et_EE.json 8.1 KB

  1. { "translations": {
  2. "Shared with you" : "Sinuga jagatud",
  3. "Shared with others" : "Teistega jagatud",
  4. "Shared by link" : "Jagatud lingiga",
  5. "Nothing shared with you yet" : "Sinuga pole veel midagi jagatud",
  6. "Files and folders others share with you will show up here" : "Siin näidatakse faile ja kaustasid, mida teised on sulle jaganud",
  7. "Nothing shared yet" : "Midagi pole veel jagatud",
  8. "Files and folders you share will show up here" : "Siin kuvatakse faile ja kaustasid, mida sa oled teistega jaganud",
  9. "No shared links" : "Jagatud linke pole",
  10. "Files and folders you share by link will show up here" : "Siin kuvatakse faile ja kaustasid, mida sa jagad lingiga",
  11. "You can upload into this folder" : "Sa saad sellesse kausta faile üles laadida",
  12. "No compatible server found at {remote}" : "Aadressil {remote} ei leitud ühilduvat serverit",
  13. "Invalid server URL" : "Vigane serveri URL",
  14. "Failed to add the public link to your Nextcloud" : "Avaliku lingi lisamine sinu Nextcloudi ebaõnnestus",
  15. "Share" : "Jaga",
  16. "No expiration date set" : "Aegumise kuupäeva pole määratud",
  17. "Shared by" : "Jagas",
  18. "Sharing" : "Jagamine",
  19. "File shares" : "Jagatud failid",
  20. "Downloaded via public link" : "Alla laetud avalikult lingilt",
  21. "Downloaded by {email}" : "Alla laetud {email} poolt",
  22. "{file} downloaded via public link" : "{file} laeti alla avaliku lingi kaudu",
  23. "{email} downloaded {file}" : "{email} laadis {file} alla",
  24. "Shared with group {group}" : "Jagatud grupiga {group}",
  25. "Removed share for group {group}" : "Eemaldas jagamise grupiga {group}",
  26. "{actor} shared with group {group}" : "{actor} jagas grupiga {group}",
  27. "{actor} removed share for group {group}" : "{actor} eemaldas jagamise grupiga {group}",
  28. "You shared {file} with group {group}" : "Sa jagasid faili {file} grupiga {group}",
  29. "You removed group {group} from {file}" : "Sa eemaldasid grupi {group} faili {file} jagamisest",
  30. "{actor} shared {file} with group {group}" : "{actor} jagas faili {file} grupiga {group}",
  31. "{actor} removed group {group} from {file}" : "{actor} eemaldas grupi {group} faili {file} jagamisest",
  32. "Shared as public link" : "Jaga avaliku lingina",
  33. "Removed public link" : "Avalik link on eemaldatud",
  34. "Public link expired" : "Avalik link aegus",
  35. "{actor} shared as public link" : "{actor} jagas avaliku lingina",
  36. "{actor} removed public link" : "{actor} eemaldas avaliku lingi",
  37. "Public link of {actor} expired" : "{actor} avalik link aegus",
  38. "You shared {file} as public link" : "Sa jagasid {file} avaliku lingina",
  39. "You removed public link for {file}" : "Sa eemaldasid {file} avaliku lingi",
  40. "Public link expired for {file}" : "{file} avalik link aegus",
  41. "{actor} shared {file} as public link" : "{actor} jagas {file} avaliku lingina",
  42. "{actor} removed public link for {file}" : "{actor} eemaldas {file} avaliku lingi",
  43. "Public link of {actor} for {file} expired" : " {actor} faili {file} avalik link aegus",
  44. "{user} accepted the remote share" : "{user} aksepteeris kaugjagamise",
  45. "{user} declined the remote share" : "{user} keeldus kaugjagamisest",
  46. "You received a new remote share {file} from {user}" : "Sa said uue kaugjagatud faili {file} kasutajalt {user}",
  47. "{user} accepted the remote share of {file}" : "{user} aksepteeris faili {file} kaugjagamise",
  48. "{user} declined the remote share of {file}" : "{user} keeldus faili {file} kaugjagamisest",
  49. "{user} unshared {file} from you" : "{user} lõpetas sinuga faili {file} jagamise",
  50. "Shared with {user}" : "Jagatud kasutajale {user}",
  51. "Removed share for {user}" : "Eemaldas jagamise kasutajaga {user}",
  52. "{actor} shared with {user}" : "{actor} jagas kasutajaga {user}",
  53. "{actor} removed share for {user}" : "{actor} eemaldas jagamise kasutajaga {user}",
  54. "Shared by {actor}" : "Jagatud kasutajalt {actor}",
  55. "{actor} removed share" : "{actor} eemaldas jagamise",
  56. "You shared {file} with {user}" : "Sa jagasid {file} kasutajaga {user}",
  57. "You removed {user} from {file}" : "Sa eemaldasid faili {file} jagamise kasutajaga {user} ",
  58. "{actor} shared {file} with {user}" : "{actor} jagas {file} kasutajaga {user}",
  59. "{actor} removed {user} from {file}" : "{actor} eemaldas {user} jagamise faililt {file}",
  60. "{actor} shared {file} with you" : "{actor} jagas singuga {file}",
  61. "{actor} removed you from {file}" : "{actor} eemaldas sind {file} jagamisest",
  62. "A file or folder shared by mail or by public link was <strong>downloaded</strong>" : "Fail või kaust mis on jagatud e-posti või avaliku lingiga <strong>laeti alla</strong>",
  63. "A file or folder was shared from <strong>another server</strong>" : "Fail või kaust jagati <strong>teisest serverist</strong>",
  64. "A file or folder has been <strong>shared</strong>" : "Fail või kataloog on <strong>jagatud</strong>",
  65. "Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Vale jagamise ID, sellist jagamist ei eksisteeri",
  66. "could not delete share" : "ei saanud jagamist eemaldada",
  67. "Could not delete share" : "Ei saanud jagamist eemaldada",
  68. "Please specify a file or folder path" : "Palun määra faili või kausta rada",
  69. "Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Vale rada, faili/kausta ei leitud",
  70. "Could not create share" : "Ei saanud jagamist luua",
  71. "invalid permissions" : "valed õigused",
  72. "Please specify a valid user" : "Palun määra kehtiv kasutaja",
  73. "Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Grupiga jagamine on administraatori poolt keelatud",
  74. "Please specify a valid group" : "Palun määra kehtiv grupp",
  75. "Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Avaliku lingiga jagamine on administraatori poolt keelatud",
  76. "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Avalik üleslaadimine on administraatori poolt keelatud",
  77. "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Avalik üleslaadminie on võimalik ainult avalikult jagatud kaustades",
  78. "Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Vigane kuupäev, formaat peab olema YYYY-MM-DD",
  79. "Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s" : "%s jagamine ebaõnnestus sest server ei luba %s tüüpi jagamisi",
  80. "You cannot share to a Circle if the app is not enabled" : "Sa ei saa jagada Ringi kui see rakendus pole lubatud",
  81. "Please specify a valid circle" : "Palun määra kehtiv ring",
  82. "Unknown share type" : "Tundmatu jagamise tüüp",
  83. "Not a directory" : "Ei ole kaust",
  84. "Could not lock path" : "Ei saanud rada lukustada",
  85. "Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Antud vale või aegunud parameeter",
  86. "Can't change permissions for public share links" : "Avalikult jagatud linkide õigusi muuta ei saa",
  87. "Cannot increase permissions" : "Ei saa õigusi suurendada",
  88. "shared by %s" : "jagas %s",
  89. "Download" : "Lae alla",
  90. "Direct link" : "Otsene link",
  91. "Add to your Nextcloud" : "Lisa oma Nextcloudi",
  92. "Share API is disabled" : "Jagamise API on keelatud",
  93. "This share is password-protected" : "See jagamine on parooliga kaitstud",
  94. "The password is wrong. Try again." : "Parool on vale. Proovi uuesti.",
  95. "Password" : "Parool",
  96. "No entries found in this folder" : "Selles kaustas ei leitud kirjeid",
  97. "Name" : "Nimi",
  98. "Share time" : "Jagamise aeg",
  99. "Expiration date" : "Aegumise kuupäev",
  100. "Sorry, this link doesn’t seem to work anymore." : "Vabandust, see link ei tundu enam toimivat.",
  101. "Reasons might be:" : "Põhjused võivad olla:",
  102. "the item was removed" : "üksus on eemaldatud",
  103. "the link expired" : "link on aegunud",
  104. "sharing is disabled" : "jagamine on peatatud",
  105. "For more info, please ask the person who sent this link." : "Täpsema info saamiseks palun pöördu lingi saatnud isiku poole.",
  106. "Download %s" : "Laadi alla %s",
  107. "Upload files to %s" : "Laadi failid %s",
  108. "Select or drop files" : "Vali või lohista failid",
  109. "Uploading files…" : "Failide üleslaadimine...",
  110. "Uploaded files:" : "Üleslaetud failid:",
  111. "%s is publicly shared" : "%s on avalikult jagatud"
  112. },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
  113. }