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- """Add branch info to projects_groups
- Revision ID: 2b39a728a38f
- Revises: 318a4793b360
- Create Date: 2020-03-26 21:50:45.899760
- """
- from alembic import op
- import sqlalchemy as sa
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = '2b39a728a38f'
- down_revision = '318a4793b360'
- def upgrade():
- ''' Add the column branches to the table projects_groups.
- '''
- op.add_column(
- 'projects_groups',
- sa.Column('branches', sa.Text, nullable=True)
- )
- def downgrade():
- ''' Drop the column branches from the table projects_groups.
- '''
- op.drop_column('projects_groups', 'branches')