pagure.cfg.sample 6.1 KB

  1. import os
  2. from datetime import timedelta
  3. ### Set the time after which the admin session expires
  4. # There are two sessions on pagure, login that holds for 31 days and
  5. # the session defined here after which an user has to re-login.
  6. # This session is used when accessing all administrative parts of pagure
  7. # (ie: changing a project's or a user's settings)
  8. ADMIN_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=20)
  9. # Enable tickets and docs for all repos
  11. ENABLE_DOCS = True
  12. ### Secret key for the Flask application
  13. SECRET_KEY='<The web application secret key>'
  14. ### url to the database server:
  15. #DB_URL=mysql://user:pass@host/db_name
  16. #DB_URL=postgres://user:pass@host/db_name
  17. DB_URL = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/pagure_dev.sqlite'
  18. ### The FAS group in which the admin of pagure are
  19. ADMIN_GROUP = ['sysadmin-main']
  20. ### Hard-coded list of global admins
  22. ### The email address to which the flask.log will send the errors (tracebacks)
  23. EMAIL_ERROR = 'pingou@pingoured.fr'
  24. ### SMTP settings
  25. SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost'
  26. SMTP_PORT = 25
  27. SMTP_SSL = False
  28. #Specify both for enabling SMTP with auth
  29. SMTP_USERNAME = None
  30. SMTP_PASSWORD = None
  31. ### Information used to sent notifications
  32. FROM_EMAIL = 'pagure@pagure.io'
  34. SALT_EMAIL = '<secret key to be changed>'
  35. ### The URL at which the project is available.
  36. APP_URL = 'https://pagure.io/'
  37. ### The URL at which the documentation of projects will be available
  38. ## This should be in a different domain to avoid XSS issues since we want
  39. ## to allow raw html to be displayed (different domain, ie not a sub-domain).
  40. DOC_APP_URL = 'https://docs.pagure.org'
  41. ### The URL to use to clone git repositories.
  42. GIT_URL_SSH = 'ssh://git@pagure.io/'
  43. GIT_URL_GIT = 'git://pagure.io/'
  44. ### Folder containing to the git repos
  45. GIT_FOLDER = os.path.join(
  46. os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
  47. '..',
  48. 'repos'
  49. )
  50. ### Folder containing the clones for the remote pull-requests
  51. REMOTE_GIT_FOLDER = os.path.join(
  52. os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
  53. '..',
  54. 'remotes'
  55. )
  56. ### Whether to enable scanning for viruses in attachments
  58. ### Configuration file for gitolite
  59. GITOLITE_CONFIG = os.path.join(
  60. os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
  61. '..',
  62. 'gitolite.conf'
  63. )
  64. ### Home folder of the gitolite user
  65. ### Folder where to run gl-compile-conf from
  66. GITOLITE_HOME = None
  67. ### Version of gitolite used: 2 or 3?
  69. ### Folder containing all the public ssh keys for gitolite
  71. ### Path to the gitolite.rc file
  72. GL_RC = None
  73. ### Path to the /bin directory where the gitolite tools can be found
  74. GL_BINDIR = None
  75. # SSH Information
  76. ### The ssh certificates of the git server to be provided to the user
  77. ### /!\ format is important
  78. # SSH_KEYS = {'RSA': {'fingerprint': '<foo>', 'pubkey': '<bar>'}}
  79. # Optional configuration
  80. ### Number of items displayed per page
  81. # Used when listing items
  82. ITEM_PER_PAGE = 50
  83. ### Maximum size of the uploaded content
  84. # Used to limit the size of file attached to a ticket for example
  85. MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 4 * 1024 * 1024 # 4 megabytes
  86. ### Lenght for short commits ids or file hex
  87. SHORT_LENGTH = 6
  88. ### List of blacklisted project names that can conflicts for pagure's URLs
  89. ### or other
  91. 'static', 'pv', 'releases', 'new', 'api', 'settings',
  92. 'logout', 'login', 'users', 'groups', 'projects']
  93. ### IP addresses allowed to access the internal endpoints
  94. ### These endpoints are used by the milter and are security sensitive, thus
  95. ### the IP filter
  96. IP_ALLOWED_INTERNAL = ['', 'localhost', '::1']
  97. ### EventSource/Web-Hook/Redis configuration
  98. # The eventsource integration is what allows pagure to refresh the content
  99. # on your page when someone else comments on the ticket (and this without
  100. # asking you to reload the page.
  101. # By default it is off, ie: EVENTSOURCE_SOURCE is None, to turn it on, specify
  102. # here what the URL of the eventsource server is, for example:
  103. # https://ev.pagure.io or https://pagure.io:8080 or whatever you are using
  104. # (Note: the urls sent to it start with a '/' so no need to add one yourself)
  106. # Port where the event source server is running (maybe be the same port
  107. # as the one specified in EVENTSOURCE_SOURCE or a different one if you
  108. # have something running in front of the server such as apache or stunnel).
  109. EVENTSOURCE_PORT = 8080
  110. # If this port is specified, the event source server will run another server
  111. # at this port and will provide information about the number of active
  112. # connections running on the first (main) event source server
  113. #EV_STATS_PORT = 8888
  114. # Web-hook can be turned on or off allowing using them for notifications, or
  115. # not.
  116. WEBHOOK = False
  117. ### Redis configuration
  118. # A redis server is required for both the Event-Source server or the web-hook
  119. # server.
  120. REDIS_HOST = ''
  121. REDIS_PORT = 6379
  122. REDIS_DB = 0
  123. # Authentication related configuration option
  124. ### Switch the authentication method
  125. # Specify which authentication method to use, defaults to `fas` can be or
  126. # `local`
  127. # Default: ``fas``.
  128. PAGURE_AUTH = 'fas'
  129. # When this is set to True, the session cookie will only be returned to the
  130. # server via ssl (https). If you connect to the server via plain http, the
  131. # cookie will not be sent. This prevents sniffing of the cookie contents.
  132. # This may be set to False when testing your application but should always
  133. # be set to True in production.
  134. # Default: ``True``.
  136. # The name of the cookie used to store the session id.
  137. # Default: ``.pagure``.
  138. SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'pagure'
  139. # Boolean specifying whether to check the user's IP address when retrieving
  140. # its session. This make things more secure (thus is on by default) but
  141. # under certain setup it might not work (for example is there are proxies
  142. # in front of the application).
  143. CHECK_SESSION_IP = True
  144. # Used by SESSION_COOKIE_PATH
  146. # Allow the backward compatiblity endpoints for the old URLs schema to
  147. # see the commits of a repo. This is only interesting if you pagure instance
  148. # was running since before version 1.3 and if you care about backward
  149. # compatibility in your URLs.