--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2014 Steven Barth Copyright 2014 Dave Taht Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local wa = require "luci.tools.webadmin" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local net = require "luci.model.network".init() local sys = require "luci.sys" --local ifaces = net:get_interfaces() local ifaces = sys.net:devices() local path = "/usr/lib/sqm" local run_path = "/tmp/run/sqm/available_qdiscs" m = Map("sqm", translate("Smart Queue Management"), translate("With SQM you " .. "can enable traffic shaping, better mixing (Fair Queueing)," .. " active queue length management (AQM) " .. " and prioritisation on one " .. "network interface.")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "queue", translate("Queues")) s:tab("tab_basic", translate("Basic Settings")) s:tab("tab_qdisc", translate("Queue Discipline")) s:tab("tab_linklayer", translate("Link Layer Adaptation")) s.addremove = true -- set to true to allow adding SQM instances in the GUI s.anonymous = true -- BASIC e = s:taboption("tab_basic", Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable this SQM instance.")) e.rmempty = false -- sm: following jow's advise, be helpful to the user and enable -- sqm's init script if even a single sm instance/interface -- is enabled; this is unexpected in that the init script gets -- enabled as soon as at least one sqm instance is enabled -- and that state is saved, so it does not require "Save & Apply" -- to effect the init scripts. -- the implementation was inpired/lifted from -- https://github.com/openwrt/luci/blob/master/applications/luci-app-minidlna/luasrc/model/cbi/minidlna.lua function e.write(self, section, value) if value == "1" then luci.sys.init.enable("sqm") m.message = translate("The SQM GUI has just enabled the sqm initscript on your behalf. Remember to disable the sqm initscript manually under System Startup menu in case this change was not wished for.") end return Flag.write(self, section, value) end -- TODO: inform the user what we just did... -- Add to physical interface list a hint of the correpsonding network names, -- used to help users better select e.g. lan or wan interface. n = s:taboption("tab_basic", ListValue, "interface", translate("Interface name")) -- sm lifted from luci-app-wol, the original implementation failed to show pppoe-ge00 type interface names for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do if not (iface == "lo" or iface:match("^ifb.*")) then local nets = net:get_interface(iface) nets = nets and nets:get_networks() or {} for k, v in pairs(nets) do nets[k] = nets[k].sid end nets = table.concat(nets, ",") n:value(iface, ((#nets > 0) and "%s (%s)" % {iface, nets} or iface)) end end n.rmempty = false dl = s:taboption("tab_basic", Value, "download", translate("Download speed (kbit/s) (ingress) set to 0 to selectively disable ingress shaping:")) dl.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" dl.rmempty = false ul = s:taboption("tab_basic", Value, "upload", translate("Upload speed (kbit/s) (egress) set to 0 to selectively disable egress shaping:")) ul.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" ul.rmempty = false dbl = s:taboption("tab_basic", Flag, "debug_logging", translate("Create log file for this SQM instance under /var/run/sqm/${Interface_name}.debug.log. Make sure to delete log files manually.")) dbl.rmempty = false verb = s:taboption("tab_basic", ListValue, "verbosity", translate("Verbosity of SQM's output into the system log.")) verb:value("0", "silent") verb:value("1", "error") verb:value("2", "warning") verb:value("5", "info ("..translate("default")..")") verb:value("8", "debug") verb:value("10", "trace") verb.default = "5" verb.rmempty = true -- QDISC local val_qdisc_name = "" c = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "qdisc", translate("Queuing disciplines useable on this system. After installing a new qdisc, you need to restart the router to see updates!")) c:value("fq_codel", "fq_codel ("..translate("default")..")") if fs.stat(run_path) then for file in fs.dir(run_path) do c:value( file ) end end c.default = "fq_codel" c.rmempty = false local qos_desc = "" sc = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "script", translate("Queue setup script")) for file in fs.dir(path) do if string.find(file, ".qos$") and not fs.stat(path .. "/" .. file .. ".hidden") then sc:value(file) qos_desc = qos_desc .. "

" .. file .. ":
" fh = io.open(path .. "/" .. file .. ".help", "r") if fh then qos_desc = qos_desc .. fh:read("*a") .. "

" else qos_desc = qos_desc .. "No help text

" end end end sc.default = "simple.qos" sc.rmempty = false sc.description = qos_desc ad = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Flag, "qdisc_advanced", translate("Show and Use Advanced Configuration. Advanced options will only be used as long as this box is checked.")) ad.default = false ad.rmempty = true squash_dscp = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "squash_dscp", translate("Squash DSCP on inbound packets (ingress):")) squash_dscp:value("1", "SQUASH") squash_dscp:value("0", "DO NOT SQUASH") squash_dscp.default = "1" squash_dscp.rmempty = true squash_dscp:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") squash_ingress = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "squash_ingress", translate("Ignore DSCP on ingress:")) squash_ingress:value("1", "Ignore") squash_ingress:value("0", "Allow") squash_ingress.default = "1" squash_ingress.rmempty = true squash_ingress:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") iecn = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "ingress_ecn", translate("Explicit congestion notification (ECN) status on inbound packets (ingress):")) iecn:value("ECN", "ECN ("..translate("default")..")") iecn:value("NOECN") iecn.default = "ECN" iecn.rmempty = true iecn:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") eecn = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "egress_ecn", translate("Explicit congestion notification (ECN) status on outbound packets (egress).")) eecn:value("NOECN", "NOECN ("..translate("default")..")") eecn:value("ECN") eecn.default = "NOECN" eecn.rmempty = true eecn:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") ad2 = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Flag, "qdisc_really_really_advanced", translate("Show and Use Dangerous Configuration. Dangerous options will only be used as long as this box is checked.")) ad2.default = false ad2.rmempty = true ad2:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") ilim = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "ilimit", translate("Hard limit on ingress queues; leave empty for default.")) -- ilim.default = 1000 ilim.isnumber = true ilim.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" ilim.rmempty = true ilim:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") elim = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "elimit", translate("Hard limit on egress queues; leave empty for default.")) -- elim.default = 1000 elim.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" elim.rmempty = true elim:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") itarg = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "itarget", translate("Latency target for ingress, e.g 5ms [units: s, ms, or us]; leave empty for automatic selection, put in the word default for the qdisc's default.")) itarg.datatype = "string" itarg.rmempty = true itarg:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") etarg = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "etarget", translate("Latency target for egress, e.g. 5ms [units: s, ms, or us]; leave empty for automatic selection, put in the word default for the qdisc's default.")) etarg.datatype = "string" etarg.rmempty = true etarg:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") iqdisc_opts = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "iqdisc_opts", translate("Advanced option string to pass to the ingress queueing disciplines; no error checking, use very carefully.")) iqdisc_opts.rmempty = true iqdisc_opts:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") eqdisc_opts = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "eqdisc_opts", translate("Advanced option string to pass to the egress queueing disciplines; no error checking, use very carefully.")) eqdisc_opts.rmempty = true eqdisc_opts:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") -- LINKLAYER ll = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", ListValue, "linklayer", translate("Which link layer to account for:")) ll:value("none", "none ("..translate("default")..")") ll:value("ethernet", "Ethernet with overhead: select for e.g. VDSL2.") ll:value("atm", "ATM: select for e.g. ADSL1, ADSL2, ADSL2+.") ll.default = "none" po = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "overhead", translate("Per Packet Overhead (byte):")) po.datatype = "and(integer,min(-1500))" po.default = 0 po.isnumber = true po.rmempty = true po:depends("linklayer", "ethernet") po:depends("linklayer", "atm") adll = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Flag, "linklayer_advanced", translate("Show Advanced Linklayer Options, (only needed if MTU > 1500). Advanced options will only be used as long as this box is checked.")) adll.rmempty = true adll:depends("linklayer", "ethernet") adll:depends("linklayer", "atm") smtu = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcMTU", translate("Maximal Size for size and rate calculations, tcMTU (byte); needs to be >= interface MTU + overhead:")) smtu.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" smtu.default = 2047 smtu.isnumber = true smtu.rmempty = true smtu:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") stsize = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcTSIZE", translate("Number of entries in size/rate tables, TSIZE; for ATM choose TSIZE = (tcMTU + 1) / 16:")) stsize.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" stsize.default = 128 stsize.isnumber = true stsize.rmempty = true stsize:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") smpu = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcMPU", translate("Minimal packet size, MPU (byte); needs to be > 0 for ethernet size tables:")) smpu.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" smpu.default = 0 smpu.isnumber = true smpu.rmempty = true smpu:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") lla = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", ListValue, "linklayer_adaptation_mechanism", translate("Which linklayer adaptation mechanism to use; for testing only")) lla:value("default", "default ("..translate("default")..")") lla:value("cake") lla:value("htb_private") lla:value("tc_stab") lla.default = "default" lla.rmempty = true lla:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") -- PRORITIES? return m