sk.js 6.6 KB

  1. OC.L10N.register(
  2. "dav",
  3. {
  4. "Calendar" : "Kalendár",
  5. "Todos" : "Úlohy",
  6. "Personal" : "Osobné",
  7. "{actor} created calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] vytvoril kalendár [calendar]",
  8. "You created calendar {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste kalendár [calendar]",
  9. "{actor} deleted calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] zmazal kalendár [calendar]",
  10. "You deleted calendar {calendar}" : "Zmazali ste kalendár [calendar]",
  11. "{actor} updated calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] upravil kalendár [calendar]",
  12. "You updated calendar {calendar}" : "Upravili ste kalendár [calendar]",
  13. "You shared calendar {calendar} as public link" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} ako verejný odkaz",
  14. "You removed public link for calendar {calendar}" : "Odstránili ste verejný odkaz pre kalendár {calendar}",
  15. "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with you" : "{actor} vám sprístupnil kalendár {calendar}",
  16. "You shared calendar {calendar} with {user}" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} s {user}",
  17. "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with {user}" : "{actor} sprístupnil kalendár {calendar} s {user}",
  18. "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from you" : "{actor} vám prestal sprístupňovať kalendár {calendar}",
  19. "You unshared calendar {calendar} from {user}" : "Prestali ste sprístupňovať kalendár {calendar} od používateľa {user}",
  20. "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from {user}" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} s používateľom {user}",
  21. "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from themselves" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so sebou samým",
  22. "You shared calendar {calendar} with group {group}" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} so skupinou {group}",
  23. "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with group {group}" : "{actor} vyzdieľal kalendár {calendar} so skupinou {group}",
  24. "You unshared calendar {calendar} from group {group}" : "Zrušili ste zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so skupinou {group}",
  25. "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from group {group}" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so skupinou {group}",
  26. "{actor} created event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "{actor} vytvoril udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}",
  27. "You created event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste udalosť [event] v kalendári [calendar]",
  28. "{actor} deleted event {event} from calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] zmazal udalosť [event] z kalendára [calendar]",
  29. "You deleted event {event} from calendar {calendar}" : "Zmazali ste udalosť [event] z kalendára [calendar]",
  30. "{actor} updated event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "{actor} aktualizoval udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}",
  31. "You updated event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "Aktualizovali ste udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}",
  32. "{actor} created todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} vytvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  33. "You created todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  34. "{actor} deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "{actor} zmazal úlohu {todo} z {calendar}",
  35. "You deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "Zmazali ste úlohu {todo} z {calendar}",
  36. "{actor} updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} upravil úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  37. "You updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Upravili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  38. "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} vyriešil úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  39. "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyriešili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  40. "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  41. "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otvorili ste znovu úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
  42. "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "<strong>kalendár</strong> bol upravený",
  43. "A calendar <strong>event</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Udalosť</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
  44. "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Pripomienka</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
  45. "Contact birthdays" : "Narodeniny kontaktu",
  46. "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s",
  47. "Invitation canceled" : "Pozvánka bola zrušená",
  48. "Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,",
  49. "The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was canceled." : "Stretnutie »%1$s« s %2$s bolo zrušené.",
  50. "Invitation updated" : "Pozvánka bola aktualizovaná",
  51. "The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was updated." : "Stretnutie »%1$s« s %2$s bolo aktualizované.",
  52. "%1$s invited you to »%2$s«" : "%1$s vám poslal pozvánku na »%2$s«",
  53. "When:" : "Kedy:",
  54. "Where:" : "Kde:",
  55. "Description:" : "Popis:",
  56. "Link:" : "Odkaz:",
  57. "Accept" : "Schváliť",
  58. "Decline" : "Odmietnuť",
  59. "More options …" : "Ďalšie nastavenia ...",
  60. "More options at %s" : "Ďalšie nastavenia %s",
  61. "Contacts" : "Kontakty",
  62. "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
  63. "WebDAV endpoint" : "Koncový bod WebDAV",
  64. "Technical details" : "Technické podrobnosti",
  65. "Remote Address: %s" : "Vzdialená adresa: %s",
  66. "Request ID: %s" : "ID požiadavky: %s",
  67. "There was an error updating your attendance status." : "Nastal problém pri aktualizácii Vašej účasti.",
  68. "Please contact the organizer directly." : "Prosím kontaktujte priamo organizátora.",
  69. "Are you accepting the invitation?" : "Príjmate pozvánku?",
  70. "Tentative" : "Neistý",
  71. "Save" : "Uložiť",
  72. "Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Vaša účasť bola aktualizovaná úspešne.",
  73. "Calendar server" : "Kalendárový server",
  74. "Send invitations to attendees" : "Odoslanie pozvánok účastníkom",
  75. "Please make sure to properly set up the email settings above." : "Uistite sa, že máte správne nastavené vyššie uvedené nastavenia e-mailu.",
  76. "Automatically generate a birthday calendar" : "Automaticky generovať narodeninový kalendár",
  77. "Birthday calendars will be generated by a background job." : "Narodeninové kalendáre budú generované úlohou na pozadí.",
  78. "Hence they will not be available immediately after enabling but will show up after some time." : "Preto nebudú dostupné hneď po povolení, ale zobrazia sa po určitom čase",
  79. "%s via %s" : "%s cez %s",
  80. "The meeting »%s« with %s was canceled." : "Stretnutie »%s« s %s bolo zrušené.",
  81. "The meeting »%s« with %s was updated." : "Stretnutie »%s« s %s bolo aktualizované.",
  82. "%s invited you to »%s«" : "%s vám poslal pozvánku na »%s«",
  83. "CalDAV server" : "Server CalDAV"
  84. },
  85. "nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");