"""create hook_mirror table Revision ID: ba538b2648b7 Revises: 19b67f4b9fe4 Create Date: 2018-09-27 12:47:21.975843 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'ba538b2648b7' down_revision = '19b67f4b9fe4' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): """ Create the hook_mirror to store the tags of pull-requests. """ op.create_table( 'hook_mirror', sa.Column( 'id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column( 'project_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey( 'projects.id', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE' ), nullable=False, primary_key=True ), sa.Column( 'active', sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False ), sa.Column( 'public_key', sa.Text, nullable=True ), sa.Column( 'target', sa.Text, nullable=True ), sa.Column( 'last_log', sa.Text, nullable=True ) ) def downgrade(): """ Delete the hook_mirror table. """ op.drop_table('hook_mirror')