenario: Creating a new mail share with password
  68. Given dummy mail server is listening
  69. And user "user0" exists
  70. And As an "user0"
  71. When creating a share with
  72. | path | welcome.txt |
  73. | shareType | 4 |
  74. | shareWith | |
  75. | password | publicpw |
  76. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  77. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  78. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  79. Scenario: Creating a new mail share with password when password protection is enforced
  80. Given dummy mail server is listening
  81. And As an "admin"
  82. And parameter "shareapi_enforce_links_password" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  83. And user "user0" exists
  84. And As an "user0"
  85. When creating a share with
  86. | path | welcome.txt |
  87. | shareType | 4 |
  88. | shareWith | |
  89. | password | publicpw |
  90. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  91. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  92. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  93. Scenario: Creating a new mail share and setting a password
  94. Given dummy mail server is listening
  95. And user "user0" exists
  96. And As an "user0"
  97. When creating a share with
  98. | path | welcome.txt |
  99. | shareType | 4 |
  100. | shareWith | |
  101. And Updating last share with
  102. | password | publicpw |
  103. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  104. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  105. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  106. Scenario: Creating a new mail share and setting a password twice
  107. Given dummy mail server is listening
  108. And user "user0" exists
  109. And As an "user0"
  110. When creating a share with
  111. | path | welcome.txt |
  112. | shareType | 4 |
  113. | shareWith | |
  114. And Updating last share with
  115. | password | publicpw |
  116. And Updating last share with
  117. | password | another publicpw |
  118. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  119. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  120. And last share with password "another publicpw" can be downloaded
  121. Scenario: Creating a new mail share and setting the same password twice
  122. Given dummy mail server is listening
  123. And user "user0" exists
  124. And As an "user0"
  125. When creating a share with
  126. | path | welcome.txt |
  127. | shareType | 4 |
  128. | shareWith | |
  129. And Updating last share with
  130. | password | publicpw |
  131. And Updating last share with
  132. | password | publicpw |
  133. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  134. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  135. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  136. Scenario: Creating a new public share
  137. Given user "user0" exists
  138. And As an "user0"
  139. When creating a share with
  140. | path | welcome.txt |
  141. | shareType | 3 |
  142. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  143. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  144. And last link share can be downloaded
  145. Scenario: Creating a new public share with password
  146. Given user "user0" exists
  147. And As an "user0"
  148. When creating a share with
  149. | path | welcome.txt |
  150. | shareType | 3 |
  151. | password | publicpw |
  152. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  153. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  154. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  155. Scenario: Creating a new public share of a folder
  156. Given user "user0" exists
  157. And As an "user0"
  158. When creating a share with
  159. | path | FOLDER |
  160. | shareType | 3 |
  161. | password | publicpw |
  162. | expireDate | +3 days |
  163. | publicUpload | true |
  164. | permissions | 7 |
  165. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  166. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  167. And Share fields of last share match with
  168. | id | A_NUMBER |
  169. | permissions | 31 |
  170. | expiration | +3 days |
  171. | url | AN_URL |
  172. | token | A_TOKEN |
  173. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  174. Scenario: Creating a new public share with password and adding an expiration date
  175. Given user "user0" exists
  176. And As an "user0"
  177. When creating a share with
  178. | path | welcome.txt |
  179. | shareType | 3 |
  180. | password | publicpw |
  181. And Updating last share with
  182. | expireDate | +3 days |
  183. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  184. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  185. And last share with password "publicpw" can be downloaded
  186. Scenario: Creating a new public share, updating its expiration date and getting its info
  187. Given user "user0" exists
  188. And As an "user0"
  189. When creating a share with
  190. | path | FOLDER |
  191. | shareType | 3 |
  192. And Updating last share with
  193. | expireDate | +3 days |
  194. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  195. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  196. And Getting info of last share
  197. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  198. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  199. And Share fields of last share match with
  200. | id | A_NUMBER |
  201. | item_type | folder |
  202. | item_source | A_NUMBER |
  203. | share_type | 3 |
  204. | file_source | A_NUMBER |
  205. | file_target | /FOLDER |
  206. | permissions | 17 |
  207. | stime | A_NUMBER |
  208. | expiration | +3 days |
  209. | token | A_TOKEN |
  210. | storage | A_NUMBER |
  211. | mail_send | 0 |
  212. | uid_owner | user0 |
  213. | storage_id | home::user0 |
  214. | file_parent | A_NUMBER |
  215. | displayname_owner | user0 |
  216. | url | AN_URL |
  217. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  218. Scenario: Creating a new share with expiration date removed, when default expiration is set
  219. Given user "user0" exists
  220. And user "user1" exists
  221. And parameter "shareapi_default_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  222. And As an "user0"
  223. When creating a share with
  224. | path | welcome.txt |
  225. | shareWith | user1 |
  226. | shareType | 0 |
  227. | expireDate | |
  228. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  229. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  230. And Getting info of last share
  231. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  232. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  233. And Share fields of last share match with
  234. | expiration ||
  235. Scenario: Creating a new public share, updating its password and getting its info
  236. Given user "user0" exists
  237. And As an "user0"
  238. When creating a share with
  239. | path | FOLDER |
  240. | shareType | 3 |
  241. And Updating last share with
  242. | password | publicpw |
  243. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  244. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  245. And Getting info of last share
  246. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  247. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  248. And Share fields of last share match with
  249. | id | A_NUMBER |
  250. | item_type | folder |
  251. | item_source | A_NUMBER |
  252. | share_type | 3 |
  253. | file_source | A_NUMBER |
  254. | file_target | /FOLDER |
  255. | permissions | 17 |
  256. | stime | A_NUMBER |
  257. | token | A_TOKEN |
  258. | storage | A_NUMBER |
  259. | mail_send | 0 |
  260. | uid_owner | user0 |
  261. | storage_id | home::user0 |
  262. | file_parent | A_NUMBER |
  263. | displayname_owner | user0 |
  264. | url | AN_URL |
  265. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  266. Scenario: Creating a new public share, updating its permissions and getting its info
  267. Given user "user0" exists
  268. And As an "user0"
  269. When creating a share with
  270. | path | FOLDER |
  271. | shareType | 3 |
  272. And Updating last share with
  273. | permissions | 7 |
  274. | publicUpload | true |
  275. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  276. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  277. And Getting info of last share
  278. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  279. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  280. And Share fields of last share match with
  281. | id | A_NUMBER |
  282. | item_type | folder |
  283. | item_source | A_NUMBER |
  284. | share_type | 3 |
  285. | file_source | A_NUMBER |
  286. | file_target | /FOLDER |
  287. | permissions | 31 |
  288. | stime | A_NUMBER |
  289. | token | A_TOKEN |
  290. | storage | A_NUMBER |
  291. | mail_send | 0 |
  292. | uid_owner | user0 |
  293. | storage_id | home::user0 |
  294. | file_parent | A_NUMBER |
  295. | displayname_owner | user0 |
  296. | url | AN_URL |
  297. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  298. Scenario: Creating a new public share, updating its permissions for "hide file list"
  299. Given user "user0" exists
  300. And As an "user0"
  301. When creating a share with
  302. | path | FOLDER |
  303. | shareType | 3 |
  304. And Updating last share with
  305. | permissions | 4 |
  306. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  307. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  308. And Getting info of last share
  309. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  310. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  311. And Share fields of last share match with
  312. | id | A_NUMBER |
  313. | item_type | folder |
  314. | item_source | A_NUMBER |
  315. | share_type | 3 |
  316. | file_source | A_NUMBER |
  317. | file_target | /FOLDER |
  318. | permissions | 4 |
  319. | stime | A_NUMBER |
  320. | token | A_TOKEN |
  321. | storage | A_NUMBER |
  322. | mail_send | 0 |
  323. | uid_owner | user0 |
  324. | storage_id | home::user0 |
  325. | file_parent | A_NUMBER |
  326. | displayname_owner | user0 |
  327. | url | AN_URL |
  328. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  329. Scenario: Creating a new public share, updating publicUpload option and getting its info
  330. Given user "user0" exists
  331. And As an "user0"
  332. When creating a share with
  333. | path | FOLDER |
  334. | shareType | 3 |
  335. And Updating last share with
  336. | publicUpload | true |
  337. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  338. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  339. And Getting info of last share
  340. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  341. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  342. And Share fields of last share match with
  343. | id | A_NUMBER |
  344. | item_type | folder |
  345. | item_source | A_NUMBER |
  346. | share_type | 3 |
  347. | file_source | A_NUMBER |
  348. | file_target | /FOLDER |
  349. | permissions | 31 |
  350. | stime | A_NUMBER |
  351. | token | A_TOKEN |
  352. | storage | A_NUMBER |
  353. | mail_send | 0 |
  354. | uid_owner | user0 |
  355. | storage_id | home::user0 |
  356. | file_parent | A_NUMBER |
  357. | displayname_owner | user0 |
  358. | url | AN_URL |
  359. | mimetype | httpd/unix-directory |
  360. Scenario: Creating a new share of a file with default permissions
  361. Given user "user0" exists
  362. And user "user1" exists
  363. And As an "user0"
  364. And parameter "shareapi_default_permissions" of app "core" is set to "7"
  365. When creating a share with
  366. | path | welcome.txt |
  367. | shareWith | user1 |
  368. | shareType | 0 |
  369. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  370. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  371. And Getting info of last share
  372. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  373. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  374. And Share fields of last share match with
  375. | permissions | 3 |
  376. Scenario: Creating a new share of a folder with default permissions
  377. Given user "user0" exists
  378. And user "user1" exists
  379. And As an "user0"
  380. And parameter "shareapi_default_permissions" of app "core" is set to "7"
  381. When creating a share with
  382. | path | FOLDER |
  383. | shareWith | user1 |
  384. | shareType | 0 |
  385. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  386. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  387. And Getting info of last share
  388. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  389. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  390. And Share fields of last share match with
  391. | permissions | 7 |
  392. Scenario: Creating a new internal share with default expiration date
  393. Given user "user0" exists
  394. And user "user1" exists
  395. And As an "user0"
  396. And parameter "shareapi_default_internal_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  397. And parameter "shareapi_internal_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  398. When creating a share with
  399. | path | welcome.txt |
  400. | shareWith | user1 |
  401. | shareType | 0 |
  402. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  403. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  404. And Getting info of last share
  405. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  406. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  407. And Share fields of last share match with
  408. | expiration | +3 days |
  409. Scenario: Creating a new internal share with relaxed default expiration date
  410. Given user "user0" exists
  411. And user "user1" exists
  412. And As an "user0"
  413. And parameter "shareapi_default_internal_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  414. And parameter "shareapi_internal_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  415. And parameter "internal_defaultExpDays" of app "core" is set to "1"
  416. When creating a share with
  417. | path | welcome.txt |
  418. | shareWith | user1 |
  419. | shareType | 0 |
  420. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  421. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  422. And Getting info of last share
  423. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  424. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  425. And Share fields of last share match with
  426. | expiration | +1 days |
  427. Scenario: Creating a new internal share with relaxed default expiration date too large
  428. Given user "user0" exists
  429. And user "user1" exists
  430. And As an "user0"
  431. And parameter "shareapi_default_internal_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  432. And parameter "shareapi_internal_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  433. And parameter "internal_defaultExpDays" of app "core" is set to "10"
  434. When creating a share with
  435. | path | welcome.txt |
  436. | shareWith | user1 |
  437. | shareType | 0 |
  438. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  439. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  440. And Getting info of last share
  441. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  442. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  443. And Share fields of last share match with
  444. | expiration | +3 days |
  445. Scenario: Creating a new link share with default expiration date
  446. Given user "user0" exists
  447. And As an "user0"
  448. And parameter "shareapi_default_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  449. And parameter "shareapi_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  450. When creating a share with
  451. | path | welcome.txt |
  452. | shareType | 3 |
  453. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  454. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  455. And Getting info of last share
  456. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  457. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  458. And Share fields of last share match with
  459. | expiration | +3 days |
  460. Scenario: Creating a new link share with relaxed default expiration date
  461. Given user "user0" exists
  462. And As an "user0"
  463. And parameter "shareapi_default_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  464. And parameter "shareapi_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  465. And parameter "link_defaultExpDays" of app "core" is set to "1"
  466. When creating a share with
  467. | path | welcome.txt |
  468. | shareType | 3 |
  469. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  470. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  471. And Getting info of last share
  472. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  473. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  474. And Share fields of last share match with
  475. | expiration | +1 days |
  476. Scenario: Creating a new link share with relaxed default expiration date too large
  477. Given user "user0" exists
  478. And As an "user0"
  479. And parameter "shareapi_default_expire_date" of app "core" is set to "yes"
  480. And parameter "shareapi_expire_after_n_days" of app "core" is set to "3"
  481. And parameter "link_defaultExpDays" of app "core" is set to "10"
  482. When creating a share with
  483. | path | welcome.txt |
  484. | shareType | 3 |
  485. And the OCS status code should be "100"
  486. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  487. And Getting info of last share
  488. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  489. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  490. And Share fields of last share match with
  491. | expiration | +3 days |
  492. Scenario: getting all shares of a user using that user
  493. Given user "user0" exists
  494. And user "user1" exists
  495. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
  496. And As an "user0"
  497. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
  498. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  499. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  500. And File "textfile0.txt" should be included in the response
  501. Scenario: getting all shares of a user using another user
  502. Given user "user0" exists
  503. And user "user1" exists
  504. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
  505. And As an "admin"
  506. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
  507. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  508. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  509. And File "textfile0.txt" should not be included in the response
  510. Scenario: getting all shares of a file
  511. Given user "user0" exists
  512. And user "user1" exists
  513. And user "user2" exists
  514. And user "user3" exists
  515. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
  516. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user2"
  517. And As an "user0"
  518. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?path=textfile0.txt"
  519. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  520. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  521. And User "user1" should be included in the response
  522. And User "user2" should be included in the response
  523. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  524. Scenario: getting all shares of a file with a user with resharing rights but not yourself
  525. Given user "user0" exists
  526. And user "user1" exists
  527. And user "user2" exists
  528. And user "user3" exists
  529. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
  530. And user "user1" accepts last share
  531. And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user2"
  532. And As an "user1"
  533. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?path=textfile0 (2).txt&reshares=true"
  534. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  535. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  536. And User "user1" should not be included in the response
  537. And User "user2" should be included in the response
  538. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  539. Scenario: getting inherited shares of a file
  540. Given user "user0" exists
  541. And user "user1" exists
  542. And user "user2" exists
  543. And user "user3" exists
  544. # will be shared with user1
  545. And User "user0" created a folder "/first"
  546. # will be shared with user1, user2
  547. And User "user0" created a folder "/first/second"
  548. # will be shared with user1, user3
  549. And User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/first/test1.txt"
  550. # will be shared with user1, user2, user3
  551. And User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/first/second/test2.txt"
  552. And As an "user0"
  553. And creating a share with
  554. | path | /first |
  555. | shareType | 0 |
  556. | shareWith | user1 |
  557. | permissions | 16 |
  558. And As an "user1"
  559. And accepting last share
  560. And folder "first/second" of user "user0" is shared with user "user2"
  561. And file "first/test1.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user3"
  562. And file "first/second/test2.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user3"
  563. # get inherited shares from the owner PoV
  564. And As an "user0"
  565. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/inherited?path=first/second/test2.txt"
  566. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  567. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  568. And User "user0" should not be included in the response
  569. And User "user1" should be included in the response
  570. And User "user2" should be included in the response
  571. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  572. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/inherited?path=first/test1.txt"
  573. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  574. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  575. And User "user0" should not be included in the response
  576. And User "user1" should be included in the response
  577. And User "user2" should not be included in the response
  578. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  579. # get inherited shares from the a user with no shares rights
  580. And As an "user2"
  581. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/inherited?path=first/test1.txt"
  582. Then the OCS status code should be "404"
  583. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  584. # get inherited shares from the PoV of a user with resharing rights (user1)
  585. And As an "user1"
  586. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/inherited?path=first/second/test2.txt"
  587. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  588. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  589. And User "user0" should not be included in the response
  590. And User "user1" should not be included in the response
  591. And User "user2" should be included in the response
  592. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  593. When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares/inherited?path=first/test1.txt"
  594. Then the OCS status code should be "100"
  595. And the HTTP status code should be "200"
  596. And User "user0" should not be included in the response
  597. And User "user1" should not be included in the response
  598. And User "user2" should not be included in the response
  599. And User "user3" should not be included in the response
  600. # See sharing-v1-part2.feature