123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373 |
- <?php
- declare(strict_types=1);
- /**
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de>
- *
- * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de>
- * @author Côme Chilliet <come.chilliet@nextcloud.com>
- *
- * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- namespace OCA\User_LDAP\Command;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\Access;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\Group_Proxy;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\Mapping\AbstractMapping;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\Mapping\GroupMapping;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\Mapping\UserMapping;
- use OCA\User_LDAP\User_Proxy;
- use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
- use function sprintf;
- class UuidUpdateReport {
- public const UNCHANGED = 0;
- public const UNKNOWN = 1;
- public const UNREADABLE = 2;
- public const UPDATED = 3;
- public const UNWRITABLE = 4;
- public const UNMAPPED = 5;
- public $id = '';
- public $dn = '';
- public $isUser = true;
- public $state = self::UNCHANGED;
- public $oldUuid = '';
- public $newUuid = '';
- public function __construct(string $id, string $dn, bool $isUser, int $state, string $oldUuid = '', string $newUuid = '') {
- $this->id = $id;
- $this->dn = $dn;
- $this->isUser = $isUser;
- $this->state = $state;
- $this->oldUuid = $oldUuid;
- $this->newUuid = $newUuid;
- }
- }
- class UpdateUUID extends Command {
- /** @var UserMapping */
- private $userMapping;
- /** @var GroupMapping */
- private $groupMapping;
- /** @var User_Proxy */
- private $userProxy;
- /** @var Group_Proxy */
- private $groupProxy;
- /** @var array<UuidUpdateReport[]> */
- protected $reports = [];
- /** @var LoggerInterface */
- private $logger;
- /** @var bool */
- private $dryRun = false;
- public function __construct(UserMapping $userMapping, GroupMapping $groupMapping, User_Proxy $userProxy, Group_Proxy $groupProxy, LoggerInterface $logger) {
- $this->userMapping = $userMapping;
- $this->groupMapping = $groupMapping;
- $this->userProxy = $userProxy;
- $this->groupProxy = $groupProxy;
- $this->logger = $logger;
- $this->reports = [
- UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED => [],
- UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN => [],
- UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE => [],
- UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE => [],
- UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED => [],
- ];
- parent::__construct();
- }
- protected function configure(): void {
- $this
- ->setName('ldap:update-uuid')
- ->setDescription('Attempts to update UUIDs of user and group entries. By default, the command attempts to update UUIDs that have been invalidated by a migration step.')
- ->addOption(
- 'all',
- null,
- InputOption::VALUE_NONE,
- 'updates every user and group. All other options are ignored.'
- )
- ->addOption(
- 'userId',
- null,
- InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY,
- 'a user ID to update'
- )
- ->addOption(
- 'groupId',
- null,
- InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY,
- 'a group ID to update'
- )
- ->addOption(
- 'dn',
- null,
- InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY,
- 'a DN to update'
- )
- ->addOption(
- 'dry-run',
- null,
- InputOption::VALUE_NONE,
- 'UUIDs will not be updated in the database'
- )
- ;
- }
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
- $this->dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run');
- $entriesToUpdate = $this->estimateNumberOfUpdates($input);
- $progress = new ProgressBar($output);
- $progress->start($entriesToUpdate);
- foreach($this->handleUpdates($input) as $_) {
- $progress->advance();
- }
- $progress->finish();
- $output->writeln('');
- $this->printReport($output);
- return count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED]) === 0
- && count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE]) === 0
- && count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE]) === 0
- ? 0
- : 1;
- }
- protected function printReport(OutputInterface $output): void {
- if ($output->isQuiet()) {
- return;
- }
- if (count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED]) === 0) {
- $output->writeln('<info>No record was updated.</info>');
- } else {
- $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%d record(s) were updated.</info>', count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED])));
- if ($output->isVerbose()) {
- /** @var UuidUpdateReport $report */
- foreach ($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED] as $report) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s had their old UUID %s updated to %s', $report->id, $report->oldUuid, $report->newUuid));
- }
- $output->writeln('');
- }
- }
- if (count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED]) > 0) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%d provided IDs were not mapped. These were:</error>', count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED])));
- /** @var UuidUpdateReport $report */
- foreach ($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED] as $report) {
- if (!empty($report->id)) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s: %s',
- $report->isUser ? 'User' : 'Group', $report->id));
- } elseif (!empty($report->dn)) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' DN: %s', $report->dn));
- }
- }
- $output->writeln('');
- }
- if (count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN]) > 0) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%d provided IDs were unknown on LDAP.</info>', count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN])));
- if ($output->isVerbose()) {
- /** @var UuidUpdateReport $report */
- foreach ($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN] as $report) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s: %s', $report->isUser ? 'User' : 'Group', $report->id));
- }
- $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . 'Old users can be removed along with their data per occ user:delete.' . PHP_EOL);
- }
- }
- if (count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE]) > 0) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>For %d records, the UUID could not be read. Double-check your configuration.</error>', count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE])));
- if ($output->isVerbose()) {
- /** @var UuidUpdateReport $report */
- foreach ($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE] as $report) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s: %s', $report->isUser ? 'User' : 'Group', $report->id));
- }
- }
- }
- if (count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE]) > 0) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>For %d records, the UUID could not be saved to database. Double-check your configuration.</error>', count($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE])));
- if ($output->isVerbose()) {
- /** @var UuidUpdateReport $report */
- foreach ($this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE] as $report) {
- $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s: %s', $report->isUser ? 'User' : 'Group', $report->id));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdates(InputInterface $input): \Generator {
- if ($input->getOption('all')) {
- foreach($this->handleMappingBasedUpdates(false) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- } elseif ($input->getOption('userId')
- || $input->getOption('groupId')
- || $input->getOption('dn')
- ) {
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByUserId($input->getOption('userId')) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByGroupId($input->getOption('groupId')) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByDN($input->getOption('dn')) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- } else {
- foreach($this->handleMappingBasedUpdates(true) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdatesByUserId(array $userIds): \Generator {
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByEntryId($userIds, $this->userMapping) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdatesByGroupId(array $groupIds): \Generator {
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByEntryId($groupIds, $this->groupMapping) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdatesByDN(array $dns): \Generator {
- $userList = $groupList = [];
- while ($dn = array_pop($dns)) {
- $uuid = $this->userMapping->getUUIDByDN($dn);
- if ($uuid) {
- $id = $this->userMapping->getNameByDN($dn);
- $userList[] = ['name' => $id, 'uuid' => $uuid];
- continue;
- }
- $uuid = $this->groupMapping->getUUIDByDN($dn);
- if ($uuid) {
- $id = $this->groupMapping->getNameByDN($dn);
- $groupList[] = ['name' => $id, 'uuid' => $uuid];
- continue;
- }
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED][] = new UuidUpdateReport('', $dn, true, UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED);
- yield;
- }
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByList($this->userMapping, $userList) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByList($this->groupMapping, $groupList) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdatesByEntryId(array $ids, AbstractMapping $mapping): \Generator {
- $isUser = $mapping instanceof UserMapping;
- $list = [];
- while ($id = array_pop($ids)) {
- if(!$dn = $mapping->getDNByName($id)) {
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED][] = new UuidUpdateReport($id, '', $isUser, UuidUpdateReport::UNMAPPED);
- yield;
- continue;
- }
- // Since we know it was mapped the UUID is populated
- $uuid = $mapping->getUUIDByDN($dn);
- $list[] = ['name' => $id, 'uuid' => $uuid];
- }
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByList($mapping, $list) as $_) {
- yield;
- }
- }
- protected function handleMappingBasedUpdates(bool $invalidatedOnly): \Generator {
- $limit = 1000;
- /** @var AbstractMapping $mapping*/
- foreach([$this->userMapping, $this->groupMapping] as $mapping) {
- $offset = 0;
- do {
- $list = $mapping->getList($offset, $limit, $invalidatedOnly);
- $offset += $limit;
- foreach($this->handleUpdatesByList($mapping, $list) as $tick) {
- yield; // null, for it only advances progress counter
- }
- } while (count($list) === $limit);
- }
- }
- protected function handleUpdatesByList(AbstractMapping $mapping, array $list): \Generator {
- if ($mapping instanceof UserMapping) {
- $isUser = true;
- $backendProxy = $this->userProxy;
- } else {
- $isUser = false;
- $backendProxy = $this->groupProxy;
- }
- foreach ($list as $row) {
- $access = $backendProxy->getLDAPAccess($row['name']);
- if ($access instanceof Access
- && $dn = $mapping->getDNByName($row['name'])) {
- if ($uuid = $access->getUUID($dn, $isUser)) {
- if ($uuid !== $row['uuid']) {
- if ($this->dryRun || $mapping->setUUIDbyDN($uuid, $dn)) {
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED][]
- = new UuidUpdateReport($row['name'], $dn, $isUser, UuidUpdateReport::UPDATED, $row['uuid'], $uuid);
- } else {
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE][]
- = new UuidUpdateReport($row['name'], $dn, $isUser, UuidUpdateReport::UNWRITABLE, $row['uuid'], $uuid);
- }
- $this->logger->info('UUID of {id} was updated from {from} to {to}',
- [
- 'appid' => 'user_ldap',
- 'id' => $row['name'],
- 'from' => $row['uuid'],
- 'to' => $uuid,
- ]
- );
- }
- } else {
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE][] = new UuidUpdateReport($row['name'], $dn, $isUser, UuidUpdateReport::UNREADABLE);
- }
- } else {
- $this->reports[UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN][] = new UuidUpdateReport($row['name'], '', $isUser, UuidUpdateReport::UNKNOWN);
- }
- yield; // null, for it only advances progress counter
- }
- }
- protected function estimateNumberOfUpdates(InputInterface $input): int {
- if ($input->getOption('all')) {
- return $this->userMapping->count() + $this->groupMapping->count();
- } elseif ($input->getOption('userId')
- || $input->getOption('groupId')
- || $input->getOption('dn')
- ) {
- return count($input->getOption('userId'))
- + count($input->getOption('groupId'))
- + count($input->getOption('dn'));
- } else {
- return $this->userMapping->countInvalidated() + $this->groupMapping->countInvalidated();
- }
- }
- }