install_pagure_ci.rst 2.0 KB

  1. Installing pagure-ci
  2. ====================
  3. A CI stands for `Continuous Integration
  4. <>`_. Pagure can be
  5. configured to integrate results coming from CI services, such as `Jenkins
  6. <>`_ on pull-request opened
  7. against the project.
  8. .. note: Currently, pagure only supports `Jenkins` but we welcome help to
  9. integrate pagure with other services such as `travis-ci
  10. <>`_.
  11. Configure your system
  12. ---------------------
  13. * Install the required dependencies
  14. ::
  15. python-jenkins
  16. python-redis
  17. python-trollius-redis
  18. python-trollius
  19. .. note:: We ship a systemd unit file for pagure_ci but we welcome patches
  20. for scripts for other init systems.
  21. * Install the files of pagure-ci as follow:
  22. +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
  23. | Source | Destination |
  24. +======================================+===================================================+
  25. | ``pagure-ci/`` | ``/usr/libexec/pagure-ci/`` |
  26. +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
  27. | ``pagure-ci/pagure_ci.service`` | ``/etc/systemd/system/pagure_ci.service`` |
  28. +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+
  29. The first file is the pagure-ci service itself, triggering the build on the
  30. CI service when there is a new pull-request or a change to an existing one.
  31. The second file is the systemd service file.
  32. * Configure your pagure instance to support CI, add the following to your
  33. configuration file
  34. ::
  35. PAGURE_CI_SERVICES = ['jenkins']
  36. * Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:
  37. ::
  38. systemctl enable redis
  39. systemctl start redis
  40. systemctl enable pagure_ci
  41. systemctl start pagure_ci