Нема описа

Dominik Wombacher 6ff9732cb8 fix(5.14.x): Use '==' instead of 'is' in template if condition because of old Jinja2 version on EL8 пре 6 месеци
alembic 23db852ce7 Fix for mysql alembic migration пре 6 месеци
dev 67c175d544 tests(15.4.1): Display short test summary after pytest run пре 6 месеци
doc 6b06ac5855 docs(changelog): Add links to related pull requests to security fixes in 5.14.1 пре 6 месеци
fedmsg.d 73d1200552 Project wide black fixes, including tests, docs and all пре 5 година
files 937fa7f33d chore: Bump version in 'pagure/__init__.py' and 'files/pagure.spec' пре 6 месеци
pagure 6ff9732cb8 fix(5.14.x): Use '==' instead of 'is' in template if condition because of old Jinja2 version on EL8 пре 6 месеци
pagure-ev 4ea95cc895 (#2127569) Fixes TypeError: BaseEventLoop.create_server() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop' пре 6 месеци
pagure-milters d773bb2be5 Make the milter discard the messages when it's done пре 3 година
tests 9b71517000 fix: generate_archive() follows symbolic links in temporary clones пре 6 месеци
utils 85f82260ee Drop remaining nose files and requirements пре 4 година
.cico.pipeline 4f3ade2b36 Escape $ to fix Jenkins interpolation warning (#5178) пре 3 година
.flake8 a6b52c1146 Adjust pagure's source code for the newer flake8 пре 4 година
.gitignore 437bdfa6bf Adding to .gitignore file пре 4 година
.pylintrc 254a80ed21 pylintrc: be more specific about generated-members пре 8 година
LICENSE 96994225ac Add the GPLv2 LICENSE file пре 10 година
MANIFEST.in f8d23a53ad Clean up the MANIFEST.in file since we dropped some folders пре 6 година
README.rst 7c8b873ef1 fix: grammar of "log in" пре 6 месеци
UPGRADING.rst 0472a90b85 Document MySQL migration issue пре 6 месеци
createdb.py 73d1200552 Project wide black fixes, including tests, docs and all пре 5 година
dev-data.py 75f7c960ea Add orphaning reason пре 4 година
pagure_logo.svg 43167e1e09 update the logo пре 8 година
pyproject.toml d5a073b055 Let's see if pyproject will work in jenkins пре 6 година
requirements-ci.txt 33bdcafbcf trollius → trololio пре 6 година
requirements-ev.txt 33bdcafbcf trollius → trololio пре 6 година
requirements-fedora.txt da0c1b6eef Add a dependency on flask-oidc for testing пре 4 година
requirements-optional.txt 71c8894fd4 Re-structure how are requirements are listed пре 7 година
requirements-testing.txt b0fb05304c Port pagure to the latest version of python black пре 3 година
requirements-webhook.txt 33bdcafbcf trollius → trololio пре 6 година
requirements.txt ae61506e10 Explicitly require setuptools, pagure/lib/git_auth.py imports pkg_resources пре 3 година
run_ci_tests_containers.sh 9a202ee59d Remove GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 from git commands пре 6 месеци
rundocserver.py 73d1200552 Project wide black fixes, including tests, docs and all пре 5 година
runserver.py 4479b18d1e Add PAGURE_PLUGINS_CONFIG setting in pagure configuration file. пре 4 година
runworker.py 7c63573fbb Reorder celery arguments (and s/info/INFO/) пре 6 месеци
setup.py 431630139f Add the possibility to add/remove ssh keys on the authorized_keys file пре 4 година
tox.ini 0776bdaace Try to upgrade pip in the tox environment before install the other deps пре 3 година



:Author: Pierre-Yves Chibon

Pagure is a git-centered forge, python based using pygit2.

With pagure you can host your project with its documentation, let your users
report issues or request enhancements using the ticketing system and build your
community of contributors by allowing them to fork your projects and contribute
to it via the now-popular pull-request mechanism.

Homepage: https://pagure.io/pagure

See it at work: https://pagure.io

Playground version: https://stg.pagure.io

If you have any questions or just would like to discuss about pagure,
feel free to drop by `our Matrix room `_.

About its name

The name Pagure is taken from the French word 'pagure'. Pagure in French is used as the
common name for the crustaceans from the `Paguroidea `_
superfamily, which is basically the family of the Hermit crabs.

Originating from French it is pronounced with a strong 'g' as you can hear
on `this recording `_.

Get it running

There are several options when it comes to a development environment.
They are: Docker Compose, Vagrant, and manual. Choose an option below.

Docker Compose
Docker Compose will provide you with a container which you can develop on.
Install it `with these instructions `_.

For more information about docker-compose cli, see: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/.

To build and run the containers, use the following command::

$ ./dev/docker-start.sh

Once all the containers have started, you can access pagure on http://localhost:5000.
To stop the containers, press Ctrl+C.

Once the containers are up and running, run this command to populate the
container with test data and create a new account ::

$ docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.yml exec web python3 dev-data.py --all

You can then log in with any of the created users, by example:

- username: pingou
- password: testing123


For a more thorough introduction to Vagrant, see

An example Vagrantfile is provided as ``Vagrantfile.example``. To use it,
just copy it and install Vagrant. Instructions for Fedora::

$ cp dev/Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
$ sudo dnf install ansible libvirt vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs vagrant-hostmanager
$ vagrant up

On Ubuntu, install Vagrant directly `from the website `_
then run these commands instead::

$ cp dev/Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ansible libvirt0 openssh-server qemu libvirt-bin ebtables dnsmasq libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev ruby-dev
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs vagrant-hostmanager

If you get this error ``Block in synced_folders: Internal error. Invalid: sshfs``,
when you run ``vagrant up`` , you need to install vagrant sshfs plugin, which can be done by::

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant--sshfs

and then::

$ vagrant up

The default ``Vagrantfile`` forwards ports from the host to the guest,
so you can interact with the application as if it were running on your
host machine.

.. note::
``vagrant-hostmanager`` will automatically maintain /etc/hosts for you so you
can access the development environment from the host using its hostname, which
by default is ``pagure-dev.example.com``. You can choose not to use this
functionality by simply not installing the ``vagrant-hostmanager`` plugin, but
if you want Pagure to provide valid URLs in the UI for git repositories, you
will need to adjust Pagure's configuration found in ~/pagure.cfg on the guest.

When the vagrant VM is up and running, connect to it with::

$ vagrant ssh

This will log you into the VM as the user ``vagrant`` which has a couple of aliases

$ pstart # Starts pagure, the workers and other tasks
$ pstop # Stops all those tasks again
$ pstatus # Shows pagure status

The Vagrant pagure doesn't have its own log file, use ``journalctl -f`` to
show the pagure output. The verbosity can be configured in the pagure config file
with the ``LOGGING`` parameter.

Running the unit-tests

To run the unit-tests, there is container available with all the dependencies needed.

First you will need to have podman installed on your workstation. ::

$ sudo dnf install podman

Use the following command to run the tests ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py

This command will build a fedora based container and execute the test suite.

If you wish to execute the test suite on a centos based container run the following command ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py --centos

When the test container image has been built you can skip the building step to save time
and run directly the test suite. ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py --skip-build
$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py --centos --skip-build

You can also run a single test case ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py tests/test_pagure_flask_ui_priorities.py

Or a single test ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py tests/test_pagure_flask_ui_priorities.py:PagureFlaskPrioritiestests.test_ticket_with_no_priority

You can also get `run-tests-container` help ::

$ ./dev/run-tests-container.py --help


* Install the needed system libraries::

sudo dnf install git python3 python3-devel libgit2-devel redis \
libjpeg-devel gcc libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config

.. note:: Do note the version of libgit2 that you install, for example
in ``libgit2-0.26.8-1`` you need to keep in mind the ``0.26``

.. note:: On RHEL and derivative (CentOS, Scientific Linux) there is no
`python3` package. Just `python36` or `python34` available in
EPEL 7 (EPEL 6 only has `python34`). Choose the one you prefer
(3.6 is newer and generally a better choice).

* Retrieve the sources::

git clone https://pagure.io/pagure.git
cd pagure

* Install dependencies

* create the virtual environment (use `python3.X` explicitly on EPEL)::

python3 -m venv pagure_env
source ./pagure_env/bin/activate

* Install the correct version of pygit2::

pip install pygit2==.*

So in our example::

pip install pygit2==0.26.*

* Install the rest of the dependencies::

pip install -r requirements.txt

* Create the folder that will receive the projects, forks, docs, requests and
tickets' git repo::

mkdir -p lcl/{repos,remotes,attachments,releases}

* Copy and edit the alembic.ini file (especially the ``script_location`` key)::

cp files/alembic.ini .
vim alembic.ini

* Set the ``script_location`` to ``alembic``, ie: the folder where the revisions
are stored, relative to the location of the ``alembic.ini`` file.

* Create the inital database scheme::

python createdb.py --initial alembic.ini

* Enable and start redis server::

sudo systemctl enable redis
sudo systemctl start redis

* Start a worker, in one terminal::


* Run the application, in another terminal::


* To get some profiling information you can also run it as::

./runserver.py --profile

This will launch the application at

* To run unit-tests on pagure

* Install the dependencies::

pip install -r requirements-testing.txt

* Run it::

pytest tests/

.. note:: While testing for worker tasks, pagure uses celery in /usr/bin/
Celery then looks for eventlet (which we use for testing only) at
system level and not in virtual environment. You will need to
install eventlet outside of your virtual environment if you are
using one.

.. note:: This will also work in vagrant.