.TH CON 1 .SH NAME con, telnet, rx, hayes, xms, xmr \- remote login, execution, and XMODEM file transfer .SH SYNOPSIS .B con [ .B -CdnrRsTv ] [ .B -b .I baud ] [ .B -l [ .I user ] ] [ .B -c .I cmd ] .RI [ net !] machine .PP .B telnet [ .B -dCrn ] .RI [ net !] machine .PP .B rx [ .B -eTr ] [ .B -l .I user ] .RI [ net !] machine [ .I command-word ... ] .PP .B hayes [ .B -pv ] .I number [ .I device ] .PP .B xms [ .B -1p ] .I file .PP .B xmr .I file .SH DESCRIPTION .I Con connects to the computer whose network address is .IR net ! machine and logs in if possible. With no options, the account name used on the remote system is the same as that on the local system. Standard input and output go to the local machine. .PP Options are: .TP .B -b sets the baud rate of a dial-up connection to .IR baud . .TP .B -n if the input is a file or pipe, do not hang up the connection when EOF is received, but instead wait for the remote end to hang up. .TP .B -l with an argument causes .I user to be used as the account name on the remote system when performing BSD .I rlogin authentication. Without an argument this option disables automatic login and a normal login session ensues. .TP .B -C forces cooked mode, that is, local echo. .TP .B -c runs .I cmd as if it had been typed as a command from the escape mode. .TP .B -v (verbose mode) causes information about connection attempts to be output to standard error. This can be useful when trying to debug network connectivity. .TP .B -d causes debugging information to be output to standard error. .TP .B -r suppresses printing of any carriage return followed by a new line. This is useful since carriage return is a printable character in Plan 9. .TP .B -R translates newlines to carriage returns and .IR "vice versa" . .TP .B -T translates incoming carriage returns to newlines. .TP .B -s strips received characters to 7 bits to forestall misinterpretation of .SM ASCII with parity as .SM UTF\c \&. .PP The .RB control\- \e character is a local escape. It prompts with .BR >>> . Legitimate responses to the prompt are .TP .B i Send a quit [sic] signal to the remote machine. .PD0 .TP .B q Exit. .TP .B b Send a break. .TP .B . Return from the escape. .TP .B !cmd Run the command with the network connection as its standard input and standard output. Standard error will go to the screen. This is useful for transmitting and receiving files over the connections using programs such as .IR xms . .TP .B r Toggle printing of carriage returns. .PD .PP .I Telnet is similar to con, but uses the .I telnet protocol to communicate with the remote machine. It shares .I con's .BR -C , .BR -d , .BR -n , and .BR -r options. .PP .I Rx executes one shell command on the remote machine as if logged in there, but with local standard input and output. A rudimentary shell environment is provided. If the target is a Plan 9 machine, .B $service there will be .BR rx . Options are: .TP .B \-e a zero length message will not be written to the connection when standard input is closed. .TP .B \-l runs as .I user on the remote machine if the remote is a BSD machine. .TP .B \-r same as for .I con .TP .B -T same as for .I con .PD .PP Network addresses for both .I con and .I rx have the form .IB network ! machine\f1. Supported networks are those listed in .BR /net . .PP .I Hayes dials .I number on a Hayes-compatible modem, .IR device . Under .BR -p , it uses pulse dialing. Upon connecting, bytes are copied bidirectionally between the connection and standard input and output. .PP The commands .I xms and .I xmr respectively send and receive a single file using the XMODEM protocol. They use standard input and standard output for communication and are intended for use with .IR con . The .B -1 option to .I xms causes it to use kilobyte packet size of 1024 bytes. The .B -p option causes it to print a progress message every ten kilobytes. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .L rx kremvax cat file1 >file2 Copy remote .I file1 to local .IR file2 . .TP .L rx kremvax cat file1 '>file2' Copy remote .I file1 to remote .IR file2. .TP .L eqn paper | rx kremvax troff -ms | rx deepthought lp Parallel processing: do each stage of a pipeline on a different machine. .SH SOURCE .TF /sys/src/cmd/ip/telnet.c .TP .B /sys/src/cmd/rx.c .TP .B /sys/src/cmd/ip/telnet.c .TP .B /sys/src/cmd/con for all other commands .SH SEE ALSO .IR cpu (1), .IR ssh (1), .IR telco (4) .SH BUGS .I Con and .I telnet are merely obsolescent; the other commands are obsolete and deprecated. .PP Under .IR rx , a program that should behave specially towards terminals may not: e.g., remote shells will not prompt. Also under .IR rx , the remote standard error and standard output are combined and go inseparably to the local standard output. .I Rx will consume its standard input by copying it to the remote system, so redirect it from .BR /dev/null if that's not what you want.