setup 690 B

  1. #!/bin/rc
  2. # setup - prep for the mkfile
  3. . ./defs
  4. 9fs sources
  5. 9fs other
  6. 9fs outfsother
  7. if (test -e /cfg/$sysname/config)
  8. . /cfg/$sysname/config
  9. if not {
  10. outsys=outside
  11. out=$
  12. outfs=outfs # outside is a client of outfs
  13. }
  14. # for some reason, -c doesn't actually enable creation
  15. #import -c tcp!$out!666 $dist/web.protect
  16. #if (! test -e $dist/web.protect/plan9.iso) {
  17. # echo import web.protect failed: $dist/web.protect/plan9.iso missing \
  18. # >[1=2]
  19. bind -c /n/outfsother/web.protect $dist/web.protect # HACK
  20. if (! test -e $dist/web.protect/plan9.iso) {
  21. echo bind outfsother failed: $dist/web.protect/plan9.iso \
  22. missing >[1=2]
  23. exit no-web-protect
  24. }
  25. #}