Kaynağa Gözat

Plan 9 from Bell Labs 2012-09-20

David du Colombier 12 yıl önce
100 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 2364 ekleme ve 16763 silme
  1. 0 7
  2. 0 76
  3. 0 77
  4. 0 20
  5. 0 57
  6. 0 70
  7. 0 49
  8. 0 6
  9. 0 65
  10. 0 51
  11. 0 6
  12. 3 67
  13. 480 489
  14. 7 9
  15. 183 183
  16. 3 2
  17. 212 206
  18. 6 6
  19. 250 243
  20. 8 54
  21. 1207 1217
  22. 1 1
  23. 1 5
  24. 1 1
  25. 1 1
  26. 1 1
  27. 0 40
  28. 0 66
  29. 0 60
  30. 0 363
  31. 0 16
  32. 0 71
  33. 0 113
  34. 0 112
  35. 0 27
  36. 0 266
  37. 0 533
  38. 0 407
  39. 0 331
  40. 0 41
  41. 0 62
  42. 0 66
  43. 0 181
  44. 0 128
  45. 0 46
  46. 0 152
  47. 0 47
  48. 0 176
  49. 0 456
  50. 0 457
  51. 0 703
  52. 0 89
  53. 0 197
  54. 0 61
  55. 0 109
  56. 0 299
  57. 0 78
  58. 0 412
  59. 0 171
  60. 0 2261
  61. 0 805
  62. 0 18
  63. 0 916
  64. 0 1
  65. 0 4
  66. 0 57
  67. 0 12
  68. 0 5
  69. 0 189
  70. 0 191
  71. 0 33
  72. 0 26
  73. 0 15
  74. 0 48
  75. 0 7
  76. 0 197
  77. 0 61
  78. 0 23
  79. 0 72
  80. 0 24
  81. 0 10
  82. 0 556
  83. 0 75
  84. 0 20
  85. 0 243
  86. 0 169
  87. 0 40
  88. 0 37
  89. 0 98
  90. 0 101
  91. 0 134
  92. 0 25
  93. 0 15
  94. 0 108
  95. 0 42
  96. 0 111
  97. 0 575
  98. 0 28
  99. 0 105
  100. 0 1

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# audio0=type=sb16

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __FLOAT
-#define __FLOAT
-/* IEEE, default rounding */
-#define FLT_ROUNDS	1
-#define FLT_RADIX	2
-#define FLT_DIG		6
-#define FLT_EPSILON	1.19209290e-07
-#define FLT_MANT_DIG	24
-#define FLT_MAX		3.40282347e+38
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP	38
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP	128
-#define FLT_MIN		1.17549435e-38
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP	-37
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP	-125
-#define DBL_DIG		15
-#define DBL_EPSILON	2.2204460492503131e-16
-#define DBL_MANT_DIG	53
-#define DBL_MAX		1.797693134862315708145e+308
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP	308
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP	1024
-#define DBL_MIN		2.225073858507201383090233e-308
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP	-307
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP	-1021
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP	DBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP	DBL_MAX_10_EXP
-typedef 	union FPdbleword FPdbleword;
-union FPdbleword
-	double	x;
-	struct {	/* little endian */
-		long lo;
-		long hi;
-	};
-/* define stuff needed for floating conversion */
-#define IEEE_8087	1
-#define Sudden_Underflow 1
-#ifdef _PLAN9_SOURCE
-#define	FPINEX	(1<<30)
-#define	FPOVFL	(1<<19)
-#define	FPUNFL	((1<<29)|(1<<28))
-#define	FPZDIV	(1<<18)
-#define	FPINVAL	(1<<17)
-#define	FPRNR	(2<<26)
-#define	FPRZ		(0<<26)
-#define	FPRPINF	(3<<26)
-#define	FPRNINF	(1<<26)
-#define	FPRMASK	(3<<26)
-#define	FPPEXT	0
-#define	FPPSGL	0
-#define	FPPDBL	0
-#define	FPPMASK	0
-/* FSR */
-#define	FPAINEX	(1<<24)
-#define	FPAUNFL	(1<<23)
-#define	FPAOVFL	(1<<22)
-#define	FPAZDIV	(1<<21)
-#define	FPAINVAL	(1<<20)
-#endif /* __FLOAT */

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __MATH
-#define __MATH
-#pragma lib "/$M/lib/ape/libap.a"
-/* a HUGE_VAL appropriate for IEEE double-precision */
-/* the correct value, 1.797693134862316e+308, causes a ken overflow */
-#define HUGE_VAL 1.79769313486231e+308
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern double acos(double);
-extern double asin(double);
-extern double atan(double);
-extern double atan2(double, double);
-extern double cos(double);
-extern double sin(double);
-extern double tan(double);
-extern double cosh(double);
-extern double sinh(double);
-extern double tanh(double);
-extern double exp(double);
-extern double frexp(double, int *);
-extern double ldexp(double, int);
-extern double log(double);
-extern double log10(double);
-extern double modf(double, double *);
-extern double pow(double, double);
-extern double sqrt(double);
-extern double ceil(double);
-extern double fabs(double);
-extern double floor(double);
-extern double fmod(double, double);
-extern double NaN(void);
-extern int isNaN(double);
-extern double Inf(int);
-extern int isInf(double, int);
-/* does >> treat left operand as unsigned ? */
-#define Unsigned_Shifts 1
-#define	M_E		2.7182818284590452354	/* e */
-#define	M_LOG2E		1.4426950408889634074	/* log 2e */
-#define	M_LOG10E	0.43429448190325182765	/* log 10e */
-#define	M_LN2		0.69314718055994530942	/* log e2 */
-#define	M_LN10		2.30258509299404568402	/* log e10 */
-#define	M_PI		3.14159265358979323846	/* pi */
-#define	M_PI_2		1.57079632679489661923	/* pi/2 */
-#define	M_PI_4		0.78539816339744830962	/* pi/4 */
-#define	M_1_PI		0.31830988618379067154	/* 1/pi */
-#define	M_2_PI		0.63661977236758134308	/* 2/pi */
-#define	M_2_SQRTPI	1.12837916709551257390	/* 2/sqrt(pi) */
-#define	M_SQRT2		1.41421356237309504880	/* sqrt(2) */
-#define	M_SQRT1_2	0.70710678118654752440	/* 1/sqrt(2) */
-extern double hypot(double, double);
-extern double erf(double);
-extern double erfc(double);
-extern double j0(double);
-extern double y0(double);
-extern double j1(double);
-extern double y1(double);
-extern double jn(int, double);
-extern double yn(int, double);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define isnan(x) isNaN(x)
-#define isinf(x) isInf(x)
-#endif /* __MATH */

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __STDARG
-#define __STDARG
-typedef char *va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list =\
-	(sizeof(start) < 4?\
-		(char*)((int*)&(start)+1):\
-		(char*)(&(start)+1))
-#define va_end(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
-	((sizeof(mode) == 1)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-4]:\
-	(sizeof(mode) == 2)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-2]:\
-	sizeof(mode)>4?\
-		((mode*)(list = (char*)((long)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
-		((list += sizeof(mode)), (mode*)list)[-1])
-#endif /* __STDARG */

+ 0 - 57

@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __UREG_H
-#define __UREG_H
-#if !defined(_PLAN9_SOURCE)
-    This header file is an extension to ANSI/POSIX
-struct Ureg
-	/* l.s saves 31 64-bit values: */
-	unsigned long long	type;
-	unsigned long long	a0;
-	unsigned long long	a1;
-	unsigned long long	a2;
-	unsigned long long	r0;
-	unsigned long long	r1;
-	unsigned long long	r2;
-	unsigned long long	r3;
-	unsigned long long	r4;
-	unsigned long long	r5;
-	unsigned long long	r6;
-	unsigned long long	r7;
-	unsigned long long	r8;
-	unsigned long long	r9;
-	unsigned long long	r10;
-	unsigned long long	r11;
-	unsigned long long	r12;
-	unsigned long long	r13;
-	unsigned long long	r14;
-	unsigned long long	r15;
-	unsigned long long	r19;
-	unsigned long long	r20;
-	unsigned long long	r21;
-	unsigned long long	r22;
-	unsigned long long	r23;
-	unsigned long long	r24;
-	unsigned long long	r25;
-	unsigned long long	r26;
-	unsigned long long	r27;
-	unsigned long long	r28;
-	union {
-		unsigned long long	r30;
-		unsigned long long	usp;
-		unsigned long long	sp;
-	};
-	/* OSF/1 PALcode frame: */
-	unsigned long long	status;	/* PS */
-	unsigned long long	pc;
-	unsigned long long	r29;		/* GP */
-	unsigned long long	r16;		/* a0 */
-	unsigned long long	r17;		/* a1 */
-	unsigned long long	r18;		/* a2 */

+ 0 - 70

@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#define nil		((void*)0)
-typedef	unsigned short	ushort;
-typedef	unsigned char	uchar;
-typedef unsigned long	ulong;
-typedef unsigned int	uint;
-typedef   signed char	schar;
-typedef	long long	vlong;
-typedef	unsigned long long uvlong;
-typedef unsigned long	uintptr;
-typedef unsigned long	usize;
-typedef	ushort		Rune;
-typedef 	union FPdbleword FPdbleword;
-typedef long	jmp_buf[2];
-#define	JMPBUFSP	0
-#define	JMPBUFPC	1
-#define	JMPBUFDPC	0
-typedef unsigned int	mpdigit;	/* for /sys/include/mp.h */
-typedef unsigned char u8int;
-typedef unsigned short u16int;
-typedef unsigned int	u32int;
-typedef unsigned long long u64int;
-/* FCR */
-#define	FPINEX	(1<<30)
-#define	FPOVFL	(1<<19)
-#define	FPUNFL	((1<<29)|(1<<28))
-#define	FPZDIV	(1<<18)
-#define	FPINVAL	(1<<17)
-#define	FPRNR	(2<<26)
-#define	FPRZ		(0<<26)
-#define	FPRPINF	(3<<26)
-#define	FPRNINF	(1<<26)
-#define	FPRMASK	(3<<26)
-#define	FPPEXT	0
-#define	FPPSGL	0
-#define	FPPDBL	0
-#define	FPPMASK	0
-/* FSR */
-#define	FPAINEX	(1<<24)
-#define	FPAUNFL	(1<<23)
-#define	FPAOVFL	(1<<22)
-#define	FPAZDIV	(1<<21)
-#define	FPAINVAL	(1<<20)
-union FPdbleword
-	double	x;
-	struct {	/* little endian */
-		ulong lo;
-		ulong hi;
-	};
-/* stdarg */
-typedef	char*	va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list =\
-	(sizeof(start) < 4?\
-		(char*)((int*)&(start)+1):\
-		(char*)(&(start)+1))
-#define va_end(list)\
-	USED(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
-	((sizeof(mode) == 1)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-4]:\
-	(sizeof(mode) == 2)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-2]:\
-	sizeof(mode)>4?\
-		((mode*)(list = (char*)((uintptr)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
-		((list += sizeof(mode)), (mode*)list)[-1])

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-struct Ureg
-	/* l.s saves 31 64-bit values: */
-	uvlong	type;
-	uvlong	a0;
-	uvlong	a1;
-	uvlong	a2;
-	uvlong	r0;
-	uvlong	r1;
-	uvlong	r2;
-	uvlong	r3;
-	uvlong	r4;
-	uvlong	r5;
-	uvlong	r6;
-	uvlong	r7;
-	uvlong	r8;
-	uvlong	r9;
-	uvlong	r10;
-	uvlong	r11;
-	uvlong	r12;
-	uvlong	r13;
-	uvlong	r14;
-	uvlong	r15;
-	uvlong	r19;
-	uvlong	r20;
-	uvlong	r21;
-	uvlong	r22;
-	uvlong	r23;
-	uvlong	r24;
-	uvlong	r25;
-	uvlong	r26;
-	uvlong	r27;
-	uvlong	r28;
-	union {
-		uvlong	r30;
-		uvlong	usp;
-		uvlong	sp;
-	};
-	/* OSF/1 PALcode frame: */
-	uvlong	status;	/* PS */
-	uvlong	pc;
-	uvlong	r29;		/* GP */
-	uvlong	r16;		/* a0 */
-	uvlong	r17;		/* a1 */
-	uvlong	r18;		/* a2 */

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#define nil		((void*)0)
-typedef	unsigned short	ushort;
-typedef	unsigned char	uchar;
-typedef	unsigned long	ulong;
-typedef	unsigned int	uint;
-typedef	signed char	schar;
-typedef	long long	vlong;
-typedef	unsigned long long uvlong;
-typedef unsigned long	uintptr;
-typedef unsigned long	usize;
-typedef	ushort		Rune;
-typedef 	union FPdbleword FPdbleword;
-typedef long	jmp_buf[2];
-#define	JMPBUFSP	0
-#define	JMPBUFPC	1
-#define	JMPBUFDPC	(-8)
-typedef unsigned int	mpdigit;	/* for /sys/include/mp.h */
-typedef unsigned char u8int;
-typedef unsigned short u16int;
-typedef unsigned int	u32int;
-typedef unsigned long long u64int;
-/* FCR */
-#define	FPINEX	(1<<23)
-#define	FPOVFL	(1<<26)
-#define	FPUNFL	(1<<25)
-#define	FPZDIV	(1<<24)
-#define	FPRNR	(0<<30)
-#define	FPRZ	(1<<30)
-#define	FPINVAL	(1<<27)
-#define	FPRPINF	(2<<30)
-#define	FPRNINF	(3<<30)
-#define	FPRMASK	(3<<30)
-#define	FPPEXT	0
-#define	FPPSGL	0
-#define	FPPDBL	0
-#define	FPPMASK	0
-/* FSR */
-#define	FPAINEX	(1<<5)
-#define	FPAZDIV	(1<<6)
-#define	FPAUNFL	(1<<7)
-#define	FPAOVFL	(1<<8)
-#define	FPAINVAL	(1<<9)
-union FPdbleword
-	double	x;
-	struct {	/* big endian */
-		ulong hi;
-		ulong lo;
-	};
-typedef	char*	va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list =\
-	(sizeof(start) < 4?\
-		(char*)((int*)&(start)+1):\
-		(char*)(&(start)+1))
-#define va_end(list)\
-	USED(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
-	((sizeof(mode) == 1)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-1]:\
-	(sizeof(mode) == 2)?\
-		((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-1]:\
-		((list += sizeof(mode)), (mode*)list)[-1])

+ 0 - 51

@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * sparc64 registers.
- * Currently just 32-bit registers (also somewhat compatible with
- * the sparc32 ureg).
- */
-struct Ureg
-	ulong	r0;			/* unnecessary; just for symmetry */
-	union{
-		ulong	sp;		/* r1 */
-		ulong	usp;		/* r1 */
-		ulong	r1;
-	};
-	ulong	r2;
-	ulong	r3;
-	ulong	r4;
-	ulong	r5;
-	ulong	r6;
-	ulong	r7;
-	ulong	r8;
-	ulong	r9;
-	ulong	r10;
-	ulong	r11;
-	ulong	r12;
-	ulong	r13;
-	ulong	r14;
-	ulong	r15;
-	ulong	r16;
-	ulong	r17;
-	ulong	r18;
-	ulong	r19;
-	ulong	r20;
-	ulong	r21;
-	ulong	r22;
-	ulong	r23;
-	ulong	r24;
-	ulong	r25;
-	ulong	r26;
-	ulong	r27;
-	ulong	r28;
-	ulong	r29;
-	ulong	r30;
-	ulong	r31;
-	ulong	y;
-	ulong	tt;
-	ulong	pstate;
-	ulong	npc;
-	ulong	pc;
-	ulong	pad;	/* so structure is double word aligned */

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

+ 3 - 67

@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ rob@plan9.bell-labs.com
 There is an assembler for each of the MIPS, SPARC, Intel 386,
-Intel 960, AMD 29000, Motorola 68020 and 68000, Motorola Power PC,
-AMD64, DEC Alpha, and Acorn ARM.
+Intel 960, Motorola 68020 and 68000, Power PC,
+AMD64, and ARM.
 The 68020 assembler,
 .CW 2a ,
 is the oldest and in many ways the prototype.
@@ -1001,66 +1001,7 @@ All parameters less than 8 bytes in length have 8 byte slots reserved on the sta
 to preserve alignment and simplify variable-length argument list access,
 including the first parameter when passed in a register,
 even though bytes 4 to 7 are not initialized.
-On the Alpha, all registers are 64 bits.  The architecture handles 32-bit values
-by giving them a canonical format (sign extension in the case of integer registers).
-Registers are numbered
-.CW R0
-.CW R31 .
-.CW R0
-holds the return value from subroutines, and also the first parameter.
-.CW R30
-is the stack pointer,
-.CW R29
-is the static base,
-.CW R26
-is the link register, and
-.CW R27
-.CW R28
-are linker temporaries.
-Floating point registers are numbered
-.CW F0
-.CW F31 .
-.CW F28
-.CW 0.5 ,
-.CW F29
-.CW 1.0 ,
-.CW F30
-.CW 2.0 .
-.CW F31
-is always
-.CW 0.0
-on the Alpha.
-The extension character for
-follows DEC's notation:
-.CW B
-for byte (8 bits),
-.CW W
-for word (16 bits),
-.CW L
-for long (32 bits),
-.CW Q
-for quadword (64 bits).
-Byte and ``word'' loads and stores may be made unsigned
-by appending a
-.CW U .
-.CW S
-.CW T
-refer to IEEE floating point single precision (32 bits) and double precision (64 bits), respectively.
 Power PC
@@ -1435,8 +1376,3 @@ Conversion instructions are also specified by moves:
-AMD 29000
-For details about this assembly language, which was built for the AMD 29240,
-look at the sources or examine compiler output.

Dosya farkı çok büyük olduğundan ihmal edildi
+ 480 - 489

+ 7 - 9

@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ arbitrary, alphanumeric character:
 .CW k
 for SPARC,
 .CW q
-for Motorola Power PC 630 and 640,
+for 32-bit Power PC,
 .CW v
 for MIPS,
 .CW 0
@@ -291,15 +291,13 @@ for Motorola 68000,
 .CW 2
 for Motorola 68020 and 68040,
 .CW 5
-for Acorn ARM 7500,
+for ARM v5 and later architectures,
 .CW 6
-for AMD 64,
-.CW 7
-for DEC Alpha,
+for AMD64,
 .CW 8
 for Intel 386, and
 .CW 9
-for AMD 29000.
+for 64-bit Power PC.
 The character labels the support tools and files for that architecture.
 For instance, for the 68020 the compiler is
 .CW 2c ,
@@ -569,9 +567,9 @@ which contains general definitions:
 # common mkfile parameters shared by all architectures
-CPUS=mips 386 power alpha
+CPUS=arm amd64 386 power mips

+ 183 - 183

@@ -4965,185 +4965,184 @@ mark
 (single,) 4212 5000 w
 (arbitrary,) 4594 5000 w
 (alphanumeric) 720 5120 w
-(character:) 1413 5120 w
+(character:) 1425 5120 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(k) 1953 5120 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 2072 5120 w
+(SPARC,) 2258 5120 w
 10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(k) 1929 5120 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 2036 5120 w
-(SPARC,) 2210 5120 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(q) 2587 5120 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 2693 5120 w
-(Motorola) 2866 5120 w
-(Power) 3331 5120 w
-(PC) 3655 5120 w
-(630) 3813 5120 w
-(and) 4036 5120 w
-(640,) 4250 5120 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(v) 4505 5120 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 4611 5120 w
-(MIPS,) 4784 5120 w
+(q) 2647 5120 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 2766 5120 w
+(32-bit) 2952 5120 w
+(Power) 3312 5120 w
+(PC,) 3649 5120 w
 10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(0) 720 5240 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 829 5240 w
-(little-endian) 1005 5240 w
-(MIPS,) 1644 5240 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(1) 1938 5240 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 2048 5240 w
-(Motorola) 2225 5240 w
-(68000,) 2694 5240 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2) 3079 5240 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 3189 5240 w
-(Motorola) 3366 5240 w
-(68020) 3835 5240 w
-(and) 4188 5240 w
-(68040,) 4406 5240 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(5) 4791 5240 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 4901 5240 w
-(Acorn) 720 5360 w
-(ARM) 1057 5360 w
-(7500,) 1328 5360 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(6) 1665 5360 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 1790 5360 w
-(AMD) 1982 5360 w
-(64,) 2265 5360 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(7) 2476 5360 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 2601 5360 w
-(DEC) 2793 5360 w
-(Alpha,) 3044 5360 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(8) 3407 5360 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 3532 5360 w
-(Intel) 3724 5360 w
-(386,) 3990 5360 w
-(and) 4263 5360 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(9) 4495 5360 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 4619 5360 w
-(AMD) 4810 5360 w
-(29000.) 720 5480 w
-(The) 1161 5480 w
-(character) 1404 5480 w
-(labels) 1915 5480 w
-(the) 2260 5480 w
-(support) 2477 5480 w
-(tools) 2917 5480 w
-(and) 3218 5480 w
-(files) 3460 5480 w
-(for) 3724 5480 w
-(that) 3925 5480 w
-(architecture.) 4179 5480 w
-(For) 4884 5480 w
-(instance,) 720 5600 w
-(for) 1195 5600 w
-(the) 1374 5600 w
-(68020) 1569 5600 w
-(the) 1924 5600 w
-(compiler) 2119 5600 w
-(is) 2582 5600 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2c) 2702 5600 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 2846 5600 w
-(the) 2918 5600 w
-(assembler) 3113 5600 w
-(is) 3648 5600 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2a) 3768 5600 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3912 5600 w
-(the) 3984 5600 w
-(link) 4178 5600 w
-(editor/loader) 4395 5600 w
-(is) 720 5720 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2l) 845 5720 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 989 5720 w
-(the) 1066 5720 w
-(object) 1266 5720 w
-(files) 1609 5720 w
-(are) 1857 5720 w
-(suffixed) 2055 5720 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(.2) 2497 5720 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 2641 5720 w
-(and) 2719 5720 w
-(the) 2945 5720 w
-(default) 3146 5720 w
-(name) 3531 5720 w
-(for) 3843 5720 w
-(an) 4028 5720 w
-(executable) 4191 5720 w
-(file) 4763 5720 w
-(is) 4960 5720 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2.out) 720 5840 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(.) 1080 5840 w
-(Before) 1183 5840 w
-(we) 1531 5840 w
-(can) 1703 5840 w
-(use) 1910 5840 w
-(the) 2118 5840 w
-(compiler) 2312 5840 w
-(we) 2774 5840 w
-(therefore) 2946 5840 w
-(need) 3432 5840 w
-(to) 3708 5840 w
-(know) 3845 5840 w
-(which) 4142 5840 w
-(machine) 4461 5840 w
-(we) 4907 5840 w
-(are) 720 5960 w
-(compiling) 906 5960 w
-(for.) 1419 5960 w
-(The) 1656 5960 w
-(next) 1871 5960 w
-(section) 2121 5960 w
-(explains) 2502 5960 w
-(how) 2942 5960 w
-(this) 3176 5960 w
-(decision) 3389 5960 w
-(is) 3825 5960 w
-(made;) 3940 5960 w
-(for) 4274 5960 w
-(the) 4448 5960 w
-(moment) 4638 5960 w
-(assume) 720 6080 w
-(we) 1129 6080 w
-(are) 1303 6080 w
-(building) 1496 6080 w
-(68020) 1936 6080 w
-(binaries) 2292 6080 w
-(and) 2719 6080 w
-(make) 2940 6080 w
-(the) 3243 6080 w
-(mental) 3439 6080 w
-(substitution) 3812 6080 w
-(for) 4433 6080 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2) 4612 6080 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(appro\255) 4724 6080 w
-(priate to the machine you are actually using.) 720 6200 w
+(v) 3852 5120 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 3971 5120 w
+(MIPS,) 4157 5120 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(0) 4460 5120 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 4579 5120 w
+(little-) 4765 5120 w
+(endian) 720 5240 w
+(MIPS,) 1080 5240 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(1) 1369 5240 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 1474 5240 w
+(Motorola) 1646 5240 w
+(68000,) 2111 5240 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2) 2492 5240 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 2598 5240 w
+(Motorola) 2771 5240 w
+(68020) 3236 5240 w
+(and) 3585 5240 w
+(68040,) 3799 5240 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(5) 4180 5240 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 4286 5240 w
+(ARM) 4459 5240 w
+(v5) 4711 5240 w
+(and) 4860 5240 w
+(later) 720 5360 w
+(architectures,) 975 5360 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(6) 1673 5360 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 1782 5360 w
+(AMD64,) 1958 5360 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(8) 2383 5360 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 2492 5360 w
+(Intel) 2668 5360 w
+(386,) 2918 5360 w
+(and) 3176 5360 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(9) 3393 5360 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 3502 5360 w
+(64-bit) 3678 5360 w
+(Power) 4028 5360 w
+(PC.) 4355 5360 w
+(The) 4580 5360 w
+(char\255) 4798 5360 w
+(acter) 720 5480 w
+(labels) 993 5480 w
+(the) 1309 5480 w
+(support) 1497 5480 w
+(tools) 1908 5480 w
+(and) 2180 5480 w
+(files) 2394 5480 w
+(for) 2630 5480 w
+(that) 2803 5480 w
+(architecture.) 3028 5480 w
+(For) 3704 5480 w
+(instance,) 3894 5480 w
+(for) 4363 5480 w
+(the) 4536 5480 w
+(68020) 4725 5480 w
+(the) 720 5600 w
+(compiler) 909 5600 w
+(is) 1366 5600 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2c) 1480 5600 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(,) 1624 5600 w
+(the) 1690 5600 w
+(assembler) 1879 5600 w
+(is) 2408 5600 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2a) 2522 5600 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(,) 2666 5600 w
+(the) 2732 5600 w
+(link) 2921 5600 w
+(editor/loader) 3133 5600 w
+(is) 3812 5600 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2l) 3925 5600 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(,) 4069 5600 w
+(the) 4134 5600 w
+(object) 4322 5600 w
+(files) 4653 5600 w
+(are) 4888 5600 w
+(suffixed) 720 5720 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(.2) 1155 5720 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(,) 1299 5720 w
+(and) 1370 5720 w
+(the) 1589 5720 w
+(default) 1783 5720 w
+(name) 2161 5720 w
+(for) 2466 5720 w
+(an) 2644 5720 w
+(executable) 2800 5720 w
+(file) 3366 5720 w
+(is) 3557 5720 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2.out) 3677 5720 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(.) 4037 5720 w
+(Before) 4141 5720 w
+(we) 4490 5720 w
+(can) 4663 5720 w
+(use) 4871 5720 w
+(the) 720 5840 w
+(compiler) 912 5840 w
+(we) 1372 5840 w
+(therefore) 1542 5840 w
+(need) 2026 5840 w
+(to) 2300 5840 w
+(know) 2435 5840 w
+(which) 2730 5840 w
+(machine) 3048 5840 w
+(we) 3493 5840 w
+(are) 3663 5840 w
+(compiling) 3852 5840 w
+(for.) 4368 5840 w
+(The) 4607 5840 w
+(next) 4824 5840 w
+(section) 720 5960 w
+(explains) 1117 5960 w
+(how) 1573 5960 w
+(this) 1823 5960 w
+(decision) 2052 5960 w
+(is) 2505 5960 w
+(made;) 2636 5960 w
+(for) 2986 5960 w
+(the) 3176 5960 w
+(moment) 3382 5960 w
+(assume) 3835 5960 w
+(we) 4254 5960 w
+(are) 4438 5960 w
+(building) 4641 5960 w
+(68020) 720 6080 w
+(binaries) 1074 6080 w
+(and) 1499 6080 w
+(make) 1718 6080 w
+(the) 2019 6080 w
+(mental) 2212 6080 w
+(substitution) 2582 6080 w
+(for) 3201 6080 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2) 3378 6080 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(appropriate) 3488 6080 w
+(to) 4090 6080 w
+(the) 4226 6080 w
+(machine) 4419 6080 w
+(you) 4865 6080 w
+(are actually using.) 720 6200 w
 (To) 970 6356 w
 (convert) 1146 6356 w
 (source) 1558 6356 w
@@ -6390,12 +6389,13 @@ mark
 (all) 3325 940 w
 (architectures) 3585 940 w
 (#) 920 1050 w
-(OS=v486xq7) 920 1270 w
-(CPUS=mips) 920 1380 w
-(386) 1570 1380 w
-(power) 1830 1380 w
-(alpha) 2220 1380 w
-(CFLAGS=-FVw) 920 1490 w
+(OS=5689qv) 920 1270 w
+(CPUS=arm) 920 1380 w
+(amd64) 1505 1380 w
+(386) 1895 1380 w
+(power) 2155 1380 w
+(mips) 2545 1380 w
+(CFLAGS=-FTVw) 920 1490 w
 (LEX=lex) 920 1600 w
 (YACC=yacc) 920 1710 w
 (MK=/bin/mk) 920 1820 w

+ 3 - 2

@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ There are many compilers in the series.
 Five of the compilers (Intel 386, AMD64, PowerPC, PowerPC 64-bit, ARM)
 are considered active and are used to compile
 current versions of Plan 9.
-Four of the compilers (MIPS 3000, SPARC, DEC Alpha, and Motorola 68020)
+Three of the compilers (MIPS 3000, SPARC, and Motorola 68020)
 are maintained but are for older machines
 for which we have no current ports of Plan 9;
 other than the MIPS, we are unlikely to port to any such machines.
+The DEC Alpha compiler has been retired.
 Several others (Motorola 68000, Intel 960, AMD 29000) have had only limited use, such as
 to program peripherals or experimental devices.
+Any of the disused compilers could be restored if needed.
@@ -65,7 +67,6 @@ are as follows:
 .Ta Motorola\ 68020 2c 2l 2a
 .Ta ARM 5c 5l 5a
 .Ta AMD64 6c 6l 6a
-.Ta DEC\ Alpha 7c 7l 7a
 .Ta Intel\ 386 8c 8l 8a
 .Ta PowerPC\ 64-bit 9c 9l 9a

+ 212 - 206

@@ -3736,213 +3736,219 @@ mark
 (current) 4469 3166 w
 (ver\255) 4858 3166 w
 (sions) 720 3286 w
-(of) 1023 3286 w
-(Plan) 1170 3286 w
-(9.) 1420 3286 w
-(Four) 1596 3286 w
-(of) 1863 3286 w
-(the) 2010 3286 w
-(compilers) 2214 3286 w
-(\(MIPS) 2738 3286 w
-(3000,) 3045 3286 w
-(SPARC,) 3379 3286 w
-(DEC) 3771 3286 w
-(Alpha,) 4019 3286 w
-(and) 4379 3286 w
-(Motorola) 4609 3286 w
-(68020\)) 720 3406 w
-(are) 1103 3406 w
-(maintained) 1290 3406 w
-(but) 1866 3406 w
-(are) 2063 3406 w
-(for) 2250 3406 w
-(older) 2423 3406 w
-(machines) 2707 3406 w
-(for) 3200 3406 w
-(which) 3373 3406 w
-(we) 3688 3406 w
-(have) 3855 3406 w
-(no) 4114 3406 w
-(current) 4271 3406 w
-(ports) 4655 3406 w
-(of) 4942 3406 w
-(Plan) 720 3526 w
-(9;) 960 3526 w
-(other) 1094 3526 w
-(than) 1390 3526 w
-(the) 1645 3526 w
-(MIPS,) 1839 3526 w
-(we) 2134 3526 w
-(are) 2306 3526 w
-(unlikely) 2497 3526 w
-(to) 2913 3526 w
-(port) 3050 3526 w
-(to) 3291 3526 w
-(any) 3428 3526 w
-(such) 3636 3526 w
-(machines.) 3901 3526 w
-(Several) 4464 3526 w
-(oth\255) 4847 3526 w
-(ers) 720 3646 w
-(\(Motorola) 907 3646 w
-(68000,) 1410 3646 w
-(Intel) 1796 3646 w
-(960,) 2048 3646 w
-(AMD) 2308 3646 w
-(29000\)) 2576 3646 w
-(have) 2962 3646 w
-(had) 3225 3646 w
-(only) 3443 3646 w
-(limited) 3685 3646 w
-(use,) 4059 3646 w
-(such) 4298 3646 w
-(as) 4562 3646 w
-(to) 4706 3646 w
-(pro\255) 4842 3646 w
-(gram peripherals or experimental devices.) 720 3766 w
+(of) 1019 3286 w
+(Plan) 1162 3286 w
+(9.) 1408 3286 w
+(Three) 1581 3286 w
+(of) 1905 3286 w
+(the) 2049 3286 w
+(compilers) 2250 3286 w
+(\(MIPS) 2770 3286 w
+(3000,) 3073 3286 w
+(SPARC,) 3403 3286 w
+(and) 3791 3286 w
+(Motorola) 4017 3286 w
+(68020\)) 4494 3286 w
+(are) 4888 3286 w
+(maintained) 720 3406 w
+(but) 1309 3406 w
+(are) 1519 3406 w
+(for) 1719 3406 w
+(older) 1906 3406 w
+(machines) 2204 3406 w
+(for) 2711 3406 w
+(which) 2898 3406 w
+(we) 3227 3406 w
+(have) 3408 3406 w
+(no) 3681 3406 w
+(current) 3852 3406 w
+(ports) 4250 3406 w
+(of) 4551 3406 w
+(Plan) 4697 3406 w
+(9;) 4945 3406 w
+(other) 720 3526 w
+(than) 1012 3526 w
+(the) 1263 3526 w
+(MIPS,) 1453 3526 w
+(we) 1744 3526 w
+(are) 1912 3526 w
+(unlikely) 2099 3526 w
+(to) 2511 3526 w
+(port) 2644 3526 w
+(to) 2881 3526 w
+(any) 3014 3526 w
+(such) 3218 3526 w
+(machines.) 3479 3526 w
+(The) 4037 3526 w
+(DEC) 4254 3526 w
+(Alpha) 4488 3526 w
+(com\255) 4802 3526 w
+(piler) 720 3646 w
+(has) 972 3646 w
+(been) 1174 3646 w
+(retired.) 1444 3646 w
+(Several) 1864 3646 w
+(others) 2240 3646 w
+(\(Motorola) 2581 3646 w
+(68000,) 3078 3646 w
+(Intel) 3458 3646 w
+(960,) 3704 3646 w
+(AMD) 3958 3646 w
+(29000\)) 4221 3646 w
+(have) 4602 3646 w
+(had) 4860 3646 w
+(only) 720 3766 w
+(limited) 969 3766 w
+(use,) 1350 3766 w
+(such) 1596 3766 w
+(as) 1867 3766 w
+(to) 2018 3766 w
+(program) 2161 3766 w
+(peripherals) 2622 3766 w
+(or) 3213 3766 w
+(experimental) 3360 3766 w
+(devices.) 4044 3766 w
+(Any) 4512 3766 w
+(of) 4741 3766 w
+(the) 4885 3766 w
+(disused compilers could be restored if needed.) 720 3886 w
 10 /LucidaSans-Demi f
-(2.) 720 4006 w
-(Structure) 873 4006 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(The) 720 4162 w
-(compiler) 945 4162 w
-(is) 1412 4162 w
-(a) 1536 4162 w
-(single) 1636 4162 w
-(program) 1970 4162 w
-(that) 2431 4162 w
-(produces) 2667 4162 w
-(an) 3160 4162 w
-(object) 3322 4162 w
-(file.) 3665 4162 w
-(Combined) 3925 4162 w
-(in) 4466 4162 w
-(the) 4602 4162 w
-(com\255) 4802 4162 w
-(piler) 720 4282 w
-(are) 981 4282 w
-(the) 1176 4282 w
-(traditional) 1374 4282 w
-(roles) 1915 4282 w
-(of) 2196 4282 w
-(preprocessor,) 2337 4282 w
-(lexical) 3048 4282 w
-(analyzer,) 3401 4282 w
-(parser,) 3883 4282 w
-(code) 4264 4282 w
-(generator,) 4537 4282 w
-(local) 720 4402 w
-(optimizer,) 995 4402 w
-(and) 1543 4402 w
-(first) 1773 4402 w
-(half) 2019 4402 w
-(of) 2253 4402 w
-(the) 2402 4402 w
-(assembler.) 2608 4402 w
-(The) 3218 4402 w
-(object) 3450 4402 w
-(files) 3799 4402 w
-(are) 4052 4402 w
-(binary) 4255 4402 w
-(forms) 4608 4402 w
-(of) 4942 4402 w
-(assembly) 720 4522 w
-(language,) 1230 4522 w
-(similar) 1765 4522 w
-(to) 2152 4522 w
-(what) 2310 4522 w
-(might) 2601 4522 w
-(be) 2944 4522 w
-(passed) 3123 4522 w
-(between) 3522 4522 w
-(the) 3989 4522 w
-(first) 4203 4522 w
-(and) 4457 4522 w
-(second) 4696 4522 w
-(passes of an assembler.) 720 4642 w
-(Object) 720 4798 w
-(files) 1075 4798 w
-(and) 1318 4798 w
-(libraries) 1539 4798 w
-(are) 1974 4798 w
-(combined) 2167 4798 w
-(by) 2686 4798 w
-(a) 2842 4798 w
-(loader) 2938 4798 w
-(program) 3284 4798 w
-(to) 3741 4798 w
-(produce) 3880 4798 w
-(the) 4318 4798 w
-(executable) 4514 4798 w
-(binary.) 720 4918 w
-(The) 1139 4918 w
-(loader) 1373 4918 w
-(combines) 1731 4918 w
-(the) 2250 4918 w
-(roles) 2458 4918 w
-(of) 2749 4918 w
-(second) 2899 4918 w
-(half) 3295 4918 w
-(of) 3530 4918 w
-(the) 3680 4918 w
-(assembler,) 3887 4918 w
-(global) 4466 4918 w
-(opti\255) 4817 4918 w
-(mizer, and loader.) 720 5038 w
-(The names of the compliers, loaders, and assemblers are as follows:) 1673 5038 w
-(SPARC) 1080 5218 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(kc) 2160 5218 w
-(kl) 2368 5218 w
-(ka) 2576 5218 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(PowerPC) 1080 5338 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(qc) 2160 5338 w
-(ql) 2368 5338 w
-(qa) 2576 5338 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(MIPS) 1080 5458 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(vc) 2160 5458 w
-(vl) 2368 5458 w
-(va) 2576 5458 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(MIPS little-endian) 1080 5578 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(0c) 2160 5578 w
-(0l) 2368 5578 w
-(0a) 2576 5578 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(Motorola 68000) 1080 5698 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(1c) 2160 5698 w
-(1l) 2368 5698 w
-(1a) 2576 5698 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(Motorola 68020) 1080 5818 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(2c) 2160 5818 w
-(2l) 2368 5818 w
-(2a) 2576 5818 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(ARM) 1080 5938 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(5c) 2160 5938 w
-(5l) 2368 5938 w
-(5a) 2576 5938 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(AMD64) 1080 6058 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(6c) 2160 6058 w
-(6l) 2368 6058 w
-(6a) 2576 6058 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(DEC Alpha) 1080 6178 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(7c) 2160 6178 w
-(7l) 2368 6178 w
-(7a) 2576 6178 w
+(2.) 720 4126 w
+(Structure) 873 4126 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(The) 720 4282 w
+(compiler) 945 4282 w
+(is) 1412 4282 w
+(a) 1536 4282 w
+(single) 1636 4282 w
+(program) 1970 4282 w
+(that) 2431 4282 w
+(produces) 2667 4282 w
+(an) 3160 4282 w
+(object) 3322 4282 w
+(file.) 3665 4282 w
+(Combined) 3925 4282 w
+(in) 4466 4282 w
+(the) 4602 4282 w
+(com\255) 4802 4282 w
+(piler) 720 4402 w
+(are) 981 4402 w
+(the) 1176 4402 w
+(traditional) 1374 4402 w
+(roles) 1915 4402 w
+(of) 2196 4402 w
+(preprocessor,) 2337 4402 w
+(lexical) 3048 4402 w
+(analyzer,) 3401 4402 w
+(parser,) 3883 4402 w
+(code) 4264 4402 w
+(generator,) 4537 4402 w
+(local) 720 4522 w
+(optimizer,) 995 4522 w
+(and) 1543 4522 w
+(first) 1773 4522 w
+(half) 2019 4522 w
+(of) 2253 4522 w
+(the) 2402 4522 w
+(assembler.) 2608 4522 w
+(The) 3218 4522 w
+(object) 3450 4522 w
+(files) 3799 4522 w
+(are) 4052 4522 w
+(binary) 4255 4522 w
+(forms) 4608 4522 w
+(of) 4942 4522 w
+(assembly) 720 4642 w
+(language,) 1230 4642 w
+(similar) 1765 4642 w
+(to) 2152 4642 w
+(what) 2310 4642 w
+(might) 2601 4642 w
+(be) 2944 4642 w
+(passed) 3123 4642 w
+(between) 3522 4642 w
+(the) 3989 4642 w
+(first) 4203 4642 w
+(and) 4457 4642 w
+(second) 4696 4642 w
+(passes of an assembler.) 720 4762 w
+(Object) 720 4918 w
+(files) 1075 4918 w
+(and) 1318 4918 w
+(libraries) 1539 4918 w
+(are) 1974 4918 w
+(combined) 2167 4918 w
+(by) 2686 4918 w
+(a) 2842 4918 w
+(loader) 2938 4918 w
+(program) 3284 4918 w
+(to) 3741 4918 w
+(produce) 3880 4918 w
+(the) 4318 4918 w
+(executable) 4514 4918 w
+(binary.) 720 5038 w
+(The) 1139 5038 w
+(loader) 1373 5038 w
+(combines) 1731 5038 w
+(the) 2250 5038 w
+(roles) 2458 5038 w
+(of) 2749 5038 w
+(second) 2899 5038 w
+(half) 3295 5038 w
+(of) 3530 5038 w
+(the) 3680 5038 w
+(assembler,) 3887 5038 w
+(global) 4466 5038 w
+(opti\255) 4817 5038 w
+(mizer, and loader.) 720 5158 w
+(The names of the compliers, loaders, and assemblers are as follows:) 1673 5158 w
+(SPARC) 1080 5338 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(kc) 2160 5338 w
+(kl) 2368 5338 w
+(ka) 2576 5338 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(PowerPC) 1080 5458 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(qc) 2160 5458 w
+(ql) 2368 5458 w
+(qa) 2576 5458 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(MIPS) 1080 5578 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(vc) 2160 5578 w
+(vl) 2368 5578 w
+(va) 2576 5578 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(MIPS little-endian) 1080 5698 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(0c) 2160 5698 w
+(0l) 2368 5698 w
+(0a) 2576 5698 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(Motorola 68000) 1080 5818 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(1c) 2160 5818 w
+(1l) 2368 5818 w
+(1a) 2576 5818 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(Motorola 68020) 1080 5938 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(2c) 2160 5938 w
+(2l) 2368 5938 w
+(2a) 2576 5938 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(ARM) 1080 6058 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(5c) 2160 6058 w
+(5l) 2368 6058 w
+(5a) 2576 6058 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(AMD64) 1080 6178 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(6c) 2160 6178 w
+(6l) 2368 6178 w
+(6a) 2576 6178 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (Intel 386) 1080 6298 w
 10 /LucidaTypewriter f

+ 6 - 6

@@ -529,14 +529,14 @@ target removes the library as well as the
 files removed by the
 .CW clean
 target.  The command
-.CW "mk -s clean all"
+mk -s clean all
 causes the existing library to be updated, or
 created if it doesn't already exist.  The command
-.CW "mk -s nuke all"
+mk -s nuke all
 forces the library to be rebuilt from scratch.
 The mkfile from

+ 250 - 243

@@ -3129,6 +3129,7 @@ cleartomark
 %%Version: 0.1
+%%Creator: troff, Plan 9 edition
 %%Pages: (atend)
@@ -4141,8 +4142,8 @@ mark
 (amount of parallelism in the build.) 720 1356 w
 (For example, the command) 2466 1356 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(NPROC=1) 1528 1526 w
-(mk) 2048 1526 w
+(NPROC=1) 1440 1526 w
+(mk) 1960 1526 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (restricts a build to a single thread of execution.) 720 1706 w
 10 /LucidaSans-Demi f
@@ -4413,72 +4414,72 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (All mkfiles share the following common structure:) 720 6110 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</$objtype/mkfile) 1008 6280 w
-(#) 2568 6280 w
+(</$objtype/mkfile) 920 6280 w
+(#) 2480 6280 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(architecture-dependent) 2698 6280 w
-(definitions) 3765 6280 w
+(architecture-dependent) 2610 6280 w
+(definitions) 3677 6280 w
 9 /LucidaSans-Italic f
-(variable) 1008 6500 w
-(definitions) 1394 6500 w
+(variable) 920 6500 w
+(definitions) 1306 6500 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(#) 2568 6500 w
-(TARG) 2698 6500 w
+(#) 2480 6500 w
+(TARG) 2610 6500 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 2958 6500 w
+(,) 2870 6500 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(OFILES) 3016 6500 w
+(OFILES) 2928 6500 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3406 6500 w
+(,) 3318 6500 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(HFILES) 3464 6500 w
+(HFILES) 3376 6500 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3854 6500 w
-(etc.) 3912 6500 w
+(,) 3766 6500 w
+(etc.) 3824 6500 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</sys/src/cmd/) 1008 6720 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/) 920 6720 w
 9 /LucidaSans-Italic f
-(generic) 1918 6720 w
+(generic) 1830 6720 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(#) 2568 6720 w
-(mkone) 2698 6720 w
+(#) 2480 6720 w
+(mkone) 2610 6720 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3023 6720 w
+(,) 2935 6720 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(mkmany) 3081 6720 w
+(mkmany) 2993 6720 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3471 6720 w
+(,) 3383 6720 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(mklib) 3529 6720 w
+(mklib) 3441 6720 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3854 6720 w
-(or) 3912 6720 w
+(,) 3766 6720 w
+(or) 3824 6720 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(mksyslib) 4033 6720 w
+(mksyslib) 3945 6720 w
 9 /LucidaSans-Italic f
-(variable) 1008 6940 w
-(overrides) 1394 6940 w
+(variable) 920 6940 w
+(overrides) 1306 6940 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(#) 2568 6940 w
-(CFLAGS) 2698 6940 w
+(#) 2480 6940 w
+(CFLAGS) 2610 6940 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3088 6940 w
+(,) 3000 6940 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(objtype) 3146 6940 w
+(objtype) 3058 6940 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(,) 3601 6940 w
-(etc.) 3659 6940 w
+(,) 3513 6940 w
+(etc.) 3571 6940 w
 9 /LucidaSans-Italic f
-(extra) 1008 7160 w
-(rules) 1266 7160 w
+(extra) 920 7160 w
+(rules) 1178 7160 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(#) 2568 7160 w
+(#) 2480 7160 w
 9 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(overrides,) 2698 7160 w
-(augmented) 3161 7160 w
-(rules,) 3682 7160 w
-(additional) 3955 7160 w
-(targets) 4420 7160 w
+(overrides,) 2610 7160 w
+(augmented) 3073 7160 w
+(rules,) 3594 7160 w
+(additional) 3867 7160 w
+(targets) 4332 7160 w
 saveobj restore
@@ -4869,8 +4870,8 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (:) 4800 4740 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(file.$O:) 1008 4910 w
-(header.h) 2048 4910 w
+(file.$O:) 920 4910 w
+(header.h) 1960 4910 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (The) 720 5126 w
 (mkfile) 936 5126 w
@@ -4909,17 +4910,17 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (contains:) 2480 5366 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(<) 1008 5536 w
-(/$objtype/mkfile) 1138 5536 w
-(TARG=diff) 1008 5756 w
-(OFILES=\\) 1008 5866 w
-(diffdir.$O\\) 1528 5976 w
-(diffio.$O\\) 1528 6086 w
-(diffreg.$O\\) 1528 6196 w
-(main.$O\\) 1528 6306 w
-(HFILES=diff.h) 1008 6526 w
-(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 1008 6746 w
-(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 1008 6856 w
+(<) 920 5536 w
+(/$objtype/mkfile) 1050 5536 w
+(TARG=diff) 920 5756 w
+(OFILES=\\) 920 5866 w
+(diffdir.$O\\) 1440 5976 w
+(diffio.$O\\) 1440 6086 w
+(diffreg.$O\\) 1440 6196 w
+(main.$O\\) 1440 6306 w
+(HFILES=diff.h) 920 6526 w
+(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 920 6746 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 920 6856 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (The) 720 7036 w
 (more) 937 7036 w
@@ -5032,84 +5033,84 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (:) 1368 1200 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</$objtype/mkfile) 1008 1370 w
-(TARG=awk) 1008 1590 w
-(OFILES=re.$O\\) 1008 1700 w
-(lex.$O\\) 1528 1810 w
-(main.$O\\) 1528 1920 w
-(parse.$O\\) 1528 2030 w
-(proctab.$O\\) 1528 2140 w
-(tran.$O\\) 1528 2250 w
-(lib.$O\\) 1528 2360 w
-(run.$O\\) 1528 2470 w
-(awkgram.$O\\) 1528 2580 w
-(HFILES=awk.h\\) 1008 2800 w
-(y.tab.h\\) 1528 2910 w
-(proto.h\\) 1528 3020 w
-(YFILES=awkgram.y) 1008 3240 w
-(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 1008 3460 w
-(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 1008 3570 w
-(CFLAGS=-c) 1008 3680 w
-(-D_REGEXP_EXTENSION) 1658 3680 w
-(-D_RESEARCH_SOURCE) 2958 3680 w
-(\\) 4193 3680 w
-(-D_BSD_EXTENSION) 1528 3790 w
-(-DUTF) 2633 3790 w
-(YFLAGS=-S) 1008 3900 w
-(-d) 1658 3900 w
-(-v) 1853 3900 w
-(CC=pcc) 1008 4010 w
-(LD=pcc) 1008 4120 w
-(cpuobjtype=`{sed) 1008 4230 w
-(-n) 2113 4230 w
-('s/^O=//p') 2308 4230 w
-(/$cputype/mkfile}) 3023 4230 w
-(y.tab.h) 1008 4450 w
-(awkgram.c:) 1528 4450 w
-($YFILES) 2568 4450 w
-($YACC) 1528 4560 w
-(-o) 1918 4560 w
-(awkgram.c) 2113 4560 w
-($YFLAGS) 2763 4560 w
-($prereq) 3283 4560 w
-(clean:V:) 1008 4780 w
-(rm) 1528 4890 w
-(-f) 1723 4890 w
-(*.[$OS]) 1918 4890 w
-([$OS].out) 2438 4890 w
-([$OS].maketab) 3088 4890 w
-(y.tab.?) 3998 4890 w
-(y.debug\\) 4518 4890 w
-(y.output) 2113 5000 w
-($TARG) 2698 5000 w
-(nuke:V:) 1008 5220 w
-(rm) 1528 5330 w
-(-f) 1723 5330 w
-(*.[$OS]) 1918 5330 w
-([$OS].out) 2438 5330 w
-([$OS].maketab) 3088 5330 w
-(y.tab.?) 3998 5330 w
-(y.debug\\) 4518 5330 w
-(y.output) 2113 5440 w
-(awkgram.c) 2698 5440 w
-($TARG) 3348 5440 w
-(proctab.c:) 1008 5660 w
-($cpuobjtype.maketab) 2048 5660 w
-(./$cpuobjtype.maketab) 1528 5770 w
-(>proctab.c) 2958 5770 w
-($cpuobjtype.maketab:) 1008 5990 w
-(y.tab.h) 2568 5990 w
-(maketab.c) 3088 5990 w
-(objtype=$cputype) 1528 6100 w
-(mk) 1528 6210 w
-(maketab.$cputype) 1723 6210 w
-(maketab.$cputype:V:) 1008 6430 w
-(y.tab.h) 2568 6430 w
-(maketab.$O) 3088 6430 w
-($LD) 1528 6540 w
-(-o) 1788 6540 w
-($O.maketab) 1983 6540 w
-(maketab.$O) 2698 6540 w
+(</$objtype/mkfile) 920 1370 w
+(TARG=awk) 920 1590 w
+(OFILES=re.$O\\) 920 1700 w
+(lex.$O\\) 1440 1810 w
+(main.$O\\) 1440 1920 w
+(parse.$O\\) 1440 2030 w
+(proctab.$O\\) 1440 2140 w
+(tran.$O\\) 1440 2250 w
+(lib.$O\\) 1440 2360 w
+(run.$O\\) 1440 2470 w
+(awkgram.$O\\) 1440 2580 w
+(HFILES=awk.h\\) 920 2800 w
+(y.tab.h\\) 1440 2910 w
+(proto.h\\) 1440 3020 w
+(YFILES=awkgram.y) 920 3240 w
+(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 920 3460 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 920 3570 w
+(CFLAGS=-c) 920 3680 w
+(-D_REGEXP_EXTENSION) 1570 3680 w
+(-D_RESEARCH_SOURCE) 2870 3680 w
+(\\) 4105 3680 w
+(-D_BSD_EXTENSION) 1440 3790 w
+(-DUTF) 2545 3790 w
+(YFLAGS=-S) 920 3900 w
+(-d) 1570 3900 w
+(-v) 1765 3900 w
+(CC=pcc) 920 4010 w
+(LD=pcc) 920 4120 w
+(cpuobjtype=`{sed) 920 4230 w
+(-n) 2025 4230 w
+('s/^O=//p') 2220 4230 w
+(/$cputype/mkfile}) 2935 4230 w
+(y.tab.h) 920 4450 w
+(awkgram.c:) 1440 4450 w
+($YFILES) 2480 4450 w
+($YACC) 1440 4560 w
+(-o) 1830 4560 w
+(awkgram.c) 2025 4560 w
+($YFLAGS) 2675 4560 w
+($prereq) 3195 4560 w
+(clean:V:) 920 4780 w
+(rm) 1440 4890 w
+(-f) 1635 4890 w
+(*.[$OS]) 1830 4890 w
+([$OS].out) 2350 4890 w
+([$OS].maketab) 3000 4890 w
+(y.tab.?) 3910 4890 w
+(y.debug\\) 4430 4890 w
+(y.output) 2025 5000 w
+($TARG) 2610 5000 w
+(nuke:V:) 920 5220 w
+(rm) 1440 5330 w
+(-f) 1635 5330 w
+(*.[$OS]) 1830 5330 w
+([$OS].out) 2350 5330 w
+([$OS].maketab) 3000 5330 w
+(y.tab.?) 3910 5330 w
+(y.debug\\) 4430 5330 w
+(y.output) 2025 5440 w
+(awkgram.c) 2610 5440 w
+($TARG) 3260 5440 w
+(proctab.c:) 920 5660 w
+($cpuobjtype.maketab) 1960 5660 w
+(./$cpuobjtype.maketab) 1440 5770 w
+(>proctab.c) 2870 5770 w
+($cpuobjtype.maketab:) 920 5990 w
+(y.tab.h) 2480 5990 w
+(maketab.c) 3000 5990 w
+(objtype=$cputype) 1440 6100 w
+(mk) 1440 6210 w
+(maketab.$cputype) 1635 6210 w
+(maketab.$cputype:V:) 920 6430 w
+(y.tab.h) 2480 6430 w
+(maketab.$O) 3000 6430 w
+($LD) 1440 6540 w
+(-o) 1700 6540 w
+($O.maketab) 1895 6540 w
+(maketab.$O) 2610 6540 w
 10 /LucidaSans-Demi f
 (Mkmany) 720 6840 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
@@ -5214,12 +5215,12 @@ mark
 (executables.) 720 1356 w
 (Consider the mkfile:) 1393 1356 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</$objtype/mkfile) 1008 1526 w
-(TARG=alpha) 1008 1746 w
-(beta) 1723 1746 w
-(OFILES=common.$O) 1008 1856 w
-(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 1008 1966 w
-(</sys/src/cmd/mkmany) 1008 2076 w
+(</$objtype/mkfile) 920 1526 w
+(TARG=alpha) 920 1746 w
+(beta) 1635 1746 w
+(OFILES=common.$O) 920 1856 w
+(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 920 1966 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/mkmany) 920 2076 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (It assumes the main functions for) 720 2256 w
 (executables) 2383 2256 w
@@ -5533,62 +5534,68 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (target.) 1112 5760 w
 (The command) 1496 5760 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(mk -s clean all) 970 5880 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(causes) 720 6000 w
-(the) 1096 6000 w
-(existing) 1301 6000 w
-(library) 1738 6000 w
-(to) 2098 6000 w
-(be) 2246 6000 w
-(updated,) 2416 6000 w
-(or) 2898 6000 w
-(created) 3051 6000 w
-(if) 3461 6000 w
-(it) 3578 6000 w
-(doesn) 3695 6000 w
+9 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(mk) 920 5930 w
+(-s) 1115 5930 w
+(clean) 1310 5930 w
+(all) 1700 5930 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(causes) 720 6110 w
+(the) 1096 6110 w
+(existing) 1301 6110 w
+(library) 1738 6110 w
+(to) 2098 6110 w
+(be) 2246 6110 w
+(updated,) 2416 6110 w
+(or) 2898 6110 w
+(created) 3051 6110 w
+(if) 3461 6110 w
+(it) 3578 6110 w
+(doesn) 3695 6110 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode20 f
-(\031) 3988 6000 w
+(\031) 3988 6110 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(t) 4020 6000 w
-(already) 4108 6000 w
-(exist.) 4510 6000 w
-(The) 4859 6000 w
-(command) 720 6120 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(mk -s nuke all) 970 6240 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(forces the library to be rebuilt from scratch.) 720 6360 w
-(The) 720 6516 w
-(mkfile) 944 6516 w
-(from) 1289 6516 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(/sys/src/cmd/upas/libString) 1564 6516 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(contains) 3551 6516 w
-(the) 4002 6516 w
-(following) 4200 6516 w
-(specifi\255) 4691 6516 w
-(cations) 720 6636 w
-(to) 1118 6636 w
-(build) 1268 6636 w
-(the) 1566 6636 w
-(local) 1773 6636 w
-(library) 2050 6636 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(libString.a$O) 2412 6636 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(for) 3400 6636 w
-(the) 3591 6636 w
-(object) 3798 6636 w
-(architecture) 4147 6636 w
-(refer\255) 4776 6636 w
-(enced by) 720 6756 w
-10 /LucidaTypewriter f
-($O) 1187 6756 w
-10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
-(:) 1331 6756 w
+(t) 4020 6110 w
+(already) 4108 6110 w
+(exist.) 4510 6110 w
+(The) 4859 6110 w
+(command) 720 6230 w
+9 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(mk) 920 6400 w
+(-s) 1115 6400 w
+(nuke) 1310 6400 w
+(all) 1635 6400 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(forces the library to be rebuilt from scratch.) 720 6580 w
+(The) 720 6736 w
+(mkfile) 944 6736 w
+(from) 1289 6736 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(/sys/src/cmd/upas/libString) 1564 6736 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(contains) 3551 6736 w
+(the) 4002 6736 w
+(following) 4200 6736 w
+(specifi\255) 4691 6736 w
+(cations) 720 6856 w
+(to) 1118 6856 w
+(build) 1268 6856 w
+(the) 1566 6856 w
+(local) 1773 6856 w
+(library) 2050 6856 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+(libString.a$O) 2412 6856 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(for) 3400 6856 w
+(the) 3591 6856 w
+(object) 3798 6856 w
+(architecture) 4147 6856 w
+(refer\255) 4776 6856 w
+(enced by) 720 6976 w
+10 /LucidaTypewriter f
+($O) 1187 6976 w
+10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
+(:) 1331 6976 w
 saveobj restore
@@ -5600,27 +5607,27 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (\255 6 \255) 2783 480 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</$objtype/mkfile) 1008 830 w
-(LIB=libString.a$O) 1008 1050 w
-(OFILES=) 1008 1160 w
-(s_alloc.$O\\) 1528 1160 w
-(s_append.$O\\) 1528 1270 w
-(s_array.$O\\) 1528 1380 w
-(s_copy.$O\\) 1528 1490 w
-(s_getline.$O\\) 1528 1600 w
-(s_grow.$O\\) 1528 1710 w
-(s_nappend.$O\\) 1528 1820 w
-(s_parse.$O\\) 1528 1930 w
-(s_read.$O\\) 1528 2040 w
-(s_read_line.$O\\) 1528 2150 w
-(s_tolower.$O\\) 1528 2260 w
-(</sys/src/cmd/mklib) 1008 2480 w
-(nuke:V:) 1008 2700 w
-(mk) 1528 2810 w
-(clean) 1723 2810 w
-(rm) 1528 2920 w
-(-f) 1723 2920 w
-(libString.a[$OS]) 1918 2920 w
+(</$objtype/mkfile) 920 830 w
+(LIB=libString.a$O) 920 1050 w
+(OFILES=) 920 1160 w
+(s_alloc.$O\\) 1440 1160 w
+(s_append.$O\\) 1440 1270 w
+(s_array.$O\\) 1440 1380 w
+(s_copy.$O\\) 1440 1490 w
+(s_getline.$O\\) 1440 1600 w
+(s_grow.$O\\) 1440 1710 w
+(s_nappend.$O\\) 1440 1820 w
+(s_parse.$O\\) 1440 1930 w
+(s_read.$O\\) 1440 2040 w
+(s_read_line.$O\\) 1440 2150 w
+(s_tolower.$O\\) 1440 2260 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/mklib) 920 2480 w
+(nuke:V:) 920 2700 w
+(mk) 1440 2810 w
+(clean) 1635 2810 w
+(rm) 1440 2920 w
+(-f) 1635 2920 w
+(libString.a[$OS]) 1830 2920 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (The) 720 3100 w
 (override) 946 3100 w
@@ -5921,8 +5928,8 @@ mark
 (to a rule by specifying the target and the new prerequisite.) 720 6520 w
 (For example,) 3641 6520 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(%.$O:) 1008 6690 w
-(header.h) 1528 6690 w
+(%.$O:) 920 6690 w
+(header.h) 1440 6690 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (adds) 720 6870 w
 (file) 986 6870 w
@@ -6035,26 +6042,26 @@ mark
 (pro\255) 4842 1080 w
 (totype file to the system library directory.) 720 1200 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(</$objtype/mkfile) 1008 1370 w
-(TARG=lex) 1008 1590 w
-(OFILES=lmain.$O\\) 1008 1700 w
-(y.tab.$O\\) 1528 1810 w
-(sub1.$O\\) 1528 1920 w
-(sub2.$O\\) 1528 2030 w
-(header.$O\\) 1528 2140 w
-(HFILES=ldefs.h\\) 1008 2360 w
-(YFILES=parser.y\\) 1008 2580 w
-(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 1008 2800 w
-(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 1008 2910 w
-(installall:V:) 1008 3130 w
-(for\(objtype) 1528 3240 w
-(in) 2308 3240 w
-($CPUS\)) 2503 3240 w
-(mk) 2048 3350 w
-(install) 2243 3350 w
-(cp) 1528 3460 w
-(ncform) 1723 3460 w
-(/sys/lib/lex) 2178 3460 w
+(</$objtype/mkfile) 920 1370 w
+(TARG=lex) 920 1590 w
+(OFILES=lmain.$O\\) 920 1700 w
+(y.tab.$O\\) 1440 1810 w
+(sub1.$O\\) 1440 1920 w
+(sub2.$O\\) 1440 2030 w
+(header.$O\\) 1440 2140 w
+(HFILES=ldefs.h\\) 920 2360 w
+(YFILES=parser.y\\) 920 2580 w
+(BIN=/$objtype/bin) 920 2800 w
+(</sys/src/cmd/mkone) 920 2910 w
+(installall:V:) 920 3130 w
+(for\(objtype) 1440 3240 w
+(in) 2220 3240 w
+($CPUS\)) 2415 3240 w
+(mk) 1960 3350 w
+(install) 2155 3350 w
+(cp) 1440 3460 w
+(ncform) 1635 3460 w
+(/sys/lib/lex) 2090 3460 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (Another) 720 3640 w
 (way) 1169 3640 w
@@ -6076,12 +6083,12 @@ mark
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f
 (rule that executes an additional rule to install the prototype file:) 1472 3760 w
 9 /LucidaTypewriter f
-(installall:V:) 1008 3930 w
-(ncform.install) 2048 3930 w
-(ncform.install:V:) 1008 4150 w
-(cp) 1528 4260 w
-(ncform) 1723 4260 w
-(/sys/lib/lex) 2178 4260 w
+(installall:V:) 920 3930 w
+(ncform.install) 1960 3930 w
+(ncform.install:V:) 920 4150 w
+(cp) 1440 4260 w
+(ncform) 1635 4260 w
+(/sys/lib/lex) 2090 4260 w
 10 /LucidaSans-Demi f
 (Special Tricks) 720 4560 w
 10 /LucidaSansUnicode00 f

+ 8 - 54

@@ -133,35 +133,7 @@ There are a number of obvious optimizations to the code that have
 never been attempted.
 For example, the compiler does not support pipelining.
 The code runs in little-endian mode.
-The DEC Alpha compiler
-The Alpha compiler is based on a port done by David Hogan while
-studying at the Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney.
-It has been used to build a running version of the operating system, but has
-not been stressed as much as some of the other compilers.
-Although the Alpha is a 64-bit architecture, this compiler treats
-.CW int s,
-.CW long s
-and pointers as 32 bits.  Access to the 64-bit operations is available through the
-.CW vlong
-type, as with the other architectures.
-The compiler assumes that the target CPU supports the optional byte and
-word memory operations (the ``BWX'' extension).
-If you have an old system, you can generate code without using the extension
-by passing the loader the
-.CW -x
-There are a number of optimizations that the Alpha Architecture Handbook
-recommends, but this compiler does not do.  In particular, there is currently
-no support for the code alignment and code scheduling optimizations.
-The compiler tries to conform to IEEE, but some Alpha CPUs do not implement
-all of the rounding and trapping modes in silicon.  Fixing this problem requires
-some software emulation code in the kernel; to date, this has not been attempted.
 The PowerPC compiler
@@ -182,8 +154,8 @@ The ARM compiler
 The ARM compiler is fairly solid; it has been used for some production
 operating system work including Inferno and the Plan 9 kernel
 for the iPAQ, which uses a StrongArm SA1, and the Sheevaplug,
-Guruplug, Dreamplug and others.
-The compiler supports the ARMv4 architecture;
+Guruplug, Dreamplug, Gumstix Overo, Compulab Trimslice and others.
+The compiler supports the ARMv4 and later 32-bit architectures;
 it does not support the Thumb instruction sets.
 It has been used on ARM7500FE, ARM926 and Cortex-A8 processors
 and the Strongarm SA1 core machines.
@@ -191,11 +163,7 @@ The compiler generates instructions for
 ARM 7500 FPA floating-point coprocessor 1,
 but probably should instead generate VFP 3+ instructions
 for coprocessors 10 and 11.
-The AMD 29000 compiler
-This compiler was used to port an operating system to an AMD 29240 processor.
-The project is long abandoned, but the compiler lives on.
 The Carrera operating system
@@ -285,24 +253,7 @@ use PXE or a boot disk to load the system.  See
 .I prep (8)
 for more information.
-The Alpha PC operating system
-Plan 9 runs on the Alpha PC 164.
-The Alpha port has not been used as much as the others,
-and should be considered a preliminary release.
-The port uses the OSF/1 flavor
-of PALcode, and should be booted from the SRM firmware (booting
-from ARC is not supported).
-Supported devices are a subset of the PC ones; currently
-this includes DECchip 2114x-based ethernet cards, S3 VGA cards,
-Sound Blaster 16-compatible audio, floppy drives, and ATA hard disks.
-The system has to be booted via tftp.
-.I booting (8)
-for details.
 The PowerPC operating system
@@ -317,6 +268,9 @@ The kernel has also been ported to the Motorola MTX embedded motherboard;
 that port is included in the distribution.
 The port only works with a 604e processor (the 603e is substantially different)
 and at present only a single CPU is permitted.
+We have ports to the Xilinx Virtex 4 and 5 FPGAs
+which use PowerPC 405 and 440 processors, respectively.
 The Compaq iPAQ operating system

Dosya farkı çok büyük olduğundan ihmal edildi
+ 1207 - 1217

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .TH 2A 1 
-0a, 1a, 2a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, ka, qa, va \- assemblers
+0a, 1a, 2a, 5a, 6a, 8a, 9a, ka, qa, va \- assemblers
 .B 2a

+ 1 - 5

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .TH 2C 1
-0c, 1c, 2c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, kc, qc, vc \- C compilers
+0c, 1c, 2c, 5c, 6c, 8c, 9c, kc, qc, vc \- C compilers
 .B 2c
@@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ little-endian ARM
 .B "6c amd64
 AMD64 and compatibles (e.g., Intel64)
-.B "7c alpha
-Digital Alpha APX
 .B "8c 386
 Intel i386, i486, Pentium, etc.
@@ -71,7 +68,6 @@ Let the first letter of the compiler name be
 .BR 2 ,
 .BR 5 ,
 .BR 6 ,
-.BR 7 ,
 .BR 8 ,
 .BR 9 ,
 .BR k ,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .TH 2L 1 
-0l, 1l, 2l, 5l, 6l, 7l, 8l, 9l, kl, ql, vl \- loaders
+0l, 1l, 2l, 5l, 6l, 8l, 9l, kl, ql, vl \- loaders
 .B 2l

+ 1 - 1

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ at startup; see below.
 .BI -m " machine
 Assume instructions are for the given CPU type
 (one of
-.BR alpha ,
+.BR amd64 ,
 .BR 386 ,
 etc., as listed in
 .IR 2c (1),

+ 1 - 1

@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ commands.
 .BI -m machine
 Assume instructions are for the given CPU type
 (any standard architecture name, such as
-.B alpha
+.B amd64
 .BR 386 ,

+ 0 - 40

@@ -58,41 +58,6 @@ Once the kernel is booted, it behaves like the others.
 .IR boot (8)
 for details.
-.SS Alpha PCs
-Alpha PCs must be booted via TFTP using the SRM console.
-If the system has ARC firmware instead, SRM may be downloaded from
-You must configure the SRM firmware to load the file
-.BR /alpha/bootalphapc .
-The following commands may be used (replace
-.B ewa0
-with the name of your ethernet device, if different):
-set boot_reset ON
-set boot_file /alpha/bootalphapc
-set bootdef_dev ewa0
-set ewa0_inet_init bootp
-set ewa0_protocols BOOTP
-This secondary bootstrap program will first load the file
-.BR /alpha/conf/ <IP-address>
-(substituting the IP address of the system as obtained via bootp).
-This file is expected to be in
-.IR plan9.ini (8)
-format (the file
-.B /alpha/conf/
-may be used as a template).
-It then loads the kernel via tftp, using the value of
-.B bootfile
-to tell it which file to load; this should be
-.B /alpha/9apc
-for terminals.
 .SS CPU Servers
 The Plan 9 CPU servers are multi-user, so they do not request a user name
 when booting.
@@ -102,11 +67,6 @@ Proceed as for the PC terminal, but load
 .B /386/9pccpu
 .BR /386/9pccpudisk .
-.SS Alpha PC CPU Server
-Proceed as for the Alpha PC terminal, but use
-.B /alpha/9apccpu
-as the value of
-.BR bootfile .
 .SS SGI Challenge multiprocessor CPU Server
 The Challenge ROM monitor can boot from the Ethernet.
 To boot from the Ethernet, type

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-	root
-	cons
-	arch
-	pnp		pci
-	env
-	pipe
-	proc
-	mnt
-	srv
-	dup
-#	rtc
-	ssl
-	cap
-	kprof
-#	loopback
-	ether		netif
-	ip		arp chandial inferno ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum
-	draw		screen vga vgax
-	mouse		mouse
-	vga
-	sd
-	floppy		dma
-	audio		dma
-	uart
-	ether2114x	pci
-	ethermedium
-	arch164
-	sdata		pci sdscsi
-#	sd53c8xx	pci sdscsi
-	uarti8250
-	vgargb524	=cur
-	vgas3		+cur
-	vgas3		+cur vgasavage
-	vgatvp3026	=cur
-	tcp
-	udp
-	ipifc
-	icmp
-	icmp6
-	int cpuserver = 0;
-	tcp
-	bootapc.out boot
-	/alpha/bin/disk/kfs
-	/alpha/bin/auth/factotum
-	/alpha/bin/ip/ipconfig

+ 0 - 60

@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-	root
-	cons
-	arch
-	pnp		pci
-	env
-	pipe
-	proc
-	mnt
-	srv
-	dup
-#	rtc
-	ssl
-	cap
-	kprof
-#	loopback
-	ether		netif
-	ip		arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum inferno
-	sd
-	floppy		dma
-	audio		dma
-	uart
-	ether2114x	pci
-	ethermedium
-	loopbackmedium
-	arch164
-	sdata		pci sdscsi
-#	sd53c8xx	pci sdscsi
-	uarti8250
-	tcp
-	udp
-	ipifc
-	icmp
-	icmp6
-	gre
-	ipmux
-	int cpuserver = 1;
-boot cpu
-	tcp
-	bootapccpu.out boot
-	/alpha/bin/ip/ipconfig
-	/alpha/bin/auth/factotum

+ 0 - 363

@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
- *	EB164 and similar
- *	CPU:	21164
- *	Core Logic: 21172 CIA or 21174 PYXIS
-  */
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-static ulong *core;
-static ulong *wind;
-static ulong windsave[16];
-static ulong coresave[1];
-ulong	iobase0;
-ulong	iobase1;
-#define	iobase(p)	(iobase0+(p))
-static int
-	return 0;	/* bug! */
-static uvlong* sgmap;
-static void
-	ulong pa;
-	uvlong *pte;
-	sgmap = xspanalloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 0);
-	memset(sgmap, 0, BY2PG);
-	/*
-	 * Prepare scatter-gather map for 0-8MB.
-	 */
-	pte = sgmap;
-	for(pa = 0; pa < 8*1024*1024; pa += BY2PG)
-		*pte++ = ((pa>>PGSHIFT)<<1)|1;
-	/*
-	 * Set up a map for ISA DMA accesses to physical memory.
-	 * Addresses presented by an ISA device between ISAWINDOW
-	 * and ISAWINDOW+8MB will be translated to between 0 and
-	 * 0+8MB of physical memory.
-	 */
-	wind[0x400/4] = ISAWINDOW|2|1;		/* window base */
-	wind[0x440/4] = 0x00700000;		/* window mask */
-	wind[0x480/4] = PADDR(sgmap)>>2;	/* <33:10> of sg map */
-	wind[0x100/4] = 3;			/* invalidate tlb cache */
-static void *
-kmapio(ulong space, ulong offset, int size)
-	return kmapv(((uvlong)space<<32LL)|offset, size);
-static void
-	int i;
-	core = kmapio(0x87, 0x40000000, 0x10000);
-	wind = kmapio(0x87, 0x60000000, 0x1000);
-	iobase0 = (ulong)kmapio(0x89, 0, 0x20000);
-	/* hae_io = core[0x440/4];
-	iobase1 = (ulong)kmapio(0x89, hae_io, 0x10000); */
-	/* save critical parts of hardware memory mapping */
-	for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
-		windsave[4*(i-4)+0] = wind[(i*0x100+0x00)/4];
-		windsave[4*(i-4)+1] = wind[(i*0x100+0x40)/4];
-		windsave[4*(i-4)+2] = wind[(i*0x100+0x80)/4];
-	}
-	coresave[0] = core[0x140/4];
-	/* disable windows */
-	wind[0x400/4] = 0;
-	wind[0x500/4] = 0;
-	wind[0x600/4] = 0;
-	wind[0x700/4] = 0;
-	sginit();
-	/*
-	 * Set up a map for PCI DMA accesses to physical memory.
-	 * Addresses presented by a PCI device between PCIWINDOW
-	 * and PCIWINDOW+1GB will be translated to between 0 and
-	 * 0+1GB of physical memory.
-	 */
-	wind[0x500/4] = PCIWINDOW|1;
-	wind[0x540/4] = 0x3ff00000;
-	wind[0x580/4] = 0;
-	/* clear error state */
-	core[0x8200/4] = 0x7ff;
-	/* set config: byte/word enable, no monster window, etc. */
-	core[0x140/4] = 0x21;
-	/* turn off mcheck on master abort.  now we can probe PCI space. */
-	core[0x8280/4] &= ~(1<<7);
-	/* set up interrupts. */
-	i8259init();
-	cserve(52, 4);		/* enable SIO interrupt */
-	print("cia error 0x%luX\n", core[0x8200/4]);
-static void
-	print("cpu%d: CIA revision %ld; cnfg %lux cntrl %lux\n",
-			0,	/* BUG */
-			core[0x80/4] & 0x7f, core[0x140/4], core[0x100/4]);
-	print("cpu%d: HAE_IO %lux\n", 0, core[0x440/4]);
-	print("\n");
-static void
-	int i;
-	for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
-		wind[(i*0x100+0x00)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+0];
-		wind[(i*0x100+0x40)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+1];
-		wind[(i*0x100+0x80)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+2];
-	}
-	core[0x140/4] = coresave[0];
-/*	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-		if (i != 4)
-			cserve(53, i);		/* disable interrupts */
-static Lock	pcicfgl;
-static ulong	pcimap[256];
-static void*
-pcicfg2117x(int tbdf, int rno)
-	int space, bus;
-	ulong base;
-	bus = BUSBNO(tbdf);
-	lock(&pcicfgl);
-	base = pcimap[bus];
-	if (base == 0) {
-		if(bus)
-			space = 0x8B;
-		else
-			space = 0x8A;
-		pcimap[bus] = base = (ulong)kmapio(space, MKBUS(0, bus, 0, 0), (1<<16));
-	}
-	unlock(&pcicfgl);
-	return (void*)(base + BUSDF(tbdf) + rno);
-static void*
-pcimem2117x(int addr, int len)
-	return kmapio(0x88, addr, len);
-static int
-intrenable164(Vctl *v)
-	int vec, irq;
-	irq = v->irq;
-	if(irq > MaxIrqPIC) {
-		print("intrenable: irq %d out of range\n", v->irq);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if(BUSTYPE(v->tbdf) == BusPCI) {
-		vec = irq+VectorPCI;
-		cserve(52, irq);
-	}
-	else {
-		vec = irq+VectorPIC;
-		if(i8259enable(irq, v->tbdf, v) == -1)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	return vec;
- *	I have a function pointer in PCArch for every one of these, because on
- *	some Alphas we have to use sparse mode, but on others we can use
- *	MOVB et al.  Additionally, the PC164 documentation threatened us
- *	with the lie that the SIO is in region B, but everything else in region A.
- *	This turned out not to be the case.  Given the cost of this solution, it
- *	may be better just to use sparse mode for I/O space on all platforms.
- */
-inb2117x(int port)
-	mb();
-	return *(uchar*)(iobase(port));
-ins2117x(int port)
-	mb();
-	return *(ushort*)(iobase(port));
-inl2117x(int port)
-	mb();
-	return *(ulong*)(iobase(port));
-outb2117x(int port, int val)
-	mb();
-	*(uchar*)(iobase(port)) = val;
-	mb();
-outs2117x(int port, ushort val)
-	mb();
-	*(ushort*)(iobase(port)) = val;
-	mb();
-outl2117x(int port, ulong val)
-	mb();
-	*(ulong*)(iobase(port)) = val;
-	mb();
-insb2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	uchar *p, *q;
-	p = (uchar*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*q++ = *p;
-	}
-inss2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	ushort *p, *q;
-	p = (ushort*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*q++ = *p;
-	}
-insl2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	ulong *p, *q;
-	p = (ulong*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*q++ = *p;
-	}
-outsb2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	uchar *p, *q;
-	p = (uchar*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*p = *q++;
-	}
-outss2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	ushort *p, *q;
-	p = (ushort*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*p = *q++;
-	}
-outsl2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
-	int i;
-	ulong *p, *q;
-	p = (ulong*)iobase(port);
-	q = buf;
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
-		mb();
-		*p = *q++;
-	}
-PCArch arch164 = {
-	"EB164",
-	ident,
-	coreinit,
-	corehello,
-	coredetach,
-	pcicfg2117x,
-	pcimem2117x,
-	intrenable164,
-	nil,
-	nil,
-	inb2117x,
-	ins2117x,
-	inl2117x,
-	outb2117x,
-	outs2117x,
-	outl2117x,
-	insb2117x,
-	inss2117x,
-	insl2117x,
-	outsb2117x,
-	outss2117x,
-	outsl2117x,

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-	Bufsize		= 16*1024,	/* 92 ms each */
-	Nbuf		= 16,		/* 1.5 seconds total */
-	Dma		= 5,
-	IrqAUDIO	= 5,
-	SBswab		= 0,
-#define seteisadma(a, b)	dmainit(a, Bufsize);
-#define CACHELINESZ		128
-#define UNCACHED(type, v)	(type*)((ulong)(v))
-#define dcflush(a, b)
-#define Int0vec
-#define setvec(v, f, a)		intrenable(v, f, a, BUSUNKNOWN, "audio")

+ 0 - 71

@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Hwrpb	Hwrpb;
-typedef struct Hwcpu	Hwcpu;
-typedef struct Hwdsr	Hwdsr;
-struct Hwrpb
-	uvlong	phys;
-	uvlong	sign;
-	uvlong	rev;
-	uvlong	size;
-	uvlong	cpu0;
-	uvlong	by2pg;
-	uvlong	pabits;
-	uvlong	maxasn;
-	char	ssn[16];
-	uvlong	systype;
-	uvlong	sysvar;
-	uvlong	sysrev;
-	uvlong	ifreq;
-	uvlong	cfreq;
-	uvlong	vptb;
-	uvlong	resv;
-	uvlong	tbhint;
-	uvlong	ncpu;
-	uvlong	cpulen;
-	uvlong	cpuoff;
-	uvlong	nctb;
-	uvlong	ctblen;
-	uvlong	ctboff;
-	uvlong	ccrboff;
-	uvlong	memoff;
-	uvlong	confoff;
-	uvlong	fruoff;
-	uvlong	termsaveva;
-	uvlong	termsavex;
-	uvlong	termrestva;
-	uvlong	termrestx;
-	uvlong	termresetva;
-	uvlong	termresetx;
-	uvlong	sysresv;
-	uvlong	hardresv;
-	uvlong	csum;
-	uvlong	rxrdymsk;
-	uvlong	txrdymsk;
-	uvlong	dsroff;		/* rev 6 or higher */
-extern Hwrpb* hwrpb;
-struct Hwcpu
-	uvlong	hwpcb[16];
-	uvlong	state;
-	uvlong	palmainlen;
-	uvlong	palscratchlen;
-	uvlong	palmainpa;
-	uvlong	palscratchpa;
-	uvlong	palrev;
-	uvlong	cputype;
-	uvlong	cpuvar;
-	uvlong	cpurev;
-	uvlong	serial[2];
-	/* more crap ... */
-struct Hwdsr
-	vlong	smm;
-	uvlong	lurtoff;
-	uvlong	sysnameoff;

+ 0 - 113

@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#include "io.h"
-enum {
-	Width		= 160,
-	Height		= 25,
-	Attr		= 0x4f,	/* white on blue */
-static ulong	cgabase;
-#define CGASCREENBASE	((uchar*)cgabase)
-static int cgapos;
-static int screeninitdone;
-static Lock cgascreenlock;
-static uchar
-cgaregr(int index)
-	outb(0x3D4, index);
-	return inb(0x3D4+1) & 0xFF;
-static void
-cgaregw(int index, int data)
-	outb(0x3D4, index);
-	outb(0x3D4+1, data);
-static void
-	cgaregw(0x0E, (cgapos/2>>8) & 0xFF);
-	cgaregw(0x0F, cgapos/2 & 0xFF);
-	CGASCREENBASE[cgapos+1] = Attr;
-static void
-cgascreenputc(int c)
-	int i;
-	if(c == '\n'){
-		cgapos = cgapos/Width;
-		cgapos = (cgapos+1)*Width;
-	}
-	else if(c == '\t'){
-		i = 8 - ((cgapos/2)&7);
-		while(i-->0)
-			cgascreenputc(' ');
-	}
-	else if(c == '\b'){
-		if(cgapos >= 2)
-			cgapos -= 2;
-		cgascreenputc(' ');
-		cgapos -= 2;
-	}
-	else{
-		CGASCREENBASE[cgapos++] = c;
-		CGASCREENBASE[cgapos++] = Attr;
-	}
-	if(cgapos >= Width*Height){
-		memmove(CGASCREENBASE, &CGASCREENBASE[Width], Width*(Height-1));
-		for (i = Width*(Height-1); i < Width*Height;) {
-			CGASCREENBASE[i++] = 0x20;
-			CGASCREENBASE[i++] = Attr;
-		}
-		cgapos = Width*(Height-1);
-	}
-	movecursor();
-	cgabase = (ulong)arch->pcimem(0xB8000, 0x8000);
-	cgapos = cgaregr(0x0E)<<8;
-	cgapos |= cgaregr(0x0F);
-	cgapos *= 2;
-	screeninitdone = 1;
-static void
-cgascreenputs(char* s, int n)
-	if(!screeninitdone)
-		return;
-	if(!islo()){
-		/*
-		 * Don't deadlock trying to
-		 * print in an interrupt.
-		 */
-		if(!canlock(&cgascreenlock))
-			return;
-	}
-	else
-		lock(&cgascreenlock);
-	while(n-- > 0)
-		cgascreenputc(*s++);
-	unlock(&cgascreenlock);
-void (*screenputs)(char*, int) = cgascreenputs;

+ 0 - 112

@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	"axp.h"
-#include	"ureg.h"
-	ulong pcc;
-	vlong delta;
-	pcc = rpcc(nil) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
-	if(m->cpuhz == 0){
-		/*
-		 * pcclast is needed to detect wraparound of
-		 * the cycle timer which is only 32-bits.
-		 * m->cpuhz is set from the info passed from
-		 * the firmware.
-		 * This could be in clockinit if can
-		 * guarantee no wraparound between then and now.
-		 *
-		 * All the clock stuff needs work.
-		 */
-		m->cpuhz = hwrpb->cfreq;
-		m->pcclast = pcc;
-	}
-	delta = pcc - m->pcclast;
-	if(delta < 0)
-		delta += 0x100000000LL;
-	m->pcclast = pcc;
-	m->fastclock += delta;
-	return MACHP(0)->fastclock;
-fastticks(uvlong* hz)
-	uvlong ticks;
-	int x;
-	x = splhi();
-	ticks = cycletimer();
-	splx(x);
-	if(hz)
-		*hz = m->cpuhz;
-	return ticks;
-	return fastticks2us(cycletimer());
- *  performance measurement ticks.  must be low overhead.
- *  doesn't have to count over a second.
- */
-	return rpcc(nil);
-microdelay(int us)
-	uvlong eot;
-	eot = fastticks(nil) + (m->cpuhz/1000000)*us;
-	while(fastticks(nil) < eot)
-		;
-delay(int millisecs)
-	microdelay(millisecs*1000);
-clock(Ureg *ureg)
-	static int count;
-	cycletimer();
-	/* HZ == 100, timer == 1024Hz.  error < 1ms */
-	count += 100;
-	if (count < 1024)
-		return;
-	count -= 1024;
-	timerintr(ureg, 0);

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-	return 0;
-timeradd(Timer *)
-timerdel(Timer *)

+ 0 - 266

@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Conf	Conf;
-typedef struct Confmem	Confmem;
-typedef struct FPsave	FPsave;
-typedef struct ISAConf	ISAConf;
-typedef struct Label	Label;
-typedef struct Lock	Lock;
-typedef struct Mach	Mach;
-typedef struct Notsave	Notsave;
-typedef struct Page	Page;
-typedef struct PCArch	PCArch;
-typedef struct PCB	PCB;
-typedef struct Pcidev	Pcidev;
-typedef struct PMMU	PMMU;
-typedef struct Proc	Proc;
-typedef struct Sys	Sys;
-typedef struct Ureg	Ureg;
-typedef struct Vctl	Vctl;
-typedef vlong		Tval;
-#define MAXSYSARG	6	/* for mount(fd, mpt, flag, arg, srv) */
- *  parameters for sysproc.c
- */
- *  machine dependent definitions used by ../port/dat.h
- */
-struct Lock
-	ulong	key;			/* semaphore (non-zero = locked) */
-	ulong	sr;
-	ulong	pc;
-	Proc	*p;
-	Mach	*m;
-	ulong	pid;
-	ushort	isilock;
-struct Label
-	ulong	sp;
-	ulong	pc;
- * Proc.fpstate
- */
-	/* floating point states */
-	FPinit,
-	FPactive,
-	FPinactive,
-	/* bit or'd with the state */
-	FPillegal= 0x100,
-struct	FPsave
-	long	fpreg[2*32];
-	long	dummy;		/* lower bits of FPCR, useless */
-	long	fpstatus;
-struct Confmem
-	ulong	base;
-	ulong	npage;
-	ulong	kbase;
-	ulong	klimit;
-struct Conf
-	ulong	nmach;		/* processors */
-	ulong	nproc;		/* processes */
-	Confmem	mem[2];
-	ulong	npage;		/* total physical pages of memory */
-	ulong	upages;		/* user page pool */
-	ulong	nimage;		/* number of page cache image headers */
-	ulong	nswap;		/* number of swap pages */
-	int	nswppo;		/* max # of pageouts per segment pass */
-	ulong	copymode;	/* 0 is copy on write, 1 is copy on reference */
-	int	monitor;		/* has display? */
-	ulong	ialloc;		/* bytes available for interrupt time allocation */
-	ulong	pipeqsize;	/* size in bytes of pipe queues */
- *  mmu goo in the Proc structure
- */
-struct PMMU
-	Page	*mmutop;	/* 1st level table */
-	Page	*mmulvl2;	/* 2nd level table */
-	Page	*mmufree;	/* unused page table pages */
-	Page	*mmuused;	/* used page table pages, except for mmustk */
- *  things saved in the Proc structure during a notify
- */
-struct Notsave
-	ulong	UNUSED;
-#include "../port/portdat.h"
- *  machine dependent definitions not used by ../port/dat.h
- */
- * Fake kmap
- */
-typedef	void		KMap;
-#define	VA(k)		((ulong)(k))
-#define	kmap(p)		(KMap*)((p)->pa|KZERO)
-#define	kunmap(k)
- *	Process Control Block, used by PALcode
- */
-struct PCB {
-	uvlong	ksp;
-	uvlong	usp;
-	uvlong	ptbr;
-	ulong	asn;
-	ulong	pcc;
-	uvlong	unique;
-	ulong	fen;
-	ulong	dummy;
-	uvlong	rsrv1;
-	uvlong	rsrv2;
-struct Mach
-	int	machno;			/* physical id of processor */
-	ulong	splpc;			/* pc that called splhi() */
-	Proc	*proc;			/* current process on this processor */
-	/* ordering from here on irrelevant */
-	ulong	ticks;			/* of the clock since boot time */
-	Label	sched;			/* scheduler wakeup */
-	Lock	alarmlock;		/* access to alarm list */
-	void	*alarm;			/* alarms bound to this clock */
-	int	inclockintr;
-	Proc*	readied;		/* for runproc */
-	ulong	schedticks;	/* next forced context switch */
-	vlong	cpuhz;			/* hwrpb->cfreq */
-	uvlong	cyclefreq;		/* Frequency of user readable cycle counter */
-	ulong	pcclast;
-	uvlong	fastclock;
-	Perf	perf;			/* performance counters */
-	int	tlbfault;		/* only used by devproc; no access to tlb */
-	int	tlbpurge;		/* ... */
-	int	pfault;
-	int	cs;
-	int	syscall;
-	int	load;
-	int	intr;
-	int	flushmmu;		/* make current proc flush it's mmu state */
-	int	ilockdepth;
-	ulong	spuriousintr;
-	int	lastintr;
-	PCB;
-	/* MUST BE LAST */
-	int	stack[1];
-	Lock;
-	short	machs;
-	short	exiting;
-	short	ispanic;
- *	Implementation-dependant functions (outside of Alpha architecture proper).
- *	Called PCArch because that's what mkdevc calls it (for the PC).
- */
-struct PCArch
-	char*	id;
-	int	(*ident)(void);
-	void	(*coreinit)(void);		/* set up core logic, PCI mappings etc */
-	void	(*corehello)(void);		/* identify core logic to user */
-	void	(*coredetach)(void);		/* restore core logic before return to console */
-	void	*(*pcicfg)(int, int);		/* map and point to PCI cfg space */
-	void	*(*pcimem)(int, int);		/* map and point to PCI memory space */
-	int	(*intrenable)(Vctl*);
-	int	(*intrvecno)(int);
-	int	(*intrdisable)(int);
-	int	(*_inb)(int);
-	ushort	(*_ins)(int);
-	ulong	(*_inl)(int);
-	void	(*_outb)(int, int);
-	void	(*_outs)(int, ushort);
-	void	(*_outl)(int, ulong);
-	void	(*_insb)(int, void*, int);
-	void	(*_inss)(int, void*, int);
-	void	(*_insl)(int, void*, int);
-	void	(*_outsb)(int, void*, int);
-	void	(*_outss)(int, void*, int);
-	void	(*_outsl)(int, void*, int);
- *  a parsed plan9.ini line
- */
-#define NISAOPT		8
-struct ISAConf {
-	char	*type;
-	ulong	port;
-	int	irq;
-	ulong	dma;
-	ulong	mem;
-	ulong	size;
-	ulong	freq;
-	int	nopt;
-	char	*opt[NISAOPT];
-extern PCArch	*arch;
-#define	MACHP(n)	((Mach *)((int)&mach0+n*BY2PG))
-extern Mach		mach0;
-extern register Mach	*m;
-extern register Proc	*up;
- *  hardware info about a device
- */
-typedef struct {
-	ulong	port;	
-	int	size;
-} Devport;
-struct DevConf
-	ulong	intnum;	/* interrupt number */
-	char	*type;	/* card type, malloced */
-	int	nports;	/* Number of ports */
-	Devport	*ports;	/* The ports themselves */
-extern FPsave initfp;

+ 0 - 533

@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#include	"axp.h"
-typedef struct IOMap IOMap;
-struct IOMap
-	IOMap	*next;
-	char	tag[13];
-	ulong	start;
-	ulong	end;
-static struct
-	Lock;
-	IOMap	*m;
-	IOMap	*free;
-	IOMap	maps[32];		// some initial free maps
-	QLock	ql;			// lock for reading map
-} iomap;
-enum {
-	Qdir = 0,
-	Qioalloc = 1,
-	Qiob,
-	Qiow,
-	Qiol,
-	Qbase,
-	Qmax = 16,
-typedef long Rdwrfn(Chan*, void*, long, vlong);
-static Rdwrfn *readfn[Qmax];
-static Rdwrfn *writefn[Qmax];
-static Dirtab archdir[] = {
-	".",	{ Qdir, 0, QTDIR },	0,	0555,
-	"ioalloc",	{ Qioalloc, 0 },	0,	0444,
-	"iob",		{ Qiob, 0 },		0,	0660,
-	"iow",		{ Qiow, 0 },		0,	0660,
-	"iol",		{ Qiol, 0 },		0,	0660,
-Lock archwlock;	/* the lock is only for changing archdir */
-int narchdir = Qbase;
-int (*_pcmspecial)(char *, ISAConf *);
-void (*_pcmspecialclose)(int);
- * Add a file to the #P listing.  Once added, you can't delete it.
- * You can't add a file with the same name as one already there,
- * and you get a pointer to the Dirtab entry so you can do things
- * like change the Qid version.  Changing the Qid path is disallowed.
- */
-addarchfile(char *name, int perm, Rdwrfn *rdfn, Rdwrfn *wrfn)
-	int i;
-	Dirtab d;
-	Dirtab *dp;
-	memset(&d, 0, sizeof d);
-	strcpy(d.name, name);
-	d.perm = perm;
-	lock(&archwlock);
-	if(narchdir >= Qmax){
-		unlock(&archwlock);
-		return nil;
-	}
-	for(i=0; i<narchdir; i++)
-		if(strcmp(archdir[i].name, name) == 0){
-			unlock(&archwlock);
-			return nil;
-		}
-	d.qid.path = narchdir;
-	archdir[narchdir] = d;
-	readfn[narchdir] = rdfn;
-	writefn[narchdir] = wrfn;
-	dp = &archdir[narchdir++];
-	unlock(&archwlock);
-	return dp;
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < nelem(iomap.maps)-1; i++)
-		iomap.maps[i].next = &iomap.maps[i+1];
-	iomap.maps[i].next = nil;
-	iomap.free = iomap.maps;
-	// a dummy entry at 2^17
-	ioalloc(0x20000, 1, 0, "dummy");
-//	alloc some io port space and remember who it was
-//	alloced to.  if port < 0, find a free region.
-ioalloc(int port, int size, int align, char *tag)
-	IOMap *m, **l;
-	int i;
-	lock(&iomap);
-	if(port < 0){
-		// find a free port above 0x400 and below 0x1000
-		port = 0x400;
-		for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
-			m = *l;
-			i = m->start - port;
-			if(i > size)
-				break;
-			if(align > 0)
-				port = ((port+align-1)/align)*align;
-			else
-				port = m->end;
-		}
-		if(*l == nil){
-			unlock(&iomap);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		// see if the space clashes with previously allocated ports
-		for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
-			m = *l;
-			if(m->end <= port)
-				continue;
-			if(m->start >= port+size)
-				break;
-			unlock(&iomap);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	m = iomap.free;
-	if(m == nil){
-		print("ioalloc: out of maps");
-		unlock(&iomap);
-		return port;
-	}
-	iomap.free = m->next;
-	m->next = *l;
-	m->start = port;
-	m->end = port + size;
-	strncpy(m->tag, tag, sizeof(m->tag));
-	m->tag[sizeof(m->tag)-1] = 0;
-	*l = m;
-	archdir[0].qid.vers++;
-	unlock(&iomap);
-	return m->start;
-iofree(int port)
-	IOMap *m, **l;
-	lock(&iomap);
-	for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
-		if((*l)->start == port){
-			m = *l;
-			*l = m->next;
-			m->next = iomap.free;
-			iomap.free = m;
-			break;
-		}
-		if((*l)->start > port)
-			break;
-	}
-	archdir[0].qid.vers++;
-	unlock(&iomap);
-iounused(int start, int end)
-	IOMap *m;
-	for(m = iomap.m; m; m = m->next){
-		if(start >= m->start && start < m->end
-		|| start <= m->start && end > m->start)
-			return 0; 
-	}
-	return 1;
-static void
-checkport(int start, int end)
-	/* standard vga regs are OK */
-	if(start >= 0x2b0 && end <= 0x2df+1)
-		return;
-	if(start >= 0x3c0 && end <= 0x3da+1)
-		return;
-	if(iounused(start, end))
-		return;
-	error(Eperm);
-static Chan*
-archattach(char* spec)
-	return devattach('P', spec);
-archwalk(Chan* c, Chan *nc, char** name, int nname)
-	return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, archdir, narchdir, devgen);
-static int
-archstat(Chan* c, uchar* dp, int n)
-	return devstat(c, dp, n, archdir, narchdir, devgen);
-static Chan*
-archopen(Chan* c, int omode)
-	return devopen(c, omode, archdir, nelem(archdir), devgen);
-static void
-	Linelen= 31,
-static long
-archread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
-	char buf[Linelen+1], *p;
-	int port;
-	ushort *sp;
-	ulong *lp;
-	IOMap *m;
-	Rdwrfn *fn;
-	switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
-	case Qdir:
-		return devdirread(c, a, n, archdir, nelem(archdir), devgen);
-	case Qiob:
-		port = offset;
-		checkport(offset, offset+n);
-		for(p = a; port < offset+n; port++)
-			*p++ = inb(port);
-		return n;
-	case Qiow:
-		if((n & 0x01) || (offset & 0x01))
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		checkport(offset, offset+n+1);
-		n /= 2;
-		sp = a;
-		for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 2)
-			*sp++ = ins(port);
-		return n*2;
-	case Qiol:
-		if((n & 0x03) || (offset & 0x03))
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		checkport(offset, offset+n+3);
-		n /= 4;
-		lp = a;
-		for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 4)
-			*lp++ = inl(port);
-		return n*4;
-	case Qioalloc:
-		break;
-	default:
-		if(c->qid.path < narchdir && (fn = readfn[c->qid.path]))
-			return fn(c, a, n, offset);
-		error(Eperm);
-		break;
-	}
-	offset = offset/Linelen;
-	n = n/Linelen;
-	p = a;
-	lock(&iomap);
-	for(m = iomap.m; n > 0 && m != nil; m = m->next){
-		if(offset-- > 0)
-			continue;
-		if(strcmp(m->tag, "dummy") == 0)
-			break;
-		sprint(buf, "%8lux %8lux %-12.12s\n", m->start, m->end-1, m->tag);
-		memmove(p, buf, Linelen);
-		p += Linelen;
-		n--;
-	}
-	unlock(&iomap);
-	return p - (char*)a;
-static long
-archwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
-	char *p;
-	int port;
-	ushort *sp;
-	ulong *lp;
-	Rdwrfn *fn;
-	switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
-	case Qiob:
-		p = a;
-		checkport(offset, offset+n);
-		for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port++)
-			outb(port, *p++);
-		return n;
-	case Qiow:
-		if((n & 01) || (offset & 01))
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		checkport(offset, offset+n+1);
-		n /= 2;
-		sp = a;
-		for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 2)
-			outs(port, *sp++);
-		return n*2;
-	case Qiol:
-		if((n & 0x03) || (offset & 0x03))
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		checkport(offset, offset+n+3);
-		n /= 4;
-		lp = a;
-		for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 4)
-			outl(port, *lp++);
-		return n*4;
-	default:
-		if(c->qid.path < narchdir && (fn = writefn[c->qid.path]))
-			return fn(c, a, n, offset);
-		error(Eperm);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-Dev archdevtab = {
-	'P',
-	"arch",
-	devreset,
-	devinit,	
-	devshutdown,
-	archattach,
-	archwalk,
-	archstat,
-	archopen,
-	devcreate,
-	archclose,
-	archread,
-	devbread,
-	archwrite,
-	devbwrite,
-	devremove,
-	devwstat,
-PCArch* arch;
-extern PCArch* knownarch[];
-PCArch archgeneric = {
-	"generic",				/* id */
-	0,					/* ident */
-	0,					/* coreinit */
-	0,					/* coredetach */
-static char	*sysnames[] =
-[1]		"Alpha Demo. Unit",
-[2]		"DEC 4000; Cobra",
-[3]		"DEC 7000; Ruby",
-[4]		"DEC 3000/500; Flamingo family (TC)",
-[6]		"DEC 2000/300; Jensen (EISA/ISA)",
-[7]		"DEC 3000/300; Pelican (TC)",
-[8]		"Avalon A12; Avalon Multicomputer",
-[9]		"DEC 2100/A500; Sable",
-[10]		"DEC APXVME/64; AXPvme (VME?)",
-[11]		"DEC AXPPCI/33; NoName (PCI/ISA)",
-[12]		"DEC 21000; TurboLaser (PCI/EISA)",
-[13]		"DEC 2100/A50; Avanti (PCI/ISA)",
-[14]		"DEC MUSTANG; Mustang",
-[15]		"DEC KN20AA; kn20aa (PCI/EISA)",
-[17]		"DEC 1000; Mikasa (PCI/ISA?)",
-[19]		"EB66; EB66 (PCI/ISA?)",		// DEC?
-[20]		"EB64P; EB64+ (PCI/ISA?)",		// DEC?
-[21]		"Alphabook1; Alphabook",
-[22]		"DEC 4100; Rawhide (PCI/EISA)",
-[23]		"DEC EV45/PBP; Lego",
-[24]		"DEC 2100A/A500; Lynx",
-[26]		"DEC AlphaPC 164",	// only supported one: "EB164 (PCI/ISA)"
-[27]		"DEC 1000A; Noritake",
-[28]		"DEC AlphaVME/224; Cortex",
-[30]		"DEC 550; Miata (PCI/ISA)",
-[32]		"DEC EV56/PBP; Takara",
-[33]		"DEC AlphaVME/320; Yukon (VME?)",
-[34]		"DEC 6600; MonetGoldrush",
-// 200 and up is Alpha Processor Inc. machines
-// [201]	"API UP1000; Nautilus",
-static char	*cpunames[] =
-[1]		"EV3",
-[2]		"EV4: 21064",
-[3]		"Simulation",
-[4]		"LCA4: 2106[68]",
-[5]		"EV5: 21164",
-[6]		"EV45: 21064A",
-[7]		"21164A",		/* only supported one: EV56 */
-[8]		"EV6: 21264",
-[9]		"PCA256: 21164PC",
-	int i, maj, min;
-	Hwcpu *cpu;
-	Hwdsr *dsr;
-	char *s;
-	print("\n");
-	if (hwrpb->rev >= 6) {
-		dsr = (Hwdsr*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->dsroff);
-		s = (char*)dsr + dsr->sysnameoff + 8;
-		print("%s\n", s);
-	}
-	else {
-		s = "<unknown>";
-		if (hwrpb->systype < nelem(sysnames))
-			s = sysnames[hwrpb->systype];
-		print("%s (%llux, %llux, %llux)\n", s, hwrpb->systype, hwrpb->sysvar, hwrpb->sysrev);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < hwrpb->ncpu; i++) {
-		cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + i*hwrpb->cpulen);
-		s = "<unknown>";
-		maj = (ulong)cpu->cputype;
-		min = (ulong)(cpu->cputype>>32);
-		if (maj < nelem(cpunames))
-			s = cpunames[maj];
-		print("cpu%d: %s-%d (%d.%d, %llux, %llux)\n",
-			i, s, min, maj, min, cpu->cpuvar, cpu->cpurev);
-	}
-	print("\n");
-static long
-cputyperead(Chan*, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
-	char str[32], *cputype;
-	ulong mhz, maj;
-	Hwcpu *cpu;
-	mhz = (m->cpuhz+999999)/1000000;
-	cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff);	/* NB CPU 0 */
-	cputype = "unknown";
-	maj = (ulong)cpu->cputype;
-	if (maj < nelem(cpunames))
-		cputype = cpunames[maj];
-	snprint(str, sizeof(str), "%s %lud\n", cputype, mhz);
-	return readstr(offset, a, n, str);
-	PCArch **p;
-	arch = 0;
-	for(p = knownarch; *p; p++){
-		if((*p)->ident && (*p)->ident() == 0){
-			arch = *p;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if(arch == 0)
-		arch = &archgeneric;
-	addarchfile("cputype", 0444, cputyperead, nil);
-pcmspecial(char *idstr, ISAConf *isa)
-	return (_pcmspecial  != nil)? _pcmspecial(idstr, isa): -1;
-pcmspecialclose(int a)
-	if (_pcmspecialclose != nil)
-		_pcmspecialclose(a);

+ 0 - 407

@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
- * VGA controller
- */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#define	Image	IMAGE
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <memdraw.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include "screen.h"
-extern uchar	*vgabios;
-enum {
-	Qdir,
-	Qvgactl,
-	Qvgabios,
-static Dirtab vgadir[] = {
-	".",	{ Qdir, 0, QTDIR },		0,	0550,
-	"vgactl",	{ Qvgactl, 0 },		0,	0660,
-	"vgabios",	{ Qvgabios, 0 },		0x10000,	0440,
-static void
-	/* reserve the 'standard' vga registers */
-	if(ioalloc(0x2b0, 0x2df-0x2b0+1, 0, "vga") < 0)
-		panic("vga ports already allocated"); 
-	if(ioalloc(0x3c0, 0x3da-0x3c0+1, 0, "vga") < 0)
-		panic("vga ports already allocated"); 
-	conf.monitor = 1;
-static Chan*
-vgaattach(char* spec)
-	if(*spec && strcmp(spec, "0"))
-		error(Eio);
-	return devattach('v', spec);
-vgawalk(Chan* c, Chan *nc, char** name, int nname)
-	return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static int
-vgastat(Chan* c, uchar* dp, int n)
-	return devstat(c, dp, n, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static Chan*
-vgaopen(Chan* c, int omode)
-	return devopen(c, omode, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static void
-static void
-checkport(int start, int end)
-	/* standard vga regs are OK */
-	if(start >= 0x2b0 && end <= 0x2df+1)
-		return;
-	if(start >= 0x3c0 && end <= 0x3da+1)
-		return;
-	if(iounused(start, end))
-		return;
-	error(Eperm);
-static long
-vgaread(Chan* c, void* a, long n, vlong off)
-	int len;
-	char *p, *s;
-	VGAscr *scr;
-	ulong offset = off;
-	char chbuf[30];
-	switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
-	case Qdir:
-		return devdirread(c, a, n, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-	case Qvgactl:
-		scr = &vgascreen[0];
-		p = malloc(READSTR);
-		if(waserror()){
-			free(p);
-			nexterror();
-		}
-		len = 0;
-		if(scr->dev)
-			s = scr->dev->name;
-		else
-			s = "cga";
-		len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "type %s\n", s);
-		if(scr->gscreen) {
-			len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "size %dx%dx%d %s\n",
-				scr->gscreen->r.max.x, scr->gscreen->r.max.y,
-				scr->gscreen->depth, chantostr(chbuf, scr->gscreen->chan));
-			if(Dx(scr->gscreen->r) != Dx(physgscreenr) 
-			|| Dy(scr->gscreen->r) != Dy(physgscreenr))
-				len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "actualsize %dx%d\n",
-					physgscreenr.max.x, physgscreenr.max.y);
-		}
-		len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "blanktime %lud\n", blanktime);
-		len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "hwaccel %s\n", hwaccel ? "on" : "off");
-		len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "hwblank %s\n", hwblank ? "on" : "off");
-		snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "addr 0x%lux\n", scr->paddr);
-		n = readstr(offset, a, n, p);
-		poperror();
-		free(p);
-		return n;
-	case Qvgabios:
-		if(vgabios == nil)
-			error(Egreg);
-		if(offset&0x80000000)
-			offset &= ~0x800E0000;
-		if(offset+n > 0x10000)
-			n = 0x10000-offset;
-		if(n < 0)
-			return 0;
-		memmove(a, vgabios+offset, n);
-		return n;
-	default:
-		error(Egreg);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static char Ebusy[] = "vga already configured";
-static void
-vgactl(char* a)
-	int align, i, n, size, x, y, z;
-	char *chanstr, *field[6], *p;
-	ulong chan;
-	VGAscr *scr;
-	extern VGAdev *vgadev[];
-	extern VGAcur *vgacur[];
-	Rectangle r;
-	n = tokenize(a, field, nelem(field));
-	if(n < 1)
-		error(Ebadarg);
-	scr = &vgascreen[0];
-	if(strcmp(field[0], "hwgc") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0){
-			lock(&cursor);
-			if(scr->cur){
-				if(scr->cur->disable)
-					scr->cur->disable(scr);
-				scr->cur = nil;
-			}
-			unlock(&cursor);
-			return;
-		}
-		for(i = 0; vgacur[i]; i++){
-			if(strcmp(field[1], vgacur[i]->name))
-				continue;
-			lock(&cursor);
-			if(scr->cur && scr->cur->disable)
-				scr->cur->disable(scr);
-			scr->cur = vgacur[i];
-			if(scr->cur->enable)
-				scr->cur->enable(scr);
-			unlock(&cursor);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "type") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		for(i = 0; vgadev[i]; i++){
-			if(strcmp(field[1], vgadev[i]->name))
-				continue;
-			if(scr->dev && scr->dev->disable)
-				scr->dev->disable(scr);
-			scr->dev = vgadev[i];
-			if(scr->dev->enable)
-				scr->dev->enable(scr);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "size") == 0){
-		if(n < 3)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(drawhasclients())
-			error(Ebusy);
-		x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
-		if(x == 0 || x > 2048)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(*p)
-			p++;
-		y = strtoul(p, &p, 0);
-		if(y == 0 || y > 2048)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(*p)
-			p++;
-		z = strtoul(p, &p, 0);
-		chanstr = field[2];
-		if((chan = strtochan(chanstr)) == 0)
-			error("bad channel");
-		if(chantodepth(chan) != z)
-			error("depth, channel do not match");
-		cursoroff(1);
-		deletescreenimage();
-		if(screensize(x, y, z, chan))
-			error(Egreg);
-		vgascreenwin(scr);
-		cursoron(1);
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "actualsize") == 0){
-		if(scr->gscreen == nil)
-			error("set the screen size first");
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
-		if(x == 0 || x > 2048)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(*p)
-			p++;
-		y = strtoul(p, nil, 0);
-		if(y == 0 || y > 2048)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(x > scr->gscreen->r.max.x || y > scr->gscreen->r.max.y)
-			error("physical screen bigger than virtual");
-		r = Rect(0,0,x,y);
-		if(!eqrect(r, scr->gscreen->r)){
-			if(scr->cur == nil || scr->cur->doespanning == 0)
-				error("virtual screen not supported");
-		}
-		physgscreenr = r;
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "palettedepth") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
-		if(x != 8 && x != 6)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		scr->palettedepth = x;
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "drawinit") == 0){
-		if(scr && scr->dev && scr->dev->drawinit)
-			scr->dev->drawinit(scr);
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "linear") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		size = strtoul(field[1], 0, 0);
-		if(n < 3)
-			align = 0;
-		else
-			align = strtoul(field[2], 0, 0);
-		if(screenaperture(size, align))
-			error("not enough free address space");
-		return;
-	}
-/*	else if(strcmp(field[0], "memset") == 0){
-		if(n < 4)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		memset((void*)strtoul(field[1], 0, 0), atoi(field[2]), atoi(field[3]));
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "blank") == 0){
-		if(n < 1)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		drawblankscreen(1);
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "blanktime") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		blanktime = strtoul(field[1], 0, 0);
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "hwaccel") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(strcmp(field[1], "on") == 0)
-			hwaccel = 1;
-		else if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0)
-			hwaccel = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	else if(strcmp(field[0], "hwblank") == 0){
-		if(n < 2)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		if(strcmp(field[1], "on") == 0)
-			hwblank = 1;
-		else if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0)
-			hwblank = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	error(Ebadarg);
-static long
-vgawrite(Chan* c, void* a, long n, vlong off)
-	char *p;
-	ulong offset = off;
-	switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
-	case Qdir:
-		error(Eperm);
-	case Qvgactl:
-		if(offset || n >= READSTR)
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		p = malloc(READSTR);
-		if(waserror()){
-			free(p);
-			nexterror();
-		}
-		memmove(p, a, n);
-		p[n] = 0;
-		vgactl(p);
-		poperror();
-		free(p);
-		return n;
-	default:
-		error(Egreg);
-		break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-Dev vgadevtab = {
-	'v',
-	"vga",
-	vgareset,
-	devinit,	
-	devshutdown,
-	vgaattach,
-	vgawalk,
-	vgastat,
-	vgaopen,
-	devcreate,
-	vgaclose,
-	vgaread,
-	devbread,
-	vgawrite,
-	devbwrite,
-	devremove,
-	devwstat,

+ 0 - 331

@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-typedef struct DMAport	DMAport;
-typedef struct DMA	DMA;
-typedef struct DMAxfer	DMAxfer;
- *  state of a dma transfer
- */
-struct DMAxfer
-	ulong	bpa;		/* bounce buffer physical address */
-	void*	bva;		/* bounce buffer virtual address */
-	int	blen;		/* bounce buffer length */
-	void*	va;		/* virtual address destination/src */
-	long	len;		/* bytes to be transferred */
-	int	isread;
- *  the dma controllers.  the first half of this structure specifies
- *  the I/O ports used by the DMA controllers.
- */
-struct DMAport
-	uchar	addr[4];	/* current address (4 channels) */
-	uchar	count[4];	/* current count (4 channels) */
-	uchar	page[4];	/* page registers (4 channels) */
-	uchar	cmd;		/* command status register */
-	uchar	req;		/* request registers */
-	uchar	sbm;		/* single bit mask register */
-	uchar	mode;		/* mode register */
-	uchar	cbp;		/* clear byte pointer */
-	uchar	mc;		/* master clear */
-	uchar	cmask;		/* clear mask register */
-	uchar	wam;		/* write all mask register bit */
-struct DMA
-	DMAport;
-	int	shift;
-	Lock;
-	DMAxfer	x[4];
-DMA dma[2] = {
-	{ 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06,
-	  0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07,
-	  0x87, 0x83, 0x81, 0x82,
-	  0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
-	 0 },
-	{ 0xc0, 0xc4, 0xc8, 0xcc,
-	  0xc2, 0xc6, 0xca, 0xce,
-	  0x8f, 0x8b, 0x89, 0x8a,
-	  0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xdc, 0xde,
-	 1 },
-extern int i8237dma;
-static void* i8237bva[2];
-static int i8237used;
- *  DMA must be in the first 16MB.  This gets called early by the
- *  initialisation routines of any devices which require DMA to ensure
- *  the allocated bounce buffers are below the 16MB limit.
- */
-	void* bva;
-	if(i8237dma <= 0)
-		return;
-	if(i8237dma > 2)
-		i8237dma = 2;
-	bva = xspanalloc(64*1024*i8237dma, BY2PG, 64*1024);
-	if(bva == nil || PADDR(bva)+64*1024*i8237dma > 16*MB){
-		/*
-		 * This will panic with the current
-		 * implementation of xspanalloc().
-		if(bva != nil)
-			xfree(bva);
-		 */
-		return;
-	}
-	i8237bva[0] = bva;
-	if(i8237dma == 2)
-		i8237bva[1] = ((uchar*)i8237bva[0])+64*1024;
-static void
-dmastatus(DMA *dp, int chan, char c)
-	int a, l, s;
-	ilock(dp);
-	outb(dp->cbp, 0);
-	a = inb(dp->addr[chan]);
-	a |= inb(dp->addr[chan])<<8;
-	a |= inb(dp->page[chan])<<16;
-	a |= inb(0x400|dp->page[chan])<<24;
-	outb(dp->cbp, 0);
-	l = inb(dp->count[chan]);
-	l |= inb(dp->count[chan])<<8;
-	s = inb(dp->cmd);
-	iunlock(dp);
-	print("%c: addr %uX len %uX stat %uX\n", c, a, l, s);
-dmainit(int chan, int maxtransfer)
-	DMA *dp;
-	DMAxfer *xp;
-	static int once;
-	if(once == 0){
-		if(ioalloc(0x00, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0
-		|| ioalloc(0x80, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0
-		|| ioalloc(0xd0, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0)
-			panic("dmainit");
-		outb(dma[0].mc, 0);
-		outb(dma[1].mc, 0);
-		outb(dma[0].cmask, 0);
-		outb(dma[1].cmask, 0);
-		outb(dma[1].mode, 0xC0);
-		once = 1;
-	}
-	if(maxtransfer > 64*1024)
-		maxtransfer = 64*1024;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	chan = chan & 3;
-	xp = &dp->x[chan];
-	if(xp->bva != nil){
-		if(xp->blen < maxtransfer)
-			return 1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'I');
-	if(i8237used >= i8237dma || i8237bva[i8237used] == nil){
-		print("no i8237 DMA bounce buffer < 16MB\n");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	xp->bva = i8237bva[i8237used++];
-	xp->bpa = PADDR(xp->bva);
-	xp->blen = maxtransfer;
-	xp->len = 0;
-	xp->isread = 0;
-	return 0;
-xdmastatus(int chan)
-	DMA *dp;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	chan = chan & 3;
-	dmastatus(dp, chan, 'X');
- *  setup a dma transfer.  if the destination is not in kernel
- *  memory, allocate a page for the transfer.
- *
- *  we assume BIOS has set up the command register before we
- *  are booted.
- *
- *  return the updated transfer length (we can't transfer across 64k
- *  boundaries)
- */
-dmasetup(int chan, void *va, long len, int isread)
-	DMA *dp;
-	ulong pa;
-	uchar mode;
-	DMAxfer *xp;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	chan = chan & 3;
-	xp = &dp->x[chan];
-//print("va%lux+", va);
-#define tryPCI
-#ifndef PCIWADDR
-#define PCIWADDR(va)	PADDR(va)
-#endif /* PCIWADDR */
-#ifdef notdef
-	/*
-	 *  if this isn't kernel memory or crossing 64k boundary or above 16 meg
-	 *  use the bounce buffer.
-	 */
-	pa = PADDR(va);
-	if((((ulong)va)&0xF0000000) != KZERO
-	|| (pa&0xFFFF0000) != ((pa+len)&0xFFFF0000)
-	|| pa >= 16*MB) {
-		if(xp->bva == nil)
-			return -1;
-		if(len > xp->blen)
-			len = xp->blen;
-		if(!isread)
-			memmove(xp->bva, va, len);
-		xp->va = va;
-		xp->len = len;
-		xp->isread = isread;
-		pa = xp->bpa;
-	}
-	else
-		xp->len = 0;
-#endif /* notdef */
-#ifdef tryISA
-	pa = ISAWADDR(va);
-#endif /* tryISA */
-#ifdef tryPCI
-	pa = PCIWADDR(va);
-	if((((ulong)va)&0xF0000000) != KZERO){
-		if(xp->bva == nil)
-			return -1;
-		if(len > xp->blen)
-			len = xp->blen;
-		if(!isread)
-			memmove(xp->bva, va, len);
-		xp->va = va;
-		xp->len = len;
-		xp->isread = isread;
-		pa = PCIWADDR(xp->bva);
-	}
-	else
-		xp->len = 0;
-#endif /* tryPCI */
-	/*
-	 * this setup must be atomic
-	 */
-	mode = (isread ? 0x44 : 0x48) | chan;
-	ilock(dp);
-	outb(dp->cbp, 0);		/* set count & address to their first byte */
-	outb(dp->mode, mode);	/* single mode dma (give CPU a chance at mem) */
-	outb(dp->addr[chan], pa>>dp->shift);		/* set address */
-	outb(dp->addr[chan], pa>>(8+dp->shift));
-	outb(dp->page[chan], pa>>16);
-#ifdef tryPCI
-	outb(0x400|dp->page[chan], pa>>24);
-#endif /* tryPCI */
-	outb(dp->cbp, 0);		/* set count & address to their first byte */
-	outb(dp->count[chan], (len>>dp->shift)-1);		/* set count */
-	outb(dp->count[chan], ((len>>dp->shift)-1)>>8);
-	outb(dp->sbm, chan);		/* enable the channel */
-	iunlock(dp);
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'S');
-	return len;
-dmadone(int chan)
-	DMA *dp;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	chan = chan & 3;
-	return inb(dp->cmd) & (1<<chan);
- *  this must be called after a dma has been completed.
- *
- *  if a page has been allocated for the dma,
- *  copy the data into the actual destination
- *  and free the page.
- */
-dmaend(int chan)
-	DMA *dp;
-	DMAxfer *xp;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	chan = chan & 3;
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'E');
-	/*
-	 *  disable the channel
-	 */
-	ilock(dp);
-	outb(dp->sbm, 4|chan);
-	iunlock(dp);
-	xp = &dp->x[chan];
-	if(xp->len == 0 || !xp->isread)
-		return;
-	/*
-	 *  copy out of temporary page
-	 */
-	memmove(xp->va, xp->bva, xp->len);
-	xp->len = 0;
-dmacount(int chan)
-	int     retval;
-	DMA     *dp;
-	dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
-	outb(dp->cbp, 0);
-	retval = inb(dp->count[chan]);
-	retval |= inb(dp->count[chan]) << 8;
-	return((retval<<dp->shift)+1);
- */

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-enum {
-	MaxEther	= 24,
-	Ntypes		= 8,
-typedef struct Ether Ether;
-struct Ether {
-	ISAConf;			/* hardware info */
-	int	ctlrno;
-	int	tbdf;			/* type+busno+devno+funcno */
-	int	minmtu;
-	int 	maxmtu;
-	uchar	ea[Eaddrlen];
-	void	(*attach)(Ether*);	/* filled in by reset routine */
-	void	(*detach)(Ether*);	/* NEW, from ../pc */
-	void	(*transmit)(Ether*);
-	void	(*interrupt)(Ureg*, void*);
-	long	(*ifstat)(Ether*, void*, long, ulong);
-	long 	(*ctl)(Ether*, void*, long); /* custom ctl messages */
-/* START NEW, from ../pc */
-	void	(*power)(Ether*, int);	/* power on/off */
-	void	(*shutdown)(Ether*);	/* shutdown hardware before reboot */
-/* END NEW */
-	void	*ctlr;
-	Queue*	oq;
-	Netif;
-extern Block* etheriq(Ether*, Block*, int);
-extern void addethercard(char*, int(*)(Ether*));
-extern ulong ethercrc(uchar*, int);
-extern int parseether(uchar*, char*);
-#define NEXT(x, l)	(((x)+1)%(l))
-#define PREV(x, l)	(((x) == 0) ? (l)-1: (x)-1)
-#define	HOWMANY(x, y)	(((x)+((y)-1))/(y))
-#define ROUNDUP(x, y)	(HOWMANY((x), (y))*(y))

+ 0 - 62

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"ureg.h"
-#include	"../port/error.h"
- *  find out fault address and type of access.
- *  Call common fault handler.
- */
-faultalpha(Ureg *ur)
-	ulong addr, cause;
-	int read, user;
-	char buf[ERRMAX];
-	uvlong x;
-	x = ur->a0&0xffffffff80000000LL;
-	if (x != 0LL && x != 0xffffffff80000000LL)
-		iprint("faultalpha bad addr %llux pc %llux\n", ur->a0, ur->pc);
-	addr = (ulong)ur->a0;
-	cause = (ulong)ur->a2;
-	addr &= ~(BY2PG-1);
-	read = (cause !=1);
-	user = (ulong)ur->status&UMODE;
-/*	print("fault %s pc=0x%lux addr=0x%lux 0x%lux\n",
-		read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->pc, addr, (ulong)ur->a1); /**/
-	if(fault(addr, read) == 0)
-		return;
-	if(user){
-		sprint(buf, "sys: trap: fault %s addr=0x%lux",
-			read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->a0);
-		postnote(up, 1, buf, NDebug);
-		return;
-	}
-	iprint("kernel %s vaddr=0x%lux\n", read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->a0);
-	if(0)
-		mmudump();
-	dumpregs(ur);
-	_dumpstack(ur);
-	exit(1);
- * called in sysfile.c
- */
-evenaddr(ulong addr)
-	if(addr & 3){
-		postnote(up, 1, "sys: odd address", NDebug);
-		error(Ebadarg);
-	}

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- * SMC FDC37C93x Plug and Play Compatible Ultra I/O Controller.
- */
-enum {					/* I/O Ports */
-	Config		= 0x370,	/* could also be 0x3F0 */
-	Index		= 0,
-	Data		= 1,
-static int fddregs[] = {
-	0x30,
-	0x60, 0x61,
-	0x70,
-	0x74,
-	0xF0,
-	0xF1,
-	0xF2,
-	0xF4,
-	0xF5,
-	0,
-#define OUTB(p, d)	outb(p, d); microdelay(10);
-	int config, i, x;
-	config = Config;
-	OUTB(config, 0x55);
-	OUTB(config, 0x55);
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x20);
-	x = inb(config+Data);
-	print("fdc37c93x: Device ID 0x%2.2uX\n", x);
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x22);
-	x = inb(config+Data);
-	print("fdc37c93x: Power/Control 0x%2.2uX\n", x);
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x07);
-	OUTB(config+Data, 0);
-	for(i = 0; fddregs[i]; i++){
-		OUTB(config+Index, fddregs[i]);
-		x = inb(config+Data);
-		print("FDD%2.2uX: 0x%2.2uX\n", fddregs[i], x);
-	}
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x70);
-	OUTB(config+Data, 0x06);
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x74);
-	OUTB(config+Data, 0x02);
-	OUTB(config+Index, 0x30);
-	OUTB(config+Data, 0x01);
-	OUTB(config, 0xAA);

+ 0 - 181

@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-typedef	struct FController FController;
-typedef	struct FDrive FDrive;
-typedef struct FType FType;
-static void floppyintr(Ureg*);
-static int floppyon(FDrive*);
-static void floppyoff(FDrive*);
-static void floppysetdef(FDrive*);
- *  a floppy drive
- */
-struct FDrive
-	FType	*t;		/* floppy type */
-	int	dt;		/* drive type */
-	int	dev;
-	ulong	lasttouched;	/* time last touched */
-	int	cyl;		/* current arm position */
-	int	confused;	/* needs to be recalibrated */
-	int	vers;
-	int	maxtries;	/* max read attempts before Eio */
-	int	tcyl;		/* target cylinder */
-	int	thead;		/* target head */
-	int	tsec;		/* target sector */
-	long	len;		/* size of xfer */
-	uchar	*cache;		/* track cache */
-	int	ccyl;
-	int	chead;
-	Rendez	r;		/* waiting here for motor to spin up */
- *  controller for 4 floppys
- */
-struct FController
-	QLock;			/* exclusive access to the contoller */
-	int	ndrive;
-	FDrive	*d;		/* the floppy drives */
-	FDrive	*selected;
-	int	rate;		/* current rate selected */
-	uchar	cmd[14];	/* command */
-	int	ncmd;		/* # command bytes */
-	uchar	stat[14];	/* command status */
-	int	nstat;		/* # status bytes */
-	int	confused;	/* controler needs to be reset */
-	Rendez	r;		/* wait here for command termination */
-	int	motor;		/* bit mask of spinning disks */
-	Rendez	kr;		/* for motor watcher */
- *  floppy types (all MFM encoding)
- */
-struct FType
-	char	*name;
-	int	dt;		/* compatible drive type */
-	int	bytes;		/* bytes/sector */
-	int	sectors;	/* sectors/track */
-	int	heads;		/* number of heads */
-	int	steps;		/* steps per cylinder */
-	int	tracks;		/* tracks/disk */
-	int	gpl;		/* intersector gap length for read/write */	
-	int	fgpl;		/* intersector gap length for format */
-	int	rate;		/* rate code */
-	/*
-	 *  these depend on previous entries and are set filled in
-	 *  by floppyinit
-	 */
-	int	bcode;		/* coded version of bytes for the controller */
-	long	cap;		/* drive capacity in bytes */
-	long	tsize;		/* track size in bytes */
-/* bits in the registers */
-	/* status registers a & b */
-	Psra=		0x3f0,
-	Psrb=		0x3f1,
-	/* digital output register */
-	Pdor=		0x3f2,
-	Fintena=	0x8,	/* enable floppy interrupt */
-	Fena=		0x4,	/* 0 == reset controller */
-	/* main status register */
-	Pmsr=		0x3f4,
-	Fready=		0x80,	/* ready to be touched */
-	Ffrom=		0x40,	/* data from controller */
-	Ffloppybusy=	0x10,	/* operation not over */
-	/* data register */
-	Pfdata=		0x3f5,
-	Frecal=		0x07,	/* recalibrate cmd */
-	Fseek=		0x0f,	/* seek cmd */
-	Fsense=		0x08,	/* sense cmd */
-	Fread=		0x66,	/* read cmd */
-	Freadid=	0x4a,	/* read track id */
-	Fspec=		0x03,	/* set hold times */
-	Fwrite=		0x45,	/* write cmd */
-	Fformat=	0x4d,	/* format cmd */
-	Fmulti=		0x80,	/* or'd with Fread or Fwrite for multi-head */
-	Fdumpreg=	0x0e,	/* dump internal registers */
-	/* digital input register */
-	Pdir=		0x3F7,	/* disk changed port (read only) */
-	Pdsr=		0x3F7,	/* data rate select port (write only) */
-	Fchange=	0x80,	/* disk has changed */
-	/* status 0 byte */
-	Drivemask=	3<<0,
-	Seekend=	1<<5,
-	Codemask=	(3<<6)|(3<<3),
-	Cmdexec=	1<<6,
-	/* status 1 byte */
-	Overrun=	0x10,
-static void
-pcfloppyintr(Ureg *ur, void *a)
-	USED(a);
-	floppyintr(ur);
-floppysetup0(FController *fl)
-	fl->ndrive = 0;
-	if(ioalloc(Psra, 6, 0, "floppy") < 0)
-		return;
-	if(ioalloc(Pdir, 1, 0, "floppy") < 0){
-		iofree(Psra);
-		return;
-	}
-	fl->ndrive = 1;
-floppysetup1(FController *fl)
-	if(fl->ndrive > 0){
-		fl->d[0].dt = 4;
-		floppysetdef(&fl->d[0]);
-	}
-	if(fl->ndrive > 1){
-		fl->d[1].dt = 4;
-		floppysetdef(&fl->d[1]);
-	}
-	intrenable(IrqFLOPPY, pcfloppyintr, fl, BUSUNKNOWN, "floppy");
- *  eject disk
- */
-floppyeject(FDrive *dp)
-	floppyon(dp);
-	dp->vers++;
-	floppyoff(dp);
-floppyexec(char *a, long b, int c)
-	USED(a, b, c);
-	return b;

+ 0 - 128

@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#include "../port/portfns.h"
-Dirtab*	addarchfile(char*, int, long(*)(Chan*,void*,long,vlong), long(*)(Chan*,void*,long,vlong));
-void	archinit(void);
-void	arginit(void);
-void	arith(void);
-ulong	cankaddr(ulong);
-void	clock(Ureg*);
-void	clockinit(void);
-void	clockintrsched(void);
-#define coherence 	mb
-int	cistrcmp(char*, char*);
-int	cistrncmp(char*, char*, int);
-int	cmpswap(long*, long, long);
-void	cpuidprint(void);
-void	cserve(ulong, ulong);
-#define cycles(x)	do{}while(0)
-void	timeradd(Timer *);
-void	timerdel(Timer *);
-int	dmacount(int);
-int	dmadone(int);
-void	dmaend(int);
-int	dmainit(int, int);
-long	dmasetup(int, void*, long, int);
-void	_dumpstack(Ureg *);
-void	evenaddr(ulong);
-void	fataltrap(Ureg *, char *);
-void	fault0(void);
-void	faultalpha(Ureg*);
-ulong	fcr31(void);
-void	firmware(void);
-void	fpenab(int);
-void	fptrap(Ureg*);
-int	getcfields(char*, char**, int, char*);
-char	*getconf(char*);
-int	havetimer(void);
-int	i8042auxcmd(int);
-void	i8042auxenable(void (*)(int, int));
-void	i8042reset(void);
-void	i8250console(void);
-void	i8250mouse(char*, int(*)(Queue*,int), int);
-void	i8250setmouseputc(char*, int (*)(Queue*, int));
-void	i8259init(void);
-int	i8259enable(int, int, Vctl*);
-#define	idlehands()		/* nothing to do in the runproc */
-void	icflush(void);
-void	illegal0(void);
-void	intr0(void);
-void	intrenable(int, void (*)(Ureg*, void*), void*, int, char*);
-int	intrdisable(int, void (*)(Ureg *, void *), void*, int, char*);
-int	ioalloc(int, int, int, char*);
-void	iofree(int);
-void	ioinit(void);
-int	iounused(int, int);
-int	irqallocread(char*, long, vlong);
-int	isaconfig(char*, int, ISAConf*);
-void	kbdinit(void);
-#define kexit(a)
-#define	kmapinval()
-void	*kmapv(uvlong, int);
-int	kprint(char*, ...);
-void	links(void);
-void	mb(void);
-void 	memholes(void);
-ulong 	meminit(void);
-void	mmudump(void);
-void	mmuinit(void);
-void	mmupark(void);
-#define mtrr(a, b, c)
-ulong	pcibarsize(Pcidev*, int);
-int	pcicfgr8(Pcidev*, int);
-int	pcicfgr16(Pcidev*, int);
-int	pcicfgr32(Pcidev*, int);
-void	pcicfgw8(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void	pcicfgw16(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void	pcicfgw32(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void	pciclrbme(Pcidev*);
-void	pcihinv(Pcidev*);
-Pcidev* pcimatch(Pcidev*, int, int);
-Pcidev* pcimatchtbdf(int);
-void	pcireset(void);
-void	pcisetbme(Pcidev*);
-int	pcmspecial(char*, ISAConf*);
-int	(*_pcmspecial)(char *, ISAConf *);
-void	pcmspecialclose(int);
-void	(*_pcmspecialclose)(int);
-void	prflush(void);
-void	printinit(void);
-#define	procrestore(p)
-void	procsave(Proc*);
-void	procsetup(Proc*);
-void	restfpregs(FPsave*);
-uvlong	rpcc(uvlong*);
-void	screeninit(void);
-void	(*screenputs)(char*, int);
-void 	setpcb(PCB *);
-PCB	*swpctx(PCB *);
-void	syscall0(void);
-int	tas(ulong*);
-void	tlbflush(int, ulong);
-void	touser(void*);
-void	trapinit(void);
-void	unaligned(void);
-ulong	upaalloc(int, int);
-void	upafree(ulong, int);
-#define	userureg(ur) ((ur)->status & UMODE)
-void*	vmap(ulong, int);
-void	wrent(int, void*);
-void	wrvptptr(uvlong);
-void	vunmap(void*, int);
-#define	waserror()	(up->nerrlab++, setlabel(&up->errlab[up->nerrlab-1]))
-#define KADDR(a)	((void*)((ulong)(a)|KZERO))
-#define PADDR(a)	((ulong)(a)&~KZERO)
-#define	inb(p)	(arch->_inb)(p)
-#define	ins(p)	(arch->_ins)(p)
-#define	inl(p)	(arch->_inl)(p)
-#define	outb(p, x)	(arch->_outb)((p), (x))
-#define	outs(p, x)	(arch->_outs)((p), (x))
-#define	outl(p, x)	(arch->_outl)((p), (x))
-#define	insb(p, buf, len)	(arch->_insb)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define	inss(p, buf, len)	(arch->_inss)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define	insl(p, buf, len)	(arch->_insl)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define	outsb(p, buf, len)	(arch->_outsb)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define	outss(p, buf, len)	(arch->_outss)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define	outsl(p, buf, len)	(arch->_outsl)((p), (buf), (len))

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"ureg.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	"../port/error.h"
-char *fpcause[] =
-	"invalid operation",
-	"division by zero",
-	"overflow",
-	"underflow",
-	"inexact operation",
-	"integer overflow",
-char	*fpexcname(Ureg*, ulong, char*);
-fptrap(Ureg *ur)
-	char buf[ERRMAX];
-	int i;
-	ulong reason;
-	ur->pc &= ~2;
-	reason = (ulong)ur->a0;
-	for (i = 1; i < 6; i++)
-		if (reason & (1<<i)) {
-			sprint(buf, "fp: %s", fpcause[i-1]);
-			goto found;
-		}
-	sprint(buf, "fp: code 0x%lux", reason);
-	fataltrap(ur, buf);
-fpexcname(Ureg *ur, ulong fcr31, char *buf)
-	USED(ur, fcr31, buf);
-	return buf;

+ 0 - 152

@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- *  8259 interrupt controllers
- */
-	Int0ctl=	0x20,		/* control port (ICW1, OCW2, OCW3) */
-	Int0aux=	0x21,		/* everything else (ICW2, ICW3, ICW4, OCW1) */
-	Int1ctl=	0xA0,		/* control port */
-	Int1aux=	0xA1,		/* everything else (ICW2, ICW3, ICW4, OCW1) */
-	Icw1=		0x10,		/* select bit in ctl register */
-	Ocw2=		0x00,
-	Ocw3=		0x08,
-	EOI=		0x20,		/* non-specific end of interrupt */
-	Elcr1=		0x4D0,		/* Edge/Level Triggered Register */
-	Elcr2=		0x4D1,
-static int int0mask;			/* interrupts enabled for first 8259 */
-static int int1mask;			/* interrupts enabled for second 8259 */
-int elcr;				/* mask of level-triggered interrupts */
-	int /*elcr1, */ x;
-	ioalloc(Int0ctl, 2, 0, "i8259.0");
-	ioalloc(Int1ctl, 2, 0, "i8259.1");
-	int0mask = 0xFF;
-	int1mask = 0xFF;
-	/*
-	 *  Set up the first 8259 interrupt processor.
-	 *  Make 8259 interrupts start at CPU vector Int0vec.
-	 *  Set the 8259 as master with edge triggered
-	 *  input with fully nested interrupts.
-	 */
-	outb(Int0ctl, (1<<4)|(0<<3)|(1<<0));	/* ICW1 - master, edge triggered,
-					  	   ICW4 will be sent */
-	outb(Int0aux, VectorPIC);		/* ICW2 - interrupt vector offset */
-	outb(Int0aux, 0x04);			/* ICW3 - have slave on level 2 */
-	outb(Int0aux, 0x01);			/* ICW4 - 8086 mode, not buffered */
-	/*
-	 *  Set up the second 8259 interrupt processor.
-	 *  Make 8259 interrupts start at CPU vector VectorPIC+8.
-	 *  Set the 8259 as slave with edge triggered
-	 *  input with fully nested interrupts.
-	 */
-	outb(Int1ctl, (1<<4)|(0<<3)|(1<<0));	/* ICW1 - master, edge triggered,
-					  	   ICW4 will be sent */
-	outb(Int1aux, VectorPIC+8);		/* ICW2 - interrupt vector offset */
-	outb(Int1aux, 0x02);			/* ICW3 - I am a slave on level 2 */
-	outb(Int1aux, 0x01);			/* ICW4 - 8086 mode, not buffered */
-	outb(Int1aux, int1mask);
-	/*
-	 *  pass #2 8259 interrupts to #1
-	 */
-	int0mask &= ~0x04;
-	outb(Int0aux, int0mask);
-	/*
-	 * Set Ocw3 to return the ISR when ctl read.
-	 * After initialisation status read is set to IRR.
-	 * Read IRR first to possibly deassert an outstanding
-	 * interrupt.
-	 */
-	x = inb(Int0ctl); USED(x);
-	outb(Int0ctl, Ocw3|0x03);
-	x = inb(Int1ctl); USED(x);
-	outb(Int1ctl, Ocw3|0x03);
-	/*
-	 * Check for Edge/Level register.
-	 * This check may not work for all chipsets.
-	 */
-/*	elcr1 = inb(Elcr1);
-	outb(Elcr1, 0);
-	if(inb(Elcr1) == 0){
-		outb(Elcr1, 0x20);
-		if(inb(Elcr1) == 0x20)
-			elcr = (inb(Elcr2)<<8)|elcr1;
-	}
-	outb(Elcr1, elcr1);
-	if(elcr)
-		iprint("ELCR: %4.4uX\n", elcr);
-i8259isr(int v)
-	int isr;
-	/*
-	 *  tell the 8259 that we're done with the
-	 *  highest level interrupt (interrupts are still
-	 *  off at this point)
-	 */
-	isr = 0;
-	if(v >= VectorPIC && v <= MaxVectorPIC){
-		isr = inb(Int0ctl);
-		outb(Int0ctl, EOI);
-		if(v >= VectorPIC+8){
-			isr |= inb(Int1ctl)<<8;
-			outb(Int1ctl, EOI);
-		}
-	}
-	return isr & (1<<(v-VectorPIC));
-i8259enable(int v, int, Vctl* vctl)
-	if(v > MaxIrqPIC){
-		print("i8259enable: vector %d out of range\n", v);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  enable corresponding interrupt in 8259
-	 */
-	if(v < 8){
-		int0mask &= ~(1<<v);
-		outb(Int0aux, int0mask);
-	}
-	else{
-		int1mask &= ~(1<<(v-8));
-		outb(Int1aux, int1mask);
-	}
-	if(elcr & (1<<v))
-		vctl->eoi = i8259isr;
-	else
-		vctl->isr = i8259isr;
-	vctl->isintr = 1;
-	return v;

+ 0 - 47

@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include "/sys/src/libc/9syscall/sys.h"
- *  we pass in the argument of the exec parameters as 0(FP)
- */
-TEXT	main(SB),$16
-	MOVQ	$setSB(SB), R29
-	MOVQ	$boot(SB), R0
-	ADDQ	$24, R30, R1	/* get a pointer to 0(FP) */
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	MOVL	R1, 12(R30)
-	JSR	exec(SB)
-	MOVQ	$(1<<4), R0
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-	ADDL	$1, R1
-	MOVQ	$0, R0	/* print r1 */
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-	MOVQ	$100000000, R2
-	SUBQ	$1, R2
-	BNE	R2, foo
-	MOVQ	$1000, R0
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-	JMP	again
-TEXT	exec(SB), $0
-	CALL_PAL $0x83
-DATA	boot+0(SB)/5,$"/boot"
-DATA	boot+5(SB)/5,$"/boot"
-DATA	bootv+0(SB)/4,$boot+6(SB)
-GLOBL	boot+0(SB),$11
-GLOBL	bootv+0(SB),$8

+ 0 - 176

@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-enum {
-	IrqCLOCK	= 0,
-	IrqKBD		= 1,
-	IrqUART1	= 3,
-	IrqUART0	= 4,
-	IrqPCMCIA	= 5,
-	IrqFLOPPY	= 6,
-	IrqLPT		= 7,
-	IrqIRQ7		= 7,
-	IrqAUX		= 12,		/* PS/2 port */
-	IrqIRQ13	= 13,		/* coprocessor on 386 */
-	IrqATA0		= 14,
-	IrqATA1		= 15,
-	MaxIrqPIC	= 15,
-	VectorPIC	= 64,
-	MaxVectorPIC	= VectorPIC+MaxIrqPIC,
-	VectorPCI	= 16,		/* PCI bus (PLD) */
-typedef struct Vctl {
-	Vctl*	next;			/* handlers on this vector */
-	char	name[KNAMELEN];	/* of driver */
-	int	isintr;			/* interrupt or fault/trap */
-	int	irq;
-	int	tbdf;
-	int	(*isr)(int);		/* get isr bit for this irq */
-	int	(*eoi)(int);		/* eoi */
-	void	(*f)(Ureg*, void*);	/* handler to call */
-	void*	a;			/* argument to call it with */
-} Vctl;
-enum {
-	BusCBUS		= 0,		/* Corollary CBUS */
-	BusCBUSII,			/* Corollary CBUS II */
-	BusEISA,			/* Extended ISA */
-	BusFUTURE,			/* IEEE Futurebus */
-	BusINTERN,			/* Internal bus */
-	BusISA,				/* Industry Standard Architecture */
-	BusMBI,				/* Multibus I */
-	BusMBII,			/* Multibus II */
-	BusMCA,				/* Micro Channel Architecture */
-	BusMPI,				/* MPI */
-	BusMPSA,			/* MPSA */
-	BusNUBUS,			/* Apple Macintosh NuBus */
-	BusPCI,				/* Peripheral Component Interconnect */
-	BusPCMCIA,			/* PC Memory Card International Association */
-	BusTC,				/* DEC TurboChannel */
-	BusVL,				/* VESA Local bus */
-	BusVME,				/* VMEbus */
-	BusXPRESS,			/* Express System Bus */
-#define MKBUS(t,b,d,f)	(((t)<<24)|(((b)&0xFF)<<16)|(((d)&0x1F)<<11)|(((f)&0x07)<<8))
-#define BUSFNO(tbdf)	(((tbdf)>>8)&0x07)
-#define BUSDNO(tbdf)	(((tbdf)>>11)&0x1F)
-#define BUSBNO(tbdf)	(((tbdf)>>16)&0xFF)
-#define BUSTYPE(tbdf)	((tbdf)>>24)
-#define BUSDF(tbdf)		((tbdf)&0x000FF00)
-#define BUSBDF(tbdf)	((tbdf)&0x0FFFF00)
-#define BUSUNKNOWN	(-1)
-enum {
-	MaxEISA		= 16,
-	EISAconfig	= 0xC80,
- * PCI support code.
- */
-enum {					/* type 0 and type 1 pre-defined header */
-	PciVID		= 0x00,		/* vendor ID */
-	PciDID		= 0x02,		/* device ID */
-	PciPCR		= 0x04,		/* command */
-	PciPSR		= 0x06,		/* status */
-	PciRID		= 0x08,		/* revision ID */
-	PciCCRp		= 0x09,		/* programming interface class code */
-	PciCCRu		= 0x0A,		/* sub-class code */
-	PciCCRb		= 0x0B,		/* base class code */
-	PciCLS		= 0x0C,		/* cache line size */
-	PciLTR		= 0x0D,		/* latency timer */
-	PciHDT		= 0x0E,		/* header type */
-	PciBST		= 0x0F,		/* BIST */
-	PciBAR0		= 0x10,		/* base address */
-	PciBAR1		= 0x14,
-	PciROM		= 0x30,
-	PciINTL		= 0x3C,		/* interrupt line */
-	PciINTP		= 0x3D,		/* interrupt pin */
-enum {					/* type 0 pre-defined header */
-	PciCIS		= 0x28,		/* cardbus CIS pointer */
-	PciSVID		= 0x2C,		/* subsystem vendor ID */
-	PciSID		= 0x2E,		/* cardbus CIS pointer */
-	PciEBAR0	= 0x30,		/* xpansion ROM base address */
-	PciMGNT		= 0x3E,		/* burst period length */
-	PciMLT		= 0x3F,		/* maximum latency between bursts */
-enum {					/* type 1 pre-defined header */
-	PciPBN		= 0x18,		/* primary bus number */
-	PciSBN		= 0x19,		/* secondary bus number */
-	PciUBN		= 0x1A,		/* subordinate bus number */
-	PciSLTR		= 0x1B,		/* secondary latency timer */
-	PciIBR		= 0x1C,		/* I/O base */
-	PciILR		= 0x1D,		/* I/O limit */
-	PciSPSR		= 0x1E,		/* secondary status */
-	PciMBR		= 0x20,		/* memory base */
-	PciMLR		= 0x22,		/* memory limit */
-	PciPMBR		= 0x24,		/* prefetchable memory base */
-	PciPMLR		= 0x26,		/* prefetchable memory limit */
-	PciPUBR		= 0x28,		/* prefetchable base upper 32 bits */
-	PciPULR		= 0x2C,		/* prefetchable limit upper 32 bits */
-	PciIUBR		= 0x30,		/* I/O base upper 16 bits */
-	PciIULR		= 0x32,		/* I/O limit upper 16 bits */
-	PciEBAR1	= 0x28,		/* expansion ROM base address */
-	PciBCR		= 0x3E,		/* bridge control register */
-typedef struct Pcidev Pcidev;
-typedef struct Pcidev {
-	int	tbdf;			/* type+bus+device+function */
-	ushort	vid;			/* vendor ID */
-	ushort	did;			/* device ID */
-	ushort	pcr;
-	uchar	rid;
-	uchar	ccrp;
-	uchar	ccru;
-	uchar	ccrb;
-	uchar	cls;
-	uchar	ltr;
-	struct {
-		ulong	bar;		/* base address */
-		int	size;
-	} mem[6];
-	uchar	intl;			/* interrupt line */
-	Pcidev*	list;
-	Pcidev*	link;			/* next device on this bno */
-	Pcidev*	bridge;			/* down a bus */
-	struct {
-		ulong	bar;
-		int	size;
-	} ioa, mema;
-	int	pmrb;			/* power management register block */
-#define PCIWINDOW	0x40000000
-#define ISAWINDOW	0x00800000
- * PCMCIA support code.
- */
- * Map between ISA memory space and PCMCIA card memory space.
- */
-struct PCMmap {
-	ulong	ca;			/* card address */
-	ulong	cea;			/* card end address */
-	ulong	isa;			/* ISA address */
-	int	len;			/* length of the ISA area */
-	int	attr;			/* attribute memory */
-	int	ref;

+ 0 - 456

@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	"../port/error.h"
-enum {
-	Data=		0x60,		/* data port */
-	Status=		0x64,		/* status port */
-	 Inready=	0x01,		/*  input character ready */
-	 Outbusy=	0x02,		/*  output busy */
-	 Sysflag=	0x04,		/*  system flag */
-	 Cmddata=	0x08,		/*  cmd==0, data==1 */
-	 Inhibit=	0x10,		/*  keyboard/mouse inhibited */
-	 Minready=	0x20,		/*  mouse character ready */
-	 Rtimeout=	0x40,		/*  general timeout */
-	 Parity=	0x80,
-	Cmd=		0x64,		/* command port (write only) */
-	Spec=		0x80,
-	PF=		Spec|0x20,	/* num pad function key */
-	View=		Spec|0x00,	/* view (shift window up) */
-	KF=		0xF000,	/* function key (begin Unicode private space) */
-	Shift=		Spec|0x60,
-	Break=		Spec|0x61,
-	Ctrl=		Spec|0x62,
-	Latin=		Spec|0x63,
-	Caps=		Spec|0x64,
-	Num=		Spec|0x65,
-	Middle=		Spec|0x66,
-	No=		0x00,		/* peter */
-	Home=		KF|13,
-	Up=		KF|14,
-	Pgup=		KF|15,
-	Print=		KF|16,
-	Left=		KF|17,
-	Right=		KF|18,
-	End=		'\r',
-	Down=		View,
-	Pgdown=		KF|19,
-	Ins=		KF|20,
-	Scroll=	KF|21,
-	Del=		0x7F,
- * The codes at 0x79 and 0x81 are produed by the PFU Happy Hacking keyboard.
- * A 'standard' keyboard doesn't produce anything above 0x58.
- */
-Rune kbtab[] = 
-[0x00]	No,	0x1b,	'1',	'2',	'3',	'4',	'5',	'6',
-[0x08]	'7',	'8',	'9',	'0',	'-',	'=',	'\b',	'\t',
-[0x10]	'q',	'w',	'e',	'r',	't',	'y',	'u',	'i',
-[0x18]	'o',	'p',	'[',	']',	'\n',	Ctrl,	'a',	's',
-[0x20]	'd',	'f',	'g',	'h',	'j',	'k',	'l',	';',
-[0x28]	'\'',	'`',	Shift,	'\\',	'z',	'x',	'c',	'v',
-[0x30]	'b',	'n',	'm',	',',	'.',	'/',	Shift,	'*',
-[0x38]	Latin,	' ',	Ctrl,	KF|1,	KF|2,	KF|3,	KF|4,	KF|5,
-[0x40]	KF|6,	KF|7,	KF|8,	KF|9,	KF|10,	Num,	Scroll,	'7',
-[0x48]	'8',	'9',	'-',	'4',	'5',	'6',	'+',	'1',
-[0x50]	'2',	'3',	'0',	'.',	No,	No,	No,	KF|11,
-[0x58]	KF|12,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x60]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x68]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x70]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x78]	No,	View,	No,	Up,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-Rune kbtabshift[] =
-[0x00]	No,	0x1b,	'!',	'@',	'#',	'$',	'%',	'^',
-[0x08]	'&',	'*',	'(',	')',	'_',	'+',	'\b',	'\t',
-[0x10]	'Q',	'W',	'E',	'R',	'T',	'Y',	'U',	'I',
-[0x18]	'O',	'P',	'{',	'}',	'\n',	Ctrl,	'A',	'S',
-[0x20]	'D',	'F',	'G',	'H',	'J',	'K',	'L',	':',
-[0x28]	'"',	'~',	Shift,	'|',	'Z',	'X',	'C',	'V',
-[0x30]	'B',	'N',	'M',	'<',	'>',	'?',	Shift,	'*',
-[0x38]	Latin,	' ',	Ctrl,	KF|1,	KF|2,	KF|3,	KF|4,	KF|5,
-[0x40]	KF|6,	KF|7,	KF|8,	KF|9,	KF|10,	Num,	Scroll,	'7',
-[0x48]	'8',	'9',	'-',	'4',	'5',	'6',	'+',	'1',
-[0x50]	'2',	'3',	'0',	'.',	No,	No,	No,	KF|11,
-[0x58]	KF|12,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x60]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x68]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x70]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x78]	No,	Up,	No,	Up,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-Rune kbtabesc1[] =
-[0x00]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x08]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x10]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x18]	No,	No,	No,	No,	'\n',	Ctrl,	No,	No,
-[0x20]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x28]	No,	No,	Shift,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x30]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	'/',	No,	Print,
-[0x38]	Latin,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x40]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	Break,	Home,
-[0x48]	Up,	Pgup,	No,	Left,	No,	Right,	No,	End,
-[0x50]	Down,	Pgdown,	Ins,	Del,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x58]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x60]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x68]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x70]	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-[0x78]	No,	Up,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,	No,
-	/* controller command byte */
-	Cscs1=		(1<<6),		/* scan code set 1 */
-	Cauxdis=	(1<<5),		/* mouse disable */
-	Ckbddis=	(1<<4),		/* kbd disable */
-	Csf=		(1<<2),		/* system flag */
-	Cauxint=	(1<<1),		/* mouse interrupt enable */
-	Ckbdint=	(1<<0),		/* kbd interrupt enable */
-static Lock i8042lock;
-static uchar ccc;
-static void (*auxputc)(int, int);
- *  wait for output no longer busy
- */
-static int
-	int tries;
-	for(tries = 0; (inb(Status) & Outbusy); tries++){
-		if(tries > 500)
-			return -1;
-		delay(2);
-	}
-	return 0;
- *  wait for input
- */
-static int
-	int tries;
-	for(tries = 0; !(inb(Status) & Inready); tries++){
-		if(tries > 500)
-			return -1;
-		delay(2);
-	}
-	return 0;
- *  ask 8042 to reset the machine
- */
-	ushort *s = KADDR(0x472);
-	int i, x;
-	*s = 0x1234;		/* BIOS warm-boot flag */
-	/*
-	 *  newer reset the machine command
-	 */
-	outready();
-	outb(Cmd, 0xFE);
-	outready();
-	/*
-	 *  Pulse it by hand (old somewhat reliable)
-	 */
-	x = 0xDF;
-	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
-		x ^= 1;
-		outready();
-		outb(Cmd, 0xD1);
-		outready();
-		outb(Data, x);	/* toggle reset */
-		delay(100);
-	}
-i8042auxcmd(int cmd)
-	unsigned int c;
-	int tries;
-	c = 0;
-	tries = 0;
-	ilock(&i8042lock);
-	do{
-		if(tries++ > 2)
-			break;
-		if(outready() < 0)
-			break;
-		outb(Cmd, 0xD4);
-		if(outready() < 0)
-			break;
-		outb(Data, cmd);
-		if(outready() < 0)
-			break;
-		if(inready() < 0)
-			break;
-		c = inb(Data);
-	} while(c == 0xFE || c == 0);
-	iunlock(&i8042lock);
-	if(c != 0xFA){
-		print("i8042: %2.2ux returned to the %2.2ux command\n", c, cmd);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *  keyboard interrupt
- */
-static void
-i8042intr(Ureg*, void*)
-	int s, c, i;
-	static int esc1, esc2;
-	static int alt, caps, ctl, num, shift;
-	static int collecting, nk;
-	static Rune kc[5];
-	int keyup;
-	/*
-	 *  get status
-	 */
-	lock(&i8042lock);
-	s = inb(Status);
-	if(!(s&Inready)){
-		unlock(&i8042lock);
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  get the character
-	 */
-	c = inb(Data);
-	unlock(&i8042lock);
-	/*
-	 *  if it's the aux port...
-	 */
-	if(s & Minready){
-		if(auxputc != nil)
-			auxputc(c, shift);
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  e0's is the first of a 2 character sequence
-	 */
-	if(c == 0xe0){
-		esc1 = 1;
-		return;
-	} else if(c == 0xe1){
-		esc2 = 2;
-		return;
-	}
-	keyup = c&0x80;
-	c &= 0x7f;
-	if(c > sizeof kbtab){
-		c |= keyup;
-		if(c != 0xFF)	/* these come fairly often: CAPSLOCK U Y */
-			print("unknown key %ux\n", c);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(esc1){
-		c = kbtabesc1[c];
-		esc1 = 0;
-	} else if(esc2){
-		esc2--;
-		return;
-	} else if(shift)
-		c = kbtabshift[c];
-	else
-		c = kbtab[c];
-	if(caps && c<='z' && c>='a')
-		c += 'A' - 'a';
-	/*
-	 *  keyup only important for shifts
-	 */
-	if(keyup){
-		switch(c){
-		case Latin:
-			alt = 0;
-			break;
-		case Shift:
-			shift = 0;
-			break;
-		case Ctrl:
-			ctl = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
- 	 *  normal character
-	 */
-	if(!(c & (Spec|KF))){
-		if(ctl){
-			if(alt && c == Del)
-				exit(0);
-			c &= 0x1f;
-		}
-		if(!collecting){
-			kbdputc(kbdq, c);
-			return;
-		}
-		kc[nk++] = c;
-		c = latin1(kc, nk);
-		if(c < -1)	/* need more keystrokes */
-			return;
-		if(c != -1)	/* valid sequence */
-			kbdputc(kbdq, c);
-		else	/* dump characters */
-			for(i=0; i<nk; i++)
-				kbdputc(kbdq, kc[i]);
-		nk = 0;
-		collecting = 0;
-		return;
-	} else {
-		switch(c){
-		case Caps:
-			caps ^= 1;
-			return;
-		case Num:
-			num ^= 1;
-			return;
-		case Shift:
-			shift = 1;
-			return;
-		case Latin:
-			alt = 1;
-			collecting = 1;
-			nk = 0;
-			return;
-		case Ctrl:
-			ctl = 1;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	kbdputc(kbdq, c);
-i8042auxenable(void (*putc)(int, int))
-	char *err = "i8042: aux init failed\n";
-	/* enable kbd/aux xfers and interrupts */
-	ccc &= ~Cauxdis;
-	ccc |= Cauxint;
-	ilock(&i8042lock);
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print(err);
-	outb(Cmd, 0x60);			/* write control register */
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print(err);
-	outb(Data, ccc);
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print(err);
-	outb(Cmd, 0xA8);			/* auxilliary device enable */
-	if(outready() < 0){
-		iunlock(&i8042lock);
-		return;
-	}
-	auxputc = putc;
-	intrenable(IrqAUX, i8042intr, 0, BUSUNKNOWN, "kbdaux");
-	iunlock(&i8042lock);
-static void
-setscan(int code)
-	char *err = "setscan: set scan code failed\n";
-	outb(Data, 0xF0);
-	if(inready() < 0 || inb(Data) != 0xFA || outready() < 0) {
-		print(err);
-		return;
-	}
-	outb(Data, code);
-	if(inready() < 0) {
-		print(err);
-		return;
-	}
-	inb(Data);
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print(err);
-	int c;
-	kbdq = qopen(4*1024, 0, 0, 0);
-	if(kbdq == nil)
-		panic("kbdinit");
-	qnoblock(kbdq, 1);
-	ioalloc(Data, 1, 0, "kbd");
-	ioalloc(Cmd, 1, 0, "kbd");
-	intrenable(IrqKBD, i8042intr, 0, BUSUNKNOWN, "kbd");
-	/* wait for a quiescent controller */
-	while((c = inb(Status)) & (Outbusy | Inready))
-		if(c & Inready)
-			inb(Data);
-	/* get current controller command byte */
-	outb(Cmd, 0x20);
-	if(inready() < 0){
-		print("kbdinit: can't read ccc\n");
-		ccc = 0;
-	} else
-		ccc = inb(Data);
-	/* enable kbd xfers and interrupts */
-	/* disable mouse */
-	ccc &= ~Ckbddis;
-	ccc |= Csf | Ckbdint | Cscs1;
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print("kbd init failed\n");
-	outb(Cmd, 0x60);
-	if(outready() < 0)
-		print("kbd init failed\n");
-	outb(Data, ccc);
-	outready();
-	setscan(0x02);

+ 0 - 457

@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "osf1pal.h"
-#define SP	R30
-#define	HI_IPL	6			/* use 7 to disable mchecks */
-TEXT	_main(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	$setSB(SB), R29
-	MOVQ	R29, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrkgp
-	MOVQ	$mach0(SB), R(MACH)
-	MOVQ	$(BY2PG-8)(R(MACH)), R30
-	MOVQ	R31, 0(R(MACH))
-	MOVQ	$edata(SB), R1
-	MOVQ	$end(SB), R2
-	MOVQ	R31, (R1)
-	ADDQ	$8, R1
-	CMPUGT	R1, R2, R3
-	BEQ	R3, clrbss
-	MOVL	R0, bootconf(SB)	/* passed in from boot loader */
-	MOVQ	$1, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrfen
-	MOVQ	initfpcr(SB), R1	/* MOVQ	$0x2800800000000000, R1 */
-	MOVQ	R1, (R30)
-	MOVT	(R30), F1
-	MOVT	$0.5, F28
-	ADDT	F28, F28, F29
-	ADDT	F29, F29, F30
-	MOVT	F31, F1
-	MOVT	F31, F2
-	MOVT	F31, F3
-	MOVT	F31, F4
-	MOVT	F31, F5
-	MOVT	F31, F6
-	MOVT	F31, F7
-	MOVT	F31, F8
-	MOVT	F31, F9
-	MOVT	F31, F10
-	MOVT	F31, F11
-	MOVT	F31, F12
-	MOVT	F31, F13
-	MOVT	F31, F14
-	MOVT	F31, F15
-	MOVT	F31, F16
-	MOVT	F31, F17
-	MOVT	F31, F18
-	MOVT	F31, F19
-	MOVT	F31, F20
-	MOVT	F31, F21
-	MOVT	F31, F22
-	MOVT	F31, F23
-	MOVT	F31, F24
-	MOVT	F31, F25
-	MOVT	F31, F26
-	MOVT	F31, F27
-	JSR	main(SB)
-	MOVQ	$_divq(SB), R31		/* touch _divq etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-	MOVQ	$_divl(SB), R31		/* touch _divl etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-TEXT	setpcb(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R30, (R0)
-	AND	$0x7FFFFFFF, R0, R16	/* make address physical */
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpctx
-GLOBL	init_ptbr(SB), $8
-TEXT	firmware(SB), $-8
-TEXT	xxfirmware(SB), $-8
-TEXT	splhi(SB), $0
-	MOVL	R26, 4(R(MACH))		/* save PC in m->splpc */
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT	spllo(SB), $0
-	MOVQ	R31, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT	splx(SB), $0
-	MOVL	R26, 4(R(MACH))		/* save PC in m->splpc */
-TEXT splxpc(SB), $0			/* for iunlock */
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT	spldone(SB), $0
-TEXT	islo(SB), $0
-	AND	$IPL, R0
-TEXT	mb(SB), $-8
-	MB
-TEXT	icflush(SB), $-8
-TEXT	tlbflush(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	MOVL	4(FP), R17
-TEXT	swpctx(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	AND	$0x7FFFFFFF, R16	/* make address physical */
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpctx
-TEXT	wrent(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R17
-	MOVL	4(FP), R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrent
-TEXT	wrvptptr(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrvptptr
-TEXT	cserve(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	MOVL	4(FP), R17
-	CALL_PAL $PALcserve
-TEXT	setlabel(SB), $-8
-	MOVL	R30, 0(R0)
-	MOVL	R26, 4(R0)
-	MOVQ	$0, R0
-TEXT	gotolabel(SB), $-8
-	MOVL	0(R0), R30
-	MOVL	4(R0), R26
-	MOVQ	$1, R0
-TEXT	tas(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R1			/* l */
-	MOVLL	(R1), R0		/* l->key */
-	BNE	R0, tas2
-	MOVQ	$1, R2
-	MOVLC	R2, (R1)		/* l->key = 1 */
-	BEQ	R2, tas1		/* write failed, try again? */
-TEXT	_xdec(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R1			/* p */
-	MOVLL	(R1), R0		/* *p */
-	SUBL	$1, R0
-	MOVQ	R0, R2
-	MOVLC	R2, (R1)		/* --(*p) */
-	BEQ	R2, dec1		/* write failed, retry */
-TEXT	_xinc(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R1			/* p */
-	MOVLL	(R1), R0		/* *p */
-	ADDL	$1, R0
-	MOVLC	R0, (R1)		/* (*p)++ */
-	BEQ	R0, inc1		/* write failed, retry */
-TEXT	cmpswap(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R1	/* p */
-	MOVL	old+4(FP), R2
-	MOVL	new+8(FP), R3
-	MOVLL	(R1), R0
-	CMPEQ	R0, R2, R4
-	BEQ	R4, fail	/* if R0 != [sic] R2, goto fail */
-	MOVQ	R3, R0
-	MOVLC	R0, (R1)
-	MOVL	$0, R0
-TEXT	fpenab(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrfen
-TEXT rpcc(SB), $0
-	MOVL	R0, R1
-	MOVL	$0, R0
-	WORD	$0x6000C000		/* RPCC R0 */
-	BEQ	R1, _ret
-	MOVQ	R0, (R1)
- *	Exception handlers.  The stack frame looks like this:
- *
- *	R30+0:	(unused) link reg storage (R26) (32 bits)
- *	R30+4:	padding for alignment (32 bits)
- *	R30+8:	trap()'s first arg storage (R0) (32 bits -- type Ureg*)
- *	R30+12:	padding for alignment (32 bits)
- *	R30+16:	first 31 fields of Ureg, saved here (31*64 bits)
- *	R30+264:	other 6 fields of Ureg, saved by PALcode (6*64 bits)
- *	R30+312:	previous value of KSP before trap
- */
-TEXT	arith(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	$1, R0
-	JMP	trapcommon
-TEXT	illegal0(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	$2, R0
-	JMP	trapcommon
-TEXT	fault0(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	$4, R0
-	JMP	trapcommon
-TEXT	unaligned(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	$6, R0
-	JMP	trapcommon
-TEXT	intr0(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	$3, R0
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+0*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R16, (4*BY2WD+1*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R17, (4*BY2WD+2*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R18, (4*BY2WD+3*BY2V)(R30)
-	/* R0 already saved, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30) */
-	MOVQ	R1, (4*BY2WD+5*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R2, (4*BY2WD+6*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R3, (4*BY2WD+7*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R4, (4*BY2WD+8*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R5, (4*BY2WD+9*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R6, (4*BY2WD+10*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R7, (4*BY2WD+11*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R8, (4*BY2WD+12*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R9, (4*BY2WD+13*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R10, (4*BY2WD+14*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R11, (4*BY2WD+15*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R12, (4*BY2WD+16*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R13, (4*BY2WD+17*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R14, (4*BY2WD+18*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R15, (4*BY2WD+19*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R19, (4*BY2WD+20*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R20, (4*BY2WD+21*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R21, (4*BY2WD+22*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R22, (4*BY2WD+23*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R23, (4*BY2WD+24*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R24, (4*BY2WD+25*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R25, (4*BY2WD+26*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R26, (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R27, (4*BY2WD+28*BY2V)(R30)
-	MOVQ	R28, (4*BY2WD+29*BY2V)(R30)
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-	CALL_PAL $PALrdusp
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30)	/* save USP */
-	MOVQ	$mach0(SB), R(MACH)
-	MOVQ	$(4*BY2WD)(R30), R0
-	JSR	trap(SB)
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30), R16	/* USP */
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrusp			/* ... */
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30), R0
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+5*BY2V)(R30), R1
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+6*BY2V)(R30), R2
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+7*BY2V)(R30), R3
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+8*BY2V)(R30), R4
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+9*BY2V)(R30), R5
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+10*BY2V)(R30), R6
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+11*BY2V)(R30), R7
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+12*BY2V)(R30), R8
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+13*BY2V)(R30), R9
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+14*BY2V)(R30), R10
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+15*BY2V)(R30), R11
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+16*BY2V)(R30), R12
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+17*BY2V)(R30), R13
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+18*BY2V)(R30), R14
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+19*BY2V)(R30), R15
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+20*BY2V)(R30), R19
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+21*BY2V)(R30), R20
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+22*BY2V)(R30), R21
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+23*BY2V)(R30), R22
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+24*BY2V)(R30), R23
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+25*BY2V)(R30), R24
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+26*BY2V)(R30), R25
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30), R26
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+28*BY2V)(R30), R27
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+29*BY2V)(R30), R28
-	/* USP already restored from (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30) */
-	ADDQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-TEXT	forkret(SB), $0
-	MOVQ	R31, R0				/* Fake out system call return */
-	JMP	systrapret
-TEXT	syscall0(SB), $-8
-	SUBQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)	/* save scallnr in R0 */
-	CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-	MOVQ	$mach0(SB), R(MACH)
-	CALL_PAL $PALrdusp
-	MOVQ	R0, (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30)	/* save USP */
-	MOVQ	R26, (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30)	/* save last return address */
-	MOVQ	$(4*BY2WD)(R30), R0		/* pass address of Ureg */
-	JSR	syscall(SB)
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30), R16	/* USP */
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrusp			/* consider doing this in execregs... */
-	MOVQ	(4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30), R26	/* restore last return address */
-	ADDQ	$(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-	CALL_PAL $PALretsys
- * Take first processor into user mode
- * 	- argument is stack pointer to user
- */
-TEXT	touser(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrusp			/* set USP to value passed */
-	SUBQ	$(6*BY2V), R30			/* create frame for retsys */
-	MOVQ	$(UTZERO+32), R26		/* header appears in text */
-	MOVQ	R26, (1*BY2V)(R30)		/* PC -- only reg that matters */
-	CALL_PAL $PALretsys
-TEXT	rfnote(SB), $0
-	SUBL	$(2*BY2WD), R0, SP
-	JMP	trapret
-TEXT	savefpregs(SB), $-8
-	MOVT	F0, 0x00(R0)
-	MOVT	F1, 0x08(R0)
-	MOVT	F2, 0x10(R0)
-	MOVT	F3, 0x18(R0)
-	MOVT	F4, 0x20(R0)
-	MOVT	F5, 0x28(R0)
-	MOVT	F6, 0x30(R0)
-	MOVT	F7, 0x38(R0)
-	MOVT	F8, 0x40(R0)
-	MOVT	F9, 0x48(R0)
-	MOVT	F10, 0x50(R0)
-	MOVT	F11, 0x58(R0)
-	MOVT	F12, 0x60(R0)
-	MOVT	F13, 0x68(R0)
-	MOVT	F14, 0x70(R0)
-	MOVT	F15, 0x78(R0)
-	MOVT	F16, 0x80(R0)
-	MOVT	F17, 0x88(R0)
-	MOVT	F18, 0x90(R0)
-	MOVT	F19, 0x98(R0)
-	MOVT	F20, 0xA0(R0)
-	MOVT	F21, 0xA8(R0)
-	MOVT	F22, 0xB0(R0)
-	MOVT	F23, 0xB8(R0)
-	MOVT	F24, 0xC0(R0)
-	MOVT	F25, 0xC8(R0)
-	MOVT	F26, 0xD0(R0)
-	MOVT	F27, 0xD8(R0)
-	MOVT	F28, 0xE0(R0)
-	MOVT	F29, 0xE8(R0)
-	MOVT	F30, 0xF0(R0)
-	MOVT	F31, 0xF8(R0)
-	MOVT	F0, 0x100(R0)
-	MOVQ	$0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrfen		/* disable */
-TEXT	restfpregs(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	$1, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALwrfen		/* enable */
-	MOVT	0x100(R0), F0
-	MOVT	0x00(R0), F0
-	MOVT	0x08(R0), F1
-	MOVT	0x10(R0), F2
-	MOVT	0x18(R0), F3
-	MOVT	0x20(R0), F4
-	MOVT	0x28(R0), F5
-	MOVT	0x30(R0), F6
-	MOVT	0x38(R0), F7
-	MOVT	0x40(R0), F8
-	MOVT	0x48(R0), F9
-	MOVT	0x50(R0), F10
-	MOVT	0x58(R0), F11
-	MOVT	0x60(R0), F12
-	MOVT	0x68(R0), F13
-	MOVT	0x70(R0), F14
-	MOVT	0x78(R0), F15
-	MOVT	0x80(R0), F16
-	MOVT	0x88(R0), F17
-	MOVT	0x90(R0), F18
-	MOVT	0x98(R0), F19
-	MOVT	0xA0(R0), F20
-	MOVT	0xA8(R0), F21
-	MOVT	0xB0(R0), F22
-	MOVT	0xB8(R0), F23
-	MOVT	0xC0(R0), F24
-	MOVT	0xC8(R0), F25
-	MOVT	0xD0(R0), F26
-	MOVT	0xD8(R0), F27
-	MOVT	0xE0(R0), F28
-	MOVT	0xE8(R0), F29
-	MOVT	0xF0(R0), F30
-	MOVT	0xF8(R0), F31

+ 0 - 703

@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	"init.h"
-#include	"pool.h"
-#include	"/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h"
-#include	"axp.h"
-char argbuf[128];	/* arguments passed to initcode and /boot */
-Hwrpb *hwrpb;
-Bootconf *bootconf;
-Conf	conf;
-FPsave	initfp;
-uvlong initfpcr = (1LL<62)|(1LL<61)|(1LL<60)|(2LL<<58)|(1LL<48);
-char bootargs[BOOTARGSLEN];
-char *confname[MAXCONF];
-char *confval[MAXCONF];
-int	nconf;
-static void
-	long i, n;
-	char *cp, *line[MAXCONF], *p, *q;
-	cp = bootargs;
-	strncpy(cp, bootconf->bootargs, BOOTARGSLEN);
-	cp[BOOTARGSLEN-1] = 0;
-	/* can't print in this routine, see below in main() */
-	/*
-	 * Strip out '\r', change '\t' -> ' '.
-	 */
-	p = cp;
-	for(q = cp; *q; q++){
-		if(*q == '\r')
-			continue;
-		if(*q == '\t')
-			*q = ' ';
-		*p++ = *q;
-	}
-	*p = 0;
-	n = getfields(cp, line, MAXCONF, 1, "\n");
-	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
-		if(*line[i] == '#')
-			continue;
-		cp = strchr(line[i], '=');
-		if(cp == nil)
-			continue;
-		*cp++ = '\0';
-		confname[nconf] = line[i];
-		confval[nconf] = cp;
-		nconf++;
-	}
-/* debugging only */
-static void
-	int i;
-	print("dumpopts: found /alpha/conf options at %#p\n",
-		bootconf->bootargs);
-	for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
-		print("dumpopts: read %s=%s\n", confname[i], confval[i]);
-extern void (*i8237alloc)(void);
-	hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)0x10000000;
-	hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)(KZERO|hwrpb->phys);
-	arginit();
-	machinit();
-	options();
-	ioinit();
-	clockinit();
-	confinit();
-	archinit();
-	xinit();
-	memholes();
-	if(i8237alloc != nil)
-		i8237alloc();
-	mmuinit();
-	if(arch->coreinit)
-		arch->coreinit();
-	trapinit();
-	screeninit();
-	printinit();
-	/* it's now safe to print */
-	/* dumpopts();			/* DEBUG */
-	kbdinit();
-	i8250console();
-	quotefmtinstall();
-	print("\nPlan 9\n");
-	cpuidprint();
-	if(arch->corehello)
-		arch->corehello();
-	procinit0();
-	initseg();
-	timersinit();
-	links();
-	chandevreset();
-	pageinit();
-	swapinit();
-	savefpregs(&initfp);
-initfp.fpstatus = 0x68028000;
-	userinit();
-	schedinit();
-/* cpu->state bits */
-enum {
-	Cpubootinprog	= 1,	/* boot in progress */
-	Cpucanrestart	= 2,	/* restart possible */
-	Cpuavail	= 4,	/* processor available */
-	Cpuexists 	= 8,	/* processor present */
-	Cpuuserhalted	= 0x10,	/* user halted */
-	Cpuctxtokay	= 0x20,	/* context valid */
-	Cpupalokay	= 0x40,	/* PALcode valid */
-	Cpupalmemokay	= 0x80,	/* PALcode memory valid */
-	Cpupalloaded	= 0x100, /* PALcode loaded */
-	Cpuhaltmask	= 0xff0000, /* halt request mask */
-	Cpuhaltdflt	= 0,
-	Cpuhaltsaveexit = 0x10000,
-	Cpuhaltcoldboot = 0x20000,
-	Cpuhaltwarmboot = 0x30000,
-	Cpuhaltstayhalted = 0x40000,
-	Cpumustbezero = 0xffffffffff000000ULL,	/* 24:63 -- must be zero */
- *  initialize a processor's mach structure.  each processor does this
- *  for itself.
- */
-	int n;
-	Hwcpu *cpu;
-	icflush();
-	n = m->machno;
-	memset(m, 0, sizeof(Mach));
-	m->machno = n;
-	active.exiting = 0;
-	active.machs = 1;
-	cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + n*hwrpb->cpulen);
-	cpu->state &= ~Cpubootinprog;
-	if (0)
-		cpu->state |= Cpuhaltstayhalted;
-	int i;
-	char buf[2*KNAMELEN];
-	up->nerrlab = 0;
-	spllo();
-	/*
-	 * These are o.k. because rootinit is null.
-	 * Then early kproc's will have a root and dot.
-	 */
-	up->slash = namec("#/", Atodir, 0, 0);
-	pathclose(up->slash->path);
-	up->slash->path = newpath("/");
-	up->dot = cclone(up->slash);
-	chandevinit();
-	if(!waserror()){
-		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "alpha %s alphapc", conffile);
-		ksetenv("terminal", buf, 0);
-		ksetenv("cputype", "alpha", 0);
-		if(cpuserver)
-			ksetenv("service", "cpu", 0);
-		else
-			ksetenv("service", "terminal", 0);
-		for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
-			if(confname[i]){
-				if(confname[i][0] != '*')
-					ksetenv(confname[i], confval[i], 0);
-				ksetenv(confname[i], confval[i], 1);
-			}
-		poperror();
-	}
-	kproc("alarm", alarmkproc, 0);
-	touser((uchar*)(USTKTOP - sizeof(argbuf)));
-	Proc *p;
-	Segment *s;
-	KMap *k;
-	char **av;
-	Page *pg;
-	p = newproc();
-	p->pgrp = newpgrp();
-	p->egrp = smalloc(sizeof(Egrp));
-	p->egrp->ref = 1;
-	p->fgrp = dupfgrp(nil);
-	p->rgrp = newrgrp();
-	p->procmode = 0640;
-	kstrdup(&eve, "");
-	kstrdup(&p->text, "*init*");
-	kstrdup(&p->user, eve);
-	procsetup(p);
-	/*
-	 * Kernel Stack
-	 */
-	p->sched.pc = (ulong)init0;
-	p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK-MAXSYSARG*BY2WD;
-	/*
-	 * User Stack, pass input arguments to boot process
-	 */
-	p->seg[SSEG] = s;
-	pg = newpage(1, 0, USTKTOP-BY2PG);
-	segpage(s, pg);
-	k = kmap(pg);
-	for(av = (char**)argbuf; *av; av++)
-		*av += (USTKTOP - sizeof(argbuf)) - (ulong)argbuf;
-	memmove((uchar*)VA(k) + BY2PG - sizeof(argbuf), argbuf, sizeof argbuf);
-	kunmap(k);
-	/*
-	 * Text
-	 */
-	s = newseg(SG_TEXT, UTZERO, 1);
-	s->flushme++;
-	p->seg[TSEG] = s;
-	pg = newpage(1, 0, UTZERO);
-	memset(pg->cachectl, PG_TXTFLUSH, sizeof(pg->cachectl));
-	segpage(s, pg);
-	k = kmap(s->map[0]->pages[0]);
-	memmove((uchar*)VA(k), initcode, sizeof initcode);
-	kunmap(k);
-	ready(p);
-procsetup(Proc *p)
-	p->fpstate = FPinit;
-	fpenab(0);
-procsave(Proc *p)
-	if(p->fpstate == FPactive){
-		if(p->state == Moribund)
-			fpenab(0);
-		else
-			savefpregs(&up->fpsave);
-		p->fpstate = FPinactive;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Switch to the prototype page tables for this processor.
-	 * While this processor is in the scheduler, the process could run
-	 * on another processor and exit, returning the page tables to
-	 * the free list where they could be reallocated and overwritten.
-	 * When this processor eventually has to get an entry from the
-	 * trashed page tables it will crash.
-	 */
-	mmupark();
-setupboot(int halt)
-	int n = 0;		// cpu id of primary cpu, not just m->machno
-	Hwcpu *cpu = (Hwcpu*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + n*hwrpb->cpulen);
-	cpu->state &= ~(Cpucanrestart | Cpuhaltmask);
-	cpu->state |= (halt? Cpuhaltstayhalted: Cpuhaltwarmboot);
-/* from ../pc */
-static void
-shutdown(int ispanic)
-	int ms, once;
-	lock(&active);
-	if(ispanic)
-		active.ispanic = ispanic;
-	else if(m->machno == 0 && (active.machs & (1<<m->machno)) == 0)
-		active.ispanic = 0;
-	once = active.machs & (1<<m->machno);
-	active.machs &= ~(1<<m->machno);
-	active.exiting = 1;
-	unlock(&active);
-	if(once)
-		print("cpu%d: exiting\n", m->machno);
-	spllo();
-	for(ms = 5*1000; ms > 0; ms -= TK2MS(2)){
-		delay(TK2MS(2));
-		if(active.machs == 0 && consactive() == 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(active.ispanic && m->machno == 0) {
-		if(cpuserver)
-			delay(10000);
-		else
-			for (;;)
-				continue;
-	} else
-		delay(1000);
-/* from ../pc: */
-reboot(void *entry, void *code, ulong size)
-	// writeconf();		// pass kernel environment to next kernel
-	shutdown(0);
-	/*
-	 * should be the only processor running now
-	 */
-	print("shutting down...\n");
-	delay(200);
-	splhi();
-	/* turn off buffered serial console */
-	serialoq = nil;
-	/* shutdown devices */
-	chandevshutdown();
-#ifdef FUTURE
-	ulong *pdb;
-	/*
-	 * Modify the machine page table to directly map the low 4MB of memory
-	 * This allows the reboot code to turn off the page mapping
-	 */
-	pdb = m->pdb;
-	pdb[PDX(0)] = pdb[PDX(KZERO)];
-	mmuflushtlb(PADDR(pdb));
-	/* setup reboot trampoline function */
-	void (*f)(ulong, ulong, ulong) = (void*)REBOOTADDR;
-	memmove(f, rebootcode, sizeof(rebootcode));
-	USED(entry, code, size);
-	print("rebooting...\n");
-#ifdef FUTURE
-	/* off we go - never to return */
-	(*f)(PADDR(entry), PADDR(code), size);
-	setupboot(0);		// reboot, don't halt
-	exit(0);
-exit(int ispanic)
-	canlock(&active);
-	active.machs &= ~(1<<m->machno);
-	active.exiting = 1;
-	unlock(&active);
-	spllo();
-	print("cpu %d exiting\n", m->machno);
-	do
-		delay(100);
-	while(consactive());
-	splhi();
-	delay(1000);	/* give serial fifo time to finish flushing */
-	if (getconf("*debug") != nil) {
-		USED(ispanic);
-		delay(60*1000);		/* give us time to read the screen */
-	}
-	if(arch->coredetach)
-		arch->coredetach();
-	setupboot(1);			// set up to halt
-	for (; ; )
-		firmware();
-	// on PC is just:
-	//if (0) {
-	//	shutdown(ispanic);
-	//	arch->reset();
-	//}
-	ulong ktop, kpages;
-	Bank *b, *eb;
-	extern void _main(void);
-	int userpcnt;
-	char *p;
-	if(p = getconf("*kernelpercent"))
-		userpcnt = 100 - strtol(p, 0, 0);
-	else
-		userpcnt = 0;
-	/*
-	 * The console firmware divides memory into 1 or more banks.
-	 * FInd the bank with the kernel in it.
-	 */
-	b = bootconf->bank;
-	eb = b+bootconf->nbank;
-	ktop = PGROUND((ulong)end);
-	ktop = PADDR(ktop);
-	while(b < eb) {
-		if(b->min < ktop && ktop < b->max)
-			break;
-		b++;
-	}
-	if(b == eb)
-		panic("confinit");
-	/*
-	 * Split the bank of memory into 2 banks to fool the allocator into
-	 * allocating low memory pages from bank 0 for any peripherals
-	 * which only have a 24bit address counter.
-	 */
-	conf.mem[0].npage = (8*1024*1024)/BY2PG;
-	conf.mem[0].base = 0;
-	conf.mem[1].npage = (b->max-8*1024*1024)/BY2PG;
-	conf.mem[1].base = 8*1024*1024;
-	conf.npage = conf.mem[0].npage+conf.mem[1].npage;
-	conf.upages = (conf.npage*70)/100;
-	conf.mem[0].npage -= ktop/BY2PG;
-	conf.mem[0].base += ktop;
-	conf.ialloc = ((conf.npage-conf.upages)/2)*BY2PG;
-	/*
-	 * Fix up the bank we found to be the remnant, below the kernel.
-	 * This, and the other banks, will be passed to xhole() later.
-	 * BUG: conf.upages needs to be adjusted, but how?  In practice,
-	 * we only have 1 bank, and the remnant is small.
-	 */
-	b->max = (uvlong)_main & ~(BY2PG-1);
-	conf.nmach = 1;
-	conf.nproc = 100 + ((conf.npage*BY2PG)/MB)*5;
-	if(cpuserver)
-		conf.nproc *= 3;
-	if(conf.nproc > 2000)
-		conf.nproc = 2000;
-	conf.nimage = 200;
-	conf.nswap = conf.nproc*80;
-	conf.nswppo = 4096;
-	conf.copymode = 0;			/* copy on write */
-	if(cpuserver) {
-		if(userpcnt < 10)
-			userpcnt = 70;
-		kpages = conf.npage - (conf.npage*userpcnt)/100;
-		/*
-		 * Hack for the big boys. Only good while physmem < 4GB.
-		 * Give the kernel a max. of 16MB + enough to allocate the
-		 * page pool.
-		 * This is an overestimate as conf.upages < conf.npages.
-		 * The patch of nimage is a band-aid, scanning the whole
-		 * page list in imagereclaim just takes too long.
-		 */
-		if(kpages > (16*MB + conf.npage*sizeof(Page))/BY2PG){
-			kpages = (16*MB + conf.npage*sizeof(Page))/BY2PG;
-			conf.nimage = 2000;
-			kpages += (conf.nproc*KSTACK)/BY2PG;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(userpcnt < 10) {
-			if(conf.npage*BY2PG < 16*MB)
-				userpcnt = 40;
-			else
-				userpcnt = 60;
-		}
-		kpages = conf.npage - (conf.npage*userpcnt)/100;
-		/*
-		 * Make sure terminals with low memory get at least
-		 * 4MB on the first Image chunk allocation.
-		 */
-		if(conf.npage*BY2PG < 16*MB)
-			imagmem->minarena = 4*1024*1024;
-	}
-	conf.upages = conf.npage - kpages;
-	conf.ialloc = (kpages/2)*BY2PG;
-	/*
-	 * Guess how much is taken by the large permanent
-	 * datastructures. Mntcache and Mntrpc are not accounted for
-	 * (probably ~300KB).
-	 */
-	kpages *= BY2PG;
-	kpages -= conf.upages*sizeof(Page)
-		+ conf.nproc*sizeof(Proc)
-		+ conf.nimage*sizeof(Image)
-		+ conf.nswap
-		+ conf.nswppo*sizeof(Page);
-	mainmem->maxsize = kpages;
-	if(!cpuserver){
-		/*
-		 * give terminals lots of image memory, too; the dynamic
-		 * allocation will balance the load properly, hopefully.
-		 * be careful with 32-bit overflow.
-		 */
-		imagmem->maxsize = kpages;
-	}
-//	conf.monitor = 1;	/* BUG */
-	Bank *b, *eb;
-	b = bootconf->bank;
-	eb = b+bootconf->nbank;
-	while(b < eb) {
-		if(b->min < (1LL<<32) && b->max < (1LL<<32))
-			xhole(b->min, b->max-b->min);
-		b++;
-	}
-char *sp;
-char *
-pusharg(char *p)
-	int n;
-	n = strlen(p)+1;
-	sp -= n;
-	memmove(sp, p, n);
-	return sp;
-	char **av;
-	av = (char**)argbuf;
-	sp = argbuf + sizeof(argbuf);
-	*av++ = pusharg("boot");
-	*av = 0;
-char *
-getconf(char *name)
-	int n;
-	for(n = 0; n < nconf; n++)
-		if(cistrcmp(confname[n], name) == 0) {
-			return confval[n];
-		}
-	return 0;
-isaconfig(char *class, int ctlrno, ISAConf *isa)
-	char cc[32], *p;
-	int i, n;
-	snprint(cc, sizeof cc, "%s%d", class, ctlrno);
-	for(n = 0; n < nconf; n++){
-		if(cistrcmp(confname[n], cc) != 0)
-			continue;
-		isa->nopt = tokenize(confval[n], isa->opt, NISAOPT);
-		for(i = 0; i < isa->nopt; i++){
-			p = isa->opt[i];
-			if(cistrncmp(p, "type=", 5) == 0)
-				isa->type = p + 5;
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "port=", 5) == 0)
-				isa->port = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "irq=", 4) == 0)
-				isa->irq = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "dma=", 4) == 0)
-				isa->dma = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "mem=", 4) == 0)
-				isa->mem = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "size=", 5) == 0)
-				isa->size = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
-			else if(cistrncmp(p, "freq=", 5) == 0)
-				isa->freq = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
-		}
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-cistrcmp(char *a, char *b)
-	int ac, bc;
-	for(;;){
-		ac = *a++;
-		bc = *b++;
-		if(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z')
-			ac = 'a' + (ac - 'A');
-		if(bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z')
-			bc = 'a' + (bc - 'A');
-		ac -= bc;
-		if(ac)
-			return ac;
-		if(bc == 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-cistrncmp(char *a, char *b, int n)
-	unsigned ac, bc;
-	while(n > 0){
-		ac = *a++;
-		bc = *b++;
-		n--;
-		if(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z')
-			ac = 'a' + (ac - 'A');
-		if(bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z')
-			bc = 'a' + (bc - 'A');
-		ac -= bc;
-		if(ac)
-			return ac;
-		if(bc == 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	return 0;
-getcfields(char* lp, char** fields, int n, char* sep)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; lp && *lp && i < n; i++){
-		while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) != 0)
-			*lp++ = 0;
-		if(*lp == 0)
-			break;
-		fields[i] = lp;
-		while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) == 0){
-			if(*lp == '\\' && *(lp+1) == '\n')
-				*lp++ = ' ';
-			lp++;
-		}
-	}
-	return i;

+ 0 - 89

@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * Memory and machine-specific definitions.  Used in C and assembler.
- */
- * Sizes
- */
-#define	BI2BY		8			/* bits per byte */
-#define	BI2WD		32			/* bits per word */
-#define	BY2WD		4			/* bytes per word */
-#define BY2V		8			/* bytes per vlong */
-#define	BY2PG		8192			/* bytes per page */
-#define	WD2PG		(BY2PG/BY2WD)		/* words per page */
-#define	PGSHIFT		13			/* log(BY2PG) */
-#define ROUND(s, sz)	(((s)+((sz)-1))&~((sz)-1))
-#define PGROUND(s)	ROUND(s, BY2PG)
-#define BLOCKALIGN	8
-#define	BY2PTE		8			/* bytes per pte entry */
-#define	PTE2PG		(BY2PG/BY2PTE)		/* pte entries per page */
-#define	MAXMACH		1			/* max # cpus system can run */
-#define	KSTACK		4096			/* Size of kernel stack */
- * Time
- */
-#define	HZ		100			/* clock frequency */
-#define	MS2HZ		(1000/HZ)
-#define	TK2SEC(t)	((t)/HZ)		/* ticks to seconds */
- * Magic registers
- */
-#define	MACH		15		/* R15 is m-> */
-#define	USER		14		/* R14 is up-> */
- * Fundamental addresses
- */
- * MMU
- *
- * A PTE is 64 bits, but a ulong is 32!  Hence we encode
- * the PTEs specially for fault.c, and decode them in putmmu().
- * This means that we can only map the first 2G of physical
- * space via putmmu() - ie only physical memory, not devices.
- */
-#define	PTEVALID	0x3301
-#define	PTEKVALID	0x1101
-#define	PTEASM		0x0010
-#define	PTEGH(s)	((s)<<5)
-#define	PTEWRITE	0
-#define	PTERONLY	0x4
-#define	PTEUNCACHED	0
-#define	PPN(n)		(((n)>>PGSHIFT)<<14)
-#define	FIXPTE(x)	((((uvlong)(x)>>14)<<32)|((x) & 0x3fff))
-#define	PTEPFN(pa)	(((uvlong)(pa)>>PGSHIFT)<<32)
-#define	NCOLOR		1
-#define	getpgcolor(a)	0
-#define	PTEMAPMEM	(1024*1024)	
-#define	SEGMAPSIZE	512
-#define SSEGMAPSIZE	16
- * Address spaces
- */
-#define	UZERO	0			/* base of user address space */
-#define	UTZERO	(UZERO+BY2PG)		/* first address in user text */
-#define	USTKTOP	(TSTKTOP-TSTKSIZ*BY2PG)	/* byte just beyond user stack */
-#define	TSTKTOP	KZERO			/* top of temporary stack */
-#define	TSTKSIZ 100
-#define	KZERO	0x80000000		/* base of kernel address space */
-#define	KTZERO	(KZERO+0x400000)	/* first address in kernel text */
-#define	USTKSIZE	(4*1024*1024)	/* size of user stack */
- * Processor Status (as returned by rdps)
- */
-#define	UMODE	0x8
-#define	IPL	0x7
-#define isphys(x) (((ulong)x&KZERO)!=0)

+ 0 - 197

@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#define QUAD	8
-#define ALIGN	64
-#define BLOCK	64
-TEXT memmove(SB), $0
-	MOVL	from+4(FP), R7
-	MOVL	n+8(FP), R10
-	MOVQ	R0, R6
-	CMPUGE	R7, R0, R5
-	BNE	R5, _forward
-	MOVQ	R6, R8			/* end to address */
-	ADDL	R10, R6, R6		/* to+n */
-	ADDL	R10, R7, R7		/* from+n */
-	CMPUGE	$ALIGN, R10, R1		/* need at least ALIGN bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	AND	$(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _baligned
-	MOVBU	-1(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$-1, R6, R6
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$-1, R7, R7
-	JMP	_balign
-	AND	$(QUAD-1), R7, R1	/* is the source quad-aligned */
-	BNE	R1, _bunaligned
-	ADDL	$(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b8tail
-	MOVQ	-64(R7), R22
-	MOVQ	-56(R7), R23
-	MOVQ	-48(R7), R24
-	MOVQ	-40(R7), R25
-	MOVQ	-32(R7), R2
-	MOVQ	-24(R7), R3
-	MOVQ	-16(R7), R4
-	MOVQ	-8(R7), R5
-	SUBL	$64, R6, R6
-	SUBL	$64, R7, R7
-	MOVQ	R22, (R6)
-	MOVQ	R23, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R24, 16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R25, 24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R3, 40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R4, 48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R5, 56(R6)
-	JMP	_bblock
-	ADDL	$(QUAD-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	MOVQ	-8(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$8, R6
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	SUBL	$8, R7
-	JMP	_b8block
-	CMPUGE	R8, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _ret
-	MOVBU	-1(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$1, R6, R6
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	SUBL	$1, R7, R7
-	JMP	_b1tail
-	ADDL	$(16-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	MOVQU	-16(R7), R4
-	MOVQU	-8(R7), R3
-	MOVQU	(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$16, R6
-	EXTQH	R7, R2, R2
-	EXTQL	R7, R3, R5
-	OR	R5, R2, R11
-	EXTQH	R7, R3, R3
-	EXTQL	R7, R4, R4
-	OR	R3, R4, R13
-	MOVQ	R11, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R13, (R6)
-	SUBL	$16, R7
-	JMP	_bu8block
-	ADDL	R10, R6, R8		/* end to address */
-	CMPUGE	$ALIGN, R10, R1		/* need at least ALIGN bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _f1tail
-	AND	$(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _faligned
-	MOVBU	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$1, R7, R7
-	MOVB	R2, -1(R6)
-	JMP	_falign
-	AND	$(QUAD-1), R7, R1	/* is the source quad-aligned */
-	BNE	R1, _funaligned
-	SUBL	$(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f8tail
-	MOVQ	(R7), R2
-	MOVQ	8(R7), R3
-	MOVQ	16(R7), R4
-	MOVQ	24(R7), R5
-	MOVQ	32(R7), R22
-	MOVQ	40(R7), R23
-	MOVQ	48(R7), R24
-	MOVQ	56(R7), R25
-	ADDL	$64, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$64, R7, R7
-	MOVQ	R2, -64(R6)
-	MOVQ	R3, -56(R6)
-	MOVQ	R4, -48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R5, -40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R22, -32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R23, -24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R24, -16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R25, -8(R6)
-	JMP	_fblock
-	SUBL	$(QUAD-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f1tail
-	MOVQ	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$8, R6
-	ADDL	$8, R7
-	MOVQ	R2, -8(R6)
-	JMP	_f8block
-	CMPUGT	R8, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _fret
-	MOVBU	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$1, R7, R7
-	MOVB	R2, -1(R6)
-	JMP	_f1tail
-	SUBL	$(16-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f1tail
-	MOVQU	(R7), R2
-	MOVQU	8(R7), R3
-	MOVQU	16(R7), R4
-	EXTQL	R7, R2, R2
-	EXTQH	R7, R3, R5
-	OR	R5, R2, R11
-	EXTQL	R7, R3, R3
-	MOVQ	R11, (R6)
-	EXTQH	R7, R4, R4
-	OR	R3, R4, R11
-	MOVQ	R11, 8(R6)
-	ADDL	$16, R6
-	ADDL	$16, R7
-	JMP	_fu8block

+ 0 - 61

@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-TEXT memset(SB), $0
-	MOVL	R0, R6
-	MOVBU	data+4(FP), R2
-	MOVL	n+8(FP), R10
-	ADDL	R10, R0, R8
-	CMPUGE	$8, R10, R1		/* need at least 8 bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _1loop
-	SLLQ	$8, R2, R1		/* replicate the byte */
-	OR	R1, R2
-	SLLQ	$16, R2, R1
-	OR	R1, R2
-	SLLQ	$32, R2, R1
-	OR	R1, R2
-	AND	$(8-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _aligned
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	JMP	_align
-	SUBL	$(64-1), R8, R9		/* end pointer minus slop */
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _8tail
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 56(R6)
-	ADDL	$64, R6, R6
-	JMP	_64loop
-	SUBL	$(8-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _1loop
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$8, R6
-	JMP	_8loop
-	CMPUGT	R8, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _ret
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$1, R6
-	JMP	_1loop

+ 0 - 109

@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-CONFLIST=apc apccpu
-DEVS=`{rc ../port/mkdevlist $CONF}
-	alarm.$O\
-	alloc.$O\
-	allocb.$O\
-	auth.$O\
-	cache.$O\
-	chan.$O\
-	dev.$O\
-	fault.$O\
-	latin1.$O\
-	log.$O\
-	edf.$O\
-	mul64fract.$O\
-	page.$O\
-	parse.$O\
-	pgrp.$O\
-	portclock.$O\
-	print.$O\
-	proc.$O\
-	qio.$O\
-	qlock.$O\
-	rdb.$O\
-	rebootcmd.$O\
-	segment.$O\
-	swap.$O\
-	sysfile.$O\
-	sysproc.$O\
-	taslock.$O\
-	tod.$O\
-	xalloc.$O\
-	l.$O\
-	cga.$O\
-	clock.$O\
-	faultalpha.$O\
-	fdc37c93x.$O\
-	fptrap.$O\
-	i8259.$O\
-	kbd.$O\
-	main.$O\
-	mmu.$O\
-	random.$O\
-	trap.$O\
-	$CONF.root.$O\
-	$CONF.rootc.$O\
-	$DEVS\
-	$PORT\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemlayer.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libmemdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libdraw.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libip.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libc.a\
-	/$objtype/lib/libsec.a\
-ETHER=`{echo devether.c ether*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-VGA=`{echo devvga.c screen.c vga*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-SDEV=`{echo devsd.c sd*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-loadaddr = 0x80400020
-	$CC $CFLAGS '-DKERNDATE='`{date -n} $CONF.c
-	$LD -o $target -H3 -R8 -T$loadaddr -l $OBJ $CONF.$O $LIB
-	size $target
-install:V: $p$CONF
-	cp $p$CONF /$objtype/$p$CONF
-<|../port/mkbootrules $CONF
-init.h:	initcode /sys/src/libc/9syscall/sys.h
-	$AS initcode
-	$LD -l -s -R8 -o init.out initcode.$O -lc
-	{echo 'uchar initcode[]={'
-	 xd -r -1x init.out |
-		sed -e 's/^[0-9a-f]+ //' -e 's/ ([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/0x\1,/g'
-	 echo '};'} > init.h
-clock.$O:	/$objtype/include/ureg.h axp.h
-devarch.$O:	axp.h
-faultalpha.$O:	/$objtype/include/ureg.h
-fptrap.$O:	/$objtype/include/ureg.h
-kbd.$O:		/$objtype/include/ureg.h
-l.$O:		osf1pal.h
-main.$O: 	/$objtype/include/ureg.h errstr.h init.h
-mmu.$O:		/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h
-sd53c8xx.$O:	/$objtype/include/ureg.h ../port/sd.h sd53c8xx.i
-trap.$O:	/$objtype/include/ureg.h ../port/error.h ../port/systab.h
-sd53c8xx.i:	../pc/sd53c8xx.n
-	aux/na $prereq > $target
-	$CC -a -w -I. ../port/qio.c>acid

+ 0 - 299

@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h"
-static uvlong	origlvl1;	/* physical address */
-static uvlong	klvl2;	/* physical, as created by boot loader */
-static uchar	*nextio;	/* next virtual address to be allocated by kmapv */
-extern Bootconf *bootconf;
-#define LVL2OFF(v)	((((long)(v))>>(2*PGSHIFT-3))&(PTE2PG-1))
-#define LVL3OFF(v)	((((long)(v))>>(PGSHIFT))&(PTE2PG-1))
-static void
-setptb(ulong pa)
-	m->ptbr = (uvlong)pa>>PGSHIFT;
-	swpctx(m);
-	uvlong *plvl2;
-	/* set PCB to new one in mach structure before stomping on old one */
-	m->usp = 0;
-	m->fen = 1;
-	m->ptbr = bootconf->pcb->ptbr;
-	origlvl1 = (m->ptbr << PGSHIFT);
-	setpcb(m);
-	plvl2 = (uvlong*) (KZERO|origlvl1|(BY2PG-8));
-	klvl2 = (*plvl2 >> 32)<<PGSHIFT;
-	nextio = (uchar*) (KZERO|bootconf->maxphys);
-static void
-mmuptefree(Proc* proc)
-	uvlong *lvl2;
-	Page **last, *page;
-	if(proc->mmutop && proc->mmuused){
-		lvl2 = (uvlong*)proc->mmulvl2->va;
-		last = &proc->mmuused;
-		for(page = *last; page; page = page->next){
-			lvl2[page->daddr] = 0;
-			last = &page->next;
-		}
-		*last = proc->mmufree;
-		proc->mmufree = proc->mmuused;
-		proc->mmuused = 0;
-	}
-mmuswitch(Proc *proc)
-	if(proc->newtlb){
-		mmuptefree(proc);
-		proc->newtlb = 0;
-	}
-	/* tell processor about new page table and flush cached entries */
-	if(proc->mmutop == 0)
-		setptb(origlvl1);
-	else
-		setptb(proc->mmutop->pa);
-	tlbflush(-1, 0);
-	icflush();
-/* point to protoype page map */
-	setptb(origlvl1);
-	icflush();
- *  give all page table pages back to the free pool.  This is called in sched()
- *  with palloc locked.
- */
-mmurelease(Proc *proc)
-	Page *page, *next;
-	mmupark();
-	mmuptefree(proc);
-	proc->mmuused = 0;
-	if(proc->mmutop) {
-		proc->mmutop->next = proc->mmufree;
-		proc->mmufree = proc->mmutop;
-		proc->mmutop = 0;
-	}
-	if(proc->mmulvl2) {
-		proc->mmulvl2->next = proc->mmufree;
-		proc->mmufree = proc->mmulvl2;
-		proc->mmulvl2 = 0;
-	}
-	for(page = proc->mmufree; page; page = next){
-		next = page->next;
-		if(--page->ref)
-			panic("mmurelease: page->ref %d\n", page->ref);
-		pagechainhead(page);
-	}
-	if(proc->mmufree && palloc.r.p)
-		wakeup(&palloc.r);
-	proc->mmufree = 0;
-	Page *top, *lvl2;
-	uvlong *ppte;
-	top = newpage(1, 0, 0);
-	top->va = VA(kmap(top));
-	lvl2 = newpage(1, 0, 0);
-	lvl2->va = VA(kmap(lvl2));
-	ppte = (uvlong *)top->va;
-	ppte[0] = PTEPFN(lvl2->pa) | PTEKVALID;
-	ppte[PTE2PG-2] = PTEPFN(top->pa) | PTEKVALID;
-	ppte[PTE2PG-1] = PTEPFN(klvl2) | PTEKVALID;
-	up->mmutop = top;
-	up->mmulvl2 = lvl2;
-	setptb(top->pa);
-	tlbflush(-1, 0);
-	icflush();
-putmmu(ulong va, ulong pa, Page *pg)
-	int lvl2off;
-	uvlong *lvl2, *pt;
-	int s;
-	if(up->mmutop == 0)
-		mmunewtop();
-	lvl2 = (uvlong*)up->mmulvl2->va;
-	lvl2off = LVL2OFF(va);
-	/*
-	 *  if bottom level page table missing, allocate one 
-	 *  and point the top level page at it.
-	 */
-	s = splhi();
-	if(lvl2[lvl2off] == 0){
-		if(up->mmufree == 0){
-			spllo();
-			pg = newpage(1, 0, 0);
-			pg->va = VA(kmap(pg));
-			splhi();
-		} else {
-			pg = up->mmufree;
-			up->mmufree = pg->next;
-			memset((void*)pg->va, 0, BY2PG);
-		}
-		lvl2[lvl2off] = PTEPFN(pg->pa) | PTEVALID;
-		pg->daddr = lvl2off;
-		pg->next = up->mmuused;
-		up->mmuused = pg;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *  put in new mmu entry
-	 */
-	pt = (uvlong*)(((lvl2[lvl2off] >> 32)<<PGSHIFT)|KZERO);
-	pt[LVL3OFF(va)] = FIXPTE(pa);
-	/* flush cached mmu entries */
-	tlbflush(3, va);
-	icflush();
-	splx(s);
-void *
-kmapv(uvlong pa, int size)
-	void *va, *new;
-	int lvl2off, i, npage, offset;
-	uvlong *lvl2, *pt;
-	offset = pa&(BY2PG-1);
-	npage = ((size+offset+BY2PG-1)>>PGSHIFT);
-	va = nextio+offset;
-	lvl2 = (uvlong*)(KZERO|klvl2);
-	for (i = 0; i < npage; i++) {
-		lvl2off = LVL2OFF(nextio);
-		if (lvl2[lvl2off] == 0) {
-			new = xspanalloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 0);
-			memset(new, 0, BY2PG);
-			lvl2[lvl2off] = PTEPFN(PADDR(new)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM;
-		}
-		pt = (uvlong*)(((lvl2[lvl2off] >> 32)<<PGSHIFT)|KZERO);
-		pt[LVL3OFF(nextio)] = PTEPFN(pa) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM;
-		nextio += BY2PG;
-		pa += BY2PG;
-	}
-	return va;
-	int s;
-	s = splhi();
-	up->newtlb = 1;
-	mmuswitch(up);
-	splx(s);
-vmap(ulong pa, int size)
-	void *va;
-	/*
-	 * Viability hack. Only for PCI framebuffers.
-	 */
-	if(pa == 0)
-		return 0;
-	va = kmapv(((uvlong)0x88<<32LL)|pa, size);
-	if(va == nil)
-		return 0;
-	return (void*)va;
-vunmap(void*, int)
-	print("vunmap: virtual mapping not freed\n");
-	Page *top, *lvl2;
-	iprint("ptbr %lux up %#p\n", (ulong)m->ptbr, up);
-	if(up) {
-		top = up->mmutop;
-		if(top != nil)
-			iprint("top %lux top[N-1] %llux\n", top->va, ((uvlong *)top->va)[PTE2PG-1]);
-		lvl2 = up->mmulvl2;
-		if(lvl2 != nil)
-			iprint("lvl2 %lux\n", lvl2->va);
-	}
-upaalloc(int, int)
-	return 0;
-upafree(ulong, int)
-checkmmu(ulong, ulong)
-countpagerefs(ulong*, int)
- * Return the number of bytes that can be accessed via KADDR(pa).
- * If pa is not a valid argument to KADDR, return 0.
- */
-cankaddr(ulong pa)
-	ulong kzero;
-	kzero = -KZERO;
-	if(pa >= kzero)
-		return 0;
-	return kzero - pa;

+ 0 - 78

@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * OSF/1 PALcode instructions, in numerical order.
- * Values are from Digital EBSDK and FreeBSD/Alpha.
- */
-/* Privilaged PAL functions */
-#define	PALhalt		0x00	/* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define	PALcflush	0x01
-#define	PALdraina	0x02	/* required per Alpha architecture */
- * ... 0x03 to 0x08 ?
- */
-#define	PALcserve	0x09
-#define	PALswppal	0x0a
- * ... 0x0b to 0x0c ?
- */
-#define	PALwripir	0x0d
- * ... 0x0e to 0x0f ?
- */
-#define	PALrdmces	0x10
-#define	PALwrmces	0x11
- * ... 0x12 to 0x2a ?
- */
-#define	PALwrfen	0x2b
-				/* 0x2c OSF/1 ? */
-#define	PALwrvptptr	0x2d
- * ... 0x2e to 0x2f ?
- */
-#define	PALswpctx	0x30
-#define	PALwrval	0x31
-#define	PALrdval	0x32
-#define	PALtbi		0x33
-#define	PALwrent	0x34
-#define	PALswpipl	0x35
-#define	PALrdps		0x36
-#define	PALwrkgp	0x37
-#define	PALwrusp	0x38
-#define	PALwrperfmon	0x39
-#define	PALrdusp	0x3a
-				/* 0x3b OSF/1 ? */
-#define	PALwhami	0x3c
-#define	PALretsys	0x3d
-#define	PALwtint	0x3e
-#define	PALrti		0x3f
-/* Unprivileged PAL functions */
-#define	PALbpt		0x80
-#define	PALbugchk	0x81
-#define	PALcallsys	0x83
-#define	PALimb		0x86	/* required per Alpha architecture */
- * ... 0x89 to 0x91 ?
- */
-#define	PALurti		0x92
- * ... 0x93 to 0x9d ?
- */
-#define	PALrdunique	0x9e
-#define	PALwrunique	0x9f
- * ... 0xa0 to 0xa9 ?
- */
-#define	PALgentrap	0xaa
- * ... 0xab to 0xac ?
- */
-#define	PALdbgstop	0xad
-#define	PALclrfen	0xae
- * ... 0xaf to 0xbd ?
- */
-#define	PALnphalt	0xbe
-#define	PALcopypal	0xbf

+ 0 - 412

@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
- * PCI support code.
- * To do:
- *	initialise bridge mappings if the PCI BIOS didn't.
- */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-enum {
-	MaxFNO		= 7,
-	MaxUBN		= 255,
-{					/* command register */
-	IOen		= (1<<0),
-	MEMen		= (1<<1),
-	MASen		= (1<<2),
-	MemWrInv	= (1<<4),
-	PErrEn		= (1<<6),
-	SErrEn		= (1<<8),
-static Lock pcicfglock;
-static Lock pcicfginitlock;
-static int pcicfgmode = -1;
-static int pcimaxdno;
-static Pcidev* pciroot;
-static Pcidev* pcilist;
-static Pcidev* pcitail;
-static int pcicfgrw32(int, int, int, int);
-uchar	*vgabios;
-static int
-pciscan(int bno, Pcidev** list)
-	ulong v;
-	Pcidev *p, *head, *tail;
-	int dno, fno, i, hdt, l, maxfno, maxubn, rno, sbn, tbdf, ubn;
-	maxubn = bno;
-	head = nil;
-	tail = nil;
-	for(dno = 0; dno <= pcimaxdno; dno++){
-		maxfno = 0;
-		for(fno = 0; fno <= maxfno; fno++){
-			/*
-			 * For this possible device, form the
-			 * bus+device+function triplet needed to address it
-			 * and try to read the vendor and device ID.
-			 * If successful, allocate a device struct and
-			 * start to fill it in with some useful information
-			 * from the device's configuration space.
-			 */
-			tbdf = MKBUS(BusPCI, bno, dno, fno);
-			l = pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciVID, 0, 1);
-			if(l == 0xFFFFFFFF || l == 0)
-				continue;
-/* optional safety checks:
-			if(l == pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciPCR, 0, 1))
-				continue;
-			if(l != pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciVID, 0, 1))
-				continue;
-			if(l == pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciPCR, 0, 1))
-				continue;
-			p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
-			p->tbdf = tbdf;
-			p->vid = l;
-			p->did = l>>16;
-			if(pcilist != nil)
-				pcitail->list = p;
-			else
-				pcilist = p;
-			pcitail = p;
-			p->rid = pcicfgr8(p, PciRID);
-			p->ccrp = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRp);
-			p->ccru = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRu);
-			p->ccrb = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRb);
-			p->pcr = pcicfgr32(p, PciPCR);
-			p->intl = pcicfgr8(p, PciINTL);
-			/*
-			 * If the device is a multi-function device adjust the
-			 * loop count so all possible functions are checked.
-			 */
-			hdt = pcicfgr8(p, PciHDT);
-			if(hdt & 0x80)
-				maxfno = MaxFNO;
-			/*
-			 * If appropriate, read the base address registers
-			 * and work out the sizes.
-			 */
-			switch(p->ccrb){
-			case 0x03:		/* display controller */
-				if(vgabios == nil) {
-					v = pcicfgr32(p, PciROM);
-					pcicfgw32(p, PciROM, v|1);	/* enable decode */
-					vgabios = kmapv(((uvlong)0x88<<32LL)|(v&~0xffff), 0x10000);
-					// print("VGA BIOS %lux -> %lux\n", v, vgabios);
-				}
-				/* fall through */
-			case 0x01:		/* mass storage controller */
-			case 0x02:		/* network controller */
-			case 0x04:		/* multimedia device */
-			case 0x07:		/* simple communication controllers */
-			case 0x08:		/* base system peripherals */
-			case 0x09:		/* input devices */
-			case 0x0A:		/* docking stations */
-			case 0x0B:		/* processors */
-			case 0x0C:		/* serial bus controllers */
-				if((hdt & 0x7F) != 0)
-					break;
-				rno = PciBAR0 - 4;
-				for(i = 0; i < nelem(p->mem); i++){
-					rno += 4;
-					p->mem[i].bar = pcicfgr32(p, rno);
-					pcicfgw32(p, rno, -1);
-					v = pcicfgr32(p, rno);
-					pcicfgw32(p, rno, p->mem[i].bar);
-					p->mem[i].size = -(v & ~0xF);
-				}
-				break;
-			case 0x00:
-			case 0x05:		/* memory controller */
-			case 0x06:		/* bridge device */
-			default:
-				break;
-			}
-			if(head != nil)
-				tail->link = p;
-			else
-				head = p;
-			tail = p;
-		}
-	}
-	*list = head;
-	for(p = head; p != nil; p = p->link){
-		/*
-		 * Find PCI-PCI bridges and recursively descend the tree.
-		 */
-		if(p->ccrb != 0x06 || p->ccru != 0x04)
-			continue;
-		/*
-		 * If the secondary or subordinate bus number is not initialised
-		 * try to do what the PCI BIOS should have done and fill in the
-		 * numbers as the tree is descended. On the way down the subordinate
-		 * bus number is set to the maximum as it's not known how many
-		 * buses are behind this one; the final value is set on the way
-		 * back up.
-		 */
-		sbn = pcicfgr8(p, PciSBN);
-		ubn = pcicfgr8(p, PciUBN);
-		if(sbn == 0 || ubn == 0){
-			sbn = maxubn+1;
-			/*
-			 * Make sure memory, I/O and master enables are off,
-			 * set the primary, secondary and subordinate bus numbers
-			 * and clear the secondary status before attempting to
-			 * scan the secondary bus.
-			 *
-			 * Initialisation of the bridge should be done here.
-			 */
-			pcicfgw32(p, PciPCR, 0xFFFF0000);
-			l = (MaxUBN<<16)|(sbn<<8)|bno;
-			pcicfgw32(p, PciPBN, l);
-			pcicfgw16(p, PciSPSR, 0xFFFF);
-			maxubn = pciscan(sbn, &p->bridge);
-			l = (maxubn<<16)|(sbn<<8)|bno;
-			pcicfgw32(p, PciPBN, l);
-		}
-		else{
-			maxubn = ubn;
-			pciscan(sbn, &p->bridge);
-		}
-	}
-	return maxubn;
-static void
-	char *p;
-	lock(&pcicfginitlock);
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1){
-		pcicfgmode = 0;
-		pcimaxdno = 15;		/* was 20; what is correct value??? */
-		if(p = getconf("*pcimaxdno"))
-			pcimaxdno = strtoul(p, 0, 0);
-		pciscan(0, &pciroot);
-	}
-	unlock(&pcicfginitlock);
-static int
-pcicfgrw8(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
-	int x;
-	uchar *p;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	x = -1;
-	if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
-		return x;
-	p = (uchar*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
-	if(read)
-		x = *p;
-	else
-		*p = data;
-	return x;
-pcicfgr8(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
-	return pcicfgrw8(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw8(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
-	pcicfgrw8(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-static int
-pcicfgrw16(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
-	int x;
-	ushort *p;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	x = -1;
-	if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
-		return x;
-	p = (ushort*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
-	if(read)
-		x = *p;
-	else
-		*p = data;
-	return x;
-pcicfgr16(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
-	return pcicfgrw16(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw16(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
-	pcicfgrw16(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-static int
-pcicfgrw32(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
-	int x;
-	ulong *p;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	x = -1;
-	if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
-		return x;
-	p = (ulong*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
-	if(read)
-		x = *p;
-	else
-		*p = data;
-	return x;
-pcicfgr32(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
-	return pcicfgrw32(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw32(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
-	pcicfgrw32(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-pcimatch(Pcidev* prev, int vid, int did)
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	if(prev == nil)
-		prev = pcilist;
-	else
-		prev = prev->list;
-	while(prev != nil) {
-		if((vid == 0 || prev->vid == vid)
-		&& (did == 0 || prev->did == did))
-			break;
-		prev = prev->list;
-	}
-	return prev;
-pcimatchtbdf(int tbdf)
-	Pcidev *pcidev;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	for(pcidev = pcilist; pcidev != nil; pcidev = pcidev->list) {
-		if(pcidev->tbdf == tbdf)
-			break;
-	}
-	return pcidev;
-pcihinv(Pcidev* p)
-	int i;
-	Pcidev *t;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	if(p == nil) {
-		p = pciroot;
-		print("bus dev type vid  did intl memory\n");
-	}
-	for(t = p; t != nil; t = t->link) {
-		print("%d  %2d/%d %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.4ux %.4ux %2d  ",
-			BUSBNO(t->tbdf), BUSDNO(t->tbdf), BUSFNO(t->tbdf),
-			t->ccrb, t->ccru, t->ccrp, t->vid, t->did, t->intl);
-		for(i = 0; i < nelem(p->mem); i++) {
-			if(t->mem[i].size == 0)
-				continue;
-			print("%d:%.8lux %d ", i,
-				t->mem[i].bar, t->mem[i].size);
-		}
-		print("\n");
-	}
-	while(p != nil) {
-		if(p->bridge != nil)
-			pcihinv(p->bridge);
-		p = p->link;
-	}
-	Pcidev *p;
-	int pcr;
-	if(pcicfgmode == -1)
-		pcicfginit();
-	for(p = pcilist; p != nil; p = p->list){
-		pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPSR);
-		pcicfgw16(p, PciPSR, pcr & ~0x04);
-	}
-pcisetbme(Pcidev* p)
-	int pcr;
-	pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPCR);
-	pcr |= MASen;
-	pcicfgw16(p, PciPCR, pcr);
-pciclrbme(Pcidev* p)
-	int pcr;
-	pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPCR);
-	pcr &= ~MASen;
-	pcicfgw16(p, PciPCR, pcr);

+ 0 - 171

@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Cursor Cursor;
-typedef struct Cursorinfo Cursorinfo;
-struct Cursorinfo {
-	Cursor;
-	Lock;
-/* devmouse.c */
-extern void mousetrack(int, int, int, int);
-extern Point mousexy(void);
-extern void mouseaccelerate(int);
-extern int m3mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern int m5mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern int mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern Cursorinfo cursor;
-extern Cursor arrow;
- * Generic VGA registers.
- */
-enum {
-	MiscW		= 0x03C2,	/* Miscellaneous Output (W) */
-	MiscR		= 0x03CC,	/* Miscellaneous Output (R) */
-	Status0		= 0x03C2,	/* Input status 0 (R) */
-	Status1		= 0x03DA,	/* Input Status 1 (R) */
-	FeatureR	= 0x03CA,	/* Feature Control (R) */
-	FeatureW	= 0x03DA,	/* Feature Control (W) */
-	Seqx		= 0x03C4,	/* Sequencer Index, Data at Seqx+1 */
-	Crtx		= 0x03D4,	/* CRT Controller Index, Data at Crtx+1 */
-	Grx		= 0x03CE,	/* Graphics Controller Index, Data at Grx+1 */
-	Attrx		= 0x03C0,	/* Attribute Controller Index and Data */
-	PaddrW		= 0x03C8,	/* Palette Address Register, write */
-	Pdata		= 0x03C9,	/* Palette Data Register */
-	Pixmask		= 0x03C6,	/* Pixel Mask Register */
-	PaddrR		= 0x03C7,	/* Palette Address Register, read */
-	Pstatus		= 0x03C7,	/* DAC Status (RO) */
-	Pcolours	= 256,		/* Palette */
-	Pred		= 0,
-	Pgreen		= 1,
-	Pblue		= 2,
-	Pblack		= 0x00,
-	Pwhite		= 0xFF,
-#define VGAMEM()	PADDR(arch->pcimem(0xA0000, 1<<16))
-#define vgai(port)		inb(port)
-#define vgao(port, data)	outb(port, data)
-extern int vgaxi(long, uchar);
-extern int vgaxo(long, uchar, uchar);
- */
-typedef struct VGAdev VGAdev;
-typedef struct VGAcur VGAcur;
-typedef struct VGAscr VGAscr;
-struct VGAdev {
-	char*	name;
-	void	(*enable)(VGAscr*);
-	void	(*disable)(VGAscr*);
-	void	(*page)(VGAscr*, int);
-	void	(*linear)(VGAscr*, int, int);
-	void	(*drawinit)(VGAscr*);
-	int	(*fill)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, ulong);
-	void (*flush)(VGAscr*, Rectangle);
-struct VGAcur {
-	char*	name;
-	void	(*enable)(VGAscr*);
-	void	(*disable)(VGAscr*);
-	void	(*load)(VGAscr*, Cursor*);
-	int	(*move)(VGAscr*, Point);
-	int	doespanning;
- */
-struct VGAscr {
-	Lock	devlock;
-	VGAdev*	dev;
-	Pcidev*	pci;
-	VGAcur*	cur;
-	ulong	storage;
-	Cursor;
-	int	useflush;
-	ulong	paddr;		/* frame buffer */
-	void*	vaddr;
-	int	apsize;
-	ulong	io;				/* device specific registers */
-	ulong	*mmio;
-	ulong	colormap[Pcolours][3];
-	int	palettedepth;
-	Memimage* gscreen;
-	Memdata* gscreendata;
-	Memsubfont* memdefont;
-	int	(*fill)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, ulong);
-	int	(*scroll)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, Rectangle);
-	void	(*blank)(VGAscr*, int);
-	ulong	id;	/* internal identifier for driver use */
-extern VGAscr vgascreen[];
-enum {
-	Backgnd		= 0,	/* black */
-/* mouse.c */
-extern void mousectl(Cmdbuf*);
-/* screen.c */
-extern int	hwaccel;	/* use hw acceleration; default on */
-extern int	hwblank;	/* use hw blanking; default on */
-extern void	addvgaseg(char*, ulong, ulong);
-extern uchar*	attachscreen(Rectangle*, ulong*, int*, int*, int*);
-extern void	flushmemscreen(Rectangle);
-extern int	cursoron(int);
-extern void	cursoroff(int);
-extern void	setcursor(Cursor*);
-extern int	screensize(int, int, int, ulong);
-extern int	screenaperture(int, int);
-extern Rectangle physgscreenr;	/* actual monitor size */
-extern void	blankscreen(int);
-extern VGAcur swcursor;
-extern void swcursorinit(void);
-extern void swcursorhide(void);
-extern void swcursoravoid(Rectangle);
-extern void swcursorunhide(void);
-/* devdraw.c */
-extern void	deletescreenimage(void);
-extern int	drawhasclients(void);
-extern ulong	blanktime;
-extern QLock	drawlock;
-/* vga.c */
-extern void	vgascreenwin(VGAscr*);
-extern void	vgaimageinit(ulong);
-extern void	vgalinearpciid(VGAscr*, int, int);
-extern void	vgalinearpci(VGAscr*);
-extern void	vgalinearaddr(VGAscr*, ulong, int);
-extern void	drawblankscreen(int);
-extern void	vgablank(VGAscr*, int);
-extern Lock	vgascreenlock;
-#define ishwimage(i)	(vgascreen[0].gscreendata && (i)->data->bdata == vgascreen[0].gscreendata->bdata)

+ 0 - 2261

@@ -1,2261 +0,0 @@
- * NCR/Symbios/LSI Logic 53c8xx driver for Plan 9
- * Nigel Roles (nigel@9fs.org)
- *
- * 27/5/02	Fixed problems with transfers >= 256 * 512
- *
- * 13/3/01	Fixed microcode to support targets > 7
- *
- * 01/12/00	Removed previous comments. Fixed a small problem in
- *			mismatch recovery for targets with synchronous offsets of >=16
- *			connected to >=875s. Thanks, Jean.
- *
- * Known problems
- *
- * Read/write mismatch recovery may fail on 53c1010s. Really need to get a manual.
- */
-#define MAXTARGET	16		/* can be 8 or 16 */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/sd.h"
-extern SDifc sd53c8xxifc;
-/* Portable configuration macros  */
-//#define BOOTDEBUG
-//#define ASYNC_ONLY
-//#define	INTERNAL_SCLK
-//#define ALWAYS_DO_WDTR
-#define WMR_DEBUG
-/* CPU specific macros            */
-#define PRINTPREFIX "sd53c8xx: "
-#define KPRINT oprint
-#define IPRINT intrprint
-#define DEBUG(n) 1
-#define IFLUSH() iflush()
-static int idebug = 1;
-#define KPRINT	if(0) iprint
-#define IPRINT	if(idebug) iprint
-#define DEBUG(n)	(0)
-#define IFLUSH()
-#endif /* BOOTDEBUG */
-/* General                     */
-#ifndef DMASEG
-#define DMASEG(x) PCIWADDR(x)
-#define legetl(x) (*(ulong*)(x))
-#define lesetl(x,v) (*(ulong*)(x) = (v))
-#define swabl(a,b,c)
-#endif /*DMASEG */
-#define KPTR(x) ((x) == 0 ? 0 : DMASEG_TO_KADDR(x))
-#define MEGA 1000000L
-#define	SCLK (33 * MEGA)
-#define SCLK (40 * MEGA)
-#endif /* INTERNAL_SCLK */
-#define X_MSG	1
-#define X_MSG_SDTR 1
-#define X_MSG_WDTR 3
-struct na_patch {
-	unsigned lwoff;
-	unsigned char type;
-typedef struct Ncr {
-	uchar scntl0;	/* 00 */
-	uchar scntl1;
-	uchar scntl2;
-	uchar scntl3;
-	uchar scid;	/* 04 */
-	uchar sxfer;
-	uchar sdid;
-	uchar gpreg;
-	uchar sfbr;	/* 08 */
-	uchar socl;
-	uchar ssid;
-	uchar sbcl;
-	uchar dstat;	/* 0c */
-	uchar sstat0;
-	uchar sstat1;
-	uchar sstat2;
-	uchar dsa[4];	/* 10 */
-	uchar istat;	/* 14 */
-	uchar istatpad[3];
-	uchar ctest0;	/* 18 */
-	uchar ctest1;
-	uchar ctest2;
-	uchar ctest3;
-	uchar temp[4];	/* 1c */
-	uchar dfifo;	/* 20 */
-	uchar ctest4;
-	uchar ctest5;
-	uchar ctest6;
-	uchar dbc[3];	/* 24 */
-	uchar dcmd;	/* 27 */
-	uchar dnad[4];	/* 28 */
-	uchar dsp[4];	/* 2c */
-	uchar dsps[4];	/* 30 */
-	uchar scratcha[4];	/* 34 */
-	uchar dmode;	/* 38 */
-	uchar dien;
-	uchar dwt;
-	uchar dcntl;
-	uchar adder[4];	/* 3c */
-	uchar sien0;	/* 40 */
-	uchar sien1;
-	uchar sist0;
-	uchar sist1;
-	uchar slpar;	/* 44 */
-	uchar slparpad0;
-	uchar macntl;
-	uchar gpcntl;
-	uchar stime0;	/* 48 */
-	uchar stime1;
-	uchar respid;
-	uchar respidpad0;
-	uchar stest0;	/* 4c */
-	uchar stest1;
-	uchar stest2;
-	uchar stest3;
-	uchar sidl;	/* 50 */
-	uchar sidlpad[3];
-	uchar sodl;	/* 54 */
-	uchar sodlpad[3];
-	uchar sbdl;	/* 58 */
-	uchar sbdlpad[3];
-	uchar scratchb[4];	/* 5c */
-} Ncr;
-typedef struct Movedata {
-	uchar dbc[4];
-	uchar pa[4];
-} Movedata;
-typedef enum NegoState {
-	NeitherDone, WideInit, WideResponse, WideDone,
-	SyncInit, SyncResponse, BothDone
-} NegoState;
-typedef enum State {
-	Allocated, Queued, Active, Done
-} State;
-typedef struct Dsa {
-	uchar stateb;
-	uchar result;
-	uchar dmablks;
-	uchar flag;	/* setbyte(state,3,...) */
-	union {
-		ulong dmancr;		/* For block transfer: NCR order (little-endian) */
-		uchar dmaaddr[4];
-	};
-	uchar target;			/* Target */
-	uchar pad0[3];
-	uchar lun;			/* Logical Unit Number */
-	uchar pad1[3];
-	uchar scntl3;
-	uchar sxfer;
-	uchar pad2[2];
-	uchar next[4];			/* chaining for SCRIPT (NCR byte order) */
-	struct Dsa *freechain;		/* chaining for freelist */
-	Rendez;
-	uchar scsi_id_buf[4];
-	Movedata msg_out_buf;
-	Movedata cmd_buf;
-	Movedata data_buf;
-	Movedata status_buf;
-	uchar msg_out[10];		/* enough to include SDTR */
-	uchar status;
-	int p9status;
-	uchar parityerror;
-} Dsa;
-typedef enum Feature {
-	BigFifo = 1,			/* 536 byte fifo */
-	BurstOpCodeFetch = 2,		/* burst fetch opcodes */
-	Prefetch = 4,			/* prefetch 8 longwords */
-	LocalRAM = 8,			/* 4K longwords of local RAM */
-	Differential = 16,		/* Differential support */
-	Wide = 32,			/* Wide capable */
-	Ultra = 64,			/* Ultra capable */
-	ClockDouble = 128,		/* Has clock doubler */
-	ClockQuad = 256,		/* Has clock quadrupler (same as Ultra2) */
-	Ultra2 = 256,
-} Feature;
-typedef enum Burst {
-	Burst2 = 0,
-	Burst4 = 1,
-	Burst8 = 2,
-	Burst16 = 3,
-	Burst32 = 4,
-	Burst64 = 5,
-	Burst128 = 6
-} Burst;
-typedef struct Variant {
-	ushort did;
-	uchar maxrid;			/* maximum allowed revision ID */
-	char *name;
-	Burst burst;			/* codings for max burst */
-	uchar maxsyncoff;		/* max synchronous offset */
-	uchar registers;		/* number of 32 bit registers */
-	unsigned feature;
-} Variant;
-static unsigned char cf2[] = { 6, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 };
-#define NULTRA2SCF (sizeof(cf2)/sizeof(cf2[0]))
-#define NSCF (NULTRASCF - 1)
-typedef struct Controller {
-	Lock;
-	struct {
-		uchar scntl3;
-		uchar stest2;
-	} bios;
-	uchar synctab[NULTRA2SCF - 1][8];/* table of legal tpfs */
-	NegoState s[MAXTARGET];
-	uchar scntl3[MAXTARGET];
-	uchar sxfer[MAXTARGET];
-	uchar cap[MAXTARGET];		/* capabilities byte from Identify */
-	ushort capvalid;		/* bit per target for validity of cap[] */
-	ushort wide;			/* bit per target set if wide negotiated */
-	ulong sclk;			/* clock speed of controller */
-	uchar clockmult;		/* set by synctabinit */
-	uchar ccf;			/* CCF bits */
-	uchar tpf;			/* best tpf value for this controller */
-	uchar feature;			/* requested features */
-	int running;			/* is the script processor running? */
-	int ssm;			/* single step mode */
-	Ncr *n;				/* pointer to registers */
-	Variant *v;			/* pointer to variant type */
-	ulong *script;			/* where the real script is */
-	ulong scriptpa;			/* where the real script is */
-	Pcidev* pcidev;
-	SDev*	sdev;
-	struct {
-		Lock;
-		uchar head[4];		/* head of free list (NCR byte order) */
-		Dsa	*freechain;
-	} dsalist;
-	QLock q[MAXTARGET];		/* queues for each target */
-} Controller;
-#define SYNCOFFMASK(c)		(((c)->v->maxsyncoff * 2) - 1)
-#define SSIDMASK(c)		(((c)->v->feature & Wide) ? 15 : 7)
-/* ISTAT */
-enum { Abrt = 0x80, Srst = 0x40, Sigp = 0x20, Sem = 0x10, Con = 0x08, Intf = 0x04, Sip = 0x02, Dip = 0x01 };
-/* DSTAT */
-enum { Dfe = 0x80, Mdpe = 0x40, Bf = 0x20, Abrted = 0x10, Ssi = 0x08, Sir = 0x04, Iid = 0x01 };
-/* SSTAT */
-enum { DataOut, DataIn, Cmd, Status, ReservedOut, ReservedIn, MessageOut, MessageIn };
-static void setmovedata(Movedata*, ulong, ulong);
-static void advancedata(Movedata*, long);
-static int bios_set_differential(Controller *c);
-static char *phase[] = {
-	"data out", "data in", "command", "status",
-	"reserved out", "reserved in", "message out", "message in"
-#define DEBUGSIZE 10240
-char debugbuf[DEBUGSIZE];
-char *debuglast;
-static void
-intrprint(char *format, ...)
-	if (debuglast == 0)
-		debuglast = debugbuf;
-	debuglast = vseprint(debuglast, debugbuf + (DEBUGSIZE - 1), format, (&format + 1));
-static void
-	int s;
-	char *endp;
-	s = splhi();
-	if (debuglast == 0)
-		debuglast = debugbuf;
-	if (debuglast == debugbuf) {
-		splx(s);
-		return;
-	}
-	endp = debuglast;
-	splx(s);
-	screenputs(debugbuf, endp - debugbuf);
-	s = splhi();
-	memmove(debugbuf, endp, debuglast - endp);
-	debuglast -= endp - debugbuf;
-	splx(s);
-static void
-oprint(char *format, ...)
-	int s;
-	iflush();
-	s = splhi();
-	if (debuglast == 0)
-		debuglast = debugbuf;
-	debuglast = vseprint(debuglast, debugbuf + (DEBUGSIZE - 1), format, (&format + 1));
-	splx(s);
-	iflush();	
-#include "sd53c8xx.i"
- * We used to use a linked list of Dsas with nil as the terminator,
- * but occasionally the 896 card seems not to notice that the 0
- * is really a 0, and then it tries to reference the Dsa at address 0.
- * To address this, we use a sentinel dsa that links back to itself
- * and has state A_STATE_END.  If the card takes an iteration or
- * two to notice that the state says A_STATE_END, that's no big 
- * deal.  Clearly this isn't the right approach, but I'm just
- * stumped.  Even with this, we occasionally get prints about
- * "WSR set", usually with about the same frequency that the
- * card used to walk past 0. 
- */
-static Dsa *dsaend;
-static Dsa*
-dsaallocnew(Controller *c)
-	Dsa *d;
-	/* c->dsalist must be ilocked */
-	d = xalloc(sizeof *d);
-	lesetl(d->next, legetl(c->dsalist.head));
-	lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_FREE);
-	coherence();
-	lesetl(c->dsalist.head, DMASEG(d));
-	coherence();
-	return d;
-static Dsa *
-dsaalloc(Controller *c, int target, int lun)
-	Dsa *d;
-	ilock(&c->dsalist);
-	if ((d = c->dsalist.freechain) != 0) {
-		if (DEBUG(1))
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: reused dsa %lux\n", target, lun, (ulong)d);
-	} else {	
-		d = dsaallocnew(c);
-		if (DEBUG(1))
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: allocated dsa %lux\n", target, lun, (ulong)d);
-	}
-	c->dsalist.freechain = d->freechain;
-	lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_ALLOCATED);
-	iunlock(&c->dsalist);
-	d->target = target;
-	d->lun = lun;
-	return d;
-static void
-dsafree(Controller *c, Dsa *d)
-	ilock(&c->dsalist);
-	d->freechain = c->dsalist.freechain;
-	c->dsalist.freechain = d;
-	lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_FREE);
-	iunlock(&c->dsalist);
-static void
-dsadump(Controller *c)
-	Dsa *d;
-	u32int *a;
-	iprint("dsa controller list: c=%p head=%.8lux\n", c, legetl(c->dsalist.head));
-	for(d=KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d=KPTR(legetl(d->next))){
-		if(d == (void*)-1){
-			iprint("\t dsa %p\n", d);
-			break;
-		}
-		a = (u32int*)d;
-		iprint("\tdsa %p %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n", a, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
-	}
-	a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_dsa_addr);
-	iprint("dsa_addr: %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n",
-		a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
-	a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_addr);
-	iprint("issue_addr: %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n",
-		a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
-	a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_test_begin);
-	e = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_test_end);
-	iprint("issue_test code (at offset %.8ux):\n", E_issue_test_begin);
-	i = 0;
-	for(; a<e; a++){
-		iprint(" %.8ux", *a);
-		if(++i%8 == 0)
-			iprint("\n");
-	}
-	if(i%8)
-		iprint("\n");
-static Dsa *
-dsafind(Controller *c, uchar target, uchar lun, uchar state)
-	Dsa *d;
-	for (d = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d = KPTR(legetl(d->next))) {
-		if (d->target != 0xff && d->target != target)
-			continue;
-		if (lun != 0xff && d->lun != lun)
-			continue;
-		if (state != 0xff && d->stateb != state)
-			continue;
-		break;
-	}
-	return d;
-static void
-dumpncrregs(Controller *c, int intr)
-	int i;
-	Ncr *n = c->n;
-	int depth = c->v->registers / 4;
-	if (intr) {
-		IPRINT("sa = %.8lux\n", c->scriptpa);
-	}
-	else {
-		KPRINT("sa = %.8lux\n", c->scriptpa);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
-		int j;
-		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-			int k = j * depth + i;
-			uchar *p;
-			/* display little-endian to make 32-bit values readable */
-			p = (uchar*)n+k*4;
-			if (intr) {
-				IPRINT(" %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x %.2x", p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0], k * 4, (k * 4) + 0x80);
-			}
-			else {
-				KPRINT(" %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x %.2x", p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0], k * 4, (k * 4) + 0x80);
-			}
-			USED(p);
-		}
-		if (intr) {
-			IPRINT("\n");
-		}
-		else {
-			KPRINT("\n");
-		}
-	}
-static int
-chooserate(Controller *c, int tpf, int *scfp, int *xferpp)
-	/* find lowest entry >= tpf */
-	int besttpf = 1000;
-	int bestscfi = 0;
-	int bestxferp = 0;
-	int scf, xferp;
-	int maxscf;
-	if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
-		maxscf = NULTRA2SCF;
-	else if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
-		maxscf = NULTRASCF;
-	else
-		maxscf = NSCF;
-	/*
-	 * search large clock factors first since this should
-	 * result in more reliable transfers
-	 */
-	for (scf = maxscf; scf >= 1; scf--) {
-		for (xferp = 0; xferp < 8; xferp++) {
-			unsigned char v = c->synctab[scf - 1][xferp];
-			if (v == 0)
-				continue;
-			if (v >= tpf && v < besttpf) {
-				besttpf = v;
-				bestscfi = scf;
-				bestxferp = xferp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (besttpf == 1000)
-		return 0;
-	if (scfp)
-		*scfp = bestscfi;
-	if (xferpp)
-		*xferpp = bestxferp;
-	return besttpf;
-static void
-synctabinit(Controller *c)
-	int scf;
-	unsigned long scsilimit;
-	int xferp;
-	unsigned long cr, sr;
-	int tpf;
-	int fast;
-	int maxscf;
-	if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
-		maxscf = NULTRA2SCF;
-	else if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
-		maxscf = NULTRASCF;
-	else
-		maxscf = NSCF;
-	/*
-	 * for chips with no clock doubler, but Ultra capable (e.g. 860, or interestingly the
-	 * first spin of the 875), assume 80MHz
-	 * otherwise use the internal (33 Mhz) or external (40MHz) default
-	 */
-	if ((c->v->feature & Ultra) != 0 && (c->v->feature & (ClockDouble | ClockQuad)) == 0)
-	else
-		c->sclk = SCLK;
-	/*
-	 * otherwise, if the chip is Ultra capable, but has a slow(ish) clock,
-	 * invoke the doubler
-	 */
-	if (SCLK <= 40000000) {
-		if (c->v->feature & ClockDouble) {
-			c->sclk *= 2;
-			c->clockmult = 1;
-		}
-		else if (c->v->feature & ClockQuad) {
-			c->sclk *= 4;
-			c->clockmult = 1;
-		}
-		else
-			c->clockmult = 0;
-	}
-	else
-		c->clockmult = 0;
-	/* derive CCF from sclk */
-	/* woebetide anyone with SCLK < 16.7 or > 80MHz */
-	if (c->sclk <= 25 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 1;
-	else if (c->sclk <= 3750000)
-		c->ccf = 2;
-	else if (c->sclk <= 50 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 3;
-	else if (c->sclk <= 75 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 4;
-	else if ((c->v->feature & ClockDouble) && c->sclk <= 80 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 5;
-	else if ((c->v->feature & ClockQuad) && c->sclk <= 120 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 6;
-	else if ((c->v->feature & ClockQuad) && c->sclk <= 160 * MEGA)
-		c->ccf = 7;
-	for (scf = 1; scf < maxscf; scf++) {
-		/* check for legal core rate */
-		/* round up so we run slower for safety */
-	   	cr = (c->sclk * 2 + cf2[scf] - 1) / cf2[scf];
-		if (cr <= MAXSYNCCORERATE) {
-			scsilimit = MAXSYNCSCSIRATE;
-			fast = 0;
-		}
-		else if (cr <= MAXFASTSYNCCORERATE) {
-			fast = 1;
-		}
-		else if ((c->v->feature & Ultra) && cr <= MAXULTRASYNCCORERATE) {
-			fast = 2;
-		}
-		else if ((c->v->feature & Ultra2) && cr <= MAXULTRA2SYNCCORERATE) {
-			fast = 3;
-		}
-		else
-			continue;
-		for (xferp = 11; xferp >= 4; xferp--) {
-			int ok;
-			int tp;
-			/* calculate scsi rate - round up again */
-			/* start from sclk for accuracy */
-			int totaldivide = xferp * cf2[scf];
-			sr = (c->sclk * 2 + totaldivide - 1) / totaldivide;
-			if (sr > scsilimit)
-				break;
-			/*
-			 * now work out transfer period
-			 * round down now so that period is pessimistic
-			 */
-			tp = (MEGA * 1000) / sr;
-			/*
-			 * bounds check it
-			 */
-			if (tp < 25 || tp > 255 * 4)
-				continue;
-			/*
-			 * spot stupid special case for Ultra or Ultra2
-			 * while working out factor
-			 */
-			if (tp == 25)
-				tpf = 10;
-			else if (tp == 50)
-				tpf = 12;
-			else if (tp < 52)
-				continue;
-			else
-				tpf = tp / 4;
-			/*
-			 * now check tpf looks sensible
-			 * given core rate
-			 */
-			switch (fast) {
-			case 0:
-				/* scf must be ccf for SCSI 1 */
-				ok = tpf >= 50 && scf == c->ccf;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				ok = tpf >= 25 && tpf < 50;
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				/*
-				 * must use xferp of 4, or 5 at a pinch
-				 * for an Ultra transfer
-				 */
-				ok = xferp <= 5 && tpf >= 12 && tpf < 25;
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				ok = xferp == 4 && (tpf == 10 || tpf == 11);
-				break;
-			default:
-				ok = 0;
-			}
-			if (!ok)
-				continue;
-			c->synctab[scf - 1][xferp - 4] = tpf;
-		}
-	}
-#ifndef NO_ULTRA2
-	if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
-		tpf = 10;
-	else
-	if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
-		tpf = 12;
-	else
-		tpf = 25;
-	for (; tpf < 256; tpf++) {
-		if (chooserate(c, tpf, &scf, &xferp) == tpf) {
-			unsigned tp = tpf == 10 ? 25 : (tpf == 12 ? 50 : tpf * 4);
-			unsigned long khz = (MEGA + tp - 1) / (tp);
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "tpf=%d scf=%d.%.1d xferp=%d mhz=%ld.%.3ld\n",
-			    tpf, cf2[scf] / 2, (cf2[scf] & 1) ? 5 : 0,
-			    xferp + 4, khz / 1000, khz % 1000);
-			USED(khz);
-			if (c->tpf == 0)
-				c->tpf = tpf;	/* note lowest value for controller */
-		}
-	}
-static void
-synctodsa(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c)
-	KPRINT("synctodsa(dsa=%lux, target=%d, scntl3=%.2lx sxfer=%.2x)\n",
-	    dsa, dsa->target, c->scntl3[dsa->target], c->sxfer[dsa->target]);
-	dsa->scntl3 = c->scntl3[dsa->target];
-	dsa->sxfer = c->sxfer[dsa->target];
-static void
-setsync(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target, uchar ultra, uchar scf, uchar xferp, uchar reqack)
-	c->scntl3[target] =
-	    (c->scntl3[target] & 0x08) | (((scf << 4) | c->ccf | (ultra << 7)) & ~0x08);
-	c->sxfer[target] = (xferp << 5) | reqack;
-	c->s[target] = BothDone;
-	if (dsa) {
-		synctodsa(dsa, c);
-		c->n->scntl3 = c->scntl3[target];
-		c->n->sxfer = c->sxfer[target];
-	}
-static void
-setasync(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target)
-	setsync(dsa, c, target, 0, c->ccf, 0, 0);
-static void
-setwide(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target, uchar wide)
-	c->scntl3[target] = wide ? (1 << 3) : 0;
-	setasync(dsa, c, target);
-	c->s[target] = WideDone;
-static int
-buildsdtrmsg(uchar *buf, uchar tpf, uchar offset)
-	*buf++ = X_MSG;
-	*buf++ = 3;
-	*buf++ = X_MSG_SDTR;
-	*buf++ = tpf;
-	*buf = offset;
-	return 5;
-static int
-buildwdtrmsg(uchar *buf, uchar expo)
-	*buf++ = X_MSG;
-	*buf++ = 2;
-	*buf++ = X_MSG_WDTR;
-	*buf = expo;
-	return 4;
-static void
-start(Controller *c, long entry)
-	ulong p;
-	if (c->running)
-		panic(PRINTPREFIX "start called while running");
-	c->running = 1;
-	p = c->scriptpa + entry;
-	lesetl(c->n->dsp, p);
-	coherence();
-	if (c->ssm)
-		c->n->dcntl |= 0x4;		/* start DMA in SSI mode */
-static void
-ncrcontinue(Controller *c)
-	if (c->running)
-		panic(PRINTPREFIX "ncrcontinue called while running");
-	/* set the start DMA bit to continue execution */
-	c->running = 1;
-	coherence();
-	c->n->dcntl |= 0x4;
-static void
-softreset(Controller *c)
-	Ncr *n = c->n;
-	n->istat = Srst;		/* software reset */
-	n->istat = 0;
-	/* general initialisation */
-	n->scid = (1 << 6) | 7;		/* respond to reselect, ID 7 */
-	n->respid = 1 << 7;		/* response ID = 7 */
-	n->stest1 = 0x80;		/* disable external scsi clock */
-	n->stest1 = 0x00;
-	n->stime0 = 0xdd;		/* about 0.5 second timeout on each device */
-	n->scntl0 |= 0x8;		/* Enable parity checking */
-	/* continued setup */
-	n->sien0 = 0x8f;
-	n->sien1 = 0x04;
-	n->dien = 0x7d;
-	n->stest3 = 0x80;		/* TolerANT enable */
-	c->running = 0;
-	if (c->v->feature & BigFifo)
-		n->ctest5 = (1 << 5);
-	n->dmode = c->v->burst << 6;	/* set burst length bits */
-	if (c->v->burst & 4)
-		n->ctest5 |= (1 << 2);	/* including overflow into ctest5 bit 2 */
-	if (c->v->feature & Prefetch)
-		n->dcntl |= (1 << 5);	/* prefetch enable */
-	else if (c->v->feature & BurstOpCodeFetch)
-		n->dmode |= (1 << 1);	/* burst opcode fetch */
-	if (c->v->feature & Differential) {
-		/* chip capable */
-		if ((c->feature & Differential) || bios_set_differential(c)) {
-			/* user enabled, or some evidence bios set differential */
-			if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 2))
-				print(PRINTPREFIX "can't go differential; wrong cable\n");
-			else {
-				n->stest2 = (1 << 5);
-				print(PRINTPREFIX "differential mode set\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (c->clockmult) {
-		n->stest1 |= (1 << 3);	/* power up doubler */
-		delay(2);
-		n->stest3 |= (1 << 5);	/* stop clock */
-		n->stest1 |= (1 << 2);	/* enable doubler */
-		n->stest3 &= ~(1 << 5);	/* start clock */
-		/* pray */
-	}
-static void
-msgsm(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int msg, int *cont, int *wakeme)
-	uchar histpf, hisreqack;
-	int tpf;
-	int scf, xferp;
-	int len;
-	Ncr *n = c->n;
-	switch (c->s[dsa->target]) {
-	case SyncInit:
-		switch (msg) {
-		case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
-			/* reply to my SDTR */
-			histpf = n->scratcha[2];
-			hisreqack = n->scratcha[3];
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN response %d %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, histpf, hisreqack);
-			if (hisreqack == 0)
-				setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
-			else {
-				/* hisreqack should be <= c->v->maxsyncoff */
-				tpf = chooserate(c, histpf, &scf, &xferp);
-				KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: using %d %d\n",
-				    dsa->target, tpf, hisreqack);
-				setsync(dsa, c, dsa->target, tpf < 25, scf, xferp, hisreqack);
-			}
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-			/* target ignored ATN for message after IDENTIFY - not SCSI-II */
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: illegal phase switch after ID message - SCSI-1 device?\n", dsa->target);
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async\n", dsa->target);
-			setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
-			*cont = E_to_decisions;
-			return;
-			/* rejection of my SDTR */
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: rejected SDTR\n", dsa->target);
-		//async:
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async\n", dsa->target);
-			setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case WideInit:
-		switch (msg) {
-		case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR:
-			/* reply to my WDTR */
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, n->scratcha[2]);
-			setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, n->scratcha[2]);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-			/* target ignored ATN for message after IDENTIFY - not SCSI-II */
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: illegal phase switch after ID message - SCSI-1 device?\n", dsa->target);
-			setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
-			*cont = E_to_decisions;
-			return;
-			/* rejection of my SDTR */
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: rejected WDTR\n", dsa->target);
-			setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case NeitherDone:
-	case WideDone:
-	case BothDone:
-		switch (msg) {
-		case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR: {
-			uchar hiswide, mywide;
-			hiswide = n->scratcha[2];
-			mywide = (c->v->feature & Wide) != 0;
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: target init %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, hiswide);
-			if (hiswide < mywide)
-				mywide = hiswide;
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: responding %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, mywide);
-			setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, mywide);
-			len = buildwdtrmsg(dsa->msg_out, mywide);
-			setmovedata(&dsa->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(dsa->msg_out), len);
-			*cont = E_response;
-			c->s[dsa->target] = WideResponse;
-			return;
-		}
-		case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
-#ifdef ASYNC_ONLY
-			*cont = E_reject;
-			return;
-			/* target decides to renegotiate */
-			histpf = n->scratcha[2];
-			hisreqack = n->scratcha[3];
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: target init %d %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, histpf, hisreqack);
-			if (hisreqack == 0) {
-				/* he wants asynchronous */
-				setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
-				tpf = 0;
-			}
-			else {
-				/* he wants synchronous */
-				tpf = chooserate(c, histpf, &scf, &xferp);
-				if (hisreqack > c->v->maxsyncoff)
-					hisreqack = c->v->maxsyncoff;
-				KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: using %d %d\n",
-				    dsa->target, tpf, hisreqack);
-				setsync(dsa, c, dsa->target, tpf < 25, scf, xferp, hisreqack);
-			}
-			/* build my SDTR message */
-			len = buildsdtrmsg(dsa->msg_out, tpf, hisreqack);
-			setmovedata(&dsa->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(dsa->msg_out), len);
-			*cont = E_response;
-			c->s[dsa->target] = SyncResponse;
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case WideResponse:
-		switch (msg) {
-			c->s[dsa->target] = WideDone;
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response accepted\n", dsa->target);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-			setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response REJECTed\n", dsa->target);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	case SyncResponse:
-		switch (msg) {
-			c->s[dsa->target] = BothDone;
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: response accepted (%s)\n",
-			    dsa->target, phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;	/* chf */
-			setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: response REJECTed\n", dsa->target);
-			*cont = -2;
-			return;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: msgsm: state %d msg %d\n",
-	    dsa->target, c->s[dsa->target], msg);
-	*wakeme = 1;
-	return;
-static void
-calcblockdma(Dsa *d, ulong base, ulong count)
-	ulong blocks;
-	if (DEBUG(3))
-		blocks = 0;
-	else {
-		blocks = count / A_BSIZE;
-		if (blocks > 255)
-			blocks = 255;
-	}
-	d->dmablks = blocks;
-	d->dmaaddr[0] = base;
-	d->dmaaddr[1] = base >> 8;
-	d->dmaaddr[2] = base >> 16;
-	d->dmaaddr[3] = base >> 24;
-	setmovedata(&d->data_buf, base + blocks * A_BSIZE, count - blocks * A_BSIZE);
-	d->flag = legetl(d->data_buf.dbc) == 0;
-static ulong
-read_mismatch_recover(Controller *c, Ncr *n, Dsa *dsa)
-	ulong dbc;
-	uchar dfifo = n->dfifo;
-	int inchip;
-	dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
-	if (n->ctest5 & (1 << 5))
-		inchip = ((dfifo | ((n->ctest5 & 3) << 8)) - (dbc & 0x3ff)) & 0x3ff;
-	else
-		inchip = ((dfifo & 0x7f) - (dbc & 0x7f)) & 0x7f;
-	if (inchip) {
-		IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: DMA FIFO = %d\n",
-		    dsa->target, dsa->lun, inchip);
-	}
-	if (n->sxfer & SYNCOFFMASK(c)) {
-		/* SCSI FIFO */
-		uchar fifo = n->sstat1 >> 4;
-		if (c->v->maxsyncoff > 8)
-			fifo |= (n->sstat2 & (1 << 4));
-		if (fifo) {
-			inchip += fifo;
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SCSI FIFO = %d\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun, fifo);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 7)) {
-			inchip++;
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SIDL full\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-		}
-		if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 7)) {
-			inchip++;
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SIDL msb full\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-		}
-	}
-	USED(inchip);
-	return dbc;
-static ulong
-write_mismatch_recover(Controller *c, Ncr *n, Dsa *dsa)
-	ulong dbc;
-	uchar dfifo = n->dfifo;
-	int inchip;
-	dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
-	USED(dsa);
-	if (n->ctest5 & (1 << 5))
-		inchip = ((dfifo | ((n->ctest5 & 3) << 8)) - (dbc & 0x3ff)) & 0x3ff;
-	else
-		inchip = ((dfifo & 0x7f) - (dbc & 0x7f)) & 0x7f;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
-	if (inchip) {
-		IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: DMA FIFO = %d\n",
-		    dsa->target, dsa->lun, inchip);
-	}
-	if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 5)) {
-		inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
-		IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODL full\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-	}
-	if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 5)) {
-		inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
-		IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODL msb full\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-	}
-	if (n->sxfer & SYNCOFFMASK(c)) {
-		/* synchronous SODR */
-		if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 6)) {
-			inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODR full\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-		}
-		if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 6)) {
-			inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODR msb full\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-		}
-	}
-	/* clear the dma fifo */
-	n->ctest3 |= (1 << 2);
-	/* wait till done */
-	while ((n->dstat & Dfe) == 0)
-		;
-	return dbc + inchip;
-static void
-sd53c8xxinterrupt(Ureg *ur, void *a)
-	uchar istat;
-	ushort sist;
-	uchar dstat;
-	int wakeme = 0;
-	int cont = -1;
-	Dsa *dsa;
-	ulong dsapa;
-	Controller *c = a;
-	Ncr *n = c->n;
-	USED(ur);
-	if (DEBUG(1)) {
-	}
-	ilock(c);
-	istat = n->istat;
-	if (istat & Intf) {
-		Dsa *d;
-		int wokesomething = 0;
-		if (DEBUG(1)) {
-		}
-		n->istat = Intf;
-		/* search for structures in A_STATE_DONE */
-		for (d = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d = KPTR(legetl(d->next))) {
-			if (d->stateb == A_STATE_DONE) {
-				d->p9status = d->status;
-				if (DEBUG(1)) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "waking up dsa %lux\n", (ulong)d);
-				}
-				wakeup(d);
-				wokesomething = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!wokesomething) {
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "nothing to wake up\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if ((istat & (Sip | Dip)) == 0) {
-		if (DEBUG(1)) {
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "int end %x\n", istat);
-		}
-		iunlock(c);
-		return;
-	}
-	sist = (n->sist1<<8)|n->sist0;	/* BUG? can two-byte read be inconsistent? */
-	dstat = n->dstat;
-	dsapa = legetl(n->dsa);
-	/*
-	 * Can't compute dsa until we know that dsapa is valid.
-	 */
-	if(dsapa < -KZERO)
-		dsa = (Dsa*)DMASEG_TO_KADDR(dsapa);
-	else{
-		dsa = nil;
-		/*
-		 * happens at startup on some cards but we 
-		 * don't actually deref dsa because none of the
-		 * flags we are about are set.
-		 * still, print in case that changes and we're
-		 * about to dereference nil.
-		 */
-		iprint("sd53c8xxinterrupt: dsa=%.8lux istat=%ux sist=%ux dstat=%ux\n", dsapa, istat, sist, dstat);
-	}
-	c->running = 0;
-	if (istat & Sip) {
-		if (DEBUG(1)) {
-			IPRINT("sist = %.4x\n", sist);
-		}
-		if (sist & 0x80) {
-			ulong addr;
-			ulong sa;
-			ulong dbc;
-			ulong tbc;
-			int dmablks;
-			ulong dmaaddr;
-			addr = legetl(n->dsp);
-			sa = addr - c->scriptpa;
-			if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Phase Mismatch sa=%.8lux\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, sa);
-			}
-			/*
-			 * now recover
-			 */
-			if (sa == E_data_in_mismatch) {
-				/*
-				 * though this is a failure in the residue, there may have been blocks
-				 * as well. if so, dmablks will not have been zeroed, since the state
-				 * was not saved by the microcode. 
-				 */
-				dbc = read_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
-				dsa->dmablks = 0;
-				n->scratcha[2] = 0;
-				advancedata(&dsa->data_buf, tbc);
-				if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transferred = %ld residue = %ld\n",
-					    dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
-				}
-				cont = E_data_mismatch_recover;
-			}
-			else if (sa == E_data_in_block_mismatch) {
-				dbc = read_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = A_BSIZE - dbc;
-				/* recover current state from registers */
-				dmablks = n->scratcha[2];
-				dmaaddr = legetl(n->scratchb);
-				/* we have got to dmaaddr + tbc */
-				/* we have dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + residue left to do */
-				/* so remaining transfer is */
-				IPRINT("in_block_mismatch: dmaaddr = 0x%lux tbc=%lud dmablks=%d\n",
-				    dmaaddr, tbc, dmablks);
-				calcblockdma(dsa, dmaaddr + tbc,
-				    dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
-				/* copy changes into scratch registers */
-				IPRINT("recalc: dmablks %d dmaaddr 0x%lx pa 0x%lx dbc %ld\n",
-				    dsa->dmablks, legetl(dsa->dmaaddr),
-				    legetl(dsa->data_buf.pa), legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
-				n->scratcha[2] = dsa->dmablks;
-				lesetl(n->scratchb, dsa->dmancr);
-				cont = E_data_block_mismatch_recover;
-			}
-			else if (sa == E_data_out_mismatch) {
-				dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
-				dsa->dmablks = 0;
-				n->scratcha[2] = 0;
-				advancedata(&dsa->data_buf, tbc);
-				if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transferred = %ld residue = %ld\n",
-					    dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
-				}
-				cont = E_data_mismatch_recover;
-			}
-			else if (sa == E_data_out_block_mismatch) {
-				dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
-				/* recover current state from registers */
-				dmablks = n->scratcha[2];
-				dmaaddr = legetl(n->scratchb);
-				/* we have got to dmaaddr + tbc */
-				/* we have dmablks blocks - tbc + residue left to do */
-				/* so remaining transfer is */
-				IPRINT("out_block_mismatch: dmaaddr = %lux tbc=%lud dmablks=%d\n",
-				    dmaaddr, tbc, dmablks);
-				calcblockdma(dsa, dmaaddr + tbc,
-				    dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
-				/* copy changes into scratch registers */
-				n->scratcha[2] = dsa->dmablks;
-				lesetl(n->scratchb, dsa->dmancr);
-				cont = E_data_block_mismatch_recover;
-			}
-			else if (sa == E_id_out_mismatch) {
-				/*
-				 * target switched phases while attention held during
-				 * message out. The possibilities are:
-				 * 1. It didn't like the last message. This is indicated
-				 *    by the new phase being message_in. Use script to recover
-				 *
-				 * 2. It's not SCSI-II compliant. The new phase will be other
-				 *    than message_in. We should also indicate that the device
-				 *    is asynchronous, if it's the SDTR that got ignored
-				 * 
-				 * For now, if the phase switch is not to message_in, and
-				 * and it happens after IDENTIFY and before SDTR, we
-				 * notify the negotiation state machine.
-				 */
-				ulong lim = legetl(dsa->msg_out_buf.dbc);
-				uchar p = n->sstat1 & 7;
-				dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = lim - dbc;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: msg_out_mismatch: %lud/%lud sent, phase %s\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, lim, phase[p]);
-				if (p != MessageIn && tbc == 1) {
-					msgsm(dsa, c, A_SIR_EV_PHASE_SWITCH_AFTER_ID, &cont, &wakeme);
-				}
-				else
-					cont = E_id_out_mismatch_recover;
-			}
-			else if (sa == E_cmd_out_mismatch) {
-				/*
-				 * probably the command count is longer than the device wants ...
-				 */
-				ulong lim = legetl(dsa->cmd_buf.dbc);
-				uchar p = n->sstat1 & 7;
-				dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
-				tbc = lim - dbc;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: cmd_out_mismatch: %lud/%lud sent, phase %s\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, lim, phase[p]);
-				USED(p, tbc);
-				cont = E_to_decisions;
-			}
-			else {
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: ma sa=%.8lux wanted=%s got=%s\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, sa,
-				    phase[n->dcmd & 7],
-				    phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				dsa->p9status = SDeio;	/* chf */
-				wakeme = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		/*else*/ if (sist & 0x400) {
-			if (DEBUG(0)) {
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d Sto\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-			}
-			dsa->p9status = SDtimeout;
-			dsa->stateb = A_STATE_DONE;
-			coherence();
-			softreset(c);
-			cont = E_issue_check;
-			wakeme = 1;
-		}
-		if (sist & 0x1) {
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: parity error\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-			dsa->parityerror = 1;
-		}
-		if (sist & 0x4) {
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: unexpected disconnect\n",
-			    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-			dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-			//wakeme = 1;
-			dsa->p9status = SDeio;
-		}
-	}
-	if (istat & Dip) {
-		if (DEBUG(1)) {
-			IPRINT("dstat = %.2x\n", dstat);
-		}
-		/*else*/ if (dstat & Ssi) {
-			ulong w = legetl(n->dsp) - c->scriptpa;
-			IPRINT("[%lux]", w);
-			USED(w);
-			cont = -2;	/* restart */
-		}
-		if (dstat & Sir) {
-			switch (legetl(n->dsps)) {
-				dsa->p9status = dsa->status;
-				wakeme = 1;
-				break;
-			case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
-			case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR:
-			case A_SIR_MSG_REJECT:
-				msgsm(dsa, c, legetl(n->dsps), &cont, &wakeme);
-				break;
-				/* back up one in the data transfer */
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: ignore wide residue %d, WSR = %d\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scratcha[1], n->scntl2 & 1);
-				if (dsa->flag == 2) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transfer over; residue ignored\n",
-					    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				}
-				else {
-					calcblockdma(dsa, legetl(dsa->dmaaddr) - 1,
-					    dsa->dmablks * A_BSIZE + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) + 1);
-				}
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: not msg_in after reselect (%s)",
-				    n->ssid & SSIDMASK(c), phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
-				dsa = dsafind(c, n->ssid & SSIDMASK(c), -1, A_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				wakeme = 1;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX ": load_state dsa=%p\n", dsa);
-				if (dsa == (void*)KZERO || dsa == (void*)-1) {
-					dsadump(c);
-					dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-					panic("bad dsa in load_state");
-				}
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: msg_in %d\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->sfbr);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: disconnect:", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				goto dsadump;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: status\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: commands\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: data in a %lx b %lx\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, legetl(n->scratcha), legetl(n->scratchb));
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: block data in: a2 %x b %lx\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scratcha[2], legetl(n->scratchb));
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: data out\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: dump\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-			case A_SIR_NOTIFY_DUMP2:
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: dump2:", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				IPRINT(" sa %lux", legetl(n->dsp) - c->scriptpa);
-				IPRINT(" dsa %lux", legetl(n->dsa));
-				IPRINT(" sfbr %ux", n->sfbr);
-				IPRINT(" a %lux", legetl(n->scratcha));
-				IPRINT(" b %lux", legetl(n->scratchb));
-				IPRINT(" ssid %ux", n->ssid);
-				IPRINT("\n");
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "wait reselect\n");
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "reselect: ssid %.2x sfbr %.2x at %ld\n",
-				    n->ssid, n->sfbr, TK2MS(m->ticks));
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: issue dsa=%p end=%p:", dsa->target, dsa->lun, dsa, dsaend);
-			dsadump:
-				IPRINT(" tgt=%d", dsa->target);
-				IPRINT(" time=%ld", TK2MS(m->ticks));
-				IPRINT("\n");
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "issue check\n");
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "responded to SIGP\n");
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				ulong *dsp = c->script + (legetl(n->dsp)-c->scriptpa)/4;
-				int x;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "code at %lux", dsp - c->script);
-				for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
-					IPRINT(" %.8lux", dsp[x]);
-				}
-				IPRINT("\n");
-				USED(dsp);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-			}
-			case A_SIR_NOTIFY_WSR:
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: WSR set\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: scntl=%.2x sxfer=%.2x\n",
-				    dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scntl3, n->sxfer);
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-				if (DEBUG(2)) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: reselected during select\n",
- 					    dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-				}
-				cont = -2;
-				break;
-			case A_error_reselected:		/* dsa isn't valid here */
-				iprint(PRINTPREFIX "reselection error\n");
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				for (dsa = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); dsa != dsaend; dsa = KPTR(legetl(dsa->next))) {
-					IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "dsa target %d lun %d state %d\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun, dsa->stateb);
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: script error %ld\n",
-					dsa->target, dsa->lun, legetl(n->dsps));
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				wakeme = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		/*else*/ if (dstat & Iid) {
-			int i, target, lun;
-			ulong addr, dbc, *v;
-			addr = legetl(n->dsp);
-			if(dsa){
-				target = dsa->target;
-				lun = dsa->lun;
-			}else{
-				target = -1;
-				lun = -1;
-			}
-			dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
-		//	if(dsa == nil)
-				idebug++;
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Iid pa=%.8lux sa=%.8lux dbc=%lux\n",
-			    target, lun,
-			    addr, addr - c->scriptpa, dbc);
-			addr = (ulong)c->script + addr - c->scriptpa;
-			addr -= 64;
-			addr &= ~63;
-			v = (ulong*)addr;
-			for(i=0; i<8; i++){
-				IPRINT("%.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux\n", 
-					addr, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
-				addr += 4*4;
-				v += 4;
-			}
-			USED(addr, dbc);
-			if(dsa == nil){
-				dsadump(c);
-				dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-				panic("bad dsa");
-			}
-			dsa->p9status = SDeio;
-			wakeme = 1;
-		}
-		/*else*/ if (dstat & Bf) {
-			IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Bus Fault\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
-			dumpncrregs(c, 1);
-			dsa->p9status = SDeio;
-			wakeme = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (cont == -2)
-		ncrcontinue(c);
-	else if (cont >= 0)
-		start(c, cont);
-	if (wakeme){
-		if(dsa->p9status == SDnostatus)
-			dsa->p9status = SDeio;
-		wakeup(dsa);
-	}
-	iunlock(c);
-	if (DEBUG(1)) {
-		IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "int end 1\n");
-	}
-static int
-done(void *arg)
-	return ((Dsa *)arg)->p9status != SDnostatus;
-static void
-setmovedata(Movedata *d, ulong pa, ulong bc)
-	d->pa[0] = pa;
-	d->pa[1] = pa>>8;
-	d->pa[2] = pa>>16;
-	d->pa[3] = pa>>24;
-	d->dbc[0] = bc;
-	d->dbc[1] = bc>>8;
-	d->dbc[2] = bc>>16;
-	d->dbc[3] = bc>>24;
-static void
-advancedata(Movedata *d, long v)
-	lesetl(d->pa, legetl(d->pa) + v);
-	lesetl(d->dbc, legetl(d->dbc) - v);
-static void
-dumpwritedata(uchar *data, int datalen)
-	int i;
-	uchar *bp;
-	if (!DEBUG(0)){
-		USED(data, datalen);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (datalen) {
-		for (i = 0, bp = data; i < 50 && i < datalen; i++, bp++) {
-			KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
-		}
-		if (i < datalen) {
-			KPRINT("...");
-		}
-		KPRINT("\n");
-	}
-static void
-dumpreaddata(uchar *data, int datalen)
-	int i;
-	uchar *bp;
-	if (!DEBUG(0)){
-		USED(data, datalen);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (datalen) {
-		for (i = 0, bp = data; i < 50 && i < datalen; i++, bp++) {
-			KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
-		}
-		if (i < datalen) {
-			KPRINT("...");
-		}
-		KPRINT("\n");
-	}
-static void
-busreset(Controller *c)
-	int x, ntarget;
-	/* bus reset */
-	c->n->scntl1 |= (1 << 3);
-	delay(500);
-	c->n->scntl1 &= ~(1 << 3);
-	if(!(c->v->feature & Wide))
-		ntarget = 8;
-	else
-		ntarget = MAXTARGET;
-	for (x = 0; x < ntarget; x++) {
-		setwide(0, c, x, 0);
-#ifndef ASYNC_ONLY
-		c->s[x] = NeitherDone;
-	}
-	c->capvalid = 0;
-static void
-reset(Controller *c)
-	/* should wakeup all pending tasks */
-	softreset(c);
-	busreset(c);
-static int
-sd53c8xxrio(SDreq* r)
-	Dsa *d;
-	uchar *bp;
-	Controller *c;
-	uchar target_expo, my_expo;
-	int bc, check, i, status, target;
-	if((target = r->unit->subno) == 0x07)
-		return r->status = SDtimeout;	/* assign */
-	c = r->unit->dev->ctlr;
-	check = 0;
-	d = dsaalloc(c, target, r->lun);
-	qlock(&c->q[target]);			/* obtain access to target */
-	/* load the transfer control stuff */
-	d->scsi_id_buf[0] = 0;
-	d->scsi_id_buf[1] = c->sxfer[target];
-	d->scsi_id_buf[2] = target;
-	d->scsi_id_buf[3] = c->scntl3[target];
-	synctodsa(d, c);
-	bc = 0;
-	d->msg_out[bc] = 0x80 | r->lun;
-	d->msg_out[bc] |= (1 << 6);
-	bc++;
-	/* work out what to do about negotiation */
-	switch (c->s[target]) {
-	default:
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: strange nego state %d\n", target, c->s[target]);
-		c->s[target] = NeitherDone;
-		/* fall through */
-	case NeitherDone:
-		if ((c->capvalid & (1 << target)) == 0)
-			break;
-		target_expo = (c->cap[target] >> 5) & 3;
-		my_expo = (c->v->feature & Wide) != 0;
-		if (target_expo < my_expo)
-			my_expo = target_expo;
-		bc += buildwdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, my_expo);
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: initiating expo %d\n", target, my_expo);
-		c->s[target] = WideInit;
-		break;
-		if (my_expo) {
-			bc += buildwdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, (c->v->feature & Wide) ? 1 : 0);
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: initiating expo %d\n", target, my_expo);
-			c->s[target] = WideInit;
-			break;
-		}
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: narrow\n", target);
-		/* fall through */
-	case WideDone:
-		if (c->cap[target] & (1 << 4)) {
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: initiating %d %d\n", target, c->tpf, c->v->maxsyncoff);
-			bc += buildsdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, c->tpf, c->v->maxsyncoff);
-			c->s[target] = SyncInit;
-			break;
-		}
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async only\n", target);
-		c->s[target] = BothDone;
-		break;
-	case BothDone:
-		break;
-	}
-	setmovedata(&d->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(d->msg_out), bc);
-	setmovedata(&d->cmd_buf, DMASEG(r->cmd), r->clen);
-	calcblockdma(d, r->data ? DMASEG(r->data) : 0, r->dlen);
-	if (DEBUG(0)) {
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: ", target, r->lun);
-		for (bp = r->cmd; bp < &r->cmd[r->clen]; bp++) {
-			KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
-		}
-		KPRINT("\n");
-		if (!r->write) {
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: limit=(%d)%ld\n",
-			  target, r->lun, d->dmablks, legetl(d->data_buf.dbc));
-		}
-		else
-			dumpwritedata(r->data, r->dlen);
-	}
-	setmovedata(&d->status_buf, DMASEG(&d->status), 1);	
-	d->p9status = SDnostatus;
-	d->parityerror = 0;
-	coherence();
-	d->stateb = A_STATE_ISSUE;		/* start operation */
-	coherence();
-	ilock(c);
-	if (c->ssm)
-		c->n->dcntl |= 0x10;		/* single step */
-	if (c->running) {
-		c->n->istat = Sigp;
-	}
-	else {
-		start(c, E_issue_check);
-	}
-	iunlock(c);
-	while(waserror())
-		;
-	tsleep(d, done, d, 600 * 1000);
-	poperror();
-	if (!done(d)) {
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: Timed out\n", target, r->lun);
-		dumpncrregs(c, 0);
-		dsafree(c, d);
-		reset(c);
-		qunlock(&c->q[target]);
-		r->status = SDtimeout;
-		return r->status = SDtimeout;	/* assign */
-	}
-	if((status = d->p9status) == SDeio)
-		c->s[target] = NeitherDone;
-	if (d->parityerror) {
-		status = SDeio;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * adjust datalen
-	 */
-	r->rlen = r->dlen;
-	if (DEBUG(0)) {
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: before rlen adjust: dmablks %d flag %d dbc %lud\n",
-		    target, r->lun, d->dmablks, d->flag, legetl(d->data_buf.dbc));
-	}
-	r->rlen = r->dlen;
-	if (d->flag != 2) {
-		r->rlen -= d->dmablks * A_BSIZE;
-		r->rlen -= legetl(d->data_buf.dbc);
-	}
-	if(!r->write)
-		dumpreaddata(r->data, r->rlen);
-	if (DEBUG(0)) {
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: p9status=%d status %d rlen %ld\n",
-		    target, r->lun, d->p9status, status, r->rlen);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * spot the identify
-	 */
-	if ((c->capvalid & (1 << target)) == 0
-	 && (status == SDok || status == SDcheck)
-	 && r->cmd[0] == 0x12 && r->dlen >= 8) {
-		c->capvalid |= 1 << target;
-		bp = r->data;
-		c->cap[target] = bp[7];
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: capabilities %.2x\n", target, bp[7]);
-	}
-	if(!check && status == SDcheck && !(r->flags & SDnosense)){
-		check = 1;
-		r->write = 0;
-		memset(r->cmd, 0, sizeof(r->cmd));
-		r->cmd[0] = 0x03;
-		r->cmd[1] = r->lun<<5;
-		r->cmd[4] = sizeof(r->sense)-1;
-		r->clen = 6;
-		r->data = r->sense;
-		r->dlen = sizeof(r->sense)-1;
-		/*
-		 * Clear out the microcode state
-		 * so the Dsa can be re-used.
-		 */
-		lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_ALLOCATED);
-		coherence();
-		goto docheck;
-	}
-	qunlock(&c->q[target]);
-	dsafree(c, d);
-	if(status == SDok && check){
-		status = SDcheck;
-		r->flags |= SDvalidsense;
-	}
-	if(DEBUG(0))
-		KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: r flags %8.8uX status %d rlen %ld\n",
-			target, r->flags, status, r->rlen);
-	if(r->flags & SDvalidsense){
-		if(!DEBUG(0))
-			KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: r flags %8.8uX status %d rlen %ld\n",
-				target, r->flags, status, r->rlen);
-		for(i = 0; i < r->rlen; i++)
-			KPRINT(" %2.2uX", r->sense[i]);
-		KPRINT("\n");
-	}
-	return r->status = status;
-#define	vpt ((ulong*)VPT)
-#define	VPTX(va)		(((ulong)(va))>>12)
-static void
-cribbios(Controller *c)
-	c->bios.scntl3 = c->n->scntl3;
-	c->bios.stest2 = c->n->stest2;
-	print(PRINTPREFIX "bios scntl3(%.2x) stest2(%.2x)\n", c->bios.scntl3, c->bios.stest2);
-static int
-bios_set_differential(Controller *c)
-	/* Concept lifted from FreeBSD - thanks Gerard */
-	/* basically, if clock conversion factors are set, then there is
- 	 * evidence the bios had a go at the chip, and if so, it would
-	 * have set the differential enable bit in stest2
-	 */
-	return (c->bios.scntl3 & 7) != 0 && (c->bios.stest2 & 0x20) != 0;
-#define NCR_VID 	0x1000
-#define NCR_810_DID 	0x0001
-#define NCR_820_DID	0x0002	/* don't know enough about this one to support it */
-#define NCR_825_DID	0x0003
-#define NCR_815_DID	0x0004
-#define SYM_810AP_DID	0x0005
-#define SYM_860_DID	0x0006
-#define SYM_896_DID	0x000b
-#define SYM_895_DID	0x000c
-#define SYM_885_DID	0x000d	/* ditto */
-#define SYM_875_DID	0x000f	/* ditto */
-#define SYM_1010_DID	0x0020
-#define SYM_1011_DID	0x0021
-#define SYM_875J_DID	0x008f
-static Variant variant[] = {
-{ NCR_810_DID,   0x0f, "NCR53C810",	Burst16,   8, 24, 0 },
-{ NCR_810_DID,   0x1f, "SYM53C810ALV",	Burst16,   8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ NCR_810_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C810A",	Burst16,   8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ SYM_810AP_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C810AP",	Burst16,   8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ NCR_815_DID,   0xff, "NCR53C815",	Burst16,   8, 24, BurstOpCodeFetch },
-{ NCR_825_DID,   0x0f, "NCR53C825",	Burst16,   8, 24, Wide|BurstOpCodeFetch|Differential },
-{ NCR_825_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C825A",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide },
-{ SYM_860_DID,   0x0f, "SYM53C860",	Burst16,   8, 24, Prefetch|Ultra },
-{ SYM_860_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C860LV",	Burst16,   8, 24, Prefetch|Ultra },
-{ SYM_875_DID,   0x01, "SYM53C875r1",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra },
-{ SYM_875_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C875",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_875J_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C875j",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_885_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C885",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_895_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C895",	Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_896_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C896",	Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_1010_DID,  0xff, "SYM53C1010",	Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_1011_DID,   0xff, "SYM53C1010",	Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-static int
-xfunc(Controller *c, enum na_external x, unsigned long *v)
-	switch (x)
-	{
-	case X_scsi_id_buf:
-		*v = offsetof(Dsa, scsi_id_buf[0]); return 1;
-	case X_msg_out_buf:
-		*v = offsetof(Dsa, msg_out_buf); return 1;
-	case X_cmd_buf:
-		*v = offsetof(Dsa, cmd_buf); return 1;
-	case X_data_buf:
-		*v = offsetof(Dsa, data_buf); return 1;
-	case X_status_buf:
-		*v = offsetof(Dsa, status_buf); return 1;
-	case X_dsa_head:
-		*v = DMASEG(&c->dsalist.head[0]); return 1;
-	case X_ssid_mask:
-		*v = SSIDMASK(c); return 1;
-	default:
-		print("xfunc: can't find external %d\n", x);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-static int
-na_fixup(Controller *c, ulong pa_reg,
-    struct na_patch *patch, int patches,
-    int (*externval)(Controller*, int, ulong*))
-	int p;
-	int v;
-	ulong *script, pa_script;
-	unsigned long lw, lv;
-	script = c->script;
-	pa_script = c->scriptpa;
-	for (p = 0; p < patches; p++) {
-		switch (patch[p].type) {
-		case 1:
-			/* script relative */
-			script[patch[p].lwoff] += pa_script;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			/* register i/o relative */
-			script[patch[p].lwoff] += pa_reg;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			/* data external */
-			lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
-			v = (lw >> 8) & 0xff;
-			if (!(*externval)(c, v, &lv))
-				return 0;
-			v = lv & 0xff;
-			script[patch[p].lwoff] = (lw & 0xffff00ffL) | (v << 8);
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			/* 32 bit external */
-			lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
-			if (!(*externval)(c, lw, &lv))
-				return 0;
-			script[patch[p].lwoff] = lv;
-			break;
-		case 5:
-			/* 24 bit external */
-			lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
-			if (!(*externval)(c, lw & 0xffffff, &lv))
-				return 0;
-			script[patch[p].lwoff] = (lw & 0xff000000L) | (lv & 0xffffffL);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-static SDev*
-	char *cp;
-	Pcidev *p;
-	Variant *v;
-	int ba, nctlr;
-	void *scriptma;
-	Controller *ctlr;
-	SDev *sdev, *head, *tail;
-	ulong regpa, *script, scriptpa;
-	void *regva, *scriptva;
-	if(cp = getconf("*maxsd53c8xx"))
-		nctlr = strtoul(cp, 0, 0);
-	else
-		nctlr = 32;
-	p = nil;
-	head = tail = nil;
-	while((p = pcimatch(p, NCR_VID, 0)) != nil && nctlr > 0){
-		for(v = variant; v < &variant[nelem(variant)]; v++){
-			if(p->did == v->did && p->rid <= v->maxrid)
-				break;
-		}
-		if(v >= &variant[nelem(variant)]) {
-			print("no match\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-		print(PRINTPREFIX "%s rev. 0x%2.2x intr=%d command=%4.4uX\n",
-			v->name, p->rid, p->intl, p->pcr);
-		regpa = p->mem[1].bar;
-		ba = 2;
-		if(regpa & 0x04){
-			if(p->mem[2].bar)
-				continue;
-			ba++;
-		}
-		if(regpa == 0)
-			print("regpa 0\n");
-		regpa &= ~0xF;
-		regva = vmap(regpa, p->mem[1].size);
-		if(regva == 0)
-			continue;
-		script = nil;
-		scriptpa = 0;
-		scriptva = nil;
-		scriptma = nil;
-		if((v->feature & LocalRAM) && sizeof(na_script) <= 4096){
-			scriptpa = p->mem[ba].bar;
-			if((scriptpa & 0x04) && p->mem[ba+1].bar){
-				vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
-				continue;
-			}
-			scriptpa &= ~0x0F;
-			scriptva = vmap(scriptpa, p->mem[ba].size);
-			if(scriptva)
-				script = scriptva;
-		}
-		if(scriptpa == 0){
-			/*
-			 * Either the map failed, or this chip does not have
-			 * local RAM. It will need a copy of the microcode.
-			 */
-			scriptma = malloc(sizeof(na_script));
-			if(scriptma == nil){
-				vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
-				continue;
-			}
-			scriptpa = DMASEG(scriptma);
-			script = scriptma;
-		}
-		ctlr = malloc(sizeof(Controller));
-		sdev = malloc(sizeof(SDev));
-		if(ctlr == nil || sdev == nil){
-			if(ctlr)
-				free(ctlr);
-			if(sdev)
-				free(sdev);
-			if(scriptma)
-				free(scriptma);
-			else if(scriptva)
-				vunmap(scriptva, p->mem[ba].size);
-			if(regva)
-				vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(dsaend == nil)
-			dsaend = xalloc(sizeof *dsaend);
-		lesetl(&dsaend->stateb, A_STATE_END);
-	//	lesetl(dsaend->next, DMASEG(dsaend));
-		coherence();
-		lesetl(ctlr->dsalist.head, DMASEG(dsaend));
-		coherence();
-		ctlr->dsalist.freechain = 0;
-		ctlr->n = regva;
-		ctlr->v = v;
-		ctlr->script = script;
-		memmove(ctlr->script, na_script, sizeof(na_script));
-		/*
-		 * Because we don't yet have an abstraction for the
-		 * addresses as seen from the controller side (and on
-		 * the 386 it doesn't matter), the following three lines
-		 * are different between the 386 and alpha copies of
-		 * this driver.
-		 */
-		USED(scriptpa);
-		ctlr->scriptpa = p->mem[ba].bar & ~0x0F;
-		if(!na_fixup(ctlr, p->mem[1].bar & ~0x0F, na_patches, NA_PATCHES, xfunc)){
-			print("script fixup failed\n");
-			goto buggery;
-		}
-		swabl(ctlr->script, ctlr->script, sizeof(na_script));
-		ctlr->pcidev = p;
-		sdev->ifc = &sd53c8xxifc;
-		sdev->ctlr = ctlr;
-		sdev->idno = '0';
-		if(!(v->feature & Wide))
-			sdev->nunit = 8;
-		else
-			sdev->nunit = MAXTARGET;
-		ctlr->sdev = sdev;
-		if(head != nil)
-			tail->next = sdev;
-		else
-			head = sdev;
-		tail = sdev;
-		nctlr--;
-	}
-	return head;
-static int
-sd53c8xxenable(SDev* sdev)
-	Pcidev *pcidev;
-	Controller *ctlr;
-	char name[32];
-	ctlr = sdev->ctlr;
-	pcidev = ctlr->pcidev;
-	pcisetbme(pcidev);
-	ilock(ctlr);
-	synctabinit(ctlr);
-	cribbios(ctlr);
-	reset(ctlr);
-	snprint(name, sizeof(name), "%s (%s)", sdev->name, sdev->ifc->name);
-	intrenable(pcidev->intl, sd53c8xxinterrupt, ctlr, pcidev->tbdf, name);
-	iunlock(ctlr);
-	return 1;
-SDifc sd53c8xxifc = {
-	"53c8xx",			/* name */
-	sd53c8xxpnp,			/* pnp */
-	nil,				/* legacy */
-	sd53c8xxenable,			/* enable */
-	nil,				/* disable */
-	scsiverify,			/* verify */
-	scsionline,			/* online */
-	sd53c8xxrio,			/* rio */
-	nil,				/* rctl */
-	nil,				/* wctl */
-	scsibio,			/* bio */
-	nil,				/* probe */
-	nil,				/* clear */
-	nil,				/* stat */

+ 0 - 805

@@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
-unsigned long na_script[] = {
-			/*	extern	scsi_id_buf */
-			/*	extern	msg_out_buf */
-			/*	extern	cmd_buf */
-			/*	extern	data_buf */
-			/*	extern	status_buf */
-			/*	extern	msgin_buf */
-			/*	extern	dsa_0 */
-			/*	extern  dsa_1 */
-			/*	extern	dsa_head */
-			/*	extern	ssid_mask */
-			/*	SIR_MSG_IO_COMPLETE = 0 */
-			/*	error_not_cmd_complete = 1 */
-			/*	error_disconnected = 2 */
-			/*	error_reselected = 3 */
-			/*	error_unexpected_phase = 4 */
-			/*	error_weird_message = 5 */
-			/*	error_not_identify_after_reselect = 7 */
-			/*	error_too_much_data = 8 */
-			/*	error_too_little_data = 9 */
-			/*	SIR_MSG_REJECT = 10 */
-			/*	SIR_MSG_SDTR = 11 */
-			/*	SIR_EV_RESPONSE_OK = 12 */
-			/*	error_sigp_set = 13 */
-			/*	SIR_MSG_WDTR = 15 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_DISC = 100 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_RESELECT = 101 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_MSG_IN = 102 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_STATUS = 103 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_DUMP = 104 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_DUMP2 = 105 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_SIGP = 106 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_ISSUE = 107 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_ISSUE_CHECK = 109 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_COMMAND = 111 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_DATA_IN = 112 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_DATA_OUT = 113 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_BLOCK_DATA_IN = 114 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_WSR = 115 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_LOAD_SYNC = 116 */
-			/*	SIR_NOTIFY_LOAD_STATE = 118 */
-			/*	STATE_FREE = 0 */
-			/*	STATE_ALLOCATED = 1 */
-			/*	STATE_ISSUE = 2 */
-			/*	STATE_DONE = 4 */
-			/*	STATE_END = 5 */
-			/*	RESULT_OK = 0 */
-			/*	MSG_IDENTIFY = 0x80 */
-			/*	MSG_DISCONNECT = 0x04 */
-			/*	MSG_SAVE_DATA_POINTER = 0x02 */
-			/*	MSG_RESTORE_POINTERS = 0x03 */
-			/*	MSG_IGNORE_WIDE_RESIDUE = 0x23 */
-			/*	X_MSG = 0x01 */
-			/*	X_MSG_SDTR = 0x01 */
-			/*	X_MSG_WDTR = 0x03 */
-			/*	MSG_REJECT = 0x07 */
-			/*	BSIZE = 512 */
-/* 0000 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	wait_for_reselection */
-/* 0004 */ 0x00000514L,
-/* 0008 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	load_sync */
-/* 000c */ 0x00000790L,
-/* 0010 */ 0x60000200L, /*		clear	target */
-/* 0014 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0018 */ 0x47000000L, /*		select	atn from scsi_id_buf, reselected_on_select */
-/* 001c */ 0x000004ecL,
-/* 0020 */ 0x878b0000L, /*		jump	start1, when msg_in */
-/* 0024 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0028 */ 0x1e000000L, /*		move	from msg_out_buf, when msg_out */
-/* 002c */ 0x00000001L,
-/* 0030 */ 0x868b0000L, /*		jump	start1, when msg_out */
-/* 0034 */ 0x00fffff0L,
-/* 0038 */ 0x82830000L, /*		jump	to_decisions, when not cmd */
-/* 003c */ 0x000005b8L,
-/* 0040 */ 0x60000008L, /*		clear	atn */
-/* 0044 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0048 */ 0x1a000000L, /*		move	from cmd_buf, when cmd */
-/* 004c */ 0x00000002L,
-/* 0050 */ 0x81830000L, /*		jump	to_decisions, when not data_in */
-/* 0054 */ 0x000005a0L,
-/* 0058 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 005c */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0060 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0064 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dmaaddr, scratchb */
-/* 0068 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 006c */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 0070 */ 0x72360000L, /*		move	scratcha2 to sfbr */
-/* 0074 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0078 */ 0x808c0000L, /*		jump	data_in_normal, if 0 */
-/* 007c */ 0x00000078L,
-/* 0080 */ 0x29000200L, /*		move	BSIZE, ptr dmaaddr, when data_in */
-/* 0084 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 0088 */ 0x7e5d0200L, /*		move	scratchb1 + BSIZE / 256 to scratchb1 */
-/* 008c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0090 */ 0x7f5e0000L, /*		move	scratchb2 + 0 to scratchb2 with carry */
-/* 0094 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0098 */ 0x7f5f0000L, /*		move	scratchb3 + 0 to scratchb3 with carry */
-/* 009c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 00a0 */ 0x7e36ff00L, /*		move	scratcha2 + 255 to scratcha2 */
-/* 00a4 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 00a8 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratchb, dmaaddr */
-/* 00ac */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 00b0 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 00b4 */ 0x818b0000L, /*		jump	data_in_block_loop, when data_in */
-/* 00b8 */ 0x00ffffb4L,
-/* 00bc */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 00c0 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 00c4 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 00c8 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	save_state */
-/* 00cc */ 0x0000065cL,
-/* 00d0 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 00d4 */ 0x00000520L,
-/* 00d8 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratchb, dmaaddr */
-/* 00dc */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 00e0 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 00e4 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 00e8 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 00ec */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 00f0 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 00f4 */ 0x00000500L,
-/* 00f8 */ 0x72370000L, /*		move	scratcha3 to sfbr */
-/* 00fc */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0100 */ 0x98040000L, /*		int	error_too_much_data, if not 0 */
-/* 0104 */ 0x00000008L,
-/* 0108 */ 0x19000000L, /*		move	from data_buf, when data_in */
-/* 010c */ 0x00000003L,
-/* 0110 */ 0x78370200L, /*		move	2 to scratcha3 */
-/* 0114 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0118 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 011c */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0120 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0124 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	save_state */
-/* 0128 */ 0x00000600L,
-/* 012c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	post_data_to_decisions */
-/* 0130 */ 0x000004f4L,
-/* 0134 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 0138 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 013c */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0140 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dmaaddr, scratchb */
-/* 0144 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 0148 */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 014c */ 0x72360000L, /*		move	scratcha2 to sfbr */
-/* 0150 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0154 */ 0x808c0000L, /*		jump	data_out_normal, if 0 */
-/* 0158 */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 015c */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dmaaddr, scratchb */
-/* 0160 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 0164 */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 0168 */ 0x28000200L, /*		move	BSIZE, ptr dmaaddr, when data_out */
-/* 016c */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 0170 */ 0x7e5d0200L, /*		move	scratchb1 + BSIZE / 256 to scratchb1 */
-/* 0174 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0178 */ 0x7f5e0000L, /*		move	scratchb2 + 0 to scratchb2 with carry */
-/* 017c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0180 */ 0x7f5f0000L, /*		move	scratchb3 + 0 to scratchb3 with carry */
-/* 0184 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0188 */ 0x7e36ff00L, /*		move	scratcha2 + 255 to scratcha2 */
-/* 018c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0190 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratchb, dmaaddr */
-/* 0194 */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 0198 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 019c */ 0x808b0000L, /*		jump	data_out_block_loop, when data_out */
-/* 01a0 */ 0x00ffffa8L,
-/* 01a4 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 01a8 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 01ac */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 01b0 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 01b4 */ 0x00000440L,
-/* 01b8 */ 0x72370000L, /*		move	scratcha3 to sfbr */
-/* 01bc */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 01c0 */ 0x98040000L, /*		int	error_too_little_data, if not 0 */
-/* 01c4 */ 0x00000009L,
-/* 01c8 */ 0x18000000L, /*		move	from data_buf, when data_out */
-/* 01cc */ 0x00000003L,
-/* 01d0 */ 0x78370200L, /*		move	2 to scratcha3 */
-/* 01d4 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 01d8 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 01dc */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 01e0 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 01e4 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	save_state */
-/* 01e8 */ 0x00000540L,
-/* 01ec */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	post_data_to_decisions */
-/* 01f0 */ 0x00000434L,
-/* 01f4 */ 0x1b000000L, /*		move	from status_buf, when status */
-/* 01f8 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 01fc */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0200 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0204 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha, when msg_in */
-/* 0208 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 020c */ 0x808c0007L, /*		jump	rejected, if MSG_REJECT */
-/* 0210 */ 0x00000088L,
-/* 0214 */ 0x808c0004L, /*		jump	disconnected, if MSG_DISCONNECT */
-/* 0218 */ 0x00000298L,
-/* 021c */ 0x808c0002L, /*		jump	msg_in_skip, if MSG_SAVE_DATA_POINTER */
-/* 0220 */ 0x00000090L,
-/* 0224 */ 0x808c0003L, /*		jump	msg_in_skip, if MSG_RESTORE_POINTERS */
-/* 0228 */ 0x00000088L,
-/* 022c */ 0x808c0023L, /*		jump	ignore_wide, if MSG_IGNORE_WIDE_RESIDUE */
-/* 0230 */ 0x000001f0L,
-/* 0234 */ 0x808c0001L, /*		jump	extended, if X_MSG */
-/* 0238 */ 0x00000088L,
-/* 023c */ 0x98040000L, /*		int	error_not_cmd_complete, if not 0 */
-/* 0240 */ 0x00000001L,
-/* 0244 */ 0x7c027e00L, /*		move	scntl2&0x7e to scntl2 */
-/* 0248 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 024c */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0250 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0254 */ 0x48000000L, /*		wait	disconnect */
-/* 0258 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 025c */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 0260 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0264 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0268 */ 0x78340400L, /*		move	STATE_DONE to scratcha0 */
-/* 026c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0270 */ 0x78350000L, /*		move	RESULT_OK to scratcha1 */
-/* 0274 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0278 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 027c */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0280 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0284 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	save_state */
-/* 0288 */ 0x000004a0L,
-/* 028c */ 0x98180000L, /*		intfly	0 */
-/* 0290 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0294 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	issue_check */
-/* 0298 */ 0x000004b8L,
-/* 029c */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	SIR_MSG_REJECT */
-/* 02a0 */ 0x0000000aL,
-/* 02a4 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 02a8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 02ac */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 02b0 */ 0x00000344L,
-/* 02b4 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 02b8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 02bc */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 02c0 */ 0x00000334L,
-/* 02c4 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 02c8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 02cc */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 02d0 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 02d4 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha1, when msg_in */
-/* 02d8 */ 0x00000035L,
-/* 02dc */ 0x808c0003L, /*		jump	ext_3, if 3 */
-/* 02e0 */ 0x00000030L,
-/* 02e4 */ 0x808c0002L, /*		jump	ext_2, if 2 */
-/* 02e8 */ 0x00000098L,
-/* 02ec */ 0x98040001L, /*		int	error_weird_message, if not 1 */
-/* 02f0 */ 0x00000005L,
-/* 02f4 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 02f8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 02fc */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0300 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0304 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha1, when msg_in */
-/* 0308 */ 0x00000035L,
-/* 030c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	ext_done */
-/* 0310 */ 0x000000c8L,
-/* 0314 */ 0x60000040L, /*	ext_3:	clear	ack */
-/* 0318 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 031c */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0320 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0324 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha1, when msg_in */
-/* 0328 */ 0x00000035L,
-/* 032c */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0330 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0334 */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0338 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 033c */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha2, when msg_in */
-/* 0340 */ 0x00000036L,
-/* 0344 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0348 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 034c */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0350 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0354 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha3, when msg_in */
-/* 0358 */ 0x00000037L,
-/* 035c */ 0x72350000L, /*		move	scratcha1 to sfbr */
-/* 0360 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0364 */ 0x80840001L, /*		jump	ext_done, if not X_MSG_SDTR */
-/* 0368 */ 0x00000070L,
-/* 036c */ 0x98080000L, /*	sdtr:	int	SIR_MSG_SDTR */
-/* 0370 */ 0x0000000bL,
-/* 0374 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0378 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 037c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 0380 */ 0x00000274L,
-/* 0384 */ 0x60000040L, /*	ext_2:	clear	ack */
-/* 0388 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 038c */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0390 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0394 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha1, when msg_in */
-/* 0398 */ 0x00000035L,
-/* 039c */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 03a0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03a4 */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 03a8 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 03ac */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha2, when msg_in */
-/* 03b0 */ 0x00000036L,
-/* 03b4 */ 0x72350000L, /*		move	scratcha1 to sfbr */
-/* 03b8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03bc */ 0x80840003L, /*		jump	ext_done, if not X_MSG_WDTR */
-/* 03c0 */ 0x00000018L,
-/* 03c4 */ 0x98080000L, /*	wdtr:	int	SIR_MSG_WDTR */
-/* 03c8 */ 0x0000000fL,
-/* 03cc */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 03d0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03d4 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 03d8 */ 0x0000021cL,
-/* 03dc */ 0x58000008L, /*		set	atn */
-/* 03e0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03e4 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 03e8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03ec */ 0x78340700L, /*		move	MSG_REJECT to scratcha */
-/* 03f0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 03f4 */ 0x9e030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_out */
-/* 03f8 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 03fc */ 0x60000008L, /*		clear	atn */
-/* 0400 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0404 */ 0x0e000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha, when msg_out */
-/* 0408 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 040c */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0410 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0414 */ 0x868b0000L, /*		jump	reject, when msg_out */
-/* 0418 */ 0x00ffffc0L,
-/* 041c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 0420 */ 0x000001d4L,
-/* 0424 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0428 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 042c */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_in */
-/* 0430 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0434 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha1, when msg_in */
-/* 0438 */ 0x00000035L,
-/* 043c */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	SIR_MSG_IGNORE_WIDE_RESIDUE */
-/* 0440 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0444 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0448 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 044c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 0450 */ 0x000001a4L,
-/* 0454 */ 0x58000008L, /*		set	atn */
-/* 0458 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 045c */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 0460 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0464 */ 0x9e030000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase, when not msg_out */
-/* 0468 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 046c */ 0x1e000000L, /*		move	from msg_out_buf, when msg_out */
-/* 0470 */ 0x00000001L,
-/* 0474 */ 0x868b0000L, /*		jump	response_repeat, when msg_out */
-/* 0478 */ 0x00fffff0L,
-/* 047c */ 0x878b0000L, /*		jump	response_msg_in, when msg_in */
-/* 0480 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0484 */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	SIR_EV_RESPONSE_OK */
-/* 0488 */ 0x0000000cL,
-/* 048c */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	to_decisions */
-/* 0490 */ 0x00000164L,
-/* 0494 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratcha, when msg_in */
-/* 0498 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 049c */ 0x808c0007L, /*		jump	rejected, if MSG_REJECT */
-/* 04a0 */ 0x00fffdf8L,
-/* 04a4 */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	SIR_EV_RESPONSE_OK */
-/* 04a8 */ 0x0000000cL,
-/* 04ac */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	msg_in_not_reject */
-/* 04b0 */ 0x00fffd60L,
-/* 04b4 */ 0x7c027e00L, /*		move	scntl2&0x7e to scntl2 */
-/* 04b8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 04bc */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear 	ack */
-/* 04c0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 04c4 */ 0x48000000L, /*		wait	disconnect */
-/* 04c8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 04cc */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 04d0 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 04d4 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 04d8 */ 0x78340300L, /*		move	STATE_DISCONNECTED to scratcha0 */
-/* 04dc */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 04e0 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 04e4 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 04e8 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 04ec */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	save_state */
-/* 04f0 */ 0x00000238L,
-/* 04f4 */ 0x74020100L, /*		move	scntl2&0x01 to sfbr */
-/* 04f8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 04fc */ 0x98040000L, /*		int	SIR_NOTIFY_WSR, if not 0 */
-/* 0500 */ 0x00000073L,
-/* 0504 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	issue_check */
-/* 0508 */ 0x00000248L,
-/* 050c */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	SIR_NOTIFY_RESELECTED_ON_SELECT */
-/* 0510 */ 0x00000075L,
-/* 0514 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	reselected */
-/* 0518 */ 0x00000008L,
-/* 051c */ 0x54000000L, /*		wait reselect sigp_set */
-/* 0520 */ 0x00000228L,
-/* 0524 */ 0x60000200L, /*		clear	target */
-/* 0528 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 052c */ 0x9f030000L, /*		int	SIR_ERROR_NOT_MSG_IN_AFTER_RESELECT, when not msg_in */
-/* 0530 */ 0x00000006L,
-/* 0534 */ 0x0f000001L, /*		move	1, scratchb, when msg_in */
-/* 0538 */ 0x0000005cL,
-/* 053c */ 0x98041f80L, /*		int	error_not_identify_after_reselect, if not MSG_IDENTIFY and mask 0x1f */
-/* 0540 */ 0x00000007L,
-/* 0544 */ 0xc0000004L, /*	 	move	memory 4, dsa_head, dsa */
-/* 0548 */ 0x00000008L,
-/* 054c */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0550 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	load_state */
-/* 0554 */ 0x00000100L,
-/* 0558 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 055c */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0560 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0564 */ 0x72340000L, /*		move	scratcha0 to sfbr */
-/* 0568 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 056c */ 0x80840003L, /*		jump	find_dsa_next, if not STATE_DISCONNECTED */
-/* 0570 */ 0x00000040L,
-/* 0574 */ 0x980c0005L, /*		int	error_reselected, if STATE_END */
-/* 0578 */ 0x00000003L,
-/* 057c */ 0x740a0900L, /*		move	ssid & ssid_mask to sfbr */
-/* 0580 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0584 */ 0xc0000001L, /*		move	memory 1, targ, find_dsa_smc1 */
-/* 0588 */ 0x00000648L,
-/* 058c */ 0x00000590L,
-/* 0590 */ 0x808400ffL, /*		jump	find_dsa_next, if not 255 */
-/* 0594 */ 0x0000001cL,
-/* 0598 */ 0xc0000001L, /*		move	memory 1, lun, find_dsa_smc2 */
-/* 059c */ 0x0000064cL,
-/* 05a0 */ 0x000005acL,
-/* 05a4 */ 0x725c0000L, /*		move	scratchb0 to sfbr */
-/* 05a8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 05ac */ 0x808cf8ffL, /*		jump	reload_sync, if 255 and mask ~7 */
-/* 05b0 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 05b4 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, next, dsa */
-/* 05b8 */ 0x00000654L,
-/* 05bc */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 05c0 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	find_dsa_loop */
-/* 05c4 */ 0x00ffff88L,
-/* 05c8 */ 0x60000008L, /*		clear	atn */
-/* 05cc */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 05d0 */ 0x878b0000L, /*	        jump    msg_in_phase, when msg_in */
-/* 05d4 */ 0x00fffc2cL,
-/* 05d8 */ 0x98080000L, /*	        int     SIR_MSG_REJECT */
-/* 05dc */ 0x0000000aL,
-/* 05e0 */ 0x80880000L, /*	        jump    to_decisions */
-/* 05e4 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 05e8 */ 0x88880000L, /*		call	load_sync */
-/* 05ec */ 0x000001b0L,
-/* 05f0 */ 0x60000040L, /*		clear	ack */
-/* 05f4 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 05f8 */ 0x818b0000L, /*		jump	data_in_phase, when data_in */
-/* 05fc */ 0x00fffa58L,
-/* 0600 */ 0x828a0000L, /*		jump	cmd_phase, if cmd */
-/* 0604 */ 0x00fffa38L,
-/* 0608 */ 0x808a0000L, /*		jump	data_out_phase, if data_out */
-/* 060c */ 0x00fffb24L,
-/* 0610 */ 0x838a0000L, /*		jump	status_phase, if status */
-/* 0614 */ 0x00fffbdcL,
-/* 0618 */ 0x878a0000L, /*		jump	msg_in_phase, if msg_in */
-/* 061c */ 0x00fffbe4L,
-/* 0620 */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase */
-/* 0624 */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0628 */ 0x838b0000L, /*		jump	status_phase, when status */
-/* 062c */ 0x00fffbc4L,
-/* 0630 */ 0x878a0000L, /*		jump	msg_in_phase, if msg_in */
-/* 0634 */ 0x00fffbccL,
-/* 0638 */ 0x98080000L, /*		int	error_unexpected_phase */
-/* 063c */ 0x00000004L,
-/* 0640 */ 0x00000000L, /*	state:	defw	0 */
-/* 0644 */ 0x00000000L, /*	dmaaddr: defw	0 */
-/* 0648 */ 0x00000000L, /*	targ:	defw	0 */
-/* 064c */ 0x00000000L, /*	lun:	defw	0 */
-/* 0650 */ 0x00000000L, /*	sync:	defw	0 */
-/* 0654 */ 0x00000000L, /*	next:	defw	0 */
-			/*	dsa_load_len = dsa_load_end - dsa_copy */
-			/*	dsa_save_len = dsa_save_end - dsa_copy */
-/* 0658 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump load_state_okay */
-/* 065c */ 0x000000acL,
-/* 0660 */ 0x72100000L, /*		move	dsa0 to sfbr */
-/* 0664 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0668 */ 0x80840000L, /*		jump load_state_okay, if not 0 */
-/* 066c */ 0x0000009cL,
-/* 0670 */ 0x72110000L, /*		move	dsa1 to sfbr */
-/* 0674 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0678 */ 0x80840000L, /*		jump load_state_okay, if not 0 */
-/* 067c */ 0x0000008cL,
-/* 0680 */ 0x72120000L, /*		move	dsa2 to sfbr */
-/* 0684 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0688 */ 0x80840000L, /*		jump load_state_okay, if not 0 */
-/* 068c */ 0x0000007cL,
-/* 0690 */ 0x72130000L, /*		move	dsa3 to sfbr */
-/* 0694 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0698 */ 0x80840000L, /*		jump load_state_okay, if not 0 */
-/* 069c */ 0x0000006cL,
-/* 06a0 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, dmaaddr */
-/* 06a4 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06a8 */ 0x00000644L,
-/* 06ac */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, targ */
-/* 06b0 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06b4 */ 0x00000648L,
-/* 06b8 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, lun */
-/* 06bc */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06c0 */ 0x0000064cL,
-/* 06c4 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, sync */
-/* 06c8 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06cc */ 0x00000650L,
-/* 06d0 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, next */
-/* 06d4 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06d8 */ 0x00000654L,
-/* 06dc */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, scratcha */
-/* 06e0 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 06e4 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 06e8 */ 0x68080500L, /*		move	STATE_END to sfbr */
-/* 06ec */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 06f0 */ 0x6a340000L, /*		move	sfbr to scratcha0 */
-/* 06f4 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 06f8 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, scratcha, state */
-/* 06fc */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0700 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0704 */ 0x90080000L, /*		return */
-/* 0708 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 070c */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, load_state_smc0 + 4 */
-/* 0710 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0714 */ 0x0000071cL,
-/* 0718 */ 0xc0000018L, /*		move	memory dsa_load_len, 0, dsa_copy */
-/* 071c */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0720 */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0724 */ 0x90080000L, /*		return */
-/* 0728 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 072c */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa, save_state_smc0 + 8 */
-/* 0730 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0734 */ 0x00000740L,
-/* 0738 */ 0xc0000008L, /*		move	memory dsa_save_len, dsa_copy, 0 */
-/* 073c */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0740 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0744 */ 0x90080000L, /*		return */
-/* 0748 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 074c */ 0x721a0000L, /*		move	ctest2 to sfbr */
-/* 0750 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 0754 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, dsa_head, dsa */
-/* 0758 */ 0x00000008L,
-/* 075c */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0760 */ 0x88880000L, /*	 	call	load_state */
-/* 0764 */ 0x00fffef0L,
-/* 0768 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, state, scratcha */
-/* 076c */ 0x00000640L,
-/* 0770 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 0774 */ 0x72340000L, /*		move	scratcha0 to sfbr */
-/* 0778 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 077c */ 0x808c0002L, /*		jump	start, if STATE_ISSUE */
-/* 0780 */ 0x00fff884L,
-/* 0784 */ 0x808c0005L, /*		jump	wait_for_reselection, if STATE_END */
-/* 0788 */ 0x00fffd90L,
-/* 078c */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, next, dsa */
-/* 0790 */ 0x00000654L,
-/* 0794 */ 0x00000010L,
-/* 0798 */ 0x80880000L, /*		jump	issue_check_loop */
-/* 079c */ 0x00ffffc0L,
-/* 07a0 */ 0xc0000004L, /*		move	memory 4, sync, scratcha */
-/* 07a4 */ 0x00000650L,
-/* 07a8 */ 0x00000034L,
-/* 07ac */ 0x72340000L, /*		move	scratcha0 to sfbr */
-/* 07b0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 07b4 */ 0x6a030000L, /*		move	sfbr to scntl3 */
-/* 07b8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 07bc */ 0x72350000L, /*		move	scratcha1 to sfbr */
-/* 07c0 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 07c4 */ 0x6a050000L, /*		move	sfbr to sxfer */
-/* 07c8 */ 0x00000000L,
-/* 07cc */ 0x90080000L, /*		return */
-/* 07d0 */ 0x00000000L,
-#define NA_SCRIPT_SIZE 501
-struct na_patch na_patches[] = {
-	{ 0x0006, 5 }, /* 00000018 */
-	{ 0x000b, 4 }, /* 0000002c */
-	{ 0x0013, 4 }, /* 0000004c */
-	{ 0x0017, 1 }, /* 0000005c */
-	{ 0x0018, 2 }, /* 00000060 */
-	{ 0x001a, 1 }, /* 00000068 */
-	{ 0x001b, 2 }, /* 0000006c */
-	{ 0x0021, 1 }, /* 00000084 */
-	{ 0x002b, 2 }, /* 000000ac */
-	{ 0x002c, 1 }, /* 000000b0 */
-	{ 0x0030, 2 }, /* 000000c0 */
-	{ 0x0031, 1 }, /* 000000c4 */
-	{ 0x0037, 2 }, /* 000000dc */
-	{ 0x0038, 1 }, /* 000000e0 */
-	{ 0x003a, 2 }, /* 000000e8 */
-	{ 0x003b, 1 }, /* 000000ec */
-	{ 0x0043, 4 }, /* 0000010c */
-	{ 0x0047, 2 }, /* 0000011c */
-	{ 0x0048, 1 }, /* 00000120 */
-	{ 0x004e, 1 }, /* 00000138 */
-	{ 0x004f, 2 }, /* 0000013c */
-	{ 0x0051, 1 }, /* 00000144 */
-	{ 0x0052, 2 }, /* 00000148 */
-	{ 0x0058, 1 }, /* 00000160 */
-	{ 0x0059, 2 }, /* 00000164 */
-	{ 0x005b, 1 }, /* 0000016c */
-	{ 0x0065, 2 }, /* 00000194 */
-	{ 0x0066, 1 }, /* 00000198 */
-	{ 0x006a, 2 }, /* 000001a8 */
-	{ 0x006b, 1 }, /* 000001ac */
-	{ 0x0073, 4 }, /* 000001cc */
-	{ 0x0077, 2 }, /* 000001dc */
-	{ 0x0078, 1 }, /* 000001e0 */
-	{ 0x007e, 4 }, /* 000001f8 */
-	{ 0x0082, 2 }, /* 00000208 */
-	{ 0x0098, 1 }, /* 00000260 */
-	{ 0x0099, 2 }, /* 00000264 */
-	{ 0x009f, 2 }, /* 0000027c */
-	{ 0x00a0, 1 }, /* 00000280 */
-	{ 0x00b6, 2 }, /* 000002d8 */
-	{ 0x00c2, 2 }, /* 00000308 */
-	{ 0x00ca, 2 }, /* 00000328 */
-	{ 0x00d0, 2 }, /* 00000340 */
-	{ 0x00d6, 2 }, /* 00000358 */
-	{ 0x00e6, 2 }, /* 00000398 */
-	{ 0x00ec, 2 }, /* 000003b0 */
-	{ 0x0102, 2 }, /* 00000408 */
-	{ 0x010e, 2 }, /* 00000438 */
-	{ 0x011c, 4 }, /* 00000470 */
-	{ 0x0126, 2 }, /* 00000498 */
-	{ 0x0134, 1 }, /* 000004d0 */
-	{ 0x0135, 2 }, /* 000004d4 */
-	{ 0x0139, 2 }, /* 000004e4 */
-	{ 0x013a, 1 }, /* 000004e8 */
-	{ 0x014e, 2 }, /* 00000538 */
-	{ 0x0152, 4 }, /* 00000548 */
-	{ 0x0153, 2 }, /* 0000054c */
-	{ 0x0157, 1 }, /* 0000055c */
-	{ 0x0158, 2 }, /* 00000560 */
-	{ 0x015f, 3 }, /* 0000057c */
-	{ 0x0162, 1 }, /* 00000588 */
-	{ 0x0163, 1 }, /* 0000058c */
-	{ 0x0167, 1 }, /* 0000059c */
-	{ 0x0168, 1 }, /* 000005a0 */
-	{ 0x016e, 1 }, /* 000005b8 */
-	{ 0x016f, 2 }, /* 000005bc */
-	{ 0x01a9, 2 }, /* 000006a4 */
-	{ 0x01aa, 1 }, /* 000006a8 */
-	{ 0x01ac, 2 }, /* 000006b0 */
-	{ 0x01ad, 1 }, /* 000006b4 */
-	{ 0x01af, 2 }, /* 000006bc */
-	{ 0x01b0, 1 }, /* 000006c0 */
-	{ 0x01b2, 2 }, /* 000006c8 */
-	{ 0x01b3, 1 }, /* 000006cc */
-	{ 0x01b5, 2 }, /* 000006d4 */
-	{ 0x01b6, 1 }, /* 000006d8 */
-	{ 0x01b8, 2 }, /* 000006e0 */
-	{ 0x01b9, 2 }, /* 000006e4 */
-	{ 0x01bf, 2 }, /* 000006fc */
-	{ 0x01c0, 1 }, /* 00000700 */
-	{ 0x01c4, 2 }, /* 00000710 */
-	{ 0x01c5, 1 }, /* 00000714 */
-	{ 0x01c8, 1 }, /* 00000720 */
-	{ 0x01cc, 2 }, /* 00000730 */
-	{ 0x01cd, 1 }, /* 00000734 */
-	{ 0x01cf, 1 }, /* 0000073c */
-	{ 0x01d6, 4 }, /* 00000758 */
-	{ 0x01d7, 2 }, /* 0000075c */
-	{ 0x01db, 1 }, /* 0000076c */
-	{ 0x01dc, 2 }, /* 00000770 */
-	{ 0x01e4, 1 }, /* 00000790 */
-	{ 0x01e5, 2 }, /* 00000794 */
-	{ 0x01e9, 1 }, /* 000007a4 */
-	{ 0x01ea, 2 }, /* 000007a8 */
-#define NA_PATCHES 94
-enum na_external {
-	X_scsi_id_buf,
-	X_msg_out_buf,
-	X_cmd_buf,
-	X_data_buf,
-	X_status_buf,
-	X_msgin_buf,
-	X_dsa_0,
-	X_dsa_1,
-	X_dsa_head,
-	X_ssid_mask,
-enum {
-	E_issue_check_loop = 1888,
-	E_save_state_smc0 = 1848,
-	E_load_state_smc0 = 1816,
-	E_load_state_okay = 1804,
-	E_dsa_load_end = 1624,
-	E_sync = 1616,
-	E_dsa_save_end = 1608,
-	E_dsa_copy = 1600,
-	E_id_out_mismatch_recover = 1480,
-	E_next = 1620,
-	E_reload_sync = 1512,
-	E_find_dsa_smc2 = 1452,
-	E_lun = 1612,
-	E_find_dsa_smc1 = 1424,
-	E_targ = 1608,
-	E_find_dsa_next = 1460,
-	E_load_state = 1624,
-	E_find_dsa_loop = 1360,
-	E_find_dsa = 1348,
-	E_sigp_set = 1868,
-	E_reselected = 1316,
-	E_wsr_check = 1268,
-	E_response_msg_in = 1172,
-	E_response_repeat = 1132,
-	E_response = 1108,
-	E_reject = 988,
-	E_wdtr = 964,
-	E_sdtr = 876,
-	E_ext_done = 988,
-	E_ext_1 = 756,
-	E_ext_2 = 900,
-	E_ext_3 = 788,
-	E_issue_check = 1876,
-	E_extended = 708,
-	E_ignore_wide = 1060,
-	E_msg_in_skip = 692,
-	E_disconnected = 1204,
-	E_msg_in_not_reject = 532,
-	E_rejected = 668,
-	E_msg_in_phase = 516,
-	E_status_phase = 500,
-	E_data_out_mismatch = 464,
-	E_data_out_block_mismatch = 368,
-	E_data_out_normal = 440,
-	E_data_out_block_loop = 332,
-	E_data_out_phase = 308,
-	E_post_data_to_decisions = 1576,
-	E_data_in_mismatch = 272,
-	E_data_mismatch_recover = 228,
-	E_data_block_mismatch_recover = 216,
-	E_save_state = 1836,
-	E_data_in_block_mismatch = 136,
-	E_data_in_normal = 248,
-	E_data_in_block_loop = 112,
-	E_dmaaddr = 1604,
-	E_state = 1600,
-	E_data_in_phase = 88,
-	E_cmd_out_mismatch = 80,
-	E_cmd_phase = 64,
-	E_to_decisions = 1528,
-	E_id_out_mismatch = 48,
-	E_start1 = 40,
-	E_reselected_on_select = 1292,
-	E_load_sync = 1952,
-	E_start = 8,
-	E_wait_for_reselection = 1308,
-#define A_dsa_save_len 8
-#define A_dsa_load_len 24
-#define A_BSIZE 512
-#define A_MSG_REJECT 7
-#define A_X_MSG_WDTR 3
-#define A_X_MSG_SDTR 1
-#define A_X_MSG 1
-#define A_MSG_IDENTIFY 128
-#define A_RESULT_OK 0
-#define A_STATE_END 5
-#define A_STATE_DONE 4
-#define A_STATE_ISSUE 2
-#define A_STATE_FREE 0
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_WSR 115
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_DATA_OUT 113
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_DATA_IN 112
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_ISSUE 107
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_SIGP 106
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_DUMP2 105
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_DUMP 104
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_STATUS 103
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_MSG_IN 102
-#define A_SIR_NOTIFY_DISC 100
-#define A_SIR_MSG_WDTR 15
-#define A_error_sigp_set 13
-#define A_SIR_EV_RESPONSE_OK 12
-#define A_SIR_MSG_SDTR 11
-#define A_SIR_MSG_REJECT 10
-#define A_error_too_little_data 9
-#define A_error_too_much_data 8
-#define A_error_not_identify_after_reselect 7
-#define A_error_weird_message 5
-#define A_error_unexpected_phase 4
-#define A_error_reselected 3
-#define A_error_disconnected 2
-#define A_error_not_cmd_complete 1

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- * 82378ZB Saturn-I/O (SIO) PCI-to-ISA Bus Bridge.
- */
-static Pcidev* siodev;
-	if(siodev == nil && (siodev = pcimatch(nil, 0x8086, 0x0484)) == nil)
-		return;

+ 0 - 916

@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"../port/lib.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"ureg.h"
-#include	"io.h"
-#include	"../port/error.h"
-void	noted(Ureg*, Ureg**, ulong);
-void	rfnote(Ureg**);
-void	kernfault(Ureg*, int);
-void	illegal(Ureg *);
-void	fen(Ureg *);
-char *regname[]={
-	"type",	"a0",		"a1",
-	"a2",		"R0",		"R1",
-	"R2",		"R3",		"R4",
-	"R5",		"R6",		"R7",
-	"R8",		"R9",		"R10",
-	"R11",	"R12",	"R13",
-	"R14",	"R15",	"R19",
-	"R20",	"R21",	"R22",
-	"R23",	"R24",	"R25",
-	"R26",	"R27",	"R28",
-	"R30",	"status",	"PC",
-	"R29",	"R16",	"R17",
-	"R18",
-static Lock vctllock;
-static Vctl *vctl[256];
-intrenable(int irq, void (*f)(Ureg*, void*), void* a, int tbdf, char *name)
-	int vno;
-	Vctl *v;
-	if(f == nil){
-		print("intrenable: nil handler for %d, tbdf 0x%uX for %s\n",
-			irq, tbdf, name);
-		return;
-	}
-	v = xalloc(sizeof(Vctl));
-	v->isintr = 1;
-	v->irq = irq;
-	v->tbdf = tbdf;
-	v->f = f;
-	v->a = a;
-	strncpy(v->name, name, KNAMELEN-1);
-	v->name[KNAMELEN-1] = 0;
-	ilock(&vctllock);
-	vno = arch->intrenable(v);
-	if(vno == -1){
-		iunlock(&vctllock);
-		print("intrenable: couldn't enable irq %d, tbdf 0x%uX for %s\n",
-			irq, tbdf, v->name);
-		xfree(v);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(vctl[vno]){
-		if(vctl[vno]->isr != v->isr || vctl[vno]->eoi != v->eoi)
-			panic("intrenable: handler: %s %s %#p %#p %#p %#p",
-				vctl[vno]->name, v->name,
-				vctl[vno]->isr, v->isr, vctl[vno]->eoi, v->eoi);
-		v->next = vctl[vno];
-	}
-	vctl[vno] = v;
-	iunlock(&vctllock);
-intrdisable(int irq, void (*f)(Ureg *, void *), void *a, int tbdf, char *name)
-	Vctl **pv, *v;
-	int vno;
-	/*
-	 * For now, none of this will work with the APIC code,
-	 * there is no mapping between irq and vector as the IRQ
-	 * is pretty meaningless.
-	 */
-	if(arch->intrvecno == nil)
-		return -1;
-	vno = arch->intrvecno(irq);
-	ilock(&vctllock);
-	for(pv = &vctl[vno]; *pv != nil; pv = &((*pv)->next)){
-		if((*pv)->irq != irq)
-			continue;
-		if((*pv)->tbdf != tbdf)
-			continue;
-		if((*pv)->f != f)
-			continue;
-		if((*pv)->a != a)
-			continue;
-		if(strcmp((*pv)->name, name) != 0)
-			continue;
-		break;
-	}
-	assert(*pv != nil);
-	v = *pv;
-	*pv = (*pv)->next;	/* Link out the entry */
-	if (vctl[vno] == nil && arch->intrdisable != nil)
-		arch->intrdisable(irq);
-	iunlock(&vctllock);
-	xfree(v);
-	return 0;
-irqallocread(char *buf, long n, vlong offset)
-	int vno;
-	Vctl *v;
-	long oldn;
-	char str[11+1+KNAMELEN+1], *p;
-	int m;
-	if(n < 0 || offset < 0)
-		error(Ebadarg);
-	oldn = n;
-	for(vno=0; vno<nelem(vctl); vno++){
-		for(v=vctl[vno]; v; v=v->next){
-			m = snprint(str, sizeof str, "%11d %11d %.*s\n", vno, v->irq, KNAMELEN, v->name);
-			if(m <= offset)	/* if do not want this, skip entry */
-				offset -= m;
-			else{
-				/* skip offset bytes */
-				m -= offset;
-				p = str+offset;
-				offset = 0;
-				/* write at most max(n,m) bytes */
-				if(m > n)
-					m = n;
-				memmove(buf, p, m);
-				n -= m;
-				buf += m;
-				if(n == 0)
-					return oldn;
-			}	
-		}
-	}
-	return oldn - n;
-typedef struct Mcheck Mcheck;
-struct Mcheck
-	ulong	len;
-	ulong	inprogress;
-	ulong	procoff;
-	ulong	sysoff;
-	ulong	code;
-static char *
-smcheck(ulong code)
-	switch (code) {
-	case 0x80: return "tag parity error";
-	case 0x82: return "tag control parity error";
-	case 0x84: return "generic hard error";
-	case 0x86: return "correctable ECC error";
-	case 0x88: return "uncorrectable ECC error";
-	case 0x8a: return "OS-specific PAL bugcheck";
-	case 0x90: return "callsys in kernel mode";
-	case 0x96: return "i-cache read retryable error";
-	case 0x98: return "processor detected hard error";
-	case 0x203: return "system detected uncorrectable ECC error";
-	case 0x205: return "parity error detected by CIA";
-	case 0x207: return "non-existent memory error";
-	case 0x209: return "PCI SERR detected";
-	case 0x20b: return "PCI data parity error detected";
-	case 0x20d: return "PCI address parity error detected";
-	case 0x20f: return "PCI master abort error";
-	case 0x211: return "PCI target abort error";
-	case 0x213: return "scatter/gather PTE invalid error";
-	case 0x215: return "flash ROM write error";
-	case 0x217: return "IOA timeout detected";
-	case 0x219: return "IOCHK#, EISA add-in board parity or other catastrophic error";
-	case 0x21b: return "EISA fail-safe timer timeout";
-	case 0x21d: return "EISA bus time-out";
-	case 0x21f: return "EISA software generated NMI";
-	case 0x221: return "unexpected ev5 IRQ[3] interrupt";
-	default: return "unknown mcheck";
-	}
-mcheck(Ureg *ur, void *x)
-	Mcheck *m;
-	uvlong *data;
-	int i, col;
-	m = x;
-	data = x;
-	iprint("panic: Machine Check @%#p: %s (%lux) len %lud\n",
-			m, smcheck(m->code), m->code, m->len);
-	iprint("proc offset %lux sys offset %lux\n", m->procoff, m->sysoff);
-	for (i = 0, col = 0; i < m->len/8; i++) {
-		iprint("%.3x: %.16llux%s", 8*i, data[i], (col == 2) ? "\n" : "    ");
-		if (col++ == 2)
-			col = 0;
-	}
-	if(col != 2)
-		print("\n");
-	print("\n");
-	dumpregs(ur);
-	prflush();
-	firmware();
-intr(Ureg *ur)
-	int i, vno;
-	Vctl *ctl, *v;
-	Mach *mach;
-	vno = (ulong)ur->a1>>4;
-	vno -= 0x80;
-	if(vno < nelem(vctl) && (ctl = vctl[vno])){
-		if(ctl->isintr){
-			m->intr++;
-			if(vno >= VectorPIC && vno <= MaxVectorPIC)
-				m->lastintr = vno-VectorPIC;
-		}
-		if(ctl->isr)
-			ctl->isr(vno);
-		for(v = ctl; v != nil; v = v->next) {
-			if(v->f)
-				v->f(ur, v->a);
-		}
-		if(ctl->eoi)
-			ctl->eoi(vno);
-		if(ctl->isintr && up)
-			preempted();
-	}
-	else if(vno >= VectorPIC && vno <= MaxVectorPIC){
-		/*
-		 * An unknown interrupt.
-		 * Check for a default IRQ7. This can happen when
-		 * the IRQ input goes away before the acknowledge.
-		 * In this case, a 'default IRQ7' is generated, but
-		 * the corresponding bit in the ISR isn't set.
-		 * In fact, just ignore all such interrupts.
-		 */
-		iprint("cpu%d: spurious interrupt %d, last %d",
-			m->machno, vno-VectorPIC, m->lastintr);
-		for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){
-			if(!(active.machs & (1<<i)))
-				continue;
-			mach = MACHP(i);
-			if(m->machno == mach->machno)
-				continue;
-			iprint(": cpu%d: last %d", mach->machno, mach->lastintr);
-		}
-		iprint("\n");
-		m->spuriousintr++;
-		return;
-	}
-	else{
-		dumpregs(ur);
-		print("unknown intr: %d\n", vno); /* */
-	}
-trap(Ureg *ur)
-	char buf[ERRMAX];
-	int clockintr, user, x;
-	user = ur->status&UMODE;
-	if(user){
-		up = m->proc;
-		up->dbgreg = ur;
-	}
-	clockintr = 0;
-	switch ((int)ur->type) {
-	case 1:	/* arith */
-		fptrap(ur);
-		break;
-	case 2:	/* bad instr or FEN */
-		illegal(ur);
-		break;
-	case 3:	/* intr */
-		m->intr++;
-		switch ((int)ur->a0) {
-		case 0:	/* interprocessor */
-			panic("interprocessor intr");
-			break;
-		case 1:	/* clock */
-			clockintr = 1;
-			clock(ur);
-			break;
-		case 2:	/* machine check */
-			mcheck(ur, (void*)(KZERO|(ulong)ur->a2));
-			break;
-		case 3:	/* device */
-			intr(ur);
-			break;
-		case 4:	/* perf counter */
-			panic("perf count");
-			break;
-		default:
-			panic("bad intr");
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 4:	/* memory fault */
-		if(up == 0)
-			kernfault(ur, (ulong)ur->a1);
-		x = up->insyscall;
-		up->insyscall = 1;
-		spllo();
-		faultalpha(ur);
-		up->insyscall = x;
-		break;
-	case 6:	/* alignment fault */
-		ur->pc -= 4;
-		sprint(buf, "trap: unaligned addr 0x%lux", (ulong)ur->a0);
-		fataltrap(ur, buf);
-		break;
-	default:	/* cannot happen */
-		panic("bad trap type %d", (int)ur->type);
-		break;
-	}
-	splhi();
-	/* delaysched set because we held a lock or because our quantum ended */
-	if(up && up->delaysched && clockintr){
-		sched();
-		splhi();
-	}
-	if(user){
-		if(up->procctl || up->nnote)
-			notify(ur);
-		kexit(ur);
-	}
-	splhi();
-	wrent(0, intr0);
-	wrent(1, arith);
-	wrent(2, fault0);
-	wrent(3, illegal0);
-	wrent(4, unaligned);
-	wrent(5, syscall0);
-fataltrap(Ureg *ur, char *reason)
-	char buf[ERRMAX];
-	if(ur->status&UMODE) {
-		spllo();
-		sprint(buf, "sys: %s", reason);
-		postnote(up, 1, buf, NDebug);
-		return;
-	}
-	print("kernel %s pc=%lux\n", reason, (ulong)ur->pc);
-	dumpregs(ur);
-	dumpstack();
-	if(m->machno == 0)
-		spllo();
-	exit(1);
-kernfault(Ureg *ur, int code)
-	Label l;
-	char *s;
-	splhi();
-	if (code == 0)
-		s = "read";
-	else if (code == 1)
-		s = "write";
-	else
-		s = "ifetch";
-	print("panic: kfault %s VA=0x%lux\n", s, (ulong)ur->a0);
-	print("u=%#p status=0x%lux pc=0x%lux sp=0x%lux\n",
-			up, (ulong)ur->status, (ulong)ur->pc, (ulong)ur->sp);
-	dumpregs(ur);
-	l.sp = ur->sp;
-	l.pc = ur->pc;
-	dumpstack();
-	exit(1);
-dumpregs(Ureg *ur)
-	int i, col;
-	uvlong *l;
-	if(up)
-		print("registers for %s %ld\n", up->text, up->pid);
-	else
-		print("registers for kernel\n");
-	l = &ur->type;
-	col = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < sizeof regname/sizeof(char*); i++, l++) {
-		print("%-7s%.16llux%s", regname[i], *l, col == 2 ? "\n" : "     ");
-		if (col++ == 2)
-			col = 0;
-	}
-	print("\n");
- * Fill in enough of Ureg to get a stack trace, and call a function.
- * Used by debugging interface rdb.
- */
-static void
-getpcsp(ulong *pc, ulong *sp)
-	*pc = getcallerpc(&pc);
-	*sp = (ulong)&pc-8;
-callwithureg(void (*fn)(Ureg*))
-	Ureg ureg;
-	getpcsp((ulong*)&ureg.pc, (ulong*)&ureg.sp);
-	ureg.r26 = getcallerpc(&fn);
-	fn(&ureg);
-_dumpstack(Ureg *ureg)
-	ulong l, sl, el, v, i, instr, op;
-	extern ulong etext;
-	l=(ulong)&l;
-	if(l&4)
-		l += 4;
-	if(up == 0){
-		el = (ulong)m+BY2PG;
-		sl = el-KSTACK;
-	}
-	else{
-		sl = (ulong)up->kstack;
-		el = sl + KSTACK;
-	}
-	if(l > el || l < sl){
-		el = (ulong)m+BY2PG;
-		sl = el-KSTACK;
-	}
-	if(l > el || l < sl)
-		return;
-	print("ktrace /kernel/path %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux\n", (ulong)ureg->pc, (ulong)ureg->sp, (ulong)ureg->r26);
-	i = 0;
-	for(; l<el; l+=8){
-		v = *(ulong*)l - 4;
-		if(KTZERO < v && v < (ulong)&etext && (v&3) == 0){
-			/*
-			 * Check for JSR/BSR
-			 */
-			instr = *(ulong*)v;
-			op = (instr>>26);
-			if(op == 26 || op == 52){
-				print("%lux=%lux ", l, v);
-				i++;
-			}
-		}
-		if(i == 4){
-			i = 0;
-			print("\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if(i)
-		print("\n");
-	callwithureg(_dumpstack);
-notify(Ureg *ur)
-	int l;
-	ulong sp;
-	Note *n;
-	if(up->procctl)
-		procctl(up);
-	if(up->nnote == 0)
-		return 0;
-	spllo();
-	qlock(&up->debug);
-	up->notepending = 0;
-	if(up->fpstate == FPactive){
-		savefpregs(&up->fpsave);
-		up->fpstate = FPinactive;
-	}
-	up->fpstate |= FPillegal;
-	n = &up->note[0];
-	if(strncmp(n->msg, "sys:", 4) == 0) {
-		l = strlen(n->msg);
-		if(l > ERRMAX-15)	/* " pc=0x12345678\0" */
-			l = ERRMAX-15;
-		sprint(n->msg+l, " pc=0x%lux", (ulong)ur->pc);
-	}
-	if(n->flag != NUser && (up->notified || up->notify==0)) {
-		if(n->flag == NDebug)
-			pprint("suicide: %s\n", n->msg);
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pexit(n->msg, n->flag!=NDebug);
-	}
-	if(up->notified) {
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		splhi();
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if(!up->notify) {
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pexit(n->msg, n->flag!=NDebug);
-	}
-	sp = ur->usp & ~(BY2V-1);
-	sp -= sizeof(Ureg);
-	if(!okaddr((ulong)up->notify, BY2WD, 0)
-	|| !okaddr(sp-ERRMAX-6*BY2WD, sizeof(Ureg)+ERRMAX-6*BY2WD, 1)) {
-		pprint("suicide: bad address or sp in notify\n");
-print("suicide: bad address or sp in notify\n");
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pexit("Suicide", 0);
-	}
-	memmove((Ureg*)sp, ur, sizeof(Ureg));
-	*(Ureg**)(sp-BY2WD) = up->ureg;	/* word under Ureg is old up->ureg */
-	up->ureg = (void*)sp;
-	sp -= 2*BY2WD+ERRMAX;
-	memmove((char*)sp, up->note[0].msg, ERRMAX);
-	sp -= 4*BY2WD;
-	*(ulong*)(sp+3*BY2WD) = sp+4*BY2WD;	/* arg 2 is string */
-	ur->r0 = (ulong)up->ureg;		/* arg 1 (R0) is ureg* */
-	*(ulong*)(sp+2*BY2WD) = (ulong)up->ureg;	/* arg 1 0(FP) is ureg* */
-	*(ulong*)(sp+0*BY2WD) = 0;		/* arg 0 is pc */
-	ur->usp = sp;
-	ur->pc = (ulong)up->notify;
-	up->notified = 1;
-	up->nnote--;
-	memmove(&up->lastnote, &up->note[0], sizeof(Note));
-	memmove(&up->note[0], &up->note[1], up->nnote*sizeof(Note));
-	qunlock(&up->debug);
-	splhi();
-	return 1;
- * Check that status is OK to return from note.
- */
-validstatus(ulong kstatus, ulong ustatus)
-	if((kstatus & 7) != (ustatus & 7))
-		return 0;
-	if((ustatus&UMODE) != UMODE)
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
- * Return user to state before notify()
- */
-noted(Ureg *kur, Ureg **urp, ulong arg0)
-	Ureg *nur;
-	ulong oureg, sp;
-	qlock(&up->debug);
-	if(arg0!=NRSTR && !up->notified) {
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pprint("call to noted() when not notified\n");
-print("call to noted() when not notified\n");
-		pexit("Suicide", 0);
-	}
-	up->notified = 0;
-	up->fpstate &= ~FPillegal;
-	nur = up->ureg;
-	oureg = (ulong)nur;
-	if((oureg & (BY2V-1))
-	|| !okaddr((ulong)oureg-BY2WD, BY2WD+sizeof(Ureg), 0)){
-		pprint("bad ureg in noted or call to noted() when not notified\n");
-print("bad ureg in noted or call to noted() when not notified\n");
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pexit("Suicide", 0);
-	}
-	if(!validstatus(kur->status, nur->status)) {
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pprint("bad noted ureg status %lux\n", (ulong)nur->status);
-print("bad noted ureg status %lux\n", (ulong)nur->status);
-		pexit("Suicide", 0);
-	}
-	memmove(*urp, up->ureg, sizeof(Ureg));
-	switch(arg0) {
-	case NCONT:
-	case NRSTR:
-		if(!okaddr(nur->pc, BY2WD, 0) || !okaddr(nur->usp, BY2WD, 0)){
-			pprint("suicide: trap in noted\n");
-print("suicide: trap in noted\n");
-			qunlock(&up->debug);
-			pexit("Suicide", 0);
-		}
-		up->ureg = (Ureg*)(*(ulong*)(oureg-BY2WD));
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		splhi();
-		rfnote(urp);
-		break;
-	case NSAVE:
-		if(!okaddr(nur->pc, BY2WD, 0) || !okaddr(nur->usp, BY2WD, 0)){
-			pprint("suicide: trap in noted\n");
-print("suicide: trap in noted\n");
-			qunlock(&up->debug);
-			pexit("Suicide", 0);
-		}
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		sp = oureg-4*BY2WD-ERRMAX;
-		splhi();
-		(*urp)->sp = sp;
-		((ulong*)sp)[1] = oureg;	/* arg 1 0(FP) is ureg* */
-		((ulong*)sp)[0] = 0;			/* arg 0 is pc */
-		(*urp)->r0 = oureg;		/* arg 1 is ureg* */
-		rfnote(urp);
-		break;
-	default:
-		pprint("unknown noted arg 0x%lux\n", arg0);
-print("unknown noted arg 0x%lux\n", arg0);
-		up->lastnote.flag = NDebug;
-		/* fall through */
-	case NDFLT:
-		if(up->lastnote.flag == NDebug)
-			pprint("suicide: %s\n", up->lastnote.msg);
-		qunlock(&up->debug);
-		pexit(up->lastnote.msg, up->lastnote.flag!=NDebug);
-	}
-#include "../port/systab.h"
-syscall(Ureg *aur)
-	int i;
-	char *e;
-	long ret;
-	ulong sp;
-	Ureg *ur;
-	ulong scallnr;
-	m->syscall++;
-	up = m->proc;
-	up->insyscall = 1;
-	ur = aur;
-	up->pc = ur->pc;
-	up->dbgreg = aur;
-	ur->type = 5;		/* for debugging */
-	scallnr = ur->r0;
-	up->scallnr = ur->r0;
-	if(scallnr == RFORK && up->fpstate == FPactive){
-		savefpregs(&up->fpsave);
-		up->fpstate = FPinactive;
-//print("SR=%lux+", up->fpsave.fpstatus);
-	}
-	spllo();
-	sp = ur->sp;
-	up->nerrlab = 0;
-	ret = -1;
-	if(!waserror()) {
-		if(scallnr >= nsyscall || systab[scallnr] == nil){
-			pprint("bad sys call %d pc %lux\n", up->scallnr, (ulong)ur->pc);
-			postnote(up, 1, "sys: bad sys call", NDebug);
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		}
-		if(sp & (BY2WD-1)){	/* XXX too weak? */
-			pprint("odd sp in sys call pc %lux sp %lux\n",
-				(ulong)ur->pc, (ulong)ur->sp);
-			postnote(up, 1, "sys: odd stack", NDebug);
-			error(Ebadarg);
-		}
-		if(sp<(USTKTOP-BY2PG) || sp>(USTKTOP-sizeof(Sargs)))
-			validaddr(sp, sizeof(Sargs), 0);
-		up->s = *((Sargs*)(sp+2*BY2WD));
-		up->psstate = sysctab[scallnr];
-		ret = systab[scallnr](up->s.args);
-		poperror();
-	}else{
-		/* failure: save the error buffer for errstr */
-		e = up->syserrstr;
-		up->syserrstr = up->errstr;
-		up->errstr = e;
-	}
-	if(up->nerrlab){
-		print("bad errstack [%uld]: %d extra\n", scallnr, up->nerrlab);
-		for(i = 0; i < NERR; i++)
-			print("sp=%lux pc=%lux\n",
-				up->errlab[i].sp, up->errlab[i].pc);
-		panic("error stack");
-	}
-	up->nerrlab = 0;
-	up->psstate = 0;
-	up->insyscall = 0;
-	if(scallnr == NOTED)			/* ugly hack */
-		noted(ur, &aur, *(ulong*)(sp+2*BY2WD));	/* doesn't return */
-	if(scallnr!=RFORK && (up->procctl || up->nnote)){
-		ur->r0 = ret;				/* load up for noted() */
-		if(notify(ur))
-			return ur->r0;
-	}
-	return ret;
-forkchild(Proc *p, Ureg *ur)
-	Ureg *cur;
-	p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK-(4*BY2WD+sizeof(Ureg));
-	p->sched.pc = (ulong)forkret;
-	cur = (Ureg*)(p->sched.sp+4*BY2WD);
-	memmove(cur, ur, sizeof(Ureg));
-	/* Things from bottom of syscall we never got to execute */
-	p->psstate = 0;
-	p->insyscall = 0;
-	spllo();
-	up->kpfun(up->kparg);
-	pexit("kproc exiting", 0);
-kprocchild(Proc *p, void (*func)(void*), void *arg)
-	p->sched.pc = (ulong)linkproc;
-	p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK;
-	p->kpfun = func;
-	p->kparg = arg;
-execregs(ulong entry, ulong ssize, ulong nargs)
-	Ureg *ur;
-	ulong *sp;
-	sp = (ulong*)(USTKTOP - ssize);
-	*--sp = nargs;
-	ur = (Ureg*)up->dbgreg;
-	ur->usp = (ulong)sp;
-	ur->pc = entry;
-	return USTKTOP-BY2WD;			/* address of user-level clock */
-	Ureg *ur;
-	ur = (Ureg*)up->dbgreg;
-	return ur->pc;
-/* This routine must save the values of registers the user is not permitted to write
- * from devproc and then restore the saved values before returning
- */
-setregisters(Ureg *xp, char *pureg, char *uva, int n)
-	ulong status;
-	status = xp->status;
-	memmove(pureg, uva, n);
-	xp->status = status;
-/* Give enough context in the ureg to produce a kernel stack for
- * a sleeping process
- */
-setkernur(Ureg *xp, Proc *p)
-	xp->pc = p->sched.pc;
-	xp->sp = p->sched.sp;
-	xp->r26 = (ulong)sched;
-dbgpc(Proc *p)
-	Ureg *ur;
-	ur = p->dbgreg;
-	if(ur == 0)
-		return 0;
-	return ur->pc;
-illegal(Ureg *ur)
-	switch ((int)ur->a0) {
-	case 0:	/* breakpoint */
-		ur->pc -= 4;
-		fataltrap(ur, "breakpoint");
-		break;
-	case 1:	/* bugchk */
-		fataltrap(ur, "trap: bugchk");
-		break;
-	case 2:	/* gentrap */
-		fataltrap(ur, "trap: gentrap");
-		break;
-	case 3:	/* FEN */
-		fen(ur);
-		break;
-	case 4:	/* opDEC */
-		fataltrap(ur, "trap: illegal instruction");
-		break;
-	default:
-		panic("illegal illegal %d", (int)ur->a0);
-		break;
-	}
-fen(Ureg *ur)
-	if(up){
-		switch(up->fpstate){
-		case FPinit:
-			restfpregs(&initfp);
-			up->fpstate = FPactive;
-//print("EI=%lux+", initfp.fpstatus);
-			return;
-		case FPinactive:
-			restfpregs(&up->fpsave);
-			up->fpstate = FPactive;
-//print("EIA=%lux+", up->fpsave.fpstatus);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	fataltrap(ur, "trap: floating enable");	/* should never happen */

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-	alphapc\

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-TEXT	getcallerpc(SB), $-8
-	MOVL	0(SP), R0

+ 0 - 57

@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#define	EXCB	WORD	$0x60000400		/* until 7a/7l catch up */
-TEXT	getfsr(SB), $8
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R1
-	MOVQ	$0x01e00000, R2
-	AND		R2, R1, R0
-TEXT	setfsr(SB), $8
-	MOVQ	$0x01e00000, R2
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R1
-	ANDNOT	R2, R1, R3
-	AND		R2, R0, R4
-	OR		R3, R4, R5
-	MOVL	R5, tmp-4(SP)
-	MOVT	tmp-8(SP), F0
-TEXT	getfcr(SB), $8
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R1
-	MOVQ	$0x700c0000, R2
-	AND		R2, R1, R0
-	XOR		R2, R0
-TEXT	setfcr(SB), $8
-	MOVQ	$0x700c0000, R2
-	XOR		R2, R0
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R1
-	ANDNOT	R2, R1, R3
-	AND		R2, R0, R4
-	OR		R3, R4, R5
-	MOVL	R5, tmp-4(SP)
-	MOVT	tmp-8(SP), F0

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-extern	long	__SEEK(long long*, int, long long, int);
-long long
-_SEEK(int fd, long long o, int p)
-	long long l;
-	if(__SEEK(&l, fd, o, p) < 0)
-		l = -1;
-	return l;

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-_cycles(unsigned long long *u)
-	*u = 0;

+ 0 - 189

@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
- *	ulong
- *	_udiv(ulong num, ulong den)
- *	{
- *		int i;
- *		ulong quo;
- *
- *		if(den == 0)
- *			*(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- *		quo = num;
- *		if(quo > 1<<(32-1))
- *			quo = 1<<(32-1);
- *		for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- *			den <<= 1;
- *		quo = 0;
- *		for(; i>=0; i--) {
- *			quo <<= 1;
- *			if(num >= den) {
- *				num -= den;
- *				quo |= 1;
- *			}
- *			den >>= 1;
- *		}
- *		return quo::num;
- *	}
- */
-#define	NOPROF	1
- * calling sequence:
- *	num: 8(R30)
- *	den: 12(R30)
- * returns
- *	quo: 8(R30)
- *	rem: 12(R30)
- */
-TEXT	_udivmodl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	$-1, R11
-	SLLQ	$31, R11			/* (1<<31) in canonical form */
-	MOVL	8(R30), R23	/* numerator */
-	MOVL	12(R30), R10	/* denominator */
-	BNE	R10, udm20
-	MOVQ	R31, -1(R31)	/* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
-	MOVQ	R23, R12
-	BGE	R12, udm34
-	MOVQ	R11, R12
-	MOVQ	R31, R11
-	CMPUGE	R10, R12, R24
-	BNE	R24, udm54
-	SLLL	$1, R10
-	ADDQ	$1, R11
-	JMP	udm38
-	MOVQ	R31, R12
-	BLT	R11, udm8c
-	SLLL		$1, R12
-	CMPUGE	R23, R10, R24
-	BEQ		R24, udm7c
-	SUBL		R10, R23
-	OR		$1, R12
-	SRLL		$1, R10
-	SUBQ	$1, R11
-	JMP	udm58
-	MOVL	R12, 8(R30)	/* quotient */
-	MOVL	R23, 12(R30)	/* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT	_unsargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	R10, 24(R30)
-	MOVQ	R11, 32(R30)
-	MOVQ	R12, 40(R30)
-	MOVQ	R23, 48(R30)
-	MOVQ	R24, 56(R30)
-	MOVL	R27, 8(R30)
-	MOVL	72(R30), R27
-	MOVL	R27, 12(R30)
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT	_absargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	R10, 24(R30)
-	MOVQ	R11, 32(R30)
-	MOVQ	R12, 40(R30)
-	MOVQ	R23, 48(R30)
-	MOVQ	R24, 56(R30)
-	MOVL	R27, 64(R30)
-	BGE	R27, ab1
-	SUBL	R27, R31, R27
-	MOVL	R27, 8(R30)	/* numerator */
-	MOVL	72(R30), R27
-	BGE	R27, ab2
-	SUBL	R27, R31, R27
-	MOVL	R27, 12(R30)	/* denominator */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT	_retargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	24(R30), R10
-	MOVQ	32(R30), R11
-	MOVQ	40(R30), R12
-	MOVQ	48(R30), R23
-	MOVQ	56(R30), R24
-	MOVL	0(R30), R26
-	ADDQ	$64, R30
-	RET			/* back to main sequence */
-TEXT	_divl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVL	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_absargl(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodl(SB)
-	MOVL	8(R30), R27
-	MOVL	64(R30), R10	/* clean up the sign */
-	MOVL	72(R30), R11
-	XOR	R11, R10
-	BGE	R10, div1
-	SUBL	R27, R31, R27
-	JSR	_retargl(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_divlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVL	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_unsargl(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodl(SB)
-	MOVL	8(R30), R27
-	JSR	_retargl(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_modl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVL	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_absargl(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodl(SB)
-	MOVL	12(R30), R27
-	MOVL	64(R30), R10	/* clean up the sign */
-	BGE	R10, div2
-	SUBL	R27, R31, R27
-	JSR	_retargl(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_modlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVL	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_unsargl(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodl(SB)
-	MOVL	12(R30), R27
-	JSR	_retargl(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */

+ 0 - 191

@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
- *	uvlong
- *	_udiv(uvlong num, uvlong den)
- *	{
- *		int i;
- *		uvlong quo;
- *
- *		if(den == 0)
- *			*(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- *		quo = num;
- *		if(quo > 1<<(64-1))
- *			quo = 1<<(64-1);
- *		for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- *			den <<= 1;
- *		quo = 0;
- *		for(; i>=0; i--) {
- *			quo <<= 1;
- *			if(num >= den) {
- *				num -= den;
- *				quo |= 1;
- *			}
- *			den >>= 1;
- *		}
- *		return quo::num;
- *	}
- */
-#define	NOPROF	1
- * calling sequence:
- *	num: 8(R30)
- *	den: 16(R30)
- * returns
- *	quo: 8(R30)
- *	rem: 16(R30)
- */
-TEXT	_udivmodq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	$1, R11
-	SLLQ	$63, R11
-	MOVQ	8(R30), R23	/* numerator */
-	MOVQ	16(R30), R10	/* denominator */
-	BNE	R10, udm20
-	MOVQ	R31, -1(R31)	/* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
-	MOVQ	R23, R12
-	BGE	R12, udm34
-	MOVQ	R11, R12
-	MOVQ	R31, R11
-	CMPUGE	R10, R12, R24
-	BNE	R24, udm54
-	SLLQ	$1, R10
-	ADDQ	$1, R11
-	JMP	udm38
-	MOVQ	R31, R12
-	BLT	R11, udm8c
-	SLLQ	$1, R12
-	CMPUGE	R23, R10, R24
-	BEQ	R24, udm7c
-	SUBQ	R10, R23
-	OR	$1, R12
-	SRLQ	$1, R10
-	SUBQ	$1, R11
-	JMP	udm58
-	MOVQ	R12, 8(R30)	/* quotient */
-	MOVQ	R23, 16(R30)	/* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT	_unsargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	R10, 24(R30)
-	MOVQ	R11, 32(R30)
-	MOVQ	R12, 40(R30)
-	MOVQ	R23, 48(R30)
-	MOVQ	R24, 56(R30)
-	MOVQ	R27, 8(R30)
-	MOVQ	72(R30), R27
-	MOVQ	R27, 16(R30)
-MOVQ	(R30), R10	/* debug */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT	_absargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	R10, 24(R30)
-	MOVQ	R11, 32(R30)
-	MOVQ	R12, 40(R30)
-	MOVQ	R23, 48(R30)
-	MOVQ	R24, 56(R30)
-	MOVQ	R27, 64(R30)
-	BGE	R27, ab1
-	SUBQ	R27, R31, R27
-	MOVQ	R27, 8(R30)	/* numerator */
-	MOVQ	72(R30), R27
-	BGE	R27, ab2
-	SUBQ	R27, R31, R27
-	MOVQ	R27, 16(R30)	/* denominator */
-MOVQ	(R30), R10	/* debug */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT	_retargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	MOVQ	24(R30), R10
-	MOVQ	32(R30), R11
-	MOVQ	40(R30), R12
-	MOVQ	48(R30), R23
-	MOVQ	56(R30), R24
-	MOVL	0(R30), R26
-	ADDQ	$64, R30
-	RET			/* back to main sequence */
-TEXT	_divq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVQ	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_absargq(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodq(SB)
-	MOVQ	8(R30), R27
-	MOVQ	64(R30), R10	/* clean up the sign */
-	MOVQ	72(R30), R11
-	XOR	R11, R10
-	BGE	R10, div1
-	SUBQ	R27, R31, R27
-	JSR	_retargq(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_divqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVQ	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_unsargq(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodq(SB)
-	MOVQ	8(R30), R27
-	JSR	_retargq(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_modq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVQ	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_absargq(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodq(SB)
-	MOVQ	16(R30), R27
-	MOVQ	64(R30), R10	/* clean up the sign */
-	BGE	R10, div2
-	SUBQ	R27, R31, R27
-	JSR	_retargq(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */
-TEXT	_modqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
-	SUBQ	$64, R30	/* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
-	MOVQ	R26, 0(R30)
-	JSR	_unsargq(SB)
-	JSR	_udivmodq(SB)
-	MOVQ	16(R30), R27
-	JSR	_retargq(SB)
-	RET			/* not executed */

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-TEXT	getfsr(SB), $8
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R0
-TEXT	setfsr(SB), $8
-	SLLQ		$32, R0
-	MOVQ	R0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVT	tmp-8(SP), F0
-TEXT	getfcr(SB), $8
-	MOVT	F0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVL	tmp-4(SP), R0
-TEXT	setfcr(SB), $8
-	SLLQ		$32, R0
-	MOVQ	R0, tmp-8(SP)
-	MOVT	tmp-8(SP), F0

+ 0 - 26

@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include "../plan9/sys9.h"
-#include <lock.h>
-int	tas(int*);
-lock(Lock *lk)
-	while(tas(&lk->val))
-		_SLEEP(0);
-canlock(Lock *lk)
-	if(tas(&lk->val))
-		return 0;
-	return 1;
-unlock(Lock *lk)
-	lk->val = 0;

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-TEXT	_main(SB), 1, $16
-	MOVQ	$setSB(SB), R29
-	JSR	_envsetup(SB)
-	MOVL	inargc-8(FP), R0
-	MOVL	$inargv-4(FP), R1
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	MOVL	R1, 12(R30)
-	JSR	main(SB)
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	JSR	exit(SB)
-	MOVQ	$_divq(SB), R31		/* force loading of divq */
-	MOVQ	$_divl(SB), R31			/* force loading of divl */
-	JMP	loop

+ 0 - 48

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#define NPRIVATES	16
-GLOBL	_tos(SB), $4
-GLOBL	_privates(SB), $4
-GLOBL	_nprivates(SB), $4
-TEXT	_mainp(SB), 1, $(3*4+NPRIVATES*4)
-	MOVQ	$setSB(SB), R29
-	/* _tos = arg */
-	MOVL	R0, _tos(SB)
-	MOVQ	$8(SP), R1
-	MOVL	R1, _privates(SB)
-	MOVL	R1, _nprivates(SB)
-	/* _profmain(); */
-	JSR	_profmain(SB)
-	/* _tos->prof.pp = _tos->prof.next; */
-	MOVL	_tos+0(SB), R1
-	MOVL	4(R1), R2
-	MOVL	R2, 0(R1)
-	JSR	_envsetup(SB)
-	/* main(argc, argv, environ); */
-	MOVL	inargc-4(FP), R0
-	MOVL	$inargv+0(FP), R1
-	MOVL	environ(SB), R2
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	MOVL	R1, 12(R30)
-	MOVL	R2, 16(R30)
-	JSR	main(SB)
-	MOVL	R0, 8(R30)
-	JSR	exit(SB)
-	MOVQ	$_divq(SB), R31		/* force loading of divq */
-	MOVQ	$_divl(SB), R31		/* force loading of divl */
-	MOVQ	$_profin(SB), R31	/* force loading of profile */
-	JMP	loop
-TEXT	_savearg(SB), 1, $0
-TEXT	_callpc(SB), 1, $0
-	MOVL	argp-8(FP), R0

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-memcpy(void *a1, const void *a2, size_t n)
-	return memmove(a1, a2, n);

+ 0 - 197

@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#define QUAD	8
-#define ALIGN	64
-#define BLOCK	64
-TEXT memmove(SB), $0
-	MOVL	from+4(FP), R7
-	MOVL	n+8(FP), R10
-	MOVQ	R0, R6
-	CMPUGE	R7, R0, R5
-	BNE	R5, _forward
-	MOVQ	R6, R8			/* end to address */
-	ADDL	R10, R6, R6		/* to+n */
-	ADDL	R10, R7, R7		/* from+n */
-	CMPUGE	$ALIGN, R10, R1		/* need at least ALIGN bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	AND	$(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _baligned
-	MOVBU	-1(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$-1, R6, R6
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$-1, R7, R7
-	JMP	_balign
-	AND	$(QUAD-1), R7, R1	/* is the source quad-aligned */
-	BNE	R1, _bunaligned
-	ADDL	$(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b8tail
-	MOVQ	-64(R7), R22
-	MOVQ	-56(R7), R23
-	MOVQ	-48(R7), R24
-	MOVQ	-40(R7), R25
-	MOVQ	-32(R7), R2
-	MOVQ	-24(R7), R3
-	MOVQ	-16(R7), R4
-	MOVQ	-8(R7), R5
-	SUBL	$64, R6, R6
-	SUBL	$64, R7, R7
-	MOVQ	R22, (R6)
-	MOVQ	R23, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R24, 16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R25, 24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R3, 40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R4, 48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R5, 56(R6)
-	JMP	_bblock
-	ADDL	$(QUAD-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	MOVQ	-8(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$8, R6
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	SUBL	$8, R7
-	JMP	_b8block
-	CMPUGE	R8, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _ret
-	MOVBU	-1(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$1, R6, R6
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	SUBL	$1, R7, R7
-	JMP	_b1tail
-	ADDL	$(16-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGE	R9, R6, R1
-	BNE	R1, _b1tail
-	MOVQU	-16(R7), R4
-	MOVQU	-8(R7), R3
-	MOVQU	(R7), R2
-	SUBL	$16, R6
-	EXTQH	R7, R2, R2
-	EXTQL	R7, R3, R5
-	OR	R5, R2, R11
-	EXTQH	R7, R3, R3
-	EXTQL	R7, R4, R4
-	OR	R3, R4, R13
-	MOVQ	R11, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R13, (R6)
-	SUBL	$16, R7
-	JMP	_bu8block
-	ADDL	R10, R6, R8		/* end to address */
-	CMPUGE	$ALIGN, R10, R1		/* need at least ALIGN bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _f1tail
-	AND	$(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _faligned
-	MOVBU	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$1, R7, R7
-	MOVB	R2, -1(R6)
-	JMP	_falign
-	AND	$(QUAD-1), R7, R1	/* is the source quad-aligned */
-	BNE	R1, _funaligned
-	SUBL	$(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f8tail
-	MOVQ	(R7), R2
-	MOVQ	8(R7), R3
-	MOVQ	16(R7), R4
-	MOVQ	24(R7), R5
-	MOVQ	32(R7), R22
-	MOVQ	40(R7), R23
-	MOVQ	48(R7), R24
-	MOVQ	56(R7), R25
-	ADDL	$64, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$64, R7, R7
-	MOVQ	R2, -64(R6)
-	MOVQ	R3, -56(R6)
-	MOVQ	R4, -48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R5, -40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R22, -32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R23, -24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R24, -16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R25, -8(R6)
-	JMP	_fblock
-	SUBL	$(QUAD-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f1tail
-	MOVQ	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$8, R6
-	ADDL	$8, R7
-	MOVQ	R2, -8(R6)
-	JMP	_f8block
-	CMPUGT	R8, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _fret
-	MOVBU	(R7), R2
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	ADDL	$1, R7, R7
-	MOVB	R2, -1(R6)
-	JMP	_f1tail
-	SUBL	$(16-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _f1tail
-	MOVQU	(R7), R2
-	MOVQU	8(R7), R3
-	MOVQU	16(R7), R4
-	EXTQL	R7, R2, R2
-	EXTQH	R7, R3, R5
-	OR	R5, R2, R11
-	EXTQL	R7, R3, R3
-	MOVQ	R11, (R6)
-	EXTQH	R7, R4, R4
-	OR	R3, R4, R11
-	MOVQ	R11, 8(R6)
-	ADDL	$16, R6
-	ADDL	$16, R7
-	JMP	_fu8block

+ 0 - 61

@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-TEXT memset(SB), $0
-	MOVL	R0, R6
-	MOVBU	data+4(FP), R2
-	MOVL	n+8(FP), R10
-	ADDL	R10, R0, R8
-	CMPUGE	$8, R10, R1		/* need at least 8 bytes */
-	BNE	R1, _1loop
-	SLLQ	$8, R2, R1		/* replicate the byte */
-	OR	R1, R2
-	SLLQ	$16, R2, R1
-	OR	R1, R2
-	SLLQ	$32, R2, R1
-	OR	R1, R2
-	AND	$(8-1), R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _aligned
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$1, R6, R6
-	JMP	_align
-	SUBL	$(64-1), R8, R9		/* end pointer minus slop */
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _8tail
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 8(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 16(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 24(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 32(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 40(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 48(R6)
-	MOVQ	R2, 56(R6)
-	ADDL	$64, R6, R6
-	JMP	_64loop
-	SUBL	$(8-1), R8, R9
-	CMPUGT	R9, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _1loop
-	MOVQ	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$8, R6
-	JMP	_8loop
-	CMPUGT	R8, R6, R1
-	BEQ	R1, _ret
-	MOVB	R2, (R6)
-	ADDL	$1, R6
-	JMP	_1loop

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-	_seek.$O\
-	cycles.$O\
-	divl.$O\
-	divq.$O\
-	getfcr.$O\
-	lock.$O\
-	main9.$O\
-	main9p.$O\
-	memcpy.$O\
-	memmove.$O\
-	memset.$O\
-	notetramp.$O\
-	setjmp.$O\
-	tas.$O\

+ 0 - 72

@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include "../plan9/lib.h"
-#include "../plan9/sys9.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-/* A stack to hold pcs when signals nest */
-#define MAXSIGSTACK 20
-typedef struct Pcstack Pcstack;
-static struct Pcstack {
-	int sig;
-	void (*hdlr)(int, char*, Ureg*);
-	unsigned long restorepc;
-	Ureg *u;
-} pcstack[MAXSIGSTACK];
-static int nstack = 0;
-static void notecont(Ureg*, char*);
-_notetramp(int sig, void (*hdlr)(int, char*, Ureg*), Ureg *u)
-	Pcstack *p;
-	if(nstack >= MAXSIGSTACK)
-		_NOTED(1);	/* nesting too deep; just do system default */
-	p = &pcstack[nstack];
-	p->restorepc = u->pc;
-	p->sig = sig;
-	p->hdlr = hdlr;
-	p->u = u;
-	nstack++;
-	u->pc = (unsigned long) notecont;
-	_NOTED(2);	/* NSAVE: clear note but hold state */
-static void
-notecont(Ureg *u, char *s)
-	Pcstack *p;
-	void(*f)(int, char*, Ureg*);
-	p = &pcstack[nstack-1];
-	f = p->hdlr;
-	u->pc = p->restorepc;
-	nstack--;
-	(*f)(p->sig, s, u);
-	_NOTED(3);	/* NRSTR */
-#define JMPBUFPC 1
-#define JMPBUFSP 0
-extern sigset_t	_psigblocked;
-siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf j, int ret)
-	struct Ureg *u;
-	if(j[0])
-		_psigblocked = j[1];
-	if(nstack == 0 || pcstack[nstack-1].u->sp > j[2+JMPBUFSP])
-		longjmp(j+2, ret);
-	u = pcstack[nstack-1].u;
-	nstack--;
-	u->r0 = ret;
-	if(ret == 0)
-		u->r0 = 1;
-	u->pc = j[2+JMPBUFPC];
-	u->sp = j[2+JMPBUFSP];
-	_NOTED(3);	/* NRSTR */

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-TEXT	setjmp(SB), 1, $-8
-	MOVL	R30, (R0)
-	MOVL	R26, 4(R0)
-	MOVQ	$0, R0
-TEXT	sigsetjmp(SB), 1, $-8
-	MOVL	savemask+4(FP), R3
-	MOVL	R3, 0(R0)
-	MOVL	$_psigblocked(SB), R3
-	MOVL	R3, 4(R0)
-	MOVL	R30, 8(R0)
-	MOVL	R26, 12(R0)
-	MOVQ	$0, R0
-TEXT	longjmp(SB), 1, $-8
-	MOVL	r+4(FP), R3
-	BNE	R3, ok		/* ansi: "longjmp(0) => longjmp(1)" */
-	MOVQ	$1, R3		/* bless their pointed heads */
-ok:	MOVL	(R0), R30
-	MOVL	4(R0), R26
-	MOVL	R3, R0

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-TEXT	tas(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R1			/* l */
-	MOVLL	(R1), R0		/* l->key */
-	BNE	R0, tas2
-	MOVQ	$1, R2
-	MOVLC	R2, (R1)		/* l->key = 1 */
-	BEQ	R2, tas1		/* write failed, try again? */

+ 0 - 556

@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "ip.h"
-uchar broadcast[Eaddrlen] = {
-	0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
-static ushort tftpport = 5000;
-static int Id = 1;
-static Netaddr myaddr;
-static Netaddr server;
-typedef struct {
-	uchar	header[4];
-	uchar	data[Segsize];
-} Tftp;
-static Tftp tftpb;
-etherrxpkt(int ctlrno, Etherpkt *pkt, int timo)
-	int n;
-	for (;;) {
-		n = devread(ctlrno, (uchar*)pkt, sizeof(*pkt), 0);
-		if (n >= 0)
-			return n;
-		if (timo-- < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-ethertxpkt(int ctlrno, Etherpkt *pkt, int len, int timo)
-	USED(timo);
-	return devwrite(ctlrno, (uchar*)pkt, len, 0);
-static void
-hnputs(uchar *ptr, ushort val)
-	ptr[0] = val>>8;
-	ptr[1] = val;
-static void
-hnputl(uchar *ptr, ulong val)
-	ptr[0] = val>>24;
-	ptr[1] = val>>16;
-	ptr[2] = val>>8;
-	ptr[3] = val;
-static ulong
-nhgetl(uchar *ptr)
-	return ((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3]);
-static ushort
-nhgets(uchar *ptr)
-	return ((ptr[0]<<8) | ptr[1]);
-static	short	endian	= 1;
-static	char*	aendian	= (char*)&endian;
-#define	LITTLE	*aendian
-static ushort
-ptcl_csum(void *a, int len)
-	uchar *addr;
-	ulong t1, t2;
-	ulong losum, hisum, mdsum, x;
-	addr = a;
-	losum = 0;
-	hisum = 0;
-	mdsum = 0;
-	x = 0;
-	if((ulong)addr & 1) {
-		if(len) {
-			hisum += addr[0];
-			len--;
-			addr++;
-		}
-		x = 1;
-	}
-	while(len >= 16) {
-		t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+0);
-		t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+2);	mdsum += t1;
-		t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+4);	mdsum += t2;
-		t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+6);	mdsum += t1;
-		t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+8);	mdsum += t2;
-		t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+10);	mdsum += t1;
-		t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+12);	mdsum += t2;
-		t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+14);	mdsum += t1;
-		mdsum += t2;
-		len -= 16;
-		addr += 16;
-	}
-	while(len >= 2) {
-		mdsum += *(ushort*)addr;
-		len -= 2;
-		addr += 2;
-	}
-	if(x) {
-		if(len)
-			losum += addr[0];
-		if(LITTLE)
-			losum += mdsum;
-		else
-			hisum += mdsum;
-	} else {
-		if(len)
-			hisum += addr[0];
-		if(LITTLE)
-			hisum += mdsum;
-		else
-			losum += mdsum;
-	}
-	losum += hisum >> 8;
-	losum += (hisum & 0xff) << 8;
-	while(hisum = losum>>16)
-		losum = hisum + (losum & 0xffff);
-	return ~losum;
-static ushort
-ip_csum(uchar *addr)
-	int len;
-	ulong sum = 0;
-	len = (addr[0]&0xf)<<2;
-	while(len > 0) {
-		sum += addr[0]<<8 | addr[1] ;
-		len -= 2;
-		addr += 2;
-	}
-	sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
-	sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
-	return (sum^0xffff);
-static void
-udpsend(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, void *data, int dlen)
-	Udphdr *uh;
-	Etherhdr *ip;
-	Etherpkt pkt;
-	int len, ptcllen;
-	uh = (Udphdr*)&pkt;
-	memset(uh, 0, sizeof(Etherpkt));
-	memmove(uh->udpcksum+sizeof(uh->udpcksum), data, dlen);
-	/*
-	 * UDP portion
-	 */
-	ptcllen = dlen + (UDP_HDRSIZE-UDP_PHDRSIZE);
-	uh->ttl = 0;
-	uh->udpproto = IP_UDPPROTO;
-	uh->frag[0] = 0;
-	uh->frag[1] = 0;
-	hnputs(uh->udpplen, ptcllen);
-	hnputl(uh->udpsrc, myaddr.ip);
-	hnputs(uh->udpsport, myaddr.port);
-	hnputl(uh->udpdst, a->ip);
-	hnputs(uh->udpdport, a->port);
-	hnputs(uh->udplen, ptcllen);
-	uh->udpcksum[0] = 0;
-	uh->udpcksum[1] = 0;
-	dlen = (dlen+1)&~1;
-	hnputs(uh->udpcksum, ptcl_csum(&uh->ttl, dlen+UDP_HDRSIZE));
-	/*
-	 * IP portion
-	 */
-	ip = (Etherhdr*)&pkt;
-	len = UDP_EHSIZE+UDP_HDRSIZE+dlen;		/* non-descriptive names */
-	ip->vihl = IP_VER|IP_HLEN;
-	ip->tos = 0;
-	ip->ttl = 255;
-	hnputs(ip->length, len-ETHER_HDR);
-	hnputs(ip->id, Id++);
-	ip->frag[0] = 0;
-	ip->frag[1] = 0;
-	ip->cksum[0] = 0;
-	ip->cksum[1] = 0;
-	hnputs(ip->cksum, ip_csum(&ip->vihl));
-	/*
-	 * Ethernet MAC portion
-	 */
-	hnputs(ip->type, ET_IP);
-	memmove(ip->d, a->ea, sizeof(ip->d));
-	ethertxpkt(ctlrno, &pkt, len, Timeout);
-static void
-nak(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, int code, char *msg, int report)
-	int n;
-	char buf[128];
-	buf[0] = 0;
-	buf[1] = Tftp_ERROR;
-	buf[2] = 0;
-	buf[3] = code;
-	strcpy(buf+4, msg);
-	n = strlen(msg) + 4 + 1;
-	udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, n);
-	if(report)
-		print("\ntftp: error(%d): %s\n", code, msg);
-static int
-udprecv(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, void *data, int dlen)
-	int n, len;
-	ushort csm;
-	Udphdr *h;
-	ulong addr, timo;
-	Etherpkt pkt;
-	static int rxactive;
-	if(rxactive == 0)
-		timo = 1000;
-	else
-		timo = Timeout;
-	timo += msec();
-	while(timo > msec()){
-		n = etherrxpkt(ctlrno, &pkt, timo-msec());
-		if(n <= 0)
-			continue;
-		h = (Udphdr*)&pkt;
-		if(nhgets(h->type) != ET_IP)
-			continue;
-		if(ip_csum(&h->vihl)) {
-			print("ip chksum error\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(h->vihl != (IP_VER|IP_HLEN)) {
-			print("ip bad vers/hlen\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(h->udpproto != IP_UDPPROTO)
-			continue;
-		h->ttl = 0;
-		len = nhgets(h->udplen);
-		hnputs(h->udpplen, len);
-		if(nhgets(h->udpcksum)) {
-			csm = ptcl_csum(&h->ttl, len+UDP_PHDRSIZE);
-			if(csm != 0) {
-				print("udp chksum error csum #%4lux len %d\n", csm, n);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if(a->port != 0 && nhgets(h->udpsport) != a->port)
-			continue;
-		if(myaddr.port != 0 && nhgets(h->udpdport) != myaddr.port)
-			continue;
-		addr = nhgetl(h->udpsrc);
-		if(a->ip != Bcastip && addr != a->ip)
-			continue;
-		if(len > dlen) {
-			print("udp: packet too big\n");
-			continue;
-		}
-		memmove(data, h->udpcksum+sizeof(h->udpcksum), len);
-		a->ip = addr;
-		a->port = nhgets(h->udpsport);
-		memmove(a->ea, pkt.s, sizeof(a->ea));
-		rxactive = 1;
-		return len;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int tftpblockno;
-static int
-tftpopen(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, char *name, Tftp *tftp)
-	int i, len, rlen;
-	char buf[Segsize+2];
-	buf[0] = 0;
-	buf[1] = Tftp_READ;
-	len = sprint(buf+2, "%s", name) + 2;
-	len += sprint(buf+len+1, "octet") + 2;
-	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
-		udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, len);
-		a->port = 0;
-		if((rlen = udprecv(ctlrno, a, tftp, sizeof(Tftp))) < sizeof(tftp->header))
-			continue;
-		switch((tftp->header[0]<<8)|tftp->header[1]){
-		case Tftp_ERROR:
-			print("tftpopen: error (%d): %s\n",
-				(tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3], tftp->data);
-			return -1;
-		case Tftp_DATA:
-			tftpblockno = 1;
-			len = (tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3];
-			if(len != tftpblockno){
-				print("tftpopen: block error: %d\n", len);
-				nak(ctlrno, a, 1, "block error", 0);
-				return -1;
-			}
-			return rlen-sizeof(tftp->header);
-		}
-	}
-	print("tftpopen: failed to connect to server\n");
-	return -1;
-static int
-tftpread(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, Tftp *tftp, int dlen)
-	int blockno, len;
-	uchar buf[4];
-	buf[0] = 0;
-	buf[1] = Tftp_ACK;
-	buf[2] = tftpblockno>>8;
-	buf[3] = tftpblockno;
-	tftpblockno++;
-	dlen += sizeof(tftp->header);
-	udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, sizeof(buf));
-	if((len = udprecv(ctlrno, a, tftp, dlen)) != dlen){
-		print("tftpread: %d != %d\n", len, dlen);
-		nak(ctlrno, a, 2, "short read", 0);
-	}
-	blockno = (tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3];
-	if(blockno != tftpblockno){
-		print("tftpread: block error: %d, expected %d\n", blockno, tftpblockno);
-		if(blockno == tftpblockno-1)
-			goto buggery;
-		nak(ctlrno, a, 1, "block error", 0);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return len-sizeof(tftp->header);
-// #define	BOOT_MAGIC	L_MAGIC
-#define	BOOT_MAGIC	0x0700e0c3
-getether(char *dev, uchar *ea)
-	int i;
-	char *p;
-	p = dev;
-	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-		p = strchr(p, ' ');
-		if (p == 0)
-			panic("no ether addr");
-		p++;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-		ea[i] = strtoul(p, &p, 16);
-		if (*p != (i == 5 ? ' ' : '-'))
-			panic("bad ether addr");
-		p++;
-	}
-static char inibuf[BOOTARGSLEN];
-bootp(char *dev)
-	Bootp req, rep;
-	int i, fd, dlen, segsize, text, data, bss, total;
-	uchar *addr, *p, ea[6];
-	char *cp;
-	ulong entry;
-	Exec *exec;
-	char *filename, confname[32];
-	getether(dev, ea);
-	fd = devopen(dev);
-	if (fd < 0)
-		panic("bootp devopen");
-	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
-	req.op = Bootrequest;
-	req.htype = 1;			/* ethernet */
-	req.hlen = Eaddrlen;		/* ethernet */
-	memmove(req.chaddr, ea, Eaddrlen);
-	myaddr.ip = 0;
-	myaddr.port = BPportsrc;
-	memmove(myaddr.ea, ea, Eaddrlen);
-	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-		server.ip = Bcastip;
-		server.port = BPportdst;
-		memmove(server.ea, broadcast, sizeof(server.ea));
-		udpsend(fd, &server, &req, sizeof(req));
-		if(udprecv(fd, &server, &rep, sizeof(rep)) <= 0)
-			continue;
-		if(memcmp(req.chaddr, rep.chaddr, Eaddrlen))
-			continue;
-		if(rep.htype != 1 || rep.hlen != Eaddrlen)
-			continue;
-		break;
-	}
-	if(i >= 10) {
-		print("bootp timed out\n");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	sprint(confname, "/alpha/conf/%d.%d.%d.%d",
-		rep.yiaddr[0],
-		rep.yiaddr[1],
-		rep.yiaddr[2],
-		rep.yiaddr[3]);
-	if(rep.sname[0] != '\0')
-		 print("%s ", rep.sname);
-	print("(%d.%d.%d.%d!%d): %s...",
-		rep.siaddr[0],
-		rep.siaddr[1],
-		rep.siaddr[2],
-		rep.siaddr[3],
-		server.port,
-		confname);
-	myaddr.ip = nhgetl(rep.yiaddr);
-	myaddr.port = tftpport++;
-	server.ip = nhgetl(rep.siaddr);
-	server.port = TFTPport;
-	if((dlen = tftpopen(fd, &server, confname, &tftpb)) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	cp = inibuf;
-	while(dlen > 0) {
-		if(cp-inibuf+dlen > BOOTARGSLEN)
-			panic("conf too large");
-		memmove(cp, tftpb.data, dlen);
-		cp += dlen;
-		if(dlen != Segsize)
-			break;
-		if((dlen = tftpread(fd, &server, &tftpb, sizeof(tftpb.data))) < 0)
-			return -1;
-	}
-	*cp = 0;
-	setconf(inibuf);
-	filename = "/alpha/9apc";
-	cp = getconf("bootfile");
-	if(cp != nil)
-		filename = cp;
-	print("%s\n", filename);
-	myaddr.port = tftpport++;
-	server.port = TFTPport;
-	if((dlen = tftpopen(fd, &server, filename, &tftpb)) < 0)
-		return -1;
-	exec = (Exec*)(tftpb.data);
-	if(dlen < sizeof(Exec) || GLLONG(exec->magic) != BOOT_MAGIC){
-		nak(fd, &server, 0, "bad magic number", 1);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	text = GLLONG(exec->text);
-	data = GLLONG(exec->data);
-	bss = GLLONG(exec->bss);
-	total = text+data+bss;
-	entry = GLLONG(exec->entry);
-	if (!validrgn(entry, entry+total))
-		panic("memory range not available: %lux-%lux\n", entry, entry+total);
-	print("%d", text);
-	addr = (uchar*)entry;
-	p = tftpb.data+sizeof(Exec);
-	dlen -= sizeof(Exec);
-	segsize = text;
-	for(;;){
-		if(dlen == 0){
-			if((dlen = tftpread(fd, &server, &tftpb, sizeof(tftpb.data))) < 0)
-				return -1;
-			p = tftpb.data;
-		}
-		if(segsize <= dlen)
-			i = segsize;
-		else
-			i = dlen;
-		memmove(addr, p, i);
-		addr += i;
-		p += i;
-		segsize -= i;
-		dlen -= i;
-		if(segsize <= 0){
-			if(data == 0)
-				break;
-			print("+%d", data);
-			segsize = data;
-			data = 0;
-//			addr = (uchar*)pground((uvlong)addr);
-		}
-	}
-	nak(fd, &server, 3, "ok", 0);		/* tftpclose */
-	print("+%d=%d\n", bss, total);
-	print("entry: 0x%lux\n", entry);
-	kexec(entry);
-	return 0;

+ 0 - 75

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-static char *confname[MAXCONF];
-static char *confval[MAXCONF];
-static int nconf;
-static char bootargs[BOOTARGSLEN];
-getconf(char *name)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
-		if(strcmp(confname[i], name) == 0)
-			return confval[i];
-	return 0;
-setconf(char *buf)
-	char *cp, *line[MAXCONF];
-	int i, n;
-	/*
-	 * Keep a pristine copy.
-	 * Should change this to pass the parsed strings
-	 * to the booted programme instead of the raw
-	 * string, then it only gets done once.
-	 */
-	strcpy(bootargs, buf);
-	/* print("boot: stashing /alpha/conf boot args at 0x%lux\n",
-		bootargs);			/* DEBUG */
-	conf.bootargs = bootargs;
-	n = getcfields(buf, line, MAXCONF, "\n");
-	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
-		if(*line[i] == '#')
-			continue;
-		cp = strchr(line[i], '=');
-		if(cp == nil)
-			continue;
-		*cp++ = 0;
-		if(cp - line[i] >= NAMELEN+1)
-			*(line[i]+NAMELEN-1) = 0;
-		confname[nconf] = line[i];
-		confval[nconf] = cp;
-		nconf++;
-	}
-getcfields(char* lp, char** fields, int n, char* sep)
-	int i;
-	for(i = 0; lp && *lp && i < n; i++){
-		while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) != 0)
-			*lp++ = 0;
-		if(*lp == 0)
-			break;
-		fields[i] = lp;
-		while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) == 0){
-			if(*lp == '\\' && *(lp+1) == '\n')
-				*lp++ = ' ';
-			lp++;
-		}
-	}
-	return i;

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Bank	Bank;
-typedef struct Bootconf	Bootconf;
-struct Bootconf
-	int		nbank;
-	Bank		*bank;
-	PCB		*pcb;
-	uvlong	maxphys;
-	char		*bootargs;
-struct Bank
-	uvlong	min;
-	uvlong	max;
-#define	BOOTARGSLEN	(4096)
-#define	MAXCONF		32

+ 0 - 243

@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-enum {
-	/* prom operations */
-	Promop_getc   = 1,
-	Promop_puts   = 2,
-	Promop_open   = 0x10,
-	Promop_close  = 0x11,
-	Promop_read   = 0x13,
-	Promop_write  = 0x14,
-	Promop_getenv = 0x22,
-	/* environment variable indices for getenv */
-	/* auto_action might be 1; it looks that way. */
-	Promenv_booted_dev	= 4,
-	Promenv_booted_file	= 6,
-	Promenv_booted_osflags	= 8,
-	Promenv_tty_dev		= 0xf,
-Hwrpb	*hwrpb;
-static uvlong	dispatchf;
-static ulong	clk2ms;
-	Procdesc *p;
-	Hwcrb *crb;
-	Hwdsr *dsr;
-	char *s;
-	hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)0x10000000;
-	crb = (Hwcrb*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->crboff);
-	p = (Procdesc*)(crb->dispatchva);
-	dispatchf = p->addr;
-	clk2ms = hwrpb->cfreq/1000;
-	print("\nAlpha Plan 9 secondary boot\n");
-	if (hwrpb->rev >= 6) {
-		dsr = (Hwdsr*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->dsroff);
-		s = (char*)dsr + dsr->sysnameoff + 8;
-		print("%s\n", s);
-	}
-dispatch(uvlong r16, uvlong r17, uvlong r18, uvlong r19, uvlong r20)
-	return gendispatch(dispatchf, r16, r17, r18, r19, r20);
-devopen(char *s)
-	vlong ret;
-	int n;
-	n = strlen(s);
-	ret = dispatch(0x10, (uvlong)s, n, 0, 0);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int) ret;
-devclose(int fd)
-	vlong ret;
-	ret = dispatch(0x11, fd, 0, 0, 0);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-devread(int fd, uchar *buf, int len, int blkno)
-	vlong ret;
-	ret = dispatch(0x13, fd, len, (uvlong)buf, blkno);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int) ret;
-devwrite(int fd, uchar *buf, int len, int blkno)
-	vlong ret;
-	ret = dispatch(0x14, fd, len, (uvlong)buf, blkno);
-	if (ret < 0)
-		return -1;
-	return (int) ret;
-	int id, n;
-	static char buf[256];
-	/* old upper bound was 0x100, which blows up on my 164LX. 50 works. */
-	for (id = 1; id < 50; id++) {
-		n = dispatch(Promop_getenv, id, (uvlong)buf, sizeof(buf)-1, 0);
-		if (n == 0)
-			continue;
-		if (n < 0) {
-			print("dispatch failed at id %d\n", id);
-			break;
-		}
-		buf[n] = 0;
-		print("env[0x%x]: %s\n", id, buf);
-	}
-char *
-getenv(char *name)
-	int id, n;
-	static char buf[256];
-	if (strcmp(name, "booted_dev") == 0)
-		id = Promenv_booted_dev;
-	else
-		return 0;
-	n = dispatch(Promop_getenv, id, (uvlong)buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
-	if (n < 0)
-		return 0;
-	buf[n] = 0;
-	return buf;
-putstrn0(char *s, int n)
-	uvlong ret;
-	int cnt;
-	for (;;) {
-		ret = dispatch(2, 0, (uvlong)s, n, 0);
-		cnt = (int) ret;
-		s += cnt;
-		n -= cnt;
-		if (n <= 0)
-			break;
-	}
-putstrn(char *s, int n)
-	char *p;
-	for (;;) {
-		if (n == 0)
-			return;
-		p = memchr(s, '\n', n);
-		if (p == 0) {
-			putstrn0(s, n);
-			return;
-		}
-		putstrn0(s, p-s);
-		putstrn0("\r\n", 2);
-		n -= p-s+1;
-		s = p+1;
-	}
-snprint(char *s, int n, char *fmt, ...)
-	va_list arg;
-	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	n = doprint(s, s+n, fmt, arg) - s;
-	va_end(arg);
-	return n;
-sprint(char *s, char *fmt, ...)
-	int n;
-	va_list arg;
-	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	n = doprint(s, s+PRINTSIZE, fmt, arg) - s;
-	va_end(arg);
-	return n;
-print(char *fmt, ...)
-	int n;
-	va_list arg;
-	char buf[PRINTSIZE];
-	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	n = doprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg) - buf;
-	va_end(arg);
-	putstrn(buf, n);
-	return n;
-panic(char *fmt, ...)
-	int n;
-	va_list arg;
-	char buf[PRINTSIZE];
-	strcpy(buf, "panic: ");
-	va_start(arg, fmt);
-	n = doprint(buf+strlen(buf), buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg) - buf;
-	va_end(arg);
-	buf[n] = '\n';
-	putstrn(buf, n+1);
-	firmware();
-	static ulong last, wrap;
-	ulong cnt;
-	cnt = pcc_cnt();
-	if (cnt < last)
-		wrap++;
-	last = cnt;
-	return (((uvlong)wrap << 32) + cnt)/clk2ms;

+ 0 - 169

@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Hwrpb	Hwrpb;
-typedef struct Hwcpu	Hwcpu;
-typedef struct Hwcrb	Hwcrb;
-typedef struct Hwdsr	Hwdsr;
-typedef struct Procdesc	Procdesc;
-typedef struct Memdsc	Memdsc;
-typedef struct Memclust	Memclust;
-typedef struct PCB		PCB;
-struct Hwrpb
-	uvlong	phys;
-	uvlong	sign;
-	uvlong	rev;
-	uvlong	size;
-	uvlong	cpu0;
-	uvlong	by2pg;
-	uvlong	pabits;
-	uvlong	maxasn;
-	char		ssn[16];
-	uvlong	systype;
-	uvlong	sysvar;
-	uvlong	sysrev;
-	uvlong	ifreq;
-	uvlong	cfreq;
-	uvlong	vptb;
-	uvlong	resv;
-	uvlong	tbhint;
-	uvlong	ncpu;
-	uvlong	cpulen;
-	uvlong	cpuoff;
-	uvlong	nctb;
-	uvlong	ctblen;
-	uvlong	ctboff;
-	uvlong	crboff;
-	uvlong	memoff;
-	uvlong	confoff;
-	uvlong	fruoff;
-	uvlong	termsaveva;
-	uvlong	termsavex;
-	uvlong	termrestva;
-	uvlong	termrestx;
-	uvlong	termresetva;
-	uvlong	termresetx;
-	uvlong	sysresv;
-	uvlong	hardresv;
-	uvlong	csum;
-	uvlong	rxrdymsk;
-	uvlong	txrdymsk;
-	uvlong	dsroff;		/* rev 6 or higher */
-extern Hwrpb* hwrpb;
-struct Hwcpu
-	uvlong	hwpcb[16];
-	uvlong	state;
-	uvlong	palmainlen;
-	uvlong	palscratchlen;
-	uvlong	palmainpa;
-	uvlong	palscratchpa;
-	uvlong	palrev;
-	uvlong	cputype;
-	uvlong	cpuvar;
-	uvlong	cpurev;
-	uvlong	serial[2];
-	/* more crap ... */
-struct Hwdsr
-	vlong	smm;
-	uvlong	lurtoff;
-	uvlong	sysnameoff;
-struct Hwcrb
-	uvlong	dispatchva;
-	uvlong	dispatchpa;
-	uvlong	fixupva;
-	uvlong	fixuppa;
-	/* more, uninteresting crud */
-struct Procdesc
-	uvlong	bollocks;
-	uvlong	addr;
-struct Memclust
-	uvlong	pfn;
-	uvlong	npages;
-	uvlong	ntest;
-	uvlong	vabitm;
-	uvlong	pabitm;
-	uvlong	csumbitm;
-	uvlong	usage;
-struct Memdsc
-	uvlong	csum;
-	uvlong	opt;
-	uvlong	nclust;
-	Memclust	clust[1];
-	PRINTSIZE =	256,
-	MB =		(1024*1024),
-#define L_MAGIC		((((4*23)+0)*23)+7)
-typedef struct Exec Exec;
-struct	Exec
-	uchar	magic[4];		/* magic number */
-	uchar	text[4];	 	/* size of text segment */
-	uchar	data[4];	 	/* size of initialized data */
-	uchar	bss[4];	  		/* size of uninitialized data */
-	uchar	syms[4];	 	/* size of symbol table */
-	uchar	entry[4];	 	/* entry point */
-	uchar	spsz[4];		/* size of sp/pc offset table */
-	uchar	pcsz[4];		/* size of pc/line number table */
-enum {
-	Eaddrlen	= 6,
-	ETHERMINTU	= 60,		/* minimum transmit size */
-	ETHERMAXTU	= 1514,		/* maximum transmit size */
-	ETHERHDRSIZE	= 14,		/* size of an ethernet header */
-	MaxEther	= 2,
-typedef struct {
-	uchar	d[Eaddrlen];
-	uchar	s[Eaddrlen];
-	uchar	type[2];
-	uchar	data[1500];
-	uchar	crc[4];
-} Etherpkt;
- *	Process Control Block, used by OSF/1 PALcode when we switch to it
- */
-struct PCB {
-	uvlong	ksp;
-	uvlong	usp;
-	uvlong	ptbr;
-	ulong	asn;
-	ulong	pcc;
-	uvlong	unique;
-	ulong	fen;
-	ulong	dummy;
-	uvlong	rsrv1;
-	uvlong	rsrv2;
-#include	"conf.h"
-extern Bootconf	conf;

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-uchar	pcbpage[64*1024+sizeof(PCB)];
-PCB		*pcb;
-void	(*kentry)(Bootconf*);
-	(*kentry)(&conf);
-kexec(ulong entry)
-	uvlong pcbb, paltype;
-	pcb = (PCB*)(((ulong)pcbpage+0xffff) & ~0xffff);	/* page align, even on 64K page Alphas */
-	memset(pcb, 0, sizeof(PCB));
-	pcb->ksp = (uvlong)&entry;
-	pcb->ptbr = getptbr();
-	pcb->fen = 1;
-	conf.pcb = pcb;
-	pcbb = paddr((uvlong)pcb);
-	kentry = (void(*)(Bootconf*))entry;
-	paltype = 2;	/* OSF/1 please */
-	switch (swppal(paltype, (uvlong)gokernel, pcbb, hwrpb->vptb, pcb->ksp)) {
-	case 1:
-		panic("unknown PALcode variant");
-	case 2:
-		panic("PALcode variant not loaded");
-	default:
-		panic("weird return status from swppal");
-	}

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-uvlong	allocate(int);
-int		bootp(char*);
-void		consinit(void);
-int		devopen(char*);
-int		devclose(int);
-int		devread(int, uchar*, int, int);
-int		devwrite(int, uchar*, int, int);
-uvlong	dispatch(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-void		dumpenv(void);
-void		firmware(void);
-uvlong	gendispatch(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-int		getcfields(char*, char**, int, char*);
-char*	getconf(char*);
-char*	getenv(char*);
-uvlong	getptbr(void);
-void		kexec(ulong);
-uvlong	ldqp(uvlong);
-void		meminit(void);
-void		mmuinit(void);
-ulong	msec(void);
-uvlong	rdv(uvlong);
-uvlong	paddr(uvlong);
-void		panic(char *, ...);
-ulong	pcc_cnt(void);
-uvlong	pground(uvlong);
-void		putstrn(char *, int);
-void		setconf(char*);
-void		stqp(uvlong, uvlong);
-int		swppal(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-void		tlbflush(void);
-int		validrgn(ulong, ulong);
-void		wrv(uvlong, uvlong);
-#define	GSHORT(p)	(((p)[1]<<8)|(p)[0])
-#define	GLONG(p)	((GSHORT(p+2)<<16)|GSHORT(p))
-#define	GLSHORT(p)	(((p)[0]<<8)|(p)[1])
-#define	GLLONG(p)	((GLSHORT(p)<<16)|GLSHORT(p+2))

+ 0 - 98

@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct Udphdr Udphdr;
-struct Udphdr
-	uchar	d[6];		/* Ethernet destination */
-	uchar	s[6];		/* Ethernet source */
-	uchar	type[2];	/* Ethernet packet type */
-	uchar	vihl;		/* Version and header length */
-	uchar	tos;		/* Type of service */
-	uchar	length[2];	/* packet length */
-	uchar	id[2];		/* Identification */
-	uchar	frag[2];	/* Fragment information */
-	/* Udp pseudo ip really starts here */
-	uchar	ttl;	
-	uchar	udpproto;	/* Protocol */
-	uchar	udpplen[2];	/* Header plus data length */
-	uchar	udpsrc[4];	/* Ip source */
-	uchar	udpdst[4];	/* Ip destination */
-	uchar	udpsport[2];	/* Source port */
-	uchar	udpdport[2];	/* Destination port */
-	uchar	udplen[2];	/* data length */
-	uchar	udpcksum[2];	/* Checksum */
-typedef struct Etherhdr Etherhdr;
-struct Etherhdr
-	uchar	d[6];
-	uchar	s[6];
-	uchar	type[2];
-	/* Now we have the ip fields */
-	uchar	vihl;		/* Version and header length */
-	uchar	tos;		/* Type of service */
-	uchar	length[2];	/* packet length */
-	uchar	id[2];		/* Identification */
-	uchar	frag[2];	/* Fragment information */
-	uchar	ttl;		/* Time to live */
-	uchar	proto;		/* Protocol */
-	uchar	cksum[2];	/* Header checksum */
-	uchar	src[4];		/* Ip source */
-	uchar	dst[4];		/* Ip destination */
-	IP_VER		= 0x40,
-	IP_HLEN		= 0x05,			
- 	UDP_EHSIZE	= 22,
-	ETHER_HDR	= 14,
-	ET_IP		= 0x800,
-	Bcastip		= 0xffffffff,
-	BPportsrc	= 68,
-	BPportdst	= 67,
-	TFTPport	= 69,
-	Timeout		= 5000,	/* milliseconds */
-	Bootrequest 	= 1,
-	Bootreply   	= 2,
-	Tftp_READ	= 1,
-	Tftp_WRITE	= 2,
-	Tftp_DATA	= 3,
-	Tftp_ACK	= 4,
-	Tftp_ERROR	= 5,
-	Segsize		= 512,
-	TFTPSZ		= Segsize+10,
-typedef struct Bootp Bootp;
-struct Bootp
-	uchar	op;		/* opcode */
-	uchar	htype;		/* hardware type */
-	uchar	hlen;		/* hardware address len */
-	uchar	hops;		/* hops */
-	uchar	xid[4];		/* a random number */
-	uchar	secs[2];	/* elapsed snce client started booting */
-	uchar	pad[2];
-	uchar	ciaddr[4];	/* client IP address (client tells server) */
-	uchar	yiaddr[4];	/* client IP address (server tells client) */
-	uchar	siaddr[4];	/* server IP address */
-	uchar	giaddr[4];	/* gateway IP address */
-	uchar	chaddr[16];	/* client hardware address */
-	char	sname[64];	/* server host name (optional) */
-	char	file[128];	/* boot file name */
-	char	vend[128];	/* vendor-specific goo */
-typedef struct Netaddr Netaddr;
-struct Netaddr
-	ulong	ip;
-	ushort	port;
-	char	ea[Eaddrlen];

+ 0 - 101

@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "vmspal.h"
-#define SP		R30
-TEXT	_main(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	$setSB(SB), R29
-	MOVQ	$edata(SB), R1
-	MOVQ	$end(SB), R2
-	MOVQ	R31, (R1)
-	ADDQ	$8, R1
-	CMPUGT	R1, R2, R3
-	BEQ	R3, loop2
-	JSR	main(SB)
-TEXT	firmware(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	$_divq(SB), R31		/* touch _divq etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-	MOVQ	$_divl(SB), R31		/* touch _divl etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-TEXT	mb(SB), $-8
-	MB
-TEXT	icflush(SB), $-8
-TEXT	tlbflush(SB), $-8
-	CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_tbia
-TEXT	gendispatch(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	8(FP), R16
-	MOVQ	16(FP), R17
-	MOVQ	24(FP), R18
-	MOVQ	32(FP), R19
-	MOVQ	40(FP), R20
-	MOVQ	R26, R1
-	JSR	(R0)
-	MOVQ	R1, R26
-	RET					/* 7a bug: should be RET (R1) */
-TEXT	rdv(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	(R0), R0
-TEXT	wrv(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	8(FP), R1
-	MOVQ	R1, (R0)
-TEXT	ipl(SB), $-8
-	CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_ipl
-TEXT	mces(SB), $-8
-	CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_mces
-TEXT	setipl(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_ipl
-TEXT	setmces(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_mces
-TEXT	ldqp(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-TEXT	stqp(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16
-	MOVQ	8(FP), R17
-TEXT	getptbr(SB), $-8
-	CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_ptbr
-TEXT	swppal(SB), $-8
-	MOVQ	R0, R16			/* which PALcode */
-	MOVQ	8(FP), R17		/* new PC */
-	MOVQ	16(FP), R18		/* PCBB (physical) */
-	MOVQ	24(FP), R19		/* VPTB */
-	MOVQ	32(FP), R20		/* new KSP */
-	CALL_PAL $PALswppal
-TEXT	pcc_cnt(SB), $-8
-	MOVL	R1, R0

+ 0 - 134

@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * functions (possibly) linked in, complete, from libc.
- */
- * mem routines
- */
-extern	void	*memccpy(void*, void*, int, long);
-extern	void	*memset(void*, int, long);
-extern	int	memcmp(void*, void*, long);
-extern	void	*memmove(void*, void*, long);
-extern	void	*memchr(void*, int, long);
- * string routines
- */
-extern	char	*strcat(char*, char*);
-extern	char	*strchr(char*, char);
-extern	int	strcmp(char*, char*);
-extern	char	*strcpy(char*, char*);
-extern	char	*strncat(char*, char*, long);
-extern	char	*strncpy(char*, char*, long);
-extern	int	strncmp(char*, char*, long);
-extern	long	strlen(char*);
-extern	int	atoi(char*);
-	UTFmax		= 3,	/* maximum bytes per rune */
-	Runesync	= 0x80,	/* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence */
-	Runeself	= 0x80,	/* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
-	Runeerror	= 0x80,	/* decoding error in UTF */
- * rune routines
- */
-extern	int	runetochar(char*, Rune*);
-extern	int	chartorune(Rune*, char*);
-extern	char*	utfrune(char*, long);
-extern	int	utflen(char*);
-extern	int	abs(int);
- * print routines
- */
-	char*	out;		/* pointer to next output */
-	char*	eout;		/* pointer to end */
-	int	f1;
-	int	f2;
-	int	f3;
-	int	chr;
-} Fconv;
-extern	void	strconv(char*, Fconv*);
-extern	int	numbconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-extern	char	*doprint(char*, char*, char*, va_list);
-extern	int	fmtinstall(int, int (*)(va_list*, Fconv*));
-extern	int	sprint(char*, char*, ...);
-extern	int	snprint(char*, int, char*, ...);
-extern	int	print(char*, ...);
- * one-of-a-kind
- */
-extern	long	strtol(char*, char**, int);
-extern	ulong	strtoul(char*, char**, int);
-extern	vlong	strtovl(char*, char**, int);
-extern	char	etext[];
-extern	char	edata[];
-extern	char	end[];
- * Syscall data structures
- */
-#define	MORDER	0x0003	/* mask for bits defining order of mounting */
-#define	MREPL	0x0000	/* mount replaces object */
-#define	MBEFORE	0x0001	/* mount goes before others in union directory */
-#define	MAFTER	0x0002	/* mount goes after others in union directory */
-#define	MCREATE	0x0004	/* permit creation in mounted directory */
-#define MRECOV	0x0008	/* perform recovery if mount channel is lost */
-#define MCACHE	0x0010	/* cache some data */
-#define	MMASK	0x001F	/* all bits on */
-#define	OREAD	0	/* open for read */
-#define	OWRITE	1	/* write */
-#define	ORDWR	2	/* read and write */
-#define	OEXEC	3	/* execute, == read but check execute permission */
-#define	OTRUNC	16	/* or'ed in (except for exec), truncate file first */
-#define	OCEXEC	32	/* or'ed in, close on exec */
-#define	ORCLOSE	64	/* or'ed in, remove on close */
-#define	NCONT	0	/* continue after note */
-#define	NDFLT	1	/* terminate after note */
-#define	NSAVE	2	/* clear note but hold state */
-#define	NRSTR	3	/* restore saved state */
-typedef struct Qid	Qid;
-typedef struct Dir	Dir;
-typedef struct Waitmsg	Waitmsg;
-#define	ERRLEN		64
-#define	DIRLEN		116
-#define	NAMELEN		28
-struct Qid
-	ulong	path;
-	ulong	vers;
-struct Dir
-	char	name[NAMELEN];
-	char	uid[NAMELEN];
-	char	gid[NAMELEN];
-	Qid	qid;
-	ulong	mode;
-	long	atime;
-	long	mtime;
-	Length;
-	short	type;
-	short	dev;
-struct Waitmsg
-	char	pid[12];	/* of loved one */
-	char	time[3*12];	/* of loved one and descendants */
-	char	msg[ERRLEN];

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-Bootconf	conf;
-	char *dev;
-	consinit();
-	meminit();
-	mmuinit();
-	dev = getenv("booted_dev");
-	if (dev == 0)
-		panic("get dev name");
-	if (strncmp(dev, "BOOTP", 5) == 0)
-		bootp(dev);
-	else
-		print("boot device %s not supported\n", dev);

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Memory and machine-specific definitions.  Used in C and assembler.
- */
-#define	BI2BY		8			/* bits per byte */
-#define	BI2WD		32			/* bits per word */
-#define	BY2WD		4			/* bytes per word */
-#define BY2V		8			/* bytes per vlong */
-#define	KZERO		0x80000000
-#define	PTEVALID	0xff01
-#define	PTEKVALID	0x1101
-#define	PTEASM		0x0010
-#define	PTEGH(s)	((s)<<5)

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-static int	debug;
-enum {
-	Maxbank = 2,
-Bank	bank[Maxbank];
-int	nbank;
-	Memdsc *mem;
-	Memclust *c;
-	int i;
-	uvlong npage, p0, p1;
-	extern ulong _main[], edata[];
-	mem = (Memdsc*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->memoff);
-	if (debug)
-		print("\nnumber of clusters: %lld\n", mem->nclust);
-	npage = 0;
-	conf.maxphys = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < mem->nclust; i++) {
-		c = &mem->clust[i];
-		p0 = c->pfn*hwrpb->by2pg;
-		p1 = (c->pfn+c->npages)*hwrpb->by2pg;
-		if (debug) {
-			print("clust%d: %llux-%llux, tested %llud/%llud vabitm %llux usage %llux\n",
-				i, p0, p1, c->ntest, c->npages, c->vabitm, c->usage);
-			if (c->vabitm)
-				print("\tfirst 64 pages: %llux\n", *(uvlong*)c->vabitm);
-		}
-		npage += c->npages;
-		if (p1 > conf.maxphys)
-			conf.maxphys = p1;
-		switch ((ulong)c->usage&3) {
-		case 0:
-			if (nbank >= Maxbank) {
-				print("increase Maxbank; lost %lldMB\n", c->npages*hwrpb->by2pg/MB);
-				break;
-			}
-			bank[nbank].min = p0;
-			bank[nbank].max = p1;
-			nbank++;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			print("nvram skipped\n");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (debug)
-		print("\n");
-	print("Memory size: %lludMB\n", npage*hwrpb->by2pg/MB);
-	print("\n");
-	/* kernel virtual space = 2G.  leave room for kmapio */
-	if (conf.maxphys > 1024*MB) {
-		print("meminit: too much physical memory; only first gigabyte mapped\n\n");
-		conf.maxphys = 1024*MB;
-	}
-	conf.nbank = nbank;
-	conf.bank = bank;
-validrgn(ulong min, ulong max)
-	int i;
-	min &= ~KZERO;
-	max &= ~KZERO;
-	for (i = 0; i < nbank; i++)
-		if (bank[i].min <= min && max <= bank[i].max)
-			return 1;
-	return 0;
-allocate(int pages)
-	uvlong top, len;
-	int from, i;
-	top = 0;
-	len = pages*hwrpb->by2pg;
-	from = -1;
-	for (i = 0; i < nbank; i++)
-		if (bank[i].max - bank[i].min >= len && bank[i].max > top) {
-			top = bank[i].max;
-			from = i;
-		}
-	if (from < 0)
-		return 0;
-	bank[from].max -= len;
-	conf.bank[from].max = bank[from].max;
-	for (i = 0; i < len>>3; i++)
-		stqp(bank[from].max+8*i, 0);
-	return bank[from].max;

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-	l.$O\
-	main.$O\
-	conf.$O\
-	cons.$O\
-	exec.$O\
-	bootp.$O\
-	memory.$O\
-	mmu.$O\
-	print.$O\
-	u.h\
-	mem.h\
-	conf.h\
-	dat.h\
-	fns.h\
-	lib.h\
-	ip.h\
-loadaddr = 0x20000020
-	$LD -o $target -l -R8 -H3 -T$loadaddr $prereq -lc
-install:V: $TARGET
-	cp $TARGET /$objtype
-clean nuke:V:
-	rm -f *.$O $TARGET
-%.$O:	%.s
-	$AS $stem.s
-%.$O:	%.c
-	$CC $CFLAGS $stem.c
-%.$O: $HFILES

+ 0 - 111

@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"mem.h"
-#include	"dat.h"
-#include	"fns.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-static int	debug;
-static uvlong	by2pg;		/* hwrpb->by2pg */
-static uvlong	pte2pg;		/* by2pg/8 */
-static uvlong	pgmask;		/* by2pg-1 */
-static uvlong	ptemask;		/* pte2pg-1 */
-static uvlong	pgshift;		/* log2(by2pg) */
-static uvlong	pteshift;		/* log2(pte2pg) = pgshift - 3 */
-#define	L1(va)	(((uvlong)(va)>>3*pteshift+3) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define	L2(va)	(((uvlong)(va)>>2*pteshift+3) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define	L3(va)	(((uvlong)(va)>>pgshift) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define	OFF(va)	(((uvlong)(va)) & (by2pg-1))
-#define	V1(l1)	(((vlong)l1<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-(3*pteshift+3))
-#define	V2(l2)	(((uvlong)l2<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-(2*pteshift+3))
-#define	V3(l3)	(((uvlong)l3<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-pgshift)
-#define	VA(l1, l2, l3, off)	(V1(l1) | V2(l2) | V3(l3) | (off))
-static int
-log2(uvlong x)
-	int i;
-	if ((x & (x-1)) == 0)
-		for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
-			if (x & (1<<i))
-				return i;
-	panic("log2: %llux", x);
-	return -1;
-	int i;
-	uvlong npage, nlvl2, nlvl3;
-	uvlong l1p, l2p, lvl2, lvl3;
-	extern ulong _main[], edata[];
-	/* map entire physical memory at KZERO */
-	by2pg = hwrpb->by2pg;
-	pte2pg = (by2pg >> 3);
-	pgmask = by2pg-1;
-	ptemask = pte2pg-1;
-	pgshift = log2(by2pg);
-	pteshift = pgshift-3;
-	l1p = (1LL<<3*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<2*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<pgshift);
-	if (rdv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-1)) != 0 || rdv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-2)) != 0)
-		panic("KZERO lvl1 already mapped");
-	npage = (conf.maxphys+pgmask)>>pgshift;
-	nlvl3 = (npage+ptemask)>>pteshift;
-	nlvl2 = (nlvl3+ptemask)>>pteshift;
-	if (nlvl2 > 1)
-		panic("meminit: nlvl2");	/* cannot happen, due to virtual space limitation */
-	if (debug)
-		print("nlvl1 %llud nlvl2 %llud nlvl3 %llud npage %llud\n", 1LL, nlvl2, nlvl3, npage);
-	lvl2 = allocate(nlvl2+nlvl3);
-	lvl3 = lvl2 + nlvl2*by2pg;
-	wrv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-2), rdv(l1p+8)|PTEASM);
-	wrv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-1), (lvl2<<(32-pgshift)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
-	l2p = (1LL<<3*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<2*pteshift+3)|((vlong)KZERO >> 2*pteshift)&((1LL<<2*pteshift+3)-1);
-	for (i = 0; i < nlvl3; i++)
-		stqp(lvl2+(l2p&(by2pg-1))+8*i, ((lvl3+i*by2pg)<<(32-pgshift)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
-	for (i = 0; i < npage; i++)
-		stqp(lvl3+8*i, ((uvlong)i<<32) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
-	tlbflush();
-	if (debug)
-		print("\n");
-paddr(uvlong va)
-	uvlong ptbr, x, pte;
-	ptbr = getptbr();
-	pte = ldqp((ptbr<<pgshift)+8*L1(va));
-		return 0;
-	x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
-	pte = ldqp(x+8*L2(va));
-		return 0;
-	x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
-	pte = ldqp(x+8*L3(va));
-		return 0;
-	x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
-	return x;
-pground(uvlong x)
-	return (x+pgmask) & ~pgmask;

+ 0 - 575

@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-#include	"u.h"
-#include	"lib.h"
-	SIZE	= 1024,
-	IDIGIT	= 30,
-	MAXCONV	= 40,
-	FDIGIT	= 30,
-	FDEFLT	= 6,
-	NONE	= -1000,
-	MAXFMT	= 512,
-	FPLUS	= 1<<0,
-	FMINUS	= 1<<1,
-	FSHARP	= 1<<2,
-	FLONG	= 1<<3,
-	FSHORT	= 1<<4,
-	FUNSIGN	= 1<<5,
-	FVLONG	= 1<<6,
-int	printcol;
-static	int	convcount;
-static	char	fmtindex[MAXFMT];
-static	int	noconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static	int	flags(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static	int	cconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static	int	sconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static	int	percent(va_list*, Fconv*);
-int	numbconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-int	(*fmtconv[MAXCONV])(va_list*, Fconv*) =
-	noconv
-	int cc;
-	cc = 0;
-	fmtconv[cc] = noconv;
-	cc++;
-	fmtconv[cc] = flags;
-	fmtindex['+'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['-'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['#'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['h'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['l'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['u'] = cc;
-	cc++;
-	fmtconv[cc] = numbconv;
-	fmtindex['d'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['o'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['x'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['X'] = cc;
-	cc++;
-	fmtconv[cc] = cconv;
-	fmtindex['c'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['C'] = cc;
-	cc++;
-	fmtconv[cc] = sconv;
-	fmtindex['s'] = cc;
-	fmtindex['S'] = cc;
-	cc++;
-	fmtconv[cc] = percent;
-	fmtindex['%'] = cc;
-	cc++;
-	convcount = cc;
-fmtinstall(int c, int (*f)(va_list*, Fconv*))
-	if(convcount == 0)
-		initfmt();
-	if(c < 0 || c >= MAXFMT)
-		return -1;
-	if(convcount >= MAXCONV)
-		return -1;
-	fmtconv[convcount] = f;
-	fmtindex[c] = convcount;
-	convcount++;
-	return 0;
-doprint(char *s, char *es, char *fmt, va_list argp)
-	int n, c;
-	Rune rune;
-	Fconv local;
-	local.out = s;
-	local.eout = es-UTFmax-1;
-	c = *fmt & 0xff;
-	if(c >= Runeself) {
-		n = chartorune(&rune, fmt);
-		fmt += n;
-		c = rune;
-	} else
-		fmt++;
-	switch(c) {
-	case 0:
-		*local.out = 0;
-		return local.out;
-	default:
-		printcol++;
-		goto common;
-	case '\n':
-		printcol = 0;
-		goto common;
-	case '\t':
-		printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
-		goto common;
-	common:
-		if(local.out < local.eout)
-			if(c >= Runeself) {
-				rune = c;
-				n = runetochar(local.out, &rune);
-				local.out += n;
-			} else
-				*local.out++ = c;
-		goto loop;
-	case '%':
-		break;
-	}
-	local.f1 = NONE;
-	local.f2 = NONE;
-	local.f3 = 0;
-	/*
-	 * read one of the following
-	 *	1. number, => f1, f2 in order.
-	 *	2. '*' same as number (from args)
-	 *	3. '.' ignored (separates numbers)
-	 *	4. flag => f3
-	 *	5. verb and terminate
-	 */
-	c = *fmt & 0xff;
-	if(c >= Runeself) {
-		n = chartorune(&rune, fmt);
-		fmt += n;
-		c = rune;
-	} else
-		fmt++;
-	if(c == 0) {
-		fmt--;
-		goto loop;
-	}
-	if(c == '.') {
-		if(local.f1 == NONE)
-			local.f1 = 0;
-		local.f2 = 0;
-		goto l0;
-	}
-	if((c >= '1' && c <= '9') ||
-	   (c == '0' && local.f1 != NONE)) {	/* '0' is a digit for f2 */
-		n = 0;
-		while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
-			n = n*10 + c-'0';
-			c = *fmt++;
-		}
-		if(local.f1 == NONE)
-			local.f1 = n;
-		else
-			local.f2 = n;
-		goto l1;
-	}
-	if(c == '*') {
-		n = va_arg(argp, int);
-		if(local.f1 == NONE)
-			local.f1 = n;
-		else
-			local.f2 = n;
-		goto l0;
-	}
-	n = 0;
-	if(c >= 0 && c < MAXFMT)
-		n = fmtindex[c];
-	local.chr = c;
-	n = (*fmtconv[n])(&argp, &local);
-	if(n < 0) {
-		local.f3 |= -n;
-		goto l0;
-	}
-	goto loop;
-numbconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	char s[IDIGIT];
-	int i, f, n, b, ucase;
-	short h;
-	long v;
-	vlong vl;
-	SET(v);
-	SET(vl);
-	ucase = 0;
-	b = fp->chr;
-	switch(fp->chr) {
-	case 'u':
-		fp->f3 |= FUNSIGN;
-	case 'd':
-		b = 10;
-		break;
-	case 'o':
-		b = 8;
-		break;
-	case 'X':
-		ucase = 1;
-	case 'x':
-		b = 16;
-		break;
-	}
-	f = 0;
-	switch(fp->f3 & (FVLONG|FLONG|FSHORT|FUNSIGN)) {
-		vl = va_arg(*arg, vlong);
-		break;
-		vl = va_arg(*arg, uvlong);
-		break;
-	case FLONG:
-		v = va_arg(*arg, long);
-		break;
-		v = va_arg(*arg, ulong);
-		break;
-	case FSHORT:
-		h = va_arg(*arg, int);
-		v = h;
-		break;
-		h = va_arg(*arg, int);
-		v = (ushort)h;
-		break;
-	default:
-		v = va_arg(*arg, int);
-		break;
-	case FUNSIGN:
-		v = va_arg(*arg, unsigned);
-		break;
-	}
-	if(fp->f3 & FVLONG) {
-		if(!(fp->f3 & FUNSIGN) && vl < 0) {
-			vl = -vl;
-			f = 1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(!(fp->f3 & FUNSIGN) && v < 0) {
-			v = -v;
-			f = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	s[IDIGIT-1] = 0;
-	for(i = IDIGIT-2;; i--) {
-		if(fp->f3 & FVLONG)
-			n = (uvlong)vl % b;
-		else
-			n = (ulong)v % b;
-		n += '0';
-		if(n > '9') {
-			n += 'a' - ('9'+1);
-			if(ucase)
-				n += 'A'-'a';
-		}
-		s[i] = n;
-		if(i < 2)
-			break;
-		if(fp->f3 & FVLONG)
-			vl = (uvlong)vl / b;
-		else
-			v = (ulong)v / b;
-		if(fp->f2 != NONE && i >= IDIGIT-fp->f2)
-			continue;
-		if(fp->f3 & FVLONG) {
-			if(vl <= 0)
-				break;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(v <= 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(fp->f3 & FSHARP) {
-		if(b == 8 && s[i] != '0')
-			s[--i] = '0';
-		if(b == 16) {
-			if(ucase)
-				s[--i] = 'X';
-			else
-				s[--i] = 'x';
-			s[--i] = '0';
-		}
-	}
-	if(f)
-		s[--i] = '-';
-	fp->f2 = NONE;
-	strconv(s+i, fp);
-	return 0;
-Strconv(Rune *s, Fconv *fp)
-	int n, c, i;
-	Rune rune;
-	if(fp->f3 & FMINUS)
-		fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
-	n = 0;
-	if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 >= 0) {
-		for(; s[n]; n++)
-			;
-		while(n < fp->f1) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				*fp->out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-	for(;;) {
-		c = *s++;
-		if(c == 0)
-			break;
-		n++;
-		if(fp->f2 == NONE || fp->f2 > 0) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				if(c >= Runeself) {
-					rune = c;
-					i = runetochar(fp->out, &rune);
-					fp->out += i;
-				} else
-					*fp->out++ = c;
-			if(fp->f2 != NONE)
-				fp->f2--;
-			switch(c) {
-			default:
-				printcol++;
-				break;
-			case '\n':
-				printcol = 0;
-				break;
-			case '\t':
-				printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 < 0) {
-		fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
-		while(n < fp->f1) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				*fp->out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-strconv(char *s, Fconv *fp)
-	int n, c, i;
-	Rune rune;
-	if(fp->f3 & FMINUS)
-		fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
-	n = 0;
-	if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 >= 0) {
-		n = utflen(s);
-		while(n < fp->f1) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				*fp->out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-	for(;;) {
-		c = *s & 0xff;
-		if(c >= Runeself) {
-			i = chartorune(&rune, s);
-			s += i;
-			c = rune;
-		} else
-			s++;
-		if(c == 0)
-			break;
-		n++;
-		if(fp->f2 == NONE || fp->f2 > 0) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				if(c >= Runeself) {
-					rune = c;
-					i = runetochar(fp->out, &rune);
-					fp->out += i;
-				} else
-					*fp->out++ = c;
-			if(fp->f2 != NONE)
-				fp->f2--;
-			switch(c) {
-			default:
-				printcol++;
-				break;
-			case '\n':
-				printcol = 0;
-				break;
-			case '\t':
-				printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 < 0) {
-		fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
-		while(n < fp->f1) {
-			if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-				*fp->out++ = ' ';
-			printcol++;
-			n++;
-		}
-	}
-noconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	int n;
-	char s[10];
-	if(convcount == 0) {
-		initfmt();
-		n = 0;
-		if(fp->chr >= 0 && fp->chr < MAXFMT)
-			n = fmtindex[fp->chr];
-		return (*fmtconv[n])(arg, fp);
-	}
-	s[0] = '*';
-	s[1] = fp->chr;
-	s[2] = '*';
-	s[3] = 0;
-	fp->f1 = 0;
-	fp->f2 = NONE;
-	fp->f3 = 0;
-	strconv(s, fp);
-	return 0;
-cconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	char s[10];
-	Rune rune;
-	rune = va_arg(*arg, int);
-	if(fp->chr == 'c')
-		rune &= 0xff;
-	s[runetochar(s, &rune)] = 0;
-	fp->f2 = NONE;
-	strconv(s, fp);
-	return 0;
-sconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	char *s;
-	Rune *r;
-	if(fp->chr == 's') {
-		s = va_arg(*arg, char*);
-		if(s == 0)
-			s = "<null>";
-		strconv(s, fp);
-	} else {
-		r = va_arg(*arg, Rune*);
-		if(r == 0)
-			r = L"<null>";
-		Strconv(r, fp);
-	}
-	return 0;
-percent(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	USED(arg);
-	if(fp->out < fp->eout)
-		*fp->out++ = '%';
-	printcol++;
-	return 0;
-flags(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
-	int f;
-	USED(arg);
-	f = 0;
-	switch(fp->chr) {
-	case '+':
-		f = FPLUS;
-		break;
-	case '-':
-		f = FMINUS;
-		break;
-	case '#':
-		f = FSHARP;
-		break;
-	case 'h':
-		f = FSHORT;
-		break;
-	case 'l':
-		f = FLONG;
-		if(fp->f3 & FLONG)
-			f = FVLONG;
-		break;
-	case 'u':
-		f = FUNSIGN;
-		break;
-	}
-	return -f;

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#define nil		((void*)0)
-typedef	unsigned short		ushort;
-typedef	unsigned char		uchar;
-typedef	signed char		schar;
-typedef	unsigned long		ulong;
-typedef	unsigned int	uint;
-typedef	long long			vlong;
-typedef	unsigned long long	uvlong;
-typedef	union Length		Length;
-typedef	ushort			Rune;
-union Length
-	vlong	length;
-/* stdarg */
-typedef	char*	va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list = (char*)(&(start)+1)
-#define va_end(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
-	(sizeof(mode)==1?\
-		((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
-	sizeof(mode)==2?\
-		((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
-	sizeof(mode)>4?\
-		((mode*)(list = (char*)((long)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
-		((mode*)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1])

+ 0 - 105

@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- * VMS PALcode instructions, in numerical order.
- */
-#define	PALhalt		0x00	/* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define	PALcflush	0x01
-#define	PALdraina	0x02	/* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define	PALldqp		0x03
-#define	PALstqp		0x04
-#define	PALswpctx	0x05
-#define	PALmfpr_asn	0x06
-#define	PALmtpr_asten	0x07
-#define	PALmtpr_astsr	0x08
-#define	PALcserve	0x09
-#define	PALswppal	0x0a
-#define	PALmfpr_fen	0x0b
-#define	PALmtpr_fen	0x0c
-#define	PALmtpr_ipir	0x0d
-#define	PALmfpr_ipl	0x0e
-#define	PALmtpr_ipl	0x0f
-#define	PALmfpr_mces	0x10
-#define	PALmtpr_mces	0x11
-#define	PALmfpr_pcbb	0x12
-#define	PALmfpr_prbr	0x13
-#define	PALmtpr_prbr	0x14
-#define	PALmfpr_ptbr	0x15
-#define	PALmfpr_scbb	0x16
-#define	PALmtpr_scbb	0x17
-#define	PALmtpr_sirr	0x18
-#define	PALmfpr_sisr	0x19
-#define	PALmfpr_tbchk	0x1a
-#define	PALmtpr_tbia	0x1b
-#define	PALmtpr_tbiap	0x1c
-#define	PALmtpr_tbis	0x1d
-#define	PALmfpr_esp	0x1e
-#define	PALmtpr_esp	0x1f
-#define	PALmfpr_ssp	0x20
-#define	PALmtpr_ssp	0x21
-#define	PALmfpr_usp	0x22
-#define	PALmtpr_usp	0x23
-#define	PALmtpr_tbisd	0x24
-#define	PALmtpr_tbisi	0x25
-#define	PALmfpr_asten	0x26
-#define	PALmfpr_astsr	0x27
-				/* where is instruction 0x28 ? */
-#define	PALmfpr_vptb	0x29
-#define	PALmtpr_vptb	0x2a
-#define	PALmtpr_perfmon	0x2b
-				/* where is instruction 0x2c ? */
-				/* where is instruction 0x2d ? */
-#define	PALmtpr_datfx	0x2e
- * ... 0x2f to 0x3e ??
- */
-#define	PALmfpr_whami	0x3f
- * ... 0x40 to 0x7f ??
- */
-#define	PALbpt		0x80
-#define	PALbugchk	0x81
-#define	PALchime	0x82
-#define	PALchmk		0x83
-#define	PALchms		0x84
-#define	PALchmu		0x85
-#define	PALimb		0x86	/* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define	PALinsqhil	0x87
-#define	PALinsqtil	0x88
-#define	PALinsqhiq	0x89
-#define	PALinsqtiq	0x8a
-#define	PALinsquel	0x8b
-#define	PALinsqueq	0x8c
-#define	PALinsqueld	0x8d	/* INSQUEL/D */
-#define	PALinsqueqd	0x8e	/* INSQUEQ/D */
-#define	PALprober	0x8f
-#define	PALprobew	0x90
-#define	PALrd_ps	0x91
-#define	PALrei		0x92
-#define	PALremqhil	0x93
-#define	PALremqtil	0x94
-#define	PALremqhiq	0x95
-#define	PALremqtiq	0x96
-#define	PALremquel	0x97
-#define	PALremqueq	0x98
-#define	PALremqueld	0x99	/* REMQUEL/D */
-#define	PALremqueqd	0x9a	/* REMQUEQ/D */
-#define	PALswasten	0x9b
-#define	PALwr_ps_sw	0x9c
-#define	PALrscc		0x9d
-#define	PALread_unq	0x9e
-#define	PALwrite_unq	0x9f
-#define	PALamovrr	0xa0
-#define	PALamovrm	0xa1
-#define	PALinsqhilr	0xa2
-#define	PALinsqtilr	0xa3
-#define	PALinsqhiqr	0xa4
-#define	PALinsqtiqr	0xa5
-#define	PALremqhilr	0xa6
-#define	PALremqtilr	0xa7
-#define	PALremqhiqr	0xa8
-#define	PALremqtiqr	0xa9
-#define	PALgentrap	0xaa

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-	alphapc\

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