lv.js 1.3 KB

  1. OC.L10N.register(
  2. "twofactor_backupcodes",
  3. {
  4. "Generate backup codes" : "Izveidot rezerves kodus",
  5. "Backup codes have been generated. {{used}} of {{total}} codes have been used." : "Rezerves kodi ir ģenerēti. {{used}} no {{total}} kodiem ir izmantoti.",
  6. "These are your backup codes. Please save and/or print them as you will not be able to read the codes again later" : "Šie ir jūsu dublējuma kodi. Lūdzu saglabāt un / vai izdrukāt tos, jūs nevarēsiet izlasīt kodus vēlreiz",
  7. "Save backup codes" : "Saglabāt rezerves kodus",
  8. "Print backup codes" : "Drukāt dublējuma kodus",
  9. "Regenerate backup codes" : "Atjaunot dublējuma kodus",
  10. "If you regenerate backup codes, you automatically invalidate old codes." : "Ja atjaunot dublējum kodus, tiek automātiski anulēti vecie kodi.",
  11. "An error occurred while generating your backup codes" : "Radās kļūda, ģenerējot jūsu dublējuma kodus",
  12. "Nextcloud backup codes" : "Nextcloud dublēšanas kodi",
  13. "You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Jūs izveidojāt divpakāpju dublējumu kodus savam kontam",
  14. "Backup code" : "Dublēšanas kods",
  15. "Use backup code" : "Izmantojiet dublēšanas kodu",
  16. "Second-factor backup codes" : "Second-factor dublēšanas kodi"
  17. },
  18. "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");