ast.json 1.3 KB

  1. { "translations": {
  2. "Loading preview…" : "Cargando previsualización...",
  3. "Saved" : "Guardóse",
  4. "a safe home for all your data" : "un llar seguru pa tolos tos datos",
  5. "The given name is too long" : "El nome dau ye perllargu",
  6. "The given web address is too long" : "La direición web dada ye perllarga",
  7. "The given slogan is too long" : "La conseña dada ye perllarga",
  8. "The given color is invalid" : "El color dau ye perllargu",
  9. "No file was uploaded" : "Nun se xubieron fichjeros",
  10. "No file uploaded" : "Nun se xubieron ficheros",
  11. "Unsupported image type" : "Triba non sofitada d'imaxe",
  12. "Name" : "Nome",
  13. "Web address" : "Direición web",
  14. "Web address https://…" : "Direición web https://…",
  15. "Slogan" : "Conseña",
  16. "Color" : "Color",
  17. "Logo" : "Logu",
  18. "Upload new logo" : "Xubir logu nuevu",
  19. "Login image" : "Imaxe d'aniciu de sesión",
  20. "Upload new login background" : "Xubir fondu nuevu d'aniciu de sesión",
  21. "Remove background image" : "Desaniciar imaxe de fondu",
  22. "You are already using a custom theme" : "Yá tas usando un tema personalizáu",
  23. "reset to default" : "reafitar",
  24. "Failed to write file to disk." : "Fallu al escribir el ficheru nel discu"
  25. },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
  26. }