pagure_mirror.service 841 B

  1. # This is a systemd's service file for the mirroring service, if you change
  2. # the default value of the CI_CELERY_QUEUE configuration key, do not
  3. # forget to edit it in the ExecStart line below
  4. #
  5. # This service handles the queue of git hooks that are used to PUSH new commits
  6. # to an external mirror repository. Hooks are set from the projects settings.
  7. # For mirroring external repositories into pagure, see pagure_mirror_project_in.service.
  8. [Unit]
  9. Description=Pagure service mirroring projects outside of pagure that asked for it
  10. After=redis.target
  11. Documentation=https://pagure.io/pagure
  12. [Service]
  13. ExecStart=/usr/bin/celery -A pagure.lib.tasks_mirror worker --loglevel=INFO -Q pagure_mirror
  14. Environment="PAGURE_CONFIG=/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg"
  15. Type=simple
  16. User=mirror
  17. Group=mirror
  18. Restart=on-failure
  19. [Install]
  20. WantedBy=multi-user.target