Josh ab5a25104b Update DnsPinMiddleware.php 6 сар өмнө
Accounts aff7798fc1 refactor(provisioning_api): Add types for user details scopes 6 сар өмнө
Activity 17744f8590 fix(activity): Remove unneeded exception (types are enforced) 7 сар өмнө
App 5d1ca7e25a fix: Drop workarounds for unsupported obsolete PHP versions 7 сар өмнө
AppFramework ec27c538b5 fix: address review comments 6 сар өмнө
Archive 2333657fb6 fix: Improve typing in Archive/TAR.php 7 сар өмнө
Authentication fe7217d2d3 Merge pull request #45026 from nextcloud/fix/token-update 6 сар өмнө
Avatar 3ad4bbb096 Merge pull request #44658 from nextcloud/fix/migrate-away-from-resource-type 7 сар өмнө
BackgroundJob d967151f52 fix(bg-jobs): review adjustments 7 сар өмнө
Blurhash e02a06072b fix(Blurhash): Suppress imagecreatefromstring() E_WARNING 8 сар өмнө
Broadcast f5c361cf44 composer run cs:fix 1 жил өмнө
Cache 951c330d39 Revert "don't perform an explicit setup when using the file cache" 9 сар өмнө
Calendar 14725d792f fix(CalDAV): Check if the vObject exists before attempting any operations 1 жил өмнө
Collaboration ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Command 303e2febc7 Merge pull request #43387 from nextcloud/fix/migrate-away-from-ilogger-in-jobs 9 сар өмнө
Comments ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Console 644036ab4e fix: Migrate away from OC_App toward the IAppManager 7 сар өмнө
Contacts ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
DB d4a6a700da Merge pull request #39247 from nextcloud/query-log-backtrace 7 сар өмнө
Dashboard 53ad3a58ab Lower to info 10 сар өмнө
Diagnostics ab6afe0111 fix: Fix new psalm errors from update 7 сар өмнө
DirectEditing 0df6048693 fix: Fix phpdoc typing in DirectEditing\Manager 7 сар өмнө
Encryption ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
EventDispatcher 2232753b99 add hasListeners() 9 сар өмнө
Federation 575e7d8dba fix(federation): ICloudId->getRemote() should contain the protocol 8 сар өмнө
Files 843bb62d6d fix: LazyRoot missing method 6 сар өмнө
FilesMetadata b4004a2582 Merge pull request #43574 from nextcloud/enh/noid/lazyappconfig-migrate-metadata 7 сар өмнө
FullTextSearch 7e0899aaaf fix: Avoid unitialized access of fts manager properties 9 сар өмнө
GlobalScale 426c0341ff Use typed version of IConfig::getSystemValue as much as possible 1 жил өмнө
Group e630e4b983 Merge pull request #44763 from nextcloud/fix/group_name_length_db 6 сар өмнө
Hooks ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Http ab5a25104b Update DnsPinMiddleware.php 6 сар өмнө
IntegrityCheck 0a79884abf feat(appconfig): switching integrity check to lazy config values 8 сар өмнө
KnownUser b153340b62 Add type hints for mappers 1 жил өмнө
L10N a0be3ffdf2 fix: Fix tests following OC_App migrations to IAppManager 7 сар өмнө
LDAP 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
Lock ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Lockdown 308fcf4526 Respect OCP interface in private classes 1 жил өмнө
Log 4a3b9b826e refactor: identifier is now customId/custom_id 6 сар өмнө
Mail ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Memcache 535d5de037 Update LoggerWrapperCache.php 7 сар өмнө
Migration 2bfb6fc731 fix: Make Repair object injectable and fix BackgroundRepair test 10 сар өмнө
Net cbc47a9890 Refactors Metadata, Migration, and Net. 1 жил өмнө
Notification 874525425c fix(notifications): Add a warning when using relative links 7 сар өмнө
OCM 21e7a82e64 feat(OCM): Dispatch an event so apps can register resources 1 жил өмнө
OCS bbaaaf4b91 feat(capabilities): Expose if mod-rewrite is working via capabilities 7 сар өмнө
Preview 4286660983 fix: Extend SVG reference check 6 сар өмнө
Profile aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
Profiler ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Remote ea06cf2f39 Convert isset ternary to null coalescing operator 1 жил өмнө
Repair ee7592ffdd fix: Run cs:fix 6 сар өмнө
RichObjectStrings d481515081 Improve validator output in case of invalid RichObject 10 сар өмнө
Route 4c5e05f37e fix(Router): Stop loading routes of disabled apps 6 сар өмнө
Search ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Security b627e6efe4 fix: Correctly check result of function 6 сар өмнө
Session 7c6934dea9 fix(typo): Fix typo in docs 8 сар өмнө
Settings ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
Setup 524ed97d62 fix: replace `Account name` by `Login` 9 сар өмнө
SetupCheck 0ea2913ac3 fix: Log exceptions thrown by setup checks 8 сар өмнө
Share a598de627c chore: remove long depricated share code 9 сар өмнө
Share20 54afea4b01 Merge pull request #44460 from nextcloud/remove-non-shallow-in-folder 6 сар өмнө
SpeechToText 76925f15d6 feat(stt): add ability to cancel a scheduled transcription 8 сар өмнө
Support 839ddaa354 feat: rename users to account or person 9 сар өмнө
SystemTag a988754e3d Refactors lib/private/SystemTag. 1 жил өмнө
Tagging aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
Talk ec5133b739 fix: Apply new coding standard to all files 8 сар өмнө
TaskProcessing 6c4992de54 fix: expose lastUpdated in OCS API 6 сар өмнө
Teams c7813bfdaf feat: Implement team provider api 9 сар өмнө
Template dd4901d689 feat: Add `forbidden_filename_characters` to JSConfig for use in frontend libraries 6 сар өмнө
TextProcessing 162537916b fix missing return statement, inline return 9 сар өмнө
TextToImage 156013a711 introduce IProviderWithUserId 10 сар өмнө
Translation 970eb692d1 fix(coding style) 10 сар өмнө
Updater 519e434573 fix(updatenotification): spread the use of new appconfig 8 сар өмнө
User 7278198e6b fix: delete user credentials stored in storages_credentials when user gets deleted 6 сар өмнө
UserStatus f19645adab enh(userstatus): add OOO automation and remove calendar automation 1 жил өмнө
legacy 538a04968a fix(tests): Adjust theming test for new splitted background and primary colors 6 сар өмнө
AllConfig.php b8868e2652 fix(config): Make sure user keys are strings 8 сар өмнө
AppConfig.php eb25e10f55 fix: Avoid reference use in AppConfig 7 сар өмнө
AppScriptDependency.php 491bd6260c Sort app scripts topologically by its dependencies 2 жил өмнө
AppScriptSort.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
BinaryFinder.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
CapabilitiesManager.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
Color.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
Config.php b6ade7c8e4 fix: regression with updating read-only config 7 сар өмнө
ContactsManager.php e966cfbc4b Cleanup plsam issues in DB/ContactsManager and Console 1 жил өмнө
DatabaseException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
DatabaseSetupException.php b78f3a57d1 Migrate HintException to OCP 3 жил өмнө
DateTimeFormatter.php c24eecbbb3 fix(DateTimeFormatter): Adjust invalid doc blocks 8 сар өмнө
DateTimeZone.php 51f04ed514 Move away from deprecated ILogger 2 жил өмнө
EmojiHelper.php cefcd55994 Include more emoji chars to test and fixes after include it 2 жил өмнө
EventSource.php d7ed056160 fix: Improve code quality in EventSource 6 сар өмнө
EventSourceFactory.php d7ed056160 fix: Improve code quality in EventSource 6 сар өмнө
ForbiddenException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
HintException.php 368f83095d Fix typos in lib/private subdirectory 2 жил өмнө
InitialStateService.php 131f481a67 fix(initial-state): Log an error when initial-state can not be JSON encoded 1 жил өмнө
Installer.php b627e6efe4 fix: Correctly check result of function 6 сар өмнө
LargeFileHelper.php e7cc7653b8 Refactors "strpos" calls in lib/private to improve code readability. 1 жил өмнө
Log.php e838aa9514 fix(Logger): Warn on invalid `loglevel` configuration option 8 сар өмнө
MemoryInfo.php 94ecae4ade Add helper to cast to int|float, fix MemoryInfo on 32bits 1 жил өмнө
NaturalSort.php 069477e608 Migrate more classes of lib/private to LoggerInterface 2 жил өмнө
NaturalSort_DefaultCollator.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
NavigationManager.php a7a8feee51 chore: Rename "Users" menu entry to "Accounts" 6 сар өмнө
NeedsUpdateException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
NotSquareException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
PhoneNumberUtil.php 3b4c306860 fix(phonenumber): Improve docs by adding input details 1 жил өмнө
PreviewManager.php 4ab40e355f fix(preview): check mime type before processing with Imagick 7 сар өмнө
PreviewNotAvailableException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
RedisFactory.php 6083fe3c9b Code simplification using null coalescing 1 жил өмнө
Repair.php b0bfe3e2cd feat(appconfig): repair step to migrate lazy config values 8 сар өмнө
RepairException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
Search.php c0ce272e9c chore: Migrate away from OC::$server->getLogger 9 сар өмнө
Server.php 538a04968a fix(tests): Adjust theming test for new splitted background and primary colors 6 сар өмнө
ServerContainer.php 3846ec2899 Merge pull request #38322 from nextcloud/bugfix/noid/throw-early-app-container 1 жил өмнө
ServerNotAvailableException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
ServiceUnavailableException.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
Setup.php 519e434573 fix(updatenotification): spread the use of new appconfig 8 сар өмнө
StreamImage.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
Streamer.php 40edb426a3 Refactor `OC\Server::getRootFolder` 1 жил өмнө
SubAdmin.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
SystemConfig.php 03f38c9b06 fix: Mark more configs as sensitive 6 сар өмнө
TagManager.php aa5f037af7 chore: apply changes from Nextcloud coding standards 1.1.1 1 жил өмнө
Tags.php c0ce272e9c chore: Migrate away from OC::$server->getLogger 9 сар өмнө
TempManager.php 215aef3cbd Update php licenses 3 жил өмнө
TemplateLayout.php f2556901f9 fix: php-cs `CapabilitiesManager` 8 сар өмнө
URLGenerator.php b5357f7d12 Merge branch 'master' into refactor/OC-Server-getThemingDefaults 9 сар өмнө
Updater.php 519e434573 fix(updatenotification): spread the use of new appconfig 8 сар өмнө