setup.cfg 607 B

  1. [build_sphinx]
  2. source-dir = docs/sphinx
  3. build-dir = docs/build
  4. all_files = 1
  5. [aliases]
  6. test = trial
  7. [trial]
  8. test_suite = tests
  9. [flake8]
  10. max-line-length = 88
  11. extend-ignore = E203,E501,F821 # TODO: Fix E501 and F821
  12. # There's a different convention for formatting stub files.
  13. # Ignore various error codes from pycodestyle that we don't want
  14. # to enforce for stubs. (We rely on `black` to format stubs.)
  15. # E301, E302 and E305 complain about missing blank lines.
  16. # E701 and E7044 complains when we define a function or class entirely within
  17. # one line.
  18. per-file-ignores = stubs/*:E301,E302,E305,E701,E704